JQU RNAL THE JOURNAL THE JOURNAL Girea the Happening of I he Worl 2 thm Day They Occur and 411 (He X local Aesrs WSlJe it la Fresh. Jl f ai f ta m SM- a vertimiog Rmtea re Meiiosiftie, nu Moulin iro tff r (i IJ. (MMOgOOOOOOOOeOOQOOOOOPOOOOOi VOL. 2 NO. 155 WINSTON -8 ALUM, N. O, SATURDAY, OCIOISUIt I. I8!M. I'ltlCE TWO CENTS. THE JOURNAL GUARANTEES THE UWE8T .CMCiM TION OF ANY PAPER CIRCULATED B MN8T0N-9ALEU SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS OPEN TO ALL FIE iTI 1 I HE 2-. A Business Hand in writing is best cultivated when vou are provided with the latent improved liens, luks,' i'lr HU(1 everything iu the Hue of stationery that the up-tor date Lutiuet-s n,au needs in bis office Our liue of blaufc bookt, business sta tiouery typewriter supplies, etc. We have the bent manufacture and in up-to-date styles. D. H. BROWDER, (Successor 1o JuMtice A Browder.) Wachovia National Bank, 9 Winston, N. C. W. A. LtMLY. President. JAS. A. GRAY. Cashier. JAS. S. DUNN, Beat Estate Agent, WINSTON, N 0. jftarlteiits a Specialty. H. Montague, Att'y, LAND A li()AN AtiKNT, W HTUN, N. t.. Houmh, loin and I'. da for sale, rent r e HiaiiK". Loan nfKOtluied; lame or small aiuouuts. lutoraUtle plioue b2. For Sale cr Exchange A Nice Lot of Horses, Suitable for Draft or Pleasure Vehicles. .Splendid Rigs for Hire Day or Night. Bee me, 1 can suit you. J. E. ZEIGLER, Prop. Bell. Pjionk 205. I Fresh New Goods All the latest styles in Millinery and Dress Good now open Dress Goods. . My line ol silks are com plete. New fancies in wool eu and Bilk mixture are leaiitiful. Bock is com plete iu Uiis department and defy competition. I Ladies' Underwear. Tbe nioet elaborate ever Bold here. stock x Misses' and Children's Underwear. AU I axk is to see it. Something to suit the small est infant. is rpkmdid. Beautiful line of Chenille, Denlns and fancy (new styles), Jace sad scrim. f M. McNair. j.M.VVoodruff&Go'(J FALL HAT STYLES $3.00 DUMLAP. KNOX. Special for Young Hen, ; THE BANTA. These haU are all hand finished and wear guaranteed. We have your size. fcaTWe have cheajier ones and wiuie great values, too. ALPINES. CRUSHES and STAPLES. Our prices are bm thev always were Lower than others quote. Thai 50 cents will not look ho large when you have Been our ickwi'iir. J. M. WOODRUFF & CO., HatB and .Men 'h Furnishing-, GROWTH OF THF Wachovia Loan and Trust Company. Winston N. C, Since OrEanization, Jnne 15, 1893. IlKl'tlHITS I SS,lili.llO IIH,IHi.ll.'i 5lli,JUi.U LOANS. 8HS,C71.f2 itn wz.n I une IS, IstM lune 16, 1KW, lune 15, IHtttt, June 15, 1KHS Sept. 1, iium, Loan ill w cow, WINSTON, N. C txecutor Administrator Guardian. Acts as The Best and Most Reliable Trust Company In the State. DoesaOeneral Banking Business. Pays Interest on Deposits. Sol lets Your Business. Ice Cream Soda Milk Shakes Made from Pure, Fresh, Un diluted Cream from Dr. Thompson's - Farm. All Coldv Drinks. AT- Thompson's Soda Fount. We Want Your Trade. REASONS: Our Artistic I )cnignn, High tirade Material, I'; nil less Execution, Superb Equipment, and Years of Expeiienri Insures Perfect Satisfaction. The Standard Advertising Co, COSHOCTON, )., IIavikm llw La mikst Plaxt In the vV'oild devoted to the Manufacturing ofMlgns, taking the output of several of the leading Sheet. Steel and 'lit, Mills of the country. Samples and estimates chee'i fully furnished by (1KO. W.mrLU WINSTON, .J. C. Care of Junes Hotel. Fresh Milk and Butter Supplied to our patron iu Winston Salem from our wagon. Our product' are from our own dairy where ever) thing is kept scrupulously neat, deal sod cool. DON'T FOROET THE PllIMitOS DAIRY KA AM, ' Y. W StlEEl Z, Mannarer. WATKINS & CONRAD, , ' ' , :;.ttti$:m rz And Dealers in Dental Aupples. Ofllce Upper slain Street, Balem, 'Paonea, loteraUte 00, Bell SUO. ...si A ;- " Rill: The