.THE TRADING PUBLIC Liberally FatroBlM UwchaaU Y.'ke Bid Fm TV Trade -l- -i- -l- So ' 4 WATCH FOR THE EiDDZHS .1 c NASHVILLE, North Caroir -.; -December 1 1th, 1924. NO. 50 ... i- Forty Lliliion Dollar Endovmcnt On T Condition That Name Ch?.n;;er To Duke Trinity College Given Oppor- tuu.ly To Cecome Duke ('' University. . Charlotte, l)ec. 8. EatablUhment of trust for charitable and educa tional purposes in North and South Carolina embracing properties rained I at least 140,000,000 wat . an nounced here tonight .by J. B. Duke, . multi-millionaire North Caroline pow er magnate.- Among the securities thus at aside are about three-fourths of Mr. Duke's holdings in the- South em Power Company, the income of which during the next few years will aggregate approximately 12,000,000 a year. -'- - " The trust Will be administered by fifteen trustees, who will constitute The trustees first are directed and empowered to expend not exceeding a finrt nnA i- nv.i I i i- i ffVVV,UUV Ul UUMilllJII MM1UB UU erecting and equipping thereon build ings "in the State of North Carolina to be known and operated as Duks University" bat with the , provision that if Trinity College-at Durham, N. C, sees fit to change it name to Duke University this sura may be spent ; in expanding and extending Trinity College. , - . , Would uosMt Cadowasent. - The trust then provides that twen ty per cent of the Income shall be re tained each year and .added to the , - principal until such funds have ag gregated (40,000,000, making the to tal of the trust fund approximately "" C 00,000. . After this percentage . Lfc 1 en set aside, the other 80 per - ee? t tie income i to be !'- 'd ' y-two per cent to bue Uni versity for nil purposes of the Uni versity. ; . ; . : Thirty-two per cent for maintain- - ing and securing hospitals primarily in the states of North Carolina and South Carolina on the plan Of paying to the hospitals a sum not exceeding - ene dollar per day for each free bed occupied and tn assisting in building and equipin hospitals. ',' ' .' Ten per c nt for the benefit of ..white and colored orphan in North and South Carolina, ,' : . ' . V; . Cifl To Mattodut. , -' i Six per cent for assisting In build ing Method' t Episcopal Churches in the sparsely settled rural districts of North Carolina, t'r ' Four per : cent for assisting in maintaining Methodist Episcopal churches in the sparsely settled rural districts in North Caroline...; . Two per cent for pensioning super annuated r achers and widows and orphans of teceased preachers who lave serve J in North Carolina con ferences. : DavMtoa Gets Faad. Tive per cent to Davidson Co" r ' ' on, I!. C. Davidson is a Fres .' ' n i iution. " , 1 .ve p -t nt to Furman Universi ty, Gre e, S. C. Furman is a r.Ptiot L r;.::y.-, . " . Four r t-f-nt to Johnson C. Smith U. ' .". J 'on C. r . ' 'y f , . was 1 ')"a s ' .!e Univer y and is a . f'0 S i. . . 1 i nrd of Trur i. The t ir u : r. r !.e i -.-lude i : r- 'e, N. J ; -'ur C. .' , V . :n . I r-rku- ., ... iii ... i .;, ,,ry 1 I ' , Jr., r C. I - r " !t-r I', f ' it, Jr., nil cf I : '.Villiain S. Lt ( ' ' i I. Norman A. ( . s s ' J i .-.:i, c:. , ; I :. Ceer, Creenvi:;.-, E. . T..e t i ' " '. '"'(!, accord r to t Vt's -nt, is now i i i t ; . 1 v .'1 be e . ,.... I l r. Luis i ? ! ' r-turn to i t Vitc t.i New J ' ii a few sta' t t'-.e inl - ...... - O V -4t V. i Univercity "." Axncriccn Honored by 1 23 Foreign Nations L CHARLES V.VICKREY For several years general secretary of the Near East Relief ta America. Mr. Vickrey ha been honored by elec tion to the presidency of the Inter national Near "last Association, com posed of repreaentatiTe of IS nation Tb organisation I sponsoring the la tamational observance of Golden Rule Sunday on December T on behalf ot the refuge orphan of Bible Lasda. n;o fur- t IT C Wonderful Increase of Mem bership Among Farmers As oclation la Ten Year. t: The membership of cooperative as sociation formed by American farm ers has increased from 644,000- in 191S to 2,025,000 in 1923 according tot doctor Eutcheson of the Exten sion Livision of Virginia." ' Director KuU cson pcint to the fact that few failures have occurred amor the cooperative marketing as sociations of farmers when they are compared to commercial enterprises and in