1 r v i : -- --------- Tin: GiiAPnic Published ty M.W.tlNCKE. ,. Editor NASHVII IE N C THURSDAY. JXNE. 27. . 1918. ' la England they say, "Every ahili Inst wasted iUba a soldier In the back." . v .." ' . ' Your part In the war is to pro- ' due as much as possible, consume as little as necessary, and loan your savings to the Government. Are you facing your tank as cheerfully as our m n face theirs He is a poor sort of a patriot who cannot find some way to economize in order that he may buy War Sav ings Stamps, and in so doing give the Government more money, labor and materials with which to fight the war. If you actually knew that by buy ing only those things you absolutely needed and by putting your savings into War Savings Stamps you could save lives, would you do it? Take) the word of the President that you do save lives when you do this. Some one has said: "If one of our boys hesitated as long in going over the top as some people do in buying Liberty Bonds or War Savings Stamira, he would be court-martial' i and shot for cowardice. And if lie same punishment were meted out to noncombatant.s for financial cowardice an awful lot of people would be shot at dawn." Miss Carrie Underwood, of Bailey visited relatives In this community last Sunday. , ' Miss Hattie Deans is spending some time visiting friends la and near Baileys. . Mr. Roy Cooper returned home last week from Camp Jackson where he has been for some time. Mrs. Ora Cooper and Miss Bettie Boone, of near Elm City, visited friends in this section last Sunday.' The "Stork" visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Cooper a few evenings ago and left them a fine little son. There is to be another ice cream supper at Elm Grove for the benefit of the Elm Grove-Dean Red Cross Auxiliary on Tuesday night, July 9th. Further notice will be given concerning this. ' Mr. J. B. Rose and brother motor ed over to Camp Jackson last Friday to see their brother, Mr. Charlie Rose. They report a fine trip and everything with a business-like hum around the camp, where the boys are being put tnrougn tnorougn training for active military duty. There was an ice cream supper given at the Dean School building on Saturday evening. June 22nd, for the benefit of the Elm Grove- Dean Red Cross Auxiliary. With the co-operation of the people of both communities the occasion prov ed a great success. The total sum realised was $24.58. This was just a beginning, and we hope by the efforts of this great organization, .several hundred dollar may be rais ed to help the boys "over there." WUiill bklb UM kill AND UnER ROUT THE FIRST AUSTRIAN OFFINtlVI . HAS ENDED IN COMPLETE 7 AND DIRE FAILURE. i:i RETREAT ILL MS UK Are Istlmated ; As Already 110,000 Men and Additional Heavy Casualties Expected. - What Have You Given Up? We expect, aa a matter of course, thnt our soldiers and sailors will do as thev 5re ordered. We oftentimes rio not think it necessary to do what ou' Government asks us to do. Why should we not be just as prompt In our response? Our men are ordered to expose themselves to the guns of the Huns. We are asked onlt to save and to loan our savings td the Government. Can we refuse this request? Prof. T. N. Carver, of Harvard University, says: Anyone who, in these days of impending1 doom, buys anything which he does not need for his health, strength, or efficiency is hiring some one to do something which is unnecessary. He is hiring some one to stay out of the essential industries. He is competing with the Government for materials and man power which it needs to win the war and preserve the liberties of mankind." If the man of wealth thinks that War Savings Stamps and their mean ing are not for him he is mistaken. It is true he can buy only $1,000 of thetn, but he is more able than most folks to accept the philosophy of the stamp.. That philosophy is, Save! Save! Save! Julius Rosenwald says: "That man financially able to Quite himself in luxuries during war time has the least excuse for doing so." Have you given up your job and et your business future take eare of itself? Have you said good-hye to your family and friends and all you hold dear? Have you begun an entirely new career that may end, if you live, with health jmpared, an arm off, a leg gone, an eye 6Utf Have you given up your business future and said good-bye and taken a chance pft coming back alive and well, and done H nil with a cheerful heart and with a grju tfgtermina tion to do all you possibly can Cor your country? And do you only at times in the evenings, pernaps, wnen ina ugnt in the sky slowly fades away- feel so homesick and so lonesome that you are fearful you will not have the courage to do your part after