flcnny Column For Sale The P. M. Misenheimer lot on North Spring street, adjoining the lot of tne Presbvterian manse. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. tf. For Sale Cheap Safe, desk, scales, stove and trucks. Mas Moses & ; Company. 6-13tf Tor Sale Well established 3 chair j harher shop; centrally located. : A. Viola. ' J-20' Reward for return of liver-colored , puiiiler: while Sxts on breast and white li on toe of all feet. W.I T Wall. 11 For Rent One of the most desirable homes in the city the Cole cottage on Spring street. Modern conve niences. Apply to K. S. Wheeler. tl-7 if. I FISHERS 3 JSUF CM For Rent A real neat cottage with all modern improvements, on South Main sheet, near postoffice. Jno. K Patterson & Co. tf For Sale Seven room cottage, city water, two stables, lot WixloO feet, West. Corbin street. It taken in the next few days the price $KI0(. .) tin. K. Patterson & Co. tf for Sale 1 wo story, seven room dwelling on Marsh street near North Union street at a bargain and easv terms. .1 no. K. Patterson & 'o. tf. ROLL PAPER for rdding machined always on hand at The Tribune otlice. For Fresh Groceries and prompt de livery, phone vour orders to No. 1217. ' (lady & "Melnnis. tf. Join the Concord Pressing Club. Baft" phone 115 MONEY to lend on Cabarrus Real Estate, in Town or Country 20 t. f. J. L. C BO WE LI i. FOK RENT Six-room house on Marsh street. Oua of the most desir able locations iu the ritv. Apply to J. B. She-Till. tf For B. Sale Small Sherrill. safe. Apply 1o .1. tf. eAt m m Sheatorium To-day VENIC (Scenic) THE PARISIAN (Drama) DAVY CROCKETT (Romance) it r ST Eli ISKOIVX II OS I Eli Y Slocking put up -I In Hear ilium W'i'igl i I black; lor pair four all I he family. Some lo box and guaranteed months. Ladies lie- (lauze. (iirls 1X1 Rix Boys' I XI Rib. in all THE TRIBUNE ROTATION IN OFFICE Concord, N.C., Junk ib, 1910 TO DAY'S WEATHER REPORT. Partly cloudy tonight and Friday) light variable winds. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. size cry null i. including EXTRA SIZES. F.v one having the appearance of li higher price ?. vonts locking. pair. SILK HOOT STOCKINGS o. lL'Ull grows more popular very lay. This stocking is made of pure -ilk thread hoot, .ise heel and toe, ll is made In wear and has the ap pcarance o a i-l..iii silk slocking, at this wonderfully low price tt cmfs pair. II. A- IV. Waists (I tor ) ami j A (J iris. I AlISizs ) 2. rents I f SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD. Charlotte, N. ., May 14, 1910 Change of schedul-. SEABOARD AIR LINE, effective noon Suuday May lf. Westbound trains leave Char lotte as follovs, dcilv: No. daily, 9:50 a. ci. No. 47, daily, 4:45 p. in. F.astbound, daily: No. 40, daily, 4:50 a. in. No. 44, daily, 5:00 a. in. No. 132, daily, 7:00 p. m. Trains arrive in Charlotte ions from the east: No. 133, 9:50 a. m. No. 45, 12:01 noon. No. 39, 10:50 p. in. Arive from the west: No. 4fi, 10:30 a. m. No. 132, 7:00 p. m. JAMES KER, JR., Traveling Passenger A?ent fol- ASSESSMENT. The Cabarrus Mutual Fire Insur ance Assessment for May is due and payable at the Concord National Bank within sixty days from May 1st, 1910. JNO. K. PATTERSON 6-19. Sec.-Treas. I fishers E lit ay's Straw Hat Cleaner. The best straw hat cleaner ever put 011 the market. It turns the oldest, most discolored straw white and stain less. Don t throw away last summer's hat iust trv ELK AY'S on it. Sold in two sizes, 10c and 25e. Gibson Drug Store. The REXALL Store. L. N. Burleyson, M. D. Concord, N. C. Otlice and residence 111 Morns Build ing, rooms 12 and 18. 'Phone No. 330. For Sale! Bids will be received for the next flirty days for the oldi Lutheran church, or more recently the Concord High School Building, on East Corbin street. Privilege to reject all bids. Hand to C. McDONALD, See. of Board of Trustees of Union School. 14-21 W la. y Not ? If You Have to Cook These Days Use an Oil Stove ? , n - - No danger, no dust, no heat, no worry about a hot room. No trouble about wood strike a match and you are ready for business. We - have the FLORENCE AUTOMATIC WICK LESS and THE PERFECTION with a wick. Pay your money and take your choice. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back yon take no risk. .'. REFRIGERATORS I We can fill your requirement WHITE MOUNTAIN, ODORLESS, GOJs 1T2T and WHJEEE -the best on themarket . We also sell lee Boxes, Vndor Porch Shades, Hammocks and Mosquito Canopies. The Store that satisfies is after yon. Come and see. y :-.y .-. 's'-'-V: Vzll & Karris Furaittire c Go. The Sanitary Plumbing Co. has a new ad in this issue. See ad iu this paper of the famous Davis White Sulphur Siiiiiisrs. Fishers are now cleaning up every thing 111 millinery at low price. Miss Sadie McCanless, of Salis bury, is visiting Miss Kva May Brown Mr. Smith Barrier has returned from Durham, where .he has been at tending Trinity Colleire. We are glad to note that the condi tion ot Mrs. H. B. Parks, who bus been ill with malarial fever for the wist fortnight, is very much im proved. Quite a crowd of the curious ones gathered at the depot and on the street coiners this morning to get a look at I he Western Bloomer girls, but what ihev saw was a homely looking aggre gation. Greensboro Record. Iu election years we hear this al most daily generally from the man who is oue and wants to get in. Read ers of this paper know our position of it, but about the best illustration of its utter futility is this from the Wilmington Star, where the press as-' sociation has recently been in session.' Says the Star: ' j 'Somebody, evidently a browser outide the green pastures, recently emitted the declaration that 'rotation iu otlice is a principle.' Principle notliing. ll "s a Hiicy. There is a time to rotate and a lime ni to rotate. Kd it ors are good judges of the lime and Ihev take a long time lo render a derision about il when Ihev get a irooil man in otlice. 1'he North Carolina Press Associa tion has kept one uuiii in ollice for Iwenty years. He is Editor John B. Sherrill. of the Concord Daily Tribune an. I the Concord Weekly Times, who is I lie association".-, veteran secretary.! He actually thinks there is a whole lot of fun in strenuously doing the' . .... . . 1 woik ot t tie association and all the editors encourage him 111 il because he knows how to perform the service wiili a magnitude of etliciency and a' magnanimous willingness that has met with prolonged appreciation from I a good thing whe'i Among the graduates of Roanoke College at the recent commencement was Herbert Franklin Cooper, of China tirove. The degree of A. B. was conferred on Krnesl Merlin Shenk, tormerly ot Concord. It isn't safe to keep money iu the house. Read the new ail of the Cabar rus Savings Bank, which invites you to deposit your money with them. I a ra sols from & cents to .fti..() at Black & Shepard's. Hie infant of Mr. B. S. Gray, died Tuesday night at his home 011 Voting street. The funeral was held at the home Wednesday, conducted by Rev. T. W. Smith. The remains were lakeu lo Hari'isburg for inter ment. Mr. Alexander Graham was vester- lay unanimously re-elected superin tendent of the Charlotte Graded Moots, tins making Ins J.ird year as superintendent of the schools. Prof. K. L. Keesler was re-elected music teacher. Ktird has another page of great spe ials in today's pajer. They h-ave es pecially big bargains in the notion lepartinent. If you don't see souie-i thing in this ad to suit both your taste and your iwcket book, you are hard to please. Mr. Joe Paris today opened up his restaurant in the northern part of the room formerly occupied by Carroll &l Caldwell. A partition has been put In and the goods of Mr. IX J. Bostian Itave beeu placed in the southern end ol the building. The Gibson Drug Store has received $14.50 as the amount of damage to the window glass and desk which was sustained bv the recent fire in their lore. There 'were eight insurauce companies involved in the loss, three on the glass and hve on the desk. The