v graphic. ru'.::.'.eJ iy CO. K W1U.E, N. C. M.W.L1NCKC. Editor M4r. J On Year, Six Mootba Three 1.00 .60 .if SoBicKirrioM: Publisher's' Announctmenl. All orar anwa Haas UI ha eharawd aaM par llaa lor oMtaar aoucaa. aw. - Ko ana,ainBlua,lloa will h Cold blithe lb mum ot 1 writer U wlUi ' TlMMblUtMralTaf Uaaraio will haMDuuiblalur tow azprcaM IU nik..uUkdtl'BHoltl Notion1 WlU m obaraad at tiM raU ot llto. per 1IM r aaoa luaarltoa. Adrcrtlaan daalriar a eaaaf of utter iUhdmI aaoaki ha copy la oBJoe lot I star tuaa aooa oa Taaadajr. ' Advertisement dlaoootiniKd before the tlna watractea for baa apirea win eaaived traaakeat ralea for the limes aali aaWiahed. AdrartlaeBMaU oa which ao apeeUc aaaiber of laaertloae la Barked will be Buu-ked till forbid" aad ebai-ged ap ' data of diaooBtlaaaaea. Ooatmaaloatloat aad Item of aew la- tended for pool toe Ho a. and mil eaaiaeai latLMahuaki haaddraaaed toTalUatra m. and aot to ledUWaal awatbera of the ta THURSDAY. February 2nd, 1911 TBI HASH COUKTT -SALAIT" LAW, For several months past, through- oat Nash county, there has been general discussion of the matter of adopting the salary system for the various county official and sentiment in favor of this proposition so crys talued as to justify the action of the Nash County Democratic Executive Committee In allowing the people to register their wishes in the Novem ber election. The result of the vote is well remembered; there being over fifteen hundred votes cast in favor of the salary system whereas only a very small vote was polled in favor of a continuation of the fee system, The question was not an issue in the campaign and the officials made no fight against either of the proposit ions, leaving the voters to express themselves as they saw fit. This was mainly due to the fact that very few if any of the voters, nor the candi dates themselves, entertained the idea that such a law if passed by the legislature would be made to apply to the present officials, but would be put in full force and effect at the expiration of their term and would regulate this question for all those who came out before the people seeking any of the offices at the hands of the voters. Since the ques tion of salaries or fees was not an issue in the last campaign as it was in Wake and other counties of the State, The Graphic believes it ex presses the sentiment of a large ma jority of the voters and tax-payers of Nash when it takes the position that it would be in a measure unfair to the present county officials were a salary statute passed by the legis lature which would be made to ap ply to the men who went into the primaries and election and made no fight against the proposition. There is some question as to whether such a law, if made effective at once, contested by the officer interested would hold, at any rate it would force them to contest the matter, ' and this position The Graphic feels sure, none of the county officials de sire to occupy and would feel loath to enter. " A bill has been drawn and will be introduced in the legislature within the next few days by Senator Tborne which will place the officials of Nash ' county oa the salary basis. Senator Tborne1 and Representative Corn- well are seeking all the information pertinent to such a law as is avail able and nave written quite a num ber of letters to citizens throughout the county, the court officials and those who nave made the govern ment of Nash a dose study. A feat ure of the bill awaiting revisal be fore introduction is the matter of leaving the salaries of officials to be fixed by the County Commissioners. 1 " - ri-tter should be settled by the ! ' t jreand it is for, this Reason C " ;r Thome is trying to arrive r 4 3 f "i ss will erase I.. i C i tie i .J.t Hang by the of f Ifac- y. . r ' ; " "!, and a serious il L"l is tla cro 5 tD te C7 it : tf I" 2 3 i ' r ' duties "which are now mainly the du ties of the County Commissioners and the Grand Jury, There is no necessity for the office of an "audi tor" at a stipulated salary, which would necessarily incur additional expense of possibly several hundred, if not one thousand dollars a year. There is not a banking house in Nash county handling the funds ef the county that could not keep full ac count of all moneys coming into their hands and render such reports as may be required under the law or at the suggestion