THE Gil A F1IIC Fullbhed by fi:E .NASHVILLE PUBLISHING CO, NASHVILLE, N. C. . M. W.LINCKE. Editor SoMcmrnoir. J One Year, Six Months Three " 1.00 .60 39 Publisher's Announcement. All oter flftoen Man will b ohrfJ Are ' tmU per Um lor oblwarT noww. Vn aonimnntcttloa will be publlibed If M mm ol tlx writer to withheld. ' ' TIl. mihll.liM- Of T GBAMIO Will BOl M reepoiwible (or view xpraued by I correspondent. . ' h.ii. n.uUr mA at Rneolal Notice" will be ebrged t tbe nte of 10o. per line er eaon liwertloB. . ,-. Advertlien deelrlof s tbhog of dTr lleemeDt ibonld ut copy in " Uter tbftn boob on TaMdfcy. dverllMBMBU dtooootlBoed before lb lime eontrBcteo lor b explreo will be h.rd trial ten I rates lor tbe tlmeer - inmJlv Dubltibed. Advertlaemente on which bo epeplflc mw ni inxtrtlnn to marked will be ''till forbid" and charted P to date ol discontinuance. CommDBlcatloBt and Item of aew In tended lor publication, and all builueu letter should be addreued toTBiGitAi-n-H. and sot to Individual member of tlie taff ;...'.- THURSDAY. DEC. 21. 1911. The press and people of the State are loud in their praises of Hon. Ashley Home, for his generous gift of $10,000 to aid in the erection of a monument on Capital Square in Ral eigh, in honor to the women of the Confederacy. Ashley Home, like Jule Carr, is one of North Carolina's greatest asseU. Both have done great things for North Carolina and her people. The accumulation of wealth by these gentlemen is a bless ing to the State. Rocky Mount's Poultry Show was a big success. Now let the progres sive business men of that ci'y through their Chamber of Com merce take active steps in the mat ter of making Rocky Mount the Fair City for Nash and Edgecombe coun ties. There are hundreds of farm ers throughout the two counties ready and willing to give their co operation. The two counties could ' out ud one of the best fairs in the State next fall. A NsMt From fta PIO. To the Tobacco Farmers of Nash and Adjoining Counties .. Tobacco is higher than it bas been for the past twenty years. Now the time to sell and Pitt's Warehouse is the place. I would advise that you sell all you can before the Christmas holidays or as soon there after as possible., Thanking you for your past patronage and hoping . to sell for youagain soon, I am, with bestwishes for a merry Christmas and happy New Year. Your Friend. " . . Ralph Pitt, Prop'r Pitt's Warehouse. (Gravely's old stand) Rocky Mount, N. C. SALESMEN M ANTED to look after our interest in Nash and ad jacant counties. Salary or Commis sion. Address the Victor Oil Lorn pany Cleveland, 0. to WANTED. Forty young men learn Telegraphy and accept posi tions as telegraph operators on bisr railroad system. Address E. H Roy, Supervisor, Nashville Tenn. WANTEDi-Girlsover 13 years of age to learn looping and knitting, also middle aged women to learn to inspect and mend. Paid while learninir. Good operative make good wages, apply to. Rocky Mount Hosiery Lo, Rocky Mount, N. C, FOR SALE! Twelve fine Chester pigs, eight weeks old. One fattening hog. will dress about 350 lbs Also a limited number Crystal White Or- phington Cockerels, (Kellerstrass strain.) Apply to J. E. Lambert, at R. R. station a Nashville. N. C. Live StocI Fer Sale. I have several pure-blooded Berk' shire Brood Sows and Pigs, the pigs ranging from two weeks to six weeks old. Will sell at a bargain Also hsve server! nice Milch Cows for sale cheap.' For further particulars, ap ply to N. L STRICKLAND. Nash ville, N. C. It is passing strange the claim is made that "everywhere the cotton farmers are holding their product off the market," when you have but to look at port receipts to ascertain that thus far they have marketed more cotton this season than ever before. It is true that some farm i era are holding on to a part of their product, but the (treat majority of them have about sold out. The magnificent new Y. M. C. A. Building at Rocky Mount was form ally opened on Monday afternoon. 