THE OURNA1 5TIIE JOURNAL 1 3 Ofvet the Happenings of the WorM Q y. the ;a.v Tiny Oreut and All the 2 ft Local News While It In Fresh. 2 BTHE JOURNAL 5 in Ony Ij.oo fer j. U verttnloft Katem are Heamonable, K ami Results are Certain. OL. 2-NO. 180 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOIWR 27. 1898. PRICE TWO CENTS. T5SE UWIIT CIRCULATIOII IF ANY PAPER-GIRGULATEO IN 1 ISTIKftEI. (MfTII BOOKS OPEN TO ALLFOIINOPECTIOM I i -I I Books and News AT. D. II. BROWDER'S, (Successor injustice A Browder.) Wachovia National Bank, Winston, N. C. W. A. LtMLY, President. JAS. A. GRAY. Cashier. UTOKKH, FACTORIF8. I)WKI,- lings, Olllees, Bed Rooms and In fact all kind of real estate for ale or reut. I will make il pay property owners to place their property in my hands JAS. S. DUNN, KKA L ESTATE AtiKNT. Interstate 'phone, 90. Real Estate. ANDREW J. HOWELL Jr.. kka r, Rs i at a t;i:sr, K'HJKTH MT , Over Wall A Huake, Stat Ajewy f'.r Wellington Typewrltet ihe heat one. WATKINS & CONRAD, Dentists, And Dealers In Dental Supples. OHIce 'Phones, Upper Mln I III. rslnle Mil St reel . Halem, I ;cll t.'M HORTON & HORTON, Dentists. Oillcoover Waehnvhi l$,uift. 8!1 Ptioiie, 177; lu'.crtiUiM08. R. tL JONES, Dentist. Ollicein People ' Hank liuddiug. Phones: luterHtate 59; Hell 103. I - - M.McNAIR, TRADE Corner Third Is where the ladiea find tary to make every them Only a Few of Our Arti Cloakf, Coats aud Capes, bandaome and pluBhes. splendid val IN DUES8 GOODS I have cor trimmings, at a correct price In ettaa , Bergen, Popllca, Bei Arm urea, Plain Corded feeta, Wool' MILLINERY DE In Una we have the rlcheat fullest Wlostoo, The goods will apeak for Hon of every one who has eeo the looks at If every bright bird of plum the splendor ana richness to this de the immediate management of that saleslady. Mrs. Lassiter. - The public will find that J have prices perfectly satisfactory to the Itesf-etilfully, : M. Mc T kOO00444 Atj. cn. Woodruff & Go Correct Hats, ...MEN'S... FURNISHINGS You should tone yourself up u 1 Ule fo tlilH grtHi gala week, t ome to our store. We cuu plee you fn Hutu, Ties, Hhl rW. etc, hihI price will pleaweyoi too. We muuunlee Hlylu, (.JuuUly tiutl I'ru-e J. M. WOODRUFF & CO., Hats and Men's Furnishings. Bt-fSuits to your measure. GROWTH OF THE ' Wachovia Loan and Trust Company, Winston N. C, Since Ornanization.Jnuel5.1893. DKFOrUTS f WMKIft.HO am,57H.iKi 4mi.wfi.tif. LOANS. lrt2.Wll.2l HttH.CTl.rK mi 012.17 mi.nw.4.1 lune 16, 1SH.S lime 15, 1HH1, June 15, )xm. June 15, IKim Kept. I, .I'M, ft io loan and Trusi WINSTON, N. t txecutyr Administrator Guardian. Acts as The Best and Most Reliable Trust Company In the State. Does a General Banking Business. Pays Interest on Deposits. Solids Your Business. Ice Cream Soda -AND- Milk Shakes Made from Pure, Fresh, Un diluted Cream from Dr Thompson's Farm. All Cold Drinks. AT Thompson's Soda Fount. H. Montague, Att'y, LAND A LOAN AOKNT, WINHTON, N. t. v llousm, loin and la idn for Mile, rent or ex i hiiie. Ixmim i)egoltted; Urge or miiihII HinouulM luternUtle phoie wl. PALACE, and Liberty, thing in dress material ueces stylish and attractive. cles Will be Found JJelow ly trimmed and lined In rich cloths ues at reasonable figures, rect material, correct color, correct Broadcloths, Coverts, Henri- ges, uueviois, wnipcorus, Weaves and Crepe n.r- -and Bilk. PART ME NT. and finest display ever brought to t he mt elves. They are the admira stock. The selection. is perfect. It mage had lent its feathers to add to partment. This department Is under inimitable and splendid milliner and the goods and am selling them at trade. - : w NAIR. Hon. H. B.Junes Shows What Kind of a Person the Re publicans Nominated. T PEOPLE Ml FN II Period of Corruption Ever Since Mott Was Fleeted Solicitor. The record herein net fourth