Ipennp Column FOR KENT Productive corn land. Apply to W. C. Alexander, near Flows; J. X. INGRAM. TO RENT Large Shady Lot, 6 room, two-story house, first-class condition hot and cold water, sewerage and bath, and electric lights adjoins my residence. 20th t. f. J. L. CROWELL. MONEY to lend on Cabarrus Real Kstate, in Town or Country 20 t. f. J. L. CROWELL. FOR RENT Five room house on White street, near Mrs. W. A, Cald well's residence. Apply to either Mrs. W. A. Caldwell or J. F. Goodman. The kind of bread sold by Carroll & Caldwell, each Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Phone us your orders. Jno. L. Miller. tf. lood shingles are best dipped in Creosote Oil. For sale by Truman Chapman, 98 W. Corbin St. - tf. FOR SALE two electric motors, one and two horse power. Apply to J. B. SHERRILL. FOR SALE small safe. Apply J. B. SHERRILL. Washington Bread, fresh four days each week Phone your orders, tf. Jno. L. Miller. For fresh groceries and prompt de livery 'phone your orders to 217. R. L. GADDY. Join the Concord Pressing Club, tiles phone 115 B FOR Spring Propst. on RENT Small cottage street, next to Mr. Worth Apply to Jno. M. Ogles'j;' t UK. likiX 1 six-room House on Marsh street. One of the most desir able locations in the city. Apply t J. B. Sherrill. tf The fact that Uiffortl Pinchot came away smiling is not construed as evi- dence that all the time was spent in telling funny stories. Intel1 State Motor ta AGENCY WITH Concord Motor Gar and Machine Shop L. E. BOGER, Owner and Manager. The Host Beautiful and Ideal Car of the Age ! We have studiously avoided the unknown, untried or freakish in any part of the construction of the Inter-State Motor Cars. No feature, method or means of the Inter State is new or untried. It is briefly, a refined, production of the tested, tried and standardized automobile. The Inter-State Models for l!10 give unqualified satis faction and are built close to absolute perfection. 1910 Model GO Touring HAJESfIC IN MOVEMENT-NOISELESS IN M0TI0H. The Inter-State is built in a modern factory, equipped with the latest and best machinery. It is absolutely reliable, sweeter running, more durable and economic to operate than any car now known to modern constructors. We keep in stock any and all sorts and styles of the Inter-State pat terns. Following are a few quotations : Model 30 Touring Car, with Standard equipment $1750,00 Model 31 Demi-Tonncau with Standard equipment 1 750.00 Model 32 Roadster, single rumble seat, with Standard equipment 1700-00 Model 33 Roadster, double rumble seat, with Standard equipment 1750.00 Model 34 Torpedo, with special equip ment THE TRIBUNE PERSONALS. Concord, N. C.,' April 37, 1910 TO-DAY'S WEATHER REPORT. ''Showers this afternoon or tonight; Thursday fair and warmer; light to moderate variable winds. MINOR LOCAL MATTERS. Cotton 14.50. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Lingle of Faith, are visiting ttriends in the city. Mrs. J. M. Odcll is ciiiiiiitcil to her home on account of illness. Mrs. o. v. Allison is comimM to her home on account of sickness. Black & Shepard arc n,rt'ii!s for the Madame Wade Corsets in Concord. Mrs. Goiran Dusenbciv has return ed from a visit to friends in Colum bia, S. C. Paul Uilmore in "The Mummy and the Humming Bird" at the Concord opera house May 13. Mrs. J. M. Stuart entertained the Sunday school class of .Miss Xanuie Alexander last nitrht. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fisher, who have betm boarding at Mr? W. J. Hill's, moved yesterday into their cottage on (irove Street. Rev. Ohas. V. Byrd, 1). , of Louis ville, Ky., is conducting a scries of religious meetings in the First Meth- list church at Salishitrv tiiis week One of t he census enumerators sta ten yesterday that, judging lroin the number of names already put down. I oncord will show a population of 12,000. I mess iOU pay vour poll-tax lv next Monday YOU cannot vote in the November election. Do not wait for he Sheriff to eal 011 VOl", hut pay his week. Rev. S. A. Wysong, of Lancaster, Pa., will preach at Boger 's Reformed church, in No. C township, next Sun- ay morning at 11 o'clock, at Bear Creek at 3 i. ni.. and at Mt. Pleas- 1 1 1 that night. I aunon & retzer Co. sellers here of 'The Clothes Beautiful" made bv he famous Schloss Bros, ii Co., of Baltimore, have a big new ad iu to Schloss suit Judge Montgomery is in' Salisbury today on legal business.