TT hp OURNAL, THE JOURNAL J t ,s K"' "r- ' - 2 X and KeauKa are Certain. 9 I THE JOURNAL f Giro the Hnppeaing Of the World (lie Xr They Oocar and .Alt tue j Loel Hews While it la Fresh. V WINSTON rSALKM, N. ()., MONDAY, DKOKMIiKR 18iKS. VOL. 2-NO.-12 THICK FIVE CENTS. TCSE JOURNAL GUARAKTEES THE LAMEST GIRGULA WE1 HE 3 HOLIDAYiGIFTS In floe leather goods, in combination pocketboobs, tablets and puds. Our stock of albums, and handsomely bound and illuHtrated boob, juvenile books make gifts tbat the cultlvatived appreciate as Xmas souvenirs. D. H. Browder, ; (Successor to Justice & Browder.) WachoVio National Bank, Winston, N. C. W. A. LEMLY. President. JAS. A. GRAY. Cashier. H. Montague, Att'y, LAND 4 LOAN AGENT, WANTON, N. L. Hotiata, lots and lands for aale, rent or ei cbmc. Loan negotiated; large or mall amouuta. Interstate phone 82. Hints fot... iiTjrojaivEMAPr Ink wells, ioc to Mem. Books, fc to coc. Paper weights, ioc to c. Paper knives, ioc to 6cc Postal scales, tfc to 2.0 Desk baskets, 29c to 60c " Artistic calendars and Xmas cards at all prices. Trav. dressing cases 2. 50 to 4-l0- Vuraea be to 1 25. V Iva Cameras 6.00. Weill Ktou Typewriter BO.IKJ. HOWELL. Foutli Side Court House Square. IB SI REMEMBER TUB BIG 10 PER Reduction Sale rorEash kit & Now going on NEW UP-TO-DATE FIXINGS FOR MEN. That were liouglit for this sea son's trade. Prices guaranteed us cheap :us the cheapest and values as good a the best. Mkn', Hats, I;mi:u kau, Sox, Sunns, Ctn.i.Aus andt'riT's, TlKH, MUl'TTKKS, U.MIiKKU.AS, J. M. WOODRUFF & CO., Hats and Men's Furnishing-. GROWTH OF THE Wachovia Loan and Trust Company. Winston N. C, Since Orauization, Jnuc 15, 1893. IiK I 'OS ITS I tlK.lKi.H'J llUH..(l' I .OA Nil. t m-.IJ.., Ill ii;u,m.i ti .117 IK J. 17 iui.i.i;. i.'. I une 1ft, isws June lf, ism, Jim IS, I -on., June I.'., 1WK Hcpl. 1, l"tw, I WINSTON, N. C, ( txecutor Acts as Administrator I Guardian. The Bent and Most Reliable Trust Corapati y lit the State. Does a General Hanking Business. Pays Interest on Deposits. Solicts Your Business. WINSTON-SALEH Building and Loan Association. FOURTH SERIES NOW OPEN. FIrwt Payment Called tor Dec. 1. This Association oilers first cIuhh facilities to borrowers at very low rat -s of interest, and to investors an absolutely safe and profitable invesl meut. To salaried men and wage earners who desire to lay up a few dol lars each month for the liievilttlile "rainy day," its advantages arc unequalled. A Inline institution managed by home people. (J. A. KOI. UN, Hoc. and Treat". I) I RECTO RH.-J. 0. Huxton, Dr. J. F. Hliairner, J. VV. Hhipley, VV. A. Whltaker, H. E. Allen, Joe Jacobs, VV T. Vogler U. A. Folllu. CENT at. McNAIR'S MANY GOOD SERMONS IM-enclHMliVeterdaj it the Twin ( It v Churche. Jonah lind cnapter "th aud Mh verses was the text used by the pastor at the hirst Baptist church yesterday miniing. My wy of iutroducliou he commented on Uallatians 6:9 aud Hebrew 1:2:3. The causes and remedy of spiritual faintiug. For great mental anxiety about our selves. Reference was made to the Israelites in the wilderness, our sick soldiers Hi the hospitals at Manila, Daniel in exile, etc. Kemembrauee of our past lives. Jonah had disobeyed (iod. He told of the trouble that must come U, children who disobey' their parents. The Apostle Paul could never forgot his persecutions of the church. The visitation of (tod's judgment? for sin and Die legitimate harvest of evil sowing often produce spiritual faint ing. Among the remedies suggested were the following: Remembrance of the Lord, His power, His mercy, His pro vidence. Prayer. We can never fall into any situation wl. ere we may not pi ay. In prison, in exile, the window towards hciven always open. The communi cation bet ween the soul and (Jod can not he broken exiept by ourselves. Thank glxing will greatly help us w hen disposed to give up. There are ni. to bright Hum dark days in t lie year, (o leiiicinber our mercies is a time for Die soul. To pay the ones we have linn It- to god will often relieve the silnaliiiu. 