The i; n& Tublie Um The OrapMc Advertising Columns For RmuIU til UbtMlly PatronlM Merckesrts YVba DM For Tlx Trad I i f It llcachcs The People Watch for The Bidders 3 -i Progressive Merchants .... . . ....... l-. : , , M W. LINCiCE, Editor )n4 ftf blither.., '.;'- , ; -. f. j ' ' .' i , ' . ESTABLISHED 1893.'; $u.hFrlptlonv $1.00 Pee Yer.t T. B. ROUSE. Mechanical Foreman VOLXXIL - : NASll - , NO. 17. i ii i ii ii 11 iWimm muni .ii i """""" " "' m i li. 1 i i i in ) mil h ih i n i ' ' T7 1 i n I ,H i i - 'I 1 . i i i . mi , . . i, , . , -' iiii i n i An Account Here Protection Against Frauds A Preventer of Disputes AND 0F--V Needless Spending. . : ' WE CAN - : Prove It 7- The First National BanK locky Mount, N. t .Safest For Saving-' v Dr. 0. F. Smitlison, '; '-t DENTIST. ' ,7f 0 ffice Epstein Building ' K Rocky Mount. N. C. " OR. F. G. CHAMBLEE '' DENTIST. Sprigs; Hope, N. C. Office In Spring Hop Banking . Co. Building . ; O B. MOSS, Attorney and, Spring Hope. N. C . Omcfi In Citizens Bank. 8. r. Aurtin' U U Da-TSnport AUSTIN & DAVENPORT - LAWYERS ' " PromptattentiongWeD toall raattersri mm . ' . . l 1 - 1" I Recorder' Court .Practice,'. JOHN XWINSTEADJtD. ; Physician and Surgeon, ; Nashville, - - - N. C. Office:-In Bank Building, in- trance on Railroad Street Calls answered. t residence at night W. A. ClMOB WiUOD. Lsov T. Voe NMbTllle. , FINCH & VAUGHAN. , Attorneys And Counscllors-at-Law Prompt attention,glveii to'all matters entrusted to oar care. - Office in - New La BuHdio. ;, T. T. ROSS. Dentist. ; Spring Hope, N. C. Office In New Finch Building Thursday. Friday and Saturday ' ' of each week.' . Nashville Office at Residence Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday -' ..- of each week. ' , . : DR. H- BRANTLEY. - " Spring Hope, N. C. Diseases of The'Efye'Ear, Nose and Throat. ; - v-AND PITTING GLASSES, . General Medicine and Surgery Office. Finch Building. - O. P. Otekinwrn, 1 ' ' ' Mannios & Kitohla, WUMn,N.C. Klelgh,N,C. Dickinson. Manning k lltchln, - ATTORNEYS-AT-tAW WUson, -North Carolina.' -. . Practice in the Courts of Wilson and Nash, and ' wherever service is -: desired. Prompt . attention - f, -i given to all matters .en- -'f": .trusted to us. Remeniber and send in the amount due The Graphic . . 1 notice! ; . . - , - ... i - - Several thousand Old Newspapers, good for wrapping or papering houses.' 15c per hundred," at Tl.e Graphic office. . " " Under and by virtue of tic au. thority,i?1vn m In nn order of tbe Suiperioi' DHr of Ntub counly lu that vliil v'"C' fUlng entitled, C B. blseM perm.Diilly. aq1 C. U. Bjasettu, admiulRtrtrtif Al. V. Bissette, deceatd, et al, ex ' mr te,".the uodersigoed wilt, oo Wed rieaday, tbe t7tb day of May. 1916, between the hours of eleven and one o'o ook P. M., at ibe eoraer of Nash and Haloe Streets iu tbe town of .'Middlesex, Naah County, N. C, nrll at ' public i auction for caeh, the following deotribfd tracts of piroeU of ind, bounded and de aori bed an f ollowsj , i t ; ) i Lot So t Store and lot no. 1 4n block no, 19, corner of Nuttb and Haines! coruer, btHiaded 'on the weat-br Kaah street, . -Aortb by- lot NO. 2, on east by ten foot alley and on the Houtb by Dalne' vomer, Mid lot lying aud leing la tbe town ttt MiduMckex, hbown upon map of said lowu, regiiOeml in the (lice of the Register of Deeds of Niuik County in book 158, page 394. See book 204,' patre 373,' Nah Keg. latry.',- ,;,.,-'fvi Lot NOj.2 being y block,Nu. 19 oo the map of , the property of tbe Mid dlesex Land Co., known as the Midd eaex Laud Cort tiled in tbe office of the, iiegicter of Deedn of Naab county, X. C . See nook 153, pugea 391 and 394, Xo whltib ! refer ence ia made for a mom. particular dencrlptiou, I routing 2& feel on Naab street and running back 115 feet to ten foot alley... v Lot no. 3 being in blouk no. 19 on tbtf uuipof tb pnpvrty of the Mid? dieses Laud Co., known as -tbe Middlesex Land .