,1 1 I X t r r 1 t I M llif v i i ; iii iioik-v will liii'ir recovery, t'd It) auid esluw v i i AM i wi.l t: 1. 1 1,1 1 I. i i: 1 . ; : . i 1 Oil ,;.s . "'M' lerwuTil 113 1. t r r ti ' aa r ' i t.e ii' t v.: ;Vy a t'.a jn:.nt vt ' of T!i! at Uie ut. auj uiukp Iniuifd. llt Ki t t 'it 11., til. C. II lutKsher's Announcement. All ovrr Bfuvn lines will bechaifnd Br ei, p.-r hue lor obt'.uaTT Buncos, etc No oimmink-atlna will be published II tue i.i ol lun wriwr U withheld. Tli p'lMKlx-rolT! Ga.raio will ot bar r,:lia Ir t lew espressod by lu Criw..jHtmlnt. Nxtlm niidrr bead of "Bwclal Notion" will be charted at the rata ol 100. per tins or Mcb luaortloQ. adTWtlnors dmlrlnf a than of adver tUeroent should aae ropy la oMo aot later tuaa boob oa Teeeday. AdrertliwioHwits discontinued before the lime wniracMo for hu expire wui eliar.nl transient rale (or th tlBw B0- aa,ll published. AdrartlsMMBU oa which ao specific aouiber of tnsertlooa b narked will be narked "till forbid" and charred up to data of discontinuance. - .!, opo- which tli a'f'nd for maklof tl.ea grafted. Communication and items of Dwa Itt lended for pobllcatloa. and all business letter should be addressed toTaaUaara io. and aol lo IndlTidnal nembera of tue THURSDAY. JUNIt 1st, 1911. HIPPU FUNEIALSEIVICE. Bali at ! Bear aa4la the SJM '-.":'." Caarca. An unusual and impressive tight was witnessed at Galatia A. M. E. Church in "Brooklyn," colored set tlement just in the southern out skirts of Nashville, last Sunday after noon, when Re. A. L. Sanders, eoL, conducted a triple burial service; there being three corps in the church at one time followed by three families of mourners, while the build ing: was crowded to overflowing with large crowd of colored people who were seriously affected by the sol emnity and seeming awfulness of the occasion. , In one funeral party was the family of P. A. Richardson, a well known and respected citizen of Nash ville, whose little 'girl, after a lin . gering illness, died on Friday night In another party were gathered the relatives of Bettie Cooper, a colored , woman, who died in Rocky Mount Friday night and whose remains were brought here for burial. . On the other side of the church, near the altar, were those who followed the remains of the little child of J as. , Mitchell, who died also on Friday night The triple services were con- , ducted by Rev. Sanders and after wards the various mourning parties and friends went to the cemetery in "Brooklyn' where the interments were made. The incident was one of the first of its kind to occur in the history of Nashville, possibly in the State, and one that has cast a gloom over the homes of the colored population of . the town. deriround Id vert'." Bin were Th American Tina Is atrooi noucti to resist th attack of th paraatta; It area confer a a and yivUlng power opoa the mora delicate TlnUfe trap that It car ries, ao that by lu help many of tlia old European vineyards bare not only bees, regenerated but also mad to produoe more wise to the acre thaa be for the adrant of the phyV loxera. Sut ta more famous Ttnayarda, where are trows th (rands crui that bear a aama all the world over, hare hesitated to WM th Amerlcaa stock. fearing such a deterioration la the Quality of the rrapa as would nerer be compensated for by any Incraaae of quantity. The remedy against phylloxera oa which they bar chief ly relied has beea the Injection Into th Boll of email quantities of car bon dlsulphlde. a roUtll liquid glv- Inc rise to hea ry poisonous vapor. It was found that this vapor diffused through the sot and killed th phyV knera. while the root of the Tin took bo harm, la this way the phyl loxera can b kept la check. If not actually stamped out, but th bens of th prooeaa limits Its adop tion axorat In the most valuable vineyard. Th point of this story, says Harp er's Magailn. Is that a eartaln Al satian rln grower before 184 made th obserratlon that land which had thus bea treated with carbon