lie do; .v ji ,oy. J THE BLUE MARK Denotes Your Subscription has I Expired, end Request you to i Please - Renew ' Promptly. APHia; ? Your Neighbor by Continually LiuiiuvYiiiK ilia ravh j y Subscribe For Yourself. ; r: - ; " M. W. LINCKE, Editor and Publisher. ESTABLISHED 1809. Subscription $1.00 PER YEAR. VOL. XIV. NASHVILLE, North Carolina, JANUARY 1st L908. NO. I. t : '.V It i! A S 0 FREE US : If have been a customer of ours this year, or ex- pect to be next year, .t ' please call at our store ' and get a , - - . -" TURNERS ; NORTH CAROLINA1 ALMANAC Absolutely Free ashvillo Drug Company BRING"ME YOUR". ,-v..: .' -ft - Repair Work AND Horseshoeing have a full corps of Expert . encea workmen and am . ;;; prepared tos.! y,; Do All Work Promptly FOREIGN NEWS "NOTES Occurrini Events the WorW Oyer. '; .-.ii i -4..v 1 make a spreialty of repairing Husrgies. Wagons, Carts Flow Etc., and . v "Special Attention un is given to rH6rse$h6eing' ' . Respectfully, N. C WARREN, - Nashville, N, For All Kinds Thresh Groceries, (wresh Meat. f resh Sausage. resh Fish, . ; j. . - AH Kinds of Canned Goods (iOUNTRY PRODUCE, ETC.? 4 In fact anything necessary to make up a good meal, call on nn ft, Next Door to Cockrell & Williams. Ml WILL OFFER -.. :.' For The ,. .; NEXT SIXTY DM heeler & Vilsoh , ' J . ' - Sewing Machines - ; CM TT . FOR THE NEXT Ti;0 WEEI Vc Are fillijlz j r- ; .0 'fl Shoes Shoes . Shoes Worth Worth iVorth Worth $1.75. 1.50. For For For .50,' For r1 $1.50 11.20 3.501 , -si., v " - ' Brief Itvltw t Wkat Bal TrBislr4l . In Othr Scctieai Dnrtn The " L4 TVmK b4 SIbc ..'.'-. Oar Last lata. -r San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 2. Fire destroyed four buildings and rutted two on Mission street, between First and Main early today and did. dam age estimated at $200,000. ; . -s v.iYt t.i'i- 7 : V ''"m Aiken, S. C., Dec. JT.-While'talc-, lng part in a dovt drive near Aiken today, B. F. Tyler accidently 9hot the top of his nephew's head off, causing instant death. The dead boy was the son of C. A. Humphrey, of Atlanta. Tyler afterwards tried to kill him self.. : , . . . KinioF Belt, one of the captors of Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederate States, died Saturday at Thornville, Ind., aged 63 years. Belt was for years a merchant of Thorn' ville, and for some years has been living on his farm. He was a dispatch bearer of the Twelfth Ohio Vohuv teer Calyalr. 5 - Boston, Mass., Dec. 27. Five per sons were- burned to death in a fire which destroyed the house of John Clark at Watertown, a suburb early today. Every member of the Clark family met death in the flames. The dead are: John Clark, his wife, and their three children, John, aged 11 years; Philip, aged 9, and Doris, aged Fayetteville, Ga., Dec, 27. Joe Beadles shot and killed his brother, Nat Beadles, last night at the home of his mother. Joe had returned home spend the holidays and began drinking. He ran his mother from hehouse and she informed his broth' ir Jwho attempted to quiet him. Joe esented the interference of Nat and the shooting followed. : rranmort, K.y., Dec. 60. It was announced today that the American Tobacco Company had riven direc tions to their representatives here to rent out their warehouse, or re-hand ling house at Frankfort, and cease business until further notification. Developments are awaited with great anxiety by the holders of tobac co of this year's and last' years crop. Valdosta, Ga., Dec. 27,-VJohn S. Moore, a well known citizen of Stock ton Ga0 was shot and instantly killed by his wife today. Mrs Moore claims felf defense, She says her husband attaeked her with a knife, threaten ing to cut he to death. She seized pistol and fired, killing him. More was drinking. Moore killed a man several years ago in the room in which he died. ' : -.' , --.x San Jose, Cal., December 26. Ber tram Somers early today shot and killed his five-year-old boy, having mistaken him for'a. burglar. The child,' is believed, was walking in his sleep. , The parents .awakened by a noise in the room and seeing the out-lihe-of a figure near the window they oncluded it was that of a burglar. Mr, Somers reached for his pistol ana fired, killing the child instantly. Dalton, Ga.;Dec. ' 26. News has reached here of a fatal shooting,'f ol lowing a Christmas dinner, near Spring Place, last night, Liege W. Williams, a farmer invited several persons to supper. , One of the guests is alleged, to have 'made some slight ing remarks about the food,;. which resulted in a feht between- the- host his son and;fiscpe Russell During the fight thV light was overturned and extinguished.? When the room was again fighted'.Jbhn Tanks, , an innocent ' en-looker, had. been shot and wsas found lying dead upon the floor; .: ' ' . .With every charity bed in the city of New Yoripccupied, lodging hous es overcrowded, 'bowery saloons turned into barracks j and an array of ; wanderers on the streets, the charity organizations in New York are helplessly ; facing a situation Mind Your Business. If you dou't nobody will. It Is yoar ousioes8 to, kf ep out of all the trouble you caq and will keep out of liver aod bowel trouble- if you take Dr. Kind's Nevr Life Pills. Tbey keep billtousoess, malaria find jaundice out of your system. 