The Weekly Graphic. " Published at Nashville, North Carolina. M. W. LINCKK, Editcr and Propr. Subscription: f One Year, $1.00 Six Months, .60 (Throo 'k 1 '.35 ADVERTISING RATES. Space. 1 luun... I Inches. , Inchoa. 4 lacbei. , & columa. li columa. 1 columa. tTlinejl T 7. 1 01) 1 85 1 75 8 7 4 OUl Mo.8MoCMoil Y'r, 50 1 2ft JTB01 4 00 6 00 8 (KM a 25 S 75 8 001 6 00 8 00 4 wi 0 00 7 80 12 00 20 (XI 0 00) 19 00 7 60 10 00 ia so SO 00 86 001 12 60 15 00 20 00 80 00 CO 00 , Pubtsher's Announcement. Advertising rates furnished upon appli cation. Subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance, i Transient advertisements must be paid for strictly in advance. No communication will be published U the name ol the writer is withheld. All over fifteen lines will be charged two' bents per line for obituary notices, etc The publisher of Tna Graphic will not be responsible for views expressed by its correspondents. Advertisers dosirinir a chnnee of adver- tlsement should have copy iu oftlce not later than noon on Wednesday. Advertisements discontinued before the time contracted for has expired will be hanred transient rates tor the times ac tually published. Advertisements on which no spec 1 3c number of insertions is marked will ba marked "till forbid" and charged up to date of discontinuance. Communications and items of news in tended for publication, and all business letters shonld be addressed IoTiieGkapu- kj, and not to individual members of the staff. THURSDAY. JAN. 25, 1900. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, D. C, Jan. 52, 1900. would nocetsarily have to be paid to them when the case got allowed. ' Talk and investigation conse quent upon the unveiling ot handsome bronze statue of Dan iel Webster, in Washington, has brought out the very interesting fact that Mr. Webster, who was for a long time one of the lead ing practitioners before the U . supreme court, never was formally udmitted to piactlo be fore that Court. In view of the strictness of that Court, it is dif ficult to understand the omission of this form in Mr. ""Webster's case. The only theory advanced to account lor it Js that Mr. Web ster was so well known that it never occured either to him or members of the Court, that ho required to be formally admitted to practice, The proposed purchase by the goverment of the submarine tor pedo boat Holland, received a de cided set back when the Naval Bond of Construction decided by a vote of 4 to 1, against recotn mending the purchase. This de cision was made on the ground that such vessels are in the ex perimental stage, and that their usefulness lor war purposes nad not been demonstrated. The de partment is not opposed to the idea of submarine boats, as it is now having one built at the Columbia Iron Works, of Balti more. Representatives Roberts, of Mass., has introduced a bill ap propriating $50,000 for the erec tion of a statue of the lat Gen Lawton, in Washington. In view of the ninety odcP thousand dollars, contributed by the peo ple country, for the widow and children of Gen. Lawton, it would seem that Congress would do a popular thing to pass this bill. benatois are very leisurely discussing the Financial bill, which is to be voled on Feb. 15th, NOTICE TO' POLICY HOLDERS. An epidemic of Boersympathy and the speeches so far made are noiauiu orevny. i nis is noi hard to understand, however, as the financial question has been so thoroughly talked out that no Senator can lind anything new to say on the subject. The influence oitheadminstra- tion is being exerted in behalf of the Payne bill, now before the Houso Ways and Means Commit tee, providing for an extension of the U. S. laws to Porto Rico, and the establishment of customs and internal revenue collection districts. If the bill becomes law, Porto Rico will have free trade with the U. S. broke out in Washington several days ago, and is now raging in and out of Congress. It may be said to have started with Sena tor Hale's somewhat sensational speech, in which he expressed the belief that nine-tenths of the people of this country were in sympathy with the Boers. Then came Senator Allen's resolution, asking for information as to, why the State Department declined to recognize a properly accredited representative of the Transvaal republic, which was adopted by the Senate after it was amended, so as to leave it to the 'discretion of the President, whether the information should be given- It reached its highest point last nisrht. at a bier public meeting. advertised as a 'Boer demon- The Raleigh correspondent of tration, " at which speeches were The Star telegraphs that Senator . 