1 J - r Stop! - Borrowing your neighbor's paper and sub scribe for, yourself. , 7 j Pu y v! if - y.ju know H j your subscription' is due. 1 Don't be a "dead beat." L JUL 0 M. W; LINCKE, Eiitoiyand Proper. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 Per Year. PAUL W.llNCKE, Manage1" Yoi. 6.v;iii r:i: ; nashville; n: c.THuiiyfiAY makcii is, idoo. ' . :no. 10. ;NASHCOUNTY DIRECTORY. 'OUR LOCAL OOVERNilKNT. ' j ' , ' ... , . .- -' . "! Mayou, VjTV; Jenkins'' Commissioners. S. 0. Grlffln, S. S. Gay, C. C. Ward ,H , J. E. Abernathy. ChUrt of Police, Ashley Collies. . ' . churches. , . Mstiiodtbt. -Rev. H. A. Humble, gastor; services .1st, 3rd and 4th unday nights. Rnd 3rd Sunday at 11 q'clocka. in,. Praver meeting ev er Wednesday evening. Baptt.Eov. WC. Nowcll. pas tor; services 2nd Sunday (morning and night); Sunday school at 3 p. m; prayer meeting Thursday evening. Priuitivs Baptist! Elder M.: D. Williford, pastor r services on 4th Sunday and Saturday before av 11 o'clock a. m, , i , ' CODNTT! OOVESINUEST. , Sherifl, - Willis M. Warren. Clerk Superior Court, T. A. Sills. Register Deeds, J. A. Whitaker. Treasurer, " ,'. E. J. Braswll. Surveyor, ' JobtC. Deal. Coroner, ' Ir. John T. Strickland. County Examiner, WVS- Wilkersou, COMMIiSIOJTERS. W. E. Jeffreys,' chairman; S. H. Griffin. W. Ur Murray. Regular meeting of Board every 1st Monday of each month. ' LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Ex-Judge Jacob Battle, of Rocky Mount, was here Monday Mrs. Paul Llncke is the guest of Mrs. S. H. Griffin, near town.. Editor L'incke paid Rocky , Mount a short .business visit Monday. Senator Cooloy has returned from a professional visit to Raleigh., Mrs. M. E Howell, of LaGrange, is visiting the family of A. N, Rouse.. After an illness of several days Mr. Geo. V. Bissette is able to be out again.- .- Our readers will enjoy reading the article of Congressman Atwater ou the Constitutional Amendment. ''. Gco.-Al' Grlffln went , to Wilson last Thursday to have some repairs . made to machlney" for bis father's' inut near iowu. ' B. tf.B. Voster has improved the appearance of things around his corner by planting several sycamore trees along theTsldewalk.' Ned Chamberlain,' ' a genuine 'Knight of the Grip,", was here a few days recently paying his re spects to our merchants, i There are now ele-ven cases of smallpox at the pest bouse, and Superintendent ' Battle is looking for nw cases to develop daily. Wo - regret to learn that Bro; Campbell, of The Argonaut has had to go to Baltimore where he is now being treated for a catarrhal trouble Attorney E. B. Grantham Is "courtiug" in Johnston county, He will also visit Durham on ' profes sional business before his ' return home. . Those persons who have been bor rowing books from" the library , at the same if they bava finished read ing them. ; ' Our town authorities have taken ; active measures against me guaras at the pest house, who have been coming into town without first dis infecting themselves. Mr.,Z. T. Evans, of , Wilson, was called hera by phone last Frfday on t account xT of the critical Illness of , his mher. We are glad to learn. ,she is much Improved. " , " On our editorial page will bo ' found a very able letter from Mr. J. C Clifford la- which - he ably , en- ; Ury of State. . The Delineator .for April has been received and, as usual, is as beauti fully illustrated and 'abounding in designs for the consideration of the ladies. Tbore are -sixteen" portraits of the fair , and patriotio -daughters of the South,, to illustrate an article von "The Patriotic Work of Southern Women." ' . ' ' Tho bridgo across Pig Basket creek on the Rod Oa!f road has been condemned as being unsafo for pc desti'iuns, and tho public are wurncd of danger by notices posted at cjc'j end of the bridgo. ( . Wu. acknowledge receipt vof a premium list and neatly printed in vitation to the Nowbern Ftiir which takes placo April" 1( 21st. As in the past Ncvrborn will make tho oc casion one of the most instructive and enjoyable known in the history of tho Association. It is with regret wc chronicle the death of Mrs. J. L. Hinton, who died at her homo a few miles from this placo Saturday morning. Tho funeral service was conducted Sun day afternoon by Rev. W. C. Nov ell. ' Wx deeply symp;ithiE2 with tho bereaved family. Will Ricks, a colored boy. had a narrow escape from instant death Monday while