Crossett 1m Stamp on a Shoe MEANS STANDARD OF MERIT. & ' , $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 1 MEN'S SHOES, I - - ( I IlC LTSl evil iiiauu iui "iv ; gg- 2 last longer, even thouuh they cost more.. With eveiy l"... ,ir ,if chnoc lum ovt n tirket eivintl " i . ... : - " in ll 1 I'll' J f ii"7 'I I 11 VI It ' WW li'i' i. Your-, Truly, FRANK C. eaiier inELcwl Fricts EncICealtrCin1 CcrEfEl BTerchzrdise. Z ) Probablr You Don't Want a i PI ' At' "' Can We e This Space is Reserved for L. S. Dingelhoef & Co., At Dingelhoef's Old Stand. PEACE INSTITUTE, Raleigh, N. C. A Famous School for Girls. Very Thorough and ef High Grade. Judge ieo. I), (iray, Culpe(er, Vs.. my: "I sincerely lelkve it in the very iiest female m hool of v, hich I have any know ledge. " Illustrated cata logue free to all who apply. J as. 1in widih k, M. A., Principal. Undertaking. VAina and Caskets at the lowest poililc prices. Also hearse ser vice in connection. Prompt attention given to nil - ilerw. Cive me your patronage. H. LOYD, Frith and Depot 5t;e-!.. fhlrt WniMw. The prettiest line of Shirt Waist goods in tow u F. C. Brown's. CrOSMVttt.' SlHX'H, the ls?st on earth, at F, C. ISrowu's. Shoes! Slioe! To anvone I. living a pair of pio- from 1. C. Brow u for cash w ill lieifiv a tirket. ipkkI foronet hanre at a lili'Vi to he given i. way August lxt. K. V. lifown la offering unheaitl tmr gaina in matting. K. ('. Hrown haa wiuietliing very HttrXi tive to olli r you in lawna, organ jienals, (liniilitu, etc., at tn usually low i ricf. Summer underwear, a. full line, at j r . :. Jirow u a. Mill-Is! niiiits! tireat hargaina at K. C lirown'a In MliirU. I lie aure and get a chauee at that fitrt i'laaa t.irycle to lie given away, August 1st, by F. C. Brown. K. ('. 'mw ti'i line of ('roiwetta' alioea for Summer ia t tter than ever and at irii-e timer otli red Ik tore for auch val ue. A Dke Hue f liue at F. C. Brow u 'a. ' F. C. BrowD la offering every pair of Oxford's at and below coat, with a chance at a bicycle. IWt forget that F. C. Brown w ill Siva aciance at a flrat clam bicycle to anyone buylug a pair of ahoea fur caah to hegfveu away August lt.i s 2: None will 5: K, . .r im-i Ai n't 1st 1 . 3 IM L VU II 'M ""i ' " p. i BROWN, 5 Any Printing Done Today You May Tomorrow. Expect to See You Expect to :see you Before You Place Your Order? ('nod Worl;, I.w 1'ricea is what e will give you. We want your orders; ve need them. LANIER PRINTING COMPANY. Mronj Kinlorw im ut, Below I give you a few of the tesll nui.iialH received by Dr. Cheek. Com ment wen Id beuntieccessary with such strong endorsement as these. Consul tuliou and examination free. FkV:ii X. Da-v, Cor. Main and 3d streets. Jeweler. Winston, N. (.'., June 9, 18!H. D'H F. (i. t'UKKK, City, Dear Hit: Theglaaaea which you ad justed to my eyes are satisfai'tory in every reafiect. They relieved all head ache w hich u cauard hv defective vision. I am Very ic.ect fully, MH. H. K. Al.l.KN. If isaroN, N. V., June 9, 1X!. -ik. r. t'.iviiKKK, vity, lear Hir: The reading glasHea vou adjusted for me haije greatly improved my eves, and cau now do a great deal more w ork by using them thau I could t.efore without their giving me paiu or fatigue. Very truly, Jamkm 8. Dr.N-x. Winston. N. '. June H, Dk t. O. Chkkk, Winston. X. C. Ja-ar Sir: J take pleasure in inform ingrnu that the giawe which you made to correct my defeetive vision are M.tisfactory. I can read, writ and do all of my work w ith iierfect ease and i-oiufort. 1 have tried other ophthal inoiologiHts, but all e.tept you were unsuecesaful. Vours truly, It. K. Dalton, of Jaltiii, Farrow Co- Win.-tos, X. C, June H. I'm. Hit. F. (i Ciikkk,, WiiiBtou, X. C. Dear Sir: Having ton triulded with fref,ueiit headaches, I had Vou to examine my eyes and order glasaea for tueand I am glad to atate, that aince wearing them, I have been almost en tirely relieved of the nervous headache and my vision Is also very much im proved. 