the dlue MAnsc i COU'T ANNOY f Your Neighbor by Continually i Denotes Your Subscription has ) Expired, and Request you to Please Renew Promptly. y . Borrowing Ills Paper. ( vj Suhscrlho - For - Yourself. J . M. W. L1NCKE, Editor and Publisher. - t ' - " ESTABLISHED 1893. , v " 1 Subscription $1.00 PER YEAR. VOL. XIV. - ; : . : . NASHVILLE, North Carolina, MAY 7th, 1908. ' - . NO. 20. . ' ' " ' - ' v -" t ' . '..'' " . ' ' ' " .... ' ' . , ... .... i ,,,,,.. ., - .y . . ... I " ' I " " ' ' - ! .... .1 ... ii.ii. , .11 I. i i. .... . i. . Dr. C. F. Sraithson, DENTIST Office: Planters Bank Building, : Rocky Mount. N. C. LEWS CCrFIN & CASKET HOUSE, X - Rocky Mount pi. C. Day and Night Phono, 305. Funeral Directing and Embalming. DR. F. G. XHAMBLEE .' DENTIST. ' Spring Hope, N. C. Orrice In Spring Hope Banking Co. Building 8. F.AUSTIN. E.B.GRAN1HAM NMhrlll) . o. RockMooot.. a ' . AUSTIN & GRANTHAM, ' LAWYERS. V- PromptaUentiongivcnioull matters J. P. BUNN. Rooky Mount. F. S. SPRU1LL, i Lonliburg, , V , BUNN 4 SPRUILL, Attorneys and Counsellorsat-Law. WW tola NMhvUle lint Mondar JACOB BATTLE. E. A.F. COO LIT BockvMount.N.C. ahrille,N. C. BATTLE & COOLEY, ' ; Counsellors And Altorneys-Al-Law. Practice In State aod Federal Courts. : Qffloe lo Grand Jury Bid. ' E, J. Bakices, O. P. Dickinson .V , BARNES & DICKINSON, Attorneys and Counsellors-Al-Lavr ' Wilson, N.C. Practice in Nash, Wilson, State and Federal courts. Offloe over Savings Bank. : J iro. E. Woodabd, WUaoo. Laox T. Vacobah - Nashville.- iJOODARD.&NVAUGHAN, Attorneys 'And Counsellors-at-Uw Prompt attention given to all matters entrusted to our care. Office -in Grand Jury Building. r.'A. WOODARD, , THORPE. , - Wilton. ' - Rock; Mount ' ' B, A. BROOKS. Nashville, N. C. . . WOCDAR0, THORPE A BROOKS, LAWYERS. Offices: Nashville" and Spring Hope. ' Offlos la Orsnd iury BaUding. , 1 T. T. ROSS. Dentist. ..' ' Spring Hope, N. C. Office in New Finch Building Will be in my office every Wednes day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Nashville Office at Residence .. Where I"can be found -Monday and Tuesoat '. - S. B. DEW. " . E, M.PERRY DEW & PERRY. Physicians and Surgeons ' Spring Hope, N. C. Offer their professional services to the people of Spring Hope and , surrounding country. All Calls Promptly Answered Office in Bass Building in rear of Yarbrough's Drug Store. - .".:iOrfae-c ... 0 Ten Motel, . ... ia., 11. W .'. rx I.'L .L, - - - . Proprietor, I" ntly renovated and ; now oth'o to the public. -Table supplied with tbe ! -t Xto- market affords ?r Dry DRINIC THE DESTROYER OF ALL THAT IS ESSENTIAL TO , . ' " AS u Once more we take up the subject that is the tnost important of all to millions of human beings. And we urge you to use this pic ture and this editorial, and your own stronger personal arguments with young men that -may be in danger, with older men and women that need to be helped to fight the greatest curse. - Ihis is a picture that will appeal to the imagination of children and to the experience of the old, A few things make life worth while; among them: friendship, ambition. lf-r- SDect. honesty. I. . All ol these ana many others are put away in the graves that are dug by drink. - First goes ambition. The grave of ambition is big, and it is filled with the men that began to drink with the idea 'that "a little' would not hurt them," only to find out that the little of the beginning meant destruction in the end. The Hog Productioa f 'Different States. The report of the department of Agriculture- of January 1, 1908, gives a statement of the estimated hog 1 production of the' different states of the west. . . Iowa heads the list with 8,413,000 hog population. Have any of our boys and girls any idea of what. 8, 000,000 hogs means? If a boy was smart enough to count these hogs as they run through a chute at the rate of twenty a minute, and was to work eight hours a day twenty-four days in the month , and twelve months in the year he could count only one-third the hog crop in Iowa in the year. Furthermore if these hogs were turned into silver dollars at ten dollars a head, the boy begin ning when he was twenty-one years old, counting sixty a minute, and working the same length of time each day as before, would be twenty eight by the time he had them counted. Figure it out and seeif this is not right. Illinois is second and Nebraska third, but it may be a surprise to our readers to know that the combined hog population of both these states is only 600,000 more than that of the single state of Iowa. Imay be interesting also to know that Kansas, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio, all four together, have on ly about 100,000 triere hogs than Iowa and that Indiana, Texas' and Georgia have 508,000 less than Iowa alone. Wallace's