The Weekly Graphic. Successor to The Dixie Optic, NASHVILLE. . NORTH CAROLINA, M. W. LINCKE. Editor and Prop'r (One Year, $1.00 Subscriptions: Six Months, .t() ( Throe ' .35 Entered at the pout offlca at Nashville, m. C.i m ax.-ond-claea mail matter. Thursday, March 15, 1900 THE SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT. , Section 1. The Article VI of the Constitution of North Caro lina be. and the same is hereby , repealed, and in lieu thereof hall be substituted the follow tag Article of said Constitution ARTICLE VI. Sufferapre andEligibility to Office (juulincations of an elector. Section 1. Every male per son born in the United States. and every male person who has been naturalized, twenty-one rears of aire and possessing the qualifications 6et out in this Ar tide, shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people in the btate, except as herein other wise provided. Sec. 2. He shnll have resided in the State of North Carolina for two years, in the county six months, and in the precinct, ward or other election district, in which he offers to vote four months next preceding the elec tion: Provided, That removal from one precinct, ward or other -election district to another in the same county, shall not operate to deprive any person of the right to vote in the precinct, ward or other election district, from which he has removed until four months after such removal. No person who has been convicted, or who has confessed his guilt in open court upon indictment, of any crime, the punishment of which is, or may hereafter be. Imprisoned in the State Prison, shall be permitted to vote unless the said person shall be first re stored to citizenship in the man ner prescribed by law. Sec. 3 Every person offer ing to vote' shall bo at the time a legally registered voter as here in prescribed and in the manner hereinafter provided by law. and the General Assembly of North Carolina shall enact general reg istration laws to carry into effect the provisions of this Article. Sec. 4. Every person present lng himself for registration shal be able to read and write any section of the Constitution in the English language; and, before Jie shall be entitled to vote lie shall have paid on or before the first day of March " of the year in which he proposes to vote, his poll tax, as prescrib ed by law, ror the previous year, Poll taxes shall be a lien only on assessed property, and no pro ess shall issue to enforce the collection of the same except against assessed property. :- Sec. 5. No male person, who was on January 1, 186, or at any time prior thereto, , entitled to vote under the laws . of any btate in the United btates where in he then resided, and no linea -decendant of any such person, snail be denied the right to reg ister and vote at any election in this State by reason of his fail ure to process the educational qualifications prescribed in sec tion 4 of this Article: Provided, He 6hall have registered in ac -eordance with the term's of this Article prior to " December 1, 1908. and no person shall be in- titled to tegister under this sec tion after that date. The General Assembly shall. . at its first session after the adop tion of this amendment, provide the manner in which the classes -of persons provided for in this .section shall register. Sec. 6. All the elections by the people shall be by ballot, and all elections by the General As sembly shall be viva voce.3- Sec. 7. - Every voter in North Carolina, except as in this Ar tide disqualified, . shall be eligible to office, but before en tering upon the duties of the of -Ace he shall take and subscribe the following oath: 4,I, ... .. ., do solemnly swear or affirm, that I will support and maintain the constitution and laws of the United States and the constitu tion and laws of North Carolina, not inconsistent therewith, and that I will Jalthfully discharge the duties of my office as.; . . . . Co help me God." yl Sec. 8. The following classes of persons shall be disqualified for office: First, all persons who deny the being of Almighty God. Second, all persons who' shall have been convicted or con fessed their guilt on indictment pending, and whether sentenced or not. or under judgment sus pended, of any treason or felony, or any other crime for which the punishment may be imprison ment in the penitentiary, since becoming citizens of the United States, of corruption and mal practice in office, unless such person Bhall be restored to the rights of citizenship in a manner prescribed by law. Sec. 9. This act shall be in force from and after its ratified tion. It is very bard to stand idly by and kco our dour one suffer while awaiting tbo arrivul of the doctor Au Albany (N. Y.) dairyman culli at u urutf store tbern for a doc-tor come and see bis cnilu, tnen very sick witn croup. JNot Unding tlx doctor in, be left word for bun come ut once on his return. Ho ulso bought a bottle of Chamber lain Cough Remedy, which bo boped would give some relief until the doe tor should arrive. In a few hours bis returned, say inji.the doctor neei not come ,us the child was much bet ter. Tho dru"L'ist, Mr. OttoScholz says the family bus since recommcn (led Chamberlain s Cough Kerned to their neighbors and friends unti he has u constant demand for it from that part of the county. r or sale by M. C. Yarboro & Co The following interestingelipping is from the current number of tb North Curoli na Journal of Ed ucation In Switzerland the price of farm lands is from $600 to $1,600 an acre and farming pays in spite of these high values. Switzerland has uo pauper class, no slums in the cities und no tramps. The roads are al most perfect, the streets are cleuu and there is little need of police or soldiers. It isacountrv of universal education, and the best house, many city or town is the school housu Effect and cause." Robbed The 6rve. A startling iucideut. of which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him us U lows: "1 was in a most area lii-l ouditiou. Mv skin was almost vel low, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back aud sidei no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. lhreo pjysi- cians bad given me up. Fortunately a friendadvised trying Electric Bit ters: and to my great joy and sur prise, the hrst bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks and um now a well man. I know they saved mv life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cts., guaranteed, ut M. C. Yarboro and Cos., drug store Senator Butler is floodin the State with copies of his speech incongress against tho franchise amendment to the constitution. This plea for ne gro supremacy is being seut out by Republicans under the senator ' frank.- Collector Duncan, for ex ample, is sending out some thou sands of copies. '' Collector Duucan bas a great admiration for tho sen; tor; in fact, he said a few days since that be loved him. This tenderness is very beautiful. It has increased considerably since the winter aud (arly spring of 1897. AUGUST FLOWER. it is a surprising lact says JProf. Houton, that in my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, 1 have met more people having used Green's August Flower than any other remedy, for dyspep sia, deranged liver and stomach and for constipation. I find for tourists and salesmen, or for persons filling office positions, whore headaches and general bad feeling from irregu lar habits exist, thatGreen's August Flower is a grand remedy. It does not injure the system by frequent use. and Is excellent for sour stom achs in iadigestirn " f ample bo'- tles free at M. C, Yarboro & Co. Sold by dealers in all civilized countries. - Near $5,000 bas- been paid oyer to the town of Fayetteville and county of Cumberland during the past few months from the net profits of the dispensary, Manager J. W. Ingold last Satuiday turning oyer $1,200 each to the city and county treas urers. . ." We have saved many doctor bills since we began tisingChamberlain's Cough Remedy in our home. We keep a bottle open all the time and whenever any of my family or my self begin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Remedy, and as a re sult we never have to send away for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy never fails to cure. It is cer tainly a medicine of great merit and worth.