LENOI?., N. C. lenoii. news-topic, july 27, 1922 Paza Eleven for sale: FOR. SALE Nice sprayed peaches. Phone 1804. 52-tf FOR SALE Good second-hand Stemway- piano. Apply News- Topic office 1 or Phone No. 21. Price 150. . 1-lp FOR SALE One yoke steers, weigh aoout Z500; good workers. R. S. Martin, Patterson. . 1-2 FOR SALE Six-room . hoiise. acre and hall lot, two blocks from Hew . graded school Price and terms right. Apply at News-Topic office. . i Va KJuNT Five-room house on Ridge St. close in. See .W. R. FOR SALE Four Jersey cows; also some eern and hay. F. B. Mitchell, Route 5. 44-tf FOR SALE 272 acres of land one mile west of Hudson. N. C Good buildings, 300 thousand feet saw - timber, about 60 acres creek bot tom.' Plenty fruit extra well wat ered. An ideal place 'for dairy farm. Price $10,000.00. Cash or terms. Jno. A. Bush, Gastonia. N, C, Route No. 2. 50-4t LOST AND FOUND LOST Pocketbook containing mon- v ey and check, on highway between T fnAnlvif AM mvA T .nnj VoMA AM . -1 1- 1 1 1 4.1 1. 'm' TTT - caeca inu m poc&euwufc. it. Ferguson, Box 150, Liucolnton, .52- MISCELLANEOUS I wish to announce to the voters of Caldwell county that I will enter the Democratic convention ior-tne nomination for Sheriff. I have al ways been a loyal Democrat and have never aiked for anv office before now.. 1 assure you all that I will ap- niis Pneoerly Fitted. oreciate any word you may .peas in si Z iSSLi for Foar 8apport iaiS Over Hickory Drug Co. 45-tf W. L. ERNEST. S33SZES-J COAL RATIONING NEXT K WINTER IS PREDICTED t:niT thi winter i!mi!T I States for the Western i V Urr V1" & to that fenced dung the w North Carolina, at Green ro. N 5 - m I twin?. lr.,-iv U virtnallr assured. I United States of Amer.. . in 1.-1 1 r . J . r . A.I fet cf v NOTICE I wish to announce the name cf a candidate for Sheriff -of Caldwell County Cub Childers. He is a clean cut Republican and will be governed by the Republican convention! He is tyc i-x, xiU tq -i-v-- r--- p -- l-ll.l u ...i i. J . iauu.u coal mining oe resumeu w once, which is admittedly out of the question, a high official of the ad ministration asserted htat priority or ders will have to be established in vs. 499.59 acres cf land situated in Ay- ery, Burke and Caldwell Counties, . NOTICE CF SALE - , North Carolina, Caldwell County. Ia Superior Court. l Before the Clerk. A. V. Miller, W. S. MCler, ? Eliza C Grant, et al, Ex-Parte. By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a judgment rendered in that 8 HICKORY, N. C S2S2SZ52S2S2S2SZS2SZSZSZS2SZSZS2S "It Looked Uko a Battiabeld In Euros. Said Mr. C Duotr, North Carolina, W. C. Bumgarner at, t aHiam 4 To Leantine Sears and Miusband, above entitled cause, I will on Mon Willi. s.r? Jh Moor .Sd wife. day. the 7th day of August, 1922, order to protect the northwest, andg-jiy Moore: L L. Moore and wife, between the hqurs of ten o'clock A. possibly even New England States, jckra Moore; Amanda Curtis and M. and two o'clock P. M. offer for The steady strain of the last fif- husband. Merit Curtis: Angehne Hen- ?aieuie c." m u?e uyv," tu"" teen, weeks has brought the nation's dley and hasband, John Hendley; IN. t pubiw auction w tne nigaest coai Dm to a cangerousiy low stage, I Mrs. Kodney nou. ana nusoana, 1 1"" wu i.. -v Mior. I. -j : i j. L. n.j cv.... i.vlwu ifa led nrotiertv. to-wit -W as sxayinz at a noiei ia mai i : ... i. j i - . tii. nrAM by the Republican convention! He Ul . staying ai. . been pumping steadUy