THE aitATHIC. ; Published 'at NASHVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA .OueYear, 11.00 ' ) Six Mouths -.UO Subhcuii'tion: Throe " , .3! Till: filAPIIIC ADVERTISING RATES, Bp HOC. 1 r. t Mn.'sM'a. M's. 1 Vr. 1 ItX'll. . .. t Inchcv. U luetic,. , 4 Incite.., 0 lui'hea ., 6 ini'lun ,, 7 ttu'lun ., 8 llll'lHW ,, li IiicIrw . , colli imi. 1 rolmrin. 5O17.V3 0O 4 511 7 50 .a 7ft, 4 00 ft 60, 8 00 8 lft 18 0 1 KV 1 7ft 3 00 S !tt a 40 S (HI 13 00 lft 80 18 00 ao 50 80 50 & 10 1(1 SO 13 00! ia w 14 70 lft HO 10 30 111 40 110 00 It e 7s T 8ft 7 80 8 10 h aft 12 iw SO 91U 88 7ft 22 lift HA 50 sh 40 a4 w 24 Oft 4j Wl 80 50 40 50 41 50 7ft 00 a 7 a 75 A (Nil TllUIlSDAY JULY 18th, 1907, Castalia Items. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Matthews are recuperating at the Panacea Springs. Mr. G. D. Taylor, who is with the Uoanoke Lumber Company, of Nor folk, is taking several days outing at Jamestown this week. Misses Ora Lane, of Granville, and Erma Knight, of Sieed, are visiting their sisters, Mrs. T. W. Bartholo mew otul Mrs. Dr. Matthew. Mr. Joe Gupton who has been here at the bedside of his sister, Mrs. Joe Collins, for some time returned to his home in Tennessee this week. Mr. W. 0. Dickerson, who is in the lumber business here, with his . family will leave for a month's visit with his home people in Maryland. Mr. C. L. Dickerson with a force of hands is at Smithfield this week where he is installing a milling plant and will soon be turning out quanti ties of lumber. Miss Chessie Wheless and Mrs. Geo. Collins, who have been confined for several weeks with fever, I am pleahed to say, are much improved and will soon be restored to health. Rev. G. W. May will begin the fall session of his school September the 2, with the following able faculty: W. O. Johnson, Wake Forest; Miss Ella l'earce, University for Women: Mia Ethel Chandler. Oxford Semi nary, and (.!. C Ilrookbank, Oak Ridge. Mr. Frank Lane was litre this week and bad just been through Edgecombe, Nash, Franklin and Granville, his own county by adop tion, and says he has never seen more unfavorable crop conditions before. Plain Tom. Man Zan Pile Remedy comes put up in a collapsible tubu with a noz zle." Easy to apply riyht where sore ness and iutluinmatiou exists. It re lieves atonce bliud bleeding, itch ing or protruding piles. Guaran teed. Price 50c. Get it to-day. Nash ville Drug Co. Many a fast young man has made the startling discovery that the race isn't always to the swift. riocules for the kidneys strength en these organs and assist in draw ing poison from the blood. Try tuem for rheumatism, kidney, bladder trouble, or lumbagoaml tired worn out feeling. They bring relief Sat isfaction Guaranteed. Nashville Drug Co. , The difference between a man's advice and a woman's advice is that the woman expects you to follow it. Floridia Times-Union. Summer coughs and colds yield at once to Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains honey and tar but no opi ates. Children like it. Pleasant to ; take. Its laxative qualities recom mended it to mothers. Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Nash ville Vrug Oo. It's a funny thing how so many widows think they ought to wear yel low for mourning the second year H Constipation -. . i ;b or constipation there is nothiDg Miite so nice as Chamberlain's Stoni - 7 an.cJJLivtir Tablets. They al ways . Ljtfuce a pleasant movement of the -oowels without any disagreeable ef fect.. Fnce 23 cents. Samples free at JNasnviite Drug Go. Administrator's Notice. - The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of G. V. Price, deceased, late of Nasb county, uoiice is hereby given to all persous having claims agaiust the estate of said deceased to present them to the' undersigned on or be fore the !Hn day of July, 1907, or this notice will be plead in the bar of their recovery. 'All persona indebted to said estate will come forward and make immediate payment. . v C .P.Price. Ad Dir. This July 9th 07. Austin & Grantham. Atty.s, ' , ; , Horse For Sale. 1 nve a well broke, perf ectly gen .o'ly, farm or draft horse which 1 .