25o. at Nashyllle Drujf .Cortt : . which will reach Its climax with the grot cold wave. '. After the informal conference of the various charity or ganizations it became known that more than 60,000 strangers were homeless in that city and that at least-half that.number spend nights on benches and floors wherever shel ter is afforded. ...While the tide of unemployed who are flocking into the city has not been stemmed, the charity organization members are making vain attempts to care for those already iWi, .- Birmingham, Al., Dec. 27. Just as the black cap was about to be placed today over, the head of Hen' ry Thaxton, a negro, convicted of the killing of "S.. T. Hunstucker, white, a telegram from the Govern or, ordering a suspension of the ex ecution for fifteen days was delivered to the sheriff. i ' The prisoner raised his hands and exclaimed: "My God." The negro had made a statement from the gallows and in a minute more : the - trap would have sprung, v . ; r - At this point a boy rushed up to the gate and handed a telegram to Chief Deputy Brown who quickly cried out "Hold, Colonel, wait minute." Then the Sheriff mounted the steps of the gallows and read the message aloud. - The ' prisoners in the jail gave a loud cheer and the prisoner was led back to Jail praying and weeping. - . . LATEST STATE NEWS. Condensed From Our State Excianf Ites of Inttreit'CenaeaMd iaShert Parasaphi an4 Mainly Per . Ulrdate Hatters 1 ' . Nnh Careliaa. THE-BANK - OF - NASHVILLE,? S. F. AUSTIN. Pres. S. fl. CKIFFIN, Vlce-Pres. W. 6. DOZIER, Cashier, j START Here Drastic Itssediet Needed. In seems to us that there is need for more drastic remedies than have been applied. ' If necessary, a peni tentiary sentence lor carrying a re volver without a written permit and a jail sentence for the official issuing such permit without good reason might meet the case. If really seri ous loss and actual degradation and disgrace attended thg)(jconsant car rying of hidden' weapons we might stop a habit which disgraces and in jures this part of the country, ' holds us up before the world as communi ties of dangerous murderers and ev ery year leave scores of widows and orphans, anguished, destitute and desolate. Richmond News-Leader, Pay The Debts. At this season of the year business men like, to get their accounts set tled and it .is nothing more than right that every man who owes a bill should pay it. ;.. j If for some reason it is impossible to do so, let him go and ' " SCO . the man, Tell him about it, but don't try and avoid your creditors. Every merchant and business man has accounts on his books and it is necessary for these to be collected in order that they may meet their own bills and start the New Year right. If every man who Owes an account and can possibly do so, would pay up things would unloose to a great ex tent and business -conditions would be more satisfactory. In justice to ourselves , and' right for our friends, let's all try and pay our open accounts wherever they may be just and this as quickly as is possible.--Wilmington Star. 1 To Trustees of Ivtrhy rch. In the fall of the year when atmos phere doesen'l cause paint to dry too quickly, is the best time for painting.''- ::('r;;;'.''.' V-;;vv-Vi We have contributed a large share of our L. &. M,' Paint to Churches using paint, and always will do bo, and wish to do so to every Church in this locality. We have no agency here, and we will therefore supply the L. & M direct to the Church at price dealer would charge, and our contributions will be as usual, very liberal. ' - ' v: t ' In the event of Congregation not being able to pay, we will furnish all the Paint Free. More than ten thousand Churches have been paint ed with the L. & M. Paint. ; Addres ui directLongman & Martinez, Manufacturers L. & M. Paint New York. - Reidsville,'N. C. Dec. 27.