I f f A 5kk man can't nuke morvy pi I J J U Tbat'i because bis brain wont work. A horse wont do work Ty t 2 unless be b rroperly led. tr,ins Nithef 'rain' " brain is not kept hi rood con 711 M v - dition with pure, rich blood, 1? lOHw V " produce much. a Men woo fail, and men who dont, often hve whatthey call "Nervous Prostration." Nine times k) ten the nervous trouble is purely second ary. Toe real sickness is in their digestion and ki their blood. U a man keeps bis digestion in good order, and keeps his body full of pure, rich blood, he b never f jnf to be very sick. JohnstoYs Saraparilla is made for people who want to gt well and stay well. Sarsaparilla b a simple, "grandmother " remedy, but it cures. It purines and enriches the blood and sends it tingling to every part of the body. That b the way it cures all ailments of the brain and nerves cures insom niacures dyspepsia, rheumatism, scrofula, and every other blood disease. It clears the corrtplex tion, plumps out the cheeks, aid brings back the sparkle to lifeless eyes. One Dollar is the price.and One thousand Dollars Is the health- Johnston's fivini ueof every Quart Ki5.SarsapariHa WILLIAMS, DAVIS. BROOKS CO.. Dstrsit. nick. ., v, Try a bottto t Uwwttw, the t Trade aupphe d, wholesale aud retail THE UNIVERSITY SUMMER SCHOOL for Teach ers will begin on June 21st and last one montrr in the Uni versity buildings. The most famous teachers in America have been engaged asins:ructor. Chapel Hill is a delightful summer resort and many teach ers are already there resting in tile shade of the majestic oaks, with the privileges of the library and campus. One first-class t re for the round trip has been authorized on all railroads; tickets to be on sale from June 18th to July 12th, good leturning u 1 til July 21st. PURE FLOUR. 1 No Adulteration. Have You Tried Fries' Patent Flour? Our Pond Lilly and Victor we guarantee to equal any flout 0" t'. 'e market for good, wholesome bread. ,u have just overhauled our corn mills, and -are prepared to .1 . ke better MEAL than ever before. Givelitja tr.al. 11 jise and cow feed made to please all. A fine lot of peas for spring sowing on hand. Cash paid for grain. Respectfully, F. & H. FRIES. Interstate'Phono. Bell'Phone4i. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE, Nearly 50 Years Continuous Success: Two Hundred ud Seventy-Nine: Students Lust Venr. The largest and best equipped private fitting school in the Houth. English, the Classics, Mathematics, Hook-keeping, Short-hand, Telegraphy, Typewrit lug. Teiuis reasons ble. For catalogue, add ret, J. A. tk M. II. HOLT, Oak Uldtfe, N. C. salbi boys' school,! SALEM, N. C, Full Terms Begins Monday, August 15th. Handsome new building, fully mod e.ii in all its appointments. Uruduatea i 1. tor Stale University without exam I r-i Ion. Prepares for Sophomore class at college, tboruugb drill in commercial ai'thmelic, bookkeeping, aborthaud a.:d typewriting. Home accommoda tions for boarding pupils. Correspondence solicited. J, '. BHOWEK, A. M., Headmaster. - THh'STAlc NORMAL AND IN DJSTH1AL COLLEGE. Offers the young women of the State thorough ptoesslooal, literary, classi cal, rcieuliflc and industrial education. Annual Expenses $UO to $1M. Faculty of SO members. More tban 400 regular students. Has matricu lated about l.aoOstudenta, representing every county in the State except two. Practice and Observation School of about UUO pupils. To secure board In dormitories, all free-tultlotl appllca tioua must be made before August 1. Correspondence Invited from those desiring competent trained teachers. For catalogue and other information ddresa PRESIDENT McIVEK, . 'Greensboro, IT. C. If you give him the opportunity F. tX Brown will save you money on your giocecies. oat Uttls liver pill, sj. by Aahcraft eV Owens. Druggists GUILFORD COLLEGE NORTH CAROLINA. Five large buildings faculty of ten able tea v iter courses of study lead ing to degrees. Tuition for term J0 ti M. Board aud room pi per mouth. In clubs, H per mouth. Total ex peuse for year need not exceed f 133 and can be easily reduced to i'M. Curres pondence solicited. Catalogue free. Address, Ol'II-KOKD CllLI-KUK, N. C THE UNIVERSITY. Largest patronage and fullest eqlup ment in Its history. Faculty, AH; stu dents, 608; i Academic Courses; 8 Elective Courses; Professional dcboola, lu Law, Medicine aud Phar macy, Advanced classes open to women. Tuition 00 a year. Hoard $8 a month. Ample opportunities for selt-help. Scholarships aud loans for the needy. Summer Hcbool for Teachers; 24 in structors, 18.1 students. Total enroll ment, 670. For catalogue, address, PRESIDENT ALDERMAN, ' Chapel Hill, N. V. Be sure and look at the tpeclal line of Cressets shoes) at F. C. Brown 'a oi.rked down from H to 12. A bath with Cosmo Buttermilk p, exqlsitely scented, Is soothing and beneficial. Bold by J. t. Bhaffbers "trHINDlPO VI IAUTT Mid a WeU Man THE iiu -CTV of Me. GREAT FRENCH REMEDY praltKn the ahova rasas) is SO i urn Nrrwmt VrttMv, hmfUmcy. Vncctlt, tmitmf Urmtmj. Slofi all drama mat bam earned by errcn o4 yuota. It warda off la aantly aad Coasumptioat. Vouds Mrs regata sta hand sad Old Mn taoovar Vowbrul Vi(or. k vas vigor and I M to abnrakes or (ana, and its Bias lor buaittcaa or aaarriage. Eauly carried is lb vt Dockrt. Pric A ("TO Boxeal. by aaail. Is plaia paxrt-OIJ LI O.ili. itk mm gsaiautac fit. JtAIT (TIUKkJL rWti For Hale by V O Thompson, Drug gists. nti - Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the estate of llev. 8. I). Peeler, deceased, I hereby request all parties who owe the estate to make Immediate settlement with me, aud I hereby notify all per sona having claims against the estate to preseut their claims to me on or be fore the 20th day of February, 180(1, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery: J. W. Pinnix, Executor of H. 1). Peeler. Sale of Land. By virtue of a decree of the su rior court, I will sell at public auction on the 7th day of August, IHH, at Vi M., the following real estate: A house aud lot situated on tbe west side of Spring street, measuring in front ou said street fifty feet aud of that width, extending westwardly one buutlred feet to a lot nwued by J. H. Martin, bouuded on the north by V. W. Hmoke (now Folllu), south of 11. Y. Kayle, east by Kpriug street. This lot is designated in plot of Winston as lot No. any - Half interest in one house aud lot in Haleiu, situated ou tbe east side of Broad street, (routing ou Broad street 100 feet and ol that width extending eastwardly :W0 feet, adjoining Jos. Miller aud others.' We will at the same time sell ou tbe premises ou the corner of Third and Church streets the follow ing tixtnres, to-wit: ONE LA ltd K (OOLEH, ONE FKONT BAH COCNTEK, one Back liar Counter, one Mirror, 40x"H inches, two side show caes, cue 600 pound b arrel I A Co. safe Ou the ilrst descrllied lot ou Kpriug street 's a large eight room, two story frame dwelling, which rents for $15. (it per mouth. On the Broad street lot is a one story frame dwelling, renting for $5.00 per mouth. 'J'EKMH: For the real estate, om half cash, one half In six months. Fix tures cash. Time of sale, 1J M. 7th day of Aug., I WW. Place, court house door, corner of Third aud Church street. UEOliOK ROEDIUKR, Commissioner. Do you winlt anything in the way of ... . Fire, Life or Accident Insurance? Do you wish or hare to give a BOND either as a . . . Guardian, Administrator Distiller, or Surety, For Any Position or Office? If you do, we are THE PEOPLE tnd winh to do some uusitieNa with you on these linen. Yours very truly, CRIST & McARTHUR, :i(): Main St., Winston, X.C. VOL'lt MONEY should Iv iimMwi tisely iu Fancy and Hliiple linnerlcf ept I 'J Etlrd l'nw, liiHtou, n hi .Iso handle Nun.sni'n ,Spe lal lack ing aud I able YuitgHr. A P. CliTzZA"ur, WinKton, hui everything hi the (ittxiry Line foi veryliody niUirinK fttoil He nl-u iiik Niiiii-n's ei lal l'l.