Store formerly occupied by The Tribune Co. Occupation Riven at j at once. DESIRABLE OFFICES In postoffice building (now occupied by the Home Educational , Co.) $2.50 to $4 00 month. In Morris Building best location in the city. Steam heat, light and janitor ser vice FREE. OneFront Room, (MA second floor v ' " Other nice offices second floor $3.00 and $5.00 Sleeping rooms, bath, heat, light and janitor service FREE. $3.00 to $5.00 Per Month Other desirable offices 'Phone No. 59. T. T. SMITH, JR., Manager. P. M. MORRIS REAL ESTATE CO. HOW TO CUBE RHEUMATISM. LIFE INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE CAUSALTY INSURANCE LIVE STOCK INSURANCE call on Soita Loan is Inst Co. St. Cloud Hotel Bldg., Concord, N. C. Phone No. 231. Total Assets Kpresentl$224,780,000 We call special attention to our Live Stock Insurance for farm, dray and pleasure animals. Also special classes Horses and Cattle. C. A. ISENHOUR, Sec. & Treas. THOS. W. SMITH. Mgr. Insurance. mien Unsure iXbe.r Hives To secure their loved ones if tbey die, what tbey intend to provide if tbey live. Reflect! Have you made suitable provisions for your wife and children? If not apply for Insurance in the MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, TIT B POLICY HOLDERS' FRIEND and do it now. JNO. K. PATTERSON & CO., Agts. It Is An Internal Disease And Re quires An Internal Remedy. The cause df rheumatism and kin dered diseases is an excess of uric acid in the blood. To cure this terrible dis ease this acid must be expelled and tfbo system so regulated that no more acid will he formed in excessive quantities. Rheumatism is an internal disease and requires an internal rem edy. Rubbing with oils and tiui menU will not cure, affords only tem poiary relief at best, causes you to delay the proper treatment, and al lows the malady to get a timer bold on you. Liuiments may ease pain, but tbey will no more cure Rheuma tism than paint will change the fiber of rotton wood. Science has at last discovered a perfect and comptete cure, whidh is called "RJheumiacide." Tested in hundreds of cases, it has affected the most marvelous cures; we believe it will cure you. Rheumacide "gets at the joints from the inside," sweeps the poisons out of the system, tone up the stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes you 'well all over. Rheumacide "strikes the root of l lie disease and removes its cause." This splendid remedy is sold .ty drug gists and dealers generally at 50c ami $1 a bottle. In tablet form at 2."e and 50c a package. Get a bottle today. Booklet free if you wnte to Bohhitt niiemieal Co., Baltimore, Md. For sale by Gibson Drug .Store, 'Con cord. N. C Foley's in Remedy Cures Backache, Kidney and Bladder Trouble. It corrects irregularities, strengthens the kidneys so they will eliminate the impurities from the blood and tones up the whole system. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy at once and avoid Bright's Disease or Dia betes. 50. and $1.00 bottles. Sold by Cabarrus Drug Co., Concord. Calcutta Talk Fifty-seven Way. " Calcutta is one of the most polyglot capitals in the world. The last census shows fifty-seven languages are spoken In It Not many of these, of course, are spoken by large sections of its million Inhabitants, but English, Ben gali, Urdu, Hindoo and Utlya are the media through which Its trade and commerce are mainly carried on. As regards the schools, Sanskrit, Persian and Arabic fill a more Important place than Greek and Latin, French, Ger man or Italian do In England. Ben gall Is the most numerously spoken of the vernaculars. It has a mellow, pleasant cadence, not unlike Italian, and although it Is a comparatively modern language it has a great wealth of HteratuiV, Journalistic and other. Half a dozen Bengali newspupers are published dally, while of weekly ver nacular papers the name Is legion. Pall Mall Magazine. Southern's Convenient Summer Sche dule to the 'Land tf the Sky." Southern Railway anounces that Spring and Summer changes in Sche dules to Western North Carolina re sorts will take place Sunday, June 6, with through Sleeping Car service from all points, affording excellent service. It is expected that even greater crowds than ever before will visit these famous mountain resorts dur ing the gumer season. "I am a broken man," said the play wright "So I should think," was the