, u. L,- h ...yt ;Ucc..-r b ui, 1 i7, U -. . . J, u The Trading Public Utwry Patronize Merchaata Who Bid For Tbo Trad j ' i Watch For The Bidders As NASHVILLE; North; Carolina; December 13thf 1917. NO. 50. - . ' ' - .; FJT'lT "' V i - r ri .;. P '-'c ... V. 4 1 1. .J L...i J Recess;-':,;.::.!;. has . always prevailed .hard and. con ientious work on the part of i s Oncers nJ Director - a will ingness to aid and advise with its depositor.), alatlH nocewnry principle of SAFETY la each transaction.'.- ' AJ '' ' ' ' It without banking - '. ., ."hot . , we'll welcome ". your account . . The Rrst Naticnal;Bank : V lockt Wooat, N. C'-S , Safest For Saving v. THE NATIONAL BANK OF ROCKY 'ilOlitNT; HOCKY AOUNT, N,(c Capital and Surplus V $200,000.00 0 ' -03 fpTS iiuLiJIiil DECLARES TATK Or WAR EXIST SETWEEN UNITED: STATM' AND AU8TRIA-HUNQARY. 7 QTQ CiSSEKTirCS IfOTE r. 'J. Compounded Quarterly Oii -':'rzi t:. Savings. VC-V ; Your' Business Solicited. s . The. H. Battle, President. -, I . R. H. Ricks, . Vice-PresideM. S. L. Arrinirton.- - Vjce-Prcpidpnt. . Frank F. Fagan . . : ("ashler. W. CT. Robbins, , . A As hier. eclallst Vote Against Aesolutlorv : Debate Wa Brief In Both Houaft- ' RiNlutton immediately Signed by President Effective at Onoe. . .-..'" Me ..' " " ' waehlnlstoa. War between . the United Stdtat and Aaitrtaaiuncerr baa Deea formally declared. , Concrees, with one dlseenthif toU In the house, adopted and. President Wilson approved a resolution declar ing existence of a state of war be tween - the "Imperial and royal Ana- tro-Huncariaa goTornment and ths goTernment and people of the United States" authorising the President to employ the nation's armed loreea endl pledging Its resources to victory. ' , " Text of Resolution, "yi. Tkh resolution follows: , . ; ' "Joint resolution. '-- " lC f. "Declarllng that' a staU of. war ex lets between the Imperial and royal Austro-Hungarlan ' government and people of the United BUtes and mak ing provision to prosecute the same. "Wheresa the Imperial . - and royal Austro-Hungarlan government.- ha committed , repeated ' acts of war against the government and the peo ple' of the United 8 tates of America: ThereTbre 4 H-"r r --',JK: ; "Resolved by the senate and house of representatives of the United States Of "America In Congress ' assembled, that a state of war Is hereby declared to exist between the United State of America and the Imperial and royal Austro-Hungarlan - government; ' and that the President be, and he la here by, authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and mllttarv forces of the United BUtes and the resources of the government to " carry ' ba war against the imperial and royal Anstro Hungarian government; and to bring the conflict to a successful termination all the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United State. - '," ; . - - (Signed) ' "CHAMP CLARK, "Speaker House of Representatives ' , t "THOMAS R. MARSHALL, " "Vice-President of the United BUtes . and President or the Senate. "Approved 7th December,l17. ".V V' : "WOODROW! WILSON." PRSSIOENT WILSON SENDS MESSAGE OF SYMPATHY 2,000 LIVES LOST BY II Oil s EXPLOSIO TRAN8PORT LADEN WITH MUNI. J TIONS EXPLODES IN HALI-' " ' PAX hArbor! HaLF OF: CtTT IS LUB WASTE Washington President Wilson sent to the governor general of Canada an expression of sympathy of the people of the United States because of the disaster at Halifax. ; '.' HI telegram follow: ' ?;";, "In presence of the awful disaster! ed that more than 2,000 persona per "at Halifax the people of the United lshed In the explosion and fire which BUtes offer to their noble brethren followed the collision in Halifax har ot the dominion their heartfelt sympa-! bor between a munlttons-laden French uy and grier, as u otting at this time ship and another vessel, the loma, Death' Dealing Shook Cauaed by Col lision Between Munition Ship and ' Belgian Relief Ship Property Loss Will Run Far Into Mllllone. - Halifax. N.S. With the toll of dead steadily mounting, It was bellev when to the ties ofklndsalnnd com mnnlty of spedch and of material In terest are added the atrong bonds of union In the common cause of devotion to the supreme duties of national ex istence." . " : ',; ... . . STRICKEN HALIFAX SWEPT -s --; :. BY. RAO I NO BLIZ2ARD loaded with supplies for the Belgian relief commission. . The disaster, which has