Candidates All Nominate and Eulogize Them- elves. Of The Committee on Creden tials Forgets to Brin,r the Documents. The repuhlican 'oiivention of Wilken county wan called to order hy 1j. S. MciiIhiW, chuiniuin of the executive eolttiuittee of the county. He an nounced I hat the meeting was called to Humiliate candidatca for the county oltice. He tatd that lie hoped every -thiiiK would U! done fair today and that no riiiK-caudidaU'M would be nom inated. That twoyeaait ago the repub lican convention that met it. W iIkch county wart run by the must infamoiiH and damnable KfiK that ever Kot together and today that Maine gtuig headed and n renglheued by the reve nue rtiiK hh prepared to run UiIn con vention. Mere the tp. aker wae Inter ruptei. by Sheritl Call, who iiKuired if the chairman didn't think he ought tocll the convention down to bunl iiexw and organize by calling a tempo rary chairman to the chair and a mcc retar.y. Tlie chairman informed lilni that according to the piccedent wl liy him at t lie congreHhional couveiition on July 1 J to nominate Linney, Call hh chairman ol' the comuiittee chaiiiiiMU, Hecfetury, chief 'cook and bottle wa her of that convention and could not tie Hunpretwed. "Now gen tlemen," naid Henbow, "i propone to follow precedent and act um chairman of llriB convention." Now gentlemen I hope there will lie peace and harmony here today." An I Maid before that wan au iufaiuouti gang that ruled thin convention two yeaiH ago. I waH a candidate for the legisla ture at you all know. Who got It? Charlie Hummera got it and he got aa lotien a pie of pie ax a man ever iHH.eil. If you allow that rotten action to lie doue over again today (he lepub lieau party will go to ruin. We are already ill the worat menu In the woild. That name" Charlie Huniuitrs la here attain today, la he a candidate for leglMlature againxt me again? No. he In a candidate for clerk, the mime ofllce I am a candidate for, where 1 helped to elect lilul two yearn ago after biti gang iiad treated me no damnable. Fellow cllizeiiN I am well ualllled for that ofllce. 1 am dettcciided from aa good, lumen! old Yadkin county family ax ever lived. 1 have worked hard for the republican party, even two yearn ago when treated tio mean. Now the rii.gHtero are afraid of my honenty and independence. They know that although 1 live til town I alwayti have feelluga for you country fanneru and light for your righU. Now 1 want you all to light for myTTRiiln and give me the nomination of clerk today. And I want you to notice tbat 1 am not going to get many vole on the llrHt ballot. So many Hre pledged to to Homebody elae they will have to cant at leatt two ballou before they can diaol.ey itiMtructioiiH, hut about the third ballot If aomebooy in not nomi nated by then you come to me and I will get it. Uentlemen the HlrougeHt man In always the IowchI on the lirnt and aecoud hallotH. Now gentlemen if you act right here today you will carry the party to victory, if joudouotihe Ih gone to the devil. A motion waa made to appoint a secretary. Chairman Maid he oidu'l need a necretary, iie wan a hard worker and could do all the work himaelf. lie wax not afraid of work aa they would lind if they put him 111 the clerk'n ofllce. Hheritf Call moved that the chalr maii could also be diaiieiiHed with. The chair ruled him out of order and Hlaled that if Call would keep bin inoulh fchui much time could be uved. The chair announced that there were noine contented delegate and he would upHiint a committee on credeutiultt. lie appointed three who were declared !y t cbouiM of voices to iie candldateh or conlenilng delegates. Then thlee more were apioinled, one of Ihcin iM'ggiug to ie excum-d, saying he huh it candidate for the IcgiKlalure and which ever way the com niltee re ported would make I he other side 4uad-Ht-4au'-bi - tw lose v,otia, I -t ok a great deal of begging ior the hair to tie peihU, ded lo ct him oil aud place Home une em on. A deb gate here aked the chair if lie . ailed it fair to thus puck a commillee. ' How long have you quit the revenue service," responded Ihe chair. 