1 .,' ,t ;' i .' . .Payii)! i .fcj 31UJJJ Borrowing - your neighbor's paper and sub scribe for yourself. Don't be afdead bcet.'T --' . - anager M. UfV LINCKE, Editor and Prop'r. SUBSCRIPTION. $1.00 Per Year. PAUL'W. UNCKE, IC. t UrKAJrJd o. 14. 1 Vol 6. NASH COUNTY DIRECTORY 7 1 J w wui ooninint. MaW, T. - ' Z. Vi Jenkins i . " Commissioners.' " S. G. Grlffla,& S. Gay, C. C. Ward " - ,'J.E. AbernatbV. .. ... i Cbietbf Police, ! Ashley Collins. "S i CUCB.CUIS. .' ;-; "' " ' McruaDiu.-rrKe. H. A. Humble pMtorr wrvtcM. 1ft. 8rd and 4th Sunday wgnw,ana ra ouaaay at 11 o'clock, mi Prayer tnoetlng sv- err Wednesday evening. ' - tl Avrta-r. Rev. W C. Nowell. dor tor; service 2nd Sunday; (morning ana nlgutj; Bunaay scnooi at a p. m; prayer meeting Thursday evening, PttMmvi BaptibT. Elder Jt. -B. '. Williford, pastor; service on ,4th Sunday and Saturday before, at II o clock a. m. , COVXTT OOVIftftMCNT. - Khprlfl. , - ; Willis M. Warren Clerk Sunerior Court, TV A. Sills. EeglsterDeedsv J. A Whitaker Trnailurer. - E. J. Braswell Survevor. .. - - John C. Beal. Coroner, " Dr. John T. Strickland County Examiner,' W. S.'Wilkerson - V .) t " COMMIISIOIIBRI. . W. E.- Jeffrey n. chairman; S. B. : firimn Wl H. Murrav. Begular meeting of Board every 1st u J 1 U . -k . JUVBIUf VI OKU UiUUIiu. i LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. . Mrs. Elizabeth Carter has been sick during tne past wee. " Proprietor S. K. Fountain Of the itocky Mount uiepuone cxcnange was la the city l uewaay. . - , Our . wanle-aouled . and ' srenlal muntvm&n- Kx 8hrifF A. H. Kicks upent a couple says In the city this weeav.v ,-tv ' Our IorbI dramatin elub will hold another rekeraul tomorrow(Friday) . eventox,ajae resjaejussjoi., i Xincke. . The preparation of gardens has begun, ana soon tne war on our neighbor's chickens will be on in earnest. .;, Mloa FlnrenM Andrews who has been visiting friends and relatives In the city, returned to nor nome in Ixmlsburg Saturday. - . . . Mr JnrInn Ttrnwer who h&B been "quite sick for some time is much improved and is spending some time w.ivi juaitor iincve. . -. The young people of the town thoroughly enjoyed a' confectionery barty at the residence of Willis M'ard last Tuesday evening. "'On account of the illness of his wife Rev. H. A. Humble did not fill his regular appointment at Belford last Sunday .Mrs. Humble is still quite sick. . There were many prominent peo ple here Monday from all- parts of county In attendance upon the meet f no nt Roiird of Cauntv Commission ers ana tne county convention. v The county commissioners did the rtght thing to order, compulsory vaccination In Mannings township nd that portion W this township In which small-odx is epidemic. We are reauested to state that the bridge at Baker's old mill has been condemned as being unsafe and the public are hereby cautioned about crossing the same with- wagons, . gtoz j, v hfiiAvj;:;';'' v: Little Misses Louise and I sa Sills, daughters of Clerk T, A. Sills, and l: iss Jennie Blow contributed three very' Interesting.' letters to the Christian Advocate' last week, Hhese are three Of Nashville's brightesMittlehuds.; , ' ; K 1 JTow that spring has fully opened it would be well for our , SupVrln teadentof Health to look after the n ultary condition of 'the town. 1 tere are hundreds of loads of filth r ound the town which should be r. aoved, and that at once. , Jlext Monday nd Tuesday ' will ts the date of Mrs. C. J. Odom's find millinery, cpening 'and dls j y of the latest styles of head wear. 1 s c''.rtment of her store will t we Jer tbe supervision of an ex. r eci tilliner from he north. Co ar . )ent exercises ' "will be t J ! t ( f. Hook Academy . Frl- ' -, Ji. The literary ad- t i c "lV reJ .by. N. B. 1 .i. f rileis;h. In 4h t . a.t v rr9 will be a reunion of t '1 studio i and an address by 1 . .' mill, ,Is'j., ,of . Louisburg. 1 tic ji will be given by . U -JLcnt ." . A crowd of colored girls were up before, Snulre J. C. Harper yester day aud fined $2.50 and coats euch for using obscene lauguage to a par ty of younir white men and ladies last Sunday near the residence of Eusaa u&ckley, on the road leading to Aim urove. If tne young men in tbe erowd had Ulcen a brush and flogged tbe black" huzzies" they'd nave aone tno proper tnmg. Mr. Jno. D. Jones, an aged and highly respocted cltlzenrof the Red Oak section 'died Sunday, about eleven o'clock, from an attack of la grippe and a slight stroke of pa ralysis. He was 84 years -of age and leaves two daughters surviv ing him, Mrs. John Ellen and . Mrs. J. A: Ileal. The funeral services were conducted By Rev 6. M, Duke at the old homestead Monday afternoon. Mttw Itorrlkle Aaror. This seems to be an age when crime is rampant, and every day tne papers oi tne btate cnrontcie horrible events oi tne most appau mflr nature. Within the borders of our own county there has , been committed another horrible deed ana tne cul prits are still at large and unknown. Jast Friday Mr. Bert Ferrell, who lived in Jackson township was found dead iu an open Held about three miles from bis nome. in res titution showed that he had been foully dealt with. Further inyestl- iration revealed the fact that Mr. Ferrell bad - been killed for two days. A messenger was sent to this place Friday in quest oi tbe coroner, who being out of town, did not reach the scene of the killing until Saturday morning. A coro ners furv comnosed of M. M. Mat thews, S. R. Pearce, M. W. Liacke, R S. Williams, W. T. Pullen and U M. Griffin examined into the case. Mr. Ferrell ' body was examined and It was found that thirty shot had taken effect in the right arm and side. The rizht arm was brok en at the elbow and seven large wounds inflicted ty buck-shot; or slugs on his ngbt iide and in -tne right breast. - After being shot Fer rell walked some forty or fifty yards before he fell. . Several witnesses were introduced which developed the fact that Fer rail hud mnnv enemies inthatneiirb borhood. but no substantial clue could be established as to tne party who committed tbe awful deed. SaptrlM- Court Juror. Tbe following are the names of the jurors drawn by the County Com missioners for the spring term of Nash Superior . Court wnicn con venes on Monday, April 30th, His Honor J udge tfowman presiding: Fibst WmcK. J. R. Lindsay, I F. Finch C. H. Batman, Newsom Joyney, G. W. Smlthson. J. IS. n. Boddie, Nick Collins. W. R. Davis, A W. Cooper, J. T. Richardson, H. R. Griffin, J. H. Vaughn, Alford Ed wards, J, W Vaughn, S. A Batche lor, Edwin Haywood, G. . W, Joy per and J. W. Walker. h! ' Skookd Week. J. W. Williams . N. Cullora, Sol. Edwards. Griffin Lewis. W. H. May, R. L. Huffines, T. J. Braswell, E. J. Fischer,. W. M. York, Gilliam Lewis, U A. Llovd. O. A DavJs. A. R. Bunn, J. D, Bunn, Tom Benson, Josiah Vick, S. T. Price and G. V. lTaaier. Uat Takers Appointed. At their meeting last Monday the Board of County Commissioners made the following appointments as list takers for the various town- Township. List Taker. ' Nashville,', J.C.Harper. Castalia, G. D. Taylor, v Griffins, Miles Bobbitt Coopers, - J. W. Bone.- ; , Mannings, M. A. Griffin. Ferrolls, A.T.Strickland. Baileys, , v . I. N. Glover. " Jackson, 1 ' , J. W. Vlck. N. Whitekers, v R. W. Arrington. S. Whitakers, . W. P. Davis. Rocky Mount, : C. H. Harris. Stony Creek. J. W. Barrett. 'S A R De Fluent, editor of the Journal, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for number of years from rheuma tism in his right shoulder and side. He says) "My right arm at times was entirely useless, l tried uanm berlaln's Pain Balm, and was sur prised to receive re lief almost Im mediately The Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine e vet since and it tever fails." i For sale by M. C. Yarboro & Co., There is a crving need for moreof the kind of charity that dosen'thave to go a thousand miles from borne to begin work. ' ' v NASHVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 5th, Dlgta f lactatf. Pursuant to the call Issued by County Chairman Jenkins there was an enthusiastic gathering of white men from all parts of the coun ty bere last Mouday to elect dele gates to tbe various conventions to be held In tbe State this year. In accepting the position as chair mart of the convention Hon. B. H. Bunb tnade a short, vet able talk and drtiCted tha existing state of atiairs id tpe otate, and urging that the White men with whom he had associated and known for the past lorty ears, to stand nrm lor any measure which would redound to tbe welfare of the white men and the cominir veneration. After .Capt Bunn bad taken his seat the conven tion proceeded to business, and af ter a few short discussions the fol-. lowing delegates were appointed to the State convention which will be held in Raleigh on tbe 11th Inst. Castalia. Township. S. J. Bur tbolomew, del., T. A. Matthews, alt, i