Delicately Formed and gently reared, women will find In all the seasons of their' Uvea, as maid ens, wives and mothers, that the one simple, wholesome laxative remedy, which acts gently "and pleasantly and naturally and which may be taken at any time, when the system needs a laxative, with perfect safety and real ly beneficial effects. Is Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. It has that true delicacy of flavor which is so refreshing to the taste, that wanning and grateful toning to the stomach which responds so favor ably to its action and the laxative ef fect which Is so beneficial to the sys tem when, occasionally, Its gentle cleansing Is required. The genuine, always bearing the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., may be purchased .from all leading druggists In original packages of one aize only, price fifty cents per bottle. Store formerly occupied by The Tribune Co. Occupation given at A at once. DESIRABLE OFFICES In postoffice building (now occupied by the Home Educational Co.) $2.50 to $4 00 month. In Morris Building beat location in the city. Steam heat, light and janitor ser vice FREE. One Front Room, 1 A second floor PIV Other nice offices second floor $3.00 and $5.00 Sleeping rooms, bath, heatl light and janitor service FREE. $3.00 to $5.00 Per Month Other desirable offices 'Phone No. 69. T. T. SMITH, JR., Manager. P. M. MORRIS REAL ESTATE GO. LIFE INSURANCE FIRE tPTStfRANCE 0 AU SALTY INSURANCE LIVE STOCK INSURANCE call on " ..ilk Im & Inst Co. St. Cloud Hotel Bid., Concord, N. 0. Phnna No 231. Total Assets Rpresentod$224,780,000 We call special attention to our Live Stock Iasurance for farm, dray and pleasure animals. Also special classes Horses and Cattle. C. A TSF.NHOUR. Sec. & Treas, THOS. W. SMITH. Mgr. Insurance. Southern Railway Schedule. Fullowinc schedule nVures Dublish ed only ms information and are not guaranteed. In effect May 15, 1910: 4:10 a. m.. No. 8 Bail V for Rioh- moud and all local points. Connecta at Ureensboro lor W luston-baiem ana Raleigh, at Denville for Norfolk. 6:4fl a. m.. No. 44. Daily for Wash noiirHi ami nninta North. Connects at Salisbury for Asheville, Chattanoo ga ami MMmnhia Viilluiatl aud dav coaches Atlanta to Washington. Pull man coach between Atlanta ana nai- eigb. 6:20 a. m., No. 45 Daily for Char lotte and all local points. 10:10 a. m., No. 11 Daily for At Ionia anA lneftl Ittlinh;. 11:05 a. m., No. 3C Daily for Washington aud New York. Pullman Naur Orleans to New York: day coach New Orleans to New York. Washington aud all joints nortn. 12:03 a . m., No. 30. Daily for Washington and New York. 3:40 ft m., No. 7 Daily for Cliar- 3:40 p. m., No. 46. Daily for Greensboro am. local points. n m . No. 12 Dailv for Rich m-vvwi .nil all inal mints. Connects at Baltebcry for Asheville, Chattanoo ga and Memphis. Sleeper, Charlotte to Richmond and Salisbury to Nor- 8 0 p: nv Noi '35 Daily io Nor- lanta and pouts eouin.- oieep w r. njM aiul Birmingham and ' day coaches Washington to New Or- .Tir.! W V. A. Charlotte. IT. 0 H. P. Cary, O, P. A Washington, D.O Pair of Bheari Free. ,; To every subscriber of The Concord Daily Tribune who pays a full year in advance ( will give free P of oar 8-ineh 8pnng tension om. We hava given away over 1200 pairt v,. hiru In anhannbers of maS r:M .r.,1 km never had a complaint about them. They aell everywhere for from 50 to 75 centa a pair. Tor Sale Small safe. B. SherrilL Apply to J. FOR GOOD ROADS AND ECONOMY. Impauabl Highway Coit Am.rloan Farm.r. Untold Millions. There Is no difference among- -well Informed people as to tbe cost ol bad roads, nor Is there any longer a ques tion as to where the burden of tbe cost is most severely felt. There are hauled over the country roads of the United States every year 265.000.000 tons of produce, equal to 80 per cent of tbe railway tonnage of the coun trr. The average haul from farm to railway la 9.4 miles, and tbe cost per ton per mile la between 23 ana zo ronta. In Germany over better roads the cost Is 10 cents per ton per mile at tbe maximum and 7 cent per ton per mile at the minimum, a he loss mffrMi bv the American farmer and consumer, figured on the basis of the German wagon road toll. Is Immense. If It were saved from year to year ir would aoon constitute a fund suffi cient to Improve all of the common hiirhwava of the country. I.. W. Para, who has collected a great deal of