under the certificate of the respective Clerks show that during the combined ad- minlHtralion of Settle and Harber from January I, IHtll to January 1, IS(.r), i,in cludiu;' 8 yearw in Hurry county). Settle and Harber convicted it.U de fendants. Settle and Karber nol prossed 1010 defendant). Settle and Harber paid to School fund, $;44'J 70. That during the administrati u of M. L. Motl, from January 1, IM" to Oelola-r 1, lsS. M. L. Molt convicted -WHi defend anlH. M. L ants. M. L Mott noJproHHed II! 4 defend paid to the Hchool fuud, tilH.bS. Making a ditl'erence in favor of Sett le and Harber, $8,1LH.0'J, or a gain ito the laxpayerH and the school fund of 12.S.(I'J. That the average cost of a nol pros Is a I out ". The nol p rouses of Mr. Molt coHt the taxpayera $7,475: while Settle and Barbers' nol prosses eoat the laxpayera a dlfte euce In favor of the tax payer of $2426. That tit)2 cases were indicted for fail ure to list poll taxes during Moll's term; and of tills number 181 were convicted, 410 were nol prossed. Thai he received an feea from 1M case's convicted $7;t2. and his nol prosses cost the taxpayers $2,0115. Besides the lime occupied in the trial of (hone cases, for which tpe people have to pay. Men who violate the law should be indicted' aud convicted ;bul cases should not le piled upon them In order lo mako f'et s. for l ha Solicitor, and make it impossible for them to pay nothing but the cost, (which always includes the Solicitor's fees). If the numerous parties over this dlslri 't, who have been Indicted in so many capes for the same oflensc, had been Indicted in one or two runes and then made to pay a flne.t he school fund of Mr Mott would have compared more favorably with that of Settle and Bar ber; but hia pocket wou'd have been lighter. I have been unable lo find a single Indictment for falling to list poll taxes under the administration of Settle and Harber. Luring their term the parlies who failed to list were doubled taxed, jud the sheriI collected thlsdouble tax for the county. It was left for the present Solicitor to go to the Register of Deeds olliee in each county and take the names of those who were returned unlisted and indict them for falling to list their poll taxes. While he was taking from the records of Wilkes county a list of 12 names for failure to list poll taxes he overlooked one party whose name ap pears in the following certillcat: Wm.kkhhoko, N. ('., Sept. 80, 1898. 1, K. M. Blackburn, ltegister of Deeds for Wilkes county, hertbv certify that M. L. Mutt's name appears among the' unlisted imjI.s on the tax books for Wllkesboro township, and Wilkes county, N. C, for years 18iMand 1897. K. M. Bi,a(;kbi!KN, ltegister of Deeds, Exoftice Clerk of Board of County ConiinlHsioners. Aud this Kegister of Deeds is Rcpjb llean candidate for re-election. The present solicitor who indicts men in his district for failure to list (poll taxes was himself up to 18U8 guilty of the tame crime, in that he failed to list proper! y or poll in the county of Wilkes where he lives. And never paid his' aunual license to prectlse law since his election till April 15tb, 1898, as the tax books of Sherifl Call will show. With a salary and fees from bia oflice, which pay him anuually $ 600 to $i000, be violates the law with impunity and indicts 602 of his fellow citizens for failure to list poll taxes, who are barely making a living, many of them With targe families to support, righting the wolf of hunger from the door. But they must pay ine tribute of ilfiu to the second. officer of the court, .who should plead guilty himself to the same olfeuse, as be did for gambling. Men differ and have a right to diflir in polities.IrellgionanA other things But let the cool, calm, deliberate and honest man take this record of facts, over which