&i . filed In tbe office of the. ttogiater- 4)t Deeds Jor Nasbooanty, n. c. in book 158; pages 891 andJ894. particularly de RCrltted fronting 25 feet- on Nash street, runniug buck 115 feet to a ten foot ailey,' The abovekts tr oarcdls'Xff UoA Krng"6wnedTy""tbe luxe ilaok D. Biasette in the towAof Middlesex,, N.C. t V The sale will be made subjeoti to tbe confirmation of the Superior Court of Naab county. - " Purchaser will be required to de posit ten per cent of his bid made at said sale; and failiug . tq oo'so, property will at once be resold. This April 11th, 1916. " Tr Leon T.'vaugban, "r" . . Commissioner.. Fiich A Vaugban. Attys. - - -Ksiice af La Sale. Under and by virtue fit the pow er of sale contained in .a -.certain mortgage executed by T.. W. Bar tholomew and wife, N. G. Bartholo mew, on Not. L 1912, and recorded an theJReglsler of ..Peeds fflce, of Nash county, N. C.,, In book., 175, page 211, default having been. made in, payment of lamep tbe under signed will offer for le, at public outcry for cash, jt the-' court-bouse door in Nashville, N. C, on Mon day, April 24, 1916. at twelve o' clock M., tbe following real estate lying and . being In the town of M iddlesex, U Dry wells township, Nash county, N. C, and "described and defined as follows, to-wtt. ' Parcel No. 1, dated,. August . 2, 1907, is lot 16 in ' Hook 32 of the town of Middlesex, and bounded on tbe south by; Exu St., -oo. the west by lot No. l.'oo h iorth by lot No. 15, and on the east by ,N, Spruce St.; contaloiag 15C feet by 50 feet, -j The said lot of land lying and being Is the town of Middlesex and abpwn on. tbe map of said town wnich ia duly recorded in tbe "pub lic registry of Nash county ia book 170 on page 98. ., , - ' Parcel So. 3." Beginning 56 tfeet north of the uortb-west . corner, of the intersection of North Spruce St. and Exum St.. thence WJ. 150 faet parallel with Exum St. to a point, thence N, 50 feet, parallel with JT.. Spruco St. to a, point, thence fi. 130.' feet'-, parallel-? with Exum St. to a point in the W- line of N. Spruce St., thence S. 50 feet to the beginning. ? . ' -" -Tbe above land was formerly owned by T. W. JBarthblomew., and sold to U. J. Morris, and tbe defer red payments was to have oeen aet tled by said B.J. Morris. v , This March 21st. 1916. - . O. G. Lewis, Mortgagee.: tf. Z. Parker, Atty. TBE! WORLD'S NEWS. - v' ."'-. - , . - " " : Occurrences Ii Other. , Sections ; ' v:: Briefly Toltf ' A bill to establish twelve regfrnal land mortgage banks, as part of the administration rural credits leglila- program, has been perfected and will in wU . ja-td by Cengaass. early next week The pro posed, bauks would .make'i Joans on land through national farm loan as soeiatlons. ' r': ; il,''y.:!' ; ' , v. '. " , ..' -". v Billy, Sunday . nas Juat . closeu a great evangelical . meeting - in the city of Baltimore and it is estimated that more than twenty three thous and conversions Wcr the result of the meeting. It .is reported ' that the free-will offering- tendered and accepted; by the evajigeiiat amount ed to nearly sixty thousand dollars, not to ay anything of the various other amounts raised for charitable and otfir worthy objects. '. Joseph;; Benton, a very prominent young", farmer of Lenoir county, be cauae.hts sweetheart repulsed his advadeea and declined to marry him, met the young lady on the road itevr Kinatonra few days' ago and again pressed lik suit,' at the the ' wue time drawing bis pistol and threat- to kul the gil if she refused , faim. Ha tlwii changed hht uium! and sent a ball through his own brain while the girl stood and looked on at the act of self-destruction. The Eighth Annual Convention of the Carolina vJUunieipal AsseeiatioBv will be held in tbe city of Kinston on Thursday ami Friday. May; 4th and 5ih. A very efabrat