1- T"E Journal. I'PIBISIIII. BVKIIV HAY B-rIT 8DNDAY ANlREW" JOYNKRi FnrTOK. J. O. sOY. siMBss Man.jrk. JOYNEK v . iY P-Hormi.noii.v On Voir Hix Month' One Month rum . 11 jii : ADVKKTIN1NJ H ATKH Given on application. AiMrem nil comniun eatiooato: THKJUI KNAL, 431 Liberty Street, w uc-'o" N.C. ,'? Knter1 t the PuMnnice at Winston. C, a aoou' "lam matter, April 3, 1(417, TUESDAY. August jo. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. FORJUDGES Sri'KKIOH COCKT First District Ueo. It. Hrow n, Jr., j of Beaufort. ! Second District Henry H. Hryan, of Craven. Fifth Diutrtat TbomuH J. Hhaw, of Guilford. Sixth District Oliver H. Alien, of; - Lenoir . Seventh District -Thomas A. Me Nelll of Kobeaon. - Eleventh District W A. Hoke, of. LiueoliK Convention UnttH Eighth - JeBgresnioul Diet riot, v baesboro, (September ltlu. - Njutta "Judicial District, WilkesUiro fektU'llluer 4!7tb. - IS IT. UNIVERSAL PEACE. In the appeal of the Czar of Hum sia for the partial disarmament of Europe iu the interest of universal peace, is embodied a uraud and 'uoble sentiment. Its' oonsuinina tiou vertually means the settle meut of all UiflvreuueH U'tween ua lions by arbitration, the only proper and humane way of settling them. It this suggestion oft Kus sia'a great ruler win lie adopted, ... .oue of the heaviest, bufd.eus that affliet Europe will i. liffelj from the shoulders of the toiling masses. TbeTfive great power of Europe Gftrmauy, Frauee, Italy, liussia and Eaglaud alone keep a stand ing army aggregHting five million . and four hundred thousand men. Supptise that the energy and " - labor of these meu were diverted iato iuduHtrial ehanuelw, guided by the genius of progress, what tie mendous monuments could they build. Even in the hunt twenfj five years they could have iiiitoad ' 'ajuized the greater jxntion of all the principal highways of EuroH. They could have spauued the prin cipal rivep with granite arched bridge or could have erected pub lie inst.it utious in si.e and leaitty that would have been the marvel - . of the age, in fact their field of labor is illimitable. Hut instead, i, . , as it is, this vast standing army baa beeu like au insatiate monster, constantly cousuniiug and eating up the resources of their respective nations without producing any thing. The expeuse of maintain Jng this soldiery has brought poverty and want to thousands .1 homes. It is said in some of our press reports that this is a dream, , chimera of the Czar. It may teso, but let us hope that through the wise k operation of the rulers of Fmvpe that it may 'lieeome a , reality, a grand and glorious truth Jt the closing years of the nine teenth eentury witness this crown log act of universal brotherhood ' and peace. LET'abaveno more resolution, to reduce the coUon atreage. Moi e ftociftieg - paased, reaolmtjoijs thu ' Bf'Pii to leduce the acrefre thau ever Itefore in the history of the v couutry, &ud the result is the bij,' r. gest cotton crop evr k now u . Farm v era are not inclined to co operation, bat the lesson of over-product itm this fall may enforce tbe precejit j Of the rCtUlhltiliriH nf siAt Bnriiitr t '"ft 1 Socth Cakolika has just gone through an exciting state caiu; , paign .There are seven candi date for governor. All of them and a bout, fitly other candidates bv been shelling the woods for two months. The election takes place U ay; I'rof. Norton, pf Harvard Uni versity iu an address at Ashfield, Mass., recently gitid that the piin Ciplea upon which the United States government depends have been violated by the war. Ttfx Official Gazette, of "Madrid, has published a statemf nt of tbe vml id the Cuban war from .I ami ary 1st