'Your truly, M. D. 8f KTON. Winkton, X. C., June 8, IS98. Dk. F. (J. Chkkk, Winston, N. V. Dear Hir: After tenting the glasxec which you adjusted to my eyes some time airo, "Tbomughly," I am only too willing to ezpreas to you my appre ciation of your service which rendered to my eyes normal vision perfect relief and comtort. Your treatmeut rendered an unsurpassed aatiafactton to those heretofore administered by refracting oculiat. I am equally pleased with your supervision aimI servlr rendered to my son's eyes which are complicated aa 1 have been informed by you and other refraction iat a. ;'ery respectfully, Phillip Hakbh. IMblKin! IMbbon! Can save you money on ribbon at F. C Brown's. We-atlier. Fair tmiight, Wedueada.V warmer. theIunshh Itnt (SttU tbjo l't-ople goniKht on Itolnfi Ituflnes. In tlie 0d Way. o ttaulou's forvuca coiu. Tla- liet iina cola at 'Haulon'a. The fi-eahest iwa'vula at O'llaulou's. Ladies' w bite jlu.u puff ties at U Nair'a. Kew line children's capajuat received at MvXalr's. J ECatlin came in on the morning train from tJreeuslion. it H Marsh carue in on the eveulug train from a business trip. Sterling Smilh went dow n the Mad towards (Ireensboro today. Jailer Millard Maaten says he baa H gueats at his summer resort. Kncle Hrna. are building summer or for the street railway. O'Haulon sells more coca cola than all Winston Saletu. it W. A. Boyd left this morning for Ho'iring liap to sciid some time. J I Xiaaeu weut up to liural Hall this uioruiug ou a buaiueaa trip. Mias BngKs. of Augusta, Is in the city visiting (leu Boggs aud family. ti W Hinsbaw rvtuiued from (.ireeus- boro on the liiO train this eveuiug. J. K. Alextiuder left this moruing for Baidigh to attend the cou veil tlou 1'iof W A Hlalr will lecture to the Teachers Normal one night this week. Andrew J yner retnrued from Ureeualioro ou the 1:30 train thlaeveu- Jim Sheek, of Mockuville, pad tli rough the city this morning en route for Kaleigh. v Why shouldn't a man Lie comforta ble? lie w ill Lie if he wears McDowei! A lingers' craahjsulta. See ad. Dr. Blum left on the earl) train this morning for Atlanta to attend the Con federate Veterau" reunion. Mrs. Mary ;Boyd of Salem, left for (iermautun to visit her sister, Mrs. Catherine Merritt. K B Junes left on the umruing train for Alexandria to atteud court w hich is going on there. Mias Lillie Brown who has been visiting lu Morguuton returned ou the evening train. D H Browder went to (freeusboro ou t lie 6:20 train this morning returning ou the l;.".(l.this evening. W L Kid well aud wife who have been South spending the summer returned from Atlanta this evening. True bargains cau be fouud by follow ing the advice given in the new ad of tha Comfort Shoe Istore. Your shoe bills lessened about one balf, during Ibis special sale at Com fort Hlioe Store. Hee ad. tf Six nice cabinet photos at the car tor 11.00 or six cards for AO cents a few days only. tf Lieutenant W. A. Lenity has a com pany of soldlera guarding a squad of Spanish prisoners at Portsmouth, Va. Beveuue office reeelpta today were $12.18 for war stamps and $1,41.'!. 00 for tobacco, making a total of $1,425.19. The Elm Street Christian Fndeavor Society will be given a pleasant time uext Thursday night by Mrs. F. C. ilege at tier home in West Salem. J. L. Jones, proprietor of the Jonea Hotel, will paaa his 70th mile stone to morrow. He la hale and hearty and bis friends wish him 70 more years of this life. J. h. Jonea took a number of his force out to the Davis Military School today to get some carpets he purchased at the sale yesterday. It is dollars saved to buy your sluses now at the special sale of aumuie gisKls at the Conitbrt SIkhj Store. See seclal ad. Dr Mcl-emore, of (ireenwood, Mias., came in this evening to join his w ife and daughter w ho are atop lug at the Jones. There will be a la vrn part at, J T Stauber's near Itethauia Saturday night for the benefit of the church at Bctnania. Kcfteahmcnts will - ba served. Captain Mast repeated his sale of gi.ods at the Davis School yesterday. -Altogether he has sold alaiul JfVK) worth of itutf. He will probably hold au other sale out there next Saturday. B P Smith. J W McCurry and W T Carter are apiln!ed delegate by the Flint Bapt at church to the Pilot M in itain Ai itlioii a' '.V'ahiul'Cove 1,000 Vaccine Points Received Today -AT- Grimes' Drug Store, 400 I.IBEiinr efTUKET. ugust 4. J. M. Martiu, T. 8. Sprin kle and J C Wattlus are alternate. Home days ago C. A. Hcge had aotue boys up for takiug hia fruit. The mag istrat dismissed the case and advised Mr. Hege to whip tb boys if be caught them at It again. Yesterday he caught a negro boy takiug bla fruit and be caught him aud whipped him. The boy's paieuts soured a wairaut agaluat Mr. Ilege for assault and lat tery. T he Cieuiuiuus Will t'ue. Th Journal Is Informed that tbe Clemmous' will ease will be beard li hambers at Aslievllle, tlat 28th lo st. This la suit between tha belra of T I'ltuiDion, deceased, and tbe Moravian church. It will be remembered that E TClemmou, of Salem, died about a year ago, leavlug a will which pro vided that li la wife should have a stip ulated sum aud that tla? residue of his estate should go to the Moravian, church upon the rouditiou that the church build church ad i tic, a par sonage aud a school bouse at Clem monsville, his native town, Tbe widow dissented aud claimed her dower. The heirs tbeu brought suit to contest the validity of the will. The amount involved Is said to be $100,000. The Tcufhon No lual. Devotional exercise at the Normal were conducted by Isaac Walker. The regular programme was tbeu taken up. Spelling was taught by Miss Nora Sheet. W. W. Conrad Instructed lu reading, (ieorge Crews had charge of grammar. Amos Huls led lu physi ology. History was presented by W. L. Newsom audi'. II. Caah demonstrated arithmetic aud algebra. The attend ance was tbe largest of auy day yet. Oflleers of Colored Ludu;e. These officers are to be Installed in the colored lodge of Knights of Pythias No. 4: Henry Williams, C C; Willard Boole, V C; Samuel Toliver, Prelate; John W Ilethel, keeper of record aud -seals; Maugum Walker, M of E; David Smith, M of W; 1-esie Uolierts, M at A; Nat Jones, I (1, and William Kiz zie, t) U. Just From Moorewvllle Dinah Hill, a colored womaki who usd to live here, was seen lu the city this morning, aud wheu asaed where she came from, said Mooreavllle. She also said her buabaud was sick, no doubt from smallpox. Her huabaad drive for Captain Wells. This woman no doubt has lieen r'iu away from Mooresvllle aud shouV. t c looked after by the oitluials aud :nad to show her health, oertifluaui. To Cure) a Cold lu One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggist refund the money if it rails to cure. zoa. Motloe. To Advkktiri-:r: Changes for dis play advertisements must I furnished this ofrlce not later thau 9:30 a. m. to naure their insertion on that day. THE t XDEHSKINED is uow located next to Dr. Hhstfner's drug itore, w here will lie found a variety of goods, and we w ill I pleased to see ourfiienda. E. L. HE(iE, Maiu Street, Salem. Murlcubud Spring Water. All peraont desiring - water from Marieuhad Springs delivered at their house can have such by telephoning Prof. Lomady or w riling him a postal card. tf In children's hosiery cau save you money. F. C. Brown I.Hdy AurctitH Wanted. A few lady canvassers wauttfd to solicit order for a Hue line of toilet articles. Can make big wagis. Address, "Wantko," Journal Office. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggist refund tbe money if it fails to cure. 25c. "With every pair "f shoes regardless of e.t for cash V. C, Hrowu will give you a chance at a tirat-claas . bicycle to Is? givun away August 1st. You should remember that Frank C. Brown haa the largest line of Hhnea and at prh'ea lower than the lowest, aud with every pair you are entitled to a chance at a bicycle. Negligee shirts at reduced prices by F. C. Brow n. I i Map of Gaba i And the World. u We have a few of these a M $ splendid maps left which g we will close out iX 1 5 I cents each. You can S I I locate all the points of I interest in the present I war between the United f States andSpain by this Ashcraft & Owens, DmgrtrlMta. i map. g YOU WILL j ha INTERESTED IN OUR O'JICK SELLERS. . Al1 our HTKAVV HATS buuvbed .r, for quick UKTOllT." 