TU , (i It A I'll I C. i'ublished by ' ru NASaVILLE Fl'HISSlNii CO., ' NASHVILUE, N. C. ' 1 M. W- LINCKE. Editor fiMfcr. CAStS TO Hi TRIiiD. m'hhckiitioit. . Ouo War. xSix Months (Three ' l.0 6 Publisher's Announcement. ! Tklarfs te Onwff U Atteatlea . afCaart. There ere seventeen prisoners in jail here whose cases will probaly be disposed of next week, while a grout majority of them are for triv- al offenses, there are, three which are of more improtance, and one of which, if conviction is made, carries with it either the death penalty or life imprisonment. On the charge of muHer in the ' No oouitmmk-ailoii will lti name of lit writer Is witlii All utit fltuwH lines will be olmiifwl tits per Itue lor obl-.uarT notice, ale. ' In . .1 . -r-.. c-...:L. r u:iL:n be published f I U" uer 1ujtcmhh.ii, limi miiMiia W. - land a negro woman named Nancy - The pnbll.her of Tva Us. raw will Powell will be tried for the killing of bere.poiibiefor view. Mpremd by iu uj,, negT0 Finch,3 near Bailey, . ', '.' . . ..D,.,iu;iJL., several months ago, an account of win be charged at the rate oi 100. ft line which appeared in The Graphic, oceaoainwtiou. . Isham Blue is toanswer the charge iisenMtnt should have copy la oaiet not of burglary in the second degree, later than 0000 oa Tmaday. . . while Jackson Jones is awaiting the Adrertiemenu dieoctinod before tbe disposition of the charge against him time wmraciea lor umm iiuwi wui eliar.ed transient ratea for the of stealing a bale of cotton. There are quite a number of other cases 01 a trivial character ana which, if the machinery were provi ded by enlarging the powers of the Recorder Court, should could have! been disposed of by the Recorder and thus have saved many dollars to the tax-payers. Conversations with many leading I The following are the names of the f.rmor. f Mh conntv and the iuron summoned to be here ween ior uie intu 01 criminal limes ao- tnally published Communications and items of news In tended for publicatloB. and nil bnsliiuaa letters should beatldressod toTHtUNAPH to. and aot to IndlTidual Bvnibors of tlx staff THURSDAY. MARCH, 10th, MO. views expressed by our rnostinflu ential business men and citizens re veals the fact that The Graphic makes no mistake in advocating the re-establishment of the Fair Associ ation at Rocky Mount The bene fits of such an enterprise cannot be enumerated. The interest being manifested by the boys in the Corn causes: . Name Benjamin Dew, H. G. Smith, Warren Woodard, Baldy Davis, G. R. Griffin, J. A. Everettc. J.W. Colston, T. J. Sykes, Growing Clubs is only the beginning Geo. Dickerson, nf an awalrenino- nf interest on thn I . F. Boswell, part of the older farmers. Intensified farming is 'be order of things in Nash and no better opportunity could be afforded the farmers to show the results of their operations than I through the agency of a well con ducted fair association. Here can L. . Tyson, T.C. McCall, I J. D. Cone, J. P. Drake, H. L. Dillard, W. E. Fenner, L. A. Godfrey I J. A. Daughtridge I J. K. Smith. be displayed our resources and the I Turner Cone, farmers and basffless men brought V. D. Lindsey, into closer relationship . It would A. F. May, f n it he the time of exrhnntriniT Mem of oraswew. kiuoiiicoa emu mi iiui ai nvuiu tv I j n V tPA1 means 01 awaxening a aecper inter- jjm Brown est and closer study of the dormant J. H. Tanner, powers of our soil, and aside from E. E. Stone, these benefits, the social features Regis, and nlhpr nltrvtinin umnM ha nt ' CogginS, ..-:n;x.'