- 11 for either cash or on time. ! o Dr. J. Henry OdomNaph '. C. 6-27-tf., Farmers' leitltute Meeting. . (Concluded from page three.) Mr. McLendon ia a very impress ive speaker and has attained decided success in his chosen profession, and all during his discourse offered many fine and practical suggestions where-, by the fanners could annually add to their income and at the same time not be bo thoroughly under the dictation of trusts and corporations and at the mercy of almost all tfther professions. . At the afternoon session of the In stitute Mr. Parker discussed the question of corn culture, laying much stress upon the importance of prepa ration of soil. This question, he de clared, was one of the most vital to the farmers, and the man who could cause two ears of corn to grow where but one grew before, was indeed a benefactor. He was glad to know that the average yield per acre in Nash was a little in excess of the av erage yield in most counties and, while this is true, if every fanner in Nash could but increase the corn yield only two bushels to t!i; acre, it meant the adding of ' ' -i hun dred thousand dollars l wealth of the county. Mr. Parker main tained that the same preparation of soil for cotton also applied to corn, and he advocated continued cultiva tion of the soil until a depth of twelve inches had been attained. To grow- more to the acre it was necessary to i build up the soil by injecting more humus, or vegetable matter and ma nuring for the increase desired. Mr. Parker believed that more lh;v hundred thousand dollars count be added to the wealth of Nash county by the prop-r.seed selection alone. The selection of improved varieties of seed would naturally cause the farmers to give the crop a degree more attention, which was conducive of greater yield. Especially interesting was the dis cussion of Dr. Tail liutler, who ;.';ive many practical observations i.n "the feeding of work stock to prevent disease." Graphicly he portrayed the ignorance of many farmer: of the real composition of team of ev ery description. He declared that the question of stock raising in North Carolina had not pn grossed as it should and that it was just as im portant and necessary for farmers to study the composition of horses and mules as it was for them to study the composition fertilizer. Another lmiiortant matter was tne systemat ic feeding of stock; th.e adojition of regular hours and guarding again.4 over-feeding. Di Butler main tained that if twelve poundsof grain were to be given to a team each day it was better that one-half of this amount be given at the evening meal j and the other halt be divided into two parts and given in the morning and at noon. Heavy feeding while work is being done usually causes the team to be sluggish and fre quently causes colic and other diseas es common to stock. It is a mis taken idea that, because a team has to do excessive work for a day, to increase the feed, which usually re sults in colic or unfitting the animal for the task. The collar-pad Dr. Butler declared to be an abomina tion, and he dwelt at length on the importance of selecting only the very best nam teatner collars, care being taken that the same fit nicely. Bathing the teams' shoulders after working with cold water would pre vent sores or collar galls. Present prices of team should be taken into, consideration and the farmers were vrged to give more attention to the proper care of same. Throughout the discourse Dr. Butler 'was most interesting and gave many fine 'and practical suggestions regarding the treatment and care of work team and cattle. The session came to a close after a very impressive talk by Dr. Mc Lendon on "the social side of farm life" and he urged greater care and more modern improvements around the home; the installation of water works, bath rooms and a liberal . ap plication of paint to the premises. Labor conditions were increasing the duties of the wives and daughters and every modern appliance for di