SO DECEPTIVE. GROWTH OF BOYS' CORN CLUBS Cabarrus County Democratic ' mm , , GOOD SEES FOB M.tth.w 13:1-9; ''Wherefore, paHtap axcay all filthines meekneis the engrafted word, tchich r . m m SING a boat as a pulpit, our meiuoa useo Dy tue Aliniguty wlioin he invites to be members tlon or his Millennial Kingdom. Is the "seed" which Is under consideration in the above parable, which, under favorable conditions, gerruinales and brings forth the required fruitage of coaraeier-ueveiopiueut. Our Ird was the Kingdom, aud after liiin cniue I lie nls faithful people more or less lu this The fact that most of the -seed" no proof that tbe message is uot good me real fault lies in the soil in the age or seed would bring forth much The parable states that not all of the Intimation is that it is wlthiu the unfavorable conditions in themselves. Is one of the few parables which our many seem not to have noticed. ihe "seed is the message of the On such ears the message is lost, for away, as symbojlzed by the birds devouring the exposed "seed by the way- sme. Such wayside hearers constitute the most numerous class in every congregation of the nominal church. "Stony" ground represents auotlier age. To them it sounds good; they character. They make professions and for a time flourish extraordinarily, but they lack the depth necessary to a character development suitable for the Lord's use in the work of the Kingdom, and wheu the trials and testings come they stumble. They thought they "flowery beds of ease, while others tight to win the prize and sail through bloody seas." There Is no easy road to the Kingdom. The Master declares to all who would be of the elect "Bride," "Through much tribulation shall ye enter the Kingdom." The ground which will produce thorns Is rich, and very suitable for the production of proper Christian character, but It is infested with thorn seed and the soil cannot successfully produce both wheat and thorns: hence, as the parable shows, the thorus choke out the wheat, so that a sufficient crop is not produced. These thorns are not, as some have suggested, sensual vices and criminal appetites. Hearts in which sensuality dominates have no ear what ever for the Kingdom message, and nre refers only to those who are no louger willing sinners, but who are walking outwardly In the way of righteousness. The Master's word Is. "He that re celveth the seed among thorns Is he that heareth the word, and the cares of this world and the deceltfuluess of riches fruitful." There are many noble people the parable. There are many who. If its ambitious aud wealth and intluence. would be very fruitful iu righteousness. When we look about us aud see the thrift and energy of many people of civilized lands, we say to ourselves, prop erly, If these lives were really turned into the way of the Iird and were rid of these earthly encumbrances, what grand, noble characters they would make. However, their strength, their eaergy, is absorbed by worldly affairs and cares, and they do not bring forth the quallflcatidh for the higher honors of The Master's message to such is, You Influence to worldly matters and at electiou sure" to a place with me In my clple, let him take up bis cross and disciple be. "Herein Is my Father glorilled that In this parable the youd ground varies au hundred fold. The larger the returns, ure aud the Saviors glory. Nor is the might suppose. The new "miracle wheat" some times produces more than two hundred grains from one. This parable seems to Imply that the respon sibility for the fruitfulness of the heart aud life and character depends very greatly -upon the individual and how he receives the message of the Kingdom. Those in whom the fniits will lie t lie the Invitation most intelligently nnd earnestly. "He that heareth the word and Mndemtandeth it" and whose heart is in frees himself from hindrances and like the Apostle l'aul, can say, "This Kingdom. It is not sutticietit that we hear tlie cleut that we have yimd hearts or iimtd ttoually necessary, as the Master says, that we should understand the Kingdom message: hence the need of Bible study. Intelligent people consider it very wise aud jwoper that several years of few years of earthly life. How much for our preparation for I lie eternal life and Kingdom blessings? The time and effort thus consumed in character development for the Kingdom are wisely spent, am' the harvest of thirty, sixty or a hundred fold .Illustrates tla degree aud Intensity of our earnestness. The reward In the Kingdom will also be proportionate. "As star dill'eieili from star iu glory, so shall It be lu the resur rection of the dead." Varying degrees of glory iu the Kingdom will be mani fested, yet none will be acceptable to the Father wbo shall not have brought forth fruitage In good measure. FREE TO YOU MY SISTER erbh to enattnue. W1U not interfere with Buffer if yom vbt, and I will send you the treatment for yonroaM, entirely rre4n plain wrap per, by return mail. I will alao aend you few f anl my book aniM HI kf MCU alttur with explanatory Ulnstrattooa (bowing whr women eufler, and how they oan easily enre thameilral at Dome. Every woman ahould hare it. and learn to Sssk tar mtmH. Then when the doctor saw tnemserres with my homereme ion must nave an operation," you oan deotae-ror Simula home treatment which aueudtlr and elf neay It nnras s Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young Ladles, Plumpnea and health always nsultsfroas lmuee. W hererw yon bye. I oan refer you to ladies of your own locality wbo know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this lam Tmtanet really mm all women'adlaanaes, and makes women well, strong, plump and robust. Jstt sms es per mmm, soil the free ten day'l treatment is yours, also (he book. Write to-day, as yon may no see this offer again. Add rani mrs. m. summers, BuH " Notre Dames Ind., U.S. A. If Yin Wtot to BOY If Yon Want to SELL PATTERSON & CO For Any Kind of Job Printing EXCEPT THE HTTEIlIOri 2UXTD . Come to The Times Printery GOOD GROUND. 18-2& June 19. and overflowing of icickednest rectivt icUh is able to save your toul."Jame Lord taugbt a great lesson respecting the iu tue selection of the "little flock with Christ Jesus in the admlnistra The Kingdom message or invitation the great Sower of this good seed of Apostles. Since then he has used all of seed sowing. of the Diviue message seems wasted Is and desirable. This parable shows that heart. If all hearts were right the mes fruit everywhere. the soil is good or suitable: nevertheless, power of many to correct and offset the We are not left to conjecture, for this Lord himself Interpreted a fact which Kingdom. Many do not understand It. the Adversary Is on the alert to take it They are merely formalists. class of hearers of the Kingdom meS' are Interested, but they lack depth of might be carried to the Kingdom on not mentioned in the parable, which choke the word aud he becometh un represented also by this portion of freed from the spirit of the world, from ils love of the good things of this life, fruitage demanded as the necessary a place with Christ iu his Kingdom cannot give your time and strength and the same time make your "calling and Kingdom. Whoever would be my dis follow me. Where I am there shall my ye bear much fruit," said our Master. lu its product I veuess thirty, sixty aud the greater will be the Father's pleas statement an extreme one. as some most abundant will be such as grasp a condition of loyally to God and who worldly amliitions and aspirations and one Hilnir I do." will surely gain th memaie of the Kingdom; It Is not suffl- intent inn In respect to It; It Is add! study be devoted to preparation for the study, then, should be considered proper Free to You and Every Slater Sut ring from Woman's Ailment. I am woman. I know woman's raflarlngs. I hare found the car. I will mall, f m of any charge, my law (mf Ml) with full Instructions to sjijt nfferw from woman's ailments. I want to tell a) women about this enre-fM, my reader, for yonneU, your daoghter, your mother, or your alater. I want to tell tod how to our ramalne si kau arith. out the help of doctor. If en email undentand women' suffering. What we women know sea istrlssts, we know better than any doctor. I know that mr'hume treatmaat hi uui nr. oure ror Btaeamant sr falliar rl lat Waak, tahea. Sefr NM ami, Met md Mik, Marie Ml lMliait,iini l emelaf hewf m tat lalat, aili iil. MeW tfT.M ItaMM. Mffcm, IMmt. mt Metttf Mat atej mmm) w suns, m snnss isssis, m aneiat! MM MM a to oar I want to send yon i mk fne to Drove to yon that you younelf at come, easily, qulokly ei Barely. Bern ember, that, It Ml ent )M mMmmj yourseu. Thousands of woman hayaaured Ta Batten el iaaisliia. I will oxnlain a eotuallToai Ml er ml inns Leuoorrhoea, Oreen Bokns and Real Estate Many Concord People Fail to Realize the Seriousness. Backache is so deceptive. It comes and goes keeps y guessing. Learn the cause then cure it. Nine times out of ten it comes from the kidneys. That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure it. Cure every kidney ill from backache to diabetes. Here's a Concord case to prove it; II. M. Walters, 108 Kerr street, Concord, N. C, says: "I am recom mending Doan's Kidney ills so that other sufferers from kidney trouble may know what remedy to use to obtain relief. Several months ago 1 was annoyed a great deal by sharp, shooting pains across the small of my back. The suffering was not con stant, but became on by attacks which seized me without warning. Hearing Doan's Kidney Pills highly recommended, 1 procured a supply at Gibson's Drug Store and they dis posed of my trouble. I know that Doan's Kidney Pills oan be depended upon to live up to the claims made for tihem. ' ' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember tbe name Doan's and take no other. It Was Coming. Lord CUJef Justice Cockburn when at the bar defended a Scotchman for murder. A long aud eloquent fight was in