hi w N USED UNIVERSALLY m m L5sin The cafe"3' " n,y U becau5C u o know the " for aU kind, tu,1t,::;I,,:;;L;;r:I;;:.,;: l or further d, tailed -.formation apply to YORKE a WADS WORTH CO CONCORD. N. C ' Stort formerly occupied ine I riDune Co V - occupation given at at once. DESIRABLE OFFICES In postoffice building (now occupied by the Home Educational Co.) $2.50 to $4 00 month. in Morris Building best location in the city. Steam heat, light and janitor ser vice FREE. One (Front Room. d t a second floor 3IU Other nice offices second floor $3.00 and $5.00 Sleeping rooms, bath, heat, light and janitor Bervice FREE. $3.00 to $5.00 Per Month Other desirable offices 'Phone No. 59. T. T. SMITH, JR.. Manaeer. P. M. MORRIS REAL ESTATE CO. FOR Ull LIFE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE CAU8AI.TV rwsn-p 4 urn-p LIVE STOCK INSURANCE call on Soldiers Taught to Lie. The soldier is a hac k ni.mher in civilization." "Some soldiers Will) S11V Will. 11 credit to Ananias." Unr religion is a reliVi.m ,.f niercv tlie last Ihinu- .1 a.iMie.. h,;,,l. or. "CorruDtini? mill deu-rililinu- inHn . o e.-.....3 ....... ences ot barrack ite m oonsorii.t countries are pausing mini- sohlie,-.; to commit suicide In escape the lior- 101s ot Their Siirronni inn " Tl .... 1 1 nro ana similar ralic;il express ions were uttered hv Him IW lir Wallace Walsh, of Dundee. Scot Ian. in an address before five hnn.lre.1 ministers of the Presbyterian, Unit I resbytenan and Melho.1 isl Foifieo- Pal -M I II 1st 11.1 1 nnsrcit nl lJ.l I burs; Tuesday. Dr. Walsh declared lie would .lis ' perse evwv ami v. destroy mn.-v tmi lleship and raze every barracks if lie had Ins way. The real Chriui ci.ii of settling every difference was the only doctrine to follow, he said. Southern Loan is Trust Co. St. Cloud Hotel Bldg., Concord, N. 0. rnflnn run vxi Total Assets Representod$224,780,000 We Call RDPeinl attanli,, .. ( . . .. .. . ... i, k u .uui I O 1 I ( i'ive oLOCk insiirnnoa fnr Co. iwui, uiajr ana jieasure animals. Also special classes Horses and ame. C. A. ISENTTOITR. .9e Xr T. nrrAn ' inva. w. bjihth. Mgr. Insuranoe 1Hlcn Unsure Cbcir lives To secure their loved ones if tbev die Wlllll II, a,- I,, . .. ' . ...ruu iu proviue 11 tnev In e. Retlect ! Have von nmde snitohl provisions for your wife aud children T 11 1101 apply tor insurance in the MUTUAL BENEFIT IJFK INSUR ANCE COMPANY TUP PAiTtv . 1 r in , 1 '""'"'' r KIKND and do il now. Deafness Cannot be Cured By local armlications. as thw nmnni reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, aud that ia hv remedies. Deafness is caused by an lllHamed enndiiinn it,. . i: mo uiuuuua ii 11- mar of the Eiistcliin T..ho wi.. tube is inflamed you have a rambling sound or imnerfect h it is entirely closed. Dpa result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restord to its normal condit inn ftPOYMnr will be destroyed forever: nine cases out ol ien are caused by Uatarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed cnniiinn f 1 ne mucous surfaces. We will 2-ive OnA TTi.ndra,! nii0 for ativ case of Dpafnpsa a.i k.. catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's l aiairn v ure. bend tor circulars, free. F. J. CIIRNF.v rn Toledo,"'o. Sold by DriiCL'ists. 7."w Take Hall's Family Pills for i'nncfi- palion. FOR SAKE OF HUMANITY HE SUFFERED HARDSHIPS. Was at Last Rewarded by a Great Discovery. I lie irreat scientist devoted twenty .Wars 0f his life 1,, trivl n,J .i,l, for the betterment of humankind and was at lasl rewarded bv dUewii-v that is today tilling hundreds of Homes wit 1 hea il. mill i.u, .; HundreiU of letters f ihanks are be- 111.1; received from every ,lii. i.... , , . . . .X... , aim winie money is a much needed I In Hi' t lie scieutisl in nn oiio...;,... ' iinvi urn in. I: I would pladly eive every ol- ar I have and every dollar J ever expect lo have if all tieonle 11. nv Mill. ferinir with stoinach l.