plunged the Dominion into mourning probably will rank at the most fearful that ever occurred on the American continent. Resident of Halifax and thousands of volunteer relief workers who havo come Into the city hav been almost dated at the extent of the horror. ' Temporary morgues have been es tablished In many buildings to which a ateady procession of vehicles of all kinds carried for hours the bodies of men, women and children. Most of them were so charred that they were unrecognizable. Thousand of persons seeking trace of relatives and friends passed by. the long, silent rows, at tempting to Identify the ones they sought . Virtually every building In the city which could be converted. Into. a hos pital Is filled' with wounded, many of The Rocky Mount tobacco market ji. !,, , ,. 0 haa passed the lghteen million pounds . already have died In these tempo- Sn, "wl0' R' "nr- hospitals. An ever-lncreaslng Mount have again been brdken. The number !g hetBg taken bSm tne com. I;1" n?ate fo; thf ,aa8,on nave, PloWy devastated Richmond district been 18,350,t00 pounds at a price aver to th ,Biif .t.tin. aga -of $29.33 per hundred. - - I Th. fl.mMWBV - .Halifax. N. S. Strtcken Halifax waa swept by a raging billiard. 80 fierce waa the storm that rescue workers were forced to suspend their opera tions In the devastated section. It is believed certain that all the injured under the ruin of shattered buildings have perished of cold and hunger. Battered by a biting wind and blind ing' snow, -the plight of the survivors of the holocaust Is little short of des perate. .'V.;." proximately two and one-half sansrs miles. It begin at what la known a tne North street bridge extending north to Pier 8 on the Richmond water front and back to a point running par allel with Oottlngen street Nothing haa been left standing In this section of th city. Only a pile of smoulder Ing ruin mark the spot where the great building of A American 8ugar Refining Company stood. The dry dook and all the buildings which sur rounded It were destroyed. In theest and northwest end the damage waa more extensive and there the walls of many houses were blown to bits. It waa in Richmond, however, opposite the acene of the explosion, that the havoc waa greatest Whole blocks of dwellings, most of frame construction, ' were leveled. Street af fter street Is In ruins and the struc tures which were left standing by the explosion were destroyed by fires which broke out simultaneous in a score of placea and which It was Im possible to check until they had burn ed themselves out It Is believed scores of persons who had been In jured by the collapse of their homes perished in the flames from which they were helpless ot flee. Five minutes after the explosion the streets In all parts of Halifax were filled with frenzied, panic-stricken throngs striving to reach the out skirts in a neffort to escape what they believed waa a raid by German fleet Hundreds of them had baen cut 1 by the shower of glass which followed the explosion. Defy Description. In the Richmond section the scenes enacted defied description. Seriously Injured men and women crawled from the wreckage of their homes and lay in the streets until they were remov ed In ambulances and automobiles to hospitals. Those less seriously hurt aided those more gravely injured. In the streets piled high with debris were found the shattered bodies of many women and children. Several children were crushed to death when they, were hurled sgalnst telegraph poles by the force of the explosion. The Richmond school, which housed hundreds of children, was demolish' ed and it Is reported only three es caped. Canadian officers who have seen long service in France characterize the catastrophe as "the most fearful vAlch has befallen any city In the world." CONGRESS CLEARS WAY FOR ACTION RESOLUTION IN HOUSE DECLAR INQ STATE OF WAR WITH AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. IS MMSLY APPROVED BECOMING AN INVESTOR ' The "bin-' fportu'-l'y that cornea to practically ever) individual at one time or another a'most invaria bly requires some money. House Resolution. "Whereas, the Imperial and royal Austro-Hungarlan government has severed diplomatic relations with the government of the United States of America and haa .committed acta of war against the government and the people of the United States of Amer