'Au easy snap awaits you lu our 3 IIOK JJEl'A KTME.NT. Hises a Jltle broken. Price very much broken. It's some satisfaction to know for every dollar you spend a hundred cent eoiuea back. We guarantee that every day, whether Hlioea, Hate or Furnish lug you buy. P. E. Allen ft Go. 1 1. SO l'er Day. Above salary guaranteed with an,o irtuuity of earning considerably more. Call on or address: M. W. B. Vkazey, State Agt. KnaD of Reeds, N. C. LORENZO NORVELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW WINSTON. N.C. Court blouse, corner Li berty and Third Streets. From ft at- tentlou to collections and all other legal business. Practice in all State Courts. R. MARSHA 411 Liberty Street, My store is filled with choice ChriHtmaa goods ol every descrip tion. The shelves and counters are full of flue toys lor the children. A complete line of dry goodx, notions, shoes and hats. Prices reduced especially fur the holidays. Come first and got your pick of the big assortment, R. MARSHA. iVATSON BUXTON & WATSON, ATTOR.NEYS-AT-LAW. Offl.'e: First Nat'l Bank Building. Children's Hair Cut witn special care at the Phoenix Barber Shop. C. B. CASH. See here gentlemen, we are pre pared to grind your clipper and all other barbeiiug utensils. We also give strictly first-class barber work In every line. Clipper hair cut 16 eta. J. C. IRV1N. Bicycle Rented and Ex changed by W. H. Whistler and Fate Jackson, at 302 East Fourth Street, L D- Ferrero & Co., FltUIT DEALERS, 415 LIBEBTY 8TItF:ET, Will be open for business on July i st. All of our Summer Goods, Including our stock of Straw Hata, Ladie',Misses' and Children's Oxford Tie aud San dals to go at greatly reduced prices. It is very easy for some house to adver tise $2.00 goods for $1.00, but wheu you see tbe goods and examine them you fliul things different. You are more likely to rind regular $1.00 goods. Our customer know u well enuugh wheu we advertise a Slaughter Sale it mean money saved wheu they make their purchases froru us. we formally In vite you to our grand slaughter Sale. A.DAYE, Shoes and Gents' Department. 4IO Liberty Street. Ice Cream ; Soda. ! O'Hanlon's Ice Cream I Soda is the. best. We ! use pure cream in our ! ice cream sod . and have ! every facility for serving ! soda water the best I Try our soda and you ! will be convinced. !E W. O'HANLON'S DRUG 8TOBK. IS j Are Economical, Meat and yj pensable to man s comfort. OmOCP Single and double-breasted serires at LslULU incomparable prices. W II T nniOr All li?ht-cnlnrpd nnri fmrv Mn- W as 5 nflLr rnlUL hair. Alpaca and Flannel Coats W m and Coats and Vests about one-half original cost. U l ' VI McDowell ft Rogers, f BSWe most give away Strfllats, ' ; y - "fc. ... RELIABLE SHOES Watch Schemers; yon pay for NEW OYFORDS Xl UATURUO, MEN'S BOYS' SOFT VICI SHOES, Black SHOES. SEE THEM. oTWheu you laeat our prices you THE REGULAR SHOE STORE Clark Ford Corner. Schouler's Racket Store. j : 127 YOUNG MEN'S : THREE-PIECE SUITS, SUITS SIZS 14 to 18, ALL WOOL, WORTH $8.00, OUR PRICE $3.98. Schouler's THIS SPACE IS LEFT FOR BENNETT & CO. Picture Moulding, 166 samples to select from. Heywood Baby Carrriages, the best on earth. Screens, all sizes and kinds. Book Cases, Cabinets, Ladies' Desks, Couches, Iron and Biass Beds, and Everything to be Found in aFirst Class Furniture Store. A. C. V0QLER & SON'S Undertaking and Furniture Dialers. THE OHIO ICE CREAM. FREEZER, Vlth Crank or Wheel. asiestRuEMjOuMarM 1 - Notice peculiar Auger IHtahcr, which brings bot tom cream te top. Mixes thoroughly, preventing- lumps a id soft spots. Basher will find socket in can when in operat.ou. Cans may be revolved without dasher. Beat material used. Cans made of heavy charcoal tiu plate. BroWn, Rogers & Co. Table Linen. Bpeclal-leofUbta linen at F. C. urown a. Tne best shoe, on earth are Croesets for sale only at f. C. frown's Yon can get glased stoneware' In Chinese pitchers, diabea, lug or pot at F. C. Brawn 'a. Shoe dressing, all color, F. 0. Brown'. $2.50 TO $5.00 Durable arid simply indis- YOU WANT. everything they give you. v ,ue" we hve ever h-very flexible. SOFT VICT SHOES, Black and Tan. and Tan. NEW LOT SPHINfl mrur. get Shoddy Shoes. Neely & Crute. Racket Store. '408 LIBERTY STREET. J3 I Frank C. Brown' line of Notion I bett . " F. C. Brown will save 30a money on all household supplies. 1 . Whittemore's shoe tfnsaing, J) oolor, at F. C. Brown's. Frauk C. Brown's line of mi ttlng la somethimg to toot at.