Ipcnny Column Wanted Man to travel in North Carolina. Good pay and tailor mad suit in 90 days; experience unnecessary; reliable firm. Write for particulars. J. E. McBrady & Company, Chicago. 17-17 For SaleTlie P. M. Misenheimer lot on North Spring street, adjoining the lot of the Presbyterian manse. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. t f . For Sale Cheap Safe, desk, scales, stove and trucks. Max Moses & Company. ti-irit f For Sale Well established 3 chair barber shop; cent rail v located. A. Viola. Reward for return of liver-colored pointer; white sjxils on breast and while lips on toes of all feci. W. T. Wall. 1 For Rent One of the most desirable homes in the city the Cole cottage on Spring street. Modem conve niences. Apply to K. S. Wheeler. ti-7 tf. For Rent A real neat cottage with all modern improvements, on South Main street, near postotlice. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. tf For Sale Seven room cottage, city water, two stables, lot 1)6x150 feet. West lorbin street. If taken in the next few days the price $1:100. Ino. K. Patterson & Co. tf For Sale Two story, seven room dwelling on Marsh street near North Union street at a bargain and easy terms. Jno. K. Patterson & Co tf- For Fresh Groceries and prompt de livery, phone your orders to No. 1 7. ' (iadv & 'Mclnnis. tf. Join the Concord Pressing Club. BLfvilT Phone 115 MONKY to lend on Cabarrus Keal Kstate, in Town or Country 20 t. f. J. L. CROWKIJi. t Sheatorium To-day A PEACE AGITATOR (Drama) TELLTALE REFLECTION. ( Drama) THE COWBOY'S DEVOTION (Drama) Davis White Sulphur Springs An ideal place to spend the summer. The water unsurpassed. Accommodations for 250 guests. Sewerage, hot and cold baths. Electric lights. Enlarged dining room. Small tables. Splendid fare and service. Two through trains from Char lotte, daily except Sundays. Phone and telegraph connec tions. Resident physician. First class accommodations at a low price. May, June and Septem ber, $6 to $8 per week. July and August, $8 to ?10 per week. Special rates to families. Open May 16 to Oct 1, 1910. Write for booklet to 1AM IROt, fours I Praps Uddiniti, K. C SUNSHINE You Will Find Satisfies Just the Same. Ws are CAE LOAD BUYERS, DIS COUNT SAVERS, and what's best, we art PRICE MAKERS. Wt don't sell gooda "at coat" or "below coat" Wt can't and stay in buaineaa. Ton can always find what yon want at Tht Bell Harris Furniture Oo's gtor. Wt art "Johnny on tht Spot" with tht good la aeaaon and out of teason.. And tht pries and quality of goods considered.. Pint nay look likt vtak, bnt there's a difftrenct.. Last bat not least money back if goods art not aa represented.. Oonw and not t-it wfll do na both food. fishers Tan nowrrAM aea Choc nrsTEit nnowx HOSIEIi v Stockiiis.'s for all the family. Some pin up ! pair to Uo and guaranteed :o wear lour iiio:itlis. Ladies' Me- limn Weight tianze. liirts 1X1 Kix. ..mmI black; liovs' I1M Rib. ill all si.e. includim: KXTKA SlKS. Kv erv one luivim: the appearance of a inii.-ii higher price stockim;. ?. rents pair. SILK HOOT STOCKISTS No. 1-iHI more popular every dav. This sio.-kinu' is made of pure ik tiircail 1 t. l.i-le heel and toe, ll is made !o wear ami lias the ap pearance of a l ..M -ilk slockiii'.'. at lliis w Icrl'ullx Ion price-- ,W cents pair. All Sizes V.t cents I FISHERS Elkay's Straw Hat Gleaner. The host straw hat cb-ancr ever put on the market. It turns the oldest, most discolored straw white and stain less. Don't thr.nv away last summer's hat - just try KLKAY'S on it. Sold in I wo izes. Ke and Gibson Drug Store The REXALL Store. L. N. Burleyson, M. D. Concord, N. C. Office and residence in Morris BuilJ iinr. rooms 12 and 18. Phone. No. 330. For Sale! Bids will be received for the next tlirtv davs H'or the old. Lutheran church, or' more recently the Concord Hi"li School Building, on East Corbin street. Privilege to reject all bids. h..,i t c. Mcdonald, Sec. of Board of Trustees of Union .l..