Farmer. ; . A Woman Tells How to. Relieve -Rheumatic Pains, I have been a very rcat suffer from the .dreadful disease rheuma: tism for a number of years..I bough ii bottltiof Chamber! iin'8 Pain Balm I found relief before 1 had used all of ono bottle but ffept no applying it and soon felt likea tliirerent woman. Tbrouifh my novice many of my friends have tried it aud era tell bow wonderfully it bun worked. rs':irb A. C )le. 1 ' ) St., Dover, ('linmbtr';iii:3 l ain L..lm is liniment 1 Le relief fiv n pain which itallords is alone woasb many times its cost. It makes ret and sU cd possible 1'or t ro by F": hville Dct'Co. . (By Courtesy of tfie V Drink has killed more ambition than all other forces in life put to gether. ", Drink kills friendship. One by one friends are driven from the man that puts his own sel fish appetite ahead of duty and of all other consideration, ; Friendship fa based upon appreci ation of manliness, upon the sense of equality among men. ' ' Drink kills love and happy family life. ' - , - - : How many wives. Jiave cluwr to drunken husbands! . How desperate ly they have tried to save them only the drunkards know. But what drink starts out to do, it does.' It destroys affection, - and it destroys the' family. . The family is based upon the respect of the children for the father and mother. , Drink de stroys self-respect, for it kills that by which respect was created. - A drunkard struggles and strives, ELDER P. D. GOLD'S POSITION. Cannot Give Hi Vote For Enconrage meat of DranKeaett. "Tohe Editor: From my youth I have considered whatever encour ages drunkeness a damaging busi ness, to good morals, and to every thing else that is praiseworthy, Therefore, I have never from, the outset of this prohibition campaign intended to vote for the manufac ture or sale of intoxicating drinks. "While I do not consider that Pro hibition, as it is called, will extermi nate the evil of drunkeness. yet I cannot give my vote for what might seem to encourge the great evil of drunkeness. ' ' "I would love to live in a country wnere every man is Bober. it is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or Is offend ed, or is made weak'. Rom' 14:21. "Let every man vote in this mat ter as seems right to him or not vote. Bitterness should not be encouraged but liberty of conscience should be allowed. 1 Let your moderation be shown, I dQ not desire to control the votes " of others. I - desire to preach the Gospel which contains every good thing, and prohibits ev ery evil. ; v-;VU h f .'Respectfully, r :i P, D. GOLD, "Wilson, N. May 2nd.rt " ?" v Health Coffee is really the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced by-'Dr. bhoop of Racine Wis Not a praiu of real Coftee in it either' Dr. Sboops Health Coffee, is m:ide from pure t t a grains with malt nuts, eto, 1 ly it would fool an expert who ii t ("rink it for coffee. No t) r . ' ' inutes tedious boilin; ' " ? i ) i. inula" says ike doctor -14 ty J. C.lienry. , New York American.) ' i "... V over and over, to save himself to save the self-respect that is slipping away from him. ' . . h But eventually self:respect is buried also in ! the graveyard of tlrink, and principlehonesty can be found in a grave nearby. A man's conscience; attacks and worries him, even in the last stages 6f "-drinking. Others forgive him again and again but' m his good moments he does not . forgive him self, z " Hope, of course, lies the grave yard of drink. Its death is Blow, for alcohol deceives the man that it is destroying, and it deceives him with hope. Hope and health end togeth er at last -and are buried and added to the list of graves. . .' - - . It is hard to cure the man. upon whom drink has fastened its hold. Of such men a great majority want to do better. . . , ;!,' " But drink has cunningly destroyed VIEWS OF A NON-CHURCH MEMBER. He Will Never Be Guilty of Helping - to Legalize the Greatest Cane. I'm not a member of any church and have always rendered the Devil very faithful service, but I will say I shall never be guilty of helping to legalize the greatest curse known to the human family. .' I have two neighbors one a fool and the other an ignoramus both of whom are opposed to prohibition, and neither of them can give one common sense or satisfactory reason for his belief- Yesterday I was at Sandy Creek and for the first time in ' my life, heard a church deacon vobject to a visiting preacher making a prohibi tion talk from' the pulpit. L He was under the necessity of going into a, man's yard and making his address in the open air, while the leading members went off by themselves and refused to hear one word of the ad dress. ' If I were in Bro. Duke's place the next time there was a freshet in Sandy Creek I would go down there and take the whole crowd