- JD. a. Mkarkle, General Merchant and Farmer. Mattie, Bed ford county, Pa. 'Tor sale by M. C. Yarboro & Co. A Woman Only EZnowa what Buffering from (ailing' of the womb, whites, painful or Irregular menus, oranyaisaaieottneuiatinctijr feminlneorican!. A man may ym; a thiwi or t'Ky but ha con not know the ironic alio goes through tha terrible eulTvrlnft, ao patiently borne, which Tob her of beauty, hop- and hnppi Beta. Yet tin tu&uring really il McELREE'S Wine oi Card. will banish It This medicine cure all " female disease " quick ly and permanently. It does sway with humiliating physical exami nation. Tho treatment may be taken at home. There is not con tinnal expense and trouble. The sufferer i cared and stays mrtd. Wine of CarJui in becoming the lending remedy for all troubles of this class. It costs but $i from any drujnrnt. For advice In cases requiring special directions, address, the "Ladies Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. a MRS. C.J. WEaT, Nashville, Tenn.. errtteu i ''Thl wonderful medicine ought to be la every houM where there are girl and women.'' Send us $1.00 and you will receive The Graphic for one year. Facts That Every Patriot anJ Voter Ought to KnowJ Ready January 1st THE 1900 Heal Register World km AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. SPoii Containing Full Information Upon All Statistical Facts and Figures The New Congress. a Complete Guide to the Forthcoming; Elections of 1900. SPECIAL i The South African FEATURES. War; War in the Phil- ippmes; The Interna Every Politician WU1 Want a Copy. ; Over 600 Pages, tional Peace Congress: Our Naval and Military Establishments; The Samoan Settlement ; The Great Trusts and Their Capitalization, and many other subjects of equally vital interest A complete History of each of the Ships in the American Navy, by Edgar Stanton Mac lay, Historian U. S. Navy THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. Postpaid to any address. , the world; PulitMtrBldg.. A ftwfc Trice 2 5 ds I Three Papers a Week j FOR ABOUT THE PRICE OF OWE. 1.50 i Tt-i . rA tha A isrt - TwiceevWeek Journal for . r Here yon get the news of Via wnrfrl all tnnr lrvnl ' i news while it is fresh, payings 1 very little more than one I paper costs. , Either paper is , well worth $1.00, but bj ape-, I cial arrangement wo are en- abled to put in both of them, giving three papers a week for this low price. Yon can- not equal this anywhere else, flit. .tnmlMn.tlnn I the best premium for those who want a great paper and a home paper. ; Take these and you will koep np with th times. ' ,- Besides general news, the I Twice-a-Week Journal has much agricultural matter f I interest to farmers, ft hns'J" regular contributions by bam . Jones, Mrs. W. II. Feltoii, John Temple Graves, Hon. 2 C. II. Jordan aud other di- titiguished writers., i Call at this otlice and hive your autxeriptien lor both pper. You co ret 4 szmrl? Plr of titaej- p- p tt hare oa application. f SPR1NQ HOPE ACADEMY, Spring Hopo, N. C. A 8chool of High Credo For Boyo end'Clrle. - Healthy Location. Four Teachers of Experience and Ability. Expenses Very Low. Nino Free Lectures by Eminent Lec turers during next Session. Separate Hoarding P1j-cs for Hoys and Girls. Music and Art. Prepares for uny College or University and tho Active Duties of Life. Write for circular of the Teacher". Review Conrne wblcb the Xrndemy . civeM by correspondence Youcun take ibe courne without leaving homo or occuputlou b studying a short time each day. For Catalog and circulars, address CHAS. T. BALL, Principal. Wilmington & Wcidon R. iC. AMD DRAM'tlM. AND ATLANTIC COAGT UNB RAII.kO.tD COSH-ANTHf; OV5ll C.VBOtlXA. , . CONDENSED SCHCDULC ' Traixs Gmxo 6a-ni. I am a fanner loc.iied n.