they do not in favor of the resolutions indorsed by t-ennsyivama wwo. .mtij produce nearly the weekly consump- wife. " J . . m Moore; Ralph Moore and Lying ana oemg m we m Moore, unknown neirs noir, ajomin um unu vi uu tha Rennblian at a. mjw tViAtin2 Hng I went to the sUble to hire a rig Tia ' ,"1 j;s' An ,xTwt 4; unknown Rash, and others and bounded -a held some time since, which were ,wnTi, ivfi ?v . .t. v. serves held throujrhout the country heirs of Jesse Moore, deceased; an-1 follows: , published In the Lenoir News-Topic, jueq wn ww.w we is not denniteiy known pow utilknown heirs of Mary S. F. Estes, de-1 BEGINNING at a stake on the east I ask the. Republicans of Caldwell fore. -ilK Jk . .b ,fie,d5in ities loeaded up heavily in anticpa- ceased; unknown heirs of Luther side of Mulberry Street in the iown conntv to eonaider Mr. Cmildei well. Europe, .inree- sizes., soc, . ooc.i f -tTir,. .nA kv mnm I Mnn. Jmmm and otJier heirs of of Lenoir.. Bean's Corner, and runs and if you should nominate Mm I am l-25. Sold and guaranteed by Mar- taken th . - M t K-t Job Moore, deceased: unknown heirs north 62-east 167-2-3 feet to a itak sure he wiU appreciate it-V 1C' r YLZ . S "JZZZ ' ZJZ vZCi reserves are known to be not of W. J, Gr Resnectfullv ' 45-tf . E. l. SMITH. v , ANNOUNCEMENT t I wish to announce An vself a can didate for Treasurer' of i Caldwell County, subject to the action of the Republican county'., convention. " I will appreciate any support given me, 48-tf w ' Vf R. H, PIPES. macy, Lenoir uaraware ana furni ture Co.. Bernhardt-Seagle Co. : : LAND ENTRY North Carolina; Caldwell County. Office of Entry Taker for Caldwell County. , Imiw deceased: nnknown I near the branch. Bean's corner. Thea larpe. I heirs of Madison Gragg, deceased; north 27 H-west 78 feet to a stalce, Shonld nrioritv hinmnt ha I Jsimo nrnenin? and wife. Ella Cor-1 corner of lot sold by C H. CorpeQ- tablished these public utilities and I pening; C. D. Hatley nd husband, ing to Henkel Live tock Co .now householders would be given prefer- J. S.: Hatley; Leonard Harrison andlKeever'a Comer: Then with Keer- ence. wife. Harrison: Horace c.iers nne iei-z-s ieei w a sesuto u Packer and wifetJ : racer;ithe east line oi aaia arreei souu - . ... . . . . . T...tl.. Dii1ir Aj.oA - Mrtm? I T lL-m T8U f t tn the oeein- i n -rt i 1 1 I IJr I 11 1 If W AMI All fill I UMI VUauiau A vUl.J , v?...,- " "1 1 tm ' . jonn n. iiagaman enters ana lays w .... - ha.b.nd. B. I nine-, same beine the premises and claim to 15 acres more or less of land " " muiMiu ceased heirr; unknown heirs ox Ktvilived and tied, lweive-room aouw mm. ml -mm. mm. mm Urn AA IT 1 Wnlr A mmlW A A l UtATOM I . Jh 1 A V V wt W W A Sf SP MWtVVIMV V ' I " " - I. . W ANNOUNCEMENT. and county, on Kirby's creekwaters of the Yadkin river: Beginning on a water oak, corner of Grant No S37i .. I'm. ' ... t i a w; I. wish tor announce' that I will bel.ni -in. m irirhv'a line various a candidate for Treasurer of Caldwell eonrse, to Charlie, Whisnant's line: County subiect to the action of the fkon , unfit hia lina tn CAir'm tine! Democratic convention. If nominated I 'th tiii line to Lee Carlton's y 1 A. M T tt - ' . L A4 dkdf 'I.. . . . m mk m. mm m. . ana eiecwsa wiu give my pes ex-nine. then with nis line to une tin fortS to the duties Of the Office. I SWlr IWk rmnanv'a lin- then will greatly appreciate the support of ltk Mii Hagaman's line to the be the citizens of Jha. county. 