-John Hagood, a farmer of near Ruffin age about 60 years, killed himself with a gun which he placed against his breast and discharged with a fire poker. His mind is thought to have been unbalanced for the past few weeks - . , ' '' ' Littleton, N. C, Dec. 30. Chief of Police L C. Newsom, of the pro hibition town of Littleton, was arrested today by Deputy United States Marshal Gibson and after hearing before United States Com missioner T. N. Harrison, was held for the Federal Court in a bond of two hundred dollars for retailing liquor without license. The temperance forces of Salis bury are lining up for a battle royal with the liquor traffic early in the new year. : It is announced that Rev. M. F. Ham, who led the victory m Asheville, will wage the campaign in Salisbury, which is now looked upon as the strong-hold for whiskey deal era in North Carolina. The date for the opening of the campaign has not been determined. Sanford, N. C, Dec. 30. J. H. Worthy, sixteen years old, who has been a clerk in the postoffice here since October last has been arrested and tried, charged with numerous thefts and bound over to the Fed eral court. He gave the 1200 bond required. He was charged with the larceny of packages containing dia mond rings, fountain pens, small sums of money and in one case a solid gold engagement ring. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 27. Oscar Sisck, the Stokes County moon shiner, who, it is alleged, shot and killed United States Revenue Officer W. Hendricks from ambush last Friday, was captured today in the mountains of Stokes county by two mountaineers and taken to Danbury, the county seat The United States government offered a reward of $1, 000 for Sisck's capture. Hendricks was slain while leading a raiding party near SmithtQwn, the strong hold of blockade distillers. Beaufort, N. C, December 26. The battleship North Carolina will come to Cape Lookout harbor when completed to receive the silver serv ice from the State. Hon. M. Leslie Davis, chairman of committee from Beaufort Chamber of Commerce has received the information from the Secretary of the Navy that as soon as practical after the commissioning of the North Carolina the necessary orders will be issued for the armored cruiser North Carolina o go to Cape Lookout to receive the silver service to be presented by the State. John White, a young white man, is in jail at Hertford, charged with a horrible , and unfortunate crime, whichtcrime he has confessed, that of the killing of Mr. Stevens, bag gage master on tne Virginia ana Carolina Coast Railroad and whose home is in Suffolk, Va. As the reg ular southbound passenger train was passing through an open field near Hobbsville, a small station about 25 miles north of Elizabeth City, five men were seen standing near tne tracks one of whom fired into the train and young Stevens, who was standing at one of the windows of the rear coach, received the entire load in the mouth . killing him in stantly. :;;y-:-:: ':,:pi'.X'r Watched for Fifteen Years.' !For fifteen years I have watched the working of Bucklen's Arnica Salve; and it has never failo to cure any. sore, soil, ulcer or burn to which it was applied. It has saved us many a doctor bill," naps A. F. Hardy, of East Wilton. Maine. 25c. at ft. hville DrugCu. When a man really becomes ac quainted with himself he feels hum ble. '-. ; After all, the chief difference be tween most people is in the length of the clothesline. , t: Why suffer from Rheumatism? Do you know that rheumatic pains can bo relieved? If you doubt this try one application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. - It will make rest and Bleep possible, and that certainly means a great deal to any one a.f licted wtiii rheumatism. For sale by Nashville Drug Co- 4 is v 77 m viftiiir W..M j mini inc MAKE !A GOOD this Christmas season, money in the bank and bank book in an old stool instead of the cash.' Put your r put your .Ml :we. A BANK OF NASHVILLE BANK BOOK is lots of use to you. but isn't worth a cent to the enterprising t burglar. So if you start the ac- r count you lose nothing if he steals that old stocking. That's a whole K lot better than if you had con-V tinued to leave your cash there. C MATTER OVER. We are offering Special Inducements For The Mext 15 Days 3a ON CJ r a v a net t & Overcoats AND Bovs Suits MP. I ft. HII MAMS czzJ 1 Mules To Suit Everybody. If you have not already purchased, DON'T DO SO until you have seen our stock. We ' WILL SAVE YOU MONEY x ALL WE ASK OF YOU, is to take a look, and se lect what you want and we will make ( ... ' I PRICES AND TERMS TO YOUR SATISFACTION Wishing all a happy and- prosperous - year during 1908, we are, Yours ready for a trade r in r"" 1 . 4 r ..,JU.