- OURNAL ITILIi JOURNAL ETHE JOURNAL jj i Onijr f j.oo J" Fear. lia Ad. ' verttHlut Km tern are Hemmmable, ? and Heaultm aro Orlaia. (livtth Ihc Hnppenin&s af the Wort ' ( I hey Occur and 41 tiie - v.--. . :- ft. j local -new While tt is Fresh- 0i . 2 -NO. 171) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, W EDESDAY, OOTOMSR 2b 1898. PRICE TWO CENTS. T 61BULAT1H OF AMY PAP, OPED TO AU. FOB IHSKCTIOH HP M ClhMATED II M1STW-SALEM. SI1IKHPT1H illKi Books and News AT D. II. BROWDER'S, (Successor to Justin- A Bioiuler.) Wachovia .... f . National Bank, Winston, N. C. J i MIS, -4150,(1 W. A. LtMUr, President. JAS. A. GRAY. Cashier. UTOltKH, FAOTOKIKS, DWKIr lings, OHIees, .Bed Booms hikI ill fact all k i 1 1 1 m nf i en I estate for Mile or rent . I will nutkc it pay propeily ow neis to place their ii u j . r I in my hands JAS. S. DUNN, ki;. i j i:sr.TKAii;M. Interstate ' li ri t. Hit. Real Estate. ANDREW J. HOWELL Jr.. HE A I. US i A TH A tlliNT, V il'lli'll Ml' , ovw Wull . Ilitske, StHtn Atoii'Y l-r Wrlliagtoii Ty prwriter ihc heat one. WA I kINS & CGiNRAD, l).JlltlMS, And Dealers in Dental .; t;pples. () . II . -1'iki- '! an Sine (Salem, 'I'll ns, I men tat. 'Hi :d II i HOK TON & MORTON, Dentist". Office occr V n -l ,k Bell I'miii". : i'"int . a 103. R. H. JONUS, Dentist. Ollicein People's Hunk Budding. Phones Interstate 5'J; Be:l 10.1. fy" M. Me I TRADE Corner Third I Is where the ladies lind -every X fary make them Only a Few of Our Arti i Cluukf, Coats and (,'aeMlmiul)nje - aud plunheB, Kulendid vai X IN JHll&ter UOOJ1M 1 have cor trliumrnga, at, a correct price in ettad , HereB, PopliCH, Bel Armures, Plain Corded feet, Wool MILLINERY DE In this w have the rlchent fullest .WluBtou. The goodn;wHl speak for tion of every one who" has- fceeo the iooki aa if every bright bird of plum tbe splendor ana riebneaa to ibis de the immediate management of tuat aaiealady, Mr a. JLaaHiler. Tbe public will tiu.d that I have price perfectly Mtlafactory to tbe lte;ectfuliy, M.-Mc At J. on. Woodruff & Co sn.tliiiigAiiPpriaief.jr lie rail! Correct Hats, ...MEN'S... FURNISHINGS mi hiiouut ton- oui-'-vir up n tlilt'lo lliiK tr. hi kiUh ok t tutu to our Mtorw. c mil loose V u ill IIuIh, I it-, siniiH t". , ami price V lil pU-ter Un. f L i;ti;il,lr MU W, tJillllHV till. IVit "- J. M. WOOMUIFF & CO., Hat and .Men'!- Kill ni-liing-. Ui' Suits I mi r n.casiiic. GROWTH OF run Wachovia Loan and Trust Company. Winston N. C, Siucc Orgaaizstiuii, June 16, 1893. IlKI'OHITB IIK.llHh.WU Jlt,.7!t.lHI l il ; I. . t . LOANS ( Ht',I2f,ltl ItlKlil.'jl MiM.C71.fiL' r. a.i.r, t.ll.Ui. la lune l;t IrflW tunc IS, IH1I1, lime IS, isttli. .I l.llf Li, IhllK S-it. I, I -US, WINS ION, N. ('., ' j txecutor Acts as Administrator t Guardian. Ihc Llest and Most Hellable Trust Company In the State. OoesnOeneral HanKiiiK liusines. i'ays Interest on Deposits. Solicts Your HusincsM. Ice Cream Soda -AN I Milk Shakes Maue from Ywxc, Fresh, Un diluted Cream from Dr. Thompson's Farm. All Cold Drinks. AT Thompson's Soda Fount. H. Montague, Att'y. LAND A LOAN ACKNT, WINSTON, V i . HuuHtH, Iota unit la Im for nute, ruM or ex rhiriK. 1-onli" uncoil nl; larnn or Hinall nmmmtM lilwit m4! NAIR PALACE, and Liberty, thing in dress material neceH styliwh and attractive. X cles Will be Found Below ly trimmed and lined in rich elotliH lijci at ruu kii it i u Broad-lotbM, Coverts, ileuri ges, ChevintB, VVhirKJorda, Weave and Crepe Ef aud Bilk. ' PARTMENT. j and finest display ever brought to themtelves. They are the admira- stock. Tbe selection in perfect. It mage bad lent it feather to add to partmeot. i btu.de pttftmeul Uuuuer . inimitable and splendid milliner and the good and am selling them at trade.