Ipcnny Column Buz-a-way is an effective protection against mosquitoes; 10c. Davis Drug Co. G-27-7-3 For Rent 7 room cottage with all modern conveniences on Marsh avenue. V. B. Sloop. (I-J7-7-H Hiteliie ami Sidney Troy aie au thorized agents of the Charlotte Evening Chronicle and will deliver the paper to yon each evening for one cent per copy, or six cents per Wanted Yon to know that John week, (iive the Chronicle a trial. Tor Sale At once a small sto. k f dry goods, shoes, notions, station erv, elc. M. B. Sti.klev, Assignee. J.i-27 Family Horse and single phaeton for sale. Apply to W. J. Montgomery. 1 Jr. tf. ; For Sale The P. M. Misenheimer lot on North Spring street, adjoining the lot of the Presbyterian manse. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. tf. For Sale Cheap Safe, desk, scales, ; stove and trucks. Max Moses & J Company. 6-13tf . For Rent A cottage with modern . conveiiieiices at corner of South Spring and West Corbin streets. ! Possession given July 1st. Apply i to J. P. t ook. li-j;i-J0 ! For Rent One of the most desirable homes in the city the Cole cottage on Spring street. Modern conve niences. Apply to k. s. iieeier. 0-7 tf. For Fresh Groceries and prompt de- J17. Oady & Melnnis. tf. Join the Concord Pressing Club. Biffl"? Phone 115 MONEY to lend 011 Cabarrus Real Estate, in Town or Country 20 t. f. J. L. CROWELL. Gall Stone cured without drugs or knife. N'u cure; 110 pay. See no lice. ' 2S-:i0 ROLL PAPER for -dding machines always on hand at The Tribune office. Our Special Hair Net 4 for 25c special nam week New Hair Goods at Special Prices for this Special Week Chignon Puffs All $:5 Chiguou Puffs, spe cial for the week at $1.95 each. All Hair Goods Special This Week Carnet Braids, B. B. Curies, Sham Curls, Chignonls At Special Prices. Special Ribbon Week Satin, Black, Velvet, per yd 4c, 5c, 7ic, 10e, 15c, 19c, '25c Taffettas and Soft Ribbons, per yard lc, 2c, 3c, 5c, Tic, 10c, 15c, 18c, 25c, 35c, 3Uc. IB. B. Curls rfF - B. B. Curia 35 cents JjlSljWrS 35 cents. What BSo Vou TMnls of That? THE WELVILLE CHINA CO. has placed on sale at the store that satisfies 66 Dozen Dishes to be sold at 10 cents each, r Ererj lady in Concord should get busy. " The best always goes first. See that you do not lose the opportunity of y oar life. It will not cost you a penny to stop and look." . