Editor Year, . Month.- Uree " 1. 00 4 sr' Announcement. i i.vr r.-uwu tin will banbanrad It ... h t Itue tor obt'.tuurv aotioa. . No eoii!tminklloa will W 1 tn iiaina ol ll writer la Willi! raMUhed TlxpublUlicrulTuB Uairaio will not amnuimlbltlut vlawa aspcaaMd by Its eorrenpomloma. NntlM atn- hmd 6l -Bieolal Nolleta" . will ba chanted at Ilia rata ol lUc per Una ' or eavli Inaerkloa, . AdTerlhwradoalrlag a chaora ol adrer tlaenwinl aliouM kara copy ia aro lifer thaa aoon oa Tacaday. - l.HnuiU dlamnllnaed betora tb lima mnLrm!tii tor baa aaplraa will ba har d tranalent rata for lha tinea ac tually anblialiad. , AdTartlaeaiaoM oa which ao aprclfc . aanibnr ol Inaertlona la Barked will ba narked "till forbid" and charged ap to data ol diaooBllnnaaea. CommoDlcatloaa and Itema ol aewa In tended lor publlcatioa. and all boalneaa .attar alionld ba addraaaad toTaaOiuMt- . m. aad aot to ladlrldnal aieaiber ol the . ataff THDRSDAY. NOV. 23, 1911. , The fancy prices paid for tobacco will cause many farmers of Nash county to make their usual mistake next year by planting too large an acreage; many reducing the acreage in cotton to give room for tobacco, In this matter the farmer should ex ercise the wisdom of reducing both crops snd looking more closely to the production of things for home consumption. There is no safer plan than ' adopting tbe "hog ai d hominy ' idea. Raleigh Is anxious for the Atlan . tie Coast Line to make the extension on from Bunn to Raleigh . All Eastern North Carolina is deeply interested in the matter and would hail with delight the completion of the line above mentioned. It would prove of vast importance to Raleigh, Eastern Carolina and the Coast Line, Nashville's business men will give cordial welcome to good roadf ex perts and all who crone With them next Thusdavi- Every citizen of the town should make it convenient to visit the Good Roads Special dur ing its short stay in the city. To-morrow morning shortly .after sunrise Henry Clay Beattie will pay the death penalty in the Virginia prison for the murder of his wife. Thus will end the career of one of the most dastardly murderers In the annual of Virginia. One of the blessings of not having everything you want is the oppor tunity it ' affords you , for having something to wish for and hope for. ' Jarars Far Saserior Caert.. At the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners last Monday the following names were drawn to serve as jurors for the November term of Nash Superior Court which convenes here on Monday, Nov. 27th, Judge G. S. Furguson presid ing: First week. E. M. Green. Isaac Daniel, A. R. Bunn. J. G. Bennett S L. Parrish, D. E. Cone, B. T. Drake, J. T. Denson, L. B. Joyner, W. G. Weeks, A. H. Clark, W. S. " Dozier, P. E. Knight, F. V. A vent, - W. M. Womble, W. E. Fenner, J a rett White, R. JL; Armstrong, S. Batchelor, Jr., W. G. Harper, R. B. Melton, David Joyner, H. D. Baker, . L. A. Mizelle, M. W. Glover, i. V. Allen, J. C, Thome, N. C. Alford, ' D. T. Williams, G. C Collins. 3. A. Gardner, J. M. Gay, W. 0. Bilbro, J. B. Wallace. J. R. J. Finch and W. R. Lancaster. Second week. G. W, Gilbert, W. II. Faison, G. W. Morgan, M. J, Hedrick, J. W. Roberson, J. D. Price, M. A. UcLin, E. K. Neville, G. D. Coley, L. M. Eulluck, Howard Dixon. A. H. Stallings, W. C. Adams, S. J. Bartholomew, N. N. R. 1,'anning, J. C Murray,' G. - W. Womble, BR. Arrington. P -i , i : I More Than Wild Beast. 3 pn-nher of r t's killed year y "rw ; c4 With III Life. 