V Frc:;rc::5vo. I It .'chants The Trading I'ublic l". V. Advartblag Ci.:u.i.-.-s l"w Results ill'' ii 11 ii Liberally Patronize Marthantf Wbo CM For The Trad I l It Iieachcs.Tho People Wctch For The Bidders J m0 - - ' : ; - r - ; r : : " " ' ' TheJiashvmePubHshlni Co., Publisher. r ' S . . ESTABLISHED I8BS. - ... ' ) , ' M. W. LINCKE, Editor and Manager VOL. XVII. r '' : NASHVILLE, North Carolina, JUNE 29th, 19 11.' V -N0.2G. Safest for Savings Inspected by the United States Government and managed by competent of- ficers and directors. . The First Nations! Bank . Oflo'cky MoiBtltC.;:- . , f . , .. , Insures security and courtesy to all patrrjna. 4 per cent .interest paia on savings uepoeiis, com nounded Quarterly. You can bank with us ty nail. Write or eajl on J. B. Ramsey, President. ft. B. Davis, Jr. Cashier. S. G. SiLLS, Asst Cashier. Professional Cards. Barnard A. Brook, : MaabvlUe ' baaUm W.' Taylor WhlUker, BROOKS A TAYLOR Practice la All State and Federal Court, . Money Loaned on Beat Eatale Security F. A. HAVIP-TON . AttoraeyAt-Law ftfltaa Snruwfc Avenue Onrtoaite Plan ' ten Bank . . , - - , Rocky Mount fi. C Dr.FrSiSiihoiJ, Office Over Kyeer's Drag Store. . , Rocky Mount. N. C. 8. F. Aattla . 1 U U Davenport AUSTIN & DAVENPORT , LAWYERS. . Prompt attention given toall matters DR. Fv G. CHAMBLEE DENTIST. Spring Hope, N. C. Office In Spring Hope Banking ."Co. Building J. P. BUNN. F, S. SPRUILL, ( Rooky Mount.' Bocky Mount. - ' BULNIN k SPRUILL, ' Attorieyi and CouisellorutLaw. WUI be la NaahUIe ererr Brat Monday Paul D. Oradv, Attraey aad Counselor At Law, Middlesex. North Carolina. Practice in all courts in Nash. Wilson and Johnston Counties. Prompt at tention given to all matters entrusted to my care T. T. ROSS. Dentist, - Spring Hope, N. C. Office In New Finch Building Will be in my office every Wednes r day, Thursday. Friday and . , . Saturday. . r , NaehvIHe Ctflc at Residence; k- . Where X can be found ; ; , MONDAT AND TCISPAT J. Ai FARMER, Attorney and Counselor At Law, Wilson. N.C. Practice In All Courts Office tnd Floor Mew Office Solldlnc In Rent of Court Honae To The People bt Nash County:- - For the convenience of my friend, and client. In Nash County, I have arranged to be In Naahville everv Monday. Feel In irrateful and thankful for the oonfl duuue and very liberal patronage alway, accorded me by the people of my native county and hoping to receive a oontinta tka of the aame, 1 am, . , - v .: . xountoerve, - 3. FARMER.'. A Picture at this seasoo of tba year Is rrjest pleasing. ; come to cur "Studio wljehe you wll . . .' c :t v;on:: c? quality? T. r rt. D I'-'i et., Kocky Beraafal f esslaUsas, Stop it! What's the use of a man whining and complaining T To ans wer our own question a man doesn't Every once in a while there is a dull day, not necessarily dull but not as busy as the day before Then we hear Itbusiness is rotten. This practice among full grown men has very little to excuse it, even when existing facts bear out the complaints. It is both weak and foolish. There la nothing so bad no misfortune so great in the world that it cannot be made worse by lamenting and walling over It.'' Be sides, it is a more or less distressing and disgusting spectacle to others. Thus, it is not only unmanly and un dignified, but it is also unprofitable and injurious to cry when you are hurt, or worse still, when you 'are merely scared. . If this habit of calamity howling reacted only on the howlers them selves words and sympathy would be wasted. The real trouble is that this sort of talk always has a con siderable moral Influence and effect upon a large class of people outside who are going ahead and minding their own business and not concern ing themselves closely' with general conditions. Whether they believe it entirely or not, it has a tendency to shake their confidence and make them uneasy and generally unsettle them. If this feeling spreads suffi ciently it ends in actually making business "rotten. "As a man thinks so la he." - . AflyoMwnonaa ever played an a . . a a k . important game on his school or col lege or clnb team or, better still, who has ever been in a battle of any kind-shows full well what a tremen dously important part the moral spirit of the team or regiment, whether of hope or courage or deiibt and despondency, plays in deciding the issue of victory or defeat, v It Is exactly the same in the game or battle of life. It is the stiff upper lip, both in sunshine and storm, that wins out, and that only.,. ' m ine present situation, more over, there is absolutely no reason or excuse for this sort of whining. Bus inessreal businees throughout the country is by no