vain; sentence of death was passed. Then began the condemned Scotchman to abuse his counsel. "I ha' nae got Justice the day," he declared. "Possibly not, but you'll get it in a fortnight," was the crushing reply. London Outlook. Deafness Cannot be Cored By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, aud that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition oi the mucous lin ing of the Gustchiau Tube. When this tube is lutlamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, aud when it is entirely closed, Ueatness is the result, and uuless the iutlauuuation run be taken out and this tube restord to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of teu are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. V. J. CI1KNKY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold bv Druggists, ;. Take Hall's Family Pills for const i- patmn. Would Do the Same. A certulu professor lu a medical col lege liud a must exasperating student. You see. .Mr. Smith," said the pro fessor to this young mini one day, "the subject of this diagram limps, because one of nls legs Is a trille shorter than the other. Now. whut should you do lu such a case?" "1 should limp, too, I think, sir," re plied the student, with an expression of perfect Innocence on bis stupid face. Scared into Sound Health. Mr. B. F. Kelley, Springfleld, 111., writes: "A year ago I began to be troubled with my kidneys and bladder which grew worse until I became alarmed at my condition. I suffered also with dull heavy headaches and the action of my bladder was annoym and painful. I read of Foley s Kid ney Pills and after taking them a few weeks the headaches left me, the ac tion of my bladder was again normal, and I was free from all distress." Ca barrus Drug Co. Result of Training. Train up a girl in the way she should go, and wheu sue grows up she win not only Jerk symphonies out of the kitchen stove, but she will lay aside tbe tail feathers of the turkey at Thanksgiving, save tbe wire from (be baled hay, buy 19 cents' worth of rib bon and construct a bonnet that will make a forty dollar monstrosity look Just a little bit like 30 cents. Houston Post. Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. E. Weakley, Ktokomo, Ind., says: "Arter taking Foley's ii.iney Pills, the secvere backache left me, my kidneys became stronger, the secre tions natural and my bladder no lon ger paiued me. I am glad to recom mend Foley's Kidney Pills." In a yel low package. Cabarrus Drug Co. An .American tourist on the summit of Tesuvlus was appalled at the gran deur of the sight. "Great snakes t" he exclaimed. "It reminds me of hades." "Gad, how you Americans do trav el P replied his English friend, who Stood near by. Ladles' Home JournaV Foley's Kidney Remedy may be riven to children with admirable re sults. It doa away with bed wetting, and is also recommended lor use after measles and scarlet fever. Cabarrus Drug Co. ' Itching piles provoke profanity, hut but profanity won't our them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protuding piles after years of suffer ing. At any drag store . Speaking of the bays' corn club work of the State Department of Ag riculture Cayt. T. S. Parker, who is in charge of this work says it is hav ing a most remarkable growth and is proving probaly the most popular that the Department of Agriculture has ever inaugurated, and this, toe, within eighteen months of its incep tion. There are now over 1,500 boys in 74 counties registered for these corn growing contests this season Letters from these boys, Captain Par ker says, give the gratifying evidence of their purpose to stick to the farm, For premiums in this work the State Department has appropriated $500. J. K. SmitJi, of Richmond, Va., has donated $200; a i ertilizer company has donated another $100: another has given live tons of fertilizer: the Nor folk & Southern Railroad Company lias ottered a silver cup as a trophy, the name of the boy that wins it eaoh year to be engraved on it, the cup to be. ultimately planed in the State Mu seum. The Progressive Farmer has offered $1,000 in prizes; a number of other newspapers in various parts of the Slate have offered prizes in their respective localities and these are supplemented by contributions from bankers, merchants, manufacturers and oilier enterprising citizens mak ing a great number of attractive prizes for boys who may not win one of the prizes of tbe board of agriculture. Mr. Parker says this corn growing contest among farmer boys is sweeping the State and will surely bring to the front a harvest of the most promising corn growers the Sate 1 as ever had. The Conservation of Nature's Re- sources. Applies as well to our physical state as to material things. C. J. Budlong, Washington, R. I. realized his condi tion, and took warning before it was too late. He says: "I suffered severe ly from kidney trouble, the disease be ing hereditary in our family. I have taken four bottles of Foley's Kidney Keuiedy, and now consider myself thoroughly cured. This should be a turning to all not to neglect taking Foley's Kiduey Remedy until it is too lali'." Cubarrai Drug Co. Concord. Sentinel (on guard) Halt! Who comes there? The C'olouel Fool! Sentinel Advance, fool, aud give the countersign. - Philadelphia Inquirer. Shake it into Yonr Shoes Allen's Kot-Kase, Hie antiseptic powder. It fines painful, smarting, larvoiis feet, and instantly takes the ting out of the corns aud bunions. It's I he greatest comfort discovery if the ae. Allen's -Foot-Kase makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous, swollen. tiled, aching feel. Always ie it to break in new shoes. Try it today. Sold everywhere. 