Nashville. & A. P. Cooley, del., z. v. Jenkins ait. Mannings. -J. W. Floyd, del., Dr. Wm. Edwards, alt. Rocky Mount. Jacob Battle, del., w. JU Thorpe, alt. Jackson. J. M. Baines, del., S, R Pearce, alt. Griffins. T. V. Avont, del., Dr H. H, Whitaker, alt. Coopers. D. McDiarmld, del., J. JN. Uone, alt. N. Whitakers. A. H. Ricks, del., J. la. ureetalt. Baileys. V. A. J. Glover, del., m. t. wis, ait. S. Whitakers. H. B. Marriott, del., W. P. Davis, alt. Stony Creek. B. H. Bunn, del., R U. Ricks, alt. Resolutions in favor of the sena torial primaries were adopted, and resolutions endorsing Hon. Unas, u Ayoock for Governor, aud S. L. Pat terson for Commissioner of Agricul turo were also adooted. McNeil and Rodgers were endorsed for the office of Railroad Commissioners, , The following resolutions of re. spect for the ' late Judge ., Dpsse Battle were introduced and unani mously adopted: Whereas while we bow in resig nation to thedecree of Divine Provi dence in removing from our midst that distinguished Democrat and Christian gentlemen the Honorable Dossey Battle, yet we wish to ex press our true sense of pain and the deplorable loss sustained by our county and the State in 'his death. v Resolved: ' That the people of Nash the native county of Judge Battle, have noted with unbounded pride the great impression made by him as a Judge upon the people of the State, the well deserved praise that has come to him unsought from all classes, and for the admirable manner in . which he has protected the right of the State as well as the unfortunate defendants. That we extend our heartfelt sympathies to . his bereared family and to the large circle of friends who nave known and loved him, and that a copy of these resolutions be printed in tho county papers and sent to his family. - R A. P. Cooley, ) ' : .:,'' W. L. Thorpe, . Com. S. F. -Austin. ). Hon.. W. B. Sh$w made a rousing speech after- the close of the con vention, and was listened to with marked attention.'' - . Tkat Tbrobklag HMdacM. Would ouicklv leave vou. If vou used Dr. King New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick '-and Nervous Headaches. " They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents, Money back if not cured. - Sold by M. C. Yarboro & Co., Druggists. ' ; THE YIELD IS GREATER ; - Plant the Improved iXiog Cotton Seed. The yield of lint is fifteen pounds more than any other. Have planted them two. years' and would plant any other. For sale 'by Mrs. S Nwhv .f uw uj -. m, uwuv . itui . iiuva v Mou mt, N. C. .May sav Yoar Ufa. -a- . In - almost every . neighborhood there Is some one who life has bee a saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make a point of telling of it whenever opportunity offers, hoping that it may be the means of saving other lives. For sal 9 by Druggists and Dealers. Tka H Hats Nalgkkorfcoad. Mrs. Betsie Edwards is very sick with la grippe. '. r Eddie Edwards and sister. Miss Sudassa, spent Saturday in Spring hope. Mr. Hency Creekmoore and wife, of Gatesville, were in this vicinity' lust Sunday. 1 , Mr. W. C. BasS.'-of NushvHlo, was in our neighborhood last Sun day on professional?) business. W. M. Boon, of Cedar Rock, ac compained by his wife and mother spent Sunday in this community. With tbe exception of a few near ly overy family in the neighborhood have been sick during the past week with the grippe. Notes From Huns. Mrs. Joe Baker, who has been quite sick is much improved. There seems to be a scarcity of tobacco plants in this section. The Infant child of Mr Bothcl Joyner is quite sick with pneu monia. Elders Cross, Williford and Lundy preached able sermons Sun day at Sappony church. -t(i The white men throughout this section are heartily in favor of for ever establishing white supremacy for our State by eliminating the ignorant and vicious negro from politics. That's the right spirit, white men. protect tb6 coming gen eration from the galling yoke of ne gro domination by standing solid for tbe adoption of the constitution al amendment. Naws Prom Rod Oak. Mr. Jack Jones, another of our most aged citizens, died last Sun day about 12 o'clock. Rev Mr. Duke conducted the funeral services Monday afternoon. Among the visitors in this com munity last Sunday were Editor Liuckeof tbeGraohic.andMr. Buck Overton, of Rocky Mount. They were the guest of Mr. J. T. Jones' family. Can you guess why? La grippe has boen an unwelcome visitor in our neighborhood during the past