all? You have not done these things? Ah, I see, you are not one of our Army or Nvf boys; you are a stay- at-home persoq. Well, there haye to be gO or more j stay-at-home persons for eyeyone who goes, and so certainly no dis grace attaches to being one if you fully appreciate what those boys who do go have to give up and you support them to the limit of your ability. National War Savings Day is June 28. That day gives you the oppor tunity of showing in a practical way that you do appreciate what means to the boys who go. Pledge yourself on or before that day to save to the utmost of your ability and to buy War Savings Stamps that there may be more money, labor, and materials to back up those who fight and die for you. The nrst phase of the Austrian of fensive has ended la fallare la de feat The culmination of What was Intended to be the omihlBf of Italy between the Jaws of Ike Austria pla cer Js the rox of the lavaders theo ssItm. From the Montello plateaa to the Adriatic sea the enemy Is la retreat Already his Iomm are estimated at 110,900 mea and the chances of hit eaoape without additional heavy cas- aaltlM and mea made prisoner seem remote. Largs numbers of the pontoon bridges thatt the Austrlans threw across the Plave have beea swept away by the bow torrential stream, and oa all the sectors ef the IS mile front where they gained edf ee of the Veaetitlaa plain they are being aerely harassed by the Are of the Italian funs and rifles and by the machine "nil re and bombs of the' allied avia tors who have doae each notable ex ecution since the drive started. Monster preparations have beea made by the Austrian far what was be the death blow bo King Victor Emmanuels men. Thousands upon thousands of mea, many of them brought from the Kusslaa and Ro manian fronts aad guns and stores la tremendous guaaUtlee had beea par celled among the parlous command ers for the drive ever a battle are of virtually 10 Biles, running from the Aslago plateaa to the Flave river and ffeea following that stream to the oea. Undoubtedly, tbe Austrian high command bad built largely tpf sue cess oa the belief that the Italian morale had beea shattered when) last year their great placers closed la apoa the Italian front aad feroed back the line m a great seml-elrele from the Julian Alps to the Playe aad from the mouatalns In the north almost to the plains of Venetla. mh " 1 1 pins b liJCJl .Posterity. will, some day.judge YOU! V W V 7n' r- vo Uo v I3CUZDEY Tim -VtUTED STATES : covEiuiMEinr TO THOSE WHO FAIL TO GRASP WAR'S MEANING AVY RECRUITING 18 ACTIVI AND RE8ULT8 SATISFACTORY is Your Life A Hard One? Ice Cream Sundae pjth cherries, IDc, at the Nashville Candy & Fruit Store. ' : adri Sale Of Property For Taies, Do you people ac home feel at times that this war has made your life pretty hard? Read what ' an American correspondent writes about one of our boys who had been doing dis duty: 'v "In a little field hospital west of J - The following persons having fail Montdidier I stopped at the- bedside! J to pay their town taxes, a re of an American boy, one of those quired py law,- doe, lor the year victims of the German mustard gas, l&W.'" pursuant t the statute made Wlrh which the Huns are making all and provided for the ejyertisement their present gains, i His eyes, were and sale of real and personal prop- matted with yellow pus and heeouldJerty to satisfy said taxes, and pur- not see. His face was terribly barn-1 suast to instructions from the Board ed. His lips were swollen and pur- of Commiseiners of - the Town of pie His whole body had been tarn- Nashville, I will, o Monday, the ed the color of an Indian,, and por- lt day of July, 1918, proaeed to sell tions of it looked like melted flesh, " public auction the real and per- as though h had been liquefied..' I sonal property of the following de ' ,,The fiehting had been renewed hnquent tax-payers to' satisfy the all along the American , lines, and I taxes due the Town of Nashville, German wounded had bemjn cominz I The amounts due together with into our hospitals. I said, to: this costs added are as follows: soldier: ""'-' 'H : ''iV vine Doys are getting their re-1 vengre for you fellows to-night.' He I emilel tr rouh his seared lips, and in a voi 9 63 faint that I had to bend I do m to ; ; 1 1 v i, ha tapped, 'God! 1 t' re with 'em!'" t' ";,k your lif3 a lard . f t t - - T-i t: Jake T. Braswell, A. C. Cash, ! J.D.Baker, . C. C. Pa vis, H. B. Cooley, ; , . B. L. Ferrell, ' W.NS. Jones, ' ' ".:n Melton,' : : A. Ro s. 13. T.T .us, . b. r : . 