an article in the Tri-State To bacco Grower for December he gives the official figures compiled by the United States Department of Agricul ture which show " thi enormous growth of the cooperative movement since 1923. .: ;... V :.' ' -V The memberHhip in dairy coopera tives has increased from 140,000 to 200,000; the membership in grain cooperatives has increased from 166,- 000 to 400,000; in fruit and vegeta bles cooperatives from 109,000 to ut 200,000; in cotton cooporatives n 15,000 to 250,000; in tobacco co, ves irom x.uuu vo zau,- 000; in livestock cooperatives fron 13.000 to 50,000; in "cooprrative storos f r(! i ri rO to 160,000 ina in a'd o.ier co j i Kiiives from 124,000 to r",e"cv - ; , i,:-'1:.':;.' "1:'- "lie above inciease shows Con- clunivrly that 6ie c" 'ntive move- ,i -nt in the United t. s is .not ' i!!i'ih!ng" says Director I'lirhe- In spite of its rapid growth among American ' farmers cooperatie sull- in3 aid buying in this country is only n its beginning as coni-ared to irope, according to' the latest re t cf tlie Federal rr.de Commis- i. This states that there are now ) cooperative organizations .in . v J through which 120,000,000 carry on cooperative selling ' ' me" of the lavjer coul!. n cf " r. -co..:"- T t ' !' i " cooi p-0't r r 'i ( f t . . - r . ' A Local V. a' if s Houses Display Cr ' :! !a HolIJay Stock. In making the round of the local ' ' . s house it 1 quite noticeable t the stocks of holiday good on l iny would do credit to town of greater proportions than Nashville and the variety is Indeed all that could be desired for those who hav th inclination to make this a real ChrixtmasV Many "of the store are showing . large assortments of toys and novelty goods while others are confining themselves to the idea tha rervl -fbl articles are tnr to be desired and they are therefore con fining their display to those thing which go to make the home attractive aa well as convey the true Christmas spirit. '.' - J ..i-r. While It is a fact that some people are Imbued with the idea that they may satisfy their needs to better ad vantage by rushing off to some other town, a glance at the goods displayed by . local merchant will reveal thi fact that such people have a wrong view of things. If your needs can not bo gratified in Nashville, yon will find difficulty in finding what you want elsewhere. . - ; Nash County Federation . . Wotnena Club Activities. The Nash County Federation ' of Women Clubs held its regular puar terly meeting in the office of the Dome ' Demonstrator, . Mondy, De cember the 8th. Mrs. B. D. Bullock 'poke briefly of the Child Service League, it need in the county and the drive which will be put on in the near future, i At the afternoon session Mr. E. G. Warden, poultry expert, discussed poultry raising, in detail. He hr.d a miniature .coop suitable for the hen while setting and after the cPi; ks are hatched.. His formulas for ' home mixed scratch feed . and math have been made after year of experience and. that part of hi lecture alone would have been well worth the while of any woman' Who' raises "only a few chickens for home consumption.', " ." The lub at Red Oik has been of- ,r4 .-. ffc T" :"1 ed Inbor' f "T euierpming pouimunity ' may soon have an attractive home for all of its activtiies. " t:.-.,'" The following officers were elected for the ensuing yearf-Mrs. "Henry Jones, president, Bed Oak; Mrs.' A. B. Bissctte, - vice-president, Bailey; Mr.: ' I. T. 1 Valentine, secretary, Spring- Hope; Mrs. John Robertson, treasurer, Stanhope. V " 4 The following , committee were also named for the term: : Poultry Mrs. C. D. ' Jones, Red Oak. Home and School Improvement Mrs. F. P. Spruill, Rocky Mount -, Milk Campaign Mrs. R. D. Bul lock, Rocky Mount" live at Home-wMr4 "p. . .E.W, Finch, Mt Pleasant ' Marketing Mrs. v George Price, Oak Level- ' .' '".-' '' '.' Better Home Mr. A. F. May, Spring Hope. ; , v i v - Assistants Mr. Dora Back. Kooky Mount Mills; Mrs. Ernest. BeaL Red Oak; Mrs. Herbert Farrier, Bailey; Mr. C. C. Cockrell, NashWlle. I The Social Committee is composeJ of the following: Mrs. W. D. Bosc man, Rocky Mount; 1 Mrs. F. V. Avent, Aventon; Mr. C. T. Perry, Mjineyer, Mrs. E. H. Jones, P harps burg. "' ":'f: , :;'5j ;,v' ' Tarboro" was host to-approximately four hundred Kni Jits of the Ku Kltix Klan on Tuesday evening, when the Klansmen - assembled " for a great street parade and a public speaking. i. -' J bUsitlL u. HAS X.c. . :d Visions of Foul FJ. y t 1 Oth er Terrible thini l ave Disappeare After two days . of bersliUnt searching for him by me he rs of his family and friends who f id he had, met with foul play, Brnnle 'Womble, the twenty-two year old so of Mr) George W. Womble, ret md to hi home last Monday eve1 T shortly before the heavy down; our of raid and was met at the door by hi wiff whose joy. at her husband's return gave vent In screams and teArs, while other members of the young man's family could scarcely retain Jhslr joy in a more subdued fashion. j , Womble left his home a few miles from Nashville on Sunday afternooa and his failure to return We in tht evening, during the night and on the following day caused oVi'p,.concer and the news of his ii'jparanet wah amwad Ilk wildfire to all KP(V tions of the county and s'a4. Town and city officials were oi ':U end re quested to look out for t'i car be longing to young Wc ii iHo, ' since there was a growing beli I u il Mon day evening, when he retur i-d, that he had met with foul pluy sld possi bly his slayers had made effjwith his car. ".This belief was inten fied be cause of the fact that young Womble had on his person a nice little sun. of money and the further facthat hu man life just at this time was about as ehasp ss a second hand ford. ' ; There ,was ' nothing mysterious about his disappearance on Sunday afternoon, as it is stated he told Mrs. Womble when leaving that he- would possibly be gone until the day fol lowing, or even longer.lWrs. Womblo did not clearly get his remarks since the Ford on which he left was keep ing up about the usual rattle of any i genuine Ford ear. Upon hi return , on the same frattler", list Morday night he seemed about, as m h sur prised at ttie weeping rec i rc- ed rneiTTS ' iiale, heaiiy and, wc4 preserved. Oi course his wife was overjoyed and it is but natural that she should show her appreciation by shedding tears. It was her husband, and a good one, too; the only one she had ever. had and the only one she ever wanted, and of course, like any good wife, his return home brought treat relief to her aching heart and all the bal ance of the family. Well Known Citizen of Rocky -: Mount Died Sunday Last. .' The death of Mr. Blake Williford at his home in Rocky Mount last Sun day nierht will be learned with regret by scores of friends throughout Nash County, for there were few men in that town who were better known and more highly respected and who had a wider circle of friends. - The deceased was about forty-nine years old and for the past several months had been in declining health.' He is survived by a widow and one daugh ter. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon, the same being conducted by Rev. Willard Conger, pastor of the " First Presbyterian Church. " ' s -..'" j;. -. ' -.'' Tom Tarheel says that no home convenience he has ever bought his wife was more appreciated than the new full lenirth mirror he put in the closet ; door of her . bedroom last Christmas. ;. Nowehe can tell exact ly how her-clothes look., - - r.- '-i ..... -i jwv, "" ,H .",,. y ';,-'. Nash County Poultry Raisers Will Hold Poultry Show. Through the setive efforts of Mrs. Effls Vines Gordon, home demonstra tion agent and the hearty coopera tion of members of the Nssh County Poultry Association, the first annual poultry show under the auspices of '.he Association will be held this week beginning to-morrow .Fridsy) and continuing : through ' Saturday and, judging from. . tho intoreot being shown by poultry raiser, the event will prove of unusual Interest end in- structivenea to the public, . For the purpose of holding ' the Show the Cappi building, on Railroad street has been secured, and this-is being put in readiness for the occa- ii6n and from now until the close of the event Saturday evening many people will doubtless visit the show snd note with interest the activities ot poultry raisers from nil sections of the county in employing improved methods of improving the poultry In dustry. " ,,,'.' ..',.." V... ' Attractive premium lists hsve bees issued by the Association and