Stop! Bortowln. your neighbor's paper and sub scribe for yourself. e Pay Up! if.youiknow your subscription Is due. Don't be a "dead beat." KAPBXG. EE M. W. LINCKE. Editor and Prop'r N "" SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 Per Year. Vol. 6. ; NASHVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, November. 15th, 190o7 fro. 43 i -(,. ' ! : J' , i 1 i LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Rev. W. 0. Nowell spent Sunday . la Itoc-jr Mount. t , " J. T. Jones, Esq., of Red Oak was on our streets yesterday. M. W, Llncke paid Rocky Mount a business visit Monday. Rfiaitff Vlnmrnlnff t9 Can 1 11 n 'was in our midst a few hours mis morning. Look out for some Interesting offers to be made by Brooks, Son & Uo. during Uourt week. , Mrs. Mary Sills, sister of Clerk T. A. Sills, is spending some time wltn roiuuvesa uocky Mount. Mr. Garland Ricks, who has been attending school lit Bedford City, Va., returned homo last Friday. Cotton has climbed over the nine- cent mam, and in an proouoimy will reach. JO ceo Is before (Jhmtmas. Mr. Z. F. Evans, who Is clerking In Kaleigb, spent a few days here Miss Maude Nowell left Monday for Rocky Mourn to visit Mrs. Chus H. Nowell who has been quite sick, Mr. J. Glenn Smith, special rep resentative of Collier's Weekly, was In the city this week soliciting or tiers. Court convences here on the 19th, insk . Now when you come don't forget to bring a dollor for Thk Graphic man. Miss Mary Boddie, who has been attending the Normal College at Greensboro, returned home Monday , on account ol ill ncaltn. Miss Maude Rouso returned Mon day fromashort yisittoHilliurdston . where she attended quarterly con ference of the M. E. Chuch. Miss Alice Humble who has been spendiug some time with her t a1 r wr t tr i Monday for her homo "in Burlington. Register of Deeds Whituker yes terday issued license for the mar riage of Mr. J. King to Miss Lillie Messer, both of Rocky Amount town ship. .,' Mrs. II. A. Humble and children left ' Mouday for Swan Quarter to . visit her parents. Rev. Mr. Humble accompanied her as far as Washing ton.:;,. - , - , Lumber is being placed upon the ground for the erection of three stores on the property of Mrs. A. N. Rouse, next to Arrington & Bis sette. . (Mr; T, B. Ricks paid Enfield a visit Monday. He was accompanied by his sister,; Miss Fuunie Ricks, who will bo the guest of her brother for several days. , -,. .. ; Mr. J. H. Woodall has . returned from avisit to his home .at Smith field, and is now superintending the erection of W. ,G. Roberson's res idence on Railroad street. During the excitement of the Son atorial question we think some one must have kidnapped . our various correspondents. We., will appre ciate any information leading to their recovery. ."' " ... ' - . . ' ' ' Blount Bros., of Rocky .Mount. Issues a note of warning to prospect ive buyers. Read their ad in an other column, and if yon are going trtjl?vlrt7 Mmint. full tin rl vnmm their mammoth stock. ; ' " V;,' . ' Mr. R. T.Williams and Miss Beau lab Annie Wagstall, both of Gran ville county, were married in Nash ville on Thursday morning. Squire JV C. Harper performed the. cere mony in his usually impressive man ner. , - ,v We are : glad to know our city fathers are taking some steps toward improving the city cemetery. : Chief ot Police Collins is planting a row of cedars around the plot and will con tinue the work by laying' of lots and arranging the walks. - The lacfies of the' Baptist church will give an oyster supper at the vacant store next to Arrington & Bissette to-morrow (Friday) even ing. Our people should turn out and not only enjoy the delicious bi valves to be served by blushing maidens but help a worthy cause, i - Dr. J. Henry Odom left for Rich mond Tuesday for an X-ray exami nation of his arm and shoulder. It will be remembered the Doctor ex pe rienced a dangerous fall from a wagon a few days ago and has suf fered much from his injuries. We hope he may return much improved Mrs. W. C. Woodard. of Rooky Mouut, was in town Tuesday. She attended the funeral services of Mr Jimmie Woodard, of whose death wo make mention elso.wbere. Another transfer of property was made in toe city touay. w. u. iwd ersnn has nurchasod from Mrs. A N. Ruisn thn niocp of run) estate Iv ... ... , - ing lust in tnerenr oi nis lot oniiau road street. ; . . Tim Graphic is in