column of liver-colored flcnny Reward for relur pointer; while si. Is mi breast and unite lip mi uf h!L feet. W T Wall. Tor Rent One of the mo-it desirable names in the city the Cole cottage an Spring street. Modern couve Apply to K. S. Wheeler. ii-7 :f. 'or Sale Small :i:'c. Appl; to .1. H -a. -nil!, it'. 1 Tor Rent A i.i! neat ..'tt.iuv ill'j .ill iu...l.ati iinpr. einelils, on Soiilhi I.imi ,i,., I, near po-tolli.'e. .Ino. K I'al I1T-..11 & I ... ' I' For Sale- -Sewn room milage. .il .ilcr, tn.i stables, .it feel. I e- l ol llill si reel . 1 I' taken 111 I V"' '? V," r;'V v7 u"t 1 1 or Sate I stoi , se en room I on Mar- street near , S,,i i h I inon i reel at a bin iriiiu an. I , l- l.TII.- .Ino. K r.lllels..ll ... If. KOI.L PAPER I'.. i .l.lnnr inii.-lnii.-; i!,.,!!. on :,.!.! .il Toe Tribai. ..Ili.e. J'or Fresh Groceries a: .! prompt .le I.m-iv, pi. me ..ur niseis l,, Nil, 'I,. i;.nl & M.llinlv If. J..111 the Concord I'ressiiiK Cluh Rl,v,;r si phone 115 MiiM: 1' n l on "'ab.inns lieal I a in- !, I'.i'a n or I '.mum JO t. f ,i i. i i!ivi:i.i.. r'UU If K I' Sis room lions,- on Marsh street. On of I lie most desir able location, ill the fit .. ppl.v to J H She-nil. tf PASTIME THE TWO BROTHERS ,1'.;.,., pen WESTERN CHIVALRY PASTIME POPULAR PICTURE SHOW. A 0 ODELL, Proprietor. C . Theatorium To-da v ST. ML MO I I irama i iii. h'i I I '-.(III. I THK 1 SMK ll i II WIT I I h ,.ma l Concord Markets. COTTON MMKIT. Mid J lln II, UotMl Uiadlluic 14 . Gotum Seo.1.... l PKOOUCI MARK IT rorl II Bulk Mem, stlitw 'Tit Ueeawal 0 Multer I Mo no CaiukouM y. to tr oorn .. I K- to 1 10 a UH If, to si Klour, Nortb t volt aft ..(ifc to a Jo it Ml 1.0.1 ld ! . ... Dow rtm 3 36 Tallow to uau 76 Malt . U Irtab rottkUjefc ii tfaaia . .'u Why Not? If You Have to Cook These Days Use an Oil Stove? REFRIGERATORS! We can fill your requirements WHITE BET and WIJJLEE the best on tbemarket . we also aeu lew uoxea, Vudor Porch Shades, Hammocks and Mosquito Canopies. Tba Store that gatisfiaa ia aftar yon. Come and aee. BeD & Harris IgTTs HCgsl LhMMHMbI BlLTTIRpRcWN) Tfcc OOMT FAQ NO CMC. Ht'STKH it no ir.v ,.,,., a,! t'a- tamilv. Some 1 1 1 I pa I I 1 1 - l.. a l.l 'J Hill' llll.'ol e.ii t.n I.. nl ' l.a. lies' Me H.iuii' l, a. i.e. liirl- IX I M.i.l,; lll Kib. ai ail . ! l.l::.- lAI'l.'A MZKS. Mi a 1 1 aej i !..- a. pea ranee of a :,i.-e, r on, . .i.., ki!ie. ?. ct'tK f;iii'. SILK HOOT STOCK I SOS .. ai . r :, p.iie ! ami l..e. .1- ap f : ,, , ,ii a 1 al m'K k: .ei.lei I i ! I. .,i pi-, e ,VJ rrnls fniir. All Sic '. ri'rit FISHERS THR NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Mainiailie.l by t :ie St, re for Women .. North I ar .lina. K.-ur regular i onise- le.nliiie ;.. 1 leirr.-es. Spei-ial r.nirvi- tor Teachers. Fall session be-ins September 14. ItMli. Those .le :. r - .i. i!.l appll a- earli a- :...-.....-. I-..: o- aii.l ..! i. i n I ..r' ..