'Aliout bd long aa you have nuit try ing to get in it," retorted the delegate. Maji r Poole moved that the couven (ion laker a recess for conference in the interest of iieace and harmony. The I; uittd States aeu ate, congress, supreme court and all legislative bodies often retired for coufeience iu the interest of peace and harmony. "You let me alone." said the chair, "I know what I'm doing. You want to get in a back room and tlx upau o'ler ring ticket.." The motion was tusisted ou aud the chair called the roll. Whenever a precinct would call iut aye some one else would call out uo. After flye votes bad: thus been called Hheritf pill wished to know iiow the chairman was putting them dowu. The chair stated tbat to be fair he would after that pet down every divided preoiuot balf-aud half,--At the liuisb, each one being equally divided, the vote showed'flve majoritv Sgaiust adjournment, showing thai tbechair inaa had "recorded the first five votes all ou. his side. But nobody discovered il e iieuius in the-chair aiid-things wetrt-Wovingty. From this out the candidates for the different otticts came forward and told who they were and what tDey wanted. Home of them stated tbey had voted - r - - for Lincoln, a'l of them spoke of the civil war an the "rebellion." There were six speeches made by candidates for clerk, seveu for sherift, and i.'ine for the legislature. The ruoet rambuuktiouH aud vicious speech made was by a bullet headed, lantern jawed fellow named Kumgarten for clerk, w ho said he had nine first grade teachers cer tillcates in his pocket. J T i'eden for the legislature claimed the honor of discovering the chance of repudiating the Wtlkeo county bond. Porter promised if he got to the legislature he would pass a law compelling lawyers to cut their speeches short, Ac, Ac. Johnson for sheriff was a hannsome, square looking man and made the liest appearance of all. He had a face thai you like to took at and Impresses one as being a good fellow Iu the midst of the' o rating the com mittee ou 'credentials came jji and the Ihe t hair called for their report. They said 1 1 iev hud forgot to briug it and all 1 1 1 :i died back to 11 0 lull the job and i:ic speeches proceeded. Jiifl here the two o'clock traiu ti owed for Winston and the reporter was reluctantly compelled to leave and as lie did hot w itness the subsuquetit proceedings aud take notes he will not iitli nipt to leport il as (lie above g an absolutely accuiute report of the pro ceedings williMul bias. ,Mnce wining the above from I lie Chtoiinie we get the ticket nominated and lo the chauman's name d as nut head the list. Kepresensatives--Capt J T Pedeu aud V A Tharpe. Clerk 1 .in v 1 1 le Itumgaruer. Sherill" J II Johnson. Keglsti r K M lllackburu. Corouei H() AJyer-. Surveyor- C II Colvard County Commissioners Jas Co W K Harlow and 1. C Jennii gs. om lm. A IttiiKlU- i'iirty iu Sale-ill. One of the most pleasing and enjoy able occasions of thestatju was the "Huudie Party" given by Mr. and Mrs. William Peterson at their beau tlltil home ou Liberty street, Saieiu, last evening, complimentary to their yimrift'H iil 'MWTieoigia" ITIglils. After lutlf an bout 's pleasant conversa tion li Ihe no., it pallor and library the guests wrie ail Invited into the south parloi where upon several small tables were airanged "bundles" of various sorls, sl.ts and sliapes, each guest was supplied witn paper and pencil. Half au hour was spoul guess ing the contents by feeling and hy out ward appearances, The lady guesslug