there ean be po dispute and ask himself these questions, Can I as an honest, conscientious man, vote for the man who made this record and thereby endorse the record." Can I do It and then claim to V honest in my convictions? Can I do il and be tiue to myself, my family and my country'.' This reccrd needs no further com ment at my bauds, il standH for all (Continued on second page ) Victor 1. Lioavtlt'N Midway Alt motions. i Mr Victor 1) Levitt Was in (own today aud closed contracts with Col Webb to bring hla iiiahimolli attrae tions to our fair. Mr Victor D Levitt is tlie modern Itanium of 1 te 11 t it amusement LiihI ness, ami with bis partner, Mr A Sea I man, he tuieeeeun in tuinging m ians and gala occasion, both north and south, a list of Httraclionsthalmaterial ly aid in making merriment for the visiting in u It i I mti k. Mr Levitt is a amiable gentleman, a 8l! degree Mhhoii, a I'ythlan, a Klk jiihI aSJ a o,u Fellow and a man w ho is a peer of his fellows in the light amuse nienl world. He is coining to our fait' and has not failed to hung nu ll atlrae tions and amust incuts as were calcu lated to add much to I he enjoyment of our thousands of fair visitors. Mr Levitt has bad so much experi ence In Ihesliow business and is withal such a clever fellow that lie lam natur ally drifted into Hie position of "The Manager of the Midway," and for the second year lias matciii lly aided the malingers of (be I'iedmoiil Tobacco Pair Society in securing u list of attrae tlons and light amusements that are hlglitoned and Interesting The fair this year can con lidcnt ly lay claim to a most intere-ting and amusing midway, free from the low f a k 1 ' ami un pi luelplcd gamester The tented attiactions arc, as a rule, commendable and are worth - the money it takes to nee ihem. Among the best attractions are the Crystal Maze, Buckley's Ureal Horse Show, Mont Moren.o's Troops of Mooi'i", the Starved Cubans, the celebrated Jim Key, one of t)ie smartest horses In America, together with a number of smaller allrael ions. The Levitt & Seaman shows will cover the entire lot reserved by the association for the midway and in this little tented village muy be seen some of the most attractive and amusing of the light attraction) that travel the road. Mes.-1's Levitt and Seaman lake in thegranll circuit and are the managers generally of the best midway attiac tions at our leading fairs. 4 (i'(Kii I -.ell NuptlulK. One of I lie most beautif u I and ipiiel home weddiims ever wilnesscd was solniolil.ed at the home of M l and Mis II A Desha.o at Hbgeway Wednes day morning at 9 o'clock, October 20. "The" contracting parties were Miss Lilly Urogan and Mr Omstun K Uz.le. The impressive ceremony that made them one was performed by the venerable Kev Robert Anderson, a noted Presbyterian divine of Maitlns vllle, Virginia. A beautiful reception was given them by the bride's sinter, Mrs II A DchIiiuo, 'Tuesday evening. The supper vts superb and served with rare taste. OiCy the immediate relatives of t lie contracting parties witnessed the nup tials. 'The bride was handsomely and becomingly attired in a tailor made costume of blue and black whipcord with hat and gloves to mutch. The groom wore A suit of conventional black. Mitts Urogau is a daughter of the late Marliu Urogan of Winston, N C, aud sister of Attorney J H Urogan of the same city. For several years she lias beeu a belle of the social world distin guished for her beauty and rare mental attainments. Hhe possesses all those womanly graces that make home the dearest place on earth. For a year she rtatightsneeesBfttBy in the iild gs- way Institute and during her stay has made a lasting friend of Everybody iu the place. Mr O K Uzzell is from Uoldsboro, North Carolina, and Itelongs to one of the oldest faiuiles of the state. His