'I here are sonic who are discouraged at I he end of the veal becausethe vows made at tin beginning have not been kept . Large congregations attended morn ing and night. wai uiitown baptist. Rev. Henry Sheets closed his pastor ate at YYuiightnwn last night. He preached a very earnest sermon on "Co-operation" found in the (itli chap ter of Fphesians. The incoming pastor Rev. VV II Wilson, will begin his work there the third Sunday in January. M. 1'. i in IU II. The pastor preached on "I'rayer" at both Die morning and evening services. In the morning his text was I John, 6: M,15, unil at night, Matt. 7th chapter, "tli verse. iod Is the only object of prayer. It is idolatry to call upon angels or de parted spirits. We should confess to whom we have sinned against. "Against thee only have jve sinned' ' "Who can forgive sins but Uodonly?" Jesus Christ is the only medium through which we can approach the Father. The Jews ignore this, and hence are resting under (iod's dis pleasure. "1 am the way, the truth, and the life," said Jesus. He is our high priest, aud has made his own atoning sacri fice. The Father has accepted and endorsed it. The prerequisites to ac ceptable prayers are sincerely, humil ity, simplicity, and importunity. Ask ing contrary to (iod's will is asking contrary to our best interests. We must not pray selfishly. The thorn must remain in the flesh. (Jod 'a prom ises are as sure as the foundation of his throne. We should not only pray with, hut for others. We should always be In a devotional frame. "I'ray with out ceasing." This is possible through ejaculatory ..or mental prayer. Hecret prayer is indiseiiNable. Family prayer Is needful. Ju public or social prayer we should rciiii inner that we ate pray ing to (Jod and not merely to be heard of men. CIIK18T1AN, Reasons for the Unexampled Growth of the Disi iples. Orlgiual Christianity differs from modern Christianity. The former is Christianity as taught by Christ and His apostles. In the thousand of years of the 'dark ages" Christianity wbb grossly corrupted; hence the need of the prolcstaiit reformation. Rut that reformation w as incomplete. The result is modem Christianity, a compromise between the original and that of the dark utfe. , ... . The work of the Disciples is founded on y one great fundamental principle, viz: a purpose to Bud iiv' the New Tes tament, original Christianity in its purity and completeness, aud to teach and practice exactly tbat. Btarting in BOOK ' ": '-" OPENS TUESDAY MORNING, 1 0 0'CIock. 415 LIBERTY STREET. Dr. H. A. Brown, Dr. W. S. Creasy, Rev. J. W. Frank and other prominent men will be be present a portion of the time and will assist in showing you the books before purchasing, bv special invitation. The circulars distributed at your homes explain our object. Hours of sale io to !2 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 V 1S09, they adopted bn their perpetual problem thetjueation, just exactly what was original Chiis' ian '.y as Christ intended it should be. Working on this great problem foi now nearly ! years, they constantly sock s:ep by step to pra. tiii' just what they (ind. Such study gave to the Bible as a whole a lieautll'ul clearinss which greatly attracted vast iiumUis who had never uni erstocd the Mible. The gospel "is Uu fiower of (iod unto sal vation;" Romans 1, li. Aud I he gospel Is the -lory of Christ, the hci'y of fuels about him. Tin sword of tl.. sj hit is the word of (iod; Kpu.(:!7. Thissword is to pierce, convict, convert. I n t he New T. stament a wonderful simplicity appears in :!i.i pun ess of conversion and enlistment hi the army of Christ a simplicity like that of a man giving his life to serve as a soldier of the I 'nited Hlates. No telling of a strange experience Is ever asked for or offered In New Testament conversions. No confession of faith is ever exacted of a supposed convert, except that "Jesus Is the Christ, the Son of (iod Hee the record of conversion in last half of VI II chaplei of Acts. This simplicity of conversion and dedication of the life to Christ, is being more and more widely acknowledged. noMi: MORAVIAN. The services at tli.i Home M vinn church last night partook very laigely of a ( 'hilstnias nature, a