'Not only is the building a credit to Rocky Mount, but all Eastern North Carolina, and will long stand as a monument to the Atlantic Coast Line and the citizens of Rocky Mount, who provided means for its erection. Since 'Castalia Township has voted $15,000 bonds for road improvement the question is asked by the citizens, "Why is it these bonds have : not been sold?" Possibly the attorneys representing the Castalia Road Com missioners may be ; able to throw some light on the situation, v ' .The citizens of Rocky Mount have for several weeks past been endeav oring to select a slogan for the city, but thus far they have been unable to "name the baby." , Suppose they leave it up to the ladies, if the men cannot come to an agreement. Then there will be fun. The time approaches for that class of farmers who are not content to stay in one place long at a time to b 'n loading up their household i :i3 and "light out" for some oiler roosting place for the next tv V'3 months. . ' . I a r rr J IT" NOTICE. By virtue of the power contained io a trust deed, executed to nie by lsmic Bryant and Hattte bryant, which is recorded lo Nash Couuly to Uoott page 4Z3. 1 will no January 10th, 1912, tffer for sale ut the court bouse door tn Nns.h i-oun ty to the hiihest bidder for cash strip of laod io Mannings township, Nash couoty, adjoining the lands of B. W Upcburch, S. J. Bartholo mew and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stale1 in B. W. Upchurbe s line and running thence, 30 poles to a stake lopluce of a hickory now gone; thence S, 87 degrees, E 85 poles to , a stake and pine iu tbe run. of Sappony creek; thence up tbe yar.ous sour ces of said ereek te a black ruro; thence N. 87 di'irees W. 91) poles to the beginning, containing 17 acres more or less, For -further discription si' bonk, 67 paw 578 and bo"k 182, page 429, Nasb f tr- istry. Sale will take place ul o'clock P. M., This Dec 6th, 911. " R. A. P. Coolcy, Trusee. NOTICE I uv virtue ol a deed r trust exe cuted to me by T. J. Kearney td Wife, Lillie, which is recorded Nasb (Jouuly in book 164, page 40, to wuicD reiereDce is made for de scription, me undersigned will on Monday, the Zand day of January. 1912, offer for gale at the court boose door in Nash county to tbe highest bidder for cash at public auction tbe following described lands: A iract of land id Griffins1 township.' Nash county, N. C . bounded on the north by lands of Miley Parrish. oic tbe south by lands of N. B. Jenkins and others, on tbe east by lands of W 13 Bunting and or. tbe West bv lands of W. H. Arriogton's tstate oow airs. w. a. Hunting's land): con tainidg 87 acres and known aa the Alex Bailey land, .Lillie Kearney owning 16 2 3 acres of said land in fen and a life estaue in the balance which is conveyed by said trust deed. This Dec. 20th. 1911. ' ;: v C C. Wabd. Trustee; R. A. P. Coolby, Attorney. r r ; ,- lr LAND FOR SALE. Under and by virtue of tbe Dower ol sale contained in a certain Mort gage executed on the 28th day of Feb, 1911 by and between , Mrs. . J Bass, to A. JC. Bass A Sons. which said mortgaie in dulr re corded in omce or tbe Keris'er . of Deeds, of Nasb County, in book 192 at page 100, reference being hereby maae to me same lor particulars (default having been made in the payment of tbe indebtness, secured by Siiid mortgage) we will on Mon day the 15th day of January 1912 at e o ciock f. m. at tbe court bouse r in Mash County, offer for sale : ! 'icst bidder for cash the !l x described real estate, wit: ' ! f or pireel of land in ! ip t:ih County, ': l .kU of A. E. . . 