THE GRAPHIC Published by. ." y'v--,"-',- run NASHVILLE PUBLISHING CO. NASHVILLE, N. C. : M. W.LINCKEt . . ' I' Editor SUBHommon: i One Year, Six Months I Throe 4! , 1.00 .tiO 3J PuLllsher't Announcement. All ov-r flfttwu !lnw will bo olimgc-J flvc tutt per lino for obl'.uarv notice, etc. . No communication will be publUIied II im nikiu u( (Ihi wrlU-r 1 wUlilioM. TliannbllNlierof Tut Gmruio will mil b rwootulblo fur vlewi expressiil by lu ourrwpouuvuu. Niiilnv niiihi- lirad of "SrKflul Nutlvm' will bo cliamed at tbe rulo of lOo. per liue or eacli inaorllon. Advrtliwr(1fMirliiR a oIuuiko of lor tlseiiii-nl should hH nayij lu onire not inter .lias noon ou luexlay. AUiirllitrinout tllwvir.tluiiitl bi-foiv tlir ItlUU MWlllHClt'O fur Imti.i'Kiili-i'U will Or obrl tran.leiil rati for the tlim a ac tuall.v iiuulixlitxl. Ail vi-iiirriiiMits on wlili'h no kihvIHi' auuiUrr of limt'i tloim In MiiuUiil will tie mnrkul till foi blil" uml uliai'ittil P to date of discontinuance. CoinnimiloutUini! and I tenia of news lu teiulcd for publication, anil all bunim-M lettora should be addicuseU to Til allium lo. nml uot to individual lueuibera uf the WIT TllUIlSDAy. OCT. 5, 1911. What Will Cotton Farmers DoT The cotton farmers haw mailt; thi'ir crop this year ul a heavier vx than ever lefoiv. Tin- Niyh price of food stutr and of meat, which has helped the Western far mers, has increased the cost of liv ing to the Southern fanners who buy their flour and much of their meal; the cost of mules h;is l.eeii twice as liili as when eollon was last at ten and eleven cents; labor has been higher because of the iui ' ta ed e -t of livin.r, must of the sup port of laborer.-, yni iiuiviiiiswi from stores; and therefore ii' tin Southern farmers are lurceil In sell their cotton- at tii- prevail inr low price they will be compelled to ie away the product of their whole year's labor wilhouL pruhl. What should Southern farmcis di" That is a momentous question. This paper has printed in full the i solu tions of the various farmer-;' organ izations, the advice of lea liiur farm journals, and below it prints a ; ate nient written to tbe Wilmington Star by hit. A.J. ("Sindv") M Kin non, a leadiiiK farmer and a rntm of affairs in Robeson county, who was vice-president of the Cotton Gin ners' Association when that oriratii zation was actively at work to ro- Vt IIIL 00 '! 111 VVLLVII l.ll- mers. lie write.-: "Cotton is se'liiiB for less th:.n ':(' cents. The danpr line has been crossed; time for action is here. "livery Southern interest is now endangered from bankers, mer chants and manufacturers on throiiKh every calling, profession or trade. "Vyhy? Because we all know that cotton is the South'agrei& vveahl, producer. On the price of this ar ticle we depend tor our increase wealth, prosperity and proirro.s or our poverty, loss and decline. "We are now called upon to st the thing on which our prospeiity depends for less than it cost to make it. To do that means disaster not to part but to every interest in tl.e cotton producing States "Hsn't the danger line been reach ed? Isn t it time for action? Can we prevent this disaster? I think so Tf ... fl,l tv, t iu:r, ,.,. XL vvc van iiuvt nic i-ciunc lui lino III: pressidn, we can remedy it. "If too much cotton is causing thi cotton and more of other farm pvc ducts, wheat, corn, hay, oats, pota toes, tobacco and melons, all of ' which offer better returns than cot ton at present prices. This is the farmers' part and for fear we might have a few bales more than actually needed the farmers better begin at onca to 'plan t plant less cotton next vpnr nndl more if t.tirtRO nfl-inf hirrh- - - ... priced necessities. This would cer tainly remove that cause. . .r A- If we haven t too much, cotton and there is a combination On the part of Europe and other cotton spinning parts of the world to stand off and refuse to buy- their-supplies while the bulk of the crop ia being harvested and should he marketed, that cause can be removed or met only by a combination of merchants, farmers and bankers, (combining their resources" and taking care of the cotton antil the spinners are ready to take it at a price that will bring-fair profits to theJSouth.