-.u" St ny Brook, one of the most malarious districts in thu State. :ind was both red wh i f years, at times so I could not work, nn 1 was always vciy co stipitcd as; well. For years I had malaria so bad in the spring, wlvn cnsed in plowing, that I could do nothing but shake. I must have taken about lrrel of quinine pills besides dozens of other remedies, but never obtiinei any perma-unt benetit. I.:it fall, i- peach tim. I h id a most serious attack oi" chilis and tnen c nvnenced to lake K.:pani Tabu't-s, Uon a friend's advice, aod the first box made me all right and I have never been without the n sine? I t.ike one Tabule each morning and night and sonutiiiics when I Icei .nure than usually exhausted I tke three in a day. Tlvv have kept mv t imach sweet, mv bowels regular and I have not h;id the touc, f mal tri:i nor splitting hcud iche since I commenced usin them. I i..iov al o that I sleep better and w.rki jp more refreshed than tormcrly. I don't know how many complaints Ripans Tabules will hel;-, but I do know thev will cure any one in the condition I was and I would not be without them at any price. I honestly consider them the cheapest-priced medicine in the world, as they are also the mot beneficial and the most convenient to talre. I m twenty-seven years of age and have worked hard all my life, the same as most farmeis, both early and late and ir, ail kinds ol, and 1 hwc never enioved such good health as I have since last fall; In fact, my neighbors have all remaiked my improved condition arid have said, " S,iv, John, what are you doing to look so healthy ? " W li -Aewefawl braltk tW. It'l l' N-Sertll allaHli. Twjr hauUa (xineul ur. J-m If. 1 Onrtrli(4. !I.Hlh..f lhll"'.'i Ilia fwrl. l rain H4iiUiMltii-. R I M frlr'nuifr iwHrii Mfk4i f. tfrfNU, n-r.f m lia.l al triiK Ttvt -AuipUf avil :h . i,.l iw4itiitutV in i- tiiatiMt m nf a1ilr 9ut evaift, firwkru4 tu ibe K.k ivemltii W frfu.w a a rut t6 Jan. 14, 19 i a.m. r. m. rrjrA;ii.i'."s . LvWrld'n. US -8W Ar Uj Mt. 1265 912 LvTarborolSJl (MTT Lv R'y Mt. 1 00 1152 37 5 4nfl2W - W'iln, 1.M.W2.S Il 620 24 " Sclmo, 2501103 " Fuy vll 43 J22 ArFlor'nv 725 224 r. M. A. M. ArG'ld.sro"' 155 '. Lv " 7nl K " Magn'U Htltt 4H5 Ar Wiijffu 940 6UO TRAINS COINC NORTH. SHeei.?i.5 :. A.M. Lv Flr'ncol ft45 Fytv'll, " tM-lma, 1B0 Ar Wiliion, Lv Wil'gtn " Man ila " Goldao, Lv Wiluon, Ar R'y Mt. r. m 23W 320, Ar Tarb'ro! Lv " 1231 A.M &0nj r. v 741 t)45J 10 H 1133 A. M.T: II 643,11 a 14 ay k'Xinaw.nii 14 Lv R'y Mt, 33ol ilS09f j Ar Vttldon 433 104. j p. . 116 ICS tDallj except Moadsr.r- JDfcUy KS HIGGLE BOO A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise aad Comprehensive Hand some! Printed and Beautifully illustrated. By JACOB EIOGLE No. 1 BIOQLE HCRSB BOOK All abont Home a Cominon-Seiuc Treatise, with eter 74 llluatratioiu ; a standard wurk. I-rice, y Ceut. No. 2 BiaaLE BERRY BOOK All about growine; Email Fniilji md and leara how ; contain 43 colored lile-like rrprodnctloa of tl trailing varictie and 100 other illtutratioa'. I-iice.yiCcitt. No. 3 BIOQLE POULTRY BOOK All nbont ronltry ; the best Poultry Book In exktrace ; ' tell ererythinc i withtj colored life-like rtwwluctv.u or all the iTincipal breed; with ioj ether itluktraiiuu. l-ice, jo Cent, j . No. 4-BiaOLE COW BOOK Alt about Cow nl the Dniry RutlneM ; tiarlng a preet sale; contain 8 colored lire-like reproductioua oi uah.4 ureeu, win 13 ouicr iniuiraiion. met, ja veai-k No. 5 BIQOLB SWINE BOOK Just out. - All abont Hog Breedine;, Feedloir, Butch. ering.biaeaBe, etc. Contain ever 80 bvantilul a)f tone and other engraTiaga. rrice, 50 Cent. The BiaaLE BOOKS areaniqae,orlrlnat,nefut Tounrrer uw anything like thttx eo practical, no sensible.' 