-i a-l-h JULIUS I. FOUST, President. tf-13. Greensboro, N. C. MILD LIQUID CUP.ES ECZEMA. tikin Sufferers! Drop Greasy Silves and Nasiy Medicines, i a: n.ii.l. - I.i..; h.pii.l. If 1. ll l'l e- ript loll. -l.ipS I l:e a ! Ill ll. ll Wit 1 l:,i- iirt t'.-w drops. A pr. s. iipl I.e. ..f a. I.e.." I. .I.:. . I tain. . l .e a t rial b.. t le at J'.c. It will lake ;i :il 1 lie it . h ri .'lit :l a ami ymi will sleep s.ein.lli. We as-iiire yon personally of tbe merits ..I' .his rein edv ; t .l- we KN'U' ClbsMii llrn Store. What Everybody Ought to Know. That Foley Kidney Pills contain just the ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate the action of I he kidneys. Cabarrus Drug Co. Nn danirer. no .Inst, n,. beat, m worry nbonl :i hot r.M.m. No (rouble about ii.tod- siriLf a match ami ynu are icady f.r business. We have the FLORENCE AUTOMATIC WICK LESS and TEE PERFECTION with a wick. Pay your money ami take your ehoice. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back von take no risk. MOUNTAIN, ODORLESS, QTJR- Furniture Co. . A IV. :llf THE TRIBUNE Concord, N. C. Ji nk 13. ivir TO-DAY'S WEATHER REPORT. :i.ncl. ; i : 1 1 u r . t a a. : 1' i-. i , . ir In in.. .lei :lle a Maine a ,:;, .. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. If.,.!. A. .i.-paro a... - a -;.,. ! tin :n-un.' In i.le .. i; n: -. Mis. .1. V. I,,:.-. ... i, ilsilii.-j Mr- I . II Italia . Mr., Kin. I, ii' l iar, a as a I ,.i I I- .: .a . -:. t.l.i, . lie -me I., a- e 1 1 1 i . i : .; .1. i V,:'. i ...C - Man aj, -. ..ii I.. Mr. - . 1 ,. , ll u i, V. I . I'ae.l'.., ; r, . . , 1 1 , i r I... a n i . . alei i;. i.i; b . . i . i I f ele .1 .Ii 'le I '. !!' mi i Mi. I I., I l.,e It M Mr an. I Mr-. I i, l: .1' ne.l I ''Is i '.. ' III. .11. allel .. . :.i Mr. a .: M-. M I I : . . - . i: . . . Mr .1. i . a 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 J .1 I.'. i W I.. II ,:. I : - ! l ,. .:,. I . lor Ian. hi :,. -, I,'. ,. f. . fiiiinsen,! ,:, a -, :e- ,.i i ,, ;: -. h. I.lleliias I . i ie-i.,1 I .,i no It.r e WW - . I: . M:-. I.' W ... .-; I n- l.i i : J a ..' - .. el !io:i,e r i--:.i. ii... i. i . . i . s..... .i.i.s '' if sll ii'.i. - .. a e. a .. a a - a si- . i ..: Mr 1 1 I, kp. I I toil n .1. l:..-n ai p i: A I a ., . ... a:l' be .11, 1 -see. h. M. P.. Tile r.'n.l::, ie ....I lata: A le Mils. M . a:,. I Mrs . II. S;s, i. harlot i e. ,,. died at Ii Sal ni'ilai inni nrnj a ere l.r.. iirhl i. ! Ills ell l . . e. .1 : 'el'!... I I,,' (lal, ...... Mr. II. C. Hon. ,:i. 'i J. In l'e.s .,- ,ili as been :n..:.t a "a.e I I i.n. i.l',1. a.r. l . ...ii .till W ;.i..,e. Tel.l- .ele . a.,... ,,!,. il A i.a-: 1. M' Kai -,i , ii ea.e , ! :. r par: ' .'n, .. . ir:. . :. mil :ia.. . ..: . lln ,.. Ko .. .. a! I ... Mr. APr.-i :r,.,i, , - a. . . :.'. .1 p..-r .. . , l:. I'al l. l s.e, . '. ,.), e- . . a,i here. We .all alien! : ; .. a-. ,,! Ur. I.. N. I'.nrleis,,,,. ,. : ., lears lesi,e,iee 111 I ire. !,-!. i!a- iain l..eal.-d in Con. I l a- ! a pra. lee ..t (lis pn.tesioll. Ir. I,;r..s..' i.