penny Column Lost Wednesday afternoon, gold cross and crown New Hope Sunday school badge. Reward for return. Phone 276. 21-21p Family Hone and single phaeton for sale. Apply to W. J. Montgomery. Jr. tf . For Sale The P. M. Misenheimer lot on North Spring street, adjoining the lot of the Presbyterian manse. Jdo. K. Patterson & Co. tf. COME ON! For Sale Cheap Safe, desk, scales, stove and trucks. Max Moses & Company. 6-13tf For Rent One of the most desirable homes in the city the Cole cottage ou Spring street. Modern conve niences. Apply to K. S. Wheeler. 6-7 tf. For Rent A real neat cottage with all modern improvements, on South Main street, near postofflee. Jno. K Patterson Co. tf For Sale Seven room cottage, city water, two stables, lot 06x150 feet West Corbin street. If taken in rbe next few days the price $1300, Jno. K. Patterson & o. tf For Sale Two story, seven room dwelling on Marsh street near North Union street at a bargain and easv terms. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. tf. I - I II FISHERS I For Fresh Groceries and prompt de livery, phone your orders to No 217. (Jady & Mclnnis. tf, Join the Concord Pressing Club. Rl?iS? Phone 115 anssaw' as a MONEY to lend on Cabarrus Real Estate, in Town or Country 20 t. f. J. L. CROWELL. ROLL PAPER for ndding machines alwavs on band at The Tribune office. FOR SALE two electric motors, one and two horse power. Apply to J. B. SHERRILL. m Sheatoriutn To-day INDIAN GIRL (Drama) THE GIRL FROM ARIZONA (Western Drama) L. N. Burleyson, M. D. Concord, N. C. Office and residence in Morris Build ing, rooms 12 and 18. Phone No. 330. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. The State' college for training in dustrial workers. Courses in Agri culture, Horticulture, Animal Hus bandry and Dairying; in Civil, Elec trical and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Milling and "Dyeing; in Industrial Chemistry; and in Agri cultural teaching. Entrance examinations at each county seat on the 14th of July. D. H. HILL, President, Wee alaih, N. O. THE TRIBUNE STATE NEWS. For the third time in less than a Concord, N. C, Tune ai, loiolyearf the drug store of T. Croft Wood- run, m vimriuue, was enierea juonaay TO-DAY'S WEATHER REPORT. night and a large quantity of whiskey stolen Irom it, Mr. J. Lon Thomasson, manager of the Ixiray ligers, (Jastoma s recently reorganized baseball team, was taken to Morganton Monday morning on the I northbound (.. & N. W. to be placed There will be a meeting of the board 1,1 ",e olale lnsa,le -syium of aldermen tonight at the city hall at I A farmer near Greensboro has an 8 o'clock. I acre of corn on which there are 23.000 Mrs. M. W. Sheuard and son. Mr. I stalks. He is trying to see how many I. C. Sheoard. will move into the bushels he can raise on the acre. Over Local showers tonight or Wednes day ; light variable winds. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. We can do your JOB PRINTING of every description Cards, Billheads. Circulars, Auc tion and Show Bills, Pamphlets, Law Blanks, Briefs, Blank Books, Labels at Reasonable Prices THE TIMES PRINTING OFFICE, CONCORD, N. C. Lingerie Waists Lingerie anil Tailored Waists made of -rood materials, trimmed witli lace and insertions, each 95c Special Showings Values up to $5.00 $1,95, $2.59 and $3.95 Gowns ! Gowns ! This wonderful gown as illustrated $1.00. Made of extra good quality Nain sook linen, lace trimmed, run with wash ribbon at $1 .00 Other Special Numbers 89c, $1.00, $1.19 and $1.39 Seeing is belie ing let us show you. Kisher house July 1 Mr. W. E. Davis will move the last of this week into the O. B. Wasroner cottage on West Depot street. l.iui Ieoug, the chinese latinilrv- inan, has closed bis place of business liere and left last night fur High Point, where he will locate. 