working at the .saw mill of W. C. Rasa a few miles in tho country. In stepping ou the log carriage he accidentally fell against (he saw which was running fit a high speed. . The flesh was sawed from his left arm above the elbow. Parties who saw the acci dent say his es3ase from death was indeed miraculous. Mrs. C. J. Odom is flooding the country with hand bills announcing the opening of her millinery empori um on April 9ih and 10th. Mrs; Odom has secured the services of an experienced northern milliner and at un early date will display one of tho most complete lines of millinery ever displayed in Nashville. .Be fore making your purchases else where call on Mrs. Odom and in spect the many novelties shf will display. While in Rocky Mount' this week we learned that the "lill for the es tablishment of a 'graded school at that place will bo submitted to the June term of the legislature. There ure many probabilities that others for a sewerage system and electric lights will go up at the same-time. These taken in connection with the. water-works system now just, about completed will place Rocky Mount in tho position of being' one of the most thriving towns in tho State. Messrs. Blount Bros., of Rocky Mount, greet our readers and the public with a change of ad this week. . Wc paid tbeirstorciu Rocky Mount a visit recently and it was indeed a treat to look over their mammoth stock of spring and sum mer fabrics and novelties of every description. Their dress goods de partment is completo in every par ticular, and notwithstanding this fact; they are daily adding the very latest designs, in summer fabrics and clothing. ..It -will pay you to call on them when in Rocky Mount. They have also opened up a branch store in Springhope where they arc ably supplying the needs of a gen erous puolic. ' 1 ' Cot His Antagonist's Throat.. An altercation occurred a few nights ago near Springhope btt ween Mike Brantley and Frank ; Ander son, both white and and as a result Brautley came near killing' Ander son by cutting his throat with a pocket knife. It seems that bad blood existed between the. two men on account of the former reporting Anderson for running an illicit dis tillery.' Anderson in company with another man went to Brantleyjs house at night and called him out to the barn and a difficulty ut'onco en sued with the above result. Tht Throbbing He&tfkche.' Would quickly leave you, if yon used Dr. King's New Lifo Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and stroug nerves and build up your health. Easy to take, Try them. Only 25 cents", , Money back if not cured.. Sold by M.c C. Yarboro & Co., Druggists. ' PAD TAYLOR AND , FORTUNE MEET DEATH FEARLESSLY. On Tho Scaffold Taylor Confesses That He and Fortune Were the Slayers of Law rence Jackson, near Weldon, Just Prior to Murdering Hester. More than dx llmnminil tvwilo I from this- and adjoining counties were here to-day to witness the public: execution of John Taylor and Robert Fortune for the murder of Mr. Robert Ilcster near Rocky Mount on December 21st. 18W. All the forenoon this surging mass of humanity gathered, first at. the jail and then at tho gallows and all ea ger to get a glimpse of the two brutes who were to be put to death. A special guard of more than thirty men with rifles were on duty and when the hour for the execution arrived sixteen entered the jail and, while rain was falling at a good rate the procession proceeded to the jul lows. The two doomed men showed remarkable courage and ascended the steps to the i;cufi'old as cheerful ly as though they were p"eparing to act as sv special escort to Marion Butler w hen he is preparing to de liver one his political harrangues and outbursts of billingsgate. Whil." the rain was still falling Sheriff Warren rear the death war rant, after which Rev. ,EI. A. Hum ble read a few verses of scripsure and offered one of theablest prayers wc ever heard. Both the negroes were praying all the time in aa un dertone of voice. When the prayer had finished the two men were asked if they had anything to say, and Taylor faced the crowd and said: 'Friends I am now on' this cal lows to leave this world to go home to .rest; to live with Jesus,- You may hang me and stretch rey neck, but you can't hurt mysoul. Myself and Robert killed Mr. Hester, but I would not confess until God -forced it out of me. L have no harm against anyone and want you all to