program haaleen arranged far the North CaroltoaMayoe and- municipal of ficers by jhe " Kinston Chamber of Commerce and the, occasion bids fair to be largely attended. Many very valuable discussions tMiehin municipal. probletnS' U'iw .ejs cussed by prominent men- from all parts of iha country ' . -One day the daily press!, announce that this country is bn the verge of : hostilities with Germany, and again glaring headlines declare that the American troops in Mexico have captured or killed, or' wounded, -or surrounded, or heard from, or lo cated, or chased Villa toTiis lair, or some other fabrication'.' Air these reports are no doubt the result of the" desire of some over-zealous press reporter to hold his job or to keep the people - guessing at what the next canard will be. . - ,v Congressman Claude. Kitchin, of the second1 district will , have vig orous opposition in the coming cam. paign and Mr. Kitchin thinks the candidacy of Mr. C. W. Mitchell, of Auiander, wifl prove a rather se rious problem to solve, ; especially since Mr ,-MiteheH is possibly one of the most popular men in- the district and will bavaample time to contest against the Congressman, who is so tied tip with Congressional matters just at this time as to; prevent his return to the ; district and looking after his interests. - , . V v There is practically no-, change-in the Mexican : situation' -since, .last week. , Thus far Villa has managed to elude the American soldiers who have been inpersuitof . the .'bandit chief for more than two weeks and is somewhere in the mountainous section of Mexico and there is littfe likliheod of his rapture. Uarransa's reauest that the American troops be withdrawn 'has not been exceeded to nd ft is not; likely, that they will until Carranza has demonstrated to the American government his abili ty to prevent - a repetition!, of the Columbia raid or similar occurrences. President Wilson sent the German Government another1 note last week regarding the submarine ' warfare nowoing on in the troubled waters of the, war xone. While ' Germany expresses the willingnesso discon4 tinuc certain phases - of the war, there is little hope that the mode of conducting the attacks on foreign sUps will be discontinued There would be little cause for any more notes if . Amrrrot citizens ,wouia irrt ff hMipfirent shins . and 5 stay out of the territory where theyhave ! vicSof which I am capable, Solicit no business. Tliere is no reason why j ingjrour support and influence 1 am, the Americas government BhoulJt - Yours very truly, . be drawn into the crct just It-J -i, " '" -G. L. JONES." cause some .hoUJed AmeiNa-jhvillej'N.-C.. -' eltisen. almply because be has 'be ' W()RSF ''THAN flFRMANY right w sail on the seas, persists ini"" "rc l,IAI1 ULR1'1A1' going, into tlie wacursed territory j were he krws'tnefe is danger. Henry Ford. hastxft reared a will Hccept. ike Keoublican nomination for prelfdent if tbe dear people" real It fant him -for president. He add Llo his stste- ment that he is wulihjg to put up the expense money for his own can didacy but has no intention of ntian cieg the campaign f any other candidate. Henry 1 staking a suc cess of the automoBilf business, but there is little connuence in tiim as a chief executive. Wl$e he deserves a little credit foytrjing to bring about peace betweenV the warring nations, the manner j in which . he went about the great undertaking,,, , -....