'By mail for 'S cents in stamps. Don't accept any substitute. For FKF.K trial package, address Allen S. O'msted. I.e Kov, V. Y. "What are 'mournful numbers?1 " "They are the figures which a wo man uses when she has to give her real age." A HEART-TO-HEART TALK. Blood is the life of man. If your system has too much uric acid your blood becomes poisoned and you are sure to have rheumatism. By remov ing the cause Bheumacide, compound ed in liquid ami tablet form cures the worst cases of rheumatism. Rheuma cide is a specille for contagious blood poison. Begin in time. At druggists. Tablets by mail, 2"e. Bobbin Ciem ical Co., Baltimore, Wd. Things move along so rapidly now adays that people who say, "It can't le done,' are interrupted by somebody loing it. What a Summer Cold May Do. A summer cold if neglected is just as apt to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season . Do not neglect it. Take Foley's Honey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, and expels the cold in the system. Cabarrus Drug Co. "I would rather be speaker of the House for two years than be United States senator for 18 years," said Champ Clark, the democratic House leader. Be Prepared for Emergencies. WhAn a nnM enmtw to vou or in vour family or a sudden chill if you let it alone you are making recovery naru. a teaspoon ful of Perrv Davis' Painkiller In half a glass of Lot water or milk will be the thing to save later and greater trouble. I his old reliable family remedy sells by mi 111 una of bottles annually. 95c. (the new size) and GOo, Stops earache iu two minutes, toothache or pain or burn or scald in five minutes; hoarseness, one bour; muscleacbe, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas Electric Oil, monarch over pain. At drug stores. Mr. R. R. Brewer, Industrial Agent for the Carolina, Clincbfleld & Ohio Railway Company, authorises the statement that 'his company will do- nets to the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, one thousand seres of land for a Chautauqua ground near Altapass, in the very heart. of the Blue Ridge Mountains; and be has so advised the members of the committee charged with (he location of suck As sembly grounds,, CLEANSES' THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY; DISPELS COLDS. AND HEADACHES DUE TO CONSTIPATION. BEST FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN - YOUNG AND OLD. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS-ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. KAKUIACIURtD Bl THE S01DTTAII LEADING DRUGGISTS One size only. Regular pkce SFaBottu Store formerly occupied by The Tribune Co. Occupation given at at once. DESIRABLE OFFICES In postoffice building (now occuoied by the Home Educational Co.) $2.50 to $4 00 month. In Morris Building best location in the city. Steam heat, light and janitor ser vice FREE. One ;Front Room, second floor $10 Other nice offices second floor $3.00 and $5.00 Sleeping rooms, bath, heat, light and janitor service FREE. $3.00 to $5.00 Per Month Other desirable offices Phone No. 59. T. T. SMITH, JR., Manager. P. M. MORRIS REAL ESTATE CO. LIFE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE CAUSALTY INSURANCE LIVE STOCK INSURANCE call on Hera Loan is Inst Co. St. Cloud Hotel Bldg., Concord, N. C. Phone No. 231. Total Assets Represented$224,780,000 We call special attention to our Live Stock Insurance for farm, dray and pleasure animals. Also special classes Horses and Cuttle. C. A. ISENIIOUR. Sec. & Treas. THOS. W. SMITH. Mgr. Insurance. HTlen Unsure G,beir Hives To secure their loved ones if they die, what they intend to provide if they live. Reflect! Have you made suitable provisions for your wife and children T If not apply for Insurance in the MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, THE POLICY HOLDERS' FRIEND and do it now. JNO. K. PATTERSON & CO., Agts. Foley's Kidney Remedy Cures Backache, Kidney and Bladder Trouble. It corrects irregularities, strengthens the kidneys so they will eliminate the impurities from the blood and tones up the whole system. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and avoid Bright's Disease or Dia betes. 