receipt of an Invitation to attend the marriage of Mr. Charles Edwin Harding to Miss Sallie rauline Whitehurst, on Wednesday, evoning, November 21, at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Aurora. We extend our congratu tions in advance to the happy young couple, aud wish them a pleasant journey through wo. The attention of our readers is directed to the' advertisement of Messrs. Brooks Son & Co.. which anwars on this page. An inspec tiou of their mammoth stock reveals the fact this well-known firm have taken time by the forelock and have id' every way prepared themselves for the fall and wioter seasn, and can suit you in any line of goods, Don't forget Brooks, Sou & Co. We have just received another largo shipment' of stationery, con sisting of note heads, letter heads, bill beads, statements, envelopes etc We have also added many new faces )f job type and are prepared to cxe cute work with neatness and des patch. . Call and examine our stock and set prices, which we guarantee to compare favorably with those of other ollices. Work first class. If you want "botch" work, go else where. Mr. Jimmie Woodward, an asred and respected citizen of the Brew er's Villa neighborhood, died Suu- day afternoon. Mr. Woodward bad been in bad health for several weeks, bunday morning he was taken suddenly ill, and fell while wnlkinir across his vard. Ho was taken to bis room, where he never regained conaciousnes beiore pass lur into the eternal beyond. He leaves an aged sister and a lew dis- taut relatives 'I h:ivc iivirul'sCi)li(!. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," says Mr. a; rumps, ot Jt'otcou, Ai'K. 'It cured me of blood v tlux. 1 can nut smk too hii'hlv of 'it. This remedy always wins the good opin ion, if not praise, of .those who use it. The quick cure wtnen it enects even in the most severe cases makes it a favorite every where. ; For sule by M. U. larooro & uo. Negro Killed at Sprlnghppe. Last Saturday at Springhope a coioi eu man iiauicu Asuif.y uuu- 1 .1 1 A U 1 rr. A ard attempted to board a moving train. Woodard missed his hold and fell under the cars, the" wheels passing over his legs and hand, ter ribly mangling him. Medical aid was soon given him, and while the doctors were amputating his legs Woodard died. It was first re ported that Woodard was a rail? road employe, but we learu that be was in no way counectad with the road, and was only attempting to get a ride. " s ' .A A CUTTING AFFAIR. .On last Saturday morning Mr. H. Price, a lerk at Arrington & Bis- sette's, while busy waiting on some customers, was approached by his cousin, Mr. L, Price, and after a heated debate about the great t e duction in the price of groods at Ar rington & Bissette's Mr. Low Price knocked out his cousin, Mr. High Price, and Low Prices have reigned since at that store. That Throbbing Headache . Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and nervous Headaches. v They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back - if not cuied. Sold by H.0. Yarboro & Co., Druggists. . ' ' Hix- '"Do you consider it right to cheat a lawye?" Dix-"Well, it may not be wrong, but it is im possible. Chicago Daily News." DESIRABLE STORES FOR RENT. The large and commodious brick store, known as the '.Boddie. Ward & Co. building; best location in the city; can be rented at reasdnajle rates for the coming year. Also the brick store under Central Ho tel, next door to J. D. Winstead & Co. Apply .to V. B. Batchkloh. SPIKE ON THE TRACK. Passenger Train Wrecked on Atlantic Coast Line- The North bound passenger train ou the Atlantic Const Liu e was wrecked Saturday afternoon a few miles south of Fayettevillc, beyond Hope Hill, caused by a spiko tied on th' rail with a handkerchief. .The engine jumped the track and ran iuto a sand bunk, turned en tirely around aud baggage and mail cars piled on top. Capt. M(Aowan received painful injuries, alJo the colored fireman. Postal Agent Craft and a lady passenger wcro. hurt, but none fatally except MoGowan, who will probably die. Passengers were taken to Fayettevillc by a train from this side. Tho track was blocked and travel delayed several hours. Dilligcnt search with b'ood hounds was at once instituted for the perpetrators of the deed, but no urrests have as yet been made. Finch Items. The election passed off quietly here. Carr carried this township by sixty-three majority. Mr. W. R. Rouerson has receutly had his residence plastered and made other improvements, all of which add to Hscomfort and beauty. Mr. N. L. Strickland will soou move his saw mill to Mr . ti. Brantley's gin,' after which it will bo known as Brantley & Strick land's mill. The m-inbers of Flood s Chapel Church nvo to be congratulated on their W'L'o new bell for the church, and ou the other improvements being made for the comfort aud con venience of the congregation. Wo urn uirrv to note that Mr. W. H, Brantley is confined to his room with typhoid. lever, ins conuitiou w irrwwi however, ana nis many friends hope to see him out again soon. Lust Wpdnnsdav evenins at the residence of tho bride's father, G. B. Winstead. Mr. Alpheus i incu anci Miss Mandy Winstead were united in marriairo. J. F. lirait:ey, -sq., officiating. We extend our hearti est congratulations aud best wishes for long and.coutinueo happiness. Stanhope High school now num bers about one hundred, pupils, and the number is constantly mcreas- 111 tr A music department uas oeeu added under the efficient manage ment of Mrs. C. O. li. Finch. . Mkimcks. PARALYZED BY KINDNESS, fin Mnndnv afternoon an old en- tlemau, wishing to make a few pur chases, walked into Brooks. Son & Co. 's store, and after receiving the usual attention accorded to cus tomers bv clerks in that establish ment, he remarked: "Gentlemen, I am paralyzed by kindness." "Theodore." asked the Sunday- school superintendent of an eight-year-old Bible Student, "what was the name of Moses' ! mother ?" Jochebcd." answerad Theodore. "Very irood."' Now, will vou tell me the name of Moses' father ?" Theo dore wrinkled his brows a moment. "I don't kuow," he began, doubt fully; then he went on brightly: "Bible don t sav. I guess sue must o.' been a widow." Judge. . MARK HANNA is coming to Nashville. His - object in visiting our town is to purchase Chewing Tobacco . .at , Winstead 's store. His larynx js dry from malt ing campaign . speeches, and he nows Jim Winstead sens tooacco that causes easy expectoration. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cure biliousmess, constipa tion and headache.- Thev are easy to take and nleasaut in effect. . For sale by M. C. Yarboro & Co. ; ! ! LORD BALTIMORE : one of the ancient settlers of this count.iy,' an heir to a seat in the House "of Lords, but preferring free America as a place to spend the re mainder of his days, delegated to 3. Sears, at Nashville, N. tho right' tb dispenso : Baltimore Rye Whiskey. - No headache next day. The "Village Blacksmith's" stpry is repeated every aay at u. .. Barne s. . First-class work. . . When you feel that life is hardly worth the . candle take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.. They, will cleanse " your stomach, 4 tone i up your liver, and regulate your bowels, making you feel like a new man. For sale by M. C. Yarboro Co. - . - v Prltee Hati and Trlmmlngi Anywhere, and then Call en Mr, C.J. Odom. tfrs. C. J. Odom announces to her many friends and customers that she has a nice line of Ladles' Hats this season, something to suit any one -in style. Quality and price, Now ladies, come to see me before you buy. Get prices anywhere you wUh and I will guarantee to save you money on same quality of goods. 1 have many other goods und trim mlngs especially for ladies. Miss Florence Collins will assist me in mv -store this fall. She aud myself will look especially nfler the lady trade. Kespectfuliy, Mrs. C. J. Odom, Nashville, N. C. P. S. All kinds of country pro duce will be taken In exchange for goods. Highest market prices al lowed. 40tf Any man may have greatness thrust upon him, but few can stay great when it happens. A Village Blacksmith Saved Hie Little Son's Life. Mr. H. H. Black, the well-known village, blacksmith at Grahamsville, Sullivan Co., N. Y., says. "Ou-lit-tle son, five ycurs old, has always been subject to croup, and so bad have the attacks been that we have feared manv times that be would die. We have had the doctor aud used many medicines, but Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy is now our sole reli ance, it seems toaissoivetnetougn mucousand byivin frequentdoses when tho croupy spray toms appear we have found that the dreaded croup iscured before it gets settled." There is no danger in giving this .remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be