ti::: c iT SAHLI: FIELD i:.:rzrjLED by oil NOTICEl ::ds DP,. J. O. crCJCHTON DENTIST . , Nashville, N. C orr.c. u HouL E. DHCOICS HIGH LAWYER 1 Nashville,, - N. C - Prompt attention gi" to all mattera entrusted. - . OSm la Cr4 Jry BalU!. Russia to ' Decide Between tlie Two Industrie. ' A. P. WHITEHEAD DENTIST 114 North Mia St. . KOCKY MOUNT. N. C Appointment t aight if desired ftffl 1268 Residence 927 MILEY C. CLOVER , ' Altoney-At-Law BAILEY, H. C Prompt attention given to oil ten Office, Rear Room, Branch Banking ana irues vo. DANIEL W. PERRY AttyAt-L . . OFFICE . . Rear Room, Law Building t NASHVILLE. N. C DR. F. G. CHAMBLEE Deatist ' SPRING HOPE, N. C Office In Finch Building T.T.ROSS '' :"' DcatUt . . v ' . ; ' NASHVILLE. NORTH . CAROLINA O. B. MOSS Attorney and 'Cou'niolor-At-Law . SPRING HOPE, N. C. Office In Citizens Bank JAMES KEEL Attorney and Coanwlor-At-Law , ROCKY MOUNT, N. C Practice In All Courts. "All Matters Given Prompt Attention' ' r R. r. Austin ' L. U Davenport AUSTIN & DAVENPORT . ' Lawyer : Attornoy-At-Law i Finch Building ...... SPRING HOPE, . K. C ' ITIMOUS T. VALENTINE Prompt attention given to all matters ' Not associated in any , Recorder's Court Practice NASHVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA J ".. ARCHIED. ODOM -- ... , xiiormy.At-Law , ' NASHVILLE, , - N. C Prompt and careful attention given , . ,. to ail man , Office in C,rand Jury Building J' P. Battle - , J. A. Winstead 7 BATTLE & WINSTEAD ; V ' Phy" and Surf eons ' NASHVILLE. N. C. Next Door to Post Office Phones in office and residences Uoecow. Sahlee or oil That Is tli question which the Soviet iovers ment's planning coinuilaaloa must de cide. . . ' . , Far off is the northern Pacific the peninsula of Kamchatka protrudes from the mainland like a dagger blade separating the , Bering and Huater seas. For decade Kamchatka has keen Russia's best happy bunting ground for sables. Bvery year 6.0UU of tb llttl blue-black animals, whose skins ar valued at approximately $000,000, were hunted down oa th peninsula. -' ' ' ' , . Now an expedition led by P. L Polevov, a geologist of th Soviet geo logical survey, baa discovered oil oa Kamchatka. The oil la of, aa extra In quality and yields T9 to TS per cent of kerosene, whereas th beat crude product of tb Baku Sold yields only 40 per cent . Tb find Is of paramount Impor tance to th economic development of Siberia, Russia's unfathomable petro leum resources in tb Caucasus ar too far from this vast domain, while tli oil field la norther Sakhallea, which hav been granted a a conces sion to tho Sinclair company, ar stlU occupied by Japanese troops. Coosld ersble pressure Is therefor being put oa tb Moscow authorities to appropri ate a sum of money for the opening of tho Kamchatka Held. But her th aablea Interfere.. , ' Th oil deposits which Professor Polevov baa discovered ar altuated Just below th trapping grounds for sublet. 1 Tb sables from the entire peninsula rash Into this trapping space during a certain season of the year when the three rivers of the dis trict overflow their banks.- Tbe small fur-bearing animals seek refuge In th high , open preserve especially set aside for this purpose by the govern ment. A decree prohibits any man ner of Industrial or mining activities In the area. And the soft sables. seeking refuge, llnd, (loath. Expert' eneed hunters have no difficulty In trapping tli creature wholesale. Kuinclimka supplies one-fourth of Russia's sables. Will ciadaiue be able to step Into one of those brilliant Shops on Fifth atenoe next summer and buy herself a cape made of Kamchatka sable? It depends on the decision of the bol sheviks In Moscow. Will they annul the decree and permit the sinking of wells, tliua to drive the sables away. or will they be kind to the sables snd help them reach PnriS and New Torkl Sale of Valuable R..1 EUt In the Town of Spring Hop, N. C. Under and by virtue of tho pow er vested in the undersigned trus tee by that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by J. J. Sanders and wife to E. S. Pcarco. trustee, dated tho 11th as.y of January, 1V23, and recorded in