ica, among which are Its adherence to the policy of ruthless submarine warfare adopted by Its ally, the Im perial German government with which the United States ot America Is at war, and by giving its ally active sup port and aid on both land and sea In the prosecution of war against the government and people of the United States of America; therefore, be It "Resolved by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America In Congress assembled, that a state ot war be and is hereby declared to exist between the United States of America and the Imperial and royal Austro-Hungarlan govern ment; and that the President be, and he Is hereby, authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and mili tary forces of the United States and carry on war against the imperial and royal Austro-Hungarlan government and to bring the conflict to a success ful termination all the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress ot the United States." Approval la Certain, Although sentiment remains strong In both brsnches to have the war declaration extended to Turkey and Bulgaria, approval of the resolution as it stands is regarded as very cer tain. Reasons given confidentially to Chairmen Stone and Flood and which probably will be made public in de bate, were regarded as convincing. The wine plan is to begin saving today- now. With the atart and u determination to succeed financial progress is sure. It only requires $1.00 to make the start by open ing an account in this Institution. Planters Nation'! Bank Rocky Mounts N. C. Every Citizen of Nash County is Invited - to Visit NASH COUNTIES New Bank Farmers & Merchants Bank. Rocky Mount. Has recently installed its new fixtures and awaits with pleasure to show you its Complete Banking Equipment. r. T. Thorne. M. O. Blount, I'. A. Avery, W. W. Avery, President. Vice-Prcs. Vice-?res. Cashier. GO Forward With Your Community ! " TzSHVlLLfe,;N.rCM the couiity seat of Nashf one of the'most progressive counties in the State of -North Carolina, commands 1 1 ".the attention of every citizen of this section by. its progressive spirit and the remarkable healthy growth which it has shown within the pait five years.'" General1 improvements in Churches, Schools, Public Utilities and everything in the town show that it is just getting into position to appeal in every way to prospective citizens. In addition. to the appealing features of the town, it -backed -by one of the best agricultural sections in the state. " Real estate in Nashville is in demand. The people know there is nothing else so good, therefore,, we $hall endeavor to supply a portion of the demand at our i:io:i G;:i City Lots, Houses -Jll VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The Earl Property, Located - r J Lots T : wwY. on Main Street, n UJ; AT AUCTION f " !:fj::4.,:::2,N.C; 1 ft.' lKJiy - And the E T. Bass Property 1 U essav i A rfV S"V A Hi ff coronal TH III -til x wi ii WVW liUii k 1 til IViWi I .A : X I Jk 1 ( JL I A Ak At. 'A SnJTsW jr Li-l r"crrty in Nschvilb ten years ago-then figure it today You will quickly see that values are rapidly increasing. There is nothing else you can buy c Mitr Nashville real e:tt3. Then; too, you have a vision of that "home the. one that you have been thinking about for some time don't spend your life to r ' irt i3 at our sale. You can buy some lots, have. them soon . paid for and then it will be easy for you to get your home. ; Also remember the fact that 1 1 3 h cdditlcn to tl.3 lcti. People who amount to anything- don't, wait for certainties before they act' The man who uses the best judgment he .can. and "I succeed. "Are you-in' this class? If not, get in it by. purchasing some lots in Nashville at our sale. Free presents will be given, away and 1. . -Ler that the date is Holiday, December 17th, 10:30 A.M.- .r."";' ,- ;v . - -tion Of, TI-io Property To ; Be. Offered ! t'-e"ton'of irai'aville, about 20 lots and 3. houses and lots close to. city schools, all city conveniences, electric" light-etc.-.'.-Thd''-4 J lY3 cn II -s v;crl: cr Hr.'E. T. Bass 6f Nashville, N. C.,; will be glad to show you over this property at any time. Remerh,, ; ) cf lhh cportunity.: Own some property in Nashville buy atour sale, s-..1 - ' - , ' v ' :. 7. Hass,;Es3.- NiihvIMe, H: C By .: v ' ; Petersburg, Va.

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