future home will be Atlanta, Ueorgia, but his busiuess us financier takes him to all the states and territories. He is a man of fine personal address, pos sessed of wonderful knowledge of human nature and tare business tact. Mr aud Mrs Uzzell left on the morn ing train for an extensive tour west and south. They will spend the winter among the orange groves of Florida. A crowd of relatives and friends were at the depot to witness their departure and together with the editor of the News to wish them Jong and happy life and prosperity. C. C. B. A Jtiu: (iimke, The etwrifl" baa banging in bis olllce theskin of a big rattlesnake. It Is alone four and a half feet in length and bias eleven rattles. This snake was killed near Moore's Springs, A Fifty Dollar Ihmlnm. The Wimton Hardware Co., offers n premium of a flua steel cooking range, necessary fixture and furniture com plete, worth $50.00, to the handsomest woman attending the tobacco fair, who has no range. Mil Il A Site ng Letter Uriny Busi ness Men to Come t the R scue. Victory in Our Grasp if We Will Only Do Our Duty To I II K Pkoim.K ok Koksvtu Coi'M : The chamber of commerce of Wil mington, N (".composed of both rc luhlicans and democrats, have xpoken in no uiireriajn words of tl(c present condition of ailairs in this city, caused by the Incompetency and corruption of negro supremacy. 'The same thing is true of Newbcrn, Ureeuvlllc and every city dominated by the negroes. In' these "Hies taxes have Incri-MK.I j w hile the valuation of properly has I decreased. Capital refuses to make investments there fearing that tlicii 'investments by reason of bad rule and nii-manugelnel .may be disasl i ions. What hat- been the history of these eities will be repeated in our own cities if we like them are to be turned over to I such vampires as have sucked away I their life blood. it otnooves us men lo be on the eli rt In this election. To sec to it thai all business, save t he business of poli ticals suspeudod until after the elec tion. Every man has an iutluence and can pursuade some one, heretofore a republican or populist, to help the white men in this fearful struggle for supremacy. See that all your neigh bors properly register and are at the polls. He there yourself by sun up in the morning and have your teams w lib you ready to have the sick and dis abled to their voting precinct. Victory is In our grasp if we but do our duly and therefore I call on all, oid and young, recognizing the fearful con so uence the defeat will suicly bring upon uh, to do every tiling in their Kiwer for the safely of our county and t he protection of their loved by carry ing this election. A Votku 4 The Hon. liobt. It. (llenn will sp nk at I he Vogler's Store, Halem, tonight Kverybndy invited. A Flower mill llaliy show 'The King's Daughters w III hold t heir annual Flower jHhow on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next in Hie liux Inii-Lemly Building on Liluily r I reel op oslle Farmer's Warehouse. 'I lie ladles hope to receive a 'urge number of exhibits in the following ( lasses: Finest collection of ( Tin sanlhc mums, Second ( Nil lection of ( !irysanl henum is, Finest Half Po.en Chrysanthemums, The Largest Chrysanthemum, Second Largest Chrysanthemum, Largest Named Collection, Second Largest Named Collection Best arranged Kxs hlbit, Second Best Arranged Pxhibit, Finest Chrysanthemums by a Child not under 12 nor over 15 years of age, Finest Chrysanthemums Urnw ii by a Child not over l2yearsold. The largest Collection of Roses, Second Largest Collection of Hoses, Finest Half Dozen 1 loses. Largest Collection of Orna mental Plants, Largest Collection of Palm, Largest Collection of liegonias. Anyone wishing further information apply to any member of the chcte. 