s ei iallv pi -pared ode containing glad In istiuas hymns was sung by the entire ni;rc Kat Ion with hearty good will, aud great power and earm st ness. The KishoMlclivcred n very powcilul an. I earnest i-ermon, his theme heme, the glad season upon w hieli wo are about entering, urging his hrurers to propcily observe the holiday in a truly Christian way, avoiding all dissipation and use less frivolities, and Duly celebrating the anniversary of the biitli of Hie "(iod Man" upon earth. The choir, and Die young ladies of the Academy, together Willi the young people of the Home Sunday .School sang very sweetly in altcniafiiigchoins the beautiful blight Christmas anthem "Morning star, thy cheering Ugh'," etc, which Is a custom with these people at the last Hunday night's ser vice next proceeding Xmas dav. An earnest prayer o lie red by the Bishop and another Xmas hymn by the con gregation closed this Interesting ser vice. I'KN TIINAUY. The services at Centenary chinch yesterday were very Interesting and helpful. The attendance was unusually large at both services. The pas! or preached In the morning from (iunesis 3:4. The theme was "A Fatal False hood" ill the evening his theme was, "The Pleasure of (iod the End of Creadon." Text Rev, 4:11. It was divlled into the follow ing heads, (iod Die creator of all things. His Power, as Father, Son and Holy (Jhost. Heavenly Hosts engaged In glorifying (Jod. All nature Vies in giving (Jod pleasure. Man's duly lo please and glorify (iod made plain from Die foregoing, and the direct commands of ( Jod. Demi l.ct .crs. The follow ing is a list ol dead letters remaining in the poslolliee at Win N. (!., December 17, IHtiS: RohL Adams, Martin Bennett, Miss Ella Blake, Miss J VV Brown, I K I) Carter, Miss Maggie ( 'line, Henry Con rad, E 1 Carter, L N Crawford, Jr., Mrs M I Dole, J W DaJtou, .Miss Lou Denton, Miss Cora Earnhardt, Miss Julia Trips, L K Gordon, Aim lleiuil grave, Misss Alice ilariston, Harry L Henderson, Jacop Hlx, J M Houston, Mrs Jennie Newston, Robert Jaggard, Joe Joyce, Charlie Keen, J L Laii sloh, N M Laflln, Mrs Ellen Mayer, Daniel W'asby, N C Noel, Mrs J R Patterson, Ezra I'i. lt;, V I) Fills, W II Hhepheard, ,".,! h Mettle, James Hhelton, L Hinu inoii, Mm Julia Hmall nood, T in Stone, H Swaim, Hugh Tesh , H W W atkins, Mn-r, M 'rlah Mem.' When culling for Die i;i-..c letters please say they wi re aiRcriis d. 1'. II. Ls iiiioiik, P. M. hai.i-:m. Li t of let h rs ruiiHliii- g unctuiinrd in pn5rs.i.- at ti('iii, NC, M "cl-wof busiiiiv-s, Siiiniihiy Dec 17, Ml'i: J W Cool;, W.liinii Franklin, J V Darymore, il D Lacy and Miss Alice Minun. When calling for above please call for advertised leiter.-. W. P. Okmstiy, P. M. SALE to 10 p m. . IRA Itl'SlNKSS is ;inm. Bi hiIM reel Nil j si Nothing Like 'I'll- Civ-cut AilUDy Hver Scon. Nkw Vui;u, December Is. Likening the geueial business of the country hi thai of a al,ei cniiiso, it may be authoritatively stated thai nearly all the channels of seasonable tiade are at the present lime itinniii lull, ill sonic lines of bii-iucs-i the streams are irtually out of the hanks This is particularly the case in iron and steel w hele production and cons imp tivc demand are alike going on at an mi pieocdcutcd rate. Higher prices for pin him, steel billets, soft steel and all sorts of chic materials arc reported, w Idle Die production of raw material is at a niaxium. Ship building, too, conl I ibuti s its pot I ion of activity to the Iron trade by its urgent calls for material. 1 il ot tier lines ol 'business the situa tion us regards prices Is a favorite one, notable aiming the advances reports being nearly all the ceieals, corn, collie, lumber, copper, lead and a variety of oilier less prominent staples. Following the slight recession shown. In Wheat values of last week an i.mpioved lie mand foi export bus again developed which Is evidence of I lie fa 1 1 hat sloi ies of keen emu pent i u fiom Argentina and Russia have been molt or less dis counted, the I idled Stales iciiialiiing as lor !