1 -, , - T .. 1 111 ll J made by Senators ilaie, Ol -outier win upuu uiu anuauienu r. In the Nosh und Franklin Counties' . Branclf of tho Farmers' Mutual Fire Association of N. C. - After careful inquiry among tho Policy Holders of Nash and Frank lin counties' Brunch I find there is a largo majority of Policy Holders in favor of separating tho counties, aud constituting eueb county a sep arate branch. . There are many reasons why this is desirable. We will have a president and Socrotary in each couoty, and in order to com plete the organization of the brunch es the Policy Holders of Franklin county will meet in Louisburg on Tuesday the 24th of January (it be ing court week) to elect President and Secretary and Treasurer for Franklin county. . , Tho Policy Holders of Nasb coun- j ty will meet in Nashville Saturday) 28th of January to elect President j und Secretary acd Treasurer for. Nash county. Eacb Policy Holder who has paid for his Policy will be entitled to a seat in tho meeting. Thcro will be no charge made for changing the Policies, as all that will be necossy to bo done is for a Nash county Policy Holder to run his pen through Franklin und a Franklin county Policy Holder to run his pen through Nasb and the I policy is changed to their respective j brunches. I do not fell williug for. tho people of tho two counties to lose the benefits of this Plan of In- suranco, which is recognized as the very best for farm property. I call special attention to tho following ar ticle taken from a Western Farmers' Journal in which section this Plan of insurance has been in operation for at least twenty years. Li. Henderson, Local Agent. -.5 all vmimi Jme-remns Cfj all the pain and sickness from which women suffer Is caused by, weakness or derangement in the organs cf menstruation. Nearly always when a woman is not well thesa organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman Is very seldom sick. fXtl mm This Space Ia Rcsorved For BLOUNT Is nature's provision for the regu lation ot the menstrual function, (t cures all " female troubles. " It is equally effective for the girl tn her teens, ths young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the "Change of Life." they all need it They are oil benefitted by It , .. Par adrlcs In esses rr Wn special directions, address, tfvinr symptoms. ' ths " Ladloa' Advisory Dapamrwn,' Ths Cr.itunoofs Medietas Co., CUtta Boocs. Tena. WOt. I. COOPER, Tnpst, Miss., ttftt ' My slater suSsrsd tram vary Irrsfiritr and painful Menstruation and sectors could not rails hat. Win ot Csrdul entlraty csrsd her end also helped nt mothar through the Chang el life." To Speak In Wilmington. Maine; Allen, of Nebraska; Ma son, of 111. ; and representatives Bailey, of Texes; De Armond, of Mo.; Sulzer. of New York; Lento, of Ohio; Lamb, of Va and Champ Clark, of Mo. Be cause a man happens to be -4 member of Congress, does not, of course, prevent his having the same sympathies as other men, but many question tho good taste oi tneir participating m a public demonstration against a nation with which this country is on the most friendly terms In veiw of the fact that the Committee was unanimous in its verdict against the right of Roberts to sit in the House, al though differing as to whether his seat should merely be de clared vacant, as advocated by the majority report, or whether be should be seated and ex pelled as advocated by the min ority, it seems a .little odd for the House to devote three days to discussing ; the matter, but that is exactly what will be done this week., They say that the discussion is necessary, not on account of Roberts, who is bound to go, anyway, by practically a unanimous vote- of the House, but because of the importance of the Question involved the right of the House to shut out a mem ber, even when be presents credentials which are perfectly proper. 4 , The regular pension appropri ation bill never fails to bring out some lively talk in the House, and the present bill just passed by the House, was no exception to tne rule, mere was -some very plain talk about the methods of the pension sharks, just be fore the amendment was adopted giving the Commissioner of Pen sions authority to refuse to pay the fee of a pension attorney when he knows that the attorney fails to perform his full duty to claimants. Representatives Kay, of New York, and Mason, of Pa , asserted that it was a practice of the pension sharks to file a case and then leave it for the Congressman of the cliiment to look after, knowing that the fee ment campaign in Wilmington, and that Senator Pritchard w.U have his "grand opening" in KocKiniinam. .