-,.,,klu 1;, 1 . . . 11,, 1 u U.l kidney troubles nn.leisl.uul 1 1... crfiil merits of Knot Juice. Il is a ompound that lie.-ils ,,n.l i..,,.... i... . 1 " ivulj intr blood-inakiii; and blood-lilleriug or--a,ls- It creates a ht-althv appetite, prevents fermenlal 11)11 of 1'iuul i tl.A , J . x 111 I II sioinacli ami bowels, cleanses the svs- em, slops liloatino'. i,.lo ...i heart burn, h removes nil ,,i nf msiipation and kidney svmntonis T, ;lllcr ettects ol ta ?i'iiih H,o sreneral heallli is bad. Koot .Ti.i,. 1, . ""in c l.tll lnr ni- ,.,n 1 lie Hholc system. The rre.it remedy is sold tor .fl a botlle at .Marsh's . 1 i'ii o; store. Pair of Shears Free. To every subscriber f The Concord Daily Tribune .who pays a full year in advance we will give free a pair of our 8-inch Spring Tension Shears. We have given away over PJ00 pairs of these shares to subscribers of The Times, and have never liml a pomnloini about them. They sell everywhere for from oO to lit cents a pair. Southern's Convenient Summer Sche dule to the 'Land tf the Skv." Southern Railway anour.ces that Sprinsr and" Summer eh Uules to Western North V rnl i n a a sorts will take place Sunday, June 5. mill. t 1 1 til n ' iiirougu oieeping car service from all points, affording: excellent service. It is esnected that even ortr crowds than ever hofnra mill these famous mountain resorts dur ing the suiner season. 'Tis Sad, but True. Many s,.rel .tlllirled people wail until they get one I.,,, I in I lit- grave before tbev' take the proper treatment for Rheumatism. I ' Iit-n -: cures rheumatism lo slav cured. Ithciima Mile irons i i,rl,i 1,. 11, .. 'it of the disease, and removes ils iii-e. 1 is put in. in lioind ('.,., :iKo tablets. Sold in 'JV and ". llnlll.'S llV dl'll.iirilo .y.o. II.. '1' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 . 1 i 1 , , Ids In- 111:11 . '-. Holdoii 1 'i :. .. . ..... ,.-oiMii , iicinic;) -.. Ball 1111, .re. M,l h'olpV S k'iilnm, "R,.rt, l.. . 1. piven lo children with admimhlA rJ '"Ps earache in two minutes. so s. t i ,ipu n.ivo,. n.;ik i. j .....:.. i.'oiiiaene or pain or burn or n.al.i in and is also recommended for use after '"""Hm; hoarseness, one hour; measles and scarlet fever. Cabarrus , ' ,wo "our!i; sore throat n.-.i.r Po ',( nelve hours l)r TL,m.o' T?io...:. fro lessor ,1. M Mnss.n- iho blnul musician and lecturer from Monroe, who irave enleil iiii.nu.,1 i ku .... I I.i run ---'I'""" m --i;ii oiner poinis in JNO. K. PATTERSON ft CO., Agts. tins se.-tioii last year, and l,o wa.s ar rested recent v at Heii.lnro.i. barge of forgery, etc., has been con- M.'led in Union Superior Couil mul senl.Miced lo 12 m.uilhs in the peni tent in rv. He bus ilc.olv La , ui.MM M-I - insi his sentence. Pellagra Victim Suicides. .oi.oiig oerauge.i as an piled o pellagra .Mrs. J. E. Pilgrim of Aml.r. on, h. ( ., ageil ,V years, committed suicide Ue.lnes.lay morning by drink iiii.' laudanum and jumping into i 1'on.t at the Pendlel Oil Puftnn millu A week ago .Mrs. Pilgrim inquired of Iter liiislmnd wliere the jxnid was the Nt-rm'sj una When .s ip ivis nncuM fV.. - . i-i UUJJ milllt tills IllMt'lllMU' n mta 1.1-4 Vi ' 'ine a search was made and her bodv :is loiin.l in the siHit i wlari , ko ieeiest. On the bank of the pond lUMI'llV 'tvns found nil a,k... 1....II.. -'"J'l UUIIIP al had contained hn, ,,,,,,., vi... I ilgrim is survived hv .he,. I, .. i :iiiil several children. Methodists May EsUblish BeUgious Resort at Black Mountain. Charlotte Chronicle, l"th. Mr. R. O. Alexander leaves tonight for Chattanooga. Tenn.. u-lie.