21111 Dttsneis was raised uv a man in Wake last year and this Guilford id a 1 is trvui" toiro hnu one better. ir dental offices in Salisbury, owneil ly I )rs. J. D. ( arlton, L. S. Fiiv. .1. M. Neal and S. L. Purvis, were enured and robbed by unknown per sons last Sunday niirht. A skeleton key was used at every place. i the A dispatch from (ieoreia suites that I sruriesfate several hundred dollars' the amount of money spent on the upl'nrtli of gold 'was stolen anil the of- keep ot automobiles m Ueorsria is tar-1 Hi-. 1 s are without a clue sfer than the entire school tiuul ot t lie State. This is the longest dav in the year, tlie sun rose at -K40 and will set at 1. 1. .-Miiuuier really uegins on tins iUiv ami it is usually followed by a lis; sejismi of hot weather. I he fvmthern Kailwav announces the usual low round trip rates between stations lor the Fourth of duly, kets w il be sold July A and 4, Kid lor return until July Mill. Mrs. W. C. Houston, Mrs. 11. P. (fully, Misses Nannie Fisher and llel- 11 Troy have been elected delegates I cheapest that could be - . . . the district missionary meeting to I America. lie held at Norwood next week. I "As nrudent 'business men. the Indictment of Southern Mills. Charlotte News. In speaking of the government in- vetigation of the bull clique of the New York cotton exchange, of the in dictments found agaiunt certain large operators and of certain large cotton mills in the South who are named in the indictments as co-conspirators an Augusta cotton man savs: 1 nere wre certain cotton me and large cotton mills in the south that considered the price of cotton in New lork last May, relatively th bought Two Mighty Attractive Things About BROWNS CANNON CO. CLOTHES. The first is the price. You get an exquisitely tailored pro duct 6t a reasonable self-respecting price. The next attractive thing is the suit itself. Its style, drape and hang and exclusiveness of design are there in every line. These qualities discriminate Browns Cannon Co. Clothes wearecs from the crowd. We are selling for these warm day9 a Bine Serge Coat and Pants for the special gviee of $18.50. It's a peach. Come in and try it on, you do not have to buy. Others at $15.00 an.d up. it r i A h i 'f J ' ' I 14 n Mr. .1. I.. Crowell informs us that DOll,UI xew ArK; contracts and de h'-iv 1 . .1 l- .,t ,.;.,0j manaei me oeiivery or cotton. Spec his steniiiiranlicr. but that she is iiwav I ulalurs sola 'WDat lDey olan 1 oave .11 her vacation, and will resume herlanJ were rcetl 0 ,,ellver tn at ik when her vacation is over. a loss 10 1 """"elves. Uoverumeut 111 vest lL'atlon. whether or not so intend 11 Imm.' Jill I ,a .iiuiii. t' I . I ill ....-1,.-, Tin, !, uair VI Pi won 111 llflVA nn,lui inorv reunion ol ( ontederale veterans, I cumstances. aorinnslv ,lAiiroau.l II, t Alt. .ion, near I opiielius, 1,1 .Meek- nrices of the South 'a trreBtet e..,n uoiiii; iiiiiiut, ;i nioniiuieiu ii) me I uioditv .uutederuif soldier will be unveiled. FISHERS Itching piles proroke profanity, but but profanity wont uz them. Doan's Ointment nrea itohing, bleeding or protnding piles after yean of suffering- At any drag store. Elkay's Straw Hat Cleaner. The best straw hat cleaner ever put on the market. It turns the oldest, most discolored straw white and stain less. Don't throw away last summer's hat just try ELKAY'S on it. Sold in two sizes, 10c and 25c. Gibson Drug Store. The TlP.TAT.Ti Store. No Maude, dear; there is no simi larity between the hen that lays the golden eggs and a watering cart that lays the dust. SUNSHINE t OR RAIN You ViU Find the Store That i Satisfies Just the Same. W axe OAS LOAD BUYERS, DIS COUNT SAVEZS, and what's best, we re PRICE KAXE&8, Wt don't sell goods "at cost" or "below cost." Wo can't tad stay fa business. You can always And what yo want at Tat Bell k Harris Fnrnitnrt Co's Store. Wt art "Johnny on the Spot" with the foodsin season and out of season.. And the price