to June 1st, ami pl;w it at ?"S4,473,WK). I The llfet J'apor in tli- State for the Money. TllK Jol KNAL. ti IMJW.priutillH 1 1 1 1 1 1 v lr rent, more reading mutter itian any dally' ujier published m Amtli Carolina that in Bold for twenty-live cents per month HMlmcriptlon, anil it ban liecn doing it all along. Tin. Jol KNAl. was the first t wenly-oight column folio daily ever published in this slate for .the sum of twenty-live cents. It put the price of a daily within the reach of the humblest, and it ban kept it there williniil parading lliat fuel before its mulcts, tail it is u fu'Rt worthy of their iiiohI net ious con Hideration. llluiKlfim In Soiikk and I'roKramiuea. 1 supi "sr all composers liave bad a lililghncr llie f'xlraoiililiaiy mistakes win eli sen. et lines m i ur in the first proof.-, of their Honge I remember, years ugn, writing a very sentimental love song jn which the hue uoe.urred: I've never oner r-rn'lti-l Hie vuw 1 mude tlml d.i . Alv feelings may lie imagined when I It mini they had printed I've M'vht oiK-iv-rrretO-d llle row I mailt) that tliij-. And once the following amusing mis take occurred in tiir prngmninic of one of my own tuneeili., A well kno4i Hintri'V and very nood frinntl irf intnr was down to huih my two sons, "Te Alary" and "(Irahbi d Ae and Voufh." Bui the newspaper aniimineed Kome thiliK very riiflei'eiit. Not content with drawing tip i prognmitiie of uiy eiimiei't, it drew up pj'OHMunutu of my futuiB, for 1 read as follows : Mr. HImiiU To Many Mamie 'aieiie Wliito. t'ruljbed Aje tin, I oulh 'ornlnl! Mit'u.ine. Kt.niptt.vl FtMintl a "tHyniitHi." The late Kdoniiid Kemenyi apjiears to have hern the "(list uveit;r" of Jo haiines i'lialiins. v lio wai- a hoy of IV le u the I liinio'iaii vmliiiiMt liiunil him in lbtinhiii'K in lHfiii. Thry went on a eoiit ert tour, mi the story K("'s, and fi -lolled up -at Weimar almost pen niless. hisI invited Heiiienyi to stay at the A llenhiiix "1 have plenty of room for joii, " he fcaid. "You ha( perhaps M servanl with you?" " liu no I I haw a aynioos" ( (,'eniusi. ."A wlial?" . "Master," 1 have here with me the greatest romposor since lloethoven, and 1 have come to wlicd your protect ion for him. " "Very well. Driiu along your nay uioos, and we"Wrill see." hisv.t saw, and after him others also found their v ision chared. Tit. Kaffir ami tilt Atarn aitfl SirlpttM. J sin Hi hi like to (all attention to oiie of our houdon oiuirehes hittle Trinity, in the Miuoiies, thoiiKh very iiiterest uik liulh to Knlish anil Amerioans, is not. 1 think, so generally known as it deserves. The church in iiiestion has been the hot nil plaoe nf the Dai tiiiout lis. lief tire the Washintons left ICugluutl these t-wo families were united by mar riane. On thev.ullof Jillle Trimly church may In w en the slurs and s(i ih s as tile coat of anus or haulier of the DurWmimt hs, and the en'le as I he coat tf arms of the Washington, at'lei waid to hi ei 'Hie the flllj; mid I lie rlublein of the nwul naliow ai rotis the Atlautie. Spuetator. HlH M Int ake. (jallyer What 'mistakes men. do tnaWM I was just if uditiK'thut (olulu bun thought he had discovered the In dies! Asjiley There are worse mistakes than that. When J married first, I thouuhl 1 had discovered paradise! lJrooklyu Life. Medical science has made lrtlle proK-, reas in Turkey. Missionaries have fre quently found people ill I'rnin sniall; ox nrftleoted in order that the Divine w ill ahould have its own way. All injury tu the tongue is repaired by nature with more rapidity than is the case with any otber part of the sju tern. 'I he Mirprl of All. Mr. James Jours, of the (hug lino of Jones & Son, Cow den III., in sioakiiiK of Dr. King's New DiHcovely, sayji that binl winter Ids wife Was attacked with I.a iripie, and her case grew si neii ous that phy'iau at Cowdeu and 1'ana could do notbiuK for tier. It Heeined to develtp into Hasty C.in suption. Having l)r. Kind's New llis eovery in store and sellinK lots of it, be look a Uillle home, nd to (be Hit r prise of all She began to gel lietter from first dose, and a half down dollar tad Ilea cured her sound and well. Dr. hJng'sNew lim;oyuu,y. .for t olisump- I lion, Coughs and ( Vilds i guafaritefd to do Ibis good work. Try it. Free trial bottle at V. O. f hompaon's Drug Store. Tliousout-auds of perilous have lecn eured of piles, by using J)eVVill'B Witch Hazel Halve. It heals promptly aud cures ecwma and all skin diaeases. 't givt-H tuimediate relief K W. O'Haulou. Free of C bui tfe to Sufterews. Cut this out and take it to your druggist aud get a sample bottle free of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con sumption, Coughs aud Colda. Tbey do not ask you to buy lefon trying. This will sboW you tbe great merits or tbis truly wonderful remedy, and show you what eau be accomplished by tbe regular stfe bottle. This is no experi ment aud would be lisastruus to th (iroprtwUtrs did tbey kaow ft would lu variably eura. Mauy of tbe beat physicians are now u ing it in their practice with great result aud are re lying on it in most severe cases, it Is guaranteed. Trial botttles free at V. O. Thompson's Drug Store. liegur f'e 60 and $1. More than twenty mil Hon fresh sam ple of IeWltt'8 Witch Haael Halve have been disttibuted by the ihguufac turers. W'bat better proof of t heir f ou fldeuce lu Ita merits do you want? It fores piles, bums, acaids, sores, in the holiest spat of time. E VV O'Hanlou, 'Druggist;"' v . Wi' CiUi'T'jivc1 awiiy on Sfh tos ur Hat J-n't prc'teihi t. hut we price them at LOW FIGURES hat tHey sell at sight. No Nonsense. Prices Talk, AT- Rosenbache r Give Us a Trial;1 we will Fit You, Please You, Treat You WeH. YOU WILL COME AGAIN. It will take yo.u oyly two minutes y read thi ad, a d it will pay you .at the rate of a dollar a minute In money, th t you save by buying SHOES, HATS AND TRUNKS NOW, while the cost Sale is oing on, come: at once. Respectfully Yours, Rosenbacher A Dressy Suit Ts a dtintli' :iHi!Hjtiin lor every man, iH jour aiijiarei lie im nio an your pjiiiMe will peiiiiil, is a ery approjiiiate axiom. Mj larpp line of wimple jiml in, ooiilainiiie a variety of tl c latt'Ht HfyjeN oi weavon aTwI colors, (or fall and and winter wear, all marked down at a nominal figure, will enable any man of the most' liiuitcd liit'iin.H to dieas well. I have the best and the cheapest line. T. W. Chadwick, JAt'OHSf'NKV ISLIK K, 1)1,1) . M. C. A HAM. in IS ID TEILS TllK STOKV. New Goods for You NEXT WEEK IN TODAY: .'ill bells best ilidlgo bllU' oalieo, 4c. loo bolls licsl fancy dark lenh, 4o. 'Si bolts liesl blacks, fancy; and Simji son's. -i bolls extra lancys, ,'cjc. 'J baled heavy unbleached domestic, the host made, 4o. 2 bales Sea island, 4c. 1 bale 40 ill. Sea Island., ."Jo, Above goods run 40 yds to bolt, any iiiai lily you want. bolts canton flannel, oc per ya'd. liolls euiiloli llaiinel, h ie f bolls oanloii flannel, lilc. .H holts canton llunuel I'JJc. 6 bolls red wool flannel, l'.'.U'. iUdts red wool tlanuel, l.tc. 5 bolt red wool Ili.liliel, Hii;c. 6 twills red wool tlanuel ;0e. 5 liolls red wool Manuel 5e. 2 bolls red wool liamiel .'tOe.. IhiIIs while wool tlanuel l-'ir. 5 bolls while wool llanncl 20c. (t bolts white wool flannel lioo. ti inch while Klkin extra 25o worth :t(). VV(M1 goods have advanced, but we are giving you the old prices. Klkin yarn liOc. Jeans and cashmeres for Imijh' and men's wear, the boss stock in tlie eilj". Klkiu Jeans JW.l'ta 70c. See our line. We have il all colors, line chpcks and small. Haiti's I he kind yt u want for good wear. A FAMILY SH3E STORE. 