SIMMONS WINS FOR SENATOR. Sweeps the State By Forty Thousand Major ity on Basis of Present Returns. SEVEN DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMEN Indications Are That The Eighth and Ninth Districts Have Gone Repub lican. Raleigh, Special. Returns up to 11:30 o'clock to Simmons' headquar ters from 65 counties give him 47,000 majority. Itl looks like Carr got something like 1,200 or 1,400 majority in the fifth district Simmons carries Rowan, Guilford and Buncombe, And Rockingham by 1,100. This last news especially delights Mr. Simmons' friends, in view of the fact that 1: Is John R. Webster's county. Forsyth Sires Simmons 1,180 majority. Carr did not carry a county east of Raleigh. Simmons carries Caswell overwhel mingly and Person by 300. Carr car ried Warren by 300. Simmons car ried Burke by 40. ANSON. Wadesboro, Special. The Demo cratic majority in Anson county is about 1,300. The vote in the sena torial primary is: oimmons, 828; Carr's majority being only 14. Carr's forces 'expected at least 250 majority. ALEXANDER. Taylorsvllle, Special. McKinley anl Blackburn have carried Alexander county. The majority is 200. Simmons' majority over Carr Is 600. BURKE. Morganton, Special. Returns from nine out of thirteen precincts indicate a majority In Burke of 300 for Bryan and Klutti have carried the county hy a email majority. Simmons' majority over Carr is at least 500. It was a beautiful day and the elec tion passed oft quietly. The opera houso was secured and wires run Into it to get election reports. A large crowd of citizens gathered to hear the news. DURHAM. Durham, Special Fourteen pre cincts give Carr 1,885, Simmons 75; Kltchin for Congress 1,878, Joyce 1, 469. IREDEO BtateevIHe. Special. A conservative estimate of Iredell gives the following majorities: Bryan 400, Klutts (50, and Carr 500. LENOIR AND GREENE. Klnston. Special. Lenoir county gives Simmons 1,190 majority, Bryan and Kltchin 500 majority, a small Re publican gain in the county. Green county gives Simmons over 500 majority, Bryan and Kltchin about the eame, a Democratic gain of proba bly 150. At 8:30 o'clock Lenoir county gives Simmons over 1,100 majority; Kltchin and Bryan 500 majority. LINCOLN. Lincolnton, Special. Lincoln county gives a majority for Simmons of lao, and for McKinley of 100. Klutts for Congress loses the county by about 50 majority. Mcdowell. Marion, Special. This county is very close, with the chances In favor or tne eyeuttfs township Senator Butler's old hone Is Republican by 1M votes. It gives Simmons 53, Carr 5. The In dications are that Sampson has gone Republican by at least 800 majority. BDGBCOMBE. TasAoro, Special Simmons carries Edgecombe county fey over 1,800. FQRSYYTH. ' Winston. Special. J. C. Buxton, the Democratic candidate for Congress In the eighth district, carries Forsyth county br 300 majority. Bryan carries this county by about 200. State Chairman Simmons' major ity for the United States Senate wlU be 1,600 or more. Artillery Ksecks Ost Stars Close, Fighting cyclonic storms with artil lery is becoming frequent all over France. Recently a terrific shower of hall destroyed the vineyard crops In Bordeaux, but the growers of Salute Mlllon, having been warned by tele graph that the storm was travelling toward them, Immediately appealed to the military authorities. Five huge guns were got ready and when the towering black cloud came sufficiently near It was cannonaded Into shreds, which drifted away harmlessly. New York World. .- '- MlBtagtonlWildoaB. L ts! Bra&elii OASTON. Qastonla, Special Oastonia precinct xxxxxxuixx o2o- a .FayllHJ 123465a Congress In the eighth district 191 ma jortty, and Simmons Cor Senator, 808 majority. GUILFORD. clncts show a majority of 282 for Kltchin, about 2200 for Bryan and 11 for Simmons. Returns from the re maining precincts will give Bryan and Kinchin increased majority. GRANVILLE. " Oxford. Special. From the returns that have come in it Is estimated tbut Bryan has carried Granville county by Lv Tarboro... 