meet-mo" in , heaven, because I am going to live with Jesus, where I Important To Democrats! The township primaries .re here by called to be held Saturday, March 24; h at their respective precincts to elect delegates to the county conven tion to be held in Nashville on Monday,- the 2nd day of April, UiOO. for the purpose of nominating delegates to the various State conventions. Township Primaries will bo held at tho places named below and aro entitled to the number delegates written opposite the namo of town ship. ' , . Townphip.' ' , No. Del. Castnlia, at Castalia, t 5. Griffin at Hilliardston, ' 5, N. Whitakers. at Gold Rock, 4. Si Whitakers, at votingplace, 4. Stoney Creek, FaflsTarTiver, 5 Rocky MountJ Odoms stables, 8. Jackson, at voting place, ' 4. Baileys, at voting place. '" 3. Ferrells, at voting place, ' 4. Mannings, at Springhope,: 9. Coopers, at Nunn, 4. Nashville, at Nashville, ' , 9. .Every whito man in the . county who Is in favor of good economical government and Whito Supremacy irrespective of his former party af filiations, is cordially invited to join: with us in this groat fight and. help us : win, the victory; There is a great battle to be fought, we cannot afford to lose, we must win. i . Z. V. Jixkixs, Chairman. E. B. Gkantjiam, Sec. DEATH PENALTY. will never die, but live always, (loodby to everybody, I'm going homo to rest. " Taylor was asked if he knew any thing of the killing of Lawrence Jackson, a colored man, near Wel don three days before (he mur der of Mr. Hester, and he said: "Don't punish no man for that crime. No other man shot him but me and Robert. Don't puuish no man. We killed him for money." ; The black caps were placed over their heads and at 1:09 p. m. Sheriff Warren pulled the lever and their bodies shot downward 7J feet, breaking both their necks. Fortune died without a struggle; onlya slight quivering of the body and in 4 minutes he was. pronounced dead. There were a few slight convulsions of Taylor's body, a low gurgling sound, and after eight minutes had elaps-ed he was primouneed dead. At 1:45 p. m.. Their bodies were taken down and placed in theco'iins and carried to the. express office -.' here they are ta night, to be ship ped to Chapel Hill, that college hav ing purchased their bodies from Deputy Sheriff N. C. Warren, to whom Taylor and Fortune sold their bodies. TiiK Graphic special artist was on the scene of the execution and made several pictures before and after the hanging. - We will have a largo number of these photos at our office next week. Last night Taylor made a full con fession of his crime o the editor of the GiUPtiic; in which ho gives a short sketch of his life, the' crimes ho' has committed. Before the exe cution today he made other state ments which will bo published in full next week with full illustrations iji the execution. Mr. Sorsby Not Dead. Last week we announced that Mr. ;.r.d Mrs. B. H. Sorsby, of this place, had received news of the death of i heir sou, Mr. James Sorsby, who :ns been employed with the Plant nystom of railway at Albany, Ga. j A private letter received by Mr. E, .i, Peruell from a friend in Albany s.a'.es that Mr. Sorsby is not dead; but well and at work. The above information is quite a r..'hef to Mr. and M"s. Sorsby, who cauuot for the report as to the death of their son. . A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rature of' Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard .,t., Fhiladephia, Pa., when shefound that Dr. King's. New Discovery for Consumption, had completely cuaed her of a hacking cough that for man y years had made lifo a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but she says of this Royal Cure--"it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. : . I feel like soflndins its praises throughout the Universe." So will every one who trier Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at M. C. Yarboro & Co's., Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. DON'T MISS next week's issue of The G a a rata--' A full pictorial ac count of tue execution. Doings Around Dor'.cci. The fanners arc somewhat bobiud in their operations onuccouulof bad weather. Say, Mr. - , don't vour think three times a week is most too often to call ou her? Mrs. Upchurch, from Springhope, is the guest of Mr. Tom Coley's family this week. The debating society is growing in interest very fast. Old and