'i' wIHt fay ,. piacf, where you 'can buy any kind of a nhne ymr waut and know your money Is doing full duty. We. carry about Hix Thou sand Dollars wortb aud make the prices (bat please the people. All tan shoes and Oxford lies must go, at some price. If we have your slate, you can get a bargain. l(i slieeliug, best made, 2h TO big cut 15c. Fast aud iiiaok saline 8 and 10. Beautiful quality for 12$, worth liij; wisil finish brocaded satin 12c; cau't tell it from'2.')C worsted, it shows so well. Hee us for notions. Ladies seamless bose ftr; 6 for Cbildreu and misses bose 5c ;(i for 2.5. Extra qual ity gents' half hose 6c; ti for 2-5. A full Hue of hosiery cheapest to lieat. Big stock corsets, Warre'sand otber stand ard goods, beet r0c corset on tbe market. If you want trunks or bags tbis is tbe place, one lot, fo.00 trunks for $3.75. ilaud bags aud telescope cases 35c up. f Iet'ial for Monday Only. Coals' beet "thread 8 spools for 10c'; Ilk: dozen, family only. Dressmakers' cambric lest braid, all colors 3je; one yard or a bolt. Kigbt day clock, hour aud half hour strike, oak or walnut, warranted works, fl.uS worlh i.OO to 14 00. It pays others to deal here it will pay you If you are a cash buyer, j -iSEEl YOUR EYE 0N -. K. L. HENDRICKS, SALEM; N. C. & Bros.' Winston Hotel Directory. Hanes House, 4 'oilier Main and Depot Streets. AfKs'. l.or U A WES, rroprivtiess J'l ivak ami TlHIisienl lloaid at re.i sonable tales. Mitin St., next door to Limn anil 'I'mit i ,S F.J II AH hi', Pmifrivtr s.s. Hales fl. 0(1 per day. Week or month reasonable. Rierson House, Cenlre of Husinessn hiU'ily Sliutl MRS t- KIHKSON, I'r irifttes-- Kales $1.00 per day. liy wick aie modeiate. Terry House, Opposite Loan V 'I rust Co., Main SI. Three minutes wulK from depot. MKSNJ il.KKV, I'ri it it tretif O KateH tl.OO per day and modcrale charges liy the week or month. Hotel Jones, Centre of liiisinot-w, Main Street. J. I,. JO VI;'J, F.o,re(i)r Kales yi'.oo per day. Acctymiijoda tions and cuisine the best. YOU WILL (JET SHOT AI (leu III., of If'HKIU'K, WIliHtie , N. I'., fowtlrr tc h ll , l-riineiH V2cn Ihd; WiiUs 7f u Ikix; U. M. (' UiaiUd Hliells Hh- a lsx You Ought to be Shot , lfvou do net hay your (il'P or HICCI.K if us, our piieer. Iienm mi traiileevl lowest n North Ciiriillmt. (-illicit) Hurrel Hreeeh Iadint Huns mm, U.l , M.6U, .T5, t&tu; f.-.'ii, Sti.oo sad K iiiiatlon Uiii, 1 kk, or SO KM, M.lto. HICYCLIOS, THE GOOD KIND CO, ft on, MUD, m.W ana up. lUeyela" . Keimlrlng, Hlcyvle jsoudilss. - F. M. ROBERTS. UH Liberty Street, Winston, N. C. Coffins and Caskets at the lowest possible prices. Aim hearse ser vice in connection, r -Prompt attention given to all 'ders. Give me your patronage. H. LOYD, Fifth and Depot Street. Undertakin Shoe Store. Not I h 'itiulliia I'oisyth o. ) in the Hiiperior l j( 'our! . Sal lie liiltliiK vs Homy HltliliK. I lie i I 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 above naiiied Mill lake In l l.