'The Baby show will be held as usual in connection with lite Chrysanthe mum Show on Friday at X.'tO P.M., w hen a handsome ring will he awarded h of theJu I lowing ,TLeavlewLBaTi under Six Months, rrellicsi itaby un der One Year, Prettiest Ulrl between (The and Two years, Handsomest Boy between One and Two Years, J'rettieHt Uirl between Two anil Three Years, Handsomest Boy between 'Two and Three Years. A Urcat Kiiti'fliilinneiit . The secretary of the Fair Association has secured from uortberu cities a 11 rt t class clean vaudeville troupe to occupy the boards fat the armory during fair week, beginning Mcuday night. The armory Is belli put in "apple pic order" for the great show which w ill arrive here Monday morning. The people composing the lroiiie are all artists of the highest order and will make fun for the thousands that will want to "near them. There will be singing by vaudeville queens of rare beauty and artistic merit. MpecialtleM by negro, Irish aud Dutch delineators. Music to please the people and a laugh able farce to conclude each perform ance. - ; ; r The week performance will be given for the ben eli t of graded scho ;l library whichls A worthy euterpritm 4t A eijreelinen. The clerks Jf the superior court in every county In this Judicial district b-ke furnished a verified certificate of the criminal court record during four years of Settle and Barber's term of uftice as solicitors and four years of M L Mott. These records show that Mott has never paid the line aud cost in Forsyth county for his own conviction for gambling at the same tin.e he indicted friends w ho played with him aud put 1 Vi in Ids ow n pocket they ! paid as solicitor fees. They also show that where he has indicted hundreds of men for not list ing tuxes, t he records of Wilkes county , show that he himself never listed his taxes. T hat he has indicted many lawyers and doelnrs for not paying j license lax and he has not paid his j ow n license tax. These charges I are j sustained by tht records and certified lo by republican clerks. This Is a fair' sample of the benign rule of republi ! canisin that the I'nion Republican lustily advocates and Mott no doubt is a candidates after its ow n lit art. I In another column we publish a por- j lion of a pamphlet just issued by Hon j K I! Jones, containing ecrlillcates of verified records from every county in J t be district. L . ) This man Mott is fair specimen of j fusion ami negro rule. j All lldiior to T hem The gentlemen in w hoso hands re- f pose i he iniinai eiiient of the Winston Tobacco hair, are alright. It would have been dinieull, is not ini possible, . to find belter. They have given up I business, pleasure, comfort everything to make Ibis fair a grand success. They I have w oiked eai nest ly and I'allhfull night and day In its various depart inci Is in order that nothing may be i omitted I hat Would help to make it t he pride of our people. All honor to the olllecrs of the Pair Association, all i honor to the executive committee of j I lie same. Colonel A. It. Uorrell, president; Mr. , T. L. Vaughn, Treasure; Col. (i P.. Webb, secretary, have worked witli i Hie eiieigy of trojtiiis In the interest of j the fair. The executive committee: U. A, 1'VHiii, A. Ii. Uoiretl, K. A. Coleman, W II ( arter, W N Reynolds, H K, Piles, S. Allen, M. 1. Bailey and (i. P. Weill, have fullUlcd the highest ex ci tation of our people and juslllled the pre-eminent selection upon tills committee. T il i Jot UN u. feels proud lo speak of these gentlemen in Ibis connection. They tlesi rve every kind wind we can speak of them.' Visits. Knssell. (iiivcrnur Russell yesterday icccived a i . . ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ee of leading eillcns of Wil mliigtiii'l who sugnc-ted II at in w w ill I he inll'inied cumin hm of I he public in i ml the p ill Ucul h,ic ik iug w ln b lie republicans had boohed (o I c he il lliele next Sal unlay be canceled. I ll"',v ihhouic comment at I he oniLsmn ol any melillon ol .Mnv llalimi I in li e governor's pioelai nation, issued last evening. w hl li w as Held Mc. (.iiKtienlicliii. Mr S (iuggenlielin, the advai ce agent of the Levitt A Seaman shows, 'ii! been appointed by Col Webb lo beautify the midway. He promises if he can get the assistance of our mer chants that he will erect two handsome arches at the approaches of the mid way and will decorate them with incandescent globes that will give a very brilliant ailed at night. Y'Ht4.mliiy'H Polled Court. T here were ten eases on docket for trial yesterday. Pour for $4 .-70, three for!. 40, one for Ujei.40, one lor $2.80 and one for $T. 00. l making a total of l.'l.20. 'Then) are six cases for this evening, three for breach of peace, two for nuisance and one for druukuess. (thief Adams always collects lines in puts men lo work and make Ihem work It out. Do Yt, ii Sliitf In uC Roll', Kvery member of any church choir, of any denomination in Winsloii Saiem, who will ashlst In the chorus music of the Y. M. C. A. annlvenaiy next Sunday is requested to meet al the Association auditorium at 8 o'clock lonlght for practice. 1 1 Is the desire of program committee to have about llfty voices in the big chorus. Come to ffc;o the Fair. Minn Mary Sheetz aud Mr J K Bheetz, with his little son, came In Tuesday night from Keyser, W Va, to visit their parents al Primrose farm aud take In the tobacco fair. Mr Sheet, had under his care Louis and Uray Kiuuiuu? who were on their way to Hie Thorn well Orphanage at Clinton, S C. He took them to Greensboro this morning, returning on the 10 a m train. W inston Fire Department. There will be a general meeting of the department tonight at 8 o'clock. Kvery member is requested to attend. I ... i 1 II..I..U l.l..l' 4-.... v JOHN W . ii akius, vuiei. J. H. Dunn, Hec'ty. JohTiM "Brower,repubItean Tandi date for congress, will speak in the court houe Iu this city at 8 o'cloch p m, Saturday, October 2f)th. Mr Brower otters to divide time with Lluney. The Peoples' National Bank U. S. DEPOSITARY. J. W. FRIES, President WILSON- Cashier. T. A. WATSON BUXTON 4 WATSON, A Tl't I KN K H- A T-LA W. Office: First NatT Bank Building. FAIR WEEK! North Carolina Rolling Expj&ition Car, 4 fa i,'.'l '.flifj THE "CITY OF CHARLOTTE. ' FOItTIIlO BPNKFIT OFTHK TWIN' CITY HOSPITAL This State Museum on wheels will stand during fair week at the Southern passenger depot. Many new exhibits have bee.i added to this Car since Its last visit to Winston-Salem. It has just returned from a 9-montliH trip through the North. Where thousands of 1 1. ople visited It. lO'iutMii bcr piii'L ol" tliti prortwcls so lo the I Will City llospllHl. IH Hi Hll CltlZUUN mid visitor" are icim-slnl lo v Islt It. The contains of tlm cur tire truly wonderful mid all tliut U claimed fortliiMii. iion't, uOhh It. Ladies of Hie Twin City Hospital Association. Always the Best I'ure HpicoH, Host Itoast Cuttee, Mochii ami Java Blend, Fries' "Biinncr'1 Flour, the bout iu the city, Very Fine I'icklen, Hehu'8 (lootln, itiHwcet, mixed and plain; ( 'ntHiip, Salad DreNMiuK, cie. All kind of l)inhH, nice and cheap. Dry Goods and Shoes to Hiiit you in Htyle, quality and price. H. A. Giersh Main Street. SA LKM. N. C, Tobacco Fair Be Kijre to see our display of . . HARDWOOD HANTELS, GRILLES, TILES, &c. at the Tobacco Fair. We will be pleased to quote you prices un anything in our tine at any time, FOGLE BRO S., SALEM, N. SPECIAL NOTICE! Parties having money to loan can have it advantageous placed by cointuunicatiug with ine. THE PIEDMONT FARM EXCHANGE, Booms 13 and 4, Lemly Block, Interstate 'phone, 154, ELLIOTT WARREN, Manager. OS Y-A . - ... if k .Si mftvv