-i.;.tiJ L.. v... .....i.i United vw vuiibiUDirci bnsat. us; vuuiu not steer' the. affairs; of this great nation. Eat Less, Liv Longer. Over eating is bucd detrimental habft as concerns heaklt and leads to so' many disbrdet s'!' that it has been put In the class of "chief of fenders" at) enemies t& good health. ' While eatiiig."'sa4 the State Board of Health, should be directed by fundamental rules of good table manners and scientific; Jknuwledge of food values and the leds of the body, it ia too often a r.riot of un trained and unbridled; appetite in which common sense and discretion are not in evidence, ' Gluttony not only wrecks health and fills untime ly graves, but it marks .character. There's much truth in saying that a person's table -marmers tare a good index to his character,' f V Overheating is krgly a habit, but a , habit with renoo results, u brings on constipation; pls'the sys tem with poison, and bvefworks th,e heart and other bodily fan'etionsi It is one of the main oar h$s o tt" to- U4l rfaffinara11fvui . aer7-iurtui irouoie, -ungui .a - wwue,.' i ucuiua tisnr, hardening of the arteries, ap poplexy, etc. In other words, it is a curtailer of life which destroys all 'chances at longevity. ijyhoever would live bis four score years and ten would curb his appetite and bite off only what he can chew and as similate. . . , 1 Opportonity or .Yoo. .i I. . Some people are -always waiting for opportunity to take them by the hand.: It neve? does, and ,it : never will. Opportunity is ever present with us, it is by our side, it dogs our steps, it never leaves us. ; But it never reaches, out its hand. We must do the reaching, the grasping, the improving .. Don't sit still and wait for oppor tunity to wme to you. Go out and hunt it, and hunt till you find it. It is flirting with you every'day In the year, every hour of the day. Ohe of your ' greatest ' opportuni ties lies in what you may accomplish in aid of your home town, for what is good for the town is even better for you. If you want your' town to do something for you, you should first do something, for .the town, Op portunity believes''' in , that; and I greets the one' who does it.':. .. Don't expect to receive every thing and give jiothing; ? Opportuni ty does not approve of that, .will not sanction it will not lend its aid and encpuragemenl;. Only foolirexpect that and fools seldom steps beyond the shadow of their own 'foolishness. The wise man makes his own op portunity, and thaj begets;, other and greater opportunities, and .they breed success. -H t "C : Your f uure ispot upj to oppor-tunity-it is jnp'to you. 1 i Aaascaiat af CaafiUaer. , To the Voters of Nash CtiUnty t At the 'solicitation of friends; 1 have become" a candidate for the of fice of County Commissioner; sub ject to the 'action' .of jhe Dembcratio Primaries to be held on Saturday; June 3rd," 1916. ' If nominated and elected the people Nash :Cbunty may depend upon the very best aer- England's Violation of Law and Huraaniiy. Former Prtident Taft, in a speech supporting the President in the controversy with Geimany, ut ters this remainder: Both aides in the war have violat ed our own rights as neutrals. Ki g land has failed to keep within the law of the blockade as she enforced t KMt us iinlie civil war, and w'na IV" of our "K.l,U- , iiiereiauo ret-emuiiuice oeiween blockade maintained by the State, against Southern ports during the civil war and the alleged blockade of Germany by England The United States actual ly blockaded , Southern (torts and made the blockade effective. Eng land is not blockading German ports in the Baltic, and therefore the blockade is not tfVctive, which it must be in order lo be respected by neutrals. Being unable to blockade all German ports, England turns her energies to the seizure of neu tral cargoes on i he high seas, and cutKieiniM goiMis that are bound in good faiih for iieutral cotmumers. The naval forces of the United States tried' to prevent the passing of supplies to the South through the neutral Mexican port of Matamoras, but the United States Supreme' Court nullified the attempt. The nation adhered to international law in spite of the temptation to violate the rights of neutral commerce, luigiaiWis doing -racily the op-1 potiUj, while doing its best to stir up