the grealesbnumlier correctly, received a jeweled hat pin ami ll e gentleman a I Mok by one of the popular authors of the day. The pri.es were carried oil by Miss A Scjiber and Air Frank Held Among other amusements nf t lie eveii tuu wro vocal and Insiruiueutal selections bv dilfercnt gjesis, clioruws, "con versa I ion topics," Ac. Seasonable and dainty relrcjhuieuU were wived In Ihe elegant dining rouu. At hulf past eleven the merry paity broke up, each declaring the evening a delightful une. Those in attendance were Misses Carrie Liueback, Dot Lcinly, Agues Siewers, Lottie JV1 iller, ierti ude Jen kins, liouie Siddal, Addie Urowu, liessle Smith, Adalaide Sciiber, Lima Hege; Messrs. Chas. Slew err, Kriicst Pfohl, Harry Held, Kobeil Jenkins, Krauk Iteld, Will lioyd, Italpli Siewers, Lester Klird, Allie liege, Waller liege, Will Uosllu. Conrad W'ulkius, C W Hurusidc, (iscar )ulton and Nat l'eler son. Mrs. Peterson was assisted by Mrs. i'. S. S kle aud Mrs. Harvey Ciint. Modii-iVlllc-Mooi-Chvllli- Koiid. Today was appointed m the time for the contractors lo turn, over t lie new Mocksville-Mooresvllle r.ad to the rail road company. Owing to ine unsvuid: abje delay, the road will not liev turned over .ill about die loth. The dihinm-e from here lo Cliailotte by the new route is only H;l miles, while by way of (ireenstxiro il is I J.2 miles. '1 lie line over the Mocksvilie-Mooresville road will be kJ.MS from here lo Cliarlolle, while by way of Ureenshoro it Is .l !iU. Trains will probably be running over the new route by November 1st, and w ill bring a large number of people to our great tobacco fair, llo.nd of Iwltoo' ICt-poi l. 'I he board of visitors appointed by tl.eStule Hoard of Charities to look after the penal and charitable inslitu uoiih of h'orsylb county have then ic port on ihe county tiiiiui , convict camp and jail, W inston and Salem lock ups, Twin City Hospital and Salem Home, nearly ready lo forward to the slate authorities at Ituleigh. They will visit und hold religion sTviees at Ihe county home louioriow at 4 p. m. I he board eiiiihialB of Dr.C.J. Wat Kins, K. A. I'.'.eit, 10. J. lJavis and iTiemimtinr K . I r l.rn Rr rtr J.TC Ilfl Hug': II. li. tileiiu and II h. Fries, A hA D DEATH. Yoiiii Boy i nlally CriiHhcd In u Cane Mill. Daniel Swim, the 12 year o.d sou ol Mr Thomas Swim, win lives a Unit 4 miles fiom town in South Fork town ship, was feeding a cane mill yester day morning aud oy some meaus his clothes caught iu the cogs of tlie mill. He was drawn into the rollers aud before the mill could be stopped wan terribly crushed. He was at once brought to the Tw in-City hospital and everything doue to save the bright boy's life aud relieve his sufferings, without avail. He died (his morning. Mr. Swim is one of Mouth Fork's best citizens aud has the sympathy of everyone iu this great bereavement. " tio to Church, - Ths usual church notices are; una voided ly crowded out of this aftetn sou's Jouknal. There will be services in all lite churches tomorrow and a fulf report as usual will be giveu iu Alou day's Jot'jtNAL. Dr. II. II. Hall will lecture to' the colored Y. M. C. A. tomorrow at Ji o'clock ou the subject: "Toe Effects ol Alcohol Upon ihe fuieroal Organs." Iffii Philippine Delegate Holds Conference Willi the President. Also Desires Independence Jhe Islands With Aniv r- o ican I rotection. WASlliNeiloN, Oct. L Felipe Agou clllo, a delegate from the Philippines, his interpreter and Major tleneral tireene conferred with the nresident nearly aii hour tills morning. The : reception was unofficial. Agoncillo told the president the Ullippos wanll al ve all things the removal of the Spanish authorities from the Archi i lielatfo. Secfimity, a desire for 1lldt ' is'iidein-c with American protection from outside Interference. If they mn