-.'llples r.,.nis 1 .,: .1 Is , , en Mi. iris Hnildia-. Today 's I 'harlot le b-.o i. r : 1: omes ,.,i e ee I le u i an: 1 1 r I : i .a: !.He Senator II. N. I'nari iia- a.-ree.l .. all.e1 I. is name to he used m e ! in a a t il h t he nominal nm ;..r ! lie j.per braiieh of the l,i':h!:i: rv m i tie priinari of next Sal ir.lai .ite. The R.H-kv Ki.lsre Se.n! i. : a, name of a new paper jus sia::,.! at Mie Jackson I raining' "seiitiol. U. I II., IT..,- ll,',.. U' C I ......belli and J. Ki-sherbach (Jesse l-'isii.-i I are the editors and proprietors, I ,, at I nirlit pa rairraphs an,! ui..s: i..;i.- bl.. stulT. lames Fnrr, 1 il-year-old-son ,,' Mr. Sandy Ftirr. died yesterday inorniiiL' at the home of bis parents near the li.itTalo mill. The funeral was held lesteiilay afternoon at ibe boine, con ilueted by Kcv. Mr. I.yenly. after which the interment was made at ifikivood cemetery. The srrntifvin? aiinonnecmcni i made from tbe otlice of the Stale Hcp- II v Itrand 4 liancellor N.tit. of (he Knisilils of Pythias, t hat the member ship in the order in lliis iate ha.s ii-acbed the 10,(MMI mark, the iroal of the fraternity for some years, which entitles the Oram! Inlije of North Cimilinn. -wliicli meets in Charlotte this week, lo a third supremo repre sentative. This week ami next and then comes the Demoeratie primary, Saturday .Fnne 2'. for the choice of nominee Fir tiie pnrty in the eoming election. The following candidates have an nounced themselves np to thin time: J. F. Harris, for sheriff; 0. V. Sivink for treasurer, J. B. McAllister for register of deed a, M. I Widenhouso for clerk of the eourt and W, R. Rofrer for cot ton weigher. Mr. S. Austin and son, Grady, of Albemarle, are waiting Mrs. S. U. Stone, on Barrow atreet. PERSONAL MENTION. Some of the People Here and Else where Who Come and To. 1 . Ar.iiie I", li. .oilman speut ves- .1 ... II lilee..-b.,ro. ! '.I I ha-, s..,,,,,. ,, ('luillotle. spent ' - ' .1:11 at el la .an ill tiie eily. VI i .1 i n ( ile. ol lialeiirh, is visii in - i I . l - I 'lain I 1 1 1 ill :l III. l I I.. I,'.--. ,. And. Is.,,,, s. c. :. 1 1 in l ,,e e , ' i . I an , I.. I, M. I.'lle. of Cl.-elll ill.-, ' - . ; .. . ' . -l.'l'-l.ll 111 I be elt I . M I I ' i .. -k l. l i i hi- linn ainif for j , ; l'- I.i a I lend I he Tea, -hers As- I 'la I.'- . Anders I , .-. Ml. I M- I. Ai ll. -.. .-' M.lllhells, s i . ,. i p. ii, .1-. Mr. and ll I I. I'. . .1. I . II. -li. l -i M - I ', a. , a le.lie Mils , ll-ll her ! - , ., . I :.. : i .1 1 and A. .-'. ; . .-' I .,:!,' .. .1 el e 1 o. - a- I. - '. rd.ll. '-! M::. , , H ,.,,! e I .-1. 11. led l.-s-.. l,.-u I I -' I , I s i lib . ' ' I ' - , ill, nl. .1 I he lueel , ... ' I amlina P A-- M i ! M:- .1. I I a : , 1 1, ,i i mil ar- a . : . i I , , ,in Council W . a . -lad 1,, kno.i I hal I 1 . '.hi i- real Ii mi- a ., l, l.a.n. : .. Van.lle. ol '-a .i l:-s Mai pan-j-h and ! :.' ll Si pp. nliehl s,en y L a--. ' , nae-l ,.l Mis- h'a!i . I,'..., i : I'.O.e P...J.T I.-1 I tills ... -j '.o . i i -' 1 1 1 r i !.. appear as a : .. , , e ..! I ike l', .-er. a - , i . . ,ai nub siral- a . , ' . . M. I a ... ii' iir.l.. ,.i' Charlolle, s.i.n ,l,i evening ,, he ii il h - I i : ',. i . a h.. I- v en ill al his . i- ' i '- Mi- II M. It.,,,,.,.. We !,-: 1 1 1 .. i Mil ! '. ,-.,i, Brodie Duke Married Again. - ::. : , ll.-ra'.i. IJ:!.. I lied. I.i: -in! -aaie. Hro.lie I. a', -i :.i i i.i, .ma is , an, a mil- Jl! e ,i ail,. .; In - k 1 1 ml,, I he llbbill i , la i a I : ,t:.,!i about ". ' "il a: -I l.-jls'rr. , .,,- I,,- f , '. . u ,.. .i - .-- H. lama Itos e le. " i a: I -i I e.ll s ,., ail. I f ,. e - le. ee.le.l I,, .e,le .ai i- .-.I ! , i am. leu. N. .1., ai I 1 I. i e-! i iii. ri 1 1 1 1 . T hoi had ..- ... : I Washinaioi, I a1 : ap -' a e-je I l l.ivieab bill- : a ii i -. h s i ry iii.' to tiii.l 'a i . . i a . a . ,i .a l.l ; a- k no! . I .III.. e.e . en e, Pie idea :- I 1 1 i u. i I i i .-on ol .ler . a ,. ,i..:, Mr. :,,! ,.-. Krank . I ,- ..! :!,--,.-. iieie married by i-i ' . ,'i ie I'ea. e I iari is.un Mis aaled ., , . 'n a 1 1 1 i 1 1 i s , . f. I ' . .. p ll .I...I a "I- I. .,, a-. I -.11.1 .. I.. ,, :!, l,Yl ll:. Mae .. r. ,-. 1 :.. :.,-.. had ! . . : . . : . . I e 1 l III.'!! GRAND EXCURSION. Spi n, o Pino and Return, June 21st, over S A. L. and Clinchfield Route, Benefit Thompson Orphanage Guild. I e I ie- ..I the Thompson Or- ' i ill. I .1 ! I oh-i ale an exeur i : .. i h.irlotte lo Spruce Pine. . ' . i. i, in, I i , June -J 1st ' passeinji-rs ai all slalioiis . i" ' hi. This i- a eran.l oppor i :, -ee he most ui.nderfiil rail .... I i - ueii.oi iii America, and the !"- .... iiliil scein-ry in the world, t ;- a i c .lay's ..utile' at a small "s:. i : t,.r the ln'iielit of a ,"i'! . . i-e. Tiie fare for the round rip i- y '.,!; children oyer live n l i ,. : IJ years $l.."ll. Tiekcli re 'i . i . sale at ll.imill.iii and Mar in's i Si,,,-,,, .li.rdnn's drui; store ml s. ,. city (Mice, and at all latioii- by S. A. I., au'enls np 1,1 Shel i. Ii' -cried scales can be secured wiim out eira charire bv iretting them low. I' m- further information call on any of the ladies of the Thompson llrpbaua'c Guild, or .lames Ker, Jr., Manager for the Unites of the Thump- -oii I li piiannsre Guild. Young Man Killed by Lightning. I.asi h'ri.lay afternoon during an elect rieal storm, FI.M-, the youngest son oi Mr. T. ('. Harris, a well-to-do farmer who lives one-half mile north of New Loudon, was struck by light nine .IM,! instantly killed. Mr. Harris and the 11111110 man bad come into the burn from work to put up their mules and be was nt one part of the barn, while his son was at another when the lit'litniuir struck the barn. Floe had come to the front end of the shelter of the bam and was struck while standing there. When Mr. Harris re turned from another part of the barn, he was shocked to gee his son lying on the trround dead. Floe was well liked by all who knew him and made many friends wherever be went. He was lti years old. His remains "were interred in the New Uindon eenoetery Sunday afters noon at 1-10 o'clock, Rev. J. P. Rod- gers, of Winston-Salem, and Itetv. Otho J. Jones, pastor of the If. E. Church than, conducting the funeral ceremony, -s T.vo Mighty Attrartlvp nnn;; A'lout BROWNS CANNON CO. Cl.OTHKS. I'lir iri j-; t !m' jtrict. : .in ( i j 1 1 j -1 1 1' 1 v I .i i ' i i p .in. t :.i .! r. i i till.- !: 1 1 . prici. Tiie rn't ,i 1 1 1 1 t'lih.' -'.I -n,i iS.'ll". It l Ir, ,Kt.r ilM.i h;iM:r :!,t tin- . .1. -.i'.1 ii :i t' I lifi .' n r cry lint J'!l.--f tll.llll if : ill .11 It.. Ml I i' I'.l'nH"' 'allium i '. l.'I hi' V im V - ..-.I ' ; Wi :iif -rllni'.' Tmi lln- .- w.uiu ..i :i 1 1! it Scrxrr i':il :in.J I'.uils u :w s'.i;il .ri. 1' a pca.-Ii. t'oiue in an 1 1 trv il on. on di n. h:ii' lo buy. Ofiifis al $i;.'l)ll a-- l op. FRESH LOT OF WHOLE WHF.AT, CHAHAM FLOUR. MILLED BY DAVIS EltOTHERS. 1TIDDENITF.. NORTH CAROIJNV Phone - IDo"v-e-I3ost Co. I mill Will illlllHl ITS A DISTINCT NOVELTY! The5ilk Petticoat with a beautiful PERSIAN PLOUNCR. See nur window. Also extra large sizes in Black Taffeta Petti coats. IB lac It & SbeparcL fgktyry f "WHIZ" H ' 1 1 jr i i tin il i ! 1 . ' Notliiit!; In-tlci tnr i Ir um,:' I ilf, pru- it irli.m wirr. ill k'ltil- 'l w.iii'. i;u-re I tin-. Irom UmuK ric f Or. I DAVIS DRUG COMPANY. Cut Glass NSale ! The HhiiiIhoiikmI I im t people f lliii city at tiie lJ Every piece ;j,oinj; .it ' S I". J. G. WILLEFORD, The Jeweler. Elk ay's Straw Hat Clean rr. The best alraw lint cleaner pver put on the market. It turns the ohlesl, most discolored strow while and stain less. Don't throw away last summer's hat just try F.LKAY'S on il. S.d.l in two sizes, lOe and Gibson Drug Store. Tha REXALL Store. L N. Burleyson, M. D. Concord, N. C. Oflk-e and residence in Morris Build n, rooms 12 and 18. Phone No. 330. Itching piles provoke profanity, but but profanity won't can them. Doan'a Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protuding piles after years of suffer ing. At way dntf store. yyy-tyy;yy;wyyyyyyy -. . yyWt IN TOWN! (il.ASS ever .irtfiv.) to the VKST I'KI1 'KS ever liennl of. mien Unsure dbcir Hives To M'rui c llicir loved ones if they die, llii'V inliMiil to provide if tbey In... Ii'.-llert! Have vn made suitable .n. ii..ns foi' .Muir uife and childrenf If not f..r liisiiiunre in the Ml' M A I. URN K KIT L1KK INSOR ANI'K. t'll.MI'ANV, T11K I'ULICY IKU.DKKS' KltlKND and do it HOW. JNO. K. PATTERSON & CO., Agta. NOTICT,! if'.-,; I have this day io. losej mart rase on Neiv Vorl; Ki-luiirant and Wm. O. Hii.ins and Nick Ba.utsoa became the purchaser. 1 am no loa der ci.neclcd with same in any way. .T.ine 3, 1010. 3-7 JAMES B. SMITH. '? STOCKHOLDERS MEETING.; The annual meeting of stockholders of the Concord Perpetual Building and Loan Association will be held ia) the eourt house on Tuesday, Jan 14th, at 8 p. m. All stockholders re quested to be present. i H. L W00DH0USE, U-13. . . See. and .Treaa.

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