-klin unci I'm hie Vlueur. THE PKOBLEAl of much gierief or little money is solved by I). A 4paugh, Haleni, who alxo sells Num ten's Kpiclal Pickling and Table Vine ar. Call aud see. PL'RE FOOD prolongs life, lm- proper food shortens It. Nunisen'i Special Pickling aud Table Vinegar ituaranteea atwolutely pure, kent bv li W. Hhore, Halera, who also handles a nue line or groceries. PATRONS of O. F. Brown, Halem, please call for sample of Numsen's special pickling aud table vinegar. Like hi groceries, It is the beet to be had J. B. HEOE, Kalem, buya In large lota ana outalos lowest prices. There fore permits no one to offer better foods at lower figures. ISumsen's se jlal pickling and table vinegar ou hand, also water-ground flour aud meal. UNCLE BAM "pickles" Hpain with gunpowder, a wise housewife uses the Best for all pickling and table usee. Numaen's Bpeclal Pickling aud Table Vinegar kept by C. H. Lloyd, Wln ton, staple and lancy grocer. UO TO IX A. BPAUGH'H lowei plaJa. charge of Mr. C. A. Jones, at Salem, who will sell you groceries at out torn prices. Numsen's Bpeclal Pick ing aud Table Vinegar ou tap. "WHY HUNT HO FAR, if It be near?" A. L. Hteveusjo, Winston, teeps everything in the grocery line at owest prices. N umseu 'a Bpeclal Pick .lng and Table Vinegar for sale. BEFORE GOING elsewhere call at H. A. HiddaH's, Balem, and get prices jn 8 apleand r ancy Uroceries Num n's Bpeclal Pick hug and Table Vine far for sale. P C. Brown Is headquarters for low prices in DrT (Jooda, Bhoes, Hats Notions, etc. A Tull Has of Piq ie at K. C Brown's You can ears half of your grocery bill by baying them or F. C Brown. "tn Talking about pretty goods F. C. Brown has tbe prettiest line of Bum mer foods in town. I ! aasoal Uail loss. It U a notable and noteworthy fact that many of the greatetit moral ai.d political revolutions which tbe world bas exrieuced b been preceded or socompauied by prognostics of cue kind or another. Lord Baonn'a remarks niin this sub ject are worthy of reproduction aud are js follows: "Tbe shepherd of the h-o,1o hlionld Inderataud the irotuonK gut !. tem ptuita. Hollow Lia(s,t win. I, hocinini; ly ata dUtjce, often pu t '.' u kturin. " liihtuuces of prugiioMieaiiou uf tSiU kind are Ly uo tutaiis unknown i i Lis tory. Thai Eiship WilliitiiiH in the reij u of Charles 1 clearly forc.'.tw aud pio dicted tbe nlliniatu triumph of thu Pur itan party in England, auil hbY-ing the courage of Ida oiiiuions be atiamloucd the governn:eut furty a:id snit-d there after with the opposition At the lime the bishop took this d-ciird step tin in was uo outward sign wtmtevt r that ueb an event win iuiininent or run at all prohahht Duiidulu, tbe autiinary, prediitul and anticipated the ruiniiss dcvti tac tion of ancient nionunient. in the l ailic dral cburehex whi'h took plain in lit II, aud ho made baste, tlicr -l ;re, to com plete bis wauderluKM and IuIkts in t: U ing drafts of r.ud cepyiug out tho enri ou him rij ti:,s ui u tlh-u iite i. n! nionniutiits ao, as he biniMif mivn, "hi pruservu them for future au I better times" UrownlDg sad ttia Atliritaaiu Club. Calling ujKin Rob'ic Browning ni tbe Atheuiruiii vluh, then hm now, kivh Colouel Higgenseu in The Atlantic, tbe headquarters of intellec tual pursuits in Loudon aud of wbirb it uxed to he said that no man could have any ip.e s tiou to ask that be could not find komu body to answer, that very afternoon, be tween 6 aud 6 o'clock at that club, it seemed strange to aka pane to find Mr. Browning for me, aud it reminded me of the time wbeu tbe little daughter of a certain poetess quietly asked at the dinner table, between two bites of uu apple, "Mamma, did I ever mc Mr. SliukeBpearcr" The page spoke to u ra ther