1211 750, W. W. Kltchin by 700 and carr ny 600 majorities. , urn ATLANTIC OOAST LISTS BAIL- EOAD COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Condensed Bchodnle, Dated Jaa. lata, 1900. TRAINS GOING BOUTH. AIL PH. P.M. A.1L P.M. NTJMBEBS 88, 85, 103, 41, 49. Daily. Sally. Dally. D'iy D'ly sx Sua- Lv. Weldon .. 1150 8 58 .... Ar. Booty Jit. UM 152 000 North Carolina's United States Senator-Elect. HON. FRANK M. SlfinONS, and Buxton. The county vote In the senatorial primary Is close and full re turns will be necessary to determine the result in the county. The vote poll ed Is light as compared with the Au gust election. CLEVELAND. Shelby, Special. Cleveland county gives Simmons 1,600 majority for Sen ator. The county will perhaps give Buxton 1,100 majority. CALDWELL. 1 Lenoir, Special. All except two or three remote precincts in the county have been heard from. McKinley and Blackburn carry Caldwell by ma jorities estimated at from 75 to 100. Simmons' majority Is probably 150. . Advices by 'phone through Republi can sources claim Watauga and Ashe as Republican by majorities of from 200 to 400 each. CABARRUS. Concord, Special. Official reports Klutts and Carr about 200 majority. Four townships are yet to be heard from, but the result will not be 40 votes either way. Compared with the amendment vote, 1,000 voters failed to reach the polls. Democrats. Simmons has a large ma jority. No news is obtainable from Mitchell county, as the telephone wires are down. NEW HANOVER. Wilmington, Special. New Hanover gives Simmons 1,379, Carr 842; Bryan 1,657, McKinley 32; Bellamy 1,711, Dockery 10. These figures do not in clude two small county precincts not heard from. s CATAWBA. Newton, Special. Returns so far re ceived show that Simmons has 1,200 majority in Catawba county. Bryan probably has a small majority, Klutts probably carries the county by 250 plurality. Hickory, Special Up to this hour, 10:30, I am unable to get a correct count of the Catawba vote, but the pre cincts heard from show that Brvan put : Greenville, Special. The election has been distressingly quiet A large vote was polled. The returns Indicate that the majority the county of Pitt gives Simmons will be over 1,700, the major ity for Bryan over 1,200; for Small about 1,400. HALIFAX. Scotland Neck. Special. Kitchin'i majority in this precinct Is about 350. Simmons' majority over Carr in scot- land Neck. Roseneath and Palmyra townships is about 430. The Indications are that Simmons' majority over Carr in this county will be about 250. Kitch- In's majority over Martin in Halifax county will probably be 1.800. The na tional Democratic majority in the count ty will be about 600. HENDERSON. Hendersonvillev Special. McKinley and Moody carry this county by 400. The East and West Wards of Hen-1 dersonvllle give 221 for Simmons and 21 for Carr. Simmons' probable ma Jority in the county is 1,000. SCOTLAND. Laurlnburg. Special. Scotland will give Bryan and Bellamy 1,000 major ity. Simmons' majority over carr is STANLY. Albemarle, Special. Simmons swept Stanly for Senator, getting 900 majori ty. Carr did not poll 100 votes. Bry an's majority was 400; Kluttz's over Holton 500. SURRY. Mt. Airy, Special. In Mt. Airy town ship the vote was: Simmons 352, Carr 102; Buxton 475, Blackburn 481; Bryan 424; McKinley 520. ROBESON. Maxton, Special. The official result of election In Maxton township is as follows: Bryan 207, McKinley 31; Bel lamy 212, Dockery 27; Carr 193, Slm mons 18. ROWAN AND DAVIE. Salisbury, Special. Klutts for Con gress gets 1,600 majority in Kowan. The Democratic electoral ticket gets 800 or 1,000. Mr. Kluttz's lead is due to his personal popularity. The employes of the railroad shops and cotton mills voted principally for McKinley or Woolley. The latter"s vote in the county will equal the usual Prohibition vote in the State. " Booky Ht. 1 00 'Wilson.... 168 Belma 1 60 " Favotteville 4 80 Ar Florence... T25 A M. 187 f U 989 1015 1101 19 90 2 24 ..... A.U. .... 5 40 1252 190 240 .... Ar Goldsboro.. .. Lv GoldBboro.. .'. Magnolia , Ar Wilmington sees- a et m km f WW .... Tfl 896 .... 809 481 .... 940 600 P. M. A.H P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. AM .... P.M. XCMBESS 78. 102. 83, Dally. Daily. D'ly. ex Bun. Lv Florence... 945 .... 7 45 Fayetteville 19 20 .... 9 45 "Belma 150 .... 