'IV- inv io Ti'ittH uvo I f.M-rd an ful llalb,,' write H. B. Martin, I'urt Hnrri'lHon. S, G ' One tor ""id I I mil (iiiDHUinplliin anil tbe dreadful Otumh I hud lookrtl like It. auie. I tried evprytblnti 1 csttu.d hear of, for my couKh aucl im under tbe Ufav int-nt of tbe beat doc'or lo Georjr? town, S. V. fur a year, but could jft do rviirf. A frk-ud advised m to try Dr. Kinu'a Nm Discovery. I did an and wan cki1)I'W'I.v cured. I feel lost I owe my life to tbi itreat tbm at aoa luoj cur. . It w positively uuaranitW for ouuirbs. cold and ail bronchial affection. Wo k tl Trial bottle tree at NashvUle Drutr Co. ADMINISTRATORSNOTICE. Tbe undersigned baviog tbU duy qualified as adtntuiatrator of 'tbe eatateofMrs Nancy It. Batcbelor, deceased.late of Nash county, N. C , notice Is bereb irlvea U H persons having claims agaUat ituid atate to Dresenl them to tbe under- alirued on or before the 6tu duy of Nov 1912. or tbis notice will be plead lo bar of their recovery. AH pernoUM indebted to Raid eatate will otHne forward and muke Immedlaie Hetllemeot. TbU Nov. 6tb, lll -. w T. Batcbelor, Admr. NOTICE OF SUM MONS. North Curolina, Nash County In the Superior Court. Susie W Instead . vs. Buroett Winstead The defendant, Burnett Wmstend, above named, will take nolic- that an action entitled as above ba been commenced in tbe Superior Court of Nash County for an absolute divoroe, and tbe xnld defe'idunt will further take notice tbat ba I required to appear at tbe term of tbe Siierior Court of auid county, to be bi-M on tbe 4th Monday in NovemtMT, 191L in tbe Court House of said county to Nanbvllle, N. C. and answer or demur to tbe com plaiot in said action or the plaintiff will apnly to tbe court for tbe relief demanded in said coninluint. T. A. Sitxi. Clerk Superior Court. Finch A Vaugbao, Alty'a. Tbin 19tb day of September, 1911. NOTICE: LAND SALE; Uy virtue of a power or sale con tained in a mortgage executed by W. R. Wilson and wife to tbe un- drrsitfijcd. rioorded in tbe oflhte of tbe Iteyister of Deeds of Nusb Coun ty in Book No. 191 at page 201,. de fault having been made in tbr pay ment of the IndebtedoesH secured therein, we will offer for sale ut the ".urt hoHo door in tbe town of NHbvilIe. N. C, between tbe hours of 12 and 1 P. W to the hlibei bidder for cash, oa Saturday', the 23rd day of- December, "1911. that certain tract of land situate in . Bui ley's townsWp, Nash County, ad joining tbe lauds of T. R. - Lamm Wesley Lumm, Tom B. Boone, and S. W. Smi'h, containing ten acres and well kuown an tbe home lace of tbe said W. U Wilson and wife. This 20tb duy of November, 1911 Terms of sale: Cash. ' Couoor ft Connor attys, Wilson, N. C. Haiiley Harris A Co. Mortgages. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. (Tuder and by virtue of an order io tbe Superior Court before the Clerk of Nash County.' in a special proceeding entitled Martha Perry el als, against Joseph Bissette, el als, I will on Saturday, tbe 23rd day of Dee. 1911, at 12 o'clo. k M, offer for sale at tbe "Old Eaton Per ry Home Place," to tbe bigbest bidder for cash tbe following des cribed tracts of laud situate io Uailey's Township. Nash County, aod State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows, to wit: - - ;'- . Lot No. two la the division of the Eaton Perry estate and composed of . the three following tracts. First tra, adjoining Wesley Privettand otbera. Beginning at tbe stake at tbe said Privette heirs line; thence East five poles to a cor ner in tbe canal io Toisaot Swamp; tbecce down said canal to tbe road; thence with tbe road Eastward 76 poles to a corner of lot No. one in tbe house lot line; thence South 21 degrue s West 27 poles to a stake' ih on co South 87 degrees East 18 poles to a stake in the Smith Held road, thence with aaid road South ward 129, poles to tbe Privette line; thence with said line North 87 de grees West 96 pole to the begin ning, contain log 87 acres. Second tract. Adjoining Thomas Lamm, T. U uailey aod others Beginning at a stake corner of lot No. one itn Bailey's line; thence said line -running South 20 de (frees West, 10 poles, South 7 de grees West 4 poles to the mouth of drain whence it enters white Oak Swamp; tbeoce South 7 degrees West 29 poles to a stake in said Lamm's line; thence Baid line North 87 degrees West 84 poles to a corn er stake; tbence with No. 4 North 3 degree East 45 poles to a corner pine; tbence with No. one South 87 degrees East 3 Doles to the begin ning containing 25 acres. Third tract. Tbe dower Interest beginning at a corner stake A.