abort and strongly built mini who sat in a window and who jumped up and grasped my Land so cordially that it might bave sujiKestod tbe remark of Mine. Navarro ( Mary Anderson) aUmt him made, however, at a later day that be did not seem like a poet, hut rather "like one of our agreeuhlu south ern gentlemen." He seenitd a mini of every day, or like the typicul poet of his own "How it strikes a contemporary. " In all this bo was the very antipodes of Tennyson. He bad a large bead of tier man shape, broadeniug behind, with light and thick gray hair and whitish beard and hail bine tyes aud the most kindly heart CoMino Buttermilk Toilet Soap makes the skiu soft, white and health v. Hold by J. F. Hhaffuer. K. ('. Blanks, of Ijewisvllle, 'lex as, w rites that one box of HeWitl's Witch Hazel Halve was worth $50 to him. It cured his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try It. It also cures eczema, skin diseases aud obsti nate sores. j TWIN-CUT LODGE COLUMN, j 4 .................................. JR. O. V. A. JT. Litisrty t'oiiDrll No. t, mUi iu munirlfisl building every Monday Distil at 7:30 o'clock. Katrvtew lounell No. IS, merOi over Htyer'a -ttore lu North WinsUiu every TliitrMduy uiKlit it 7:M) o'clock renUtrvllie Council No. 2u, mVU lu aclioel ' -it llil i ti sr In I eulr lllfeverj 'I'utwday rlKlit al '::iU u'clocs. i,ilm t'oiuietl No. 11, inerta In hull ovci licr-h's al'tre evrry Tbursilay iitKtit at 7:; vi. . k. r. of r.d Winston s . of r. No. 41, lenla It) K. oil. h!I in ii-iuitt lrtt l-nilU'ns cvt-i v 'IIiuuuIh Okie hi 7:.al o'i'lo. k. Anient K . ,,'f. I. No. W, nirdH In hull ovrt leilis Klurc evti Molality nifc.ll al 7:.1 i'; io k. II. O. O. P.I Halem llse No. M I. II. ii. K. niMlslntliHr lutll over i.roiini Hrott. druit alire 'J'uwliiv nllflil ornu-h we. lt. J. A. lino, N. U.; K. I. I'illiKiiiau, Uec.Sec HHlem Knmmniiif nl No. JO I. (I. ). K meeu in name hall 2nd and 4th 'riuirsljiy nlaiht In Hrli nionth. T. H. Johnaon, t' ;i'.; J. V. Hea eut, HtTloe. MABOMIC. Winston lodge No. 1ST A. P. and A. M., naetN In hall over (inmni drus atore 2nd Monday nlshl Inearh nionlb. K. W. Nadlng, W. M.; T. C Karros-, Hec. Winston rhaptrr No. 14 K. A. M nieeta In me hall lat and Krd Monday nlgblaof earli month. . K. Norflort, H. P.; I'. A. Wllaon, iec.J Piedmont mmandry No. K. T , merta n tbe same hall the 4th Monday night in each ,nonth. K. K. UeUUiu K. C; H. 11. Kuillb Halam IjOdge No. i A. K.i M., meets every irat Tneaday nleht In each month U) lbs ball tvar H. A. Ulemii a ators. ROYAL ABCANVM. Knval Arcanum No. IZM. imeei tbs Ural and Iblrd Tneaaay nignia in aD mooti. a ln on l.odaa K. of P hall. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. T ln-Hy Camp merU In K. at P. Hall In municipal Ixitldlug second and fourth Knday BlRhla of each month. Kev. J. W. Frank, Oootul Oomniander. Gome Quickly And present this coupon and get 20 cents off on each dollars worth of dyeing and cleaning for the next thirty days. The only reliable Winston Salem steam dyeing and clean ing works. W. He BOG E Re 1st Vaia Hmt. CO UFO U ATTEND THE SPECIAL SALE AT The Comfort - True Bargains in Shoes. All Summer Footwear At and Be low Cost for a FEW DAYS. THE COMFORT C'orntT Otipowlt Danville Military Institute, Danville, Virginia. ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND BUSINESS COURSFS Menil erH of t he family are all Rrmluutes from leadinfr eiilleies anil iiniverNitiew in this country and a I in mil, anil are exp-rieni-ed iiiMtruetors. The Danville Military Institute Is loealed in S.iiilliern Virginia, where the i liiiiats lielnK mild aud salulninUH, is well adapted to those from the extremely iiild ser-tions of the north and west, and from the hot, malarial districts of the South. Students are prepared for the advam-ed el unites of the lietit colleKes and ilnlveraltle.'; Also for the Naval Academy and West 