valuable information on this subject and who talks about road Improvement Intelligently and reason ably, Is not among those who clamor for the federalization of the highways. On the contrary, be deplores tne an . irina that nnrhlnir can IW ICiairuv auvw '-' be done in this country until the fed- rul irnvernment DUtS Its hand to tne nhui nr its nana into ics pocnei. The states. In his opinion, should take the Initiative or at least prove their sincerity by setting an example ior the national government. Children Who are Sickly whn value their own com f.,i-t mil th welfare of their children. should never be witnout a box oi mo . . IsT i her (Jrav'a Sweet Powders for Chil .Iron, fur use throughout the season. They break up Colds, Cure Feverish- luey nreait up oias, uuro ritiu- - -- -nes.nstipatL, Teething Disorders , " eary. "",a" luese rowocis ucvci J dr,8t?!eS' jT.Xrl I.TJ NUUdUlUie. JX llkuu. aAugv ..... aont fmA In nnv mother who will ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y. TERRIBLE STRAIN RESULTED NOT AMISS . I A Lenoir Lady, After Two WeeRs Grinding Labor, Feels Better Than Ever. Lenoir. N. C "I am not tired at all. and am stouter than I have ever been," writes Mrs. Kate Waters, of Lenoir. N. C. "although 1 have Just finished a two weeks' wash. I lay my strength to pjirdul. the woman's tonic. I have taken a lot of it and I can never praise It enoueh for what it has done tor me. i can never thank vou enoueh for the ad vice you gave me, to take Cardui, for since taking it I look sa wen ana am stout as a mule." Vnu are ureed to take Cardui. that gen tle, vegetable tonic, for weak women. Its use will strengthen and build up your sys tem, relieve or prevent headache, back ache and the ailments ot weak women. It will surel v helo vou. as it has helped thousands of others, in the past 50 years. nooKi Medicine Co.. Chittanooii. Tenn.. lor Sptcial Itutmcttom. ind64-pue book. "Home Treitment lor womea. cm in piain wrapper, ua mm Cily Pressing Club D. B. FOWLKES, Manager. As the world goes around and around, You hear the iron nut ol its sou mi, Long Pants made abort, square coats made round, Remember that Paul is still in town AiPtar tha niMulla uJ tjhe machine. Then the clothes are sponged and cleaned, Coats pressed nicely and pants In a orease, Think of thepresser last but not least. Oratefullv. DAN 4 PAUL. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD. Charlotte, N. C, May 14, 1910. Change of schedule SEABOARD ATW T.I MR affdAtiva noon SundaT May 15. Westbound trains leave Char lotte as follows, doily: No. 133, daily, 9:50 a. m. 'No. 47, daily, 4:45 p.m. Eastbound, daily: -No. 40, daily, 40 a. m. No. 44, daily, 6:00 a.m. Trains arrive in Charlotte as fol tows from the east: ' No. 133, 9:50 a. m. No. 45, 12:01 noon. No. 39,10:50 p. m. A rive from tha west: M ar in, an m. No. 132, 7:00 p. in. ' JAMES KER, JIL, .. Traveling Passenger AfrenL '.. : ) FOR SOLI0TTOR. I hereby announce myself a eaaeV date for Solicitor in tha approaoaant Demoeratie primaries and Conveneieav I will appreciate the support off lha TOiers oi tKiurur wuujr. . . ; cirnni . -J D. B. eilira, E.O.D. Uurtotta K. W THE MARINER'S COMPASS, Influences that Draw It from Its Al legiance to the Magnetic Pole. Nothlnz In the navigational equip ment Of a ahip has been the subject of more anxious scientific researcn or receives more Jealous care than the mariner's compass, says the Windsor Magazine. The popular notion of the compass needle always pointing north and south Is well, more Inaccurate than even popular notions usually are. Even under the most favorable condi tions there are only certain places upon the surface of the earth where tha enmnaaa needle does DOlnt north and south, and it la quite safe to say that such condition are never found on board of, any ship. But we Taunt go further and say that no more unfavorable position could be found for a compass than on board, a modern steamship, which la a comDllcated mass of steel, all tending to draw the compass needle from Its allegiance to the magnetic nala of the earth, warring Influences which must needs be counteracted by all sorts of devices which hedge round tha inatrument bv an Invisible wall of conflicting cu rents ot magnetism. And as if this were not enougn there are now huge dynamoB to be reckoned with, producing electric cur rents for all sorts of purposes on board. In the midst of