few weeks. That or some thing worse has had a pretty good hold on Mr. Calvin Jones. oneof our most aged citizens. He seems to be improving. We were especially glad to see Prof. Saaderlain, principal of Dortches Academy, here last Sun day. We congratulate the people of Dortches upon bavlng sucn a scnoi- arly and consecrated christian gen tleman to train the young minds oi their community. Sunday was very pleasantly spent bv our people. Rev. Mr. Duke's sermon was as all of his sermons are, a real treat. And he had an appreciative audience, in which were quite a number oi welcome visitors from Nashville, Dorches and Rocky Mount. v' COMPULSORY VACINATION. It is ordered by the Board of County Commissioners of Nash County that ' compulsory vacci nation be " enforced in all of Mannings township and a por tion of Nashville township. The boundary line to run as "fol lows: Commencing near Larry Htnton's -where .the Mannings township line crosses the road; thence down the road east to the fork of the road at John Wilkin's; thence north to "still water" "on Stony creek to Mannnings town ship line. . ;. . . " :' Parties refusing to be vaccina ted in Mannings township and in the above' described portion of Nash vilte' township will be guilty of a misdemeanor- and fined not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, at the discre tion of the Court. , , W. E. Jeffreys, Chairman. J. A. Whitaker, Clerk. ; i This April 2nd 1900. Tbe best recognized friends of the negro advise him to stay out of politics and the Democratic party has undertaken to do an enormous amount of missionary work in this direction, says the Durham Herald. - . ' 1900. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, D. C, April. 2, 1900. Secretary Root says the writ ten instructions ' to the new Philippine Commission, the mem bers of which will sail from- San Francisco for Manila on the 15th Inst, will not be made public at iresent Doubtless, tbo.really m porta tit ; instructions to ' the Commission were given verbally and will not be made public at all until they have been carried out. At least, that is the opinion of those who usually know what is going on. The House doesn't believe that this government should reim burse the British Cable Company for expenses incurred in repair ing the cable to Manila, which was cut by Dewey, and refused to pased a bill appropriating money for that purpose. As a matter of fact, instead of being injured by Dewey's act, the British Cable Company has made many thousands of dollars, .paid by this government as cable tolls on account of the American occu pation of Manila. This is the way the Kentucky mix-up strikes a well-known Kentuckian Mr. C. B Earley, of Louisville now in Washington: "The trouble in Kentucky will be a nuisance for a long time to come. It will show in all the political movements leading up to the Fall elections. There will not be a district or county con vention which will be free of it There will be street fights and convention rows, which the newspapers will report as riots. There will be shooting scrapes which will be called insurrec tions. In fact, it will bad and d)sgraceful until the .people, of the State get sick and tired of it all. To tell the truth, they are tired of it now. But there is no way of ending the trouble. Like an epidemic, it must run its course." Senators are disposed to poke fun at the charge of Speaker Henderson that there are cow ards in the Senate. For instance, Senator Depew said of it: "The Speaker has not hurt my feelings by declaring that there are cow ards in the . Senate.. No. he hasn't hurt my feelings a bit, even though I do not concede that there are cowards in the Senate, but he does sort of wrench my sensibilities when he intimates that the cowardice he -speaks of in the Senate, is due to the trusts. As for myself, Mr. Speaker Henderson is hereby in formed that I am not a bit afraid of the trusts. No, sir-ree! Tbe trusts can't frighten me. I know too much about them. I am a director in , seventy-twojcom panies that are on terms of inti macy with the octopus. Yes, sir-ree, I am!" - Secretary Gage has made a ver bal recommendation to the Presi dent that a special message be sent to , Congress, , suggesting legislation for a material reduc tion in the internal revenue war taxes. Figures given by Secre tary Gage show that the surplus of revenue over expenditures for the current fiscal year already exceeds $53,000,000 and is likely to be largely added to during the last quarter. ' Mr. Gage thinks the war taxes could be safely cut in balf, and the President has the matter under consideration. . Ta Cur a CaM la om ey. Take Caxativi Bboxo "Quinixi Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove'8 signature is- on each box. Another Big Average J. W. Colston, Oakland, N. C, planted four acres tobacco last year; used Acme and sold the ; 4 acres for (440. Can his neigh bors,' who used other brands, match it? , . 