war between the United States and Germany. . The latest evidence of the ruthless character of JJritish violation ef law is seen 1b t he stoppage of Bed Cross ,"t.i tor uermany fft- P -i: wKtaud titil h in y 'igper1iiaDMi great humane organization, to pur sue its work of mercy to the wound. I ed. The principles of humanity - are trampled uuder foot. The savagery mortgage executed by L. C, Wil of war pursues its wounded vic'nt I liams and wife to Wesley Williams, to the bed of pain and the grave - Juue I8th 1915, the same beitg re the American lied Cross has given Jcorded in tue Register of Deeds of out an announcement that it can no ' fee. Nash County, book 179, page longer send supplies to Germany or .381, I will on Monday, May 22nd, Austria on account of the Hrithh 1 1916 at twelve o'clock M., offer, for seizures. . "Large amounts of sup- sale, and sell, at the court bouse plies designated . for the central ( diwr in Nasb Couuty, to tbe high powers," says the notice, "which , est bidder, for cash, the following have been received for several months past by the Red Cross, have had to be stored at . its Brooklyn terminal warehouse. It now be comes necessary on account of lack of further storage room in the ware house to request all Red Cross chap ier ana ouier reuei iTKanizauoiiH not to send any more such supplies to the warehouse for shipment until further notice.' , . ' Tile Red Cross has been trying for weeks to obtain free passage of sup plies to Germany and Austria. The British government has vriven one excuse after another for holding up these shipments, and it now flatly refuses to permit the Red Cross to continue its work for the relief of the wounded and dying - Washing ton Post. tot State Seaata. -1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the State Senate, from the County of Nash, iu; the eixth, sena torial district, subject to tne action nr rnp MtmnrrHi if rriiiiitrv lii tin i hpM n JnnA 'ArA J If tooted. I will srve the people as ft whole to the beefof myibility; f H -"?-:'- DR:T. T. ROSS NashvjlleN a tasietilate Fes Uaaty CesasaUsleiier To the Voters of Nash County. , . I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Com missioner of the County of Nash, eubjeeUo-tha-acLien of - the ... Demo-4 eratic orimaries to be held on Sab urday, June 3rd.' shall appreciate your vote and influence in the com ing pvimaries and, if nominated and elected, will do all in my power to give Nash . county, regardless of section the very ; best service of which I am capable ; , -"J. T; MANNING." Baileys Township Valatbli rr jLta far L. Under and by virtue of tbe power given me by tue heirs at law i f Wilson Guy. deceuned, 1 will, on Saturday, tbe 2Slli duy of April, J916, between tbe boui- of uiio iuiU two o'clock 1'. M., ut tbe i-otton platform in tbe town if Sprint: Hope. Nub counly. N.C, i ff-r for sale to tbe Lijitiiht otoder fur cusb tbe following dHHi'i'ibrU real eitute, to-wit: That true l or mji x-i I of laud Iviuu and bei in AkinuiiiK Towunblp, Nanb cuuuly, N C, and uouuUeO aud tlenci-ibi-l as fo!iiiw-. k iz: lie giuuiui ut Mr. A J Ltuuu's val uer oo U'K-k Spn nwr orunuu, lurm f down suld braucb noutUaitrui.t to wi.low Hiuiup in oiuuL-ii, G. W Warreu'it tkej tUeuoe bm line a. aegr,-ea du uiiuuies . ottj poli o a -ceud uab ou 'tbe buua of- l..r River; tbeuce dip river wetwn-oiy to Little Creek; L.tiiiu's iu-i i-r, tbeuce up liiu vm-iuui itoujnes of suid creek to u iuke. liuuu'a uur uer, tbeuce tbe Bu u line S. 87 oo greea E 111 poles aud 22 liuki to toe begiuuiui;. coutuiuiug two hun dred, sixty seveu uud uue half (267 1 2) acre. Excepttug, uerertlit'tpss, from ; tbe above debcrtbeU truti the mill flight oue ucre, uud tbe family grave yard coutainiug uue quarter of un acre. Terms of sale oaoh. At tbe time of said sale a deposit ot twentv nve per cent will oe rt.ui red until deed can be secured aod signed by all tbe heirs at law ( the said Wilson Ua'y. Tbe rents for the year 1916 will be excepted 'trom this sale. tw ,orlber rarticu;ftfa Me t Spring Hope. N, C. tku AUrll lui. 1916 " me S.H. WOODrAdmr. of Wilaou Gay; deceased. Fioub Jt Vaugban, Attys. ' --H ; mi,, i... fcUdSfoiJHesV fea)sa?a? 