-.l 14-21 OR RAIN the Store That mm mi in S)MCa look Mt. bat jrwcantlookia" Vudor TMADC MARK ntrtarc PORCH SHADES - v . a w. -Waists I - J ?r ;. J) ami if'ffl !" a iris. I Jl 111 - 1 THE TRIBUNE Concord, N.C., Junk 17, 1910 TO DAY S WEATHER REPORT. Fair tonight and Saturday; wanner in extreme western portion; light west winds. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. The 1'uscttled Weather special sale at H. .. Parks & Co. continues to morrow and Monday. We regret to note that Mrs. Frank Uobbins. of Forest Hill, is very ill and I hat she may live only a few hours. The first Georgia watermelons were n the market today. The Dove-Bost Company got them, and have them on sale. The Elir.l Manufacturing Co., of Albemarle, has amended ils charter an.l increased its canilal slock to .fc'HHMMHt. Mr. .1. Iee Orowell is able to be at us ottice today alter oeing connneu to Ins home tor tlie pasi ten nay on account of illness. i will be with great regret that friends over .Nortu C-arotina will learu if the serious illness of Major Henry A. 1ondon, of 1'ittsboro. Whether it's rain or sunshine "the Store that .Satisfies wilt please you nisi I lie same. Vou can always tind just what you wain when you call at i heir store. 'he Peoples Drug Co. sell all the popular brands ot cigars. ine ua rasa is their ." cent leader, try one, ud you will smoke them ever after wards. .Mr. J. F. Cannon is moving his t in nil lire and household -roods into voe Barrow house on North Union street. he Tlieatoriuui today is running I h tee sood "dramas. The State Press Association at ils recent session went on record not only in sympathy with I he Training School, out recommended thai the next geu- ral assembly deal moi"e liberally with I he niM ll ill loll. .Miss Joseidiine. .launhler of the late John V. Mauney, of Salisbury, is lo be uitirried on Wednesday, June iind, to ,1 auies Ernest Alexander. Miss Mauncv is a niece of Mrs. .1. L. Crow- ell, of Concord. Mr. K. Hose lorett, one of Uie most wide v known olix siciaus Ol Piedmont North Carolina, died at hi iiomt in Salisburv Thursday from dropsy of the heart, from which ihe sullered intensely lor several 'weeKB. fn noliny the fact that Mr. Jno. P. Allison gave $.500 lo the Davidson College Kudowment fund, we were not aware of the fact that Messrs. Z. A., W. L. and W. W. Morris had con- ributed $l,(K)0 to this fund. Announcements have been received lere tit the marriage ot .Miss wuuia all'iiey lo Mr. James K. Wood, which ok place at (.iaffney, S. ('., June 15. flic bride is a sister ot Mr. L. V. all'iiey, formerly of Concord, and vis- ted here .several times. Miss l.ucile Werne was married yes- . - i i . , f I ei-ilav in It iclmiolNI lo .ir. nvuen Wood, son of the well known seeds man, Mr. T. W. Wood. The ceremony was iHM-formed at the home ot tne ide s mother, Mrs. l.ovett (nee Miss Kate Johnson, of Concord). The Hide's grandmother, Mrs. Betlie M. Johnson, attended the wedding. A narii- of voiinsr neoule gathered at the handsome new .home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ritehie last night and spent mi. .i .liirl.i.fnl venine. Mr. and Mrs Hiiehie nnetoed wide the doors ..i' thsir Txihitial home and the voung neoule en toved themselves in a mosv nlei.sii.cr manner. There were many in entml musicjana in t ie party woo sani? an.) rerxlerea many Deauiuui se lections which added nrocn to bo pleasures of the evening. Delicious refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Mr I.lnvnl -Cook, one of the sale f t'hA Hitnhie Hardware Co. received a very painful cut this morn ing while handling a razor, i oeuira-loi- RnUjinltn Willi in the store look ing over some razors and Mr. Cook -was engaged in snowing tnem to nun. YTr rvwilr tmlosaH the razor and sud denly he gave Concord 