means "rottenI Cm the -contrary, It is exceedingly better in the Southland than it has been in years-nd too,; it .has been steadily improving. Every indica tion looks bright for the South. A few Wall street gamblers and some more "high livers" who have b brought to earth have been forced to realise that their own over-reach ing greed and extravagances are be ing put to an end.' This condition is a forecast of good times better times, and in fact, the best times. Business is good, despite the waitings of the dismal chorus. Merchants Journal. Lice em Law Far Seats. CareUaa. After July 1 it will eoet a dollar to get married in South Carolina. That State which has all along let the matrimonially inclined go their way without hinderanceTor sugges tion of any kind has at last awak ened to the necessity of having some kind of a marriage law. A license law is the result and hereafter peo ple in that state will have to be properly equipped with , the official document before the marriaare 'will pe properly recorded, just as it is in ail wen. reguiatea communities, xne license law will prove a stumbling block to runaway couples from this state, who have heretofore found in South Carolina an easy route around parental or other objections. It is good law, good for both South Carolina and North Carolina . The wonder is that the state failed so long in doing its duty in this matter. Raleigh Times. 'ft i''- ?. Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? No, Never. Its foolish to fear a fancied evil, when there are real and deadly perils to guard against lo swamps and marsnes; oaous, and lowlands. These are,, the malaria ,tn. An... a ...HA K f 1 1 1 KeuJB sua. I.DU3C ua vuiiia kuu fever, weakness, aches in the bones and muscles and may induce deadly typhoid. But L:?ctrio Bitters de stroys sod casts out these-vicious germs from the blood. . "These bottles drove all toe malaria trom mv svslem." wrote YVm. ' f'retwell. of Luca-pa, N. C.,. "and I've had Boe 1 b ever since," Use this sale sure remedy only. BQc Drug Co.- at'Nashvillti aK CUAMP CLARK DEFIES T Speaker Says Tariff Saesld U vised freai Tea te Stuaa. It. Washington, June 21 Speaker Champ Clark issued a defiance to the administration today on learning of reports that President Taft purposed to veto any general tariff legislation at the extra session of Conirress. The speaker in a formal statement declared that the whole tariff ought to be revised and that the Democrat ic party would rest its case with , the country. r , 'The tariff ought to be. revised from top to bottom," said Mr. Clark. "The people of the land so decided last November. . That ia their last mandate, The House decided that it ia best to revise it schedule by schedule. We have made a good start on that plan. We will continue as we have begun. The country en dorses what the House is doing. If the Republican Senate beats our bills or the President vetoes them, we will appeal to the country and it will sustain us. We believe we are right. - We are not afraid of a eon- teat. . A preparation that has met with great favor In Raleigh in the cam paign for fly-extermination is a table spoon-full of formalin mixed with half a cup of milk and half a cup of water. This should be poured into shallow vessels and the vessels placed about the kitchen windows on the out side and wherever flies breed or con gregate, whether within or without the house. Raleigh fly-hunters have realised good results from this meth- of of warfare. Suppose we give it s trial down this way 1 Ex. A HEALTHY LITTLE CITY. ieiariskle StaHstys ef City. . 'tessesissjsl Probably no town in the United States can boast of a cleaner bill of health than Morehead City, North Carolina. In a population of about ,000 there ia not a family having a crippled child or one who is idiotic or insane. There is here, too, a very homologos' population. , . There is neither an Irishman, German, Italian or a Jew in town, although there is no ban on any race or creed. The white population outnumbers the blacks four to one, the latter having their residential section and their own churches and ' schools. Morehead City-is also remarkable for its simplicity in its religious doc trines. There is neither Catholic, Episcopalian, Presbyterian or Uni tarian, although there are eight churches and several denominations. "Now for North Carolina," Prank P. Fogg in National Magazine for June. Tae Cartas Hill Merger. The big Cotton mill merger daily approaches realization. ; An effort is being made to have the organiza tion formed to control a million spin dles in the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and Mississippi. The pro