t have that are willing for life I iited Stales lo minister the affairs of the Island. McKinley asked many : questing but gave no inilmatlon of the course this government will follow. Illif Fire Huxlnjr. Mauison, Wis., Oct. L Oovernor Scholleld seiuls"an agent to the burned district lo relieve thiiEllsl ress. Many families are homeless. The loss in Cumberland where houses and mills were burned Is atiout three bundled thousand dollars. In the Chippewa FaJIs wclUii thft ilctt.JssLUJ hUHiing fiercely and traveling fast. The village of Cad itt, fourteen miles distant, Is threatened. Men all along the Wis consin Central railroad line are tlght ii g Hie. Fatal Bicycle Accident. CHH Awo.'October 1. Harry Chne, aged twenty, was killed and au un identified man was probably fatally injured, in a bicycle accident ou tlie OaiTield .ace track last night. Committed Suicide. V a u ii o 1 1 i u, Oot. &. AiiioiiLTieaviis, corporal of the 2nd regiment suicided yesterday with strychnine. He had been on a ten day iiiilough, ami pre ferred in die rather than return to the regiment. Nancy (itillfbrd Cui'irlit. N'kw Yi'ikk, OctolaT 1. A London dispatch announces the ai rest of Nan cy (lullford. No pu'lleulars. BOllUI.KNN IN HAI.lEtiir. A Crowded llousct to Dear illni East NItfht. Captain Olenitis a strongman. In physique he is a giant. As an orator be has but few equals. He b one of tlie most earnest aiid sincere men that ever plead a cause. His w hole soul and every Impulse of his fereal big heart is in the tight for Anglo-Saxon, suprem acy in North Carolina. The shells from the powerful halterv of ( llenn, aimed at Kussel, began ex plodlug all about the juveiiliiiexecuiivc clerk. They were too much for hint and so he had lo go and tell his chief that his formications were being battered dow II. The thirUeu inch guns from the great stumper, from Forsyth, against the unholy alliance that has cursed and disgraced Ihe State began bursting about the bead of Sims, who has so oil) n declared agaitist . negro fusion, and he could not stand it. He thought perhaps of the. auditor's olllce pic that was being dished out to himself and othei members of his family, and he evacuated, went perhaps to tell (he only bibulous member o; Ihe adminis tration tliat bis formications were tie log battered down, His appeal was one of Ihe strongest and mo-.l forcible thai has ever lieen h&'ard In Raleigh. Tlie i'eople of Forsy l!i county "light o be proud of Ibis magiiiliceiil man. 1 lie anove Is all extract only lioui b coiuiuii report in the News and (In server of t 'u , I . tJIciin's speech las night. F'oisy Hi county is proud of Inn j till is going to beat Kouaii aud lit vidnou counties Hum year vullng foi I nlm bit Ute Hennte-j - X. M. C. A, Meeting Tomorrow TI.e Y. M C. A. men's meeting. an now Held al 4 o'clock ami will be bclu it that hour during the w inter moult. i'bls is a mole suitable hour than 6 o'clock as formerly. .Mr T L Kawlc.v Alii lead the meoliiig al 4 p m lomor iow. Let there be a luige atleudance TEACH EH."' ASSOCIATION Meets Today u.d 1 1 curs mi Ad dres by Dr. V. It. Mclvcr. The Teachers' Association of For syth county convened iu the court house tuday at 11 o'clock and was ailed to order by the President, E. A . Thomas. The secretary being absent, the president appointed S. l Code, secretary, pro tern. . Ilevotional exercises were conducted by Itev. U. W. Callahan, after which Kev. A. Lichteutbaler introduced Dr. U. D. Meiver, president of lite Slate Normal and Industrial College, at Ureeusboro. Dr. Mclver gave a most excellent address on "Education and Iiocal Tax itlou for same." He very forcibly diowed how much the people wert working against their It tsresU whet) they worktd agaiusl public schools. - Kecess occurred at 12.80 aud th s dveulug tbe session was devoted to practical work of tbe school room, Mis . NanUI BbeeU teaching algebra, Dr. Davis pedagogics. Miss Nora Sheet, geography. . I'llOOKAM OK NhXT MKiri'INO, NOV KM- itKK :, ih;8. ! Khitu. Devotional Exercises ly Itev. A. I). Thaeler. I1:(H( Address by Prof. J.J. Blair. 