1 ginning, so as to include vacant land Entered this l3tn day oi Jury, 1922. JOHN R. HAG AM AN. Filed at 12 o'clock M. July 13th, 4 AflA - OF AUGUST AND SFPTFM.I W. rvit Aoe- nnknovn in MAd hAe. ' r ' V I BER USE OF FURNISHED theirs of William Pearcey, deceased; This July 6th, 19ZZ. HOME OR 3 OR 4 UNFURi Heni7 E- Litchford; unknown heirs - A.- V. MILLER, Niwrrv oftnSc im bm Elitabeth Buckerstaff. deceased; Commissioner. VATr ur5J? orSS" unknown heirs of Daniel Moore, de- w. a NEWLAND, V.; VAIty HOML REFER- ceased; unknown heirs of Reuben Attorney. 81-4t ENCES FURNISHED.' Write Coffey, deceased; unknown heirs of , . P. O. BOX 281. LENOIR. Larkin Mays, deceased; unknown MORTGAGE SALE w . . A ' j i By virtue oi xne provisions ot known heirs of WiUiam Gragg. do- moge executed bJohn . Smith !!!; ftliS 5S T andwile,Bertha M. Smith,, to .tt. Associaf A True Conv. Crisp, Entry TaKer lor John M. Caldwell County. 52-41 ASTROLOGY -Stars tell Life story. Send birthdate and dime for trial reading. Eddy, Westport Street, Suite 19A. Kansas City. Mo. .'49-10 HEMSTITCHING and nicoiinsr at tachment: fits any sewing machine; easily adjusted. - Price f2. Per sonal checks , 10c exta. Marsh Bros., Wilmington, Ohio.' l-4p OLD-HUE COLD CUB&h -r WIDOW and maiden worth over SBn nnn want Itlnil Vmlninir inm- bands. Write quick for pictures and descriptions. :" Box 223, Los Angeles, Cal,' -hiJ'-9: 60-4p NTED . FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS To th? Voters of Caldwell County: ; I hereby, announce myself a candi date for the office of Register, of Deeds of Caldwell county, subject to "he twill of the Democratic conven non. , If . nominated and elected I fchall irive the office my closest atten tion and shall- endeavor to represent the people in as efficient a manner si possible. 1 mf. 1 l fll V f f if v,ouetvme, . v,., :i -n niu,iniW-ef TTambnr I Breast Tea at any Dharmacy. . Take a AnriUUril.CMJH 1 , .. .M.twnfnl of ther-tea. nut -CUD Of i nereoy anut jiits invseix a eauui-1 hnilintr water noon It. sour inronirn a date for the office of Clerk of the nd drink a teacuD full at anv Superior Court of Caldwell County, time during the day or before retiring subject to the action of the Demo- it is the most effective way to break cratic convention. I am a world-war cold and cure grip, as it opens the veteran, having volunteered and gone norea of the skin, relieving congestion. thru as a "private. Was overseas one Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking vear and in the three major battles tm a cold. whh the 80th division. Will greatly j Try it the next time you suffer from annreciate the sunoorWof the people l a cold or the ena It is inexpensive . ' " I - ... I m i and entirely yjgeiaDie, werciore aaie and harmless. IE, SHU MS OUT 'in - mi 4U si nun DUiii UlU IIUIILU WILL PAY CASH for (Chickens and Eggs. JR. McNairy. West Ave., Lenoh,. C. 46-tf WANRED A renter- stock and tools t tuf t?d; good terms. S. 31. Clay t KflV; I5i Len6irrC Ltf Poliiical Advertisements ANNOUNCEMENT To the Voters of Caldwell: T deaire to sav that I will aeain be a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Court and will appreciate the ef forts of my friends In my behalf. (While I am not a veteran of the 'World War 1 think the people of Caldwell county, know that I tried to serve m any capacity I could daring the war and gave of my services in all ways that I "could. Respectfully submitted. V W. C. MOORE, Jr. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of Treasurer of Caldwell county, subject to the action of the Republican county con -yention. I will appreciate the sup- ! port of my friends. 49-tf C.E. OONLEY. FOR TREASURER ,1 wish to announce to my friends in Caldwell count; that I will be in the race this year for Treasurer, sub ject to the action -of the Democratic county convention. I assure you all that . I will appreciate your support. 44tf J. L. SyDDEuTH APPLY THIS SULPHUR , ceased namely. S. F. Estes, deceased, . ZF3nZ A lZ Ihenrs. H. S. Estfnd -wife, Alexan- .. . . . Jnl 3 lfll9 . Md reris- J der Trotter and We, Tto I i tia 'm' of Aa Rftriater ter. and John M-Benfield, Ben Estes f D f cu County inook and wife, John Estes amTwife, Ren- g9 of Deeds. at page 349, we, , T, i?i!8 eZn:Z will on Monday, AUGUST 7th, 1922, . vrr., -tii " at 12 0 of the county, 44-tf ARCHIE KENT. ANNOUNCEMENT I am hereby askine the. support of all who favor salaried county officials and thorough enforcement of the Prohibition law. By anonymous let ter the past-week I am threatened with death if I make this announce ment or if I don't withdraw as a can didate for sheriff. They are in the hands of God. "Vengeance is mine. saith the Lord." I have confidence in Him. Read Isaiah 26:3. - ' G. A. TUTTLE. Non-Partisan Candidate for Sheriff. RUB RH ATISr,l FROM EUfJ STIFF AGHIII6 HITS Sub Soreness from joints and muscle! with small trial bottle of old . , St Jacob liniment Stop "dosing" Rheumatism. Just the moment yot' PPv Mentho-Sclphnr to aa Itching, bnrn btt vf broken oof sldn, the itching otcd skin spedaliss, 'This -siilphtir areparatlon, mads into a pleasant cold cream h?tr anch a quick re Bc evca to tery ecxema, mai boui insr has erer been. found to take its jiecause of its germ aesxroyms; pro. perties, it jqulckhr anbduea the Uch hag. xoo the britatka . and beala the eczema rightJOp, leaving a clear. smooth sun in place of ngty erup tions, rash, pimples or roughness. XOU ao not nave to wax tor in mtnaL It ouiddr shows. Yoa can get a fittle jar of McsthcSo) PJdv at any crag sxoni - - MORTGAGE SALE Rv virtne of the nrovisions of a 7 i, U j T v gale and sell, at public auction to tne Mrs. M. M-Hopender, deceased? nn- bid f cash. at the Court- ! known heirs at law of James VLi7 ... J r.uii rnw . Webb, deceased: unknown, heirs atT xt-v r--.n v id li law of Reuben Estes; unknown heirs T mo deed onFed and of Alexander.Trotter and wife; Mrs. ft deSed as follows: . Walter L. Benfield. Mrs. Adaline Ben- r!: : . .v. j- atm nf field and husband, - Benfield ; mvLj North 44 East Mrs. John M.. Benfield, Emily E. 5fl feet from intersection of said ' Benfield and husband, name un- ftmfc a 15 f oot tod m aauwn; uuauuwu ueixs uj. nuSu Ajr-i xj.u u East 50 feet to a Stake lw nnlmAom netva 1 sstbt rv-f JMnnll I Wilsoneceased; unknown heirs of 45. East m f eet (o a 8take, Abdiel H. Erwin: unknown heirs of L.v .i,oa s tv, Freeland Hinson, deceased; unknown f ,k ft - Sontk 64. We3t heirs of Jacob Forney, deceased; W. 52 feet 7 dnchc to a stake, of Lot No. 28; thence Spata ; edge S. Sims, A. L. Sims, T. R. Sherrill, Mary Sherrill, unknown heirs of Mag gie Gragg, deceased ; A. k Crump, M. M. Hollander, Jimmie Ann Cole and husband, ; Cole, heirs at corner of lot No. 30; theince with the 45 West 168 feet to the begin ning, also corner of Lot No. 30. The same being lot No. 29 in East Lenoir as shown on Palmer and ifroynms law of Zachanah Pearcy, deceased, t r a s aa Bor- and all persons owning or claiming m. Smith dated April 3, 1912, HJX .Lel.f, 7ni!J and registered, in CaldweU, County vuw, .u .mu w Wg uu ura.u in Book No. 52, at page 60V, tor ,uvurrt?lM I further description.. a v u tt ia was uuuvc yuay csii ov- tion entitled as above has been com The purchaser must comply, with deed of trust executed by J, A. Bush. "d e Law relative to this morngs Jr. and wife, and J. W. Self, and eP n P18 f sale. - - - tifeTto secure a debt due and owing United. States for .the Western Dis- Xhi8 lst da of Juw i922. " LU LUC VJlbAACIKVl iiM-fc .w i - j . m , I va a aajajii w a v a i Association, which debt was assumed .;"VmlT aX-J2r -iJ .ASSOCIATION,' by Turner Carlton, 1 will, as Trustee "7 , WV tit "''r'r'Vir: and Caldwell counties. North Caro- By W, L MINISH Treas. 50-5t NOTICE OF SALE f ? By virtue of a decree, of tRe Supe EIGHT CHILDREN ARE KILLED WHEN A SHEU EXPLPODES Eieht children, ranging ' in age from 11 to 16 years, were blown to pieces a few days ago in Watertown, N. Y., by the explosion of a 75-nnnii metre shell on the back porch of a house in Dimmick street, occupied by Edward G. Workman and William L. Sal sbury. The shell, which was ... , T. 1- ,11. UMU (IMUUiauvu,, " "I-- I i -.IT t. l,-r . D A . I oeeWe" Run nd BelUpuWic cUon lF sTced oi P RSW. oothing. penetrating -St Jacob. Lini- i JdwU C. at 1 foUowing tracts: 54.22 acrespart OTTTO na AH r. AW B A ww a - - I aw mhh. a : .In, A r4 W.WW . -T a . T WVaw' HU. a. uma WW. wuw w..wwa ment" risht on the tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson '.A . a t- Main 'fif Jacob's Liniment" is a harmless rheu matism cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from ach log joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia. Limber up I Get a 20 cent bottle of August 7th, 1922,.12 . 00- noon, the U,.? 420. 'claimed hv WH Clovd: aaid order wiU,on - the premises at lanaa conveyea, Dy saiq oeea uu 2ft fi - -. - . - - Hudson, North Carolina, on. therein described as follows: . .i'v' T' V.V. . I Saturday. JIv 1. 1922. 4 Lying and being in the town of y antWc aimed v W B at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, expose, enoir. one lot beginning on a stake n'T?' f.lm5, VV 5" to sale and sell at nnblie anction. to the highest feider, two tracts of land ; described . in the petition, the first containing' 38 acres more oif ies- ana vne secona containing oac Li on the East, side of the Stonewall s, cia 7 Street, corner of lot No. 3, and runs S'JJS S!,? ". Tu q 16425. 6319: 34.47 acres, nart of owned by Mr. Workman, was one oiu-wme, uouca. hiiaIau-w. :,ri" " cf "". m mu v grants 3 t, 1272 and 6Z31, ... .. nlwi li liaH li(iit a a aonvenir and from any dmg atoro, and in a moment of Roscoe Street; then N. 64 H H.. claimed-by C L. Grasrz 27 60 acres! more or less belongmg to theestate V .TiAi th re? nnrch to hold the free from pains, aches and with line of Roscoe Street 12 poles J 563 2?92 ciaimtdbv of A.. Woods. : The lands S! form cbfnV ttwas believed Stiffness. Don't aufler ; Rub rheuma- and 15 links to. a stake corner of g I "gJJ". J 29 SeVSSS will be. divided into parceU and a map ?00i5 " tismaway. . Lot No. 5; thence with the lme of "'' t0l6 , . - , " saidlotS.36E 9 po estoa stake K j - V 3 Ste To' at the time of theVale. TW jandJ The children were playing croquet ..HM .ttt in the line of C. W. Stimpson's lot; !f '-i-f q eM kv M M He partly within the town of Hud- t in