these mystic eurranta the noor little compass Handle, uiion which the mariner de pends for bis guide across the track less deep, hangs suspended like one shrinking saint surrounded by legions Of tievlls. Do You Know That nearls are measured by the 'grain." Three and oue-half grains go to a carat. That for a f.ngernail to reach its full lenclh. an averaxe of seven- That 4 o'clock in the afternoon 1. raJnlieat hour 0f the twenty-tour. I rain falls at night than during the hours of light That durlne the oast three cen turles more than two hundred differ ent systems of shorthand have been devised. Pitman's was first published in 1840. That it takes fifty of the Chinese edible birds' neats to weigh a pound and the price per pound is about $40. That February holds the record aa the month In wMch most children are born; June as that in which there are born; June as fewest births. That the sloths never drink; rab bits and parrots very rarely drink. A parrot lives fifty-two years without drinking a drop of water. That the largest room in the world under one roof aud unbroken by pil lars la In St. Petersburg. It is t20 feet long by ISO feet In breadth. By davlleht It la used for military dis plays, and a whole battalion can com pletely maneuver In It. tiy nignt -u.-000 wax tapers give It a beauWul ap pearance. The roof is a s'ngle arch of iron. Chinese History. Chinese history dates back to 2637 n ft when the DeoDle were made up Into clans or tribes and were ruled by a sovereign who was chosen by uls subjects as the one most worthy to rule. This was followed by the feudal intam which continued for nearly twenty centuries and was similar to the feudal system in Europe in meaie ral times. By 403 B. C, China was divided Into seven great states and each state was contending for the .nromofMr In 221 B. C. the king ol Tasinir was victorious and he assumed the title of Hwang Tl, or Emperor. Thta nririBlnK and far-seeing ruler decided that aa there was but one sun in tbe heavens so that should be but one ruler In China, and with his relrn the nresent imperial form oi government was founded. The reign ing dynasty' dates from 1643. Tha great waU wan erected in zi a. i. u la about 1600 milea long wun a breadth of twenty-live feet at the base and fifteen feet at-tie top. The ieign varies fromi Often to thirty feet nom.irflci of the Eye. I. too. aee that painting and sculp- . ..,wltlH.a rf thA eve. its I lurv imv ml iajj.w'".. - j-- to the niceties and curiosi- JTal funotlton. There Is no sta- ties of tta funotlton. There Is no sta tua like thds living man, with nis in finite advantage over all Ideal sculp ture, of perpetual variety. What a gallery of art .navvj l nerei nerlst made these varied groups and diverse original single figures. Here Is the artist himself improving. si and glad, at his block. Now one .v.k. arik.i hhn. now another. and with each- moment he alters the whole all. attitude and expression oi hla clay. Away with your nonsens- ot oil ana easels, ot marme anu chisels; escexit to open your eyea io tha wltclacraft of eternal art, they arc hypocritical rubbish. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Am &rffMturap. Tha- skyscraper has at last reached tha thndt you are flulte a traveler, I hear?" itu man who lived on the nlnetylxth floor of the Skyhy hotel. "Yea," replted tne man w ' m Hmtiffh lesa than 40 years old I have already visited verOoor of'thls hulldlng."-KnaaS City Times. f Mahlt. V Aa Atdhlson nmn married a school- w.. ..J ha aava that for three yaara "wbenewer the school bells would , rtaai sh would act up like the .1 u flr-wnSUe blows. Atchison QioM. . WESTERN STANLY. Mrs (I E. Love and Miss Minnie visited in Albemarle this week. Mr. Dave Yow and daughter, Miss Lessie, spent Friday night in Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Coley and Mr. and Mrs. John Burris, of Harrisburg, visited friends in this community last week. On last Friday morning the entire community was shocked by the sad death of John Love, the son of M. P. Love, who committed suicide iby hang ing himself. When the family arose his body was discovered hanging to a tihiwio Ippa in thrn vara, lie hal Deen troubled with insanity for some time. The remains were interred ax Liove s nemeterv Fridav evenine. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved -da tives. The Conservation of Nature's Re sources. Armlies as well to our Dhvsical state as to material things. C. J. Budlong, Washington, R. L realized his condi tion, and took warning beiore it was inn lure. H savs: "I suffered severe ly from kidaey trouble, the disease be ing hereditary in our family, i nave taken four bottles ol r oiey s Jo-ianey Remedy, and now consider myself thoroughly cured. This should be a wammg to all not to neglect taiang Foley 's Kidney Remedy until it is too late." Cabarrus Drug Co. Concord. Mrs Bacon What's your husband Iniipliint; ui? Mrs. Egbert At your baby. He says it's fuunv looking." "Funny looking? Why, the little fel low's got more hair on bis bead than your husband has got on his!" Yon kers Statesman. Scared into Sound Health. Mr R F Kellev. Sorintrfleld. Ill- writes: "A year ago I began to be troubled with my kidneys and bladder winch grew worse until 1 became lit mv condition. I suffered nl-;ii with dull heavv headaches and (lie action of my bladder was annoyiug nml nainful. I read of Folev's Kid ney l'ills and after taking them a few weeks tbe headaches lett me, the ac ,,f mv bladder was aeaiu normal. and 1 was free from all distress." Ca barrus Drug Co. S. you :nt- Jill re:dy to go to house Ifl'i'l'il.:;'.'" OH yes'" replied Mrs. Younglove -Clim-ley's frlemlM at the office have muile him a present of a beautiful alarm clock, and 1 have a splendid nickel plated chafing dish."-Chicago Record-Herald. What a Summer Cold May Do. A aiimmpr eoU if neglected is just as apt to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season . uo not neglect it. Take Foley's Honey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, and expels the cold in the system. Cabarrus Drug Co. A little srlrl of four year;, li.-n Ir.? written ii letter consisting siiuplv ui lines, uske.l her papa t- p.'-t 1:. "What iliil you say:' nskeil papa. "I don't know," said ltosainuiivl. "Why, you wrote It!" said papa. "Yes, but I did not read It." was the innocent reply. A GOOD COMPLEXION. You will ret ri nt all skin niemisii anu uiuj- Tile if vou thoroughly purify the blood bv taking Rheuniacide. Rheu- maeide is put up in liquid and tablet form ami is sold ui Me ana ouc Doiueb by your druggist. Or, we will mail vmm n 2."ie hot e of tablets on receipt of price, 2"c (coin or stamps). Book let free Bobbitt Chemical naiu- more, Md. See The Times for Job Printing. cofl.yi..duT.retalraiaaddifti ' t-ntrtr Write today tor full detail, fwieea aor illurratd Shintle FREE Sook Ne. 25. k wiU help yo. eotve the Root Problem. , . Ask Your Oealer For Cahtn Grates You will n.v.r ..Joy the fall m. rfdrat. r!' iTllZZ home. The, bandwm. grates are derradly W o-u ." Z ad w. will arraa. to hv him show yH thrn Caiull baa. IV mtanmtavtmm, all kiads ol Metal Roofi., iruj 1 "d CaM lroa Work, suoh as Stairway., Fire-Bmpee, 8tf1"T.j,"",'J' GaKmnaed Iroa Work toeh Coraiee, Awaiaf. Skylight. aa4 VeaUor. W. lo Soother Ora.mental Metal CeOtais - tha bwatifnl Louis XIV and Colonial designs. Write ior prices. J Chattanooga OUnAKOOCA - V or HAYS'HMR HEALTH NEVER FAILSTO RESTORE GRAY HA1K TO ITS NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY. SlUft Yiuutf h SJInl Nfrr SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE Cot thl adv. out and mall with your nam. and addr.aa, and 10 cant, to PHIL . HAY SPECIALTIES CO. 3CClir.t . Newark, N J..U.8 A. GIBSON DRUG STORE. Cabarrus County Democratic Conven tion. a t . mnotlnir of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee of Cabarrus Coun ty; held on the 10th day ol April, 1910, it was ordered that tne primar ily h held on Saturday, June 25th, 1910, at 3 o 'clock p. m., in all town ships, except Ho. iz, ana in tne re spective wards of No. 12 township at 8 o'clock p. m. It was further ordeied that tne County Democratic Convention be hiri in 0neord on Saturday, July 2nd, 1910, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates to me judicial, Congressional and State Conventions, and for the purpose of nominating candidates ior tne ijeg- islatures and the various county oi fWa J NO. L. MILLER. Chairman. Cabarrus County Democratic Execu tive Committee. NOTICE. That mv friends, ecquaintances aud others may have an opportunity to into r.iiiriuirantin Nerve and Spinal treatments. I will be at the Fisher iWulenee corner Uuiou and Grove streets, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of eucli week. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. A nnrliill list tf diseases SUCCeSSlUUV trenteH is (lall Stones. Neuralgia, Ner- our Prostration, Rheumatism, Fevers, . - Y7! I Diseases of tbe Heart, Ltiver, jviu Stomach. Lunir. Bowels and J r 1 Ninety per cent, of the troubles of suffering humanity, especially women, originate at the spine. No drugs are used. DR. F. J. BATES, etin Nerve and Spinal Spec ialist, Rooms 917-919 Realty Bldg., Charlotte, N. C. CITY ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the Board of Alder man nf the Citv of Concord : That all bill posters posting bills for eireuses and shows of all liud shall withiu three (3) days after the performance advertised, remove saia advertisement from all bill boards, .w.ntc or nv surface whatsoever where displayed within the corporate limits of the" town of Concord. Anv person violating the' provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty days. W. H. GIBSON, Clerk. June 1, 1910. tf FOR SOLICITOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Solicitor in the approaching Democratic primaries and Convention. TP n am in ated and elected I shall discharge my duty to the beat of my ability, fairly and impartially. 1 would be pW-as'-d to 'owe I lie sup port of the Democrats of Cabarrus county. F. M. SHANNONHOUSE. si . iimi.Il If vour dealer daesa't Rcofinj tc Iimiy Co. T .-. - ICaESSEE Davis White Sulphur Spitis An ideal place to spend tha summer. The water unsurpassed. Accommodations for 250 guests. Sewerage, hot and cold baths. Electric lights. Enlarged dining room. Small tables. Splendid fare and service. Two through trains from Char lotte, daily except Sundays., Phone and telegraph connec tions. Resident physician. First class accommodations at a low Erice. May, June and Septera er, $6 to $8 per week. July and August, $8 to $10 per week. Special rates to families. A Upen May 16 to Oct. 1, 1910. Write for booklet to DAVIS BROS, Owners I Propi, Hiddenite. US GRAND EXCURSION. Spruce Pine and Return, June 21st, over S. A. Im. and uunenneta .tuome, Benefit. Thompson Orphanage Guild. Tim Tiiwlies of the Thompson Or phanage Guild will operate an excur sion from Charlotte to Spruce Pine, N. C, and return Tuesday, June 21st pickingtip passengers at all stations up to Shelby. This u a grand oppor tunity to see the most wonderful rail road construction in America, ana ine most beautiful scenery in the world. It is a one day's outing at a small cost, and for the benefit of a most worthy cause. The tare tor the round trin is onlv $2.50: children over five and under 12 years $1.50. Ticket! ... . are now on sale at Hamilton ana mar tin ' T)rne Store. Jordan s drusr store and S. A. L. City Office, and at all stations by S. A. L. agents up to Shel by. Reserved seates can De securea without extra charge by getting them now. For further information call on any of the ladies of the Thompson Orphanage Guild, or James Ker, Jr., Manager for the Ladies of the Thomp son Oiphanage Guild. Southern's Convenient Summer Sche dule to the 'Land tf the Sky." Riint-Wn Railway anounces that Snrmo- nil il Rummer ehanires in Sche dules to Western North Carolina re sorts will take place Sunday, June 6, with through Sleeping Car eerviea from all points, affording excellent service. It is expected that even greater crowds than ever before will viait these famous mountain resorts dur ing the sumer season. mien Unsure Xbeir 2Live To secure their loved ones if they die, what they intend to provide if they live. Reflect! Have you made snitabla provisions for your wife and childrent If not apply for Insurance in the MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, THE POLICx HOLDERS' FRIEND and do it now. JNO. K. PATTERSON & 00, AJta, For SaleT Bids will bo received for the next thirty days for the old Lutherajn church, or more recently tbe Concord High School Building, on East Corbin street. Privilege to reject all bid. Hand to C. McDONALD, Sec. of Board of Trustees of Union School. 14-21 EISEAFSST The booM eo the lett is not in daner from fl yinf apackt aad tir4irandf became it is roofed with New Century Metal Shteglea. Over 7S ol the fire origi. Bat on the oataida. Matat as the only thoroughly Breproei material practicable for all pur poaae ot eamu-uction? If your root is covered with New Cent ury Metal Shingle yo batw eliminated 75 of the danger oi 't is j.ri - f -V''-. ZmZTmia stock, .end a his , eerry ; v. r-J-i. if ' It U I