- That man doesn't live to-day that can tell what the site of this crop will be. It may be affected a 'million or more bales by frost or stormsVif a large crop; muh , depends on weather, whfther It can be harvested or not. If everything U favorable anilwe do make and harvest a crop fully equal to the world's needs, we can plant less acres In cotton and moro In other paying crops next year and re move the danger of a surplus. Then in the name of common sense and reason, why Impoverish the whp cotton producing world by selling our cotton now at less than it cost us to make it? "I repeat that it is lime for action I would suggest that the Governors of each cotton producing Stato issue his proclamation calling on all the people to unite their efforts and re sources for the purpose of prevent ing the sale of this crop or any par of it at less than it cost to produce it And if the Governors think win? I would further suggest that they call a mass meeting of all the inter. ests in their respective States for the purpose of jcrfectiiig plans that would guard against repetition of present conditions." Mr. McKinnon is a successful planter and business man who made money by industry and wis dom. Any suggestion ng from Mr. AicKimmri is worthy of serious consideration. In bis own affairs he Ivs won tho largest mea sure of success, and h'w views are i t;- tiihfd therefore to th" hi- lie;! reseet. What wi News an Kill More Than Wild Const. the cotton f.inn'i Observer. do? Johnson and George Willirmi 'dgecomho county, sold tobtuv Pitt's Warehouse, llockv Mount .llowr: at I 152 lbs. at ( c; To at l ie; -IG at -0 lbs at If! - U ; i.l' 'c, ami it n : I in in, bit lire luisilv !., there i , a i!is;m- to keep lb" sl.-'i til tin r i iii! jn- J'.ist uiieti thi.: 'I;, in ! l iitin l t r be!i. v.- tl :, Wi.i .- I e . ! t--i ll.. ! ".ii on tit' ir . oil' the in, i. l. i Venn nt in , imprevt'inei.t pi r l to re it Escaped Willi i!ir. Life. li 1 1 l'..l" il ;, i i i ill. tel.- I , 111 V 111" .-t tOW : , "i UO l-oii -f Dr. Ku;; I lid r u-i ' I 1 1 v it ;lll ; .-i ill . . " 1 )-ittl - i: . ar. :-i-st I i a vei (fit till I'dv i-rl A i-u Dlseov e r -. . I to t : t Ni -r. -i D. i. t . tt.iut. 1 l:li, ti ""I'ci'iv: F. A. Wiggins," of Edgecomlie, sold eleve l lots of tobacco at Pitt's Ware 1 ot. le, (Giavely'a old stand) Eocly !' 1, and received the folknvmji ; ' -; 122 lbs. at 9c; '36 lbs at He; xoiicr I!;- . .n u. '! a H. c. n-ir I '.ni i t m.i'.ic in 1 1; a'ui'r.'in Win. I'ran' I. fj J GiilVIT. is (li-f. I ll :ir t,r- c nt't io-,m town i-l .N.ivir, :,jf m b tl.iy ! S:W-' it mwii:" i i'si-i ; 'i ! r.ict. i.." i.ii.i' s: ua'e i.y. Ijji v to' i. st. ; i I. Hills of V. 1 1 (ilov iT. W I! J-i.-.i.ui ..-(..! raet of kim: .,!, wi.irli t .'ii-.vrf u-.-.v r.-si.le-. '1 CASH. l' A. Wool A HI). Com A it S. A VVoi.iiard, Attornt s. ' ,ie : ii D ; i f r, -.vill t: e the fcl-Ont :i(l.l ih ( oiin m:,:." -he 1'. fi r, i the .