dlaul- phld bacam more productlr thaa It was before, area whan th destruc tion of th phylloxera was toft ntlr- ly eat of th question. But this ob servation remained unappreciated. Just like th similar record of th gala In fertility brought about by heating th soil to th temperature of boiling water, HoweTer, confirmatory; evidence gradually accrued, until such sclenO- fic men as concern thmlrse with th soil bar within th last few yean become convlnoaf that tner was a real and a ore! set of pheno mena to b explained. Borne of the United State station workers began to advocate th ateaa heating of aoU destined for the growth of plants In greenhouses; . they main tained that nof only was freedom from certain fungoid disease animal pasta thus secured but that th productlreneas of the soil was sufficiently raised to pay tor the treatment ' i . . Tu! May 8, 1911. '"" Adm'r. . , EXECUT003 NOTICE Tbe undersigned bariaK quulifled as executors of thn estate of J It Jooes, Sr., lute of Nash county. N. C. notioe Is hereby clven to all pr- soos bavinif olulxs atrulost the said estate to preseot them to the uudnr- Jirned executors on or before toe 12ih dny of April. 1912. or this no tice will be plead Id bar of tbeir re ooverv. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and make Immediate settle ment This April 12, 1911 Jdo. D. Jonjps, 0. Ia Jones, xrs. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The underslifoed haviuir qualified as executor of tbe estate of Leah Ar-I rlojrton. deceased, late of Nasb oouoty, N. C-, notice is hereby gf veo to ail per sods baviotr ololms aKaiost I said estate to present them to tbe I undersiifned on or before tbe Bra day of April. 1912. or this notice will oe plead in bar of their recovery All persooa indebted to aald estate I win please come forward and make Immediate settlement. Wiixum ARBiiraroir, ' 1 This April 3, 1911 xeoutor. , NOTICE. ' North Carolina, Nash ' County Io Tbe Superior Uoort WUI Pope rs palsl Pope. Tbe defendant above named will take' notice tbat tbe plaintiff baa commenced an action as above en titled In tbe tbe Superior Court of Nasb Countv for tbe Duroose of ob taining an absolute divorce and tbe said defennant will further take notioe tbat she is required to appear at tbe term of the superior court of said county to be held on tbe first Monday before tbe first Monday of Sept, next, it being the 28th, day of Aug., 1911, at tbe court house of said oouoty In fiasbville, JN. C. and answer or demur totbecomplaint in said action, or tbe plaintiff will ap ply to tbe court for tbe relief de Handed in said complaint " . i. A. sills. Clerk Superior Court Nb Couoty Tblatne ?3rd, day of May, 1611. NOTICE , BastsMrs nasi Saws timfimg. The building fever seems to have invaded the eastern end of Nash ville. r Mr. Geo. W. Womble has re cently completed a very handsome and well appointed cottage residence. Dr. Jas. P. Battle is continually . placing building material on his lot on East Church street and soon the ring of hammer and saw will , be heard in that quarter. There is con tinuous activity around the hand- . some residence of Mr. Geo. N. ' Bis sette as that structure approaches housy proportions. Mr. C. C. Ward has just completed the decided im provements made on his residence, air. w. a. cooper now occupies a very nice new cottage residence on East Elm street ' Clerk of the Court Sills is making quite a change in his comfortable and ; well appointed home by the addition of another large li ving room and otherwise ex tending the porch fronting on Wash ington Street At an early date Mr. G. C, Beryman will" begin remodel' ing his bungalo on First street, near the residence of Mr. L. T. Vaugban, that is now occupied by Mr. I. W Strickland. - mas rialit for Uf. I was a long and bloody fight for iuu uai was waved by James B. Mersbon, of Newark, N. J., of which he writes: bad lost much blood - from Jung hemorrhages, and was very wean ana run down. For eight mumus i was