's genial poet- master a practical aenianstrauon ui tnv nnnliticw of the razor by .backing a wng gasn in u " hand. His hand was dressed by a Dhvsician. and Mr. Cook is still on the job as usual Wheat Under Water. Lexineton Diapatoh. ' in, f Ka nut f tlava have nnt ha onutlra mat at the bank nd Will VH. w ' . ... w .1 . no doubt eend ute isakhi up to luiinkM Th damas to wheat can hardly be estimated. Before the wet weather the ataiKs were xauipg mrxA r,r nnnM mitti thtTaina the sit uation ia much 'worse. . The smaller streama are reported .ae erteoding from till to Alii, uxi one rincu wuw keeps in totwh with the wheat crop says that aU ot bottom wheat ia nik ed. The damage -will be increased be cause machinery earniot he ; put - to work for aeveral daya after tht rain eeasea.-,; . J 1 The colonel wa given the freedom t mitv At Tnrwton. nrhicrb reminds na that Dr. Cook, ireeeiTed ainular honor in New. Jork. A (V PERSONAL MENTION. Some of the People Here and Else where Who Come and Go. Miss Eleanor Watson, of Salisbury u- II Arrive this atternoon to visit Mrs. J. E. Smoot. r,-a r W Johnson, of Charlotte. sDent yesterday vrth her daughter, Mrs. K. J. Braswell. TVr Whisnnnt a dentist of Henri etta, is here today on a snort visa to Ins friend, Mr. W. T. Nail. Miss Jenn Coltrane and her guests. Mr mid Mrs. Walter M. Jones, ot Ashland. Va.. are spending the day in Charlotte. Miss Sadie MeCanless. ho has been visiting Miss Kvu May Krown, iv ill return 1 his afternoon to her home in Salisbury. Miss Grace Kro wis left t ins morning ior rv. n to he a iruesl al a nonse party . t the home of her friend, Mrs. K. K. Rankin. Miss Camille Durham, of Charlotte, who has been visitns Mrs. K.. J. Itraswell for a week, has returned home. Mr. Campbell Cline left this morn- mo- for Fort Mi I. !S. t .. wliere ne mil ioin the Hnntersville baseball I team and pitch for them against Fort Mill this atternoon. Miss Anna Dell Neal, who has been the guest of Miss F.rnestitie Lott at the home of Mrs. Claude Ramsaur, for the past fortnight, returned this inorninsr to her home in Winston- Salem. STATE NEWS. five candidaes for the I Democratic nomination for congress . i . nr:l n Ihe tenth district, nameiy : n- liam Johnston Cocke, .1. M. Gudger, fr., Walter E. Moore, Frank K. Hew itt and Solomon flallert. Tri o itv Collee-e trustees have elect ed the retiring president. Dr. Jno. C. Ki .m lo t he c lair ot Blolicai uieia- ure and a place on the board of trus- ees. As he remains a resident oi he ark these duties will, not inter fere with his duties as Bishop. 4.he new Erwin cotton mill in West Durham is being rapidly .mll..tu.l in order to have veverv- rliino- in readiness for bey-inning work in th fall. The buildini' has been wm.nl.l ed for some time and almost nil i li p ni nehinerv is installed, there being only a few more looms to be y'aced. "Son fond." snvs Editor Hiteeins. of Our Home, seaking of Ihe lay-out at Wnghtsville, " was in great amimi- the hotels, and we can say without fear or consideration that Ihe wliiors of North Carolina used more 'rlnt nintler' last week than they have used in the same length of lime ine the 190!) meetiiiff of this asso ciation." Th te are four candidates out for ih,. imxinlic nomination for con gress from the fifth district and from now on the fight will be a warm one. IT.v-.Tiiilo-e K. B. Jones, ot ti lnslon- Salem; Gen. Beverly S. Royster, of Oxford; Major Charles M. Stedinan, of Greensboro, and Dr. George A. VfKana of Siirav. all food citizens and unusually good democrats. GENERAL NEWS. Tho nonor hns been revived that ex-Vice-President Charles W. Fair banks will be appointed Ainlassaaoi to Great Britain to succeed v nueiaw Read. Protestant Ensland is greatly agi- taiu-l hv cir.nm-e end nersisteiit re ports crediting King Edward not only with having had leanings toward vaiu-n-liiiultl hilt Wit h actuallv