-.i .l h.,1. ins of sale: NOTICE Of SUMMONS North Cu'niir.a, K-.vsh County In the Superior Court. Susie Wiustead vs. Bumelt Wiustead The defendant. Burnett Wm-.!ead, above uauied, will take noiiee that au action eciitlcd as above has been concmenced iu the Superior Court of Nash County for an absolute divoree, and the said defendant will further take notice that ho is required to appear at the term of tbe Superior Court of said county, to be held on the 4th Mmnlnv in November, 1911, in the Court House of Said county in Nashville, N, C. and answer or demur ; to tbe com plaint, in said aetiou or the plaintifl will apoly to the court for the reJie! demanded In said complaint. X. A. Sills, ... ,: . - -Qerij Superior Court. Finch & Vaughan, Atty's. i'Dis latti day ot September, 1911. The number of pcoplo killed year ly by Wild betiVn don't upproucblho vast uuiuiKH' klllii.i by uiM'itse germ rvq, lilt) 1 Rufe trom their nltuek 1 hey re lu air, wuter, dust, even fiMid. I! ut grand protection Is ulTord ed bv Eleetrit; Hitters, which expel and dostmy tbestt deadly dlsoue germ from tbe system.. That's why ebllls, fever and uttue, U tnahtrlal and many blood diseases yield to tins wonderful blood purtller.- In tbem and enjoy the glorious heal 1 1 and new Klri nitli they'll eivn vou Mouny back If not sutisthd. Only 50o at Nuthville-Orug Co. Of A Picture at this scasoc the yoar Is n)cst pleasing; WHY NOT coma to our Studio wheha you wll GET WORK OF QUALITY? II. Dempt. lOo Main st., ,Rocky Mount N. C. r I V The built-in porcelain lined water cooler of the Automatic Refrigerator is built into" partition which sepa rates the food and iee el, ambers. Food llavors- cannot reach the water mtains. Filth cannot collect requires no extra con ,. ir ilois it lake up It is tired from the too of the Automatic The nickel plated fau . ma of the w:iv of all it tround it. I unipti.-n ' !' cxt ra t i ii, i . mtside a! tin liefrigerator. t is in Iron. larm. 1 lie ice chamoer nor loon chttnibers need not be expos -d when ither tilling the cooler or drawii.g the water from it. It is i,.isiu!elv mitary atid ec'Hiniienl and its con venience is s-jgge.sieu by tbe illustra tion of the child procuring a i; kiss of ice cold wat jf. BuilucK, Phillips & Co., Day Phone 312; Night 236, U Tarboro and Washington Sts Eocky :lount, N. C. NOTICE. 16 N"ort'u Carolina Nash County ; Superior Court. - - Willis Oakley r VS. 1 ' lnie, Oakley -v ', '' , ' The defendant above ' named w'ili take notice thut ' an action ootiih d as abov'e has been- commenced in the Superior Court of N ish .County, the purpose thereof being on; (hi part of. the plain ti If to obtain, a divorce a- vinculo- matromonib and tbe said defendant will further ..-iake ootieft that, Kfie -w rpquiriMi to a p. pear at the term of the Superior Court of Nash County to nn.heUt.-on the tWclftb-Monday ' after the first Monday in Rerttemlier. 191, ni Mu. Court Ilrtiwe in "Nashvlllo.: Mah County, North Carolina, and answer or demuis to the 'complaint of ft,e plaintiff in wM. action,, otherwise be plaintill will aoplv to the Court I or (io J Service (Jo To P. A. RIchardsons New Barber Shop ii Professional Cards. T. T. ROSS, Dentist. . ' SprMaHope. N. C." Office In New Finclt Building: Will be in my offlco every Wcdiiea , day, Thureday. Fridny and -Saturday. N.:hville Office at Residence J. A. FARMER.' Attorney and Counselor At Law, Wilson, N.C Practice In All Courts Ofliees Swl floor New Oalce Building Ia Kcnr of Court Hoiim To Tlio IVopIo of Nauli Couuly:- For tin" oonvoiiii'iKts uf niy (rlund ud ullcnU In County. I hre nrrftiuri'd to be lu Niuliville ovi-rv Mnudny. fuel luif pnitcdil noil tlinnkfiil lor tlie coutl-J.'ui-o aud very liberal p.itronnse lwy ncvonlitl mi by tlxt iwiplo o( uiy native cminty and hoping to rwelrc a coutlutn tlon ot tlio uuh, 1 am, your to orvi. J. A, KAItMBll. Oyster Season You will find the BEST tha ' ! ' can be had Prepared In ALL Styles ; :'. v; . at the IDEAL CAFE , CHRIST JONES," Proprietor, Rocky Mount.' N. C. Phone 390 . . 