-i- I liul ill l aetioll "enlil ted as above has ' be"ii" roiiiinenerd In I be Sup rior 'oini of I'.isytli oounty foi divniii , and that he is ieuiied to up pear l t be uex I lei ill of I he Huperfoi V. n rt of I'ois.v lh county lo be held on .Monday the iilh day of November, I MIS, at Iheooiirt hoeseof Winston, JS. nnd aiisw er or demur lo the rom pluint in said aolion or the pliiinlill w'll apply to Hie court for the relief de manded in said eomph.int. N. S. WILSON, 'leik Superior Court. James S. hauler, A'biiney for I'laiulilf. .hi i : (i ks August I S!is. Up-to-datt' work, Satislachon guaranteed, at Hughes' shaving parlor. Wk.il VitvOINIX J .V' , oi" - I, LUI1AN QROTTOtf Natural briogf Fountain Lakf BRISTOt ( ') ,'NOXVILLt CHATTANOOGA Lookout Mountain BIRMINGHAM NORtfXK Memphis new , ORLEANS ROANOKE KENOVA CHILLICOTHE I.ULUMBU5, CHICAG05MJJ o) AND THE NORTHWEST. iIlG, hriit for Rates Mau.TSmt ihMts. Sitting Cut vb BE villi Allen dun MFBRACC. Cim Pa Att.t, tnu.im Pau Aum toiwmVM. 1 CoiunsmO tiutiitliNCPitsI Aot HOANOKI. V Winston Legal D irectory. A. II. El.I.EH, ATMIKNKY AT LAW. LM(AN' T. UALD 'TN " A'lTOKNKV AT LAW, (i ATTOHNKY8 AT t.AW. I. HENDKKN, ATTOKNKV AT LAW. lONliH & iATTEKH()N, W AITOKKYS AT LAW. MAST & UIUfc'FlTH, AITOhMsVS AT LAW. I OLIS M. HWINK, ATTOKiKY LAW. UrATHOX, BUXTON .& WATSON, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. W A. KfjAI,y ATO1KNKY AT LAW. F. E. HECKARD, DUALS m ' Rubber Htamps, Society Badges, Key ' - Chevka, Key Kings, etc. . m Main; Btreet, WINSTON, N. C. Bro ' 1 NOTICE. I have sustained qu'te a loss by parties disputir my bills foi i. e furnished on Sundays, I am no -able to sustaiu this kss, and have decided, and so ir, strutted my men, not to de liver ice on Sundays' t anyone ecepv f,,r cih Ice Tickets ur wiitti-n" oidits. - The citieii will Ifase note this fact and send the money, ice ticket- or wiitt. ti orders, so they will not Le disapp.iinted in getting ic. on Sundays. Very respectfully, D PHONE T. B. CRAWFORD, JSKLh 91 or liiH INTKHHTA'I'KH Kill A to do your tranHforrin or pleasure di -ivinj.'. r-, EUGENE E.GRAY,, AttornC-at-Law. Oflioc: Ijemly Building, Winston N. (.'. Also representfi leading American nd Foroijjii Kire Insurance Com panics C O. BECK, Kxhm1 Hicyclc Repairer. Work (lone vvilh nealness and dis patch. Qun and Locksmith. Fifth St., two doors above Liberty. Notice. Having iiialilied as admiiiist rator of A. II. Itedce, deceased, all persons In debted lo I be mild deceased are hereby nolilii d Pi inahe prompt 'payment of the same fo the undeisigned, und all iersiins holding t lainis agalusl said olale Hte nolilied in pit w ot same duly proven lo the undersigned on or before I be (h (lay of August I Nidi, or Ibis notice will lie plead in bar of their recovery. E A. (inn t n il, (ivA ks Adnir of A. II Itedce. Amj: usl !l, IH'.IS. Southern Railway. THE .... STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOIJJH, The Direct l ine to All Points. TEXAS, California; FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. St i idly KIKiST CLASH I'iiip ii 1 1-t on all Through n id l-o-cal TiuiiiK; 1'iilliiian I'aliwc SU'ejiinj; Car- t.) all Night Tr..iin; l'.wl and SiUe-.Scbcd -ii U- -t . Travel by the Southern and yotf are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expedi tions Journey. Aipl to ticket agents for tine ta' It s. rates and general information, or mid res It .L VKHNON, K. It. DAHItV, r T. IV A , V I' A T. A. Charlotte, N, C. Asceville, N. ('. No Trouble U) Answer ()iicidions Fra-at S. Gannon, J. K Sd V. P. & Heir. Man. Traf. Man. W. A. TURK, G.1VA. WASHINGTON, I). V, A COFFIN SELLER'S LETTER. H. U. CoLiHAK, Durham, N.C liRAR ma I am very much plained with yrur Tobacco Oil Liniment. My wife bad suf ferwl for a numtierof years frt m KfaeuinaUsm. Ho Kiucll so that site was ot able to iitleud to tir (tomesilc all'Hlni. Hixt has used Mira bot tles a d can now do all of her work wit h pleas ure. ' Her neighbor seeing the result have hou JLt the remaining bottle we bad left, and we lve aoall neily every day for It. Ka-i-Joned ' yoti will Ind money order for one