.t-v.a-4 i-ionan uw.u , uum .. N. R.R Manning. feagecomoe counties. Mash county ; farmers take very little stock in the base ball craze, but they are ready to subscribe for stock in a Fair As sociation by and through which some benefit can be derived. A Aermeaette. Twas a ''wise man from the East" who once said: "Every business is big enough to be able to afford to pay for one Insertion of an advertisement. If it will stand for only one, then let it be a 'For Sale' ad verUsement-get rid of it and get into something bigger." And it's pretty good advice, My business is not big enough to stand the expense of an advertising campaign,' an excuse as common as it is inconsistent and as inconsistent as it is idiotic. The same fellow may have a sign over hid door- one kind of advertising; he may be (and likely is) using a letter head giving his street number, the nature of his business and his telephone number more advertising. He may even have started his drummer out into the highways and byways to solicit trade-still more aver- tising yet he sits back calm and serene and informs you that he is "not able to adyer tke his business is not large enough. "We have more business now than we can handle and do not need to advertise" is another common express which shows the shortsighted business policy of some buisness men. Busi ness may be good, yet there may come a time when the othere fellow by persistent ef fort will come into the favor of the public and you will then see your, business slipping away. The public likes a progressive man and a progressive business, and all progressive men adver tise their business in some way. A Guaranteed Article. , . Jluoy things urn advertised and luu oy promises are made but It Is lint ulwuys tbut tbesM promise un made iu ttood ful to nor can bf v al ways be kept. With a laxative' rem edy like Culdwell' Syrup Pi-pin, it la difforeuk. This reim-dv will cure ooustiptttiuo, indigestion", livi-r trouble, flatulency, ht-urlburii, tour stomach, liver aud bowels, In old or ouug. a rich conipaoy t .behind t'vory statement made U i abso lutely guaranteed W dq what Is .". WANTEDI 1001 Nico L'mvi Fat IL-ns A Iso egtf by thn bubt ur burrcl. Will puj bljfhest cuhb pi ico. J D Wio alead next door in Jones Cooper Co SALE OK PERSON A U PROPERTY OuFiidav March 4. 1910. at 10:00 o'clock a. n., ul tht) residence of the late (jilliiun LnwiH, Uoo d, 1 Khali aell lolbe hlKbcnt bidder for cuuh, tbe fiillnwtiiir iiMrni,Ml mnruiiv J j it . ...7... . . .--n 1 ,.---k---v- uiaimcu, sou 11 juu wuiii w 11 ofiore uuo euiue. saw mill, cotton vin Dxturcs, oee log cart two wag- lid- III. I thr- milloB tin trf.lrit nvun Mini II IS SOIC OV all drUtriIRbl Hi I hlllTLfV lind hiirmw nil r.irmintf in.. piemi'iits, corn uml foddtr, hoimc bold and kitchen furniture: all UHr- aoual property beloouioir to auid Uiinuni LiOwIh. . i ' - J AS. A. LWIS, :-"- " "' ''. " Administrator. This 10th day nf Feb. 1910. BOO and $1 a bottle. You never heard of a man whose income does not exceed a dollar a day being operated on for appendi citis." - v -. t Sometimes fate sets a man upon a high pedestal for the purpose of giving him a hard fall. ; SALE OF REAL-EST ATE. On the lltb day of March, 19i0. the heirs of Gilliam Lewis. deoeun-d. will aell at public auction, either for What is worth doing at all is worth or tb tows or M.d- H f llaais IU L . a7 .ll I 1 doing well, except when we are be ing done. dlrsex, N. C, the following IhIm or parcels of land, to-wit: Lot No. 6 io block No. 22. and Ia No. 10 In block No. 27. and Lot No. 1 1 1 (ilook No. ly of me plot of tbe tows U Middle sex, N. C, recorded io tbe Regis- The undersigned having Qualified n 1M at m ?kii iaWu l .nink as acministrator or Ullllam Lewis reference is hereby made, for furlb- "r',,cui " w-uoijr. nonce er description 01 said lots. Administrator's Notice. Is hereby given to all persons hav ing claims agalnt tbe estate of said deceased to exhibit tbera to the on- UiTHignod on or before tbe 14th dav of Feb. 1911, or this notice will be pleud io bar of, tbeir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will settle promptly. , reo. in-10. J. A. Liwis, Jr. Adror. Gilliam Newis, decdl EXECUTRIX NOTICE! MONEY rOR THE FARMER BOYS. The undersigned having Qualified as Executrix of tbe last Will and Testament of J. R Haroer. deceased. late of Nash county, N. C, notice Is settlement, Township Jackson Stony Creek N. Whitakers Rocky Mount Cas talis Stony Creek Nashyille Mannings Jackson Dry Wells Coopers Rocky Mount Ferrells Casta ia Jacksons Rocky Mount Rocky Mount Coopers Nashville Ferrells Coopers trict should wake up and make prep Mannings