these arry liberal premiums, which sre of fered by the Association and various enterprising business men.' Death Claims Little Daughter of Mr. and Airs. T. C Brown. ' The heartfelt sympathies of all Nashville people goes out to Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Brown in their hour of sadness caused by the death of their little six-year-old daughter, Lucille, whom the Angel bore to the great Spirit World early last Friday morn ing after the little one had suffered for some dsys with a complication of diseases that so soon extinguished the little spark of life. , The removal of, this bright tittle bud from this happy home circle naturally causes that anguish that human efforts can not assuaged ' Yet, with the thoughts of . Him who said, "Suffer the little ones to come onto ma, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven,", snd with the , consolation of sympathising friends In sa hour like, this, these fond parents find some measure pf lief. " .- ' '' ."' ' - - .... 4 to Auianuer SaturoU,, t .. noon snd tenderly laid to rest, Rev. C. A. Upchurch, 'pastor of Nashville Baptist Church, conducting , the solemn service. The newly msde grsve was covered : with : beautiful flowers, so typical of the little one who had passed to the realm where sickness and death never come, j ; . Association Reports Heavy Cotton Deliveries Past Week. Raleigh, Nov., 23. Another week of heaw deliveries of cotton is re ported by the North Carolina Cotton Growers' s Cooperative ; Association. Receinta for the week ending Satur day were almost double the deliveries of the same week in 1923.' Reports from cotton counties indicate heavy deliveries for some time. Some farm- en are waitinr until they can get all of their cotton ginned before deliver ing V Coperative leaders in local com munities report a deepening interest in thA movement and larei STOWerS are joining the association. : Notwith standing the weak market, the man-as-ement of the association v. ill con tinue to' advance $70 on every l00 pound bale and. where growers need additional monev arrangement will be made with the Agricultural Credit Corporation for additional advance 'on the cotton. Local citisens should not fail to at tend the Poultry Show, now in full blast ' in the Cappa building. It is well worth your while. ; FEARS ENTERTAINED Wrs COUP. JAS. F. ' ' ' '- J' ... If ' . ' .' "' Nash County Man Has; Been Missing . r From Camp Bragg Since , .Last Sunday -'v. r I II - ' ' I- 1 . Relief Work Heroine Back From Near East -. DR. MABEL ELLIOTT V Five times decorated by foreign gov ernments for heroic service during four years of relief work la the Near East, this "modern Florence Nlghtln gale" ba refused farther ' honors abroad and has returned to America to aid In the campaign for randa. which centers In the observsae of Golden Rule Day for the referee or phans ot the Near East on Decembet 7. Her recent book. "Beginning Agal St Ararat,' 1 being used ss s text book os the Near East la schools sod colleges. . . ,', . ., . . IMAHS "PPT ir, Meu.IeraLip : Wul ProbaLly Be Com ; ' -h pleted Today. The second, meeting for the pur pose of organising a local Kiwanis Club was held in the Grand Jury building last, evening there being present twenty-five, representative of 'local business, concerns snd sev eral visitors from Rocky Mount, the latter being in attendance to assist in perfecting ; temporary ' organisation and getting matters in shape for ap plication for a charter from the Na tional organisation. tv"? - - Thirty-five member is the goal set by the organiser and President Harry Fagan and an effort will be made to day to complete the number, .there being several prospects who have in dicated their willingness to become members. ? . ,"i i At the meeting held last evening Organiser, Joe Bowles' presided and in a brief talk outlined the objects of Kiwanis and short talks were also made by N. Y. Chambliss, secretary of the Rocky Mount Chamber . of Commerce, and John J. Wells, presi dent of the Rocky Mount Kiwanis. During the course of . the ' speech making luncheon was-" served by Mesdames Harry Fagan, Ft L. Great house, B. J. Downey, J. A. Winstead and A. W. FutrelL Twenty-five names were enrolled as members and the following were the officers