Baraca classes of Salisbury and Sencer are to be represented at the National Baraca convention, which is to be held at Jamestown. N. Y., July to 14, and Mayor A. L. Suioot has been chosen to attend as a delegate from the above local unions. The Western Bloomer Girls and the oncord Baseball team will cross bats this afternoon at the Brown Mill Park. The following is the line-up of the Concord team: Cannon p., Cook c, Barrier b., L. Sappenheld ss., 0. Sap- pentield 3b., Moose ef., Swearengin If., Dorton rf. Mr. J. E. Farra. a well known trav eling man of Charlotte, has been con fined to his room at the St. Cloud Normandv for several davs on ac count of illness. Mr. Farra 's numer ous friends in this city will be glad to know that he is again able to be out on the street. anil of ml editors who know thev see it. The right man in a position which is eminently .ualilie, to till and Mill 'with signal fidelity to duty marked ability in the performance his official work, brings about a nation of the necessity for and the inability of rotation in ollice. That the reason some men hold ollice for many terms and that explains why K.lilor Sherril is still 011 his job. Ca pable service and insistent lidelity merits and wins recoirnitioii ami when an olticeholder s incumbency as of long standing it generally is an indica 11011 uiai nose w mini he serves are itislied to let the riarht man for the lit place stay where he can go riizlit 011 makiin? lmiI 'I'or the reason some may think III. 11 all of this is an exclusive bonnet Im- secretary Sherrill. we -want it 1111- eislod that it largely concerns the policy ot rotation and applies to all men who are on their jobs, officially and otherwise. When a iartv or busi ness concern has a cinch on a man who makes good the policy of rotation is suspended till il is needed in their business. This is what we think about rota tion and also -w hat we think about the Concord editor. We assert with more or less defiance of contradiction that we have killed two birds with one -tone." This covers the ground exactly; what is true of editor Sherrill is true in many other cases. He could never have held I he job had he not been fully competent. Same way with men in political life. When you have a first-class man, hold 011 to him; if he is incompetent, lire hint at the first opportunity. Two Mighty Attractive Things About BROWNS CANNON CO. CLOTHES. The lirst is the price. You gel an exquisitely tailored pro duct at a reasonable self respecting price. The next attractive thing is the suit itself. Its style, drape und hang and exclusiveness of design aie there ii) every line. These qualities di icriniinate Brow n.-.-Caiinou Co. Clothe- u rare -g from the crowd. We are selling for these warm days a Blue Serge Coat and Pauls for tiie special price of $18.50. It's a peach. Come in and try it on, you do not have to buy, Olners at $1. ).(!() a"d up. . . w The district conference of the Salisbury district wil be held in the First Methodist church, in Salisbury, July 28-31, and will be presided over J by Dr. J. C. Rowe. Mr. J. F. Shinn, district lay leader, will arrange the work of the laymen in conection with the district conference. Lexington Dispatch: Prof. A. H. Jarrett, superintendent of ibe graded school, is in the hospital at Saliebury for treatementr having gone there tost week. Wihue he is a very sack man bis friends ihave reason to believe that he will regain his good health in am ple time to take charge of tbe school in the fall. Rushing to Europe. Nw York World. Twenty liners, most of them crowd ed, will leave New York for Kuropean Hrts this week. The congestion of summer travel follows close upon a record Mediterranean season and lends further probability to tbe expectation of the companies that the year's vol ume ol iraltic will exceed that of 1907. If trips to Europe are an index of proseritv we are approaching boom times again. The Passion Play at Olierammergau and the Brussels Kxpoesition are among the attractions which