10 68 Ar Wilson.. ...985 .... 1188 A.M. P.M. AM. Lv Wilmington 8 60 9 45 Magnolia 8 20 11 II "GoldBboro 600 .... 927 1228 P.M A.M. P. H. P. M Lv. Wilson.... 286 6491183 1080 111 Ar. Booky Mt. 8 80 6 25 12 09 1111 168 Ar Tarboro. 7 04 .... M Lv Tarboro... 1221 ... Lv Kooky Mt.. 8 80 .... 12 09 ArWeldon 482 .... 104 . P.M. AM. P.M, ROCKINGHAM. Reidsville, Special. 'Reldsvllle gives Simmons a majority of 315. KItchln'i majority over Joyce for Congress 13 177 and Bryan's majority is about the same as Kitchln's. Rockingham county will give Sim mons a majority of about 1,100. Conser vative estimates based on official re turns from eighteen precincts show Simmons majority to be 1,026 with two precincts to hear from. Kitchln's ma jority over Joyce in the county will be about 500. Official returns from sixteen precincts give 270 majority, with four Democratic precincts to hear from, Bryan's majority will be about 450. A UNION. ' Monroe, Special. Basing estimates- on precincts heard from Union county will give Carr 600 majorty. Mr. Bella my will get about 1,200 majority. Bry- in will fall behind the congressional ticket by about 400 votes. . PERSON. -Roxboro, Special. Official returns from five precincts in Person county give Kltchin, Democrat, over Joyce, Re publican, 152 majority, with eight more precincts to hear from, all of which are strongly Democratic save two. Kitch ln's majority will reach 850 in the coun. ty. Simmons' majority over Carr will reach 500. The presidential ticket s close with Bryan about 100 ahead. The vote, throughout the county was very right. SAMPSON. Clinton,.. Special. Four townships heard from vote as follows: North and South Clinton combined give McKinley 214, Bryan 271. For Congress: Thomas 253, Fowler 302. For Senator; Simmons 22, Carr 16. Herring's township gives McKinley 101, Bryan 61; Fowler 104. Thomas 54: Simmons 62. Carr 2. Hon- WAYNB. Goldsboro, Special. Simmons' ma jority over Carr in Wayne will be be tween 1,500 and 2,000; for the Demo cratic electors and Claude Kltchin about 1,000. Simmons' majority In Goldsboro is 345, Mt. Olive 228, Pike ville, 106. - WILKEs! North Wllkesboro, Special Eight townships out of 20 In Wilkes give Buxton 223 majority. The same gave Ay cock 30 majority. The same town. ship give Simmons 1,019, Carr 23. t Dally except Monday. 1 Dally exoent Sunday. Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, Yadkla Division Main Line Train leaves Wilming ton, 9 00 a m, arrives Fayetteville 12 05 p m, leaves Fayetteville 12 25 p m, arrives Banford 1 48 p m. Returning leave Banford 2 SO p m. arrives Fayetteville 8 tip m, leave Fayette ville 8 46 p m, arrives Wilmington 8 40 p m. Wilmington and Weldon Ballroad, Ben- nettsville Branoh Train leaves Bennetts ville 8 16 am, Maxton 9 20 a m, Bed Springs v s9 a m, nope muis muim, arrive jray ettevllle 1055. Returning leaves Fayetteville 4 40 p m.Hope Mills 4 66 p m.BedBprings 6 s3 ' p m, Maxton 6 IS p m, arrives BenneUsvlhe 7 15 p m. Connections at Fayetteville with train No. 78 at Maxton with the Carolina Central Ball road, at Bed Springs with tbe Bed Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Banford with tbe Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Ball-road, Train on tbe Scotland Neok Branch Boad leaves Weldon 3 85 p m. Halifax 4 16 p m. ar rives Scotland Neck at 6 08 p m, Greenville 6 57 p m, Klnston 7 56 p m. Returning leaves Klnston 7 60 a m, Greenville 8 62 a m. arriv ing at Halifax at 11 18 a m, Weldon 11 83 a m uaiiy exoept Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leave Wash ington 8 10 a m and 2 SO p m, arrive Parmels 9 10 a m and 4 pm, returning leave Parmele 9 86 a m and 6 80 p m. arrive Washington 11 a m and 7 80 p m, daily exoept Sunday, Train leaves Tarboro, N. 0., daily except Sunday 6 80 p m. Sunday 415 pm. arrives Plymouth 7 40 p m, 6 10 p m. Returning, leaves Plymouth dally exoept Sunday f 60 a m and Sunday 1(0 I n, arrives Tarboro iu ud a m, u uu a m. t Train on Midland. N. C. Branch leaves Goldsboro dally, exoept Sunday, 7 05 am. arriving Smlthfleld 8 10 a m. Returning leaves Smlthfleld 9 00 a m, arrives at Golds boro 10 26 a m. Train on Nashville Branoh