'Pursuant to the power of sale coutained in tnut certain real estate described land: That certain lot lying aud oeiog in the town of Sharpsburg, county of Nash, State of North Carolina, Rocky Mouut Township; and de scribed and defined as follows: Bounded ou tbe north lot No. 66, on the west by lot No. 83, on the east by A. C. L., Railroad, on the south by Robbies Street, 30 by 150 feet, oeing lot No. 65 -as ''.shown oy Sharpsburg Supply Co , map, re corded in book No. ,184 page 498 Nash Counly Degiater Being the name lot couveyed to Bonnie- Wil liams by the Sharpsburg Supply Col This April 12tb, 1916. Wesley Williams, Mortgagee. ExMator's Notice. - 'the uoderf-igned having quali fied as executor ot the last Will and Testament of Mattie L. Walker, de ceased, late of Nasb couuty, N.. C-, notice is hereby given to all per-sous- having claims against said i.eteRi.:iK! to present inem toine unacr , signed duly verified or or oefore the I2tb day ot March, 1917, or this notice ill be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All" persons ; in debted to said- estate will please make immediate payment,', : -, Tiiis March 13lb 1916, . ' David Bras well. Ext. of' Mrs ' - Mattie L. Walker, deceased, Caa4Mate Far Cetat? Cesasalssteaer To the Democratic Voters of Nash County: ""I take this method of announcing myself a candidate from Red Oak township for the - office of County Commissioner, and will appreciate your vote and influence in the Dem ocratic primaries to be held on Sat urday, June 3rd, 1916. CICERO D. JONES. RadOak,N.C. - ; THE Planters Nations Bank Rocky Mount, N. C. oi.ntTKs: 1. C. BHASWKI.I.. i, M. SHEUUoll. W. C. BKASWKM.. MILLAUU P. JOMIS. W. W. AVRHA. L. B. AYcOCJi;, I'rcildeut, Vlue-Pn. Vloe-Preo. ' Cuhier Aist. CMh'i Awt.Caah'1 THRIFT. This year will lw one of thrift for us all po lntn start now to save some thing each week bid! deposit same in the Planters Nti'itiiml Bank of Rocky Mount. We illicit your banking business in ail of its branches. No account I'm. large none too small to receive our very best services. Start today don't delay it if often dangerous. directors: M. C. Braswell, Geo. S. Edwards M. R. Braswell, H B. Bryan J. M.;Sherrod, J. C Braswe" W. S. Wilkinson, J. R. Sorsby W. HI Newell. H. B. Marriott M. D. Munn. IN NEW QUARTERS 1 I have moved my . BARBER SHOP to the building next door to Cooper & Cooper on Wash ington Street. Where everything is being fitted up in modern style for the conven ience of the public. I Employ White Barbers . ! ;.:'ONLY "' -. "''''" ". 1 '.-? i'v J'j IPoToruu iinetih YacVjVn'ave as .Good Barbers as'you'll find. 1 ' For Very Best Service and to be served by Experienced Wte Barbers Get your barber work done at . Weeks' Barber Shop, C. B. WEEKS, Propr. Agt. for Carolina Steam Laundry THE NATIONAL BANK OF ROCKY MOUNT Successor to ' The Bank of Rocky Mount, RecBjr rlosat, . . Narth Carellaa. Resources More Than Half A Million Dollars 4 Per Cent Compounded Quarterly on Savings Deposits., ., . Accoants Rasaactfally, Ssllclted. ThosH. Battle, S. L. Arrington, R. H. Ricks, Frank F. Fagan, W. G. Robbins, President it Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. Cashier Asst.Ca8h'r. ; About The Life Insurance Ccmp'y - Of Virginia. t . It Is The- ' OLDEST. :: : LARGEST. . STRONGEST Liffe Insurance Co., in the , i South, and it gives iThe MOST Protectio for the SAME . Money, , and the jmost LIBERAL policies of any .Com pany in the Insurance field. 1 -F. M. CACr,Z3, - i ' . ' - Special. "".t, ' : Rocky I.!our.t, :: li. C. -