give as confidently to a babe as to an adult. For sale by M. C. Yar boro & Co. .Now that the Dewey Arch is be ing used to advertise patent med vi'w-s, it is higjj time it was coming down. Spreads Like Wildfire. When things are "the best", they become "the best selling. ' Abra ham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville, O.. writes: "Electric Bit ters are the best selling bitters I have bandied in 20 years." You know why? v Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stomach, reg ulates liver, kidDeys and bowels, purifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies. It builds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly run-down man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold by M. C. Yarboro & Co druggists. A good many of the yonng people who are contemplating matrimony would do well to keep right on con templating it for at least three or four years longer. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. . Your mothers and grandmothers never .'...thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nervous Prostration or .Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the sys tem and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liyer, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by Druggists and Dealers.. ' : The girl who wins the love of a good man makes a lucky hit aud is herself a lucky miss. . To Cure a Cold In One Day, . Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. : All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Tbli signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine -aweu the remedy that vturva coM la e day IMPORTANT NOTICE. I find that I am overstocked in CLOTHING, arid will thereford sell my stock at reduced prices. Come and see the Bargains. I also have a good 6tock of Shoes," Hats. Dry Goods, Notions) Hardware, Harness, Stoves, Fnrniture arid Heavy Grocerieftt which 1 will sell at "live and let live" prices. I also have I'.uggies and Wagons, which I will sell on as terms. Come auJ try mo. Yours truly F. B. RlCKS. Prepare for cold weather by calling on Brooks, Son & Co., and purchasing an Ladies' Cloaks! MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING I Our Stock of Winter Clothing consists of well made goods and first-class material. Call and see them and get prices before buying elsewhere Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! BROOKS, tip -iini iim p,1! Very important to Farmers to 1 . Know Get Highest Prices. THEREFORE Carry your Tobacco to Buckner Davis, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Where you will always get full value for every pile of your Tobacco. He" Sells Tobacco, not men.. Every farmer knows his judgement and experi ence as a warehouseman is not excelled by any warehouseman in North Carolina. So you may rest assured when he sells your Tobacco it has brought the top notch price. He is verv thankful foi the liberal nati'ori- age given him by the farmers of Nash and adjoining counties; and hopes a ... a. i- ..... W E. CAWTHORNE are with The DAVIS WAREHOUSE and will look especially aiiBi- mo uiieitjst Come to sec us and we will Send You Homd Satisfied. Very respectfully. BUCKNER DATS. STANHOPE HIGH SCHOOL, Finch, Nash County, N. C. Primary Department. . . . . . ... Music (Piano, Organ and Guitar). ... Business Department. i Prepares students for any Life. Commodious Building, Bea.uliful;Structure, Modern Apparatus: Courses offered in MathematTcs, History, s Higher Englishj Latin, Greek, including Hellenitt - Greek of New Testament add Modern Greek, 'French, German, Science. Normal Course, Music Book-keeping, Type-writing'hdShort-hand, ; Board In Private FTamllies $7.66 per MdntHt Well Selected Library lU course of collection. C. Tuition charges very low. . ' For further information address the Principal, Di P. PARKER, . I " ' , , . ' FlNCHj N. C E OVERCOAT! We have them in stoclc at from (3.50 to $12.50-. A Complete Assortment, in Latest Styles, at Prices unheard of before. SON & CO. Tobacco .Selling fcl I wnere to sell anu and WILLIS WARD , ui ineir menus. Owner and Prop'i. D. B. PARKER, A. B.. ; Principal. . t ; ., ..; . :-.Miss Willie Parker Dund ..v.. ...... . . Mrs. C. O. B. FincH . ;Miss Willie Parker Dund College in the State or for ActiveX

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