1 2:00 Recess. l:(,t -Physology, S. A. Hege. i 1 :;t0 -Physical (ieography by (i. V. Dull. ! :(H Algebra and Arithmetic hy W. W . t-onrad. i!::M- History by N. O. Cox. A KOI SINtJ NIOI1T. Dcmoci'iitM Knjoy Futon, VVnt koii, AycHK'k and Jones. The township democratic convention which met Iu tlie mayor's court room last night for the purpose of nomina ting a candidate for township constable and adopting some plan for the nomi nation of magistrates, was attended by a large crowd ot enthusiastic aud loyal democrats. John K. Johnson, J. C. Fagg and J. M. Wilson were placed in nomination for constable. On thellrst ballot Wilson received )2 votes, Johnston 48 and Faggll. Wilson was declared to tie the dem ocratic iioiulnou for constable. Hon C. H. Watson stated that as It In so dllllcult to gel men to serve as magistrates, he moved that the execu tive committee of the township lind out I he number of vacancies aud select good men to till tnem. His motloi. prevailed. Dr. H. V. Horton moved to nomi nal ea chairman of the executive com millee for W instou township. Colonel Webb nominated Dr. Horton, aud he was elected by acclamation. The convention then adjourjied to tlie court house to hear the democratic speeches. AT Til K fol'KI' IIOI'SK. Count, Chairman O. H. Kalou.made a few well chosen remarks for, tlie jn couiageiiieu t of t he democratsrrVir'Mitid no iinm should' shirk any duty and responsibility and uo man should fail to appreciate good government. He said he was lairn in democracy and grew up in democracy and that he be'leved the principles of Ihe demo cratic party were the test of any party. He said lhat Pritchard claimed, for the republican party, the victory at Ma nila, Ihe capture of Santiago, the cou quering of Spain, and the high prices of w heat aud call e, when really the parly did uoi do it. Mr. Katoit then istroduced Hon. C. B. Watson who came forward amid much enthusiasm Mr. Watson said every untu shou'd know u iut ii Im i. .!.. ...u-- l - . lo cast .lis ballot. 1 believe It Is to the very best interests of every in an, woman and child to have a different organi.ed political party hi power In this stale. I don't say Ihe republican party Is to blame, for you have no republican party In this state." He said il required w ar, monopolies and sieculalloiis lo put the price of wheal up He spoke of the low priceof cotton, w heat and tobacco. "If one giK"s down In price the otlier docs likewise. A great majority of the negroes make their living ou cotton. 1 waut to say fur ther that as long as the present system of government stands you will have nothing lietter. You will never have prosperity until you destroy trusts and combines." Tlie speaker then look up, and dis cussed at length, the condition of af-' fairs In this state. I he State of Nortlt Carolina is con trolled by oillce holders of two organ izations. They trade the offices and divide the spoils. The speaker then took up the county ma tors and sjsike of the large numta r ot olllce holders who were former I v democrats, and w ho went over to the radicals just to get a slice ol pie. He said thai If a man was dishonest ass. hdate he would be dishonest afte s eleitlou; that there was no resliaiiil on lilm and he would bring (list luce upon himself and the people of Ihe stale; and that Oovernor Russell had lo transfer John B. . Smith from the penilenli iry to the agricultural de partment lo keep lilm from slea.hig. Mr. Watson gave the negro some good advice. He told I hem lhat the democrats did not waul to disfranchise the