-e i, i,.... be-n called by wire t,. :,iie,,d ,e cm uintee meeting appoinied hv the gen eral Conference of ihe '.Methodist ,.ln,,..l. 1. . seieci a summer lent place for the Meihodis-t Episcopal Church. South. Mr. Alexander Hill alleml the nieei- lllg, Which will be held loiiiorcw in the interest of Black Mounlain. whicli is under cousi.lemti,,,! ;ull ,vj,i,.j, j, js Ihoughi will be chosen as ilie , ,,.....', retulevoiis of the Methodists The commit lee has tu, ,,,,, ,. yast number of acres of lnn.l ........ uiach. .iioiimani, winch if .selected be developed m ,e same uiannei- .Montreal has been Imlli i. Presbyterians. 'pi . . i ncrei are i t hni mio i..i .... tiMm Virginia to IVvns .,,.! ,i.. . . . " ' ' " now I III "",,lr il -orin i aroiina site wil mean untold benelit to (his Slate. Bishop Atkins will alleml the com urn.- iiieeiing in t tie interest ol " iiynesvii e. mvhti L ;ii ,.i . . ........ n, aJSO ire represenie.1 and Ihe light will be between Black Mountain, WaynesviHe and Weaverville. oi il, i .,.. i;.... mountains have been decided upon and ux.n the three locations under ndviseuient options have I.e.... .i . . . . ' " in Cll and a decision lies bet i ecu them. l.eneral Julian S. Carr. of Durham will loin Mr. Alev.-.ii.le,. ..i c..i:..i . " . " ' 1 ''.IIISOllI oniglil and will alleml I lie i tin in nai lanoiiL'a u ; I.... . . ,i " '- iiii'ii iMmni greatly interested in l,...-:., U1....1. m '""I .uotiiitain cIhiscii an, uiili l , a ..... an.ler s strenuous elt'oi-i c 1.... 1. . . ..... 1 ,t 1 ' ' i 1 1. a 1 rainy 11 is le t thai even- ir :n . . . . 1 1,1,1 1 i. in ne made in thai 1 im;i, rtnuuy NEVER FAILS TO BESTOM GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR AND BEAUTY. No nutter how old tod "WyouflwilooUotkow una vou bin lw b wilT wo woooVn fot you, kT you looking jrooDg, pro- l&Ote M nmiriul X -v uau, wop u nimg move Dandrua. WiUnotwU ikia or Com. Wmkiur. youtluir. Is Not Dy. JSP"?" ix suBSTmrrca M.00 .nd 60e Boitles.TTDi, tflbSON DRUQ 8TOBT! See The Times for Job Printing 1 t.'il, monarch si ores. Dr. Thomas' over jiain. Electric At drug Fire in Charlotte. Mre, which originated in the work o-ni, .lamagel the plant of the South eru mils company, ol' flni.-l,.i.iu ... .1... 1 - " '....vj,,., 10 inr exient ot several thousand .loll..-.- lliursday night. fhe slock of iirm, which is now in the l,,.,,.l ..c - h mi.-. ,.l 1 r elvers, is eslmialed il .,K.,,,i t in um, 'r"vi,.of. hi 11 is impossible lo slate the v- eni ol t lie damage of loni,.lit V 11 Ills same brm n l.in-,,.1 ..1 , year ago. The entire slock was to have b 1.1 out next week. a. vei-iise.no. .1., lor the sale having already been given in tlie local papers. About a month ago ihere was an al leged misappropriation by one member "i 1 ne iirm. out I lie charge has not been pushed. No w.u k had been done in Ihe plain for several days and the origin ..f the tire is unknown. Itching piles provoke nrofnmK- K..i but profanity won't cure them. Do'an's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or 1'ioiiiuiiig pnes arter years of suffer ing. At any drug store. The Conservation nf ir,i... ' .iwuig a JVC- sources. Applies as well in nur ir..;ni .... as lo material things. C. J. Budlonu- Washington. It. I. renli-red !,; 1? 