mpters give assurance that the com- bination can be effected alowr lines ; . Til I 'iT?1 ? . f rfH"w fa proposed by the colidatfon to bring about certain substantial econ- omies of Production, economies i that In the end -will benefit all of the m i'KTLTZLE UUWbtUU, ASAV IUOB) MO IV SA V1UUW VI- rect dealing and to eliminate the middle man, so far as possible. There ia undoubtedly room for the producer, whether of the raw mater ial prof the finished produce, to be benefited by reform along this line; and if the reform can be accomplished without a violation of the trust law, no one can justly object to the mer ger. Kinston Free Press.; - ' It Starts The World when the astounding claime were first made for Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonderful cures have proved them true, and everywhere it is now known as the best salve on earth for Burns, Boils, Scalds, Sores. Cuts, Bruises. Sprains,' Rwellings, Exzema, chapped hands, Fever Sores and i'ues, uaiy i.-o at iNasttvuie urug ; Haw the Dag Law Weald Wars. Gaston county, by the grace of the legislature, has a dog tax. An ob servant citisen coming through Gas ton to Charlotte yesterday learned some facts at Dallas. In the town ship of Dallas the assessors are said to have found one thousand dogs, the tax is SI jOO each. Some owners have killed their dogs rather than pay tax on themK And this goes to show how a dog law would work through out the State, It is estimated that the dog tax will bring mV the Gaston county treasury,8,000, and even at tnat some ox the dogs may nave caped . ; ' There is a also feeling bi Gaston as in other counties, that the property tax under the new plan, of ast ment, will be increased about forty percent, ima large increase ol tax values may ereate- considerable dis satisfaction, unless there is a better ment in showing as to extension good roads and schools to offset Jt. But the main point is the dog tax. Think of the man who would kill his dog rather than pay a tax of $1.00 on the dog I And yet that is the Way it would work. ; If the State had good, strong law, it would mean nock of sheep where it now has One dog. As the situation now stands one cur dog offsets a flock of sheep. Isn't it time to reverse the situation? Charlotte Chronicle. Where Did tae rasers Cat It? Until recently there was an , aged elavatorman who operated one of the lifts in tha House wing of the Capitol. : Most of Jus passengers were either Representatives or news paper correspondents. The old man got to know all of the correspon dents very well and always had cneenui greeting lor them, it was often noticpd, too,, that he seemed to be gre$Uy iateitoart&tlMif. eeo- versauon, One afternoon, as some of them stepped out of the elevator, Sereno Payne, of New York, stepped in. As the car went down the elevator man turned and said: Mr. Payne, I can't understand about those newspaper men. They puzzle me. J : f What's the trouble with them?" asked Mr. Payne. Well Mr. Payne, every day they ride in this car one fellow will turn to another and say, "What do you know today?" And the other fellow will answer, "Not a thing. What do you know?" Then the fellow will answer, "Nothing." ,: And yet, Mr. Payne, the papers are just full ol news every day. It beats" me where thev get it." "It beats me too too," said Mr. Payne. The right sort of ambition helps to keep many a youth in the path of rectitude. ' The boy who starts in at the foot of the ladder heartily am bitious to become one of the part ners of the firm for which he is work ing, or to stand at the head of - the industry 'with which he has allied himself, is hot likely to waste his time in dissipation, nor to form those habits which will render his hopes futile. The youth-who is determ ined to get ahead knows that he can not afford to fuddle his brains with liquor, or to undermine his consti- MUVai v wv uuut ssaattv aiso .wiwmt tutfcjn by the use of cigarettes, and he realizes, too, that bis reputation j, valuable to endangered. by Annuttni mninnaKi,: Th rio-ht of fa next to right kind of principle in keep- one in the safe path.-Selected. EXECUTORS NOTICE c 'The undersiirned bavins Qualified as executors of toe estate of J. R. Jones, Sr., late of Nash county, N. C, notice is hereby given to all per sons having claims against the said estate to present them to the under signed exeoutors on or before the 12tb day of April, 1912, or (his no tice will be plead in bar of tbeir re covery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and make imo.ediate settle ment. .