1'oint. The only private schools in this section t(t Iiii h an army ollleer Is uetailed. The Hitiiation Is -ii. Ii as to enatile the hi-IiihiI to maintain students at a very reasonable cost. The Us-atiou Is healthful. Kor illustrated eiitaliurue, address 1. II. HAl'NDKIW, Hueriitendeiit, Danville, Va. HE OBEYED ORDERS. Bk Wife Told Hlln tm Look After Itah; and He Will It. the woman in thu lower flat met ber at the door of the build iuje. and a min ute later the woniuu who had been out to mako a few calls rushed up I lie slain to ber own apartments. "For heaven's sake, what's the mat ter, John?1 ' she demuudeil as she entered. "NothinR, my dear," replied her basluind as be looked up at In r in sur prise. He was on bis bands ami knees playing borsewitb the 4-year-old while tbe baby sat in the corner gurgling and laughing. "Nothing, " she exclaimed. "Noth ing I Do you know that you bave knock ed a square yard of plastering from tbe oeiling of tbe room below this one?" "Have I, my dear?" be asked meekly. "Have you!" she cried. "Uf course )ou bave. r trrfier tban that, you upset a water pitcher or something, aud a good deal of tbe paper dowu stairs is rained. " "Did I, my deair" "Yes, yon did," she asserted, "and tbe neighbors tell nie tbat tbe racket here bas been simply awful, aud tbe worst of it is tbat yon have beeu respon sible." "I?" "Yes, yon. Yon needu't try to get out of it. Tbey recognized your voice. Tbey could bear yon lear to tbe cor ner yelling 'Whoa I' and 'Ciet up I' ami all that sort of nonsense, aud tbe people down stairs say that you were the oue wbo was galloping np aud down tbe room and jumping over the chairs. Tbey could tell by the way it jarred tbe bouse. Tbe children couldn't possibly bave made such a racket. What in the world have yon been trying to do?" "My dear," be returned meekly, "do yon remember what you said to me when you went out?" "Distinctly," thu replied, "I tnhl you above all things to keep tbe luhy quiet, for there wits somebody sick dowu stairs." "Well," ho said with the air of a much iujured man, "I bavo kept tbe baby quiet iu tbe only way possible to me." Chicago Post. Getting Aroand It, She You say yon dote on me. Yet last month yon proposed to my aunt. He Ob, tbat was only an antidote. New York World. eirei. Sail Kfeeam .a Beuemm. The intense lU hlng and smarting in cident to these diseases is instant.' allayed by anplying Chamberlain ' Eye and Hkin Ointment. Many very bad cases 'huiieen pernianentl) cured by It. It la equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy ft I sore nipples, chapped bands, chilblain' frost biles, and chronic "ore eyes, it' iwntsier box. DR. CAIiY'a OlNDITlON FoWIlKRf are just what a horm needs when in bad condition. Tonic, lood pun lit, and vermifuge. They are not food bf medicine and the best in use to put a horse In prime condition. Price 2 cents per package. Kor sale by Ash craft at Owens druggists. The Chief Kurgess of Milesburg, Pa , says DeWilts Little Karly Risers are tbe best pills ever used In his family during forty years of housekeep ing. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach aud liver trou bles Small in siae but great In results. E. W. O'Hanlon. Wanted! A heavy one horse or medium two horse double seated sorry or pbeaton In good condition. (irv Fiplkr, General Delivery, Winston, X. C. Thousouands of persons bave beeu cured of piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Halve. It Deals promptly and cures ecxema and all akin diseases. It gives Immediate relief. E. W. O'Hanlon. 