book 294, page S, Nash County Registry, and default having been made in th payment of notes secured by the said deed of trust, the under signed will on . Monday, the IStk day ef December, lV2i, between the hours ol IX o clock noon and 1 o'clock P. M., offer for sole and sell to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the court house door in Nashville, N. C, the follow ing described real estate, wiin imnrovementi thereon: . Lots No. 1, 17, 18, and 18 as represented by a map or uie Jesse Lamm farm near Spring Hope, North Carolina, as surveyed and subdivided by R. a White, C. E., which said man ia recorded in the office of Keg ister of Deeds for Nash County in nlot hnnk No. 1 at Dasre 85. and which said map is mad a part of this deed for the purpose of giving a complete and accurate description to tho prop erty herein conveysd. - 1 A certain lot or parcel of land de scribed oa follows: Beginning at a corner in Bell' line, lot No. 15, on Walnut Street and runs worth deo-rees and 10 minutes uisi zoo fnt to a corner in the line of V. M Mills, thence South 8 1-1 degrees Wtst 837 fett to Juanita Fanney's corner- in - tho una oi u. m. mua, thence a Northwestern course up Walnut Street 250 feet to the Begin ning. I.nt No. IB and 12 1-8 feet adjac ent to lot No. 16 taken from lot no. 17 will be sold at one lot Beginning at a point 12 1-2 feet south of the southwest corner. of lot No. 16, 70 feet front will be sold as one lot, and the remainder of lot No. 16 and JX)t No. 19 will bo sold as one lot - This 10th day of November, 1924. , . ' E. S. PEARCE, , ' . Trustee. Youthful Geniu Gets - Job With Chicago Opera NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL E3- .-' TATE. W. A. Finch . Leon T. Vaughan . Wilaon , ' Nashville FINCH & VAUGHAN ' ' Attorneys and Coomclors-At-Law Prompt attention given to all matters gchooj Trains Dogs -emruaieu :iu uui in'" , Now Law Building ,; Henry -O. ' Weber, a twenty-three- yenr-old Chicago boy, who has been acclaimed abroad, as a musical genius, will make bis debut , with the Chicago Civic Opera at the Auditorium this season. Herbert M. Johnson, business manager of the opera, learned of Mr. Weber's musical prowess while search ing for new talent-abroad, and cabled to President Samuel Insult. Mr. Web er,, who,' was vlslt'ng- his mother hi Clilcnjo at the time, was signed at once as an assistant director. . " Under and by, virtue of authority vested in thd undersigned, executor of J. B. Privctt, deceased, by the last will and testament of the said J. B. Prlvett which is duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Nash county in Record of Wills No. 9, at page 11, tne unuersignea will, on - .. ; , Monday, December - 15th, 1924, between the hours of 12 M. and 1:00 o'clock P. M., at the courthouse door ia Nashville, N. C, offer for sale ana till to the highest bidder, the follow. ir.g described land, to-wit: - Lot No. 2 in tho division of the lands of J. B. Privett as surveyed by Jcs. T. Inscoe in 1918, and described at follows; Beginning in the center of the Spring Hope road, in line oi Fuller survev. thence with the Fuller survey of 1900, N. 20 degrees w. Bi roles and 15 links to a white oak, corner of No. 6 and 7: thence N. 85 degrees W. 168 poles to Turkey tranch, a cedar stake, rocs: pointers thence nn said branch as it mtan- dr ra 32 coles to a stake near a white cak, corner on Turkey branch, eorw No. l; thence & is i-s aeg. 100 nolea to the center of a path a pine nd nersimmon pointer: thence S. ". . . i. V- In SO poles to rue., curuei iv. , line No. 1: thence N. 70 dcg. E. 188 poles to a stake and pointers, corner of No. S in line No. 6; thence con tinuing the same course now N. u degrees E. new survey 7 poles 17 linka to a stake and nine pointers, a new corner; thenco due north 37 1-2 poles to the center of the Spring Hone road, a new corner: thence alnnir the road S. 80 def. W. -20 poles to tho beginning, containing or.e hundred and seventy nine and mo-fifth acres. (179 1-5). Except from th f oresrolna' tract of land one acre to be surveyed around tb xam- ily burying ground. . ; The foregoing lana