the back yard. Te shell is be- TV"" J::; J then S. 64 W. with tfie line of OeSdePlS 33 aerei nit of Lufi son and are suitable, for residential lieved to have been either set off bv J HEAD STUFFED FROM - I ! lot No. 3 12 poles and 15 links to fSS'JJ Sner- fTe? nd farming purposes. Terms of sale: the hot sun or to have :been struck X CATARRH OR A COLD ' 1 the beginning, containine 114 square 11$ e0af Iant 460 Safmed hv Half cash, upon confirmation of t. by one of the victims with a croquet I LnlAnitn wn n vUUl ,, poles more or les3 W deaig. 1m82 amsart o? 8416 by the Court, balance in en52 mallet. Wnidows within a radius of . r-ltlllll l lWrll. ; nated on the maP sub-dividing said "ieSo?5 ju m hv jTh' Tv payments of six and twelve mont? two blocks were shattered by the ex- I SCrm-,APP1!BS g L??K ' Harper's Lenoir town lands as lot JaVS plosion. Practically all the clothing .Opens Air Passages Right Up. j No,PA.4. This bein? the saone lot fJ JBdnfftaffi P03" 10 Per cent oL the amount cj L w hlown off the bod ies of the chil- t . . . . . - w m.7 inj nveved bv deed from S. A. "ef. oe.?y. meie3.a.na oo111?.8 m tne f . ... m..m ft ' i ANNOUNCEMENT' In compliance with the requests of numerous friends , throughout 4 the county, I hereby announce myself as 4 candidate for the office of Repre eentative from Caldwell county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic county convention. FELIX A GRISETTE. dren. Fragments of it lodged In trees and on housetops in the vicin ity. The bodies were horribly muti lated but identification was possible in every instance. ITOOffll III mm , HAVE SLOW KB Eat laa meat if you feel Baekaohy ox bavt bladder troubioxaJta glanof 8alta 1 She mixed Sulphur with-it to Restore Color, Gloss, Youthfulness. , : riMnniAA irardan aaara brawed Into' i heavy tea with, sulphur added, will turn pray, streaked and faded balr hai.t.fuUv dark and luxuriant Just a tew applications will prove a revela. , Uon U your naw ia xaaing, sueaKoa w ' gray. Mixing the 6age Tea and 8ul nfinr raelD at home. thOUKh. IS tTOU ( blesoroe. An easier way is to get a bottle of Wyeth's Bags and Bulpnur fnmnnund at any flrua store all ready a. ,,- Thia ia the old-time recipe Improved by tho addlUon of other In gredients, . . . . . whiia wlsnv. aray, faded hair is not -mfiii. va all deeira to retain our -Mthfni annaaranea and attractive nees. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Bag and Sulphur Compound, , nn nna can telL becansa it does it so naturally, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking -'. one small strand at a time: by morning all gray hairs have disappeared, and, after another application or two, you hnir becomes beautifully dark, glossy, oft and luxuriant,-.. , 1 H ; , This prt'it"atlon is a feughtful toilel ...,,1.11. uriii id not 1 nna ior int rvuuii"1. - - - euro, mitigation or pr yention of die- Kit man nr woman who iati meal regd- luif can make a mistake by fiusMng the kidneys ocoMinmwiy, wju m ww--u--,nUitT. Meat forma urio aaid whiea excites the kktoeys, they teeonM cw; s.4r.u1 (mm tha itrain. sea Biuoosn am fail to filter the waste ana pouons non 4m Mywi than a ml sick. Nearly all rhenmatism, hf ' itar tronbla. nerrousneas, dlaiiusi, sieepwaww url. disorders -me from aluggiah VMnAira. ' a' .' V ' ' . rs mranent von f ael a dull ache la V kidneys or your back hurts or U the mine la ckodf, oflnalte futt "f mm H-xtfmUr of MMin or attended of a sensation of