- i Jno. D.Jones, , G. L. Jones, Exrs. Old Newspapers; the very thing for putting under csrpets, mattings and covering the wails, for sale at Tes Grapeic oilice. fir rd VIOLATING OUmNTINE UW. The Federal aad State OfflciaU are Active ta Sjrtamlaatiag' tae fev - er Tkl freai This Stats. A case of unusual interest to the stock raisers, where the work of tick eradication is being conducted in this State, took place at Warrenton on June 19, when W. A. Cpnnell, of Inez, Warren county was tried and fined $201.00 and costs by Judge Carter, of the Superior Court Warrenton, for violating the cattle quarantine regulations. ' It is alleged that Mr. Connell has been very indifferent in observing the regulations; that he allowed cat tle to be moved from his quarantined premises, and allowed others to be brought on. The United States Bureau of Ani mat Industry and the' State Depart ment of Agriculture, working in co operation, have accomplished a great work in exterminating the fever tick from this State, and it is only recent ly that Franklin, Wake. Chatham Randolph, Stanly and Montgomery counties were released from quaran tine. The farmers of this State can make money raising cattle for mar ket by getting rid of the ticks, and to this end they should exert every effort Oar Frespertty. (We owe our prosperity not to our own efforts, but to the high stand ards of intelligence, efficiency and prosperity on the part of the people as a whole. We live in better homes, eat more wholesome food, wear bet ter clothing, have more leisure and recreation, endure less bitter toil; In short, we find human life fairer and sweeter than our fellowmen in Asia, not because you or I as , individuals deserve so muck -better than they, but because of oor, richer vradal heritage. We have been born into a society where a higher level of pros perity obtains, where a man's labor and effort count for more. Clarence Poe, in Raleigh (N. C.) Progressive Farmer. "...' v THE PRESIDENTS VETO. W1U Yete Any Tariff Bill raited at This Session. Washington, D. C, June 24-It be came known at the capital that Pres ident Taft, talking over the long dis tance telephone from Providence last night repeated to several sen ators his determination to veto the Canadian reciprocity bill in case any amendment is added to it News dispatches from Providence that the president would - undoubtedly veto any bill passed at this session are ac cepted by the senators as accurately reflecting the president's attitude. ' v Jsae MatleaaL True to Its name and scope, the National Magazine every now and then presents a story of some state of the nation. The purpose is to eventually include every state, arid a campaign of six years is marked put for the hustling editorial staff, who visit in person nearly every county and city in each of the states covered. The National for June substitutes for the-regulation rose-embowered cover, affected by June-411u6trating magazines, the long-leaf pine spray of North Carolina, and a reproduct ion of the famous oil painting of Sir John Millais, in which Sir Walter Raleigh is shown as a boy, listening to the sun-bronzed-sailor's tales of the lands across the sea, and dream ing about its wonders. For the old North State receives, the : attention of the staff this month,- and in over ninety-six pages of elaborately illus trated articles, the story is told. North Carolina is shown in a -way that is of interest not only to the people of that State, but to every American who wishes to keep in touch with the wonderful growth and development of the mighty re public, ,-V":u;. -,:'v"; '; '!.V;v Work Will Soon Start after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy tbeir nne results.' .(Jonstiratioa ,and in digestion vanish and tine appetite returns. They ".regulate stomach, liver and bowels and iirpart new strength and energy to the whole system. Try them. Only 25o at Every Haa la Line. The Southern farmer is it! No Corn Belt farmer, Wheat Belt farm er- or any other sort or farmer on the continent, is making things hum pardon tne slang Xor once; we are indulging in a bit of jubilation-like Mr. Southern Farmer ia doing! mis u no Idle assertion, no mere bombast, but a cold no, not a cold, but a red hot burning, statistical fact It is based on the figures just given out from Washington, show ing the crop valpea by States for 1910, the total value of the crops produced by the farmers in each Commonwealth last year. These show that one Southern State Tex as has "cut down" every body else in the class and stands head and is going to keep on standing bead-and that every other Southern State in The Progressive Farmer territory has also moved up right toward head, . excepting only Louisiana which ia going through the boll wee vil set back which will