young arc taking great interest in it. Messrs. Ellen & Harper have a nice and complete lino of family groceries. They will treat you right. Mr. W. E. Ellen accompanied by Miss Rosa Vick took a pleasant trip to -the Rocky Mount water-works plant Sunday. News From Red Oak. Prof. T. II. King, principal of Cedar Rock Academy, and Mr. J. O. Sledge, of Cedar Rock, were pleas ant visitors among us last Saturday and Sunday. Quito a number of our people at tended preaching at Sharon Sunday morning. They report having thoroughly enjoyed the excellent sermon of Rev. H. A. Humble. The school work is now getting in a good way. The boys '"work while they work and play ball while they play.", even though they get their hands split and broken up pretty badly. Our Sunday School met last Sun day afternoon for the first time this year. Wo were glad, to have such a beautiful day and a goodly number of people present at our first meet ing. We were fortunate in having with us Prof. King, who made a fine talk and a splendid eposition of the lesson, "The Paralytic Healed." Our Sunday School has been in win ter quarters, but wo trust the work has now begun with freshness and vigor equal to that of Spring time. To cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bro.mo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's siguature is ou each box. 25c. BUSINESS LOCALS, Car-Load Cotton Seed Hulls, just received by L. W. Boddie. I have a good mule for sale for cash or on time. Also a nice lot of corn and a one-horse wagon. Call at my store and sec me. Respct. Mrs. C. J. Odom. THE YIELD IS GREATER. Plant the Improved -$yK Cotton Seed. The yield of liutris fifteen pounds more than any other. Have planted them two years and would plant any other. For sale by Mrs. S. E. Nowby. Phone 113, Rocky Mount, N. C. Hammond Hotel, Mrs. T. A. Marriott, Proprietress, SI ROOMS. ; RATES S2.V0 PER DAY. Cut Rates For Steady Boarders Rocky Mount, : : : N. C. He Has Used It. Nashville, N. C; Feo. 1st, 1900. Ft B. Ricks, Nashville, N. C. i Dear Sir:1! used about 125 sacks Acme Guano . last year and made a fine tobacco crop. T have used it by the siile of v the very highest brands ou the mar ket and find it a great deal bette'r than any I ever used. '',.. ' Isaac Womble! Professional Notices. COOKE & COOLEY, Counselors and Attorneys-at-Law. NASHVIIXH, N. C. CSV-practiee in State and Federal Courts. Office in mud jury room. JOHN T. STRICKLAND, I'HVKIOIAN and SURGEON, Officio lit M. (V Yarboro & Co's., Drug Store. .. . .. NASHVILLE, - 4 N. C. -. JACOB RATTLE. I Attorney and Counsclor-at-Law: ROCKY MOUNT, N. ti. CmcniT: Nash, Edgecombe, Wilson counties. j-4-lS). DK. S. P. MILLIARD, DENTAL SURGEON, ROCKY MOUNT, N. CI Can be found In office t l tlmei. AUSTIN & GRANTHAM, Attorn. vys-at-law, Nash villi:, N. C. Money to loan on good security. We arc prepared to insnro your lifo or property in irood companies. ' '; v.. A. FINCH, Wilson, N. C. 2f. L. BCBl Nashville, N, C. .. FINCH & EURE, . , Counselors and Attorneys-at-Law, N4SUViLLE, N. C. Special .HU'i.tiou gircn to V.z collection uuJ adjustment of cluiait. OFFICII IS HEAR Of BANS ECILDIKO. HOTELS. TT 4. 1 'Wr 1 A.: f 9 Mrs. W. R. Winsteas. Proprietress Table First Class. Omnibus AAcetaall Train. Rocky Mount.' : : : N. C". ; f j J x t w r in jr. AA! OWENS HOTEL. . CUISINE UNEXCELLED. .. VEGETABIJiS AND FRUITS IN SEASON. Table, First Class. RATES, - - - - 11.50 per day. BOARD BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH. Mrs. E. M. Owens, - Proprietress. Spring Hope, N. C ALBION - HOTEL. S.1C333 531 to Farmar :,' Hotel.) MRS. ELIZABETH CARTE!?, ' Proprietress, - .'' 1 t , Nashullle, - N. C. - Centrally Located. Comfortable Rooms. . wiuuu rare. The Traveling Public cordially in- vited to prive us a share of their patronage. Speeiel Rates by Week or Montk. ; Stop at THE ALBION. anTmal noME Is what the traveling man and . the public .generally call The Central Hotel. NASHVILLE, - - - N., 0. nanasomeiy apporaiiea itoonis. Attentive Servants. ' Every thing to . , " v Table Service Par Excellence MRS. V. A. PERNELL. ' i'roprtetreBtj. Collins Hotel.' Table Excellent, ' House Centrally Located. . Rate.8 tl 00 per day. CUT RATES FOR STTAOf BOARDERS. Whfen; In, cJSashville, call and be Well, servedi Spx.3ial ;att ention -..-,. paid to transient guests, ' Two LarAe ' yerm&as 1 People in Adjoining Towns Call AN9 be Convinced. .