1 lite are having an normona ale Eait, Wet, horth und 6euth. livery one who keep a Jlorac, Cow, Heg or Chicken, or grow Small Fruits, ought to send right way for the B1QGLB BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL It your paper, made for yen and not a mUfit It 1 it year old ; it I the great boiled-down, hit-the-naH-ou-the-Leod quit-after-you-hnve-eaid-it, Farm and Hoesehold paper ia tne world the btwrert paper oit sixe in the United 8tatc . oi America naviug over a million aad a-oau rcguur readers. An j ONE of tie EIGGLE BOOKS," and the FARJ4 JOURNAL (the remainder or 1S00, w, 1901, ige and loos) will be sent by nail te any address for A DOLL AH BILL. All who order at euce-will alao receive bcantiful iSoq" Itpl-on and Hi Mother" Calendar. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing CIOOLB BOOKS free. atkiksox. . Address, , FAKOS JOl'KNAL CHA-r. jbkkuis. JiHitADaxnu ( ffe J ' StaBaaai, Wilnilrgtoa and Weldon Icallrod kiu LllvialoD Main Lino Trail leare Wil mington S 00 a id. arrives FatotlrriU 18 Is p m. leu Tea FayettevUle UK p a. Ml lives Baotord lilpn. KeturniEgUavM r'anford 1 R p u, rriv rayttevlJl tl p n, Uave raretuvill t M p b, arrrwa VilrlDgton eo p m, WlliniugtoB and Weldon allroad, Ben. cctttvllle JBrancb Train leaves KeBaettf- villa S 16 u. m, Maxtua I Ho an, Krd Si.rinp 9 58 a m, Hope Mill le it a sj, r rivo FayettevilU lo 6. Urtcmiag learaei ruyetUvlllu 4 4o p U, Hop Mills 4 et pat, HeU Spring 6 55 p m, Maxton 15 u. arrive BennetUvill 7 15 p ei. . Com actions at Faretterilla wiA train No. TH ok, Maxton with tb Carolina Cen tral Railroad, at lied Spring aad Bow mt re railroad, at Sanford with tho Sea beard Air Lino and Soutueru Hallway- at Gulf witn tb , Durham and Caarlott Railroxd. Train on the Scotland Nark Br tech roaa leave Weldon a 85 p m, Halifax ! u, arrivta Ueatland Neck ttlulpti. Orta ville S 57 p n. Kiuatvn 7 M p a. Rwmn ins leaves Kinaton 7 60 a m, GrwiavUlo 6J a m, arrivi Halifax at 11 It a in. Weldon 11 S3 a m, daily exaept Stmdar. Trains on Washington ilraacli Uuva Vahlnrtoa S lo a m aud I to p m, arrive Parmela lo a in and 4 00 p D, rtarcis leav l'amel 'i 5 a a, andtM a, v rive Wasbljg-.on 11 SO a a and 7 aa p m, dally except Sunday. . ' n Ti ain le-ve Tarbero C. 5 ,dallj exuept. Sunday 6 Ho p m, Sunday . 4 1 p a, arrive Plymouth 7 4 p a, lo p a. Returnta? leaves PiyraoutV daUy except Sanday, 7 5 a m. aad Sunday e a a, arrives Tar ooro lo no a m and Ham.- . . Tralu on Midland M. C. Branch leave Ooldbtro daUy, sxcept Sunday, 7 titi, aii-iviug- SmitliflUd I lo a a. Retaraiuc; leave SmiUifield 9 00 a a, aiTiviaj at Goldsboro lo s5 a sa. Traiua vn Hashville Braash leave Rocky Mouat at lo 00, S 4 a, arrive Nashville l'Mo a m, 4 ol p n, Srpringhop U i a a, 36 p m. Returning- leave Sprinnkepa S& p m, arrive at Rocky Meant Uttia, w pm.-unuy except unaay. Tiain in Cliuton Branch leavaa Waraaw (or Clinton daily, except fcuaday, ll.ia a id, and 4 16 p a. Returning leaves Clin ton at 1 00 a to, and S 60 p a. Train No. 78 make eleee connect!, at Weldou for all points North daily, all rail viu Richmond. n. M. Kmwioii, Uea'l rasa. Aet J. R. Kcxlt, Gen'l Manager. T. M. Em imsom, Trafae Manager. Uk Sure sad taat your name is oa Tub Gbahiio aubscriptUn list. You can't afford to do without iko couQty j,j,per tbiw vfctr. ' .-. ' - f,aaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaa '"""'"W.1 When You Take GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC because do formula is plainly printed on caoh boiil. snow fag what It contains. The reason the imitators do not advertise their formula is because they know, the people would tot buy their medicine if-they knew its ingredients. , Every druggist in the United States is authorized to seQ GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC on a positive guarantee of NO CUB NO PAY. Price, 50c. . Your druggist has sold GROVE'S ior years. Jus? ask HIty about it, it 0 1 fc ar GROVE'S is a prescription that does cure ALARIA, CHILLS AMD Fi r i,t ). "1

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