sealdlng, stop eating meal and gel about - four ouneea of Jed Salts from any -phannaeyr ; xe ttdlespoonful In a glass of water before k.it .at. uvf ht m fern dm your Udntye will sot Una, This famous salts is mads from the aoid cf mpa and lemon Jutoa MrJ.irwvi wtth Iltkla. ahd has been used for neraticcul td 4tth and atu-mJate th Irlnmra alM tfl neutralise the mOiOM ia urine so It ao longer causes Irritatiouwl thus ending bladder sraaxness. a 1 Jad Salts is inexpensive and eaunot Injure 1 makes a delightful sfferresml ltthla.vatsr drink ' which ereTTOflS should tnke aow and then to keen the Mnfv itlpnti .and stlve and the blood pure, thereby avoldlnj sorioua kidney oi iana conveyea oy aewuvm -.1,,. :w .v. nis 01a as an evia .ZJ?ZZ Xu3 tta air May l2 1903 and registered in the 5e taw cJ AenTtnrf w?th evt that after confirmation he re-,-TO!fi!?iJSi5 Register ol Deeds': office for CaioV g! fLL KW fuses to comply with his bid. Sale llnVlv k.rthw. S W'?? !n B00K "O-.3.0' PfK Reservation Commission, anrl f-nnH Open: v-w - - - ' ta 1 ci U mm-. vA.nna AAVtirAWAii TT t-4 ivl I v w..w mo J L- J W IT 1 flina. blowiwr. headache, dryness, i No V" oVvrj necessary for the pumose of carrv- struffiling tor breath at nlghti your nM22 10M ;S foXrift ft.:oS tn of Congress of the cold or catarrhisanpears.- . h Stl tS Mtd Stotes approved Much 1, 48 Get. . Wteaa oiW Cream ft'S JkSh U, being Chapter 186. page 961 - APP kl-oKn ni wt .-arjiintv v01, s6 tatutea at arge, as amended "A. Hty mn.Lrr SPtff'rSrVSu -7 ta apt of August 10, 1912, 37 for ten days for raise of, bids, - J, A. WOODS. MARK SQUIRES, - ' Commissioners. - 1 --- -resident defend- Balm 'from your druggist now. 1IUI. .1 Vlw . aa ..tlunl uun VI uu x UHlui, NWKvm ; , - , ... 1- l. Z&JZZXJlt 5, SSfSSuJ?. "all, St... -63-300. c?.284: lead. , soothes the inflamed or swollen 01 weeus oi areas nnuw "IS8- nts above named, an.1 all nn Un1 P wi.- ' ... .1 I'ki. 1 w M ttww rW 11 it , . I F -v.wwi.u 'ax. ajwww. a .AOVU j.u . .Vl&f ww mn Min membrane and reliex comes la- B ""Z-y-1 "".''ja whnmuuwf ovn n n,. ri,;-.;-- f ; ,k-l- m- 100 -.-- 10, i,i:. - " tn s M ft u If n 1 1 1 K'v: n'mat-, i ..a....-, ... ............. . UVVm uu . vwc uuiiiu WV-W . I A, - A-f.f A l.-A- A, 1.A. AI-,A-.J A -1 J 11 il.l aa.'J ( kind or character in and to the Mortgage having been given to se MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND 1 By Virtue of Power Vested In a CertainMortgage Deed Executed to,. the undersigned by Millard Persoii " I atantlv. It's ust ans. v mm stay sraaea-uii with a cold or nasty catarrh, t .. . ED PEPPERS STOP PAIN OF When you are suffering with rheu matism so you can hardly get around iust try Red Pepper Rub and you wUt Sieve It Quickest relief known. " : Notn.ng has such concentrated, pen etrating heat as red peppers. Instant relief. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Frees the blood circulation, breaks, up the congestion ; and the old rheumatism torture is gone. "TRowlea Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store Oct a jar at once, Use it tor lumbago, .neuritis, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, colds in chest, .Almost instant relief swaits you. Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles. on each package, ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE own any 1 nvuvb .-... J :,. j j ijij I A.r.A; aa , .....r "j... . . ..a . . 1 . . . 