- H. D, oUm'.s corner aou runs North 3 .legrees East 36 poles, North 87 de crees West 22 poles, South 20 de- icrees Vest 49 poles. South 87 de crees J" st 13 poles, North 47 de iv i ' st 15 poler, South 87 de f -i I st 5 poies to the beginning, : : o;r 8 and 1-13 acres, sublet i t' 1 ' i -rptt of -Vartrett l'er- r ' ! ;'--'' 1 crry e ? ' ' '. I r n lt ty i '6 . 1 lotCT ; s EXECUTOR'S NOTICE I The underNigned having qualified as Executor of the last Will and Ten taitentof C. F. Price, deceased, laie ol Nash county, N. C-. notice Is here by given to persons having claims ugttloat the estate of said deceased Ut present them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of October 1912, or tbU notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All person indebted to said estate will makalm mediate payment. - - P. J. Booke, Exr. Tbia Oct 16, 'II C F. Price, dec. EXECUTORtS NOTICE I Tbe nnderalgned having this day qualified as exacutora of the last Will and teailroeot - of Jefferson Cobb, deceased, late of Nash oounty N. C , this is to notify all persons baviog claims agalost tbe estate of auld deceased to present tbem duly verified to tbe undersigned eiecu tors oo or before the 11th day of October. 1912, or bta notice will be plead io bar or tbeir recovery, an persons indebted to said estate will make immediate settlement. Howell Cobb, J ho, a Cobb, . Executors. This Oct. 11th, 1911. . Battleboro, N. O. NOTICE. North Carolina, Nash County In Superior Court . . Willis Oakley vs. lnie Oakley The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In tbe Superior Court of Nash County, the purpose thereof being oo the oart of tbe plaintiff to obtain a divorce a vinculo matroinonii; and the aaid defendant will further take notice tbat ahe is required to ap pear at tbe term of tbe Superior Court of Nash County to be bold oo the twelfth Mondsy after the first Moodav in September. 1911, at the Court House in Nashville, Nath Countv. North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of tbe plaintiff in said action, otberwise tbe plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded. This September 14, 1911. - T. A. Sills, Clerk Superior Court. T. T. Thorn, Att'y. NOTICEOF LAND SALE. , Under aod by virtue of tbe pow er of sale contained io a certain deed of trust executed on tbe 28tb dav of March. 1908, bv and between Currln Battle and bis wife, Minnie Battle, William Battle and bis wife. Mary Battle, Adelia Coppedge and ber Husband, JACK uoppeuge. i Leon T. Vaughan, trustee, for J. K Smith, (the same baviog been transferred to B. H. B. Veater.) which aaid deed of trust ia duly re corded in tbe Office of tbe Register of Deeds of Nash County, In book 164 at page 359, reference befog bereby made to tbe same for panic ulsra (default baviog heen made in tbe Davment of tbe iodebtneas se oured by said deed of trust) I will on Monday, the 4th day of Dec 1911. at one o clock. P. M. at tbe court house door in Nash County. offer for sale to tbe highest : bidder for cash tbe following described real estate, to wit: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Nashville Township, Nash County, North Carolina, and adjoining the lands of V. a. uatcneior's estate, Starl ing Woodard and others and bound ed as follows; via: v Beginning at a stake V. B Bat chelor'e estate line at Starling Woodard'a corner, tbence North, 20- degrees E 274 poles to a pine, thence S. 68 degrees W. 84 poles lo a stake A. B. Harris' corner, tbence 8. 