-tho object m view is sq plain that every iu teaigent man will see . it at a glance. Wilmington and Rich mond county have been selected because the Dockeryites claim that they were the slorm centres of Democratic activity, in 1898; and Prichard and butler are sent into this congressional district in the hope that they will ba noti tied that they will not be allowed to speak; or, if they do attempt to speatt, mat tne meetings will be broken up by the Democratic red shirts." The Star hopes lis. ...... ana believes tnat their attempt to manufacture capital will prove a disastrous failure. Let Butler and Pritchard, twin brothers of negro rule, speak until they are hoarse. Certainly in Wilminsrton. But ler cannot change a single vote Nor does he expect to do this He hopes that he will not be al lowed to speak. But conteuiDti ble as he is, or should be, in the estimation of every decent white man in North Carolina, there should be no attempt to inter fere with his meeting. Let him severely alone Star- -Wilmiugton Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Careile. of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Pour Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer ol scrofula, which hadcused her great suffering for years. : Ter rible sores would break out ou her boad and face, and the best doctors could give bo help: but her cure is complete and- her health is excel lent. , This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme remedy foreczema. tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by M. C. Yar- Oorox uo.,..sLruggist. uuarrnteed Some people you like until vou find them out, and some you don't Uka until vou find them out. Farm Insuhance. The business farmer will carry insurance on his buildings, but be will not carry it in the old line com pames. hie win insure in a larm mutual, if there is one into which he can get, aud if there is none, he will organize one. Farm insurance the safest risk tnat a company can carry. It is true that if a farm building trots on fire it will burn down; aud it is equally true that, in ninety-nine cases ia one hundred, a town or city building' gets on fire t will bum dorvn, and considerable other property will be destroyed r. tne same time. Tne very best cti denoo that this line of insurance is safo uud remunerative is the fact that the farm rnutuals have; no trouble in maintaining themselves. because their losses arc few. But tne ola companies regara farm! in suranco as extra hazardous and lex act extortionate premiums, ' prcm iums that arc out of all proportion to tne risK. ' The farm mutuals have proved safe and satisfactory. It easts !bul a trifle to manage them. There iart no high salaried officials, no large, extravagantly costly building; erect and no army of solicitors draw ing a neavy per cent, for securing business. Tbecompaniesare neigh borly affairs, and are conducted with economy and with just as good business judgment as any old line company that is paying its presi dent $25,000 a year. Most ot the Western States, if not all, have leg islated in regard to the mntuals, and havo made organization easy and practically. , A Life And Casta Flflht. Mr. W. A. Hincs of Manchester Ia.. writing of his almost miraculous escap from death ,says: "Exposure after measles induce serious luu trouble, which ended in. Coosumy i-ion. , I had frequent hemorrhages aud coughed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon dii Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which completely cured me. I would not bo without it even if it cost$5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on royirecommendation and all say it never fails th cure Throat. Chest and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c and $ 1.00. ' Trial bottles free at M. C. Yarboro & Co's., Drug Store " Railroading Patents. A single firm of Patent Lawyers, C. A. Suow & Co., of Washington, u. v.. nave in tne last year pro cured l,bw patents lor tneir clients, many of them for rejected inven tions. C. A. bnow & Oo. have been accused of railroading pateuts through the Patent office, but they insist tuat this locomotion is