illE GRAPHIC. 5 published at ; NORTH CAROLINA ! BaUM IiImin." NASHVILLE, S0B8CRIPTI0H: One Year,' M OO I Six Months .60 (Three " .35 TKE GRAPHIC ADVERTISING RATES. . Spac. 1 Inch I Inches... 8 inches... 4 inches... ; 1 inches .. Inches .. T inches .. I inches ,'. t inches .. W column. 1 column. I w. IMo. $ M) 1 n HM'a. Ml 1 76 00 1 S 40 t 80 1 70 5 00 i 7o 4 00 10 11 75 7 85 7 80 8 10 8 35 IS 50 8 00 8 00 ia 19 00 18 M 14 TO It 60 15 80 18 40 80 01)1 M's. 1 Yt. 8 4 80 8 7 50 8 15 18 00 IS 80 18 00 18 80 80 AO 3d 00 80 Oft 1W8IW 88 7 xa wo 88 40 84 'l 84 42 Ml 41 60 75 00 Publisher' Announcement. ' All orer fifteen lines will be charged fire esnts per line lor obltnarT notices, etc No communication will be published If the name of the writer is withheld. The publisher ofTai Ourixi will not be responsible for views expressed by its correspondents. Notices under bead o( "Special Notices' . will be chanted at the rate of Wo. per line , or eacn insertion. Advertisers desiring a change of adver tlsement should have ropy la offlce not later than noon on Tuesday. Advertisements discontinued before the time contracted for has expired will be charged transient rates for the times ac tual published. , Advertisements on which no specific umber of insertions is marked will be marked ''till forbid" and charged up to ante 01 discontinuance. Communications and Items of news in tended for publication, and all business letters should be addressed toTssUmm 10. and not to Individual members of the staff THURSDAY SEPT. 19th, 1907. Another important matter which should call for prompt action on the part of the town commissioners is the opening up of a street between Church street and the residence of J. R. Whitaker. The only point that such a street could be easily opened up is between the residences of Mr. J. F. Cooley and Mr. M. W. Lincke, These gentlemen have offered to give the town a street through their property provided the commission ers will secure an outlet across the adjoining property of Mrs. Rackley, Such a street would be of great ad vantage to the school children re siding on Railroad street as well as jf great convenience to travel fhis matter should be looked into at It seems that the people of Rocky Mount are arousing from their in activity along temperance lines and there may be something doing in the way of trying to overcome the "bale ful influence" of twelve or thirteen barrooms now flourishing in that place. The Twin County Echo in its issue of the 5th inat, commented on the situation as follows: " "Those of our railroad friends and citizens who are trying to lay foun dations and build up a Y. M. C. A, in Rocky Mount are deserving of .11 1 1 i 4L-: v. 80 5 I w yrsuow sum in uiou ciiui lo w -to I should have the cordial support of w O" I J .4.! -t u- . every guuu citizen ui uic tuwu From what cause we cannot say, but the reasons for it are both nu merous and easy to be had, the churches of the community in this as in some others appear to have but little hold on the people. With population of ten thousand to draw upon it is surprising that the aver age church attendance is so small, yet it is ft fact and one that cannot be successfully denied. Nor is there any prospect of an improvement in this direction, otherwise r" "ocs to indicate it may become worse. This is not a very agreeable prospect or one flattering to us, but it is some thing that calls for an immediate remedy if in our power to apply it Some agency must be brought to bear upon the young men of the community to counteract the evil effect of the temptations offered them and enable them to become the strong healthful citizens that the community will need that its onward progress may not be stayed. We offer here exceptionable op portunities for sin doing having in this respect a singular distinction divided with no other of our sister towns. The wholesome temperance sentiment of some years ago has been badly shattered by the baleful influence of 12 or 13 bar rooms. "Liberal thinking," "high license" and plenty of whiskey have had the usual effect in deteriorating the very best and most attractive among us or at least in some wise impairing their usefulness. "Some agency is needed to reach our young men in the sphere they movem. I hex. M. C. A. will do this as no other can. It will supply the desire for recreation and enjoy ment without evil to the subject. It will aid in laying the foundation of strong, stable character. Let us SlcK Headache. The diseese Is caused ' by a derangement of tbe stomach. ' Take a uoe of Chamberlain s stomach and Liver Tablets to correct this din order and the sick headache wile disappear -For sale by Nasbvilll Drujf Co." - .