of the County Com missioners. At such times during the year as would be necessary it would be an easy r matter for the County Commissioners to secure the services of a competent accountant to perform this duty and at a cost not exceeding 125.00 for each service rendered. Senator Thome's bill should not carry with it the appoint ment of an "Auditor," unless this power is given to the Board of Coun ty Commissioners to secure the ser vices of such as conditions warrant, Another matter regarding putting the county officials on a salary basis and one that has and is being dis cussed, is the question whether or not the office of Treasurer could be abolished entirely and the necessary expense of this office aggregating something like fifteen hundred dol lars annually, saved to the tax-payers or at least made available for road or other purposes. The argument is advanced, and it is indeed a strong one, that the various banking houses of the county or any one of them are in every position to handle the funds of the county, giving good se curity for same, furnishing such re ports as may be required of them and without a cent of cost to the county. Since the Sheriff of the county is responsible for every dol lar collected and wherever he elects to deposit the funds of the county or schools, the same responsibility he shifts from himself would naturally be placed upon the bank or banks handling these funds. If this can be done, and there is reason to be lieve this is easily possible, the ques tion of abolishing the office of treas urer is one that has every appear ance of being a wise step to be taken Since this matter is soon to be set tied by the legislature and as it is one that concerns considerably the in terestsof the tax-payers and the men who have served the county faithfully and acceptably, and the fact that the action of the law makers is to play an important part in connection with the future prog ress of Nash county, every precau tion should be taken to make such legislation as may be enacted re dound to the interest of the county and accomplish the ends desired and sought. The regular attendance upon the services at the various churches in Nashville and especially the Sunday Schools, evidences the fact that our people have a high regard for the church and its institutions, and speaks in thunder tones of our high stand ard of citizenship. Possibly no town its size in the State can boast of larger per centage of church-going people. Especially gratifying is the fact that the young people set the pace for the older folks and on each Sunday morning can be seen large crowds of happy, smiling children wending their way to the Sunday Schools at the call of the bells. If Nash county is to have reform along the line of saving in the mat ter of salaries for the county officials let it be reform in earnest. However the people are not in favor of the salaries being placed too low and thus debar competent , and trust worthy public servants. Pay what ia reasonable, but because it is pub lic money there should be proper safe-jruard of public interest. ; Those of Nashville's citizens who invested their cash in Albemarle real estate about" year ago find themselves "flimflamed" out of their cash, as it seems the whole propo sition was of the "gold brick" na ture. It is said the supposed prop erty they purchased is not trace- e in or near Albemarle. Nash- just surrost wi did this. Some of Nashville's business men make a practice of sending their Job printing away to offices in other counties, possibly because in some instances a little "cut" price can be secured on this or that little job. Say, Mr. Merchant, had you ever stopped to think of it that The Graphic, Its force and all connected with this office spend more in Nash ville among the business men than that outside fellow will ever spend here in a life-time? Had you thought of it that The Graphic has for more than sixteen years advertised Nash ville and every interest in the town as has no other agency, and has la bored directly' and indirectly for your interest, that of your family, your town and Nash county . more than it is possible for your "cut price" man to accomplish with his little "cheap John" shop? Is it right for you to send your money away from home for those things so easily secured here? Suppose The Graphic should editorially urge Nash