- Mrs. Frank Brown U visiting nor ! sister, Mrs. banrael Harris, in Spen cer this wees. Mr. T. H. Vanderford, of Salisbury. is nere today loosing arter the wort on tne street car line. Mr. O. F. Brown wil laxrive tonight from Ridhmond, where be lias been buying liorsys for the Corl-Wadswortb. Company. Mrs. E. J. Braswell will return this afternoon from Charlotte, where she lias been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Johnson. 1 Mr."M. M. Elkton, of Macon, Ga. general contractor of the double track-M mg worn 01 me so ut n em, is spending the tny in t lie city. - Rev. O. L. Cook, of Rutherford ton, former pastor of Poplar Tent church is visiting in the city, the guest of Itev. Ut. J. Al. liner. Mrs. Brevard E. Harris wil l&rrive Friday morning from. Scrantou, Pa., to visit Mrs. Y. C. Boyd before re turning to her home in Eatonton, Ga, Mr. Arthur Norman, who has been working in Sew Orleans is expected home today. Mr. Norman will assist his lather in installing the lights and machinery at Misenheimer springs. Mr. J. E. Hendrix, who has been visiting his soil, Mr. J. M. Hendrix, loft this morning for Kings Mountain to uttend the Hendrix-Williams mar riage, lie will go irom tnere to uis home in WalhaUa, S. C. Write or call gladly wait on you. 200000 on us for detailed particulars and we will dOBD MOTOR M D MM If Repairs ctiOLd exj.rrllos. L. E. BOGER, Agent and Owner. No. 10 East Corbin Street. . Concord, N. C. ANOTHER GAR OF THOSE Celebrated Star Leader Stoves The best cast etove on the market. We have been selling them for twenty, years, and -there is no kick coming.' Every stove sold - under a guarantee. More cooking' with, less work and wood than any stove manu factured. v STEEL' ZR-AtsTCS-IBS I - DID YOU SAY? .. r : Car of CAMERON to select Irom.' No better Rangi made and sold for less money by 25 per cent Give us a look and we will do the rest Car load buyers, discount savers' and price.makei. Your trade is what we want , 'The Store That Satisfies." A iai. s mums warn rn. lay's paper. To wear to he well dressed. Miss Mace Parks returned home last night from Peace Institute, Kaleigh, on account 01 sickness. Miss 1'arks tyuditkm is not considered serious however, and she is reported very much better todav. Attorney General liicket rules thai as the constitution provides that the oter must-pay poll tax "on or before May l"ni order to he eligible to vote hat year, that the 1st of May falling n Sunday this year, poll tax'uiny be jnul on .Monday, .May 2. Today's Ureenshoro News: "Ex- Congressman li. M. Hackett. of the Eighth district, spent yesterday in the city snaking lianas iviLh his numerous lersonal and political (friends. Con gressman "Hick"' as he is affection ately caueu ny 111s constituents, says tilings are "bully' in the Eighth and he predicts a landslide this fall'. We wish to direct special attention to the double column advertisement of Mr. Luther E. Boger on our last page. Mr. Boger is agent for the Iiiter-istate Motor cars, which rauge in price from $11 W) to ifMW). -Mr. Boger is propri etor of the ixmcurd Motor Car and Machine Shops, on Corbin street, and makes repairs ami keeps on band all kinds ol supplies. A new and modern front will be placed in the entire Morris building near t.bfrpostoflice. The iron beams have arrived anil work on the front will begin in a few days. The new front will extend from Jno. L. Miller's store to the Concord Furniture Co. store, including the store of Mr. Horace Blackwelder. This will make quite an improvement in the appear ance of this block of buildings. ' , . On account of the meeting of Gen eral Conference of M. E. Church. South, to be .held at Aahevllle. May 4th to 25th, 1910, the. Southern Rail way announces exceeding low round trip rates. 'Dates of sale trill be May 2nd to 11th inclusive, limited to re turn May 31st, with privilege of an extension until June 15th, by deposit ing ticket with Special Agent, and payment of fee of fl at time of de posit. ;.;.- ':." '. V.-C' V.