bavins died in that faith. Various circumstances riva olop to the renort. and evwence ft- - - - 1 - ,.. the other way is largely presumptive up to this time. Dr. H. L. Bonner, of Marion, U., IJ ..1.1 a hio- paler And readv di- ' "... I " O " . geeter, died Wednesday of diabetes, brought on by Bis many eaung iw tuia it ; ani.l In one coirtest he ate a double steak as heavy as a roast, 12 large potatoes, two aisnes oi on torn Un of hrftad and a Dound ,v of butter and finished -with three doz en hard-boiled eggs. Tl.. rwxnnln-tion if thp RuSs'iail Effltt- A ii i: " - pire, including Finland, according to data collected by the Statistical tw.i.1 far 10.00, - has reached .vs - . o oo tfa tffi lGO.WOfOO, aij increase oi ootxBv9wv AH OA O AArtt BinAA the l&fit ffAIlr" VI V ,vm.. . ml msUs in 1897. Of flie entire ..Wmn Ms ner cent. is emragea .nttiinl mminiia. the urban urban population numbering only 13.5 Node to Asto Ownera. The Secretary of Stat calls th at tention of utomobil owners to th faet that all license hereafter iamied expira on June 30th, unieaa appiica Am hftnr thai date all auoh delin- nnent will have their license can called, wAK-n wm octiiiwj .iiUn Tim ttm for such new regiatration ia $3.00 whereaa the cost of renewal ia only $1.00. Blank for renewal faave been aeni w au penwu. to whom licenses fcave been iaaued. d .1 iLanM anil ba. aent to ii uwwnw wv , - ..il.i. ktwMn now and . Jane 30th, the dato of tbe expiration of the outstanding beensea. Tii.nia tar renewal wiH be aent promptly upon application. Mr. J. B. ABxander U aexionaly ill at bia home on North Union street. Two Mighty Attractive Things About BROWNS CANNON CO. CLOTHES. The first is the price. You get an exquisitely tailored pro duct at a reasonable sell' respecliiiK price. The next al tractive thing is the sun itself. Its style, drape and hang and exclnsiveness of design are there in every line. These .pialilic i di n-riminale Browns Cannoii Co. Clothes ( fare n from Ihe crowd. We are selling for these warm days a Blue Serge Coat and PauU for the special price of $18.50. It's a peach. Come in and try it on, you do not have to buy. Others at $15.00 a"d up. Popular Price Parasols! A New 490r",ent f mew and IScautfful Styles for hidie-s aud children 25c to $650. ln't forget to come often ! ffilacK $ Sbepard. VOU WILL ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY SMOKE IF YOU PUFF ONE OF OUR CIGARS. ALL THE POP ULAR BRANDS, WITH LA POSA FOR A 5c LEADER. TRY ONE. THE PEOPLES DRUG CO. Phone 333. "It grabs the dirt." Nothing ? celian ware, all kinds of hunits etc t- a win rnl tr BY DAVIS BROTHERS, HHEAT GRAHAM FLOUR, MILLED FRESH LOT OF WHOLE WIDDENITE, N. C. . Phone 21. Dove-Bost Co. PASTIM'E Popular Picture .how. A Bad Man and The Preacher (Comedy) The Mistaken Bandit (Comedy Drama) Mid the Cannon'a Boar (Dramatic) For Sale Two story, 6-room dwelling with pantry and bath room, on North Un ion atree, lot 67x160. JNO. X. PATTERSON COMPANY ASSESSMENT, r ti,. r.K.rrn. Mutual Tire Insur ance Assessment for May is due and oavable at tbe Concord National Bank T. . . . . m vt. i lain wttbin xiy-ays irora mutj i, ivsn K. PATTERSON- A.19- . Seci-Treaa. Cheap jfff iff pa1ia i TAIK bettei for cleaning tile, pro- i metal ware, grease Mams trom 'J IUC. rMDAMV KIHM! New Irish Potatoes now on hand. Nicest kind of Tomatoes and every thing accord- ingly. Phone os your orders and be pleased, or come ' , and see out stock. ' HAHN HONEYCUTT CO., Phone 263. Concord, N. C. i Coficord Markets. T1 T I :,'v..v; COTTON MACKS T . , MlddUn ..n tt , OooaHMMUtot i MX ' OotioaSeMl... i M aapwos MARMBT ' Pofa.,.,..,,. - n A BglkMMl,SMtt.. ........ 14 imwu ntur .! . OhlektM . not . Oora........ i.MMi.K . ESfi..... ..... UK Hlett ; tioar.HtrXkOttUXum, ...... . tUitol.K ttn i IJIQ UdyrM.... .... . 0o raw....;, . tm . TaUow Okta...., .r . alt tmaPonuw..... B aiu...... V