- NAIR. ( WATCH OUT! A Stiane Noro CalN at a House and Commits a Suspicious Act. nun Fells the Lady of Jhe House. IK i Husband Sends- Him to f.let His G n. Till. J.u l;Al.c;in furnish alMtluvitt) if iiccchHuiy, ot the tollowmg factn: On Moinluy, t I he resilience of a leailinx cilicn mi Cherry strtet, a nero called ii ml told Ilie lady that her hushanil mih e'inK hiiiiliiig TucMhiy and ha I sent 1 1 i 1 1 1 after his mm lolakcto I!icU'h mm "hop to have eleaneil. The lady ucul after Die K'lii, hut having on one occasion loM a pair of shoes by sending t hew out III is way, she concluded not to send the miti until the nemo brought a written order. Hhe told hiiu to go ami Kct an or ier fn lit her htishind. I he negro leinai l.eil that lie w on d tin so hut said lie kuowed it would make hci hiihhand much The lady w as liini, however ami thereby saved a gun W hen her husband ciimc home to supper, he noticed his pin slitting in .1 Lui-euiiwn w iwfi H- bn4 - -brerr 'ptnrrd for the negro's retui n with tbe written order tm.. ut)kcd w hut it nu ant. 1 1 K I a I m:m:u sl:N t run It umlllie negro II AS .N I I l( I'd. Ml- IMI K . Anol hi i linly got a written otdei TucHhiy It mil her husband to send his nib-, a repeater. The word lille was spelled "llllle," and the repealer was not sent but tbe messenger wits told that it was out. - ( ur people must not get alal iliid or excited o er lids evidence on the part ol some of Ilie negroes to arm them selves at the expense of the white peo ple. It is a concocted plan and n n spnacy to frlgh'eli the people. II Ihih In itt devised ill some back room by eei lain while renegades, and it will not work. 1 einocrats have been fur nishing republicans linnnclul uniiini lion so long In shoot llicm w ith, they are getting bolder and want our guns Mill, wain all the ladies hi case of a lepelilion of tin se v isits, to detain the messenger on some excuse and plume I be police beadipiai lets i nil catch the lliicf. . I ii'inot'i-iit lc in I). The dcmociiitic club had unolher rousing meeting last night. Over V' new iiieinbeiH were enrol ed, many of them former republicans. A republi can member of the last board of alder men of Winston said "he was sick and tired of the nigger party and wanted to go with white men" and be was gladly permitted to come along. Another new member said be had been at w ork in tJoldsboro "and a negro deputy i rrested him and a negro mag isttate lined him and he was forever more done with the old nigger party." He; was taken in with cheers. Nine other republicans joined in person or by written request. Calls were made for A 11 Kller, II .Montague, Andrew Joyner, Hob Me Arthur, H Keal and Clement Manly, w ho made enthusiastic and good talks. Repeated culls were made for T W Wutson, but be just works day and night und cannot take time to make a speech. Mud important business was trans acted and the getting together of so many good men and the taking in of so inany new recruits, encouraged all to renewed efforts to win (be light for w bile supremacy this yeur. ;it ! (overnor Russell's proclamation, which will be published in The Jour nal tomorrow, contains the following: "And I do further command and re ijulre lhat all persons who may have entered this slate from other states, in pursuance of any ijn lawful purpose, Instantly to disperse and leave this state, upon pain of being arrested and dealt with according to law." Now you impor'ed colored loafers in Winston who are here to cast a fraud ulent vote election day don't be sur prised any hour to see Hheiil!' Kapp ufbr you with a warrant. You had belter git. ' Fair JJote. The executive committee has de ided not to