better than oxcarting them for by the. lat ter proct'ss tho inventor often dies before he gets his patent. The man with a pain in his bock an;l another iu his stomach isn't necossanly transpareuJ. It has been demonstrated repeat edly in every state in the Union and iu uiudj loreigu cuuuh'ics mat unam berlain's Cough Remedy is a certain Ereventive and cure for croup. : It as become the univorsal remedv for that disease. M. V. Fisher of Liberty, W. Va., only repeats what has been said arond the globe when he writes: "I havo u.ied Chamber lain's Cough Remedy in my family for several years and al ways with perfect success. Wo believe that it is not only the best cough remedy, but that it is a 6ure cure for croup. It has saved the lives of our chil dren a number of times." This remedy is for sale by Drn gistsand i Dealers. - 1 j Three Papers a Week TOR ABOUT THE PRICE OP ONE. 1 This paper and the Atlanta I Twicer Week Journal for - f$1.50f I' Here you get the news of I the world and all' your local I news while it ia fresh, pjying very little more than one paper costs. Either paper is well worth $1.00, but byape- oial arrangement we are en- abled to put in both of them, giving three papers a week for this low price. You can I not equal this anywhere else, I and this combination ia the best premium for those who want a great paper and a home paper. Take these and yon will koep up with the times. " ' ' "'""- .; Besides general news,' the Twice-a-Week Journal has muoh agricultural matter and other articles of special interest to farmers. It has regular contributions by Sam Jones, Mrs. W. H. Felton, John Temple Graves, Hon, C. H. Jordan and other dis tinguished writers. Call at that ottio and leart tout subscriptions for both paper. lou BROlISi The Leading General LTerchants OR ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Watch For New Announcements) Blount, Bros'. Big Store. Nashville Collegiate Institute, I For Male and Female. 1 , Fall Session Began Aug. 28th, 1899. - FACULTYl T. H. BkAihE, Sr. A. M.. ? ; , ;.; -, ' Principal. v .- - Music Teacher, 9 subscriptions lor txxn papi 2 can get a samplt copy of either pa il per here oo application. Miss LENA TAYLOR, BuildinCTS heal thf till lorntnd nn Mtrhnct la.ntlnn a iui fLL Board can bo had at reasonable rates. 1 1 .-.' For further iEformat ion address, - -. ' . T. H. BRAME, Sr.Rrlncfpol. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks Ocsions Copyrights Ac Aktod. sendlns a iMh and description mar qnlcklr asoertain our opinion fre. whlher an lnrentlon ts probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest airencr for securing patents. Patents taken through Munu h Co. recslT tptcial notict, withont ebnrce. In tbe . A handsomely lllartrmted weekly. Terms, Vita dilation of anr scientific Journal. rear : four month. SL Sola by all nowsUlealeriL & Co B,Broa'- New York Branch Offioaw 836 V Bt, Wasulnatoo, D. C SPRING HOPE ACADEMY. Spring Hope, N. C ' '" - , . f. : :-f;-i, . .... - A School of High Grade For Boys and CIrls. -" - Healthy Location. Four Teachers of Experience and " Ability. Expenses Very Low.; Nine Free 1 Lectures by Eminent Lec turers during next Session. Separate Boarding Places for Boys and Girls. Music and Art. Prepares for any College or University and the Active Duties of'Life. . " ' .- Write for circulars of the Teachers' Review Cburse"whlch the Academy gives by correspondence. . Youcan take the course without leaving home or occupation 'b studying a short timt each day. .-: For Catalog aud circulars, address . ; -. - v . CHAS. T. BALL, Principal. ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER TO . ic? The Graph If not, send us' your name and One Dollar and let us send you the paper one year. ' ' You couldn't invest , a dollar more profitably or more sensibly. . ? YOUMOVVffl When You Take GROVE'S- TASTELESS CHILL.: TONIC . - Vw'V-' i , j! jt ' . . ; . . . T7L COtrrK"'"'" ' bsoauBQ too formula 13 p!z:.. 'yprl.-.izd ca ezn'i showing .whet tycantzzsm ..The reason the. imitators do not advertise their formula is because they know the people would net buj their medicine if they knew its ingredients. .. ,: " u Every druggist in the United States is authorized to sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CIIILL TONIC on. a positive guarantee of NO CURE NO PAY. Price, 50c. . . . Your druggist ha sold GROVE'S for years. -Just ask HIM about it. GROVE'S is a prescription that dc23 euro : MALARIA n:ML!.G AHr