elected : Harry Fagan, president; J. A. Winstead, vice-president; Guy E. Bissette, secretary; R. C. Calton, treasurer,, and B. J. Dow ney, district trustee. ' , , The Board of Directors chosen in clude -the foregoing , officers and Messrs. C. L. Benson,. T. II. Bracey, J. L. Cornwell, Nick Bunn Boddle, H. C West and G. C. Collins. - No announcement was made as to the date' for holding the next meet ing, and this will dgubtless be .fixed upon completion of the -necessary quota of thirty-five members ana when it is definitely known when the charter will be issued by the national organization..; ,: . - ' . .'; "'. Within the next few weeks Presi dent Fagan hopes to have the org.-.n-'i.alion in fine working shape and .'yncti'ining in the interest of Nash ,'::os social, religious and financial , ?.ull.lig to that extent as will ' e riwiu.is an in'-rortant factor in : " ' !it of many U. ills'! - i .1 f.-r t!:e town tud corn- i Mystery Surrounds Disappear ance of Son of Well Known ! Nash County Citizen. - . T. . The mysterious disappearance 'of Corporal James t. Edwards, son of Mr. W. R. Edwards well to do plant er of Spring Hope section, has occa- stoned deep anxiety on the part of his grief - stricken parents snd friends.' Young Edwards has been stationed at Camp Bragg, N. C, for the past two years with Company "A" of the 4th Engineers. On Sun. day'young Edwards in company with three companions journeyed down 'to Litte River on an army wagon, for the : purpose of fishing. The three companions left Edwards in care of the team, returning some three hours later to find that Edwards hnd dis appeared. 'They made a thorough search -of the surrounding territory but could not find him. General Bowley immediately ordered out his command to- make a search but aU efforts were without avail. There are two circumstances that possibly point to foul play. A rteol jacket bullet was found buried in the side of the wagon, but without other visible evidences of murder. He was known to have collected some $200 a few days prior to this time from a "Bud die" to whom he had made a loan, but investigation at the Bank shows ' that same was deposited there and that no funds hsve been withdrawn since November 8th. j ,' .'i Lieutenant Archie D. Odora has communicated with the .. Adjutant General at, Washington requesting 'TTf.'rVrV men on the c.ie. . t. r. r. . :'; r o&cer,. states that he was a mouel " soldier and had no idea that be had absented himself without leave. Commission Not Yet Ready ' ; ; To Receive Bids On Roads. ' The Nash County Highway Com- mission met in regular session on Tuesday of thi week to trsnsact ' regular routine business and to re ceive reports from Engineer Davis, - who Has for several months past been making surveys of the various sec tions of roads In the county to be , built under the plans' of the Board " a outlined several months ago. , Mr. Davis was able to make reports on two of the projects, but all the work assigned to him has not' . yet been ' . completed, but he hopes to have fin- :, ished same within the next few days and be able to report at the special meeting to be held ' on - December ' 30th. . i . , j" The-work completed by the engi- ' neer pertains to the road ' leading from Middlesex to a point near the " old B. G. Sanders place, near Webb's Mill and these reports cover two , route being investigated, which ac cording to the engineer, are approxi mately the same length and the cost of construction will be approximately the same, the Samaria route having; a slight advantage in cost of eon--Etruction while the route via the Baptist Orphanage shows a better grade of material for road construe- . tion. No information was given out as to the greater number of patrons ' the two routes would serve. The fact that reports on all the propositions under consideration were not complete caused the Board to defer faking for bids for construe--tion just at this time and this matter joes over to another meeting. , D.'J. Hose Awarded - ' Contract For Hew EullJlng. . At a special meeting of the Board -of County Cominisuioners held Inst Monday, when V '.3 were reecivnUe for the erection of t' e new 1 1 j is re"' ' -1 ly ! ' y ?' (' :fy Board of I i i,,..i i i i r to provii'a i ; f .. r t" " 1 and f -v ' - - r t