-.iiie Inn.' past the piln. ipal sotili e of supply for I he wot Id. I neiciit-ed inteicsl is being lal.i n in collon III the adv.ilu'd pllce, anil the sit ua I ion of I he nciiiiifaeluit'd product has bit ii strengthened by skilful man agement ol the pilul cloth, w hii h lias t ndiicetl a more llUi il de mand for kindled pit. duels fm Die spring tiade. Holiday trade is reported extremely active at most inaikt ls. The country's, export trade is of the largest volume evet known, that of November sur passing the total Air December a year ago, with the Indications showing a total trade for the calendar year al least tine-sixth larger (ban a year ago, and cur sales abroad aggregating two dollars for every dol'ar's worth we buy, CHAMBER OF DIMM ERCE. An Important Meet low V 11 i Mo llcltl ill the Ittiiiiiis loiiKii i . NljglD. There will lie an Important meeting of the Chamber of Commerce al the rooms (omcrrow night, at H o'clock. 1 1 1 1 1 ii il t ii 1 1 1 matters will come before Hit meeting and a full altcndance of both members and eiltciis is earnestly desired. Mr. 11 J Blauvell, builder, of Hula delphla, lias pie pa red plans for the new hotel and lias been ieiiicsted lo exhibit lite same at Ibis meeting. There will be addresses by prominent citizens on I ids subjc.'t. A new hotel hi this city is badly needed mid il is to Die inteicsl of all Die business men lo be present anil lake nil active pari in I lie meeting. This hotel is lo he const I ucled of brick ami iron, with over one bundled 'sleeping rooms, Willi all model n con vcuiciices, making it up to dale in eveiy purticuiar and second lo none in I he stale. It Is not I he object of I bis Hireling lo take subscriptions, but to lay the mat le'r before the public geiicially. I NTKKKhl I NO PROGRAM. 'l ilt- l'lipllsi of Sol. ill Acadfiiiy Hold mi liupi-i'Hsi vi Nt'i'vice In I ho A ('illicitly ( .Impel. Al I o'clock yeslenla. afleruoon in the Academy Chapel was la id a very impressive service, marking I he close of llie-ycai and as an appropriate open ing of1 Die Christmas holiday season. The service consisted of sacred music prepared by the vocal department of Salem Academy. Each number on the pmgiaiii was rendered in a most aeteplaUy manner and the hour was greatly enjoyed by every one who had Die good fortune of al lending. 'I h prugmiiJ ejiunislcij of i'hoiusesteciiii tions, vocal aud instrumental silos. Ow ing to Die lack of space we are I I ii a I ile lo print Die entire program, but we cannot help but make special mi n tiou of Dial beautiful recitation, "The Lullaby of the Angels," by Miss Annie ' Ci PRICHARD. Lindsay, who showed a very high degree of proficiency in elis utioti. "TV Dcum," by a double .uartclte conipofed of Misses Scflber, Siddall, Settle and Morrison .and Messrs E A ! Ebert Sam IT'ohl. trunk Vogler and L B lhiekensteiti was excellent and th s.'i ves special comment. 'At the conclusion of Die regular pio graiuthe iiipils joiiu d in the tinging j of a beautiful hymn ami idshnp Rontl- i Dialer dismissed Die audience with a fervent prayer, in which lie invoked tlie blessings of (iud on the school and visitors and prayed tbat the holiday , season might be full of joy ami happi ness I CON FEB EN (' ROCFEOINGN T'onlyht Will I'rolmbly (Tos I lit Se'ssltin ot tlu A. M. ('. Con ference. Saturday afternoon's session or con fer nee was ti duplex meeting. Coin mitteetni memoirs made their report on the demise of the 1U Rev Bishop Josiali Hayes Armstrong, of tenth Episcopal district. Revs C II King, R 11 W Leak, ami L S Flagg paid beau tiful tributes to this great and good man. T he conference then sung very Impressively "Servants or God . well done." Ctiniiiilllecs made their reports and Rev James Dean presented u Presid ing Elder King a still nf clothes in behalf 'f (iieensboro district. Elder King Sicijied m a niosl benefiting manner. x The Ladies Mile Missionary Soch'ty next assembled with M is President C II King presiding, Mrs Bishop James A 1 1 and y, tlist i iet president associating anil Mrs P.) Jordan, M-iTclary. Mrs King iutrotliiet'd Bishop Dandy. Many good words were said by the bishop, lie said Dial the Melhodisl Episcopal church held its colored members because they (lie whiles are in