out and baptise them until they got religion or drowned. , ; How can any church wield a pow er for good in any community if the leaders are openlyaided by the Devil by helping to perpetuate the most fruitful source of trouble the nation has. to deal with? - - ! v ; ;i Some people claim the Bible does not prohibit drinking, but Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived; and consequently the best authority any one can give, thought it was wrong and did not fail to impress upon us Weak womon get prompt and last ing help by using Dr. Snoops Night Cure. These sooth i eg, healing, an tiseptic suppositories,- with full in formation how to" proceed are inter estingly told of v 1u my book 1-No 4 "'or women", The book is entirely free. Simple write Dr. feuoo'i, I cine. Wis, for my bonk No4. f. .1 by V .trd Drug Co--f .ashvule. C - ( talia Dru CoCtu:..l:a Drug Co. I TRUE MANHOOD." r the will first of all. And while the drunkard wants to do what you tell him, he wants a thousand times more the drink that he craves. It is hard to reform a man far down the hill. But it' is not hard to fill with hatred and fear of drink the young that are still free from it, or those that are only beginning. ' .. Make clear to the young men, and especially to children, the road that leads to this graveyard.. .Let them know that the road hi a steep hill, that it gets steeper and steeper as it goes down. : .. At the top you can stop in safety and look into the dark graveyard at the foot. A few steps down, and you can still turn around but it soon becomes too late. There is hardly a home in the United States that has not a member in need of this picture. Use . it. Editorial in the New York American, the evil consequence of intemper ance. , We are free moral agents but when we exercise our free agency to the detriment of our fellow men we are committing a sin of great mag nitude. If by eating meat I cause my brother to offend I will eat no meat while life shall last. Lets all come together on the 26th of May and expell' the cursed thing from among us. -Very truly, K. E. GUP TON, in Franklin Times. , Prohibition and the Grand Jury. As an illustration of the way ef fective prohibition operates is fit for comment the recent experience of Schley county Georgia, one of the oldest and most prosperous counties in the State. When its Criminal Court met the other day the Grand Jury met in due form only to return .with the following report: "We congratulate the citizens of Schley county upon the fact that not a single case has been presented to us at this term of court that would warrant a bill, and that we attribute same largely to the effects of State Prohibition." " ' Here is concrete evidence of the fact, that taxes that are paid by liquor have to be balanced by the taxes paid for crime, as well as be ing in themselves a tax upon the citizenship,the industry and the happiness of the community. News and Observer. '. '. .. ." r ' i- That languid lifeless feeling that comes with spring and early sumer oan be quickly changed toaUeeing of buoyancs by the judicious use of Dr. bboop s Kastorative Tbe Resto rative is a tonio to tired rundown serves, The indoor life of winter nearly always leads to sluggish bo wels, The oustomary lack of everci- se rnd out door air ties up the liv er stagnates the kidneys and oftime weakens the heart s action Use Dr. Shoop's Restorative a few days test.will tell you that you are usir the right right remedy. You wi.l easily and surely note the - chfr from day to day. Sold by . r J Dru'r Co-Nashville Castalii Iru Co-CastIa. For Cash What Do You Need In This Line?1! In Groceries Wo have a full and complete Line em bracing everything essential V for the family meal. Is Not Limited to High Grade Furm ture alone, but among the many ; things we carry also v Corn, Oats, Hay and Mill Feed ' - s " ' : . - ....... We handle three of the leading brands of F LO U R ; "Red Feather," "Harter's A." and "Dunlop" '- ' Don't Forget We're Headquarters For Furniture! ; --- --Yours Respectfully, Dozier & Jones, Two l)oors West of Bank of Nashville. ' ' A Soil J Car 5c THE FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE, Qc Washington Street, Everything from 25 to than you can It Will Pay You To Fully Investigate Store Located In Masonic Temple Building The Store of finality." CULPEPPER DnOi, : OUTFITTERS, ' fopelandBld'j, :$priflf Hope,N.C, The Store ef finality. The Store of aai:y. n.... - ' ... t THE BANK OF IN I CI IVIIU. S. F. AUSTIN, Pres. S. G. GRIFFIN, On Time. Just Received Rocky Mount, N. C. . 50 per cent Cheaper get it elsewhere. . The Store af Quality. .w - p.j... rn .i w Vice-Fres. W.G.t::::?,C - r. K JI0 I i.J i LJ a bank book 8" i t v H fit er in " r -'. t ; !' 11 : ?; : t 3 r 1. r i a- - f yoa ; . . Or