20 degrees W. 27 poles along A. B. Harrla line, to a stake at Starling Woodards corner tbeoce South 68 degrees E. ' 31 poles along -Starling Woodard s line to tbe beginning, containing 6 acres more or less. Terms of sale cash. This tbe 2nd day of Nov. 1811. - ; Leon T. Vaughan, Trustee. 1 Finch ft Vaughan, Attorneys. , , NOTICE OF SALE. Oo tbe 4th day of December 191L at tbe Court Houae door in Nash ville, N. C. we will sell to the high est bidder tbe following described lands: A tract ef land in Nash County known as lot No. 1 ia the diaision of tbs lands of James C Billiard, deceased and bounded as following: Beginning at a white Oak and ma ple, tbe dower corner, on the South bank oa Swift creek, tbence South 60 degrees W. 202 poles to a pine stump and smalt oak bush, in dow er line, thence West 68 poles to tbe center of a black gum, persimmon tree and pine in tbe dower line, tbeoce N.l degree W. to a beech tree on the South bank of said creek, thence down the meander ing! of said creek to tbe beginning containing 350 acres. See book 22 page 158 Nash Registry. . Less a tract of land sold off of the above tract aod described as fol lows: Beginning at W. B. Mil liards aud Cobb a corner on the South side of Swift creek, thence S. 1 decree V. 231 poles to the cen ter of an oKl path in the dower line, thence S. t Morels E. C.f pols to a posi oak Lien's corner ia d.iwer lioe, thence N. 3 d E. " to a wbiteockon the t li t'.'i cf Swi.'t creek, t'jocce ro t' s v . '. 3 courf-rs of 1 cr : ?t i 3 t JURY CALENDAR. NASH SUPERIOR iCOURT V : ' November Term, 1911. -1 v HON. G & FERGUSON, Judge Presiding ' Monday, Dec 4, I9tr. 8 Planters' Cotton- Seed Oil Co., va George Howerton and wife. It and 12. The Security Life A Annuity Co., va H. F. Tunneil. 17-The Cable Co., vs W. J. Wella and J. W. Wells. 23-Penelope J. Ricks, vs F. B. Ricks. (Objection by plaintiff.) ) 26- W. U. Ward vsT. B. Brantley, Admr, of Mack Brantley. . 28 C. C Barnet vs Jno.N. Bergeron. ', 82 W. B. Moore va The General Accident, Fire A Life Assurance Corpor ation, Limited. (Objection by defendant) 23 - W. T. Sellers va J. D. Overton. ' ; ci " 37 -C G, Wood vs J. J. Harper. t' " ' : ', '', 40 Equitable Manufacturing Co. va J. D. Douglas. ' ' ' 42 Austin A Grantham vs J. D. Overton. ' 43 Rogers, McCabe Co., vsS. J. Bartholomew. (Objection by deft) 44 0. D. Batchelor, Es.r. vs JD. Overton. ' ' ? ? 61 S. J. Smith vs. Garrett k Co. ; t V 66-Gilbert Bros. vsj. J. Spltv A Cql. ' ' ' :" Tucaday, Dec' 5th. 11. ! ; 27 - Nancy J. Gainey, Admr'x. vs Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. . 68- Wm. R. DeVault. Adm'r. vs Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. 69 J. L. Barbae vs B. H B. Vester. ' 61 and 67-T. C .May A Sons vs J. H. Hunnicutt and wife. 62-TbinLNational Bank vs I. R. Parker. 63 -Schloss Bros. A Co , vs The Blount Co. , - 61-BettleHobsonvsJohnHobsonandN B. Finch. - ' ' ' ' Sd -Morse A Rogers vs Louis SchulU. 1 69 -S. F. Stevens vs The Home Ins. Co. and Hartford Fir Ins. Co.' 73 J. A. Bunn and wife vs J. W. Jones and wife. 76 Wm. Edwards vs W. R. Dawes. s - ' 78 Wm Edwards vs Ann Dixa Joyner. 79- R. L. Baker vs Charles E. Hedgepeth. 81 N.J. Harris and others vs J. B. Carr and wife. 82- N. J. Harris and others vs J. G. Bennett and others. .-. 83- Geo. V. Clark and others vs H. E. Chappell and others. . ,-. . 84- L. F. Xlllery, Ex'r. vs Geo. Badger Chapman and others. .. - 132 J. T. Watson and others va B. G. Wednesday. Dec 6, 'II. 86 - W. T. Exum vsJ.D Wells and the Arrington-Biasette Co. 88-E. L Taylor & Co., vs Baines Bros. A Co. 93 T. C May A Sons vs 0. T. Debnam and M. A. Debnam. ', 94- Standard Vamish Works vs Balnea Bros. A Co. 96 W. S. Bailey va John C. Matthews and others.' . -1 " 97 State ex. rel. Board of Commissioners of Nash County va J. D. Win stead and others. ' 98 C. T. Sanders vs G. M. Sanders. 