4.55 4.72 28.75 2.95 3.70 4.36 5.35 3.70 4.S0 5.45 1.70 10.13 3.r Washington. The appawaacf of Oermaa submarines off the Atlantic past and the exploits of the marines fa jrancs have so stimulated recruit ing that tk enlisted personnel of the fiaty-ow toUl.MJ0 ,I8I offl ears and 423,808 men, Japretary Daniels announced that eailistmeats la the nsvsl reaerva the first week of this month when It be came known that the sea wolves were preying on shipping off the American coast; totalled 14,406, a record for this branch of the service, while la the following week 12,808 men ware add. ed. The enlistments, the secretary aid, are continuing at a rapid rate and Indications are that June will be banner month. 'fsqUtljfxmtM in the marine corps t ibrifW'? f1 Jtrength of the corps to eoprwtiwatab J0$$ mea. Recruiting Is proceeding a W (sfcly a the stations throughout the country that officials anticipate no difficulty n speedily bringing the corps' strength to the 75,500 authorized In the naval appropriation bill now before Ooa 7es. fht enMated strength of the vari ous braaohes of the naval service srere givei by Mr. Canials as follows: ftagalar W Pfflcc,er, Ml; e Jlited man. 106,71. , Naval ressrvesi Offlfan, M.7J enlisted men, 148,801, Marine corps: Officers, 1,814; ee listed men, 48,805. National naval reserves: Officers 78S enUsted men, 18,000. Coast guard: Officers, 228; enlisted men, 8,000. WORT BY GIN. PERSHING khlERICAN CASUALTIES Waafabutoa. r faaaaltf In fhe AjBertcaa army swarpeae thus far ported by General rershlag, tadusisf the list made public, total l,68 'Compared with 2.086 a week age. ' Casualties among tbe marines with the expeditionary forces are not fa- eluded In this list With some 600,800 mea ' now . ta France, tbe small number of deaths (mm- disease reported Is eoostdered rettafkaMa. y ELIHU ROOT, Neneranr' frteident ef the National . Seeurlty League, There are doubtless some who do not understand what this struggle really Is Some who were born here resent Inter fereece with their comrort aad pros perity and the de mands for sacri fice, which seem them unnecessary, and they fall to see that the time has tint when, I 'J 1 keen the IndeDend- encp and liberty which their fathers won by suffering and sacrifice, they la their torn must 't---w ' -illy mt "'" for Ellhu Root tk,t lhdependence and liberty. There are some bora abroad who have come te this land for a greater freedom and broader opportunities and have sought and received the prirl leges of American dtlseashlp who are swayed by 'dislike for seme ally or by the sympathies ef Oermaa kinship and fsll to see that the time has come for them, ta make good' tbe eblLratloaa of their sworn oaths of naturalisation. This ta the bath that the applicant for dttaenshlp makes: That ht will support the Constitu tion of the Catted States and that he absolutely and entirely renounces all allegiance aad fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate or sovereignty that he will support and defend the Consti tution and laws ef the United States against all enemies, foreign snd d meetle, and bear true faith aad alle giance te the same. " -False te Their Oathe" All these naturalised dtisens who are taking part In obstruction to ear government la the conduct 'ef the war srp false to their oaths,, are forfeiting their rights eMtlsenship, Ase repudlr atlag their honorable obligations, are reuniting by evil the good that has been done them In the generous aad unstinted hospitality with which the people ef the United States have wat eemed them to the liberty and tbe ep portaalUes ef this free land. We must believe that la many eases this Is 4Wm because ef fallare to uaderstsad what fhU war really if ; j;- ftla is a war et defease. Jt fa per feetfy described la the words t IN Cemstltutloa which established this ae. tion. To provide for the cemmoa de fense" and "To secure the blesetnga ef liberty to ourselves aad ear posterity." : The national defease demands Bet merely feres, but Intelligence, It re talres foresight, eeaalderatlea ef the Bolides aad purposes ef other nations, uaderstandtog ef the Inevitable er probable eensequeaee ef the acta of ether nations, Judgment as to the time when successful defease may be made, sad when It will be too late, and prompt set II ta toe (aba, '' : : By eaterlsg this war the Valted States availed Itself ef the very last opportunity to defend 'itself. "FUTTSBURGS" FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS Tt Be Held by Nllflna Security I UtfrW Throughout Country During Comlnj Summer. -Tseeaerr rTattabmrgs,- at which 00,000 public acheel teachers w.ll be given practical training la pntrloUe dacaMoa, wlU be held during the cem tag summer la practically every state la the Union by the Nattoaal Security league, The scheme ef this elaborate new dlvisloa ef the League's Patriot- usa