minishing their labor in "the home should be secured instead of continu ally trying to purchase more land. Make the home life attractive and offer inducements for the boys to re main on the tai-m. The farmers should be aroused to greater ' effort along this line, especially for the comfort. of the women,: fof unon them depend the future hope and prosperity of North Carolina. The bites aud atingi of ' Insects tan, sunburn, cuts, burns and bruis es are relieved at onee with Pine salve Carbollzed. Acts like a pool tice, and drnws out Inftummiufori Try rt. Price 25c. Nashville 'rug Co. , , , You can't tell: a woman sifW takes Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Her compleetion is Fine. Sheis round, pb-imp, and Jiandsorne, in fact sheis you oir again. Ho centn. Tablets. Nashville Drug Co. Valuable Property For Sale. The Masonic Lodge lot in the town of Nashville, For particulars ap ply to any of the Undersigned. v ; , T. T. Ross, Chmn. ' . ; C. L. Johnston, V Da. J. P. Battle, R. A. P. Coouiy,, ' J. P. OvpnroN, ' . ' Committee, The Doctor Away Home when Most Needed People are often very much dis appointed to find that ilieir family physician Is usvu.v from houm when they must need uisKervices. Diseas es like crump eolieaud eholeramor bus reqtire prompt treatment and have io many Instances pi oven fatal before moiiieine could be procured or aplr'sieiau sui'imoiunl. The right way is to keep at hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cliololera and Diarrhoea Remedy. No physician can proscribe a belter medicine for those diseases. Uy having it in the house you escape imieli pain and suffering and all risk, lttiy it now; it iniiv save life, For Sale by Nash ville Drag Co. Catarrh and Catarrhal Headache are quickly releived by Nosoua. it soothes ilie congested membranes alleys infl.mmtathus and thoroughly licais uiid cleanses. It keeps moist all the passages whose tendency is to thickt -irand become dry. Cures colds; linear imuoios, noaiseuess, hay lever, "stopped up" nose, brorlltinn tliroae'i mouth while slec bing offensive breab etc. It is antise pticand cotains no chemical r drugs having a narcotic effect or thai can cause the "Drug habit " the Ward Dmy Co. . Administrator's Notice. The undersigned having qualified as ail miiiislratof of t he estat" of M rs. .Mai'ilu I i rus .veil, deceased, late ol Nasli county, notice is hereby giveu to all persons having claims against said estate to present theiti to the undersigned on or before the fltli dav of .Inly. l;tu.s' or this uotice v. i 1 1 ie i!i a 1 in i ar of their recovery. All vr.. nils indebted to saiu estate v. ill ple.i-i' nulr i mniediate payment. .1. l A hkisnai'iiv, Adinr. This J 41y !th l!'"7. Aust'ii .V. Grantham. Attvs. Administrator's Notice- The tntd.'rsignr'd having tins day qua'ilie'l as administrator of the es t ate of Jem ge W. li. lines, deceased, lateof Wish count i . ibis is to notifi all "i'soiis having claims against the estat:1 of said deceased to pfese'j i theinlotlie uijdersigiH-d on or t e fore the 1st dav of August. JIMis. or this notice will be plead in p.n of their recovery. Al! perso'.s in debted tosaid estate will pleuf.e come forward and make iiuniedia a pay ment., v Ins. L Haines, Admr., Geo W. dee'd. This Julv 17th. f','07. It l.' 1). No. 1. Spring Hope, X. C. Notice of Land Sale. By vrtue of ilie power in a certain judgment, rendered at the May term 11MJ7, Nash Superior Court, in the ease-entitled L. S. Joyiiv r vs. R. C. IJixou, Admr. ct al, the under signed commissioners, duly ap pointed therein, will on Monday. the fifth day of August, 1!H)7, at 12) o'clock in. at the court house door iu Nashville, N. C. seil-at pulV c auction io the highest bidder. 