and quality of foods countered.. Pint nay look like oak, tut there's a difference.. Last but set lsast-H&onty back if foods art &i as represented.. Come and set u it 2 da as both, food. St !2E ,VA a 1 1 1 Jaca look out, but roacaal look ia" raaot Vudor nana -a Mmrrce poncirsiiADEs Furniture Co. Mis Allele and Mary Peinberton will entertain a number of their rii iuls this afternoon at ." o'clock in niiiiir ot .Miss Isabelle Harris, who will leave for Aslieville. with ber larents. The notes and accounts due the es- ales of the lale Urs. W. 11. Lilly and I. (I. Walker, were sold at public auc- lon at the court house today at noon liev were purchased by Mrs. W. 11 ally. Among the new doctors turned out y the State Board of Health at rightsville yesterday, we note the ollowinsr: J. W. Austin. New Lon ilon, H. B. Kowe, Salisbury, ami .1 Kush Shull, of Shelby. Lon Bost, a colored hack driver, uas tried in the recorder's court this morning charged with soliciting pas sengers while not standing near his hack. The charge against him was dismissed upon payment of the cost. '"The Girl from Arizona," a sensa tional and thrilling western drama made in this country with genuiue cowboys and Indians. The final tab leau is one of the most thrilling ever vet depicted at The Theatoriiiin. Rev. Calvin Plyler, an aged minis ter ot ( luiilotte, died there Sunday morning, aged 82 years. He leaves his wife ami several children, all of whom are married. Mr. Plvler lived in Concord about 25 years ago, and Is well remembered bv manv of our people. Says the Raleigh correspondence of today s Greensboro News: A charter was issued Monday for the Roberta Manufacturing company, Concord, caoital $100,000, for general millinz business, the incorporators including John V. itankin, B. M. ttobinson. Low ell; K. JS. Mason, J. H. McAden, Charlotte, and others. It will prove of gre. -t interest to the local lodge of Elks to learn that the Southern Railway intends operating a special urns' train to Detroit for the Elks' Reunion. The train will consist of four Pullmans, baggage ear and smoker. It will be operated' as Sec ond 38 and will leave Greensboro July 8, via Washington, Pittsburg and To ledo, arriving in Detroit on Sunday morning. In the development of North Caro lina's industries, the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts is taking a foremost part. Its students are giving their lives to' im proving our farming, our trucking, our dairying and stock raising. They are rapidly making their way into our factories, our electric power-bouses, and out shops. . They ire helping to build our roads, our bridges, and our railroads. Indeed, they are just. the men needed at this stsge in the State's giwin. we ere giaa .to note taat more young men than erer before are seeking, through this well-equipped institution, a ince in ear industrial progress. We eall attention to the ad vertisement in this issue. Two Weeks at tat Seashore on the money you save by having Griffith re pair your sewing machine. Ring 398. And now somebodv baa aensa T)r Cook of tealinff on nut ffrunmiT Ta there no limit to the reckless deprav ity 01 tnis young manT " J. A. Smith Has No Case. The Washington correspondent of today's News an,l Observer has the following: I he Republican Kleclions Commit tee number two, of the 'house, decided by unanimous vote today that the coi test of J. A. Smith for the seat in th Ninth Congressional district is wilh out any merit whatever, and declared ates Webb, entitled to membership 11 the House. There never has been my doubt as to the outcome of the esult. The only source of gratihYa ion is that Republicans as well as Leiuocrals, member of the committee, lecided that Mr. Smith has 110 ease, The painful thin? about the contes is that the committee has made no recommendation to give Mr. Smith the usual two thousand dollars allowed contesting