negro, or I hey would have doiie so dining the 2 years they wereln'power. He said the republicans turned the statu government over to the demo crats In 1-70, with Vdebt of 0,000,000, but still the negro voted to sustain tlie bail government. He said lhat the last legislature was worse thsu thai of in 4; that tlie republican-, and popu islb had refuted lo have joint de bates. Ml W nt.ion then introduced ('lias li Ajiuc , o. (hilddWiio I ion wl.e nud Ji,: uillwd on Ihe S:!0 liain. Ml Ac ck caine- I'ot ward but w ur- i ' i b I e to s ii H I IXL 1 iluu -f.t-.fc.. - ihh, il account of the e.iti.iii-iastic a. -,.litns, . Mr. Aycook said be 1 1 I coi Xj.l ( I to nliikti a spi-ech, Imt he rom midlo come. In W li slon during In pri s, ul campaign ai.d let tie p.ople iie.ti him. He luiked fur aoout iillecu iniiiiiles only, but tie set his hearei lire not so mucti b. what he sajdVut ov what they found out he coJd say vve w ill give him a cotdiai gieeltug it he does dome. Hon. E. 11. Joins then made a few lemaiks and tlie aud leuced dispersed, feeling that they had l-en greatly bedcllled hy hearing the Kiwerful words of those distlhguished gentle men. KeulHt rtttloii Betrins. The registration boois foi the coming election were opened today and will he ipen on the three following Saturdays 1 1 w 111 not be necessary for you lo reg ister unless you nave cnauged youi residence from another irecinct . slues ihe election. Eveiy man who is iu favor of decent government should see thai his name is registered at once. Do pot put it off but register now. Correction. Thk Jouknal announced yesterday hat O. W. Ward would speak iu lAliMtmj OittitiwrjnW.yiw-- Kaleigfa papers so bad it, but ihismorniug tbey 4buw that It w as a tvuigraphlcal error ud should have liccn W'iutou. Jiul llob (Jleuu wIITspcak here October II, aud be s good enough. The Peoples' National Bank U. S. DEPOSITARY. J. W. FRIES, President WILSON- Cashier. T. A. SHOES! GOOD SHOES CHEAP. To introduce ourshoesiu Win ston and Salem we will make some unheard of prii. To fully appre ciate this you mut nee the whoes, and we cordially invite yon to call swnl iive them a careful inspection. We offer 700 pair women's buttoned aud lace, goodyeat welt, hand Hewed, patent leather aud tops; of ainc. pssl selection of styles at LIS. None of these shoes are sold for less than 2 50 t er pair audjmiHt of Lot No. and youths' leather, Nu.s. this sale !.sc. them .400 and 1 50. L'OO pairs' boys' shoes, good solid I to 5, yotu choice , worth Iroin 1 .J5 to 2.50. Ixd No. .1. 400 pairs womeu's Oxford ties at 1.00 your choice. Old price oo to fl.50. E.t No. I. L00 pairs 0f chil dreu's (JnmndM ..- j- shin. This Male at lilc. These shtH's sold at from 75c. to I.L'5. We cordially invite every man, woman and child in the two cities to cull and exam i tie our stock . RIIILIMNU FORMF.KLY H' TIMED BY PEOPLE'S NATIONAL HANK. L. E. Darden. R. H. JONES, Dentist. Olllce In People's RaiikrtUi'ldiug. Phones: Interstate "; Hell I0H. A BREAKFAST DISH lhat Is always acceptable to the deli cate stomach is au appetizer, aud to tlie robust as a satisfying and tempting meal is our choice brand of Hams and It aeon. We have t he celebrated "Tar Hell" Cream Cheese, which Is umiur passed iu (ids country for excellence. I'he price is very moderate 1ft cents per pound You will (hid a good Hue of other goods iu our establishment. Shoes, Dry (ioods and Notions at prices as low as any one In the busl ness. We resiHaclfully sol cil a portion of your trade. A. Giersh, Main Street, SALEM, N. C. F. H. Wollschlager, MERCHANT TAILOR, 211 Main Htroet, WINSTON, X. C. Suits and Pants of all kinds made to order. 1 Cleaning, Pressing and Re pairing done. Alt-work guaranteed" first-" class. Prices ..reasonable. H.

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