4 FOR - SHOE STORE.! Wnt'liovla Hunk. e44)44eoee4e Advertised L.etters. The following is a list of dead letters remaining in the pnstollii-e at Winston, X. C, July Hi, 1MM: Miss llatlie Alexander, tl W Ash, Miss Maggie Hitting, Mimh Annie llrick ett, J hniiy Hrnu u, Wash ( Mark, Air-. Janie (tinier, Jno S Colih, Miss Mag 't gie Dove, John Dula, Miss Ada Kid ridge, A idreen, Doreatha Graves, Hani Harer, Miss Kuth Hariston, L (' Herring, Betsy Milliard, Will Howard, Miss Annie lltint.OO Kufer, J A Li, Miss Kullierlne I.uinkhis, Miss Annie Xewsoui, Missi Laura Potter, Miss Annie Petree, St.iinuti Petree, J H Pierce, Irvln Hoy, Miss Daisy Roth rock, Milton Hcott, C H Hhore, Harri son Hhiiie, W H Thomas, Miss Li.zie Walla, F A Yoder. . When calling for the ahove letters please say they were advertised P. H. Lvkkimik, P. M. SAI.KM. List of letters remaining unclaimed n postotllce at Halem, N. ('., at thj close of business Haturduy, July lii, 1: Miss Frames Allison, Miss Xelia Austen, Miss Annabel Blair, Mrs II 11 Kllis, Janu-s (Jeorge, Miss Haloma liartmau, Mrs M (' Hhaver, C A Hill, Mrs Ilcllie Meredith, J (' Michel, Nor man Holder, Franklin Kpear, J Mar shall. Wbeu calling for alxive please call for advertised letters. W. P. Okmsby, P. M. IN LONDON'S SLUMS. A Kathrr Iluuxb l-perienee That Tsusln an Artiat a lA-swua. An artist wbo is well kniiwu in a northern city used oci iisinnully to put on his shabbiest clutiies and pi'iietrate to the sluniH in s airli of inspiration f r bis brush. Ou eiie of these excuisioiib be stopped in wutcb tbe eflfnrls of a ru gid urchin who wust ilisliguring tuo pavemeut of a sipialnl street with u piece of suit blue ntuue, un.l. ultiiniii.li tbe ligtires which t!iu I.: 1 t'rew wira grotcstjue, the utlist was struck with their originality ami b.'uau to take un interest in their development. "That's rilit, mylsiy! Mako youi lines ch-ar und nev r mill. I the details Champion! What! Yon don't know bun to sketch that old man's head? Then give me the chalit. I'll show you. " The next uiouwnt the enthusiastic artist was on bis knees, and with the piece of stoue had quickly drawn a clever picture. Befnru ho could com mence another sketch, however, he felt a stunning blew on tho bead, and s shrill female voice cried: "Take y.r tloomin book, ye great, good for nought hulk I What d'ye menu by niesxiu up t'flags 'at I've just wash ed? 'Tain't uo wonder 'at C kida do it when a senselessold idiot likeyerself set 'em t'exauipla Be off, or I'll scout t'pavement wi' yer ugly carcass." Tbe artist hurriedly dodged another boot, sprang to his feet, anil, without waiting to argue tbe matter, sneaked ignominioiisly off. He vows that be will mind bis own business when next he goes slumming. London Telegraph. ' Our customers say you manufacture three of the best remedies ou earth," said the mercantile linn of Haas, Har ris, Mriiu A Md ail), of Dawson, ia , in a recent letter to the Chamberlain Medicine Co. This is the universal verdict. Chamberlain's Pain Malm is the 11 nest preparation in tbe world toi rheumatism, neuralgia, lame back, quinsey, sore throat, cuts, bruises, burns, scslds, pains and swellings. A ii cent bottle of this liniment in tn house, wiil save a great deal of sutTer Ing. Buy it at Ashcraft A Owens' drug store. ltobhed thu Grave. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "1 waa id a most areaaiui condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyea sunk en, tongue coated, pain coutinually iu back and sides, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians bad given me up. Fortun ate'iy, a friend advised trying Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and sur- ftrise, tbe ilrst bottle made a decided mprovement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now well man. I know they saved by life, and robbed tbe grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at V. O. Thompson's drug store. ARMS ARE STACKED And Troops of Travellers are Taken Aboard for Various rolnts. Andrew Joyner went down to Greens- boro on the 10:30 train. A. A. McC'rary went to Kerners ville but will be back ou the 130 train. A. E. Holtou left on tbe morning traiu for KaleigU to attend the conven