candidates for congress ional seats. Smith was represented bv ex-Senator John M. Thurston, of Ne braska, before the committee, and lie may have influence enough to get this lite preserver tor the contesting lneui- oer at tlie next session of Congress. If he fails, it will be awful Mabel for a certain gentlemau from the ninth dis trict and another once resident in Ne braska, who is practicing law in the District ol tolumbia at the present CAUSE OF ECZEMA EXPLAINED. After years nf Achata m.ojlial au thorities are now flpreed that. PVtnmn and other skin diseases am nnt seated in the blood, but are caused by my riads of the microscopic animals mawimr the flesh in at hulmur lia epidermis. The patient is perfectly uemuny, 11 is only tne skin that is diseased. Hence, scientista ma you must cure the skin through the skin. The medMinp mnaf Iia in liquid form in order to penetrate propeny. Ana we can say with con- O 1 . 1 , .. uaence mat we tiave the tniA mmwiii for eccema in our atom The instant von wash m,;eti this soo thine liauid vou nrill And th itol, relieved. We positively assure you 01 was. wiii you try a bottle (at Olllv 25c). OTl nn, HMmmaiJilinnl Ask for D. D. D. -Prescription. Gib- son urug oxore. W. 0. W. NOTICE. Every member of Ekn Camp is re quested to be at the meeting tonight. Business ot importance will be trans acted. JOHN L. MILLER, J. II. DORTON, Clerk. C. C. James A. Patten is still a crreat financier, but he is not' infallible says the Birmingham Age-Herald. Uertainly not. In fact he was "in bad" a few days ago, to the extent of Two millions, . .. Secretary, of State Knox will not allow bis name to be presented as a candidate for Governor of Pennsyl vania. te wu reman at the helm of the State Department. fitocs - earache in two rainntM toothache or pain or born or scald in five minutes; hoarseness, one faonr; museleaehe. two hour : aora thmat twelve hours Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil, monarch over pain. At drur stores. i . . . ror Sale Small safe.' Apply to J. R.'herri!L - 1 SHEER GAUZE HOSE That look like Silk, feel like Silk and outwear Silk the Best and Prettiest iu town. 3 Pair $1 A Summertime Necessity. lack Sbepard. 3MOKl TAIK YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY SMOKE IF YOU PUFF ONE OF OUR CIGARS. ALL THE POP ULAR BRANDS, WITH LA POSA TOR A 5c LEADER. TRY ONE. THE PEOPLES DRUG CO. Phone 333. "WHIZ" IN TOWN ! - S "It grabs tlie dirt." Notliing bettei for cleaning tile, pro 5,' celian ware, all kinds of metal ware, grease stains from !' hands etc 10c 1 DAVIS DRUG COMPANY. HIIDDE2TIT FRESH LOT OF WHOLE WHEAT GRAHAM FLOUR, MILLED BY DAVIS BROTHERS, HTDDENTTE, N. 0.. Phont 21. Do-ve-Bost Co. PA S TIME Popular PictnrjB Show. I ' '. THE PADRE'S SECRET (Drama) THE SKIPPER'S YARN A GEORGIA O'POSSUM HUNT. For Sale Cheap! Two story, .ft-room dwelling with pantry and bath room, on North Un ion stree, lot 67x160. ' - t : ! : '' ; ' JNO. K PATTERSON COMPANY. New Irish Potatoes now on hand. Nicest kind of Tomatoes and eyery thin; accord. ingly. . : .. y Phone as jrovtf orders ' ; and be pleased, or come and see our stock. HAHN-HONEYCUTT CO., . Phone 263. Concord, N. C." v ' -: ' ASSESSMENT. ! " : The Cabarrus Mutual Fire Insur ance Assessment for May is due and payable at, the Concord National Bank within sixty days Iroiu Kiy 1st, IV lit. JNO. K. PATTEIiSON, ' Concord Markets. COTTON tSAtKtT. Ooo4Mlttollli...,.,......, , . UX OonoaBMe......... ' . M f . ; raoouos MAaatT ' , Port - m....'. U Bulk Maat.WdM...... V IT . SS .iiv .. .. U to SI lOMekMa; STteet Oon... iMtol.M Bet..-'. N Ur......?. .....i... litest FVr. HoftaOaruUB.......,.. ..rt0BMM ud r , ' Oowrsas.... ...... .. tJt TiUow i.... - : tat Oau n Salt. " tf irua rotatoM., ... tt Sams.... Eet tit tl:t izt ZJ TJZzx. B. herri!L -lV . ' eee.-Treas.

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