'r cash, the following deserihed j.ea estate: (hie certain tract or h'ii! of land 1 yirigand t)eitig iu OvHpcrs township, Nasb county, ajj0iui,,, the lands of N. V. Joy-jp,., ' r, q Dixon and others, con',-,,,,, sjxty' five ((;) acres more k.s anrl known as the 'Nancy Uwcrs home place Jxo. E Wr -oriAKi), R A. IV Com m' re OOl.EV, WooDAHIl & V I1ATTI.K & COOLKV, ' ' " Alt.V S' This th.p and day of Julv 1907. M'UllAN, t Fiotice Of Summons. Nov-Sh Carolina, Nash Coucty. Iu the Superior Court,. Lncy Uatchelor, Vsi'W'i'lJie Balcbe- lor. The defeudaot above, '.immed will take notice that au afi.u pntitled Lucy Batchelor Vs. Willie liatebe lor has been cOmiia-neeC'lu the Su pcrior Court : s-h 4;0'inty for the purpose. of oMaiB.Su g un absolute di vorec from the, .def:fiiui and the said ctefrndas -will. further lake no tice that he is vpquired to i.npearbe fore the. Judr.s of thf-Snn.-iin- n, mrt of Na.b Com.ty N. C. ar a. court, tc be held in'Njsh Co'oiitv on t!u first Monday bsSor the fii st Monday in September, ii. o"inC' I be 2(lth lav of August l!M)T, and answer 'or 'Wnur '0 ho eomp'ainr iiAaicl ifctior, which Is filed ia tbe ofllec tf t::-'- -tvvk of the Superior C )urt of Nasli Omij ty ortheplaintiil will applv jourt for the relief demuud i'u-sa.'.d com plaint.. - T. A:s.;M"f . . ;' Clerk Superior Co'urt. Woodard & VaugVn,'Atrvs. .J . College of "Agriculture j - and Mechanic Arts I I PractK,aI education in AericuT reJ'in Civil, Electrical, and' iie'jhamcal . Kngineenng; in V'otton Manufacturing, ijing and Industrial Chemisti-y. Tu ition $45 a - year; Board $10 a month. 120 Scholarships. . - Address, President Winston, I (it! n r "i ..... f. ' " - f Directly Imported From England. - ... . " - ; .' . ' .'. n" Add to the usually tempting dishes relished by your family at . ' meal-time, by adorning your table with one of our superb sets. " ,r -1 .... i, . 1 , ; . SEE OUR SHOW WINDOW. RICKS, ALFORD - BATCH ELOR pring and S WE HAVE THEM Wc arc making special drives . . . . . IN . . . . Mens, Ladies and Youths SLIPPERS AND SHOES. We can easily supply your needs for the coming warm weather and will offer some exceptionally good values TAKE A LOOK Yours ienson- Nashville. IN.' C. Pav Cash , , j . . .- . OLD SCRAP IRON. 1 have just received a nice lot of Furniture for the home comforts, consisting of Bed Room -Suits. Rocking Chairs. Centre Tables, Etc!, which I will sell for cash or n the installment plan.' - Headquarters for Chickens, Eggs and AH Country Produce. Respectfulfy, .1. D WMTF.5J).' - at old Boidie, tVard & Co.. lx rr3 1 "") D iulll 1814 In Pink ummcr IN EVERY VARIETY AT OUR STOCK. Cordially Or Trade - Nashvi Hf. n. c. Weathersby Co. 3C nrn and Blue DC 3C Jamestown Rates from NASHVILLE as follows: . Season Ticket, $6.55. 60 Day Ticket, $5.50. Sold i 10 Day Ticket. $4.95. . coach excursion. S3.uu. Endorsed. "Not good in parlor or Sleeping Cars, COAST LINE "NORFOLK FLYERS." Leave Nashville, 12:11 p. m. Leave Nashtille, 6:53 p. m. Through Pullman Sleeping Cars From Port Tampa and Jack sonville, Fla. Atlanta and Augusta, Ga. Wilmington, N. C, via ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY. . ' Write for a beautiful illustrated folder containing maps, de scriptive matter, list of Hotels, etc. For reservation or any information Address , AI. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager. . . Wilmington, North 1 . - THE y I EMI ... Nash COMPANY DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR I PITTSBURGH j - ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. p FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING, l v TKE CXLY ELECTRICALLY WELCED. FEKCL ' EVERY1 ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT ' BThe DURABLE Fence, None so STRONG. -All Urge wires. Highest EFFICIENCY. ' - Ui LOVVc-iiV. COS I . - f .?No Wraps -j tonoia -? Moisture X and cause iiRust- -. 'Pittsburgh Absolutely SHCX KZZh ti CALL ij NasIi rA n tt as 3 CT1 - U nn J5 J DC Exposition! daily April 19th, to November 30th. ii it it ii Sold each Tuesday: Limit Seven days Sold each Tuesday: Arrive at Norfolk, 8:10 p. m. Arrive at Norfolk, 7:30 a. m. r. C- MHIX E : General Paatenger Agt. Carolina. . ' Supply PERFECT" FENCES - PEitrxct" Fkkoiho. (Standard Style.) era SAVSYC'J IZZll ca Fcnclr;, AND SEC IT. fit i rr H H THE Supply n rs rl w r. k.4 M4 r.'i : ;1 r Ei

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