must uo jmu for bv the purchaser on or before Jn. tha 14th. 1927. - ' This the 12th day ot wovemDer, 1924 "' . M.' H. PRIVETT. Executor of J. B. Privett I. T. Valentine, Attorney. - ur NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLI- - CATION. T. O. COPPEDGE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: In Grand Jury Building Hours, 10:00 to 11:00, A. M. Saturdays, 2:00 to 6:00 P. Fhona 14 NASHVILLE, N. C. M. DH. U. DRANTLEY n;.iBc of The Eye, Ear, Nose and y Throat ' and FITTING GLASSES General fedicine and Surgery srr:::a hope, n. c , .ID D. CCCLHY ,-, y-AtLW ::io, rtof.h Carolina -" i C n to AU raU t r-) . to Lead Blind Men Beriin.--ln the historic city of Pots dam, there lias been established ua- tlonal tnilnlDj school . for a type of (Iojr conspicuous for- the lied Cross Jn- slpila- carried on ' his harness the ;ulile dog ior blinded soldiers. The dog must lern to walk slowly. to obey , the master's word -to fetch things for him when desired, not only to avoid-the hol?s and projections and ditches dangerous to Ifself, but also to pull the master over far enough for him also to aoid danger. . ; ? y. Supposing, for Instance,' there Is a projecting mail box. It fs no hindrance to (he dog, but the animal must be taught thttt Its master should be so led as to avoid running Into It. These dogs must also learn to gauge tbe speed of traffic so- as to Indicate to their mas ter wtether It Is safe to cross the street. ,. - , .. When the time has come for the dog to i:is Its Until examination the trainer hsinesfics tlie dog anil bids It lead Its, :?r, nlio.-e eyos sre tied for ths through Potsdam. .- (' - t one for-cent- KORTH CAROLINA Nish County. In the Superior Court, K THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 5 ROCKY MOUNT 'v:. :',.''.. .i: vs WALTER CLARK; J P. ROGERS, KUPT.; EAST CAKOL1NA lit Al IN ing SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Walter "Clark, the defendant above r.amed will take notice that a uum nions in tho above entitled action was issued against him on the 28th day of October, 1924, by J. N. Sills, Clerk of the Superior Court of Nasb County, North Carolina, ' upon a cause of action arising out of con tract for tho sum of $941.66, due plaintiff as follows: Thi't said Wal ler Clark (who is a contractor build ing under contract the East Carolina Training School for Boys) drew :i check No. A-2793 on the Murcliison National Bank for $1,031.66 in favor of JT.-P. Rogers, Supt, to pay the pay roll for tbe week ending October 17th for work done on said building. Said claintiif bank Upon the endorse ment of said Rogers cashed said check, which when presented to the drawee bank was protested far non payment. There has been credited on the nmount $92.40, balance of a deposit on plain tiflf bark. Summons mentioned above was re turnable before said Clerk at his of f ce at Nathviile, ir. said County, on ; the 10th day of November, 112 4, L'-t ; wis returned by the Bheriif as to r.- i Clerk, "not to be found." The c-j fendant will aleo take notice thet n warrant of attachment was isud 1 v said Clerk on t' e 2-Uh day of t ber, l:'.:l, r '' e l ' id d.-faii'I a . . x ii!ewit,e ret in U: In f i r Clerk Jit .!: t. e arsJ t s r.-.jf I for t' a t n . "inr:;. l..(-t l-'iO (i,... -r:' . e t' ' t I 1 ! : J REAL ESTATE IS - j . GET -A! GOOD PIECE OF REAL .TATE : KEEP IT AND IT WILL KEEP YOU 3 r 3 M -'h . - V F a : -'" 9 ' : m U-ti Now owned by S. J. Proctor. Near Ulaple Creek Methodist Church, near Oak Level Brick School one half mile Westray's R.R. Station, four and one-half miles from Rocky Mount, three and one-half miles from Nashville, on; the Rocky MounMb-Nashville Highway, has been sub-divided into small farms, with three houses, barns and out-houses, will be sold, i !-3 . . . . ,. w.. - ...... -, . ...... . " AT 10:30 A. M. NEW FORD CAR WILL EE GIVEN AWAY AT THIS SALE ALSO CASH PRIZES . This is ai very fine location, and no better land can be found in Nash County. Also has valuable building prospective.. TERMS VERY EASY. SALE COIIDUCTED BY inc":'::;;.;atcd

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