1 uifrjiuaca uckiiucu in i.iirj ut.LLLiiin in rum r-runn n-nna murmTi mannAnwi t rtqJS2S rfwTS said proceeding, defendants named as and default having been made the tratix of the estate of W. H. Cloyd, aforesaid, will further . take , noUce undersigned will on Monday, August deceased, notice is hereby iyen to that they are required to appear In 7, 1922, between the hours of 11 a, all persons having claims against said the .District Court of the United m. and 1. p. m. offer for sale at the estate to present them to the nndep- States-for the Western District v of cburt house door to the highest bid sipedn vorjbeforejJuly 1, 1923. North Carolina, at Greensboro, on der the following described reaL- uos .mruiu w TOe 3j4U1 aay 0I July jz, and an- estate i Lying and being in John River quested to make prompt settiement. swer or demur to the petition os-com- Township and , described aa follows: This July 1. 1922. v . STELLA CLOYD, 50-6 Admmistntriz. plaint in said proceeding, or the I Beginning on a stake in the old Bar- piainuir wiu apply to the court for I her line and second corner of Lyddie the relief demanded in eaid petition. I Person's tract end run S. 3 N. 7 This notice : issued by order of Doles tor a stake the S. 61?..Ea .75 ;: ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Court, .directing that pubKcatioa be poles to the Branch then up Branch f v Having qualified as administrator made once a week for six successive to Lyddie Person's corner then witlri of the estate of Turner Carlton, de- weeks in the Lenoir News-Topic, a her line N,' 64 W. 75 poles to the ceased, notice is hereby given to all newspaper published in Caldwell beginning containing 3 acres more 1 persons having claims against said county, North Carolina, and' the or less, estate to present tnem to tne unaer- mews-neraid, a newspaper published This July, the I, 1922 signed on or Derore iuiy 0, ivza, m aiorganton, Burke county, North Those indebted to said estate are re- Carolina, both in the Western Dis- quested to make prompt settiejment. , trkt of North Carolina;. 1 , , This July 6, 1922. v This the 10th day of June, 1922.V W. W. McGOWAN, v v : - R. L. BLALOCK. NOTICE OF SALE 51-6 . - Administrator. ; Clerk, United Dist Court for the OfQce of Federal Prohibition Direr Western Dist of N. C. 47-6 . tor. Salisbury. N. C. Jnlv t. 1099 M. H. KAYLER. Per G. r; KAYLEJ., Agent ; 6l-8t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator The following described Tworiprtv. sedted from Ray Barlow by Fedcra! ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE a ,V j Am T. VmHT At- TT.wJ.a. l.'H.l - . .' I i. V . 1 a . , ... . ceased, notice is hereby given to all C, T. A. of the estate of T, C, Dula, violation of Sections 8 and 20 Ka persons having claims against aaid deceased, notice is hereby given to all tkmal ! Prohibition Act will ba sail estate to present them to the under- persons , having claims against said at public auction on Satardav, Ju1 -signed on er before June: 17, 1923, estate to. present them to the under- 29th, 1922, at 12 o'clock r-ioa Those indebted to said estate are re- signed on or before July lT, 1923. front of the court homa t re quested to make, prompt settlement Those indebted to said estate are re- Caldwell county, N. C; I This June 17, 1922. ;. quested to make prompt settlement Roadster; License No. 61f" - G. D. CORPENING, . This July 17,1922. - ) , R. A. KC 48-o Administrator. W-B vJUUA rOWELL, Admx. . 51-3- ' : Federal Prohibit-, i I .ppuowoiia. , A 1 V