orations to carry off some of the Castalia valuable prizes offered by leading Rocky Mount business men to those who make the Rocky Mount best showing in corn production. Stony Creek Besides the prizes offered by the S. Whitakers Department the business men of Stony Creek Nashville are offering the following wife and J. W. Sanders and bis A. Lewis, jx. - ' . Adm'r. This Feb. 14th, 1910. ; . . EXECUTORS NOTICE. Huviog qualified as Executor of tbe last will and testameot of Nan, Die A. t. Taylor late of Naso county this I.h 10 notify all persons huloiug claim salnt said estate to pre sent them ol the undersigned, Wil son. N. C, B. F. D. No 1, on or be fore the 29ib day of January, 1911 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said refute will plcaso moke Immediate later tke Cera Ceateit Clab an. Wia Oae fdterrizes. hereby given to all parties having claims against the estate of said de ceased to present tbem to the under signed Executrix on or before 4th day of March, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of this recover. All persons indebted to said estate ill make immediate settlement. This Juo. 29, 1910. , . W. C. Taylor. Executor ' ' of Nuouie A. F. Tuylor. W. A. Finch, Atty. : V Wilson, N.C. The farmer boys of Nashville dis- This March 4th, 1910. NOT1CE1 : lly virtue of the powers contained io a mortgage executed tbe un dersigned which Is recorded in Nasb county, in Boos 107 at page 34V, 1 wui oner for sale to the high est bidder for cash, at the court bouse door io Nu&b count?, on Fri- ecuted to me on the 12tb dav of Feb- da7 be5tfc day of March 1910, tbe 1908, by A. T. Finch and his following described tractor lot of Mas. Nawbix Harpii, Exr'x 4, k. tiarper, dec d. . NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By virtne of a mortgage deed ex-1 uary, B F. Westray, I. J. Williams, ' Adams Ricks, J. G.Henry. Coopers amounts: Castalia Bank of Nashville, Nashville The Arrington-Bissette Co Mannings Nash Supply Co .. Rocky Mount J. D. Winstead Jackson J- B. Boddie 1st, Rocky Mount Ricks, Alford & Batchelor, Rocky Mount State Treasurer B. R. Lacy has appointed Mr. A. H. Arlington as institutional e'erk in the State Treasury to fill the vacancy caused : ' by the death of Mr. H. M. Reece. Nash county people who so well and favorably know "Baldy" will hearti ly endorse the following tribute from the News and Observer: , "Mr. Arlington is well qualified ' for the duty, having occupied the position some years ago, after the ' death of his father, Mr. John P. 1 Arlington, whom he succeeded, his ' experience being such as to make . him a valuable man in the depart ment He resigned the position to become private secretary to Gover nor Glenn, who called him to the position at the time of the death of . General James D. Glenn, the Gover nor's brother, who was his private secretary. At the close of Governor Glenn's term Mr. Arrington went to Winston-Salem in the offices of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, returning to Raleigh recently as one . of the bookkeepers in the Merchants National Bank, in which position he has given great satisfaction. His many friends will wish him great success on his return to duty in the office of the State Treasurer. - - ' The prevalence of smallpox, dip theria, scarlet fever and other ills to which humanity is heir should cause the people throughout the county to awaken to the needs of sanitation. Beneath piles of rubbish,' in cess pools and low miasmatic bogs lie germs dangerous to every inhabitant. See that the sanitary condition of your home and farm are properly cared for and at the same time protect yc-;r 1. - 3 f.-om the ravccs of The question has been asked "Into whose hands will the town govern ment fall at the expiration of the present officers"? This depends en- J- K. Smith & Co., tirely UDOn the resident citizens A' Jnes who should see to it tut only J. B. Boddie 2nd, Brooks Mercantile Co. Cockrell A Williams, Jones-Cooper Co. L. W. Boddie, Ward Drug Co. wife, and; recorded In Book 167. 