answer, "for I have seen your pieces." Glad to Recommend Them. Mr. E. Weakley, Ktokomo, IncL, says: "After taking Foley's Kdney Pills, the secvere backache left me, my kidneys became stronger, the secre tions natural and my bladder no lon ger pained me. I am glad to recom mend Folev s Kidney Pills." In a yel low package. Cabarrus Drug Co. The addition of three drops of mer cury to each ounce of common solder will make a solder fusing at a low temperature for unltlus soft metals. What Everybody Ought to Know. That Foley Kidney Pills contain just the ingredients necessary to tone. strengthen and regulate the action of the kidneys. Cabarrus Drug Co. Teacher Why didn't the Hons touch Daniel? Johnny Tbey were African Hons and only cared for dark meat. Judge. See The Times for Job Printing. Foley's Kidney Remedy may he given to children with admirable re sults. It does away with bed wetting, and is also recommended for use after measles and scarlet fever. Cabarrus Drug Co. Every pair guaranteed. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD. Charlotte, N. C, May 14, 1910. Change of schedule SEABOARD A1K LINE, effective noon Sunday May 15. Westbound traius leave Char lotte as follows, daily: No. 133, daily, 9:50 a. m. No. 47, daily, 4:45 p. m. East hound, daily: No. 40, daily, 4:50 a. in. No. 44, daily, 5:00 a. m. No. 132, daily, 7:00 p. ni. Trains arrive in Charlotte as fol .ows from the east: No. 133, 9:50 a. m. No. 45, 12:01 noon. No. 39, 10:50-p. in. Arive from the vest: No. 4(i, 10:30 a. m. No. 132, 7:00 p. m. JAMES KER, JR., Traveling Passenger Agent. FOR SOLICITOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Solicitor in the approaching Democratic primaries and Convention. I will appreciate the support of the voters of Cabarru9 county. D. B. SMITH., E. O. D. Charlotte. N. C FOR SOLICITOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Solicitor in the approaching Democratic primaries and Convention. If nominated and elected I shall discharge my duty to the 'best of my ability, fairly and impartially. I would he ph-ased to have (lie sup port of t lie Democrats of Cabarrus county. F. M. SHANNONHOUSE. FOR SALE two electrie motors, oue and two horse power. Apply to J. B. SHERRILL. Cabarrus County Democratic Conven tion. At a meeting of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee of Cabarrus Coun ty, held on the 10th day of April, 1910, it was ordered that the primar ies be held on Saturday, June 25th, 1910, at 3 o'clock p. m., in all town ships, except No. 12, and in the re spective wards of No. 12 township at 8 o'clock p. m. It was further ordeied that the County Democratic Convention be held in Concord on Saturday, July 2nd, 1910, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates to the Judicial, Congressional and State Conventions, and for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Leg islatures and the various County of fices. JNO. L. MILLER, Chairman. Cabarrus County Democratic Execu tive Committee. NOTICE. That my friends, ecquaintances and others may have an opportunity to take Chiropractic Nerve and Spinal treatments, 1 'will be at the Fisher residence, corner Union and Grove streets, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of each week. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. A partial list of diseases successfully treated is Gall Stones, Neuralgia, Ner ;our Prostration, Rheumatism, Fevers, Diseases of the Heart, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, Lung, Bowels and Women's diseases. Ninety per cent, of the troubles of suffering humanity, especially women, originate at the spine. No drugs are used. DR. F. J. BATES, Chiropractic Nerve and Spinal Spec ialist, Rooms 917-919 Realty Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. CITY ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Board of Alder men of the City of Concord : That all hill posters posting hills for circuses and shows of all land shall within three (3) days after the performance advertised, remove said advertisement from all bill boards, posts, or any surface whatsoever where displayed within the corporate limits of the town of Concord. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be lined tit'ty dollars or imprisoned thirty days. W. II. GIBSON, Clerk. June 1, 19111. tf Pair of Shears Free. To every subscriber of The Concord Daily Tribune wbo pays a full year in advance we will give free a pair of our 8-inch Spring Tension Shears. We have given away over 1200 pairs of these shares to subscribers of The 1'imes, and have never had a complaint about them. They sell everywhere for from 50 to 75 cents a pair. QHICHLSTER S PILLS .f- THE DIAMOND BRiMll - jreui known u Bat, Sabtt. IhinkdliU. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Southern Railway Schedule. Following schedule figures publish ed only information and are not guaranteed. Li effect May 15, 1910: 4.10 a. in.. No. 8 Daily for Rich mond and all local points. Connects it Greensboro for Winstou-Salem and Raleigh, at Denville for Norfolk. ti :4(i a. in., No. 44. Daily for Wash ington and points North. Connects at Salisbury J or Asheville, Chattanoo ga and Memphis. Pullman and day coaches Atlanta to Washington. Pull man coach between Atlanta and Ral eigh. 0:20 a. m., No. 45 Daily for Char lotte and all local points. 10:10 a. in., No. 11 Daily for At lanta and local points. 11:05 a. m., No. 36 Daily for Washington and New York. Pullman sleepers New Orleans to New York; day coach New Orleans to New York. Washington and all ints north. 12:03 a . m., No. 30. Daily for Washington and New York. 3 :40 p. m., No. 7. Daily for Char lot te and local stations. 3:40 p. m., No. 46. Daily for Greensboro and local points. 0 :43 p. m., No. 12 Daily for Rich mond and all local points. Connects at Salisbury for Asheville, Chattanoo ga and Memphis. Sleeper, Charlotte to Richmond and Salisbury to Nor folk. 8:50 p. m., No. 35 Daily to Nor- lanta and points South. Sleepers to New Orleans and Birmingham and day coaches Washington to New Or leans. R. L. Vernon, D. P. A., Charlotte, IT. 0 H. P. Csxy, O. P. A Washington, D.O City Pressing Club D. B. FOWLKES, Manager. As the world goes around and around, You hear the iron ring of its sound, Lung Pants made short, square coaU made round, Remember that Paul is still in town. After the needle and the machine, Then the clothes are sponged and cleaned. Coats pressed nicely and pants in a crease, Think of the presser last but not least. Gratefully, DAN & PAUL. For Sale Small safe. Apply to J. B. Shemll. U. We Gall Attention to One Thing..! 1 . 'WA K:BM& ( , If- , ? i 1 f. I r fit"-" . -3 tH' 'J lU J t LI LIT I 1 V i 7 - r i M We demand in Suits for Summer wear materials as fine and tailoring as high class as we do in heavier garments for winter. Being lighter in weight it stands to reason that to hold Shape and Smart styles, they require it, and in The "Clothes Beautiful" MAIIK AND DRSKiXEU BV 5chIoss, Bros. & Company Baltimore New York Boston FA iwfi 1 -jjfrL- i We have found these things carried to the highest point and at Hoderate Prices. Of Interest to every GENTLEMAN who combines HIGH QUALITY and MODERATE PRICE The particular man realizes that "negligee;, doea not mean "neglect" Summer time claims Smart Shirts nnd Ties and Hosiery for its own. Comfort demands plenty of them, frequent trips to the laundry requre high quality, and your pocket-book naturally calls for moderate prices. We have studied the question long to strike the happy medium of High Quality at Hoderate Prices. We want you to come in and see. . v acHLoas mos. v co. ZJi'j-LS lJaarlY STRAWS The "Yacht" ia dividing popularity this reason with the soft i straws in negligee sliapes. Yachts in smooth and rough straws. Soft straws in Milans and Mackinaws and the ever popular Panama Straw Hats. - Auto and Golf Caps.- Fancy Hat Bands 25 and 60 cents. SHIST3 UNDERWEAR Inew weaves and patterns the slip , ,,. . v i , vt i I'tasy, prespiration proof kind .50o We have a full line in all sues and Knee length drawers in Nainsook,) patterns of the most celebrated shirts, priee 50o Negligee with plain and plaited bos- .iV . , . . . " Coat Shirts with long or short sleevs, oms- price ....j. 50c WASH TIES PIain 1-00 t0 2- orxAM Wash four in hands in pretty 8tripM Stripe Paterns $1.00 to $2.50 ' OOUJUIS to match Mgligee Mrta at All the new Summer shapes in the Solid Colors $1.00 to $1.50 n,ogt popnlar colars nt 2 for 25o - with attached and detached cuffs. SOCKS Shirts with attached soft collars in TIES flannel and pongee for outing, golf Lisle half hose in solid colors and and tennis, priced from $1.60 to $3.00 Silk four in hand and bow tie in neat patterns at 25a and 60s it : f... IOC' f iuj. 1 t-.z T'