'V : JVTION North CarouHjna, J ; : Nash couuty. . ) la the R e Sup jor couri Jobn H. cooper, Summojf . . ., .. r Winnie cooper. . ; lit Tbe defendant above narad take notice tint an action, e, , , as above, las bn uomment ', the Superior Co'irt of Nash Ct by tho plaintiff above name, tinier, tain a divowe from ' th bcn -matrimony," . from, &!d. dcf5 and the sulci drfendait will.' fd take notice tlint she is required W .' appear at tna uczt term of thy Suporior Court of Nnab Couaty, to, be neld at tbo Court bouse in Nash ville N. C. on the eighth Monday after the first roonday in March; it being tbo the 30tb day of april 1300, and answer or demur to tbe com plaint of the plaintiff, or tbe relief therein domaudod will begranted. This 28th , day March 1900. . , ' T. A. Suit. " V Clerk Superior Court. B. F. Tatloe, - ' Plaintiffs attorney; ' NOTICE! ! i ToLouIm Hargrove: You will tivke Sottas that the nnder tgnol on theBrd rl Ay oi July isa6 pntchaaai tha foUowinf (lcaoribed UuUr lUted In row mum for taxation, ti wit one lot in wbatU Jinowu a Uttla BaleUtb, itmH County ajdioliiinir la ad of Jacob VoMoa. Lawrence Bherrod aud the county road, containing X oi ao acre. farttodHlMr.teot taxes doe thereon for tbe year IM and 1$W. Tbe time for tbo redemption of said, land will expire oa the $rtt day of July lttoo. . . . T. T. Teonxx. March 6th Itoo. . ! LAND SALE. By virtue of aoeatahiinortffairefcxfcntea' to ns ou tbe Wth Ay of June, 18W, by J. J. Lanier and wifu w win on Monday, tbe Wtb day or April, 19(0 at tbe Conrt bouae door in the town of Na bvill at thelre o'clock sell t.i tbe h.'frlicst bidder (or cash a one fifth imdivUod interest in and to a tract of lnnd in ssh Count? ou tne wa ter of White Oak eniek known as tbe Kuf fiu H. Lanier Piaee and opntainlnf 9Mfri acres, and fully dcscribMi In Book ii pa m at VheotBoeof tbe Itegjster of Heeds at nainconnty. r- - The if AX.Mtus tt MiaritX T's B a K, Of Louiabniw , . C. ByT.W. BfckuM, Atty. March 21. lOW. - SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina ( In tbe Sup County of Nasb. J erlor court V. B. Batchelor, S. L. Ar-1 rington, assignee of J. B. Boddie, J. B. Boddiu, ST A. Batchelor, mortjraureo , of Willis Ward, WUlts Ward, and B H. Bunn, assipnoo in bankruptcy oi VViilis Ward, plaintiffs vs. : J. Walter Brnswcll. jr. M. Order. Taylyr and wife, Stella J Taylor, uorneiius Uras- wcll, Waher L. Sykes ft Ida M. bvkes, hi wue. Ella Braswell, J. Thad- deus Braswell, Oliver Bratiwell, and lienors I ; Braswell, Defendants. . Upon the affidavit Hied herein It is ordered that the -defendants J. Thaddeus ; Bras welt and ' Oliver .' Brasiw;U who are non-residents of this Slate, and w. ho cannot be found after due diligence within the same, shall appear before tba Judge Fresi- . ding at next term of Nash Superior Court, to be held a tho Court-house in Nashville on eight (8th) : Monday afte tho first (1st) Monday in March, 1900, and answer ot demur to the complaint which will be duly filed. This action fs brought under Acts. 1393, chapter , the purpose of tho same being to quiet the ' title to a certain tract of laud which was con veyed by Havwood'and C; B. Bras well to Albert R Shattuck, trustee, by deed dated December lOtn. 1889. and reoordwd in 'Book, 97 at page) ' 430, Nash' Registry, .This order will be publiabed once a week . Jar six successlvo weeks In The Granh- tc, a newspaper published In Nash ville, C, and clrcnktiog in Nash county, '' ' '. . - ;i - T. A SILLS, , Clerk Superior Court, Nash county:. March 21st, 1900. , ?' - v - He has Used It ; u Nashville, N. C. Feo, 1st, 1900. F. B-RiCKt, ' ;i-yy;l : ; ' -.Nashville, N.'C.'V ' Dear Slr$ I used about Its sacks Acmb GuAko Iczt ycrr and mode &fine tobacco crc -1 have used it by th s'.'a cf tl very highest brands ca t!-.i n -ket and find it a great : - 1 : V A than'any I ever ticci. "- : . " Isaac 7c

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