1 : s s al k Down us ' ' ) .l.eontaininw ,",,',l'f,i '. . now NOlK-UOfe' LANliMALK. Pursuaut to a devi ce of the biipe rior 0urt of Wilson County reii tiered III H i':iul pr.iifiMlliii; there V P'iKlit.if fUiikl -d KhfciU' lb uiii'k for herself, und Klmiirili 11 Vii k, tuwiditti of Keriu Virif, h.iii or. CriifM.llUr VIcK, ero Juilllii Aiid alu-r Judkins, PaltM- Vic atl Llxxie Vit k. heirs ut law of E. H. Vitk, deceaned, cx parte, the un aerHignua c(imniKiiiuer will on Mnduy the 9th day rf January 1912 helween tbe bourn of 12:00 i'clK! M.und 1:00 o clock P. M. and at tbe Court House door In Nahhville, N C. sell to tbe . hiabent r ddcr for cab tbe following deseribd tracts of land, namely: Out tract of land Ivlng and being In Rockv Mouo Township, Nasb County, North Carol iua, adjoining tbn lands for nierly belonging lo J do. J. Sharp ana otoers and bounded as follow to wit: Bevioninir 'at a stake, thence east 22 poles to a small . oak bush and pine. Sharp's corner, tbeuoe north 55 polvs lo a stake Sharp a. corner, thence west 122 poles to a pine io the old line, Sharp's other corner, thence south 00 poles to tbe beKiuninir. contain log forty acres more or less. It being the same tract of land con veyed by W. H. Prldsen mid wife to E. H. Vick bv deed which is re corded in Book 64-, page 237 Nasb Upunty registry. Also ouo track of laod Iving and -eintf situate in Jacksou Township, Na-n 1'ounty North Carolina, ad joining the lands of E K. Flowers, u. E. Xompsou and others and par ticularly described as follows: Be ginning at a itaka E. K. flowers and B. E. Thompson -. ruer in Jas. Farmer's land, tbenoe with said Fanner's line easterly to .t pine -tump, a corner in itie Koun Ire land, thence southerly with a hjazed line to i,d f armer s line. siuve, corner, tbenoe westerly ab 8a id farmers line to K. K. Flowers line, a stake, a corner, tbence uortberly with said FldWers' line to tbe first station, containing 50 acres mors or less. It beintr the tame tract of land conveyed by Eloert Locust to E. H. Vick by deed recorded in Book 144, pave 418 in IN us h Jonnty Ketfistry. tor fulber information applv at the offices of Barnes & Dickinson, Attys. at-law, Wilson. N. C This tbe 4th day of Dec. 1911. O. P. Dickinson. Commissioner. Barnes & Dickinson. Attorneys. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION Sute of North Carolina. Department of Slate. lo all to whom these presents may come li reeling: Whereas. It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated re cord of the proceedings for tbe vol untary dissolution thereof bv tbe unanimous consent of all the stock holders, deposited in my office, that the Nashville Publishing Com pany, a corporation of this State, wbose principal office is situated in tbe town of Nashille, County of Nasb. Stole of Norlb Carolina ( M W. Lincke beinit tbe auent therein aid in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has com plied with tbe requirements of Chapter 21. Revisal of 1905. entitled "Corporations,'' preliminary to tbe issuing of ibis Certificate of Disso lution: Now, There. I. J.' Bryan Grimes. secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on tbe 1 day of December. 1911. file in my omce a duly esecuted and at tested consent in writing to tbi dissolution of said corporation, ex ecuted by alt tbe stockholders there of, wbicb said consent and the re cord of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. ' In testimony Whereof. I have uereto set my hand and affixed inv official seal, at Raleigh, this 1 uai of December, A. D. 1911. X. Betas Ckimbs, . Secretary of State. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION Slate of North Carolina " i r Oeriar'ment of State. ' To all to bom these presents may come ureeting: , ; Whereas. Itaoneam tn mo Knli faction, bv dulv authenticated rv cord of the proceedings for the vol untary, dissolution thereof by tbo unanimous consent of all the stock holders, deposited, in my office, that tbe SDrinif fiooe tianlrinv Com rift nv. ft rnrnnmlinn nf tliio State, whose principal office is sit uaieu in me town ol Jjprmg Hope, County of Nash. Statu nf NntO.h Pur. olioa (C. L. Hales being tbe agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), I has complied with the requirements f Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporation," preliminary to the issuinif of this Certificate nt nis. solution: , , Now. Therefore. I. J. Rrimes, becuretaiy of State of North Carolina, do. hereby certify that tbe sail corpora. iou did, on tbe 2 day of December. 1911. fila i n ' mv office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the , dissolu tion of said corporation, executed by all tbe stockholders thereof, which said couseot and the rei-nrd of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in inv said nm ug nrr. vided by law, :, In Testimone Whereof, t have hereto set mv band and affinri mo official seal, at Raleigh, this 2 day of uecember, A. D 1911. . . J Bryan Grimes, Secretary of Statu. For Cent For Teart'.i Inn r p n n PI r 'J' Lii liU U j Lg 500 MEW! WillYouBeOncofM THEN LISTEN! The Graphic is making an ef fort to make some needed im provements in' the plant and also meet some Obligations that must be met by January, 1st. 1912. It will be a hard matter for us to do so. unless our friends and sub scribers do their duty. Can We Depend On You? . There are several hundred sub scribers whose time has expired Sbr soon will expire. If each one of these will pay us $1.00 on ac count or renewal we can easily meet our obligations and make the improvements so much need ed in this office. Look At Your Label and see just how, your' subscrip tion account stands, and send in your renewal at once. We have been patient, lenient, and have manifested confidence m you. The amount is small and to hand or send it in will in no way em barrass you. Have We Been Loyal? For the past seventeen years The Graphic has "stood by" Nash County and her people as has no ; other newspaper; the longest pe riod any newspaper has ever ex i isted in Nash County. The pa per has not been run as a money making proposition, but iri the : interest of Nash County regard less of section. It has been run at a personal sacrifice of the ed itor, who has given seventeen of the best years of his life. This, we think, is evidence of our loy alty. ' , : ; , i .' ' ' : ;', - - P ; -' v V ;"'. .:'!;-" I. ': '''' .? ': ', "" - :' "; ".' '-" .. Your Dollar Vill Help Us Nov! We are depending on you to as sist us at a time when needed. Send in your remittance to-day. Do your part and all will be well. Address i AiiiliiJ uiiui i mid JUST RECEIVED A Lot of Decorated China Ware, . Pictures and Jardinieres " That we are giving away with all cash v purchases made at our store between . . this and Xmas, amounting to Five, ; Ten, Twenty and Twenty-Five Dollars. We Have A Splendid Stock V: - : ' '-of... A v. v.r.r.v7;;-. Practical Xmas Gifts - Consisting of Scarfs, SilkHosiery, Neck- wear, Shoes, Dry Goods and Furniture. Why Not Give Something, Useful That Will be Appreciated. The Arlington-Bissette Co. General Merchants and Cotton Buyers , ' I mm Nashville, N. C. After Thanksgiving COMES u 'XM AS" With all Its Blessings, Real and Fancied. . ' We , Are Ready For It! With A Big Line Of ' Holiday Goods! We have a large arid varied assort-! ment to make your selections from. Do, this at ; once. Reduced Prices On All Millinery! Let Us Serve You, The Jones-Cooper Co. . NASHVILLE,' N. C. . ' ' , Wi l 5 CopnfcM kr C. B. Zlauumta Co-Ko. 9 This is the time when the pinch of poverty ij felt as at no other time of l!;e year. You sho'-HJ not envy i'.czz with money ' - r in t!:o Cir.!:, for ycu cz: have - a Izv.l: account ycrsclf. ery year v, hen you will hava jay b ycur llTe if ycu ' have saved, end scrro',7 if pea hivs not. I d 'i-e to rf-t f r t'.s v - - ; yr . : 1 r ' f" ,:! 1 C. ..Ij .