1 il A . .t n w & 00 Pae 01 naso county Kcgiairy, will sell at public auction for cash ouulon MnndAV the 4th na nt Anril S-0Q 1910, at 2 o'clock M., a the court 5.00 1 bouse door in Nashville, N. O. tbe 5.00 following tracts or parcels of land in t erreus towosnip, isasn couuty and described as follows. Viz: One tract or parcel of land containing f8 acres, bounded on the east bv the land of N. A. Morris, oa tbe south : by be lands of Haywood Tavlor. on the west by the lands of bed Burgeron and on tbe north br tbe lands of Gray Strus, and being tbo J. . W. ; 5.00 250 2.50 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 land: ' A certain tract of laud in South Whitakers Township, Nust (ounty, which Is bounded on tbe North by lands of H. T. Rose, on tbe South by laods of. Mrs. Henrietta Coiling; on the East by lands of R. L May and on tbe West by lands of Will Moore and containing 13 acres more or less. For further description reference is made to tbe record of said mort gage. , ' M. C. Bbaswkll, Mortgagee. K A. P. Uooley, Atty. for Mortgagee, A.L. Vick&Co., C. R. Wonthsrahv men who have the town's interest g Jenkins and continued progress at heart and J. B. Boddie 3rd, who will be fearless in the making Nashville Drug Co of laws and seeing that thev are en- . B, Cooper. forced. Give every man a "square Kj1"gpf"to amount 1)6 di - , - , iBirai uiw uiiw yriieoj eu ior me 1.00 Sander's home place.' 1 00 1 Second Tract. One tract of land . (in containing one hundred .and two i u. u iwu ... out i uie same firet ls for mA mi $10 fof spoon. ii possible cut down the the third largest yttd of corn from tax rate and use every dollar realized one acre in the Nashville district judiciously. , Select men who will Similar amounts are being raised UDhold the diirnitv of the law and m a11 districts, which are as fol- who will bend every energy in pro tecting and fostering every public and private interest tending to greater Nashville. hundred URr nnrl hniinrleri hr tha lanla nt 1.00 G. m. Sanders on tbe east, bv the 1.00 lands of Walter Sanders on the south, Mabala Strickluod on the west and by the river on the North, being the laods of A. T. Finch and wife. This 6tb day of Mrch, 1910. - Mrs. sallie Mattbews, . ... ft, . : inurirgttgee. Woodard fc Vaugban, Attorneys. 1.00 1.00 1.00 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Nashville once boasted of one of the best bands in the district and there is ample talent here to organize another. Why not do so? Of course at first the noise may be hideous and all that, but in tbe; final, analysis of things there would be cause to feel proud .of the. band. Who'H ?joirt? Speak out.' Five deaths among the negroes of Nashville within two days is the record this week. Reports from various sections of the county are to the effect that almost every: day one or two deaths are occurring , among the colored citizeps the main, cause being tuberculosis: " ? ! The first of May is the time limited for the payment "of the pon-tax. As this is ."election year," let ,no man disqualify himself to participate in the festivities by reason of failure to pay the poll tax ; Ii expels 'all noisons. stimufaie tbe internal ort'aus. clemtses i the "i end piirii;;'s!' n t -.-,oi: -S"ch ter's rocky I ..untain Tea, t iv revfiifalivs atd I ' t!;o.!, e ns :pati')0 and ,d liver. :r,i,aVie Tru'i Co. SALE UNDER EXECUTION. State of. North Carolina, County or naso: - - - L. C. Younger, Plaintiff, t . Bryan St Saddler, Defendants. By virtue of an execution directed to tbe undersigned, sheriff. from tbe superior Court of JNisb county, to tbe above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 14th day of March, 1910, at 12:00 m., at the court bouse door In Nashville, N. C, sell to tbe highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said exeoution, all tbe right, title and interest which Octavi us Sadler in nf lliA Haffinlflnla haa In th !, r rnoii v'wum veuBif i ioiiowiog described real estate, a rw:-.