ville citizens to order all their neces sities from Sears-Roebuck & Co., be cause they "cut the price," would you not raise a howl. Suppose we advocated people sending to mail order houses for all their wearing apparel and other articles you carry in stock? Would you not raise strenuous kick. Why then will you persist in a course wholy inconsist ent with the ideas of any right thinking man. An exchange hits the nail on the head when it says, "the merchant or business man, pri vate citizen or what-not who sends his money away from home for those things he can so easily secure right at home is not only setting a bad ex ample for those whom he expects to trade with him but is a dangerous man to his own town and communi ty." Stick to your home enterprises especially those that have labored for the best interests of you and your town. If any of these new counties pro posed to be created by the legisla ture are to add to the number 'pauper counties" now sapping the State, in the interest of those coun ties now forced to take care of the pauper sisters" the legislature should set down on these new county propositions with a vim. riaJa Test Writes atfaia. F. W. Wheless and A. A. Drake have formed a copartnership and opened a grocery store on the Ar lington corner. We extend to them a hearty welcome and wish them success in their new venture. Rev. G. W. May and Mr. Oscar Creech and many others were in at tendance at the Swift Creek Union held at Pleasant Grove Saturday and Sunday. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather the at tendance and services were good. Misses Minnie Bone and Ida Win stead, the efficient and popular teach ers at Philadelphia Academy, were pleasant visitors ' among Castalians last Saturday and Sunday, attending church and returning in the after noon. It is said some of our bach elors were deeply impressed. . i Castalia School is arranging an in teresting program for the night of the 21st of February. There will be both vocal and instrumental music, recitations, etc. These attractions will be given free while boxes pre pared by the ladies will be sold to the highest bidders, not to exceed $1.50 per box. A bill is being prepared and will be introduced in the legislature this week allowing the voters of Castalia township to vote on the proposition to float bonds to aid in the construc tion of a railroad to this place. They are also anxious to vote a bond issue sufficient to work and improve our public roads. We have roads equal to none and need a railroad. Now, which do you want and which will you take? , , ,. since my last some oz our young people have fallen victims to the ir resistable force of Cupid's powers and the following couples have been made to kneel at Hj mens altar: Mr. Samuel Leonard and Miss Maude, daughter of Mr. H. R. Griffin; Mr. Howard, Collins, of this place and Miss Rosa, daughter of Mr. J. B. Freeman, of theHilliardston section. and on Sunday Mr. Frank Wheless and Mrs. Rosa Harper, of near town, were made man and wife. Rev. G. W. May officiated in these marriages and the writer wishes the newly-made-ones abundant joy and conju ' TICKOlfSAUC. By virtue of the power, conferred upon to fas an order of tbe Superior court ( Nash county made on tba eighteenth day of Juouary, lull, In a special proocedloir ibcrelu peod lag entitled T. H. Lacy, Avlnir. ot Mndisoo Rich mood. deoeaed, vs. Joe Wutklna and others. 1 will oa Tuesday, tbe tweoty-Brt day of February. Ml. at eleven o'clock A, M., at tbe front of M.C Briuwoll's store in the town of Bitttleboro, sell at publio auction n tbe blirbeat bid der for cash tbe following deaorloed lot or paroei of laod, dexoribed In tbe petition In said proceedings and ordered to be sold, to-wlt: A cer tain lot or parcel of land, situate in tbe oouuty of Nub, State of North Carolina, in tbe town of Battli'boro, bounded on tbe North by the lands ot Dr. II. U. Marriott, on tbe East dy tbe lands of M. C. Brcswell. on tbe South by Nash street and on tbe West by tbe lands of Dr. H. B Marriott, oontnlninu - about oon fourth w re. beinjf tbe Jot of land Whereof the said .VUdinoi Kicliuioud died seiied. T. H. Lact, CommirtHioner Burnt & Sprcili Attorneys, This January 21, 1911 a i i ' NOTICE SALE OF LAND! By virture of tbe oower of sale contained io a certain deed of trust exex uted to S. J. Bartholomew by K. H. Hunt and