itself only produce a healthy reaction in the end. Let's take the record one by one. Texas, as we, have said, put out Illinois which in 1909 was first in crop values; and unless we are mis taken, Texas will be first on the roll always hereafter. South Carolina thraft.eheers for our ralmetto readers! which was twenty-first in 1909. broke all records by cutting down eight at a clip, and ia now thirteenth in the class. ueorgia, wmcn was tenth in crop values in 1909, climbed right up to fourth place in 1910. Alabama jumped six competitive States and is now No. 14 in the list North Carolina jumped four and Mississippi and Arkansas each climbed three points toward head. North Carolina making a rain of 18 iter cent in values, Arkansas, II, Missis sippi iv. And out ior tne Doll wee vil, Mississippi would have done even better!' . i- Virginia moved up two points and Tennessee one, and Florida, while forty-second on the roll, scores a gain of 9 per cent in crop values. Let's all give three cheers for the Southern farmer and get to work harder than ever. As for the man who isn't working id isn't trying to farm better than and ever before, the man who isn't help ing the South show the rest of the world what we can do, and what sort of stuff her sons are made of well, he is a skuiker and a shirker, worse than the man who ran away from battle '61 to '65, or else he just hasn't been waked up. ' mere are many yet to be aroused and brought into the ranks of those who are marching' forward to better things. The average farmer made last year only 170 pounds of lint cotton to the acre. He ought to do better, and he must for the sake of the South. ', ' Go after this farmer who is stand ing still; get him to moving; take him out to the Farmers' Institute: interest him in the Farmers' Union and most important of all, get him to reading. Lend htm the bulletins, lend him any literature you can, but in any case, get him to reading a good iarm paper paper as well as his local paper. ' - The South is marching forward, and we need every man in line. Progressive Farmer. Saatharaan art Meat Caaiamers. The people of the South are Jarge meat consumers but small meat producers. Statistics show that Southerners consume more meat per capita than any other section of the country. And no section of the country can compete with North Carolina "under forced draught" in raising meat especially pork. "Now for North Carolina.". Frank P. Foe-B in National Magazine for June. A Charming Woman is one who is lovely in face, form, mind and temper. But it is hard for woman to be charmin? without health. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Consti I pation and kidney peisons show In pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. But Electric Bitters- always proves a Qodsend to women who want br ' h beauty and friends. They rer,.' orach. Liver and Hirers, 'r,-- tie blood; rlva strr ' t . v . briihteyes, r are bre r velvety skin, Uv 'y cp;. , s.1 t, ; ei,-t,t fcc--.il j. 'irv tliLX.. L . ; PROTECT! In cold, unassuming figures, here ia our guarantee to every , depositor, regardless of the mount be may have In this bank Capltal . . - , Sarslas Fratts -StakaaldarsLUk. :: Tefal '," S'.OMOt S 55,a s:c9,co $265,000.00, that amount stands between your deposit and any possible loss. This bank wants your business. Four Per Cent Interest paid on Savings deposits Compounded Qurterly ' The Planters Bank, Rocky Mount N. C A CLEANCALP . AND 'V;. : V Healthy Hair! Many of your friends have found that a luxuriant srrowth of hair soft and glossy and a sealp f free from dandruff will result from using If kfl 1".. Whfle it thoroughly cleanses, ii aiso prevents Dactenal ' action, nourishes, stimu- lates tne roots of the hais; prevents its re turn and preservs ; its natural beau ' ty and color. It Sells at 50 cents and $1.00 the Rnttlp The Ward Drug Co. Exclusive Agents In Nashville. Professional C&nfg, " Dr. R. L. SAVAGE, , . Eye p EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Office oyer Five Poinls Drug oiore Rocky Mount, N. C. O. at. . VOUHTAIN. . T. FOUNTAIN. Fountain & Fountain, AttorneysAt-Law, Rocky Mount, N. C. Office 2nd floor 5 Points Drug Store. Practice in all tha courts. E. J. Barnes. O. P. Dickinson BARNES & DICKINSON, 3 Attorneys and Cossscrs-AMzrJ Wilson, N.C. Practice In Nash, Wilson, State and - x eaerai courts, j OfBoe over Bating, Bank, i W. A, nni, Wilaon. Nashvuls. . riNca & vaic::an, Attorney. And Ccrr.::": :t L:;v Prompt attention given too'l p-r.srs entrusted to our care. C. , 8 in Urand jury liuiing. Jaa. p. Battle Tbos. J. Zvn r:. C-r V - I liVj.la Drvz Co. . ....4'- a . .... J NasUyllle Drug Co. -v