unable to work. Death seemed close fill tnv hAnla when I be("an, tbree weeks oiro. to "-'"g 9 bw jjiscovery. Hut it bs3 helped me greatly. It is doing all tbat you claim." For werta, sore luns, obstinate coughs, sti-i 'oro cols, hoarseaesss, la i Lma, hy-fever or any 1 ; trrlup?tro-' .a its sunreme. : : ( 1 tl.l . li: 1 bp:;e freo. : -ced ty r:..i''2vs:'e I r C . . Unexplored Caves of California. In th vicinity of Tula Lake, Cali fornia, about forty extinct volcanoes hare beea found, many already Ing covered with thick regetatloo. and beneath th beds of lava girea off by them la th past numerous In teresting carerns bar racantly barn discovered and explored. On Is said to b 200 feet long. 60 feet wide and 10 feet high. Another hu been re ported diacoVMwd which Is miles long; It has been named, the Mam moth Car of California. , On recently explored is said te contain two stories, th tempera ture la th under on being so low that Icicles two yards long depended from the. calling. Large cares bar various- origins. Many bare one a. solid, ground, covered with heary clay and llmestoD rock; th lower ground Is washed away by un derground waters, a roof and floor being left Other car are the suit of air or othr gases getting into the molten lara, expanding with the heat and blowing themselves into lava bubbles, leaving hollows and caverns when th lara has , cooled and hardened, lust as air bubbles may be seen to do la .molten tar. Path finder, The love Appl. . 1 Th ' tomato, wholesome, ' tooth some, capable tor such variety of edi ble use as It Is, was not found out by man until comparatively recent times. It la a native of western South America, whence ' It was . In troduced and cultivated in Europ during , the sixteenth century. At first Its wrinkled fruits were regard ed with suspicion and it was grown to be looked at as a curiosity more i anything else. . Cultivation smoothed out the wrinkles and de veloped the tomato ao that in the eighteenth century both yellow and red varieties were known. There are old people, now living to-day, who relate that in their childhood the to mato was known a th "love ap ple" and was poisonous If eaten to much of. - ' By virtue of the power contained in a trust deed made by W. R Black well and wife, Fannie E. Black well, to tbe undersigned on January 17, 1910, and recorded in Book 180 at page 049, Nash Keglstrv I will sell at public auction for cash at the court bouse door in Nashville N. C. on Monday, tbe 12th . day of Jane; 1911, tbree certain tracts or parcels ol land in (Jastalia Township Nasb county, described as follows, (a) A certain lot Iyintr io the town of Castalia on the North- East side of Nash street, containing one acre and in a deed dated Jan. 19tb, 1904 made by F. , B. Ricks, W. H. Arrington, et al, to W. R. Blackwell and registered to Book 144 paare 646, Nash Registry, this lot being toe present residence ot said Black well and wife. ' (b) - A tract of land in the town of Castalia adjoining the lands of S. J, Bartholomew, W. K. Black well etal and being situated on tbe East side ot Main street, and containing 6500 square yards, more or less, and bounded particularly in deed from a J. Bartholomew to W. R. Black well and registered in Book 160, page 196, Nasb county Registry, and dated Feb. ztt, 19U7, to which re ference is bad. . ' ''. (c) A tract of land ' in' Castalia Township adjoining tbe lands of T. W. Bartholomew, J. A. Harrison. et al, and definitely described in deed J. H. Harrison to Fannie IS. Black- well, dated January 12th, 1906, and recorded in book 104. patre 1UD, Nash County Registry, to which re ference is bad. I - a F. AUSTIN. Trustee This May II, 1911. REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Bank of Nashvr!! Hew KM I Your Taste f ' From a lerlea of axperlence recent ly mad at the University of Kansas It Is evident that the average person can taste the bitter of quinine when on part. Is dissolved In 161,000 parts of water. Salt was detected la 'Wa ter whea on part of (40 of th liquid was used. Cvrr could he tasted In Ki parts of water and common soda la 48. Ia aearr all case women could d-rtr't a emaller quantity than K'-ViW . 