wife on Ibe 20th day of January 1900, and recorded In book 143 at pave6, Nash Registry, I shall offer for sale to tbe highest bidder for cash, at tbe court bouse door io Nasbvillt. N. C, on Mon day. tbe 6lb day of March, 1911, at 12 o'clock M., tbe following des cribed tract of land, vis: Begin ning at a large water ouk on the north bank of Peach Tree creek. William Privett s corner: theuoe N. 3 1-3 degrees E. 355 poles 7 links to a rock, W. D. llailey's corner: thence N. 87 1-3 degrees W. 48 polos to a rock pine and white oak polot- ersi, W. B. Copdege's corner it John Inscoe a line, thence S. 3 12 do grees W. 3Zt poles to a rock on Peacbtree creek, YV. B. Coppedge'a corner: tbence down said creek a it meanders 77 poles 9 links to tbe oegtnntog. containing one hundred and two (102) acres more or less. Tbe above land Is known as tbu Jordan Coppedge land and conveyed oy b. J. Bartholomew toil. A. Huut oi Jan. 20th. 1906. S. J. Bartuolomkw, Trus TbisS4tb day of Jan., 1911. Valuable Land For Sale. Cnder and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain deed of trust, executed on tbe 3rd day of February, 1910 by and between Mrs. DoraT. Baker and Mr. J. D. Baker, ber husband, to Leon T, Vaugban, trustee, for A. J. Price Mrs. Henriatta Sorsbv. and T. H Matthews, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of tbe register of Deeds of Nash county in book itu. page 1S9, reference being hereby made to tbe same lor partic ulars (default having been mode in tbe payment of tbe indebtedness, secured by said deed of trust.) I will on the 27tb day of February. 1911, at 12 o'clock M. at tbe court house door in Nash county, (.Her for sale to tbe highest bidder for cash, tbe following described real estate to wit: First tract: A lot on tbe East side of Railroad street io the town of Nashville, beginning at the inter section of tbe South line of H. W. Taylor s lot with said Railroad street (wbicb is 200 feet Southerly from tbe South East corner of Green and Railroad . street) runnioir ' tbence along the line of Railroad street Southerly 163 feet to tbe line of L. W. Melton's lot, thence Easterly ith said line. feet to tbe real property linn lots fronting on Raleigh road, thence with reul oroD erty line Northerly 160 feet to tbe South line of said H. W. Taylor's lot. tbeoce with said South lioe Westerly to the point of beginning. Tbe (second tract: A lot on the West side of Railroad street with a front 100 feet on said street atd running 219 feet to the rear of tbe adjoining lots, being rectangular in shape and lying between the lots of W. I'. Noble on tbe South and the lot of Nick Jenkins on tbe North. , Third tract: A lot ' on tlw West side of Railroad street lying be tween tbe Store lot of the party of tbe Hrst part on its Southerly side and the above mention lot of W. F. Nobles on its Southerly side and tbe above mention lots of W. F. Nobles on its Easterly side havinir a width 16 feet and a depth of ,100 feet, the said lots being conveyed to tbe said parties of tbe first Dart bv O. O. Batcbelor. executor of V. B. Batcbelor's estate, in book 162 at page 315 Nash Registry. Terms of sale cash. This the 28lh day of January, 1911. 'r- " UCON T. V ACfltlAK, 1 I Trustee. ' Finch & Vaugban, Attys. - - Old NEWSrxPERS: the verv thins- for putting under carpets, mattings and covering the walls, for sale at Thb Graphic office. ' . D. W. Thorp, t Manufacturer's Agent and Dealer In , Oasoline 1 ENGINES Wheat Threshers snd Binders, Saw Mil) and Cotton Ginning Out- fits, Webber and Columbus Wagons, Tilings Implements . ' and Farm Machinery Generally - Hlgh-Grade Piano For tale- Anyone desiring to purchase a splendid, high-grade Piano at a bar train oho aocure ooa by applying ti Mr. S. K, Austin, i Tbe bank of NuahTllle. or to M. W, Llncke, at Tbe Graphic office. . 1 ' .' . " i : 1 : : , NOTICE . ..-; . .Notice lav hereby - given that ap plication will be made to the next General Aasemblv of Nortb Carolina for tbs passage of an Act authoris ing certain amendments 7 Io tbe Charter of the, Town of Nashville, J. H. T. Bakes, Mayor. This Dec.1 21st, 1910.- "T-.... B virtue of a decree ot the Supe rior Court of Nash county made oo the 21st day f Deo 1910, io cer tain special proceeding 'therein iM-nding, entitled, W. E Etheridge, etal ex parte, tbe undersigned com mislunrr. will on Saturday, 'tbe 11 day of February. 