the majority, but we bold ours because our church is Die licgrochiirch. Mrs llauilvwas the next speaker and spoke bnetly on the work doi.. i,y I he society. Rev W J Jordan was next Intro duced and made u very strong anpeHl In behalf of the Mile Society. Mis President King made publico1 remarks concerning the society. Mite mission collections were very pleasing. This next annual meeting will mtel with the Fast Greensboro circuit. The divine services wire well at tended at all churches yesterday. Conference nuiy adjourn tonight. J T G. ( unil ly lull- Report . T he Forsyth County Fair Company make (lie following report: County fair was held In Slur ware house, Wiiisloii, Nov I, Hm Amount of money received b uhscrlplloti jji 77 (Mi Amount of money received from stale fid (HI Amount of money received fit. in county ' ..") (Ml 'alue of prizes donated fair I Vi 7ft Amount of premiums paid Amount of premiums; not paid Ex pense of fair Money on baud tdiMI 7.i . I 00 1 (Ml ,") (Ml 12117 Premiums not yet paid will beset tle l us mi 11 11 1 as all riiliscriptloiis are col lected. It. P. Pi ritki;, T'reas, Hosier, N. ('. Al Fred N. DnyN, N'oil will waul to give some nice Cbiislinas gift to your wife, sister, swictheail 01 friend. Surely you will Now where shall I go to make the select ions.' 'i here aie a number of places you may go and be treated all rigid, but can you find a bet lei place than al honest Fred N Day's'.'' He keeps a choice selection of jewelry In silver and solid gold, some set with iIiiiiiioikIh ami rubies. He has grapho phoiies, Kcginu music boxes, etc. In his china pu i I i. 111 he bus a choice line of pretty things, useful and orna mental, slHtules in bisiuu and bronze, lot of china novelties. DnnT fall lo see Fred.' . Ai'iuiiry Mull Toi.llil. ( IiiIsIiiihs comes but once a year, enjoy it. Let everyone make merry Enjoy this week's pleasure and seai-oti. Make your friends happy, contented and jolly. Come tonight and see the l'eriJchi-Beldcui Company. Laugh and enjoy yourselves. Buy a season ticket for 0. 50, admitting you to every performance and niutliue with a re served seat. Transferable to any ode you see lit any "night. What is more happy to the contented mind than to se'e your family and surroundings en joying themselves. A season ticket with Peruchl Beldeul Company Is worth lis weight lu gold. Hiicci'BKtuT Hunt, Jule WluTree and A C Hnlpes re turned last night from a hunting trip to New Hanover couuty. Mr. Wiufree says they killed one deer and caught eight fuses, besides a quantity ot small game. u ' . "''-' i BARGAIN IIICODNTER. Just half price is the way I am selling goods on my Bar gain Counter. Everything in plain figures I mean just what I say. Everything a real bargain, come and see for yourself. You don't have to buy if you look. Be sure to see it before the best things are bought. FRED N. DAY JEWELER. Corner .Main ami Third Street. JOB LOT OF- MEN'S SHOES AT- 33 1-3 to 50 Per Cent Off Our Regular 1'iice.H. Another Lot VVOMENVSHIIOKS tit 1 . IS. Those hIuicm willg-o quick. Lot ol Roys' anil Ladies' Shoes cheaper than thoy can ho had at ot her niacin lor sainti goods. We have bought a big drive in this line. 1 1" you w ant a lind class suit cheaper than you have seen theui, ((iinc to us. LE.DARDEN, No. 7 Jtmstreet. High Quality in your flour for your Christmas bak ing is necessary to make your pastry, cakes, elc, what the houiewife most desires for her Christ mas dinner. We have everything in the line of table delicacies, raisins, 'nuts,' olives, fruits, spices, Ac, that will mke your plum pudding and your Christinas a success. H. A. Giersh Main Street, BALEM, N. C. FOR SALE. SOUTHSIDE REAL ESTATE! Desirable residence, 2 tory, 7 room with stable, within one block of street ears, at low price aud easy terms. Big gest bargain iu centrally located lot, io residence section, ou car line,' ever o fit red to a quick buyer. Opportunities to please; 'safe loans; first mortgage ou improved and uului proved real estate. Phone, Interstate, 154 and 204, or call upon i i ELLIOTT WARREN, 1 Pifwlmnnt larm Tvuhttniyo Rooms 8 aud 4, Leinly Block, cit. Cloth ii