-.. - t h To understand . Browning, needs to go into a brown study. one It comes put up In a collapsible tube with a nozzle; easy to apply to the soreness an Inhumation, for any form of Piles: it soothes, and relieve pain, itching and burning. Man Zan Pile remedy.' Price 50 cents. Guaranteed by Nashville Drug Co. The progressive and thrifty mer chant believes in newspaper adver tising. For best results he places his ad in The Graphic. FOR SALE. - I bavo two good work oxen, 8 years old for salo. Weight about 1,200 hundred lbs each. For par ticulars apply to. 1 . .'- ; .W. II. Mat. i Custulla N. 0. PROPERTY FOB SALE. -. I offer for sale my farm con lulning 70 acres of land, situated 3 miles west of Nash villo near County Home, title guaranteed'. Will ulso sell one mule, I steer, two milob-oows, two yearlings, bogsandall farming uten sils, consisting of wagon, two carts, plows, hoes, cultivators eto. For further particulars apply to, "1jlKBHON bATTIIKI.OR. R. F. D. No 2 Nashville, N. C. Gins Ant frets ir Sale. I have two 60-saw cotton gins; one a self feeder and a cotton press for sale. For further particulars apply . to i. f . Austin, At Bank, Nashville N. C. Young married people and old ones too. That have no children to laugh and coo, . Find their troubles wfll "little ones' be,- If they tuke Rocky Mountain Tea. Nashville Drug Co- The man who can see nothinir but fun in life never amounts to much; the man who can see no fun at all in lite never amounts to anything. I'll stop your oai o free. To show you first before you spend a penny what my Pink Pain Tablets cau do, will mail you free, a Trial Package or mem Lr. bbooD s Headache Tab lets. Neuralgia. Headache. Tooth ache, Period pains, etc., are due a- lone to blood congestion. Dr. Snoop's Headache Tablets simply kill Dain by coaxiogaway the unnatural blood presure. That is all. Address Dr. Sboop, Racine, Wis. Sold by Word Drug to. Nashville. Casta ia Druir uo. ijastaiia. . ALIAS SUMMONS. North Carolina, Nash County, In The Supeaior. Cour. . Abrara Allen vs. Rosella Wiggins ana uarzeiia Wiggins. The defendants above named will lake notioe that an action entitled. as above has been commenced in the superior court of. Nusb County for the sale of lands belonging to tbe plaintiff und tbe defendants, for division, the said lands being situa ted ia Nash County, Mannings Township. N. C ; and tbe defendants will futber take botice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Nash County on Monday tbe 23 day of SeDt. 1907 at the Court-bouse of said County, in Nashville, N. C., and answer or demur to the complaint Id said ac tion, or the plantiff will apply to the court for tbe relief demanded in said complaint. T. A. Sills Clerk Superior Court. This A ugust tfie 27th 1907. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. under a luogment 01 JNasb Supe rior Court rendered in tbe special proceeding entitled Mrs. W. I. liarnes et al vs. : Nanoy Barnes et al. tbe undersigned as commission er, will sell at public uuotion, at the courthouse door In Naabvilltf, 14. C., on Monday, tbe 7th day of October, 1907 at twelve o'clock M., certain tract or parcel of I nod la Nasb coun ty, known as Lot No. 3, drawn by the heirs of J. A. Barnes, deceased, and described as follows, viz: Be ginning at a hickory on Stony creek, thence south 40 west 186 poles to a stake, tbeoce north 88 degrees 60 poles to a stake in Strickland's line, thence north 1J degrees east 111 poles to a holly in looy creek, thence down the various courses of! sold creek to tbe beginning, contain ing sixty-five acres, except tbe eight and three fourths acres bolonging to Mrs. J, Y. Barnes. The parts being sold being tbe twenty one and two-thirds acres belooging to all tbe heirs, eight and. three quarter acres belonging to Nancy Barnes, the eight and three quarter acres belonging to Alonu uarnes, the eight and three-quarter acres be longing V Lillian Barnes, and tbe eight and three-quarter acres " be longing to Benny Barnes, contain ing in all obi acres. Lbom T. Vaoohak, Commissioner. WOODABD & VaUUUAM, Attorneys. This Sept. 6th. 1907. J S.F.AUSTIN. President. S. G. GRIFFIN, Vlce-Pres W. G. DOZIER Cashier. The armless wonder does thincs in an off-hand way. give tne new movement the DroDer race as only prompt action on the support necessary to insure its sue rart of the Board of Commissioners ill secure the offer which has been r.iade by Messrs. Cooley and Lincke. Notice. Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be mado to tbe Governor of North Carolinaon Sepetmberl8tb I!0(, for the pardon of M. N. Hodges, wno was convicted at April term, 1907. of Nash Superior Court for embezzlement. Battle & Cooley, for Pertitioner. A great investment, absolutely sale, brings returns that nothing eise can; giviog surplus earning bon-m-law Longsworth announces power; securing corarort and health tiat 'President Roosevelt will not Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea I ncome a candidate for renomina- does. 3a cents, Tea or Tablets. 1 i .... u .. ; n n w" Mssja HIV V WUUU J " . "J , ' 11,6 candidate who is so glad to his mind to stick to this course. Uakeyour hand before election is 1 hat should settle the third term very apt to shake you entirely after business for it is quite certain that election, "the entire country" is not crying for Roosevelt, nor are a great many Republicans in love with a third term. , While he was in Oklahoma Secre tary Taf t said with a knowing look: "I have never yet seen the town where a drink could not be secured by a man who looked for it." How does he know this? Has he been ev erlastingly looking for drinks in pro hibition towns and finding them? he an habitual law-breaker? What a president such a man would make! E idently he cares no more for the I. w than Roosevelt does. Mothers with little children need no longer fear croup, colds or whooDin? couifh. Bees Laxative Coue b Sy u ry tas tes good . It work s off the cold through the bowels, cuts the pnlegm, cleaes the head, ,1'or youngandold. Guaranteed. Secure a bot'ile at once. Sold by Nashville Drug Co. -Jashville has made remarkable p -ogress along moral lines and in r community in the State is there a stronger temperance sentiment V "3 are now awakening and putting on new life as regards to things edu- f .'.ional. The next move for our progressive citizens to make will be h the direction of public street and r. ad improvement, i" ; '.;-'-,' , , '. It is reported that there are now c ily 81.V22 persons in jail in the Vnited States, but when the Repub- K .an United States Senators and Congressmen and others indicted for I-jid and other frauds and the ite- X iblican Pennsylvania grafters have been tried the number should be I.irgely increased. J :, ' V " v:;vfc'K. There is every evidence that 'ere l-jthe school trustees will have to niJer the matter of enlarging the vunds around the structure, as it - ' !:.!y visible at this staje of the ' ' n Cst a s'te of re t 're'-fr : 1 ' r t ? 1 . x ' ; r. -i 1 2 v ; on t!;e Liotltution. When a man wants to turn a dis honest trick he has no trouble in finding an excuse that will satisfy his conscience. ' VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. A valuable fjrm containing eighty five acres, witbin half mile of Hii?h school ouiiding, in Nashville, N. C. win toe offered for sale at the court bouse door io said town on Tuesdav of court week, it being tbe 26th day of November, 1907. Terms of sale cash, or other arrangements. For further particulars apply to LbosT. Vauoha. Aift. -- Sept. 9th. '07. Nashville, N.,G i ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Joseph Lamm deceased, late of Nash County, N. C. this is to notifv an persons having ciaimsagainst tbe estate of said deceased toexhibitthe some to tbe undersigned adminis trator on or before Auirust 15. 1908. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will make immedi ate payment. ' J. T. Abbrnathy. Administrator. This August 15. 1907. Finch & Pierce, Attorneys. . Do you know that Pinesalve Car bolized acts like a poultice in draw ing out Inflammation and poison? It is antiseptic. For cuts, burns, ecze ma, cracked bands its immediate relief. 25c ts.. Sold by Nashville Drug Co. None but worldly people appreci ate simplicity. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. rt ' . n ..'V. navmjf quauneo on i)rd day or I May; 1907 ,as Executrix of tbe will of tbe Jute W. H. Arriogton, dee'd Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to bis estate to come for ward and pay off their debts. and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti- neo to present tbe same to the un dersigned within one vear from this daW, August 16tb 1907, or this notice win oe ploadod in bar of said claims. . ; J Mrs. Al L. Battlk. - - y ; 5 - Executrix. .. This 25th day of August, 1907. The Height of Ambition is a dead failure without money. To steal it is a crime. How. then will you get it? By properly di rected energy, economy, close at- a a. a 1 r. i lenuun to Business ana A Bank Account at this bank. Solving the problem 01 getting on in the world is easy if you have a good bank ac count. Give us your account and we will take each other in our , mutual confidences. The results will be money-making" (5 The Bank of Nashville. ME WILL OFFER For The NEXT SIXTY DAYS ..... . - j Wheejer & Wilson -Sewing Machines $20 Cash! Just Eeceivetl! A NICE LINE OF WHITE AND PINK -. Enameled Beds; Come and Take a Look at The Most Beautiful Beds Ever Shown ' In Nashville. 1 No Trouble to Show You ANYTHING IN OUR LINE 11 . Hi RICKS, ALFORD ft BATCHELOR J Chamberlain's Cough Remedy une or tne Best on cne Mantel. For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has constantly train ed in favor and popularity until it is now one of tbe most staple medi cines in use aod bas so enormous sale. It ia intended especially for acute throat and lung diseases, such as cougba, colds and croup, and can always be depended upon. It is pleasant and safe to take aod is unt doubtedly the best Id the market for tbe purposes for which Itis intended, Sold by Nashville Drug Co. It's not so much the people you do . as those you kave undone. 1 Attack of Diarrhoea Dured by one Dose or Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea-. ' Remedy. I was so weak from an' attack of iarrhoea that I could scarce! r at tend to my duties, when I look a dose of Chamberlain a Colic. Cholera and Diarahoea Remedy. It cured me enrtiely and I bad been tpkin? other medicine for nine days; with out relief. I heartilv re:ommend this remedy as bf5" the best to my; know'p -I ( vel cnmplainfs. 7 R. C. i . A . f the drm of fctew art & I."o.. x . I'Dyiuo, Ala, For sale by. Nashville Drug Co. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator J of W. H. WTieless, deceased, late of ine uouuiy oiwasn, North Carolina. this is to notifv all nersoos havinv claims against tbe estate of tbe said- deceased, to exhibit tbem to tbe ud-I oersigued administrator on or be fore September the 5th, 1908, or this nonce win be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted W said estate will please make immedi ate payment to said administrator. ' J. M' WHELMS,:";''' , , Administrator. , ' ' ' This September 4tb. 1907. Finch & Pierce, t Atty's: c FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS :l We Are Offering "Star Brand Shoes Are Belter" "ISayflpiaef" A C2.50 emd ff3.00 f hfi aferWctm? This stews oo of ths bust plaulsf styks Q I Notice of Land 8ale. 1 1 By vrtue of th6 Dower in a cerui'n judgment, rendered at the May term 1W7, Wash Suuenor Court: in the case entitled U S. Joyoer vs. R C, Dixon, . Admr. et al. tbe under signed commissioners, 'duly ii ap pointed therein, will on Mondavi tbe 7th day of October. 1907. at 12 o'clock m. at the court bouse door In Nashville, N. C sell at Dublic auction to tbe highest bidder for cash, tbe following, described real estate: One certain tractor oardel of land lying and being in Coopers townsnip, ruasb county, adiommsr ne lanns 01 n. v.; Joyner. ; K. C. Dixon and others, containing sixty five (65) acres 3 more or less and known as the Nancy Bowers borne place '", , ; JXO. E . WOODABD, ) n ; - K A. P. Cow.ey, Ct"l"n rs; Woodaed A Vawihaji, . .. ! Battlk & Coolev. . f AUv : This the 4th day of Sept 1907. i Shoes .Worth Shoes Worth Shoes Worth Shoes Worth' $1.75. 1.50. 3.75, For For For 4.50, For $1.50 1.20 3.00 3.50 ' i' T. A -. 3 1 4. . . 1 name it v.-?r.r.;. A m'-ci..r:i product with cld-tl-pc h-S::oi . .Eigh; Value The "Mayflower-' Shoe for Women is disii-cJ b iticfl the requirements of those who want a higlixlass ,hoc at a medium. pnce. The manufacturers 3-ca!ii!.- j this have put into the shoe the greatest postib!? values and furnish it to us at a figure that permits our selling it to you at the remarkably low price of $2.50 and $3.00. We can say to you frankly there is less profit made on the Mayflower than any shoe, of like quality sold to-day. We have styles enough to ' satisfy you no matter how particular you may be. Come in and Examine "our Big Stock BIG REDUCTION On AH Summer Goods Etc. . '. ' V' ' .' . . .1 ' . y ... .... - ..i;- 1 .':'. .i . In fitting the Liitle Ones out for the ap. proaching term of school, it will pay you jo Call on the ris's'i Supply Co;. Bfwn-aathcrsby Co; Nashville, N. C. x Notice. . . NTitice is hereby given that a certain- note given on Jan, 1st, 1902, by W: B. Stewart, of Gold Rock, N. C, toW. T. Stewart of Datesville. Ala.. for th j sum of four hundred dollars, which was lost, bas been paid in full and mortgage cancelled ; ; " yf. B. Stewart." This the 5th.aj of Sept, 1007. ' T3- . Tor the Ilidneys, Bladder and Rheumatism. RELIEVES 30 days' treatment for $1.C0. S:t!..;:t!on ,i guaranteed or. nosey-refunded. Recommended and Sold Cy Nashville Drus Co. Nashville IN. C, 3