donen uor. rMuia abrpatoneev x Respectfully, . J. w. WerroN, ta. -. J.i, Butlon A Hon, neral 1I rector, 'We i Veroe, N. C. A Craukftsiable eertlfltmle gotd fnr one year ubReriplioD to tlie Mouthers f armwr - oe with every, botttle for 26 enU. ,ir sale by 1 iruKitiit, MeniiantK and -iidcll Agenta Manuiaxurea ouiy by u. u. uuli.ha, (ittdwly . . - iHuruaiu, K..C,' H, KING. Notice of Dis solution. W. H ttilljert having purchased the interest of It. H. Craw ford in the Win ston JIardvtare Co., nolioe is heuhy I Kiven thai all parties indebted to the ; said company will make sell lenient of 1 ll,iir ii.iLl.lln I,. tr u I :ill.i.-t ....,1 all en dtlorH of I he sa d company arc hereby nolilied to presold llieir lni to Maid W. H. (illbert for paymwiit. The business will be continued under l lit name and slyle of the inton llard- are Company. W. H. (.1 IJ5KKT K H. (HAW i-Olill AUg . mt'i, im. Sale Under Deed of Trust. ! Ily virtue of a deed of trust execulcd to us on the 18 day of Novemby, Imiil', , by C (i Lanier and w ife S 1 "Lanier, I recorded in Usik 17, paje .Ci") of regis- Id's oiiice of Koisylir couhiy, we will expose to sale at public auction to thu highest bidder or caelum Tuesday ihe IXi day of Heptemtier, 1!IH, on the premises the following described valua ble real estatj) lyiutf n the low n of j Winston, measuriiiK H venty-live feet on Holly Avenue and exit udiiiK north wardly one hundred and lifly feet lo the line of S E A lit u, measuring eighty five feet n Allen Hill, lieinif Unindcil south by Holly Avenue, wesl by Pi p lar stieet, n.irili by lot .No IHJ, aud east by loi -11 und I he atsive describeti lot being known and designated as lot No -IliT and being I he lesidence of C U Lanier H Ha Mi Wki i.kohi), J ' Hi i x ion, Auk Mth, 'IIS. Trusleea, HORTON & HORTON, DentiHtM. Oilli eover Wachovia Hank. Hel.1 1'hone, 177; Interstate lo., Plumbing. If you have some you want done, ivc u: a cal!. I will give you a fust class job in every respect, L. B. BRICK ENSTEIN. SALEM Academy and College. Km nearly HNi yeara Ibis iiistilutiou for l he higher ((location of youti wo men has not upled (be very front rank, and wh never more numerously at tended than i.ow . ills not only pro vlded w ith a high rade College Course but has ev perls in all of lis special schools of Aluslc, Art, Klocution, Coiii mercial and Induslrlal Hiullits. V'e w ill lie pleased to send catalogue on flipViralion. Term I epins Hepteiuber il. JOHN H. ( LKWKLL, i'rb ipal, Halem, Nortb Carolina. See here geiillcuien, we are lira pared to grind your elipivera and alt o'.l;er,bferiiiK utenaib. We alst) give sii'H Hy Hrst-clasH barber work la every line. Clipper iiair cut 15 eta. J. C. IRVlN. BUSINESS CONSOLIDATED. iipwtnan & rSinitb, Undei iiikeru Peuu & Low, Livery Men. Tbe style ol the new linn will le llow mau, I'enn (. All calls promptly lilled. day ir nighC 'riionea Iiileititle 215; Ib-ll Mi. Dr. J. W. PETTY, Vrelennary -:- Surgeon, Ollli-e and Hoepitat at Kmoak A Mc Creary'a stable. All diaeaaea of auimas I real yd ."Calls prom t I y - attended, boib lay aud uight. UEFAIRIXG WANTED If in need of any kind of repairing or changes ou your prunine, drop me a card or call, lutenttate 'phoue 258, and I will vail on you aud give you a Ant elawa job ebuaiwr than any on else. Can do neat cabinet work. -If in' ' need of any call me. I alao make and repair umbrellas. , A card or call will take Uie to your bouse, wilb aample of ctrveia, etc. Youw for bualueaa, J.T. Newberry. THE BETHEL HOTEL, ' ' ;70CheetiHil Street. " Ura NANNIB BBTIl. l. Proprietor, The Only Colored HotiJ In the city. Meal on Americaa and Muroian I'laus. --!- : H v. ', ; V -7 1T t