allow colored people in the main exhibition building ai Brown's w ale house until Friday from 1 to 6 in the afternoon when tbey will have the freedom of the building. This 'rule doe uot apply to colored people who are farmers. This rule is adopted on account of the thousand who will crowd into tbe building and to avoid confusion and tbat all may be able to ec tbe great abow, Mr Cgnjy ol f-he war department at Washington City write Col .Webb tbat he is putting up a high class en tertainment for tbe V Ai C A at tbe fair. Two of tbe promoter of this ex. client eutertaiument are members of the statVof tbe Washington Tost and Star and it is a great compliment to Winston that they are coining This enlei tainnu'iit will lie given I'm the hcii' tit of Ilie graded school lituaty. The hotels and boarding houses and tiie entertainment committee are re ceiving numU rn of letters asUiic; for eutcrtalnmi hi. I'licic is conn; in be Ii"),ihi. vi iters hcie fair w o k. On .Monday and Tuesday next no one will be allowed in Brow n's ware hiuse except those w ho hold llcUtlsof admission. These lii'kels w TM lie issmid only to owners of ntiixhibb and their workmen, i'lie puoiie will please btar tliis in mind, otherwise we can't pos sibly get ready It' open Wednesday luoriiiiig. ( 'ommittee of Arrangements, L A aughn, t 'h'm. ( 'linn iii-ui I, A Y.iiik'hn O liMine Ids piiviile residence on I'il'tli street decorated today. Mr Vaughn has a vers' l'lclty home and t he decora I ion will add nun Ii to Us attracliveeess during fair witi. ' UiNdS LIKE A l;KI,L . Mil.). Ciitlu-U', I'opnllKt Ciindl dilli' lor t Jovci'iior In IMXi, Iciioiiiic-m I Vileriil lnt'l' ni'C Will I'tt'sililc- tlvei- W Itito Mil nV level n men t . Duiham, N V.: let.; ", H!is. Iloi'i. K. M . Sim inons, ( hail iiuiii, Kn leigh, N. ('.:' Hem Sir: Your invitation tendering to me I he honor of piesidmg over the "W hile Man's Convention" ut Uolds hoio.oii I he JSi h inst., has been received, and under I be ciicuiiiMauccs, I accept t he same w it h pleasure. I p to the pre enl time I have not taken any Active part In this campaign, and my Intention was to refrain from doing so, until I rea l loilay'snlspiilehes from Washington to the elici t lhat the President and his cabinet are being Impoitiined iy ini'ii in high olllcial po sition to semi Federal soldiers to North Carolina to interfere with our local a Hall's, and to uphold by the aid of Kcd.eral bayonets those who would perpetuate If they could Ilie I'KKHKNT 1)1 SOU A 'Fd'TI l CONDITION of onr local Stale government. The lime was, thirty years ago, at I he end of I be Civil War, when such things hail to lie tolerated, hut no Tlil'K IlKAItTI'.ll Southern man, w ho liv ed through the Keconst i ucl ion period, can w ish lo see a repetition of those dai k and stormy days, when civil law w as dominated by militaiv si nngl h to uphold in 1 1 IhIuii local government. 1 1 is high Hint now for all Hue Nol l b ( aroliiilaim lo arouse (hem elves in in their lei luirgy, ami come together as one man, with one mind, tlelei mined that our Anglo-Saxon clvlli.ali 'ii shall be pn served. The Iruc white uidii of North Caro lina, w bo love our Slate, Should conn together regardless of past purly alllla lions, and go to the polls on the Hlh diy of November, with the lived rcso luliou thai the present condition of public all'airs in our Stale shall be changed, so that men whose chief busi ness In lift! has been demonstrated to he tbat of-tradlng on any parly fealty as the means of getting for themselves personal gain, shall be driven from power and place, and that those w ho succeed them shall be worthy and com peteiil lo guide the future destiny of our