99 Bank of Nashville va J. Y. Barnes. , 100 Pattie Joyner and her husband va A. F. Williams. '. 104 Ella May and others va R. A. P. Cooley, 106 L. T. Vaughan, Trustee, vs J. T. Strickland and othera. ' ,v 111- W. H. Hardison vs Henrietta Dunn and others. " ' 112- Dla Jeffreys vs a M. Joyner 113- W. BT Moore vs Joel Stalling. ' 117- Smith-Courtney Co., vs Parker-Whitaker Lumber Co. ; 118 Richardson, Taylor A Co , va S. C. Boj kin. V-j - ; ' Thursday, Dec 7th, 'II. , , , 119- W. H. Proctor vs Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. 120- Reliance Life Insurance Co., vs J. H. Merritt ' " 121 L. C. Qpbb vs Henry Tant ' - ' ,; : ' ' '- , 122 L. W. Gunby A Co.. vs S. F. Stevens. , " . .. 123 and 124 rSheldon Axle Cow va Baines Bros. A Co. 125 -John T Lewis Bros. Co.. vs Baines Bros. A Co. a . 126 -Detroit White Lead Works vs Baines Bros. A Co. 127 Palm, Techtelef A Co., vs Baines Bros. A Co. . ' 130 International Stock Food Co., vs Sanders, Son A Co. i 133 Frank Boddie and wife vs William Arlington. Ex'r. ' - 135- Elizabeth Hendrick va Jesse Lamm. 136- Walter Pace vs S. S. Earle. 137- J. H. Morgan vs W, G. Morgan. . . -139 W. J. Batchelor vs Eva H. Tyson. ' , 143- Geo.rS. Edwards A Co.; vs J. M. Edwards. 144- J. D. Overton vs Bank of Nashville. 146 P. F. .Sherman va The Fourth National Bank. - 147 Bank of Nashville vs J. E. Jacobs. . 148 Bank of Nashville vs T. E. Tsylor and another. 151 -J. if. Overton vs Parker A Whitaket Lumber Co. ' 157 Wnt, Edwards, Guard'n vs S. A . Woodard. 159r-H. C. Dixon vs Geo. W. Womble. 162, 163,64-I Power A Co., vs S. F. Stevens. . w A 165 W.T. Turner vs Martha A. Davis and others. Hi T. A. yeasyaa(sws FOR SALEI-NA5IIVILLE PROPERTY ! ThreejVacant Lots and One lot with two-room house Also Home Place of XL a .... , Nashville and on Uarnea bt. . J Also Farm of 55 acres near Sandy Cross, with am- pie wood for larm use. lias two-room House, i tobacco barn, etc ; For particulars apply to . L F. TILIO & The dag well with its dead anir !s ar i d'rt is merely a cess pool Kiei with germs an J dr'H. I 1v :.'-rr '"-s bad health to man and Least. 3 p-r cont cf t; ; ';c.l c: 3 1 c i i.r.pure water The C : ' DrZzl . Vell . Is AC; r t : - It r in' - : '.!'' 1 Tl ' - r U 7 c r l v t r- : " 2 Medford and Kate Kenny. . Shjls, C. S. C. Nash County. Philips, all situate' in ' . S071, 1 - - V,rhcn - ' Properly ) : Drined.- - - - 5 u -' --1 Oo n sticn "" '1 : cf pure, spark- U- A, d.;.' I does 3 1 p. Lav., j you w..ao-t rater. - Yc i On A'D.!":i Ve!l 14 w m& m ANI -TT)' A Very Strong and Attractive Line. VERY CHILD i-needs cither a Cloak or a. Rain - -. Coat, and we have them in all sizes;1, -; PRICES, $2.00 TO $10.00. 7 ' $ y" ' ' V Vc Have The Best Line of Overcoats Fcr f.!en , ; . we have ever shown. A Special Value , Y in a Long, Black Unfinished Worstead . J v , Cravenette f or $12.50. A beauty, be ... v ' " . sure you see it. . ; '. .:-;v . ' - ." Viih The Amnion-Dissette Co. . ; General Merchants and Cotton Buyers j ' : : . ; Nashville, a y':: Attention, We Are Making Sweeping : Reductions ' V. - in the price on our MILLINERY . For the next Few Days. Come, Investigate! It WUl Pay You! The Jones-Cooper Co. NASHVILLE, N. C. . we are now displaying The Largest and Prettiest Line of ". a j x3 a fc oibJ ; i 4 1 1 I rOiiiti v3 ) We have ever, before handled. You should see the assortment. . ' ' . Prices Hcr.j? Frca $1.50 fir$20.C0 They are All Good Values. ' Ve have also just received a Large and Carefully- f - selected Ime of . Sciz "Rcycl For Misses, Ladies and Gentlemen. NONE MORE STYLISH, NONE MORE SERVICE r:. NONE P W4S ' Who Goes to School :-i Vow TViiltr ( - Ladies I 'v. . . V ,.-r.' . the celebrated C:::2" S!:::3 1107.2 CO r ' ' ' 1 ! i H I -J. i J U . - ' t. ' -1 j. It . T C-i PH- ? " 1 Y-ic v ..1 a -. ' .-a f :: 1 1 T. ri to ritik the ling co::2 to ...

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