- Bey. J. AL Harris.' of Harisbanr. has begun "work as pastor at Cliflside. The sum of f 110 has been raised for the erection of a Presbyterian chnroh there. Half of Mr. Harris' time will be devoted to the work at -Henrietta and Caroleen, and the other, half to Cliffside. Hi home, it at the latter place. He is. sod of Mr. A. N. Har ris, of No. 1 lownship. and-a brother of our register of -deeds, Mm. J, F. Hams. -;.; . ;-. , - : ' Postmaster Buchanan has received a letter from the civil service depart ment saying that eight pat of the four. teen applicants that stood the eml service examination here March 26, had passed. . This examination was held to select a substitute clerk and carrier at the . postoffiee here.; The names of the eight applicants who passed -will be placed on the eligible list and the carrier and clerk will be selected from them. THE FATNESS OF HEALTH. Samose Fills Out the Curves and Makes Thin People Fat. l'ei fe;-t health and good solid beau- t'nl noli can only come through the se ot bainose, the remarkable flesh tunning food. This makes the thin and scrawny, plump and robust ; it mixes with the food so that all of the elements that make solid bone, nrm muscle ana good csli arc thoroughly assimilated and retained in the system. Sari iosp is not a drug or a stimu- int ; it is a scientific nesh forming food that restores thin people to a normal condition ol good 'heaitpy flesh. These statements, are confirmed by (iihson Drug Store who offer to re fund I he money to anyone buying-and ii-iing Samose who does not gain in weight as promised. Hon. B. F. Aycock Dies Suddenly. Hon. Ben F. Aycock, corporation ommisioner, died suddenly last night it his home at Fremont. Mr. Aycock nid been in poor health several months, but seemed .to be improving. He was up town in the morning and friends remarked bhat he was looking better. In the afternoon he went out to his farm near town, returned home, ite his supper and was sitting talking to his wife when he was stricken "With heart failure, and fell from his chair cad. He had had heart trouble for some time. There was no warning ot the approach of death. He was a bro ther of ex-Qov. Chas. B. Aycock. Southern Loan , AND Trust Company Insurance Real Estate Loans, Rentals Office: St. Cloud Building. "Phone No. 231. THOS. W: SMITH, Mgr. Insurance. C. A. ISEKHOUB, Sec. and Treat., Mgr. Real Estate, Loans. Etc. ": . .' A t .V.' Sheatorium "Vv ' (Drama) ? ". ' : V .' f '''; "THE EXILE"' - "THE TOONBADOUa" , (Trick Comedy) ; " f . " A MOTHER'S HEAET" (Drama) :. Jr-i-' Change of Entire Program Daily. Quality J. ---,s-- from the factory by fast Express r : W. Nunnallv's chocolates and bonbons are :v :! V" famous for their exquisite goodness for 25 " f :'; 'years the quality standard in the Southland. - QIBSOIT CB.no STORE. " Snappy atyi es Young We handle everything- that a man wears. - i We always have 4he Best, Newest, and Right Goods at the Lowest Prices possible. Whatever your needs are, count on us responding prpniptly and ubhorit ably. Our clothing is the best procurable and we guarante it. e ua mm New Neekwear every week. E. & W. Collars, 2 for 35 cents. 27 styles and 1-4 sizes. , - t j "7" Fresh Mackerel Extra fine quality. Just the thins: for breakfast. TEN CENTS EACH. 'Phone ai. Do-ve-Bost Oo For Tte Toilet: Hudnut's liquid Green Soap " Elaine and Vfolet Saohat Violet Toilet Water Lilao Toilet Water Violet Sec Toilet Water Elaine Toilet Water Cream Sec and Marveloui Cold Cream Violet Sec Talcum powder Tooth Paste apd Powder ' 1 Soapi. . DavisDrugoo. 1 ,x A Madam Wad Authorized Agency at ; Tho Ladies Storo' V ; In charge of;Mrd. M. M." Shepari y j The "jcoreet that moulds the .figure , .: meet thV requirements of etvle " &hepart Toda r - ' -r: r "Bundy'e Sojonrn in the Country ' "Enchanted Castle" ' ) . . '' Peerie Pictures all week. C PASTIME f"" ICTURE W-WV' 7. XX!!3 ETC- er Pastime. K0TH - DESTE0YBBS! 5 "Death to all tryants'V . ' ' Death to the moth' who chews up clothing regardless of cot. , . Ana sealskin sacques, ; 'iVVhen you lay' away you ("garments,-, throw something in them that will end Mr. Moth's. destruc tive career. . 's':,-";;r'i;' l Put in Camphor Gum or Moth Camphor.",- ; Or Napthaline flakes or balls, or cedar flake."-V--v We sell an these Moth Killer. ' GIBE01I DRUG STORE - Ilyomei kills Catarrh We , ' guarantee it. 7 ...-:V;- ' ; Fonely'a Kidney Remedy will eure any ease of kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach ofmedicioe. No ean do mora. Soli by Cabarrus Drug Store. " ' ' ". ' - .. . -:r. , New Irish Potatoes now on hand.' -' . . . ' , Nicest kind of 'Tomatoes , and every thipj? accord ingly., v Phone nsv-yoar I 1 - and be pleased, or come 'and see onrstock. HAHN-HONEYCUTT CC Phone 2Q3. Concord, N. C "Give'tbe mule a place," dema the Ohicago Post. Sure l-Any thing avoid a kick. - pnx3 cxntss) nt e to it TrL - PAZO OINTMENT is giiaranteeJX enre any Itching, Blind, - Bleed J . or Protruding Piles in 8 to 14 davsl money refunded.. 50c. - m.wl