50. and $1.00 bottle. Sold by Cabarrus Drug Co, Concord. CHICHESTER S PILLS ,Wc. Til It UIAUONK BRAN IK DIAMOND IIKAND P1L1.K.W. t. psn km ss Sot, Sinwt, Always Retubl. SOU) BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Pair of Shears Free. To every subscriber of The Concord Daily Tribune who pays a full year is advance we will give free a pair of our 8-inch Spring Tension Shears. We have given away over 1200 pairs of these shares to subscribers of The Times, and have never had a complaint about them. They sell everywhere for from 50 to 75 cents a pair. ' , FOB lleat S.M 7ar vrassM for a ('hlkM-tor' IHaaTllrulVV I'llta Is It., ud awuiikVV bo, Haled wit Ulna Klfcfcos. V Tss. a. atbor. 3ar rrar V InwtM. Akkl.?.iri.rinCM.TPBa Hon. At a meeting of the Democratifl Ex ecutive Committee of Cabarrus Oban ty, held on the 10th day of "April, 1910, it was ordered that the primar ies be held on Saturday, JalsasVSB, 1910, at 3 o'clock p. m.. in all town ships, except No. 12, and in tie re spective wards of No. 12 township at 3 o'clock p. m. It was further ordeied that tbe County Democratic Convention b held in Concord on Saturday. Julr 2nd, 1910, at 1 o'clock p. in-, for tbe purpose of electing deletratea to the Judicial, Congressional and State l.oiiveutions, and for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Leg islatures aud the various County of fices. J NO. L. MILLER, Chairman. Cabarrus County Democratic Execu tive Committee. NOTICE. That my friends, ecquaintances and others may have an opportunity to take Chiropractic Nerve and Spinal treatments, 1 will be at the Fisher residence, corner Union and Grove streets, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of each week. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. A partial list of diseases successfully treated is (Jail Stones, Neuralgia, Ner our Prostration, Rheumatism, Fevers, Diseases of the Heart, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, Lung, Bowels and Women's diseases. Ninety per cent, of the troubles of suffering humanity, especially women, originate at the spine. No drugs are used. DR. F. J. BATES. 'liiropractic Nerve and Spinal Spec ialist, Rooms 917-919 Realty Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. CITY ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Board of Alder men or the City of Concord: That all bill posters posting bills for circuses and shows of all Hand hall within three (3) days after the performance advertised, remove said advertisement from all bill boards, posts, or any surface whatsoever where displayed within 'the corporate limits of the town of Concord. Any person violating the provisions of lliis ordinance shall be deemed tin It v ot a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty days. W. II. GIBSON, Clerk. June 1, 1910. tf Administrator's and Executor's Sale. The undersigned will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Concord, N. ('., on the 20th day of June, l!M0, the accounts due on the hooks of Dr. W. H. Lilly and Drs. Lilly & Walker. The mtmes of the parties who OWS these debts and the amounts will be announced at the sale. Term of sale cash. Persons desir ing to pay before the date of the sals may do so by calling on G. M.Lors, Justice of the Peace. D. B. McCRARY, T. H. REDDING, AdmYs. of Dr. J. O. Walker. MRS. M. E. LILLY, Ex'r. of Dr. W. H. Lilly. Hv Montgomery & Crowell, Attys. for Adm's of Dr. Walker. L. T. Uaitsell, Atty. for M. E. Lilly, Executor. This 28th day of May, 1910. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD. Charlotte, N. C, May 14, 1910. Change of schedule SEABOARD A lit LINE, effective noon Sunday May 15. Westbound trains leave Char lotte as follows, daily: No. 1J3, daily, 9:50 a. m. No. 47, daily, 4:45 p. m. m tiastbound, daily: No. 40, daily, 4:50 a. m. No. 44, daily, 5:00 a. m. No. l.iJ, daily, 7:00 p. m. Trains arrive in Charlotte as fol ,ovs from the east : No. 13:i, 9:50 a. m. No. 45, 12 :01 noon. No. .tO, 10:50 p. m. Arive from the west: No. 40, 10:30 a. m. No. 132, 7:00 p. m. JAMES KER, JR., Traveling Passenger Atreat. Southern's Convenient Summer Sche dule to the 'Land ef the Sky." Southern Railway anouncei that Spring and Summer changes in Sche dules to Western North Carolina re sorts will take plsce Sunday, Jons 6, with through Sleeping Car service from all points, affording excellent service. It is expected that even greater crowds than ever before will visit these famous mountain resorts dur ing the sumer season. FOR SOLICITOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Solicitor in the approaching . Democratic primaries and Convention. I will appreciate the support ef the voters of Cabarrus county. a B. SMITH., E. 0. D. Charlotte, N. C " FOR SOLICITOR. ! . I hereby announce myself a oaudi date for Solicitor in the approaching Democratic primaries and Convention. If nominated and elected I 'still discbarge my duty to the test of say ability, fairly and impartially. --r I would be pleased hv . the up port of the Democrats of Cabarrus county. -v- ' " , . P. iC SHANNONHQtSS. $ V

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