leaves Book Mount at 10 00 a m, 8 40 p.' m, arrives Nash ville 11 10 a m, 4 03 p m, Spring Hope 10 40 a m, 426 pm. Returning leave Spring Hope li su a m, to p m. nasnviiie ia 10 a m, 0 25 p m. arrive at Rocky Mount 11 46 a m. 6 00 o m, daily exoept Sunday. , Train oa Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton dally exoept Sunday 11 40 a m and 4 02 pm. Betarnisg leaves Clinton at 7 00 am and 2 60 am, Train No. 78 makes elose connection at Weldon tor all points North daily, all rail via Richmond. H. M. EMERSON. GenlPass. Agent J. R KENLY, Gen'l Manager. X. M. E1IERSON. Znffio Manager. When to Sow Wheat. . Tbe time for seeding fall wheat de pends on so many circumstances that no definite rule can be given. If tbe land baa been plowed early and no in sects are present, good results can be obtained by seeding in early Septem ber; If, however, there is danger from the Hessian fly or from grasshoppers, or there Is promise of a Iste, moist au tumn producing rank growth, It Is best to delay seeding until tbe first two weeks In October. If the plants grow vigorously, they will become well es tablished and a good crop will result from late seeding. Any time, then, from the 10th of September to the 10th of October will answer, the ex let date being dependent upon the above conditions. Treat Hones Kindly- 1 . Never hit a horse on the head. It Is not only cruel, but foolish. You may'lnjure him and also make him a halter puller. If repeated several times the horse will be afraid to have you approach his head. Such a horse will never be sofe for driving. Never use a whip Unless a horse Is vicious, and even then kind treatment will often do more to make him safe and usefuL - : South Carolina negroes have started t new industry by the hand-picking of phosphate rock. During the summer they anchor boats on the Coosaw river, which is from 17 to 25 feet deep, and dive for the fertilizing rock, sometimes bringing up a fragment weighing too pounds. The phosphate from the river bed is the most valuable known. ' ., I am a farmer located near Stony Brook, one of the most malarious . . . . . a . a . 1 aJ districts in this State, and was bothered wkh malaria for years, at times so I could not work, and was always very constipated as well. For years 1 had malaria so bad in the spring, when engaged in plowing, that I could do nothing but shake. I must have taken about a barrel of quinine pills besides dozens of other remedies, but never obtained ' 1 r-. r-ii u .: I k.J .. ... ...1H. attack of chills and then commenced to take Ripans Tabulcs, upon a friend's advice, and the first box made me all right and I have never been without them since I take one Tabule each morning and night , and sometimes when 1 fee. more than usually exhausted 1 take three in a day. They have kept my stomach sweeC my bowels regular and I have not had the least toucv " malaria nor splitting headache since I commenced using them. I k.iow also that I sleep better and wake up more refreshed than formerly. I don't know how many complaints Ripans Tabules will help, but I do know they will cure any one in the condition I was and I would not be without them at any price. I honestly consider them the cheapest-priced medicine in the world, as they are also the most beneficial and the most convenient to take. I am twenty-seven years of age and have worked hard all my life, the cam hq most farmers, both e:rv and late and if. all kinds of weather. and I have never enjoyed such good health as 1 have since last fall; in fact, my neighbors have all remarked my improved condition and have , said, " Say, John, what are you doing to look so healthy ? " j WANTED. A sun ol bad haallk tki n i'P' A-KS will not benefit. Tti.y baaUfe pala aad prolong lira. OMgtTMrolkrf. NnuiUiewonlK I P-A'N-S on Uia pcki and accept do rabatliaia. R I'f 'A'K'S, leforSeenUor twlT packrit 43cmu, mabo had at any lrua atom Ten ampl and onatttoq. hand tMttmonUla i-- mailt tn any addraaa for S mil, torarardtd to tat nipan Oh ileal Co., Ma, U 8pr St.. Kw York. BIGGIE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date. Concise and Comprehensive Hand someiy mated and Beautiruiiy