1 World.' NOTICE. I have this day qualified as ex- eutr of the estnte of Lec .ia A, I .U'.c!or, late of Nash couofy, N. (J, T '"nsl 'v''1jc!' -.'nt rf f 1 I i 3 r - ; i I '.. i" i t.) ' r - " - ' ' ' "a s n. i " ' '. ' i i . ' NASHVILLE, N. C. At the close of business Tuesday,' Mar, 7th, 1911- Researces. ' Loam and dlsoonots. 7 - WWIXI I Overdrafts, secured and unsecurd 9,817. 10 i Bankinir house and nxtnre l.t-"0.t0 Demand loans - S,Oi4.ti2 Due from Banks and Bankers . H.W.SH Own items 7"0 1 Goldcoin ' 1,0'J50 Silver coin, and all minor coin' b'U.ai National bank notes, ' 3,21U.uu Total, ' -8,652M Llakllltle. Capital Stock paid In, , i5,ooo.ool Hiirmns fund . .-0. Umuvidrai profits, lens expe'spd. 1J- " Nrm and ums redisuonnted 8 i nB liiivv "li! 10, r " Time ci i.iirn.tfls of dcnosit. 1,( . I L'fonsi'8 (nict't't to cueck, - - b'J.y H I Casuifj s Li;xiis outstandingr b I 1 1 J . A t! ; i :..i fenced wiih (r m t . f, Jtg y iffy (It- i f- li r-iui'y tl no!c;:'v.!, method" of coi-.-'.ru.'n, c ' " V " real service, as well at in c'istinciive f---.irir.ee, Ti ulu-S Irf:" Fence Uado inzyL.u Electrically Wclc'od tt t' s Joint, tiiess ere the fence's ttron-t farts. "One o!IJ piece of metal" aptly pfirrses it, .Kro'JaH t'.e tarj e:t usage, " Pittsburgh Perfcd" Feace stands erect, eveii aaj firm." Osa Haerth Whs. mA tram w m fsm 1U sbJ prf ctr clna B4 wka ht shislikaenlr b."I1s bkuI alwcliolr ni mill, u '' ' : r 1 '- b riiae fsaeatoM4rac!eivi.trfai'aT&UUK&HrU.T'' m ' Fcr He! J, Faiia, V.&nck, Lawp, Pcaltry Tzrjzzzt "Riuburgh Perfec; Fence pfr'eci'y metis lite nest ngfjnj f. qukemeriti. : THE HASH SUPPLY GO., I 1 1 Exclusive Handlers NASHVILLE, jN. C. m .1 m ) Osmlskt IMt, lr C, S. tisuumas C.-. There Is a, feeling of independency th&t comes with the ownership of a bank account The feeling of self reliance and the confi dence that comes with no fear of tomorrow. ' : A bank account makes you independent v-""-v " ' 4 Pr Cent Paid on Time Deposits THE BANK OF NASIiyiLLE CAPITAL $15,000.00, S. F. Austin, Preseidentv" S. G. Griffin, V-Pres. ! J. K. Bridgers, Cashier. ite(i(ewiHtt FOR SAC E! Farms In Nash, Edgecombe and Halifax counties. City and Sur- ' burban property in Rocky Mount. . ? v Life and Eire Insurance Written. ; J RENTS COLLECTED ! 's LOANS NEGOTIATED ! i If we can serue you, call or write v I F -Til I P7 T r"'' v :. L I lLL!LL.ai Luv.., ; ::. C. : i rci-u:.-.rrU-ls-.itl.C3 v.-.-;- .1. Our Ikduccd VMM: ry G.:lc is I Goiir; Oa! I Tfe Arrmgiai-Eissdte Co. lr'',Ve0'VSav'V'VBV'V- Wo Are After Year r i WE CAN SELL YOU Racycle, R2nL!sr, CIsvcland, Ivcr '. Johnston znA lltzilr.j St.r.:',rd. Every One Guarantee J. Tt' 'n . A'ic!.Ir.rs and Hcccrds C;:3 LIz.il Geo Js, Eastman todaks cr.d Cup ' pHes -. - .. : I G. F. IIAZcLL, e Wayaja.-eyw . As well as every busine3 man should have a bank account. - . . t'f flff o --" s. Because: Your money Is safer in the band than anywhere else. V, y'11 your D'') y 01160,1 tlus safest tiud mustoonvcnlent moth. j-'i.. . - Yoor cheok beoomes a Toiwhnr tnr the i1ilit It nun. - f .5 ,, It gives you a bettr standlua; with biiHinws nico. r " .- E . ' A . 1 . ... ... f- ... wwj .u hue unhun s'jrHuinus yourcreuit. . ' v , " -. A bank account trawthes. helps and encourages yon to save. This bank does all the bookkof plnjf. ''. Your bank book Is a record ol your business. ' ' Par per cent cotrpoaadei quarterly. Th: Hccly r::r.t S:;!; '5 6 Tr; :! fcr.: SF tw ) t, in Tocr : V I . J ...-- . ...... Ji..J TItAreTLsCr k!'.: -C: ::i "ygaSiiiwvT. iv? v &r v v. Manufacturer's Agent e 1 L -' r Li Cm'.'.zt ti f---i WheatTIr ' c.sanj r--;,? -3, f-v I'.'l i 1C' C ; C.t- ' fits,', "irf 1C ' , : ' -3 r I i : j( : v s T; ' j : " . 2, Total, State of I1 I, J. i . j S til.

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