good old State. Yours truly, Wm. A. Urniitno. A (Jreat Entertainment. Tiit secretary of theFalr Assoclatum has secured from northern cities a II rO class clean vaudeville troupe to occupy the boards ut (be armory during fair week, beginning Mend ay night. The armory is being put in "apple pie order" for the great show which will arrive here Monday morning. The people composing the troupe are all. artists of tbe highest order aud will make fun for the thousands that will want to i ear them There will be singing by vaudeville queen's of rare beauty and artistic merit. Specialties by negro, Irish aud Dutch delineator. Music to please tbe people aud a laugh able farce to conclude each perform ance. Tbe week performance will be given for the benefit of graded scbo I library which U a worthy enterprise. 4t The lady board of manager for tbe flora! parade request Tun Jouknai, to aunotmee that every citl.eu having a vtuieie of Sny kind, Is cordially in vited to take part in the parade. Arti ficial or natural flowers may tie ued. Friend from tbe coautry and sur rounding town are invited aud ex pected to attend in order to make tbe parade a grand success. ltev John U Hehnildt will couduct a service on Thuraday night at 8 o'clock In the Tise Chattel, all are Invited to attend. '' , nil i ii ti 11 n tii 11 in nniT i II II I 111 II IV VLlll III 10 OL President McKinleyis Said to Have Sent a Curt Note to Peace Commission j Spait 's Demands, aie IVcom- in More and Mo:e i Exasperating. : W AsiiiNwToN, Oct. -ii. Prominent lllcials here believe that President dcKinley sent tin ultimatum to Spain. ; V Curt message was capletl to peace commission last night. Aftur the thiitl cabinet meeting of today It was stated , that the President had received news j ol a must disquieting nature. Spams i demands are becoming more ami more exasperating. nci.roi SWF.Fl'N OKA I'll. MMIO TO Most AppullliiK l'lootl l linl Cen tral Cliln i lias Known In Mod ern '1 lines. Taco.m.v, Wash., Oct. U.". -The over UovUug of the- Vv4Utw. ri.ver - hi Shan tung province bus caused the most appalling disaster of modern times in Central China, according to news biougbt by the steamship Victoi ia. Villages were swept away by bun dreds. One hundred thousand people are ruined and homeless, crouching along the river banks in tbe rain. Two thousand were drowned. The general distress is augmented by t he spoiling of the cereal crops by Hoods, famine will prevail this Win ter in a distiic! populated by inure I In, n one million people. I aspect tun Post poneil. Ill' nih- I i.l.K, .Vn Oct Lti.-The war investigating commission arrived heie earty this morning. Tbe propositi inspection of the camp force w as post poned on account ol lain. It was decided this morning to hegin the examination of witnesses immediately Interesting tesliinoiiy isexpectetl since many of the regulars were in Ilie I 'ubaii eaiiipaign. OcDi Kiii 1 it'b'Kat Ion. WanminuTiiH, tl.i. llii. A tit lega tion ol (ieorgla etl,eliM viHIk'tl .the I'lesidt ul and the w ar liep.u linent Oils inorniiig to ariange lor seeiiiing a tlc luil of troops ami the altelitlalice some gov el iiinen t oIUcIiiIh at Ibeconilng At lanta peace jubilee. Tbe I'icsideiil Informed the delegation it was impts sllilo for him to come in Novemhcr, but he would come In Oeeember. Niiovv storm. . Mii.WArKKM, Oct 20 A m vere ruin and snow storm coupled wilii high winds Is raging through Wisconsin, wrecking telegraph lines In all direc tions. Several Inches of snow has fallen. If it freezes tbe potato crop is ruined. Troopsj Confined to JtarraekM. Pakih, Oct 211 All troop are con lined to the barracks this morning. Activity ot the police continues. Ar rests