--i t" 1 ' , . ineut oi otaie. - . ioi tying in inecitvoi kockv Mount. vujinci ixo. 1 18 composea OI ll trt. -r-u. n . . aaid Count nf Nah hnndBn . .. ... . i ii iii v f uulu a. ucaa m. tesnuui uiav 1 J i wasnviue.i tstana, Urifflns, and : rVime.Repniino- follows: . . Coopers School townships. Whereas. It appears to my satis-1 Beginning at a stake in the soutb- ' District No. 2 embraces Mannings, faction, by d uly authenticated record efn ed0 f eale Ave. 60 feet east Jacksons. Ferrells and Cooper. lP.M?i!5 Iuiaioiuiiuu uereui uy ue unauimous I " .umw iyu nnnsnnt nf uli tha iu.i.hM.ni a, lerlvon aline Darallel wilh Grace District No. 3 embraces Baileys posited in tnv office that Edwards A St 145 feet to a stake, thence east- and Old Fields (Wilson) school dis-1 Company, a corporation or this er,y on aline parallel with Beale tricts. State, whose principal office is situ Ave: 60 eet . a stake; thence tv,,..- xt- j ' j m r I uiea at Pfo-.-Juaio otrcet. in ine I ui, v "u " pmanci1 wim DistnctNo.4 is composed of Dry , A ",,i;tr rS..:-!' St u Rt m fot nu. in .h. y v vanvuHJMii VS VIS1 (Wilson) school district. . , I well being tbe agent therein and in District No. 5 takes in- North and charge thereof, upon whom process South Whisker anil 1 nrlininmo-mW be served,) bas complied with f viMipj.i.. I me requirements of unapter zi, Ke WKuauiiniuwiavuiw, . , loal nf lOOl .nllrlol "r District No. 6 embraces Rocky ations," nreliminarv to the issuing Mount, Stony Creek and adjoining of this Certificate of Dissolution: townships in Edgecombe. ; Now. .Therefore, 1, J., Bryan In all the above districts cash g"5r Vw'Td JK.?" C??z prizes are offered by the, business certify that the said corporation did men aggregating fifty dollars in each on the 23 day of February. 1910. file district in addition to the nrizeo nf. in my office a duly excuted and at- feredbv the State. tested consent in writing to tbe dis- - .. . .. i . a i j . . i oviunuu saiu corporation, exe-1 cnted by all tbe stockholders there- Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver of, which paid consent and the Tablets invariably oring relief to I -eoord of the proceedings aforesaid women suffering from chroniu con are now on file in my said- office as slipailon. headache. billiousnesH. provided by law. dizziness, sullownessof the skin and I Testimony Whereof, I have dyspephiu. Sold by Nash vill Drtg hereto set my band and affixed my southern edge of Beale Avu.;. thence westerly . with that line 50 feet o the beginning. ' - . This 5th day or Feb. 1910. C L. Johnston, .. Sheriff of Nasb county Co Even if marriage is a failure a widow is always willing to take an other chance. official seal, at lleivh, this 23 day oi reoruary, a. d. xyiu. . , i. IJryao Urirr es -; ' Secretary of Ciate. Vcod'i Etrly Chla ( ::: Pc!?.fC33 are plRntod in IsictmId qosnt.. seaca ywrby t e lairaet andp" ts.f-.!ul i.-a.ket "tow er, tb imij makes uiiuorm If In "a it, . i pou.toe. of excellent . maiketand table qoali t i, ana is proving to be one of the most nroutabie and rel!:.l.le of esriy-crof pipg potatoes. We ret'- r'- ' ? ' rt'ebeot r CiUARATsTLLI) r: ;) V P . X J:." L ; 1 J.ooo-oo. Established 41 r . iMikafasiiMsnMal. i . , w . M b aJl tfcear fSMsmn I n. II WoSowf-mtonsofCa! Xi sof CaLLajB Sfei pnrmxt "JTilillT!; Jnnf frt-pr,rf,i.nu,rf,.fc,rtT.r,M1Mt1,u1,i, , i"VD,JJV2.'';f ' - - !-l-l III. . - . (.oh, Wsa. C Ceraty C Box 43 1 Yoan-ra ILnd. 8. C BOLTS INSURAiNGE AND B O N D S ! at Write Insurance of All Kinds and V Represent Only , f . The Very Safest Companies! I Can Issue Your Bond my own office in Rocky Mount- thereby saving you. the time v and trouble of sending . to Baltimore or . elsewhere. t . FOR INSURANCE OR MM Place Your Business With GEO. A. LUCAS, 116 N. Main St, ROCKY MOUNT. Phone 19 1 i 1 ni ill ii sxth m k Mi t 1 1 liH ' mm 4 A hi lit- 111 ' 1 EtSRZLS US T3CEr..T Z1 ." tki imtkst Tr.tr: .- i V L 1.4 I IT . rai. C7i:; Mr. LoDdoo writes: If 1 owned your Tea, I would iruarantee a cure or refund tbeir money. I s.iv it's Nature cure and tbe only one fur the blood. IJollister's l)eky Jlouu t . 1 Tea cured bim where olher r - .:)( Try it with your- &c.f. i:,k,hvilIo Dru.4 Co. Ozr l'r r.z.. L- For All Kinds I Or r 4 s f