Through Education campaign la eaaeelved oa the same basic idea, alon "M" nan aees) warning tee soma time, ceqcwstrattng aa the teachers Of the yeath ef the land aad thereby reaching the children through tke teachers aad the people through ineir cauarea. TU ebMta ef the League's cam paign are two-told active combating et Oermaa propaganda and awaken ing a mere responsible American dtt- aeaahlp, , At Summer Scheela. Tne security League win eoadact these Teachers' Plattaburrs" through I the medium ef the summer schools for I teachers that are held throughout the country every year, ft has net yetl aa aetennineti how maey ceata wni be used. The matter Is belna-l mf wum B44 wi tu loo uam:l schopH. of the castry and srabably between BO sad TS ef the tralnlat! camps win be established, the schools I aelected betng cbeeea after careful nvl veetlgaHaa as to attendance, breadtftl eC mflaeace aad ceavenleaoe ef leca- 1 We want bur Friends and Custom- ers to stand by the Govern- ment. , Call on us for War-Savings and Thrift Stamps! , When shopping at this store where we try to supply your ' every need, ask for War-Sav-ings or Thrift Stamps. " ". --Cordially, The Batchelor-Benson Co. Nashville; :-: N. C. ANDS: MIITE0! The training camps will be conduct ed by leading educators whose ee-ener- ansa win oe enlisted by the League, as actual instruction will be under Ops direction ef Dr. Robert U. Men rey, . educaUoaal ' . director of the League, and -the members ef the "rla- Oeaal Patriotic Educatlea ' Jnculty" which he has organised. The League already has ever 1,000 experienced pa- J trioae speakers Oa Its Speakers' Bu reau list A great many ef these mea aad women will be detailed to the Taarhsre' Ulattsburga" and thelsj aumber will be augmented by volun teers from the principal colleges aad universities of the country, whose aca demic duties have . prevented them from taking active part la the patri otic educatlea work outside their Im mediate field, but , who will be tree during the summer mouths. . M ; ; '- ' War Spirit The teachers will be glveii a series ef vtaj Interpretations ef the war by atea and women who have given care ful study to the attuatloa. Ia addition to this Instilling ef the war spirit la the teachers, the training camps will also afford them practical Instruction the best methods ef imparting te the youth ef the laud the two wet prladplee on which the Seeurlty League's -Patriotism Through Bdaca- tloa campaign is based tbe menace of Oermaay to America, and the neces sity of Individual service en the part ef every mea, woman and child In the country to order to prevent defeat. ' A preliminary letter Has been seal tby Doctor McElroy to the directors el j ail the summer schools ef the country. PAY $3.00 PER DAY WEEKLY PAY ROLL ; Quarters furnished. Log Work APPLY TO JACKSON BROS The ulcaizin &1 Ef ectricf! Coi Bocky Atount. N. C. NTIRK AUSTRIAN CABINKT SUBMITS TS RISIQNATWtf Aasterdam. The Aasnrhui eabtaetl decided oa a eoHeoUva reslgnattoa, acr I eordins to Mvtess rscelvef fipm I Vienna. ',- , Perls. Haves Ageaey.) After a I meeting wit Bnxperer Charles, -. oil Austria, says a dlspatcti from Zurich, I 8wrtserlaad, Premier Seydler preseabl ed fie reeignatloa of the entire Aes-I tlaa eclnet. The emperor said he I wovli decide Suaday whether t ae eept the restgaatloa. v :- " . Plant Peas And Help Win The War! - ' " PEAS FOR SALE! - Quantity of Clen Field Peas, y r: at Per Bushel, i Rocliy Llount Insurance & Realty Co., " , . H. L. i;UTr!::Z3f Vlce-Pre.IJent. v SmZv w'c Ttt!,C!i Lp r un bunaay nicnt. jane stn. a large l! "'k mare tlule, weighing apoyt i j ids, wiia brown mouta, was t ' a rr srA ImfrrdcJ on ryi . C. , v .... n 1c. S:: A Ct-to cchccl to train teachers fcr the cf Hz: Ccrclha. Every cr :ry i3 dire ::2. Tu:t::n fr:3 U r.It We wish to say to the i Autcbile ownra of -. , County thatwe cany a' good line pf . ; . : "DiAMOWD G3ID" STORAGE BATTERIES in stock at all times and you cannot make a mistake by havinfi: one pf these GIANT& installed in your, Car. They are Guaranteed Six Months Longer than Any Other Battery you can buy, and the Price. Is Kight. ; Don't fail to See Us when in need of a new Cca't Thrcv Yc;ir C!d Ccttsry Avay; . untlj it is thoroughly tested by" an expert We' do' tte testing without charge. , We Repair or Recharffe Eattencs and Vulcanic Tires," We alsa dov '- t! I2z:z E?::t;:::i tzj Cn WM IVIIEN ycurre m r. heci rt;r vratcr icr yc; :ckyllcunt always make our 3. :, Fre3 air for your tires and. ;r end h-t.trrv VJa V,oxta cf the fcect c .-i-pcd f!ant3 m this section, and can take car3 cf ycur tUwir.:c3. ' ' ':-c-k ;, ,-.. rr.i.:t Yours to p! farm r, iu 'c ( r n r C r ' cure . a 1 7 T'-r c :r:i I i.