are made on the slightest pretext. Press reference to Fashoda are very meagre. They attract little notice. KesdKnat ln Aeeepletl. MAljiiia, Oy.1 The resignation of the captaiirgeuerul of Madrid bus Itecn accepted. The retirement (ieiieial Correa from the war olllce is posl pont d. MImsi Allen Married. Lowkm., Maws, Out 'in Miss Boulse Allen, daughter of tiie assistant sccre lary of t lie navy, was married ut noon at her home hereto Alexander HobbB of Montreal. Fulr Ueeoratlon. The decorations for the fair are now under headway. The ; Jones Hotel, Jacobs building aud tbe Twin City Furniture uo. Building are artistically decorated and look very pretty Indceii. BroWn warehouse, where the exhibi tion Will be displayed, Is decorated beautifully, aud to the taste of every i. ne. Kgged it Woman. Preston Williamson, a colored boy of about 19 year of age, waa arrested last iilgbt for egging a colored woman who i in town selling patent medi cine. He i uow in Jail awaiting trial. Greenville Fair. The editor of ThkJoubnal al-kuowl-edges with thank an Invitation to the Greenville Tobacco Fair which will be TienrTTovenabere, 10, 11, 1808; Ureeuvllie Is our old borne aud we ' t .. know from experience that whatever the great tobacco market of that town UudertuKes to do, it doc well. Col Webb and us are going to get some of llieW liuton fair attraction to go to (ire iiville- There'll be a big time m that old town fair week and we wish them ev ery manner of success. 1 Ubt. Mot Hit With a Itoek. ' Kobt Idol, who serve upon the 1 cl ileal force of the Peoples' National i Bank, met with a painful hurt last night. He hud just gotten of!' the street car near the second bridge in i company with Frank llailheock where they met eight negroes, young fellows about grown, w hen one drew a knife land threatened io cut him. Mr Idol I promptly and eflVetuully proceeded to i knock the young buck dow n aud was on him giving him a decent puiumel I ing w ben another negro In the crowd : threw a rock, striking Idol on the head producing a painful scalp wound. The 1 negroes then run oil'. Mr Idol' wound was given the necessary surgical atten ! Hon by lr Summers Mr Idol Is attending lo his usual duties today but with lather a tore head. - - - t-t . . -I We'll Bo There. 'I'll i: Joi kn A l. appreciates very much the following dispatch received lusi night: Kai.kkiii, N.C., Oct. 25, 1. M. Anhukw Jo nkk, Kditor WiNsrttN Joi unai : Come to great w hile man's eonveii Hon at (ioldsbffl'o, October 2S, to tell your Kasteru kintlred bow nobly the West is coining to t lie rescue. 'K. ,M. SrMHtoFJfl, ' - ( hail man. Denioenit le Speaking. Oct US, V:tO p in, W iu.iton, county caiitlitlales. Oct 7 ;;o p in, Ml I'leasunt school house, H B Oleitii. Oct grand rally and tiarbecue Kural Hall, (lovjarvis, C B Watson, H I! (lieu. Oct :il,7p in, ( 'enters ilie, It BOIenu Nov 5, Spunish drove, grand rally ami barbecue, Jus II Pou and li B tileini. MoekHvl He-MooreHvllio Koiul. '. .1 I I,' W..I.I. ...ill.... I., II... I . '. Ij. I.,ri llltr, ,,11111 II Of IH director of the Moeksv-llle-Mooresvllle road to see if t hey w 111 not run trains during the three days of the fair. The road Iiiih been completed ami all ready for (rains but be has heard that trail s will not run until a nt w tl pot is blllll. 