tion. Miss Ada Call, of Clemmousville, la iu the city visiting friends. W. C. Wells left on the morning train for Uoldsboro to spend some time. A. L. Groves went to Greenslioro ou the morning train. Hidney Hhore, of Hhore, passed thaough the city this morning en route for Wilkexhoro. C. B. Bailey, of Mocksvillc, came in on t'apt. Hawkiii's tram today. Miss Jennie Tyson' of Greensboro, passed through the city this morning euroule for Kidgeway, Va., to iVisit frieuds. Miss Percy Joyce left for Walnut Cove this morning to spend a few days with frieuds. P. O. Leak wept to Dennis this morning to Sieud some time with relatives. K. (1. Leak, of .Martinsvile, is in the city visiting his mother Mrs. H. K. Leak. W. T. .Brown left for Piedmont .Springs this morning to spend a few Jay- . . . Jhb. A. Gray wife and son left this morning for Alleghany Kprings, Va., to Hiend the Hummer. Watt Martin left on the morning train for Mnilinhvllle, Va., Miss Annie Wilty returned from Washington last night where she has lieen attending the I cue hers conven tion. Miss Mamie liierson left Ibis morn ing for Piedmont Spring to hmiI some time. Wingette Brown left on the 8::(0 train for Buckingham to visit his uncle. i J. E. Howard, of tireeiiHlsiro, sieut yesterday evening in the city. J. L. Hemphill was a guest at the Phoenix yerterday. Miss Ada Owens, of Carey, N. ( '., is in the city visiting Mrs. Nortleet at her home on Fourth street, Emory Gary returned from Dan ville last night ou the H:M) train. W. N. Medearis left on the morning train for Mt. Airy on a business trip. Miss Daisy Htauber, of Bethuuis, w ho has been lu Salem visiting Miss Auua Hege left for her home this morning. C. L. Hhore, of Honda spent part of the day in the city. Fred Watson w ho has lieen send ing a few days at Piedmont Springs returned last night hut exieets to go back Thursday or Friday. Miss Vaughn, of Danville, who bas lieen visiting frieuds iu tbe city left on the morning traiu for ber home. Miss Alice Floyd, of Mt. Airy, w ho lias been in the city visiting left for her home this moruiog. T. L. Kawley left for Danville today. Mies Katie Kolierson, of Danville, who has. been in the city visiting ('apt. W. L. Htngg and family left for her home today. G. vV. llinsliaw went to Greens! oro on the morning I rain to attend to some very iniHirtunt business. John 11. Miller, one of Daltoii, Far tow Co's. h mi In r sale-mien, w ho lias lieen HH'iiiling a fctv days in Dau bury, returned to I lie city litft even ing. L. E. Green, of Charlotte, Heiit yes terday lu the eity stopping at the Phoenix. Chester K. Scott, of 4tic Inuntid, sient yesterday at the I'lioeUix. Miss M. A. (levins, of (rreeiisUiro, ilii has lieen speudinga few days with friends, left for GreeiiHlsn last night. K. I. Daltoii returned from Daubury last evening where he spent Sunday with his family. Miss A. H. Gerins, of Greensboro, has been iu the city siidiiig a few days with friends but left last night for her home. Mr. Jones, ofLewieville, X. ('., spent yesterday iu the city leaving last night for his home. E, B. Jones rt turned from Rural Hull last evening where he attended the funeral of Holoniau Milller, one of Kural Hall's best citizens. G. W. Hinshaw went down to Greensboro last evening returning ou the 8:JU traiu last night. Hteilman Vaughn returned from I 'led nion t Springs last night where be has beeu spending sometime. A. P. Grizzard left last night for Virginia to visit relatives. Millard Hyman, an old resident of Winston, but now of Louisville, Ky., wbo baa been In the city a few days, hft last night for Coouely Springs. From there he will go back to Louis vi le. J. A. Deau, ont- of Winston's most popular salesmen, left last night for Statesville. From there be will go to ML Airy. To Cure a Cold In One IT. . Take Laxative Bmmo Quinine Tab b ti. All druggists refund lb money Kit hula, 86c