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m.. In the town of Wbitukers, In front of 3.V Moore And Bro's Co. store, offer- for aale to tbe blgbeat bidder for cash tbe following real fune: Four acres of land In North Wbitakera Township adjoining the lands of J, Baker, Bennle Smith and others, boot one half mile from tbe town of Wbitakera, and being tbe identical lot of land told to tbe late Mrs. Lucy E. Elberldge, by J. R. IaIoo and wife oo the 24th day of June 1905,' recorded in Nash county, ia Book 154. page 70, aaid laud being sold for division - among tbe heirs at law of -tbe late Mrs. Lucy E Elberldge, , ' ; ', This Jan. 10,1911 1 ; --'-.G.W.TAYLOR, Commissioner. NOTICE " . . By virtue of tbe powers contained :n a trust deed, executed by C. E. Hedgepeth and wife oo May i. 1909. and registered la Nash county io Book 164, page 656, and a mortgage executed by O. E. Hedgepeth and wife, which is recorded ia Nash county, in Book 171, page 413, tbe undersigned will, oo Monday , tbe 20th day of February. 1911. offer for sale, to tbe highest bidder for cash, at the court house door Ma Nash county, tbe following described real estate: - .. .. i ', - (1) A tract of land "In Griffins township, said county) bounded as follws: Beginning at a stake oo tbe Nashville and Warrenton road and running S. .86 E. 47 411 W. 128 1-2 poles to a stake on tbeHedg peth and Red Oak road; tbence West with said road to tbe Nash ville and Warrenton rood; thence with said road to tbe beginning, containing 28 3-4 acres, more or less, and fully described In the record of division of tbe Francis Hedgepeth land, on file in tbe Reg inter's office of . Nash county; to wbicb reference is hereby made. , (2) A certain parcel of' land In said township and County, bounded as follows: Oo tbe North by tbe landa of G, L.- Winsteod; oo the West by tbe lauds of G. L. Win stead: on tbe South by the, C. , E. Hedgepeth Mill tract; and oo tbe East by the Nashville and Warren ton road; containing sixteen seres, more or less . rvyir-ft - (3) - A certain tract of land in said townshiD and county, bounded . as la . . - . . -. . : rtoiiows: Beginning st a postoak oo tbe Nashville and Warrenton road: and running 26 2-3 poles to a stake in tbe back line; tbence north 3 3 4 West 6 4-5 poles to a stake on said rood; tbence along said roe 13 1-4 poles to tbe beginning, containing z 1-4 acres, more or less, and known as the HedgepethiGin Lot. , f Gko. N. Bissrtk. Trustee. The AaiiNQTO-Bisem Co., HortKairee R. A. P. Cooi.rr, Attorney. , This Jan. 17,J9U., ,. NEW BARBER SHOP ' Equipped with Latest Improved Fixtures and every modern appliance ' ' for furnishing my patrons with the Very Best Service. Sharp Razors, Clean and Sterilized Towels, Choicest Face Lotions, Powders and Hair Tonics With over eleven years experience in the business I feel confident , - of giving entire satisfaction. ' - Will Appreciate Jfour Patronage -' Very truly yours, ' (LF.COCLEY.NasbBeNC Opposite The Graphic office,' " Next door to B. H. B, Vester's. and Steam a f , . ,.,.',, ii -i . ' , "sraanaaBsaKaaKasajaaaaaaaaajWBBaAasBaai I ToTell.Ycu AH and Handsome Line of ,TT i ) - V .... . M ; , , .. '..'..XT.LI LjU LiLjuciU.U.- 't ' ;-vl..!fet ffc'-'i1 ' . . ' ' '. We. Ilave Just. Unloaded This Week SiiCar Need and It Will Be a Pleas- 12 urc To Show You " Ccmc Take A Loo!i ! Cordially i' mi.. 'v.). I t . ' ( 'The Store DOC !: -..:.! 1 . ) ir t ICKS 0; Aiiora CONTEMTNAE Company ' P. L. W00DARD& CO., Gen'l Agts WiLSON, N. C. Manufacturers of rjtittiv FERTILIZERS l"'r " ; 'and , ACID PHOSPHATE. " "M '" "" 1 1 "-"!' I HI' I ' '' ' ' ,J... ' ' ' "i t; : ' :: ' . .' r ! ,; v ,;V1' :' v- ' t ,- ,: We have a Capacity of 20,000 Tons 'of Ampniated Goods and are ... Manufacturing 30,000 tons - : of Acid Phosphate1 per Tile . Izigst Li&p -rni 'Concern of its kino! injthe State With Up-to-date Equipment we are , prepared to make up all kinds - ' ;('of formulas to suit the in- -; -'" J 1 ' dividual taste of ' any , ' ' of our customers. Our AcciitD, Nr.shvillo, N. C. 0' . IL' L W aJ aw u u About The New ""1 r" 3""Y - i & Batchelor, j 0 of Qualitv ' . 0 3CDO DOC r i year. "t r t 4 a j mm 6UAI '." real e dec; Jo!y the safest Ho city. 'Mounts : N. C. gal felicity. y '.c": ... ,r, .:t.iie?tfr jwir mone. , .' Plain Tom. ;r

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