illustrated. By JACOB BIQfJLB No. l-BIQOLE HORSE BOOK . All about Horse a Common-Sense Treatise, with over 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 Cents. No. 2 BIOOLE BERRY BOOK AU about growing Smalt Fnilti read and tears how ; contains 43 colored Hie-like reproduction! of all leading varieties and 100 other illustration. Price, go Cents. N03-BIG0LE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the beat Poultry Book In nlstenee j tells everything; witbi3 colored life-like reproductions of all the principal breeds; with 103 other illustrations. Price, jo Cents. . No. 4 BIOOLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business : having a great sale; containa 8 cnlored life-like reproductions ofaack - breed, with 13a other illustrations. Price, jo Cents. No. 5 BIQQLB SWINE BOOK Just out. AU about Hogs Breeding, Feeding, Butch ering, Diseases, etc. Contains over So beautiiul balfr tonea and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. 1 R 1 O 10c diuulc dwss are unique.oTiirtna .merul von ne wiw nnjuiuig ic men ao practical, aoaensiDie, I Dry are having an enorraona sale East, West, North and swum, every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send rl way SUsT 1412 DIUULD PVUKOt lac FARM JOURNAL 1 ' auu-niccr-vou-nave-aaia-u. farm and HmwhnM mm. the world the biggest paper ofits size in the United States m amenca asviug over a million and a-hall regular readers. Any ONB of tbe BIGGLE B00KS,and the FARM JOURNAL (the remainder sjf 1809. 1000, 1901, 190s and 1003) will be sent by mail to any . address for A DOLLAR DILL. All who order at once will also receive a beautiful 1890 " Hobson and His Mother " Calendar. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIOOU! BOOKS free. WTLilEa atktkbom. Address, ."; F Altai JOURNAL CHaa.v.jaitKina. , , Pbiudblpria V THE NINTH DISTRICT. Ash ville. Special. J. M. Moody, Re publican, probably carries very coun ty in tbe ninth atetrlct except Mc Dowell and Rutherford. Republican Chairman T. S. Rollins' claim of 2,000 majority la probably correct. Aaheville city la Republican. -. Simmona' majority in the city is 223 and he probably carries the county by a small majority. Henderson county fa heavily for SSlmmona. V Snap-Shots. From the Barber's point of view a smooth customer is a man who gets shaved every day. Columbia may be the gem of the ocean, but she tan't play football. wwuq .n a, a sum aUiU VlAw HUO V J the million, but they seldom become millionaires. . . become lngrates. . :.' 1 . toire poets write tor posterity ana bote e for th waste basket. Briefly Told. . ; -President McKinley has pardoned Chin Hoey, a Chinaman who is dying in the Rutland (Vermont) rhouae of correction, who was convicted of per jury in connection with the Chinese bnmlgre'" a laws. - The navy department h deal fled to locate the million dollar dry dock at the Brooklyn oavy yard between docks Noa. 1 and 2. , . ,.; .-, Recent rains In Minnesota havsj done great damage to Wheat, which was ready to thresh. . Telegraphic Briefs. ' . . Tnree Norwegian Councilors of Stats have resigned. It Is stated in Paris that Premier WaMeck-Rousseau has given offense to the Vatican In a recent speech. Spain is making desperate efforts to conceal the growth of the Carlist ris-D- - ' - The friendBhlp between Brazil and Argentina Is said to have been streng thened by the visit of President Cam-pos6aUs. When You Take GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC ftOOUllE lAiaNG ill m I (. tit! '. .. .Lu' !, fill ' ! I fill rArsr'r-., teoauso iho formula Is plzZxIy prteicd on cash tsiL'z, SkowZzj wlsst It contains. The reason the imitators do not advertise their formula is because they know the people would not buy' their medicine if they knew its ingredients. Every druggist in the United States is authorized to sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC on a positive guarantee of NO CURE NO PAY. Price, 50c. Your druggist has sold GROVE'S for years. Just ask HIM about it. GROVE'S is a prescription that decs cur HAi AniA-'n'riii i"R"Arfi prVs- ' ii,m., aa sis it V-.Ti, I immmj i It jf. I a m w i ,

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