11011, and took waniino- huf.,- ; . 00 lale. He says: "1 suffered severe ly liom kidney trouble, the fllSARJU ha- nig hereditary in n..r i'o,;i t l taken tour bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy, and now n.u., ,a - -"""i" uiyseiL thoroughly curpd Tin. t. . . OUUU1U UO tt arniiiir to all not tn narr toley s Kidney Remedy until it is too a Darius urug Co. Concord. Henry Walterson says the - putty in Ihe hands of bis Marse Henry hits tlie spot ' in o ol'i. n, ju spite of his age. Marse resident adviseis. every :i.. advancing Scared into Sound Health. Mr. B. F. Kelley. SDrine-field. Til writes: "A year a T L.n 1' troubled with mv ki.lneva n,i ,ijj which grew worse until T 1 j uunuic alarmed al my condition. I suffered also with dull heavy l,en,lal, ..,i J 1, , a ULU tlie action t my bladder was annoying and painful. I read of ViVIo,, ., l-:,i iiev I ills and alter taking theaj a few veeks llie lieada,eliei Ipft .-w mv, IUO at- uiii nl my iIaddcr u:i! flt--in nnma and I was i ree from all d isl reaa ' ' harms I b ug Co. Mr. Tail is reminilinir lu il,.,. fi,,( tuck lo s e of the i.ieinherc of W'hiskev !:; uiuil il, ,1 losed behind iheiu. Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. E. Weakley, Ktokomo, Ind.. ;avs: "Afler lakiiu ti.ln 'a ,i p, wil.., o UUCJ ills, I he secvere hacknelie lof mo . u.c, uij ilnevs became slronger, the secre- i.uis naliiral and my bladder no lon- trcr pained me. I am glad to recom mend Foley's Ki.lm.c Pi Ik. " r 1 nv package. Cabarrus Drug Co. l - - - 11 We 1 We demand in Suits for Summer wear materials as fine and tailoring as high class as we do in heavier garments for rteou ng llghter in wei2ht t stands t0 reason that to hold Shape and Smart styles, they require it, and in The "Clothes Beautiful" .MAI)!-: A X 1) DfNKiXKD uy Schloss, Bros. & Company ,Jtl,,im"re New York Boston We have found the.se things enrried to the highest point and at Hoderate Prices Of Interest to every GENTLEMAN who combines HIGH QUALITY and MODERATE PRICE Th,. pit,-,i,ulHr man realizes that "negligee;, does not mean 'Ueglec-tSlln1n.er timerlai, Smart Slum nti.l , am Hos.erv for iu own. Contort demamis plenty of then,, fluent trins to the laundry pure high quahty, and your pocket-book naturally calls for moderate prices We have s udted .he .p.emon long to strike the happy medium of High Quality at moderate Prices We wain you lo come in and see. V iSCHLOSSM00.4v.Q0; id iuiiana ana Alacfcinaws and the ever popular Pan Auto and Golf Caps. Fancy Hat Barida 25 and 50 cents. SmBTS UNDERWEAR " j new weaves and pat.erns-tbe slj We have a full line in all sizes and Knee length drawers iu Nainsook p,as.v' Inspiration proof kind . f.Oc patterns of the most celebrated shirts, price Vn Xegligee nith plain and plaited bos- " oms. Coat Shirts with long or short sleevs, Priee 50c WASH TIES Plain while $1.00 to $2.00 c, - , . COLLARS Wasl1 lour in hands prelly stripes Stripe I'alein $1.00 to $2.50 wiuaimj t wgigee shirtat Solid Colors ' $1.00 to $1 50 " T Su,mmer ehaP in the wUhaltaehedandTeUeiled? most popular colars .t 2 for ...25c " : Shirts v.ilh attached oft collar in ttes SOCKS flannel and pongee for outing, golf T . ... . . ... . anj tennis, priced from $10 to $3,00 Silk four in hand and bow ties in ntpjuernsTt lllZ M. V' ' FE TZ CCD

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