8-30-tf Leap's Prolific Whea Thf Most Prolific nti Best of Mltlinrf Wheats Yields reported from our customers from twenty-five to fifty two bushel per acre. When grown aide by aide with other kind thi splendid beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushel more per acre on same land and under same condi tion a other standard wheat. Wherever grown it is superseding all other kinds and it should be sown universally by wheat grower everywhere. Write for price and, 'Wood's Crop Special" giving in formation about all Seasonable Seeds. . T. W. WOOD 6 SONS, Seedsmen, m t Richmond, Va. i OI J liise Clock Cetween Ward Drug Co. and Post Office We have larger and bet ter facilities now than ever before and shall be glad to have our friends make our shop Headquarters when in town; We can take care of your over coats, parcels, etc.", have Laundry and Pressing done and can give you any service usually foundat a first class barber shop. Thanking my friends for past pat . ronage and asking a con tinuance of the same, I am yours to serve - P. A. Richardson. IT COSTS MONEY NOT TO BE WELL DRESSED. Careless dress has cost many a man more than neat dothes would have cost him. The cost has keen in Jest opportunity. No one expects a man to "spruce up to go fishing hut on the same principle no one has muo respect for the man who always looks as tho he was "going fishing. To appear veil dressed Is more a matter of personal pride than pocketbook pride. 1 If you haven't seen our new stock of Goldman-Bcckman Clothes, you don t know how great value you can get for the price you wish to pay. Consider this your invitation. Sold Exclusively In Nahvllle By THE NASH SUPPLY CO.. Outfitters and F"urnltiers. INSTITUTE UK BUYS. GOAYur. Prepnres tor Coilcpe, for Bninwtsfor Life. Ptronir Chrtttian IntlnctifKi. litfAl shnUl vnamoRt, "(J.i4i O.nBtri (n the tnothiJla uf in wn Kidjro Rooittain, Hlj-h ttaunrriv of ciKurnip. ntmnr ytm ftnt iirly rrinHnlae of America ninhv9 i nRtiUfrt. AltiletkseMr. to wod Juttr boy. Jd -o-'lfiftmi) I mktjWitU. - q m j, var wji ym 11 -r 14. 12 c Attention, Ladies! HP- H ur display .of Fall and Winter Millinery is now " ready for .your inspection. You will find our selections ; of Patern Hats and . those of Our Own Creation as up-to- .-: date, stylish and reasonable - in price as any reputable mil liners'. "We take pleasure in meeting the needs of our pat- I rcns'r making just such alter ations as they desire. Come . and view the array, examine our work, quality of goods, and get our prices. . We can : save you money. . v . - The Joncs-Ccopsr Co. ' We; Want You Look At Our Line ''.v;:: :'-.y-rOF.:i Ladies Coat Suits : AND ' CLOAKS! Special attention was given in selecting these suits and .we feel sure we can please you Suit Prices: $10.00 to $25.00j Cloaks, 6.00 to $25.00 Don't Forget We Sell Shoes! ton The Arrinl -.: .- ,v w Bissette Co General Merchant and Cotton Buyers Nashville, N. (X : , LET A1E INSURE YOU!.! I write all Kinds of Life, Firc? ,Ac cident and Health Insurance. Only the Strongest Companies represented; Companies that settle Promptly and Cheer fully. Real Estate Bought and Sold. " 6. T. BURNETTE, . . Rocky Mount. N. C. TOBACCO FARMS Of Nash BRING ON" YOUR Totwxe :T0; FenneKs Warehouse ROCKY " MOUNT, . N C Since our Opening our Sales have "- daily increased, which is evi . dence of the fact that . Fenner's Warehouse- -; is ' sustaining its . " past high rec: K ' ord for V . - - . BEST ADVANTAGES. I BRING YOUR NEXT LOAD . TO ' j s You'll be gratified with the re obtain for you. - V,3 I taaie a. jf " W. -. , . 3 f ., 5!... ''.. : : lie; nu 103 ot loic 0 lbs. ; iTs. ctf'V; 20 I'js. nt. lc; ; r V a H j; for the relief demanded. - ! K0 Are You To This September 14. lifll. ' v T. A. Sti.t.s, C ; k SuL'erior Coji t. j tt r 'ttt j c. r'

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