'I lie Midway. The Midway lias been slaked oil b, Ml. ( iuggenhelui so that people gel" lingoH'the Irani can look in I he nai door of Biowu'h warehouse from the depot. I'lils is a good lib a and It will be no trouble tor people to lilitl Ilie place w lu re Ihc exhibition w ill lake place. A Ootid Work. The I, adlcs' Auxiliary is putting down a new carpet In the leading room of Ilie Young Men's Christian 'Associa tion. These ladles have done a great ileal to add lo the comforts of the men i berioflhe association ami Is highly appreelatetl by (be members. It. II. Mlll'Hll III. We ure sorry to leu in that Mr. B. II Marsh w ho was throw n from a horse lust weeek is conlined to his bed with a very sore and still leg. We hope lie will be able to be out in tune to enjoy the many pleasures of the fair. Bride and Oroojjii IC-xpeeteil . Mr. and' Mrs. (ieorge K. Tate who were wedded in such a romantic way yesterday are expected home tonight. Friday's! Debute. The debute at the West Knd School did not take place last Friday aa stated tmt nit account nf-thn weather, but wlllertuinly come oil' IIiIh Friduy. luvltatioits have been sent out and those who have not been so fortunate to receive one will not be admitted. There will be several in the debate Also several will make speeches, among them are Fred Haues and Peter Wilson. Miss Jannett Smith will recite. Those who have re el veil invi tations may consider themselves fortu nate for It will well enable them to pass a very pleasant and profitable evening. The debute will takephve at 2 o'clock. Hhort NuTch. J W Heard, of Baltimore, U hi the city today stopping at the Phoenix. W (1 Hlms, of Philadelphia, is a city visitor. ... Mr. Ijevitt, who Is running the Mid way at ltateigb, came in on thiseveu Ing's train. The decoration of the Joe Jacob building, by Fred It. W. Iteh, is a pretty piece of work, and help nucb to give. the bnUdrug a gala day uppear auce. A talk with a representative of Mr. Iteh lead u to believe that It U thelf purpose to do decoration aTa reasonable price. The Peoples' National Bank U. S. DEPOSITARY. J. W. FRIES, President T. A. WILSON- Cashier. WATSON BUXTON & WATSON, ATTOKN KV H-AT-LA W. OrTloe: First Nat'l Bank Building. FAIR WEEK! North Carolina Rolling Expj&ition Car, THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE." I'Olt THK BKNKFIT OFTHK TWIN CITY HOSPITAL Thlss'tate Museuui on wheel will stand (lurlngjjfalr week at the Southern passenger depot. Many new exhibit have tieen atlded to this Car since it last visit to Winston-Salem, it ha jusl returned from a il-inoiilhs trip through the North. Where thousands of M'ople visited It. ICeiiifon litir tttirl of ilie proetttHlH ictt lo the Twin t'Hv llonpiutl. unil all elti.eim and vIsltorH tire r(ititilt'l to vlttlt It. 'I'lie eontenlti of the l ilt are duly wonderful and ull Hint ;ih i'IiiI nu'il for tliiu. IKtn't iitltw it. Ladies of the :Twin Cit, Hospital association. Always the Best - Pure Hpices, Itest lioaMt (Joftee, MtK'lni and Java Blend, Fries' "Banner" Flour, the lieM iu the city, Very Fine 1'icklew, Heinz'H OimmIh, in Hweet, mixed and plain; Cat Mil p, Halail DresHing, tte. All kind of Dintaes, nice ami cheap. Dry Goods and Shoes to Hitit you in Htjle, quality and price. H. A. Giersh . Main Street, SAJ.KM, N. C. Tobacco Fair. He sure to see our display of . . HARDWOOD HANTELS, GRILLES, TILES. &c. at the Tobacco Ftir. We will tie pleased to quote you prices on anything hi our hue at any time. FOGLE BRO S.. SALEM, N. C. Kl.l.lOTr WAKKKN, A. II. Kt.LKK, Manager. " Attorney. THE PIEDMONT FARM EXCHANGE, Boom 3 aud 4, 'Luuly Block, 'WINSTON, N. C. Transacls every form of bujiuess conuected with real estate on commis sion strictly. No charge unless deal 1 made. 'Farm, mlueral, timber aud colony land all over the South. City and suburban property, rented, bought, sold or exchauged. Loaus negotiated audJu vestinen liLjnadej I uxe! )gate our bargalu list. Special 70 acre, 1 miles from city--92t pei aao. y " ;-W' t- v ' t : j t . -:V - it if,. v- 9- ' ' . - - 'i - . - - '1 ' ! A- i. 't ... '