this summer lure the travelers aevross the ocean. But Ehrope itself remains the great mag net regardless of incidental sights, and the increase of travel is due to the same general causes the growing hab it or Americans to siend the summer abroad and the ampler means of in dulging it. In adition lo the annually augmenting number of teachers, cler gymen and professional men who go abroad, more travelers from all walks of life swell the passenger lists. Ihe enghsh of old had the reputa tion of being the greatest travellers. As specialists in travel, explorers of remote nooks and unfamiliar ways, they may still deserve the distinction. But as respects the travelling public they have lost their laurels to Amer ica. Our yearly tourist erop has be come so important an item of Euro pean income that its sudden failure would cause distress -from Trond'hiem to Taormina. Popular Price Parasols! A New Assortment, of tHevv and Beautiful Styles tor Indies h ml children 25c to $650. Don't forget .0 come often ! Black Si Sbcpard. an I If Purity, Accuracy and Promptness Appeal to you, then why not always send your PRESCRIPTIONS to us. Quick Delivery Anywhere. THE PEOPLES DRUG CO. Phone 333. No Populist in House. Washington Cor. Baltimore Sun. There is not a Populist member in this-Congress, and neither is there an independent, unless the regular Repub licans should insist that the Insurants One of the policemen on his rounds I outrht to be so classed. collecting dog tax found a family con-1 Tba last negro member of the House listing of mother and five fatherless I was Georee W. White, of Tarboro children, three of whom worked in tbe I district, North Carolina. He served mill and supported the famny, and I t-wo term.', moved to New Jersey, seven bound dogs. 'The tax on the dogs amounts to $7.00. The mother says that they are nnable to pay this tax ant she refuses to get rid of the Lexington Dispateh: R. N. Haekett, grand master of the Maaoma grand where ne was interested in a negro colonization enterprise,' and later took up his residence -in Philadelphia. White is a mulatto. The last eenuine specimen of the race in the House waa George Wash ington Hurray, of tbe Charleston dis trict of South Carolina. He was seat- lodge, h. appointed Rev. Plato Dm- 4 L. .il L M XX. - i.- 5 ntVwJ J,- oa M. rw Itives werein the.recetsduruigsroU- eation in Oxford June 24. Mr. Dnr- looked like j.uto vw iHX. uur-1 ,, . ... .; . . , . . 1 . . van All CAU1 Liuif luim ot wuu ham i one of the. most powerful I . a, . . ! ? . ... speakers in the etate and the appoint- - r- : mens will serve to increase thXattend- i i1 , - - ance at the grand lodge. . . See Tie Tlaw for Jo PriaSSoX I "WHIZ" IN TOWN! i "It grabs flie dirt, celian ware, all hands etc ' Notliing bettet for cleaning tile, pro kinds of metal ware, grease st;tiiis from 10c. DAVIS DRUG COMPANY. BY DAVIS BROTHERS, HHEAT GRAHAM FLOUR, MILLED FRESH LOT OF WHOLE WIDDENITE, N. C. Phone 21. Dove-Bost Co. PASTIME Popular Pictnre Jow. THE DANGER LINE (Film d'Art) THE PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL A. G. ODELL CHICHESTER S Hit J UK DIA11UVH HIKU 1 I Ami yr WnicfMl kl-.kl.l ll..JIlmlA III. la IU4 U4 U.I4 Mtuu.VV bu, ntd with bin KiUim. VX Tmk. m. . ilr rfim v ttrantM. A-.ki -C'lll Ifts-rrB AlwvvtftdtatJl SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWtiCRC Nev Irish Potatoes now on band. Nicest kin1 of Tomatoes and every thing accord ingly. Phone us your orders and be plmsed, or come : and see our stock. - HAHN-HONEYCUTT CO., Phone 263 Concord. N. C. For Sale Cheap Two- story, 6-room dwelling with pantry and bath room, on North Un- ... - . - i . . . ion atree, lot 67x160. JKO. K. PATTEZSOar OOKPA1TT. Conco Markets. Mlddlln w HX - UOtmt MMIUIUK . .. ' HX Ootlou -.- 14 reeouct mii r;.;. . : u BuUMma.Hidm.. , . 17 Butter....: I6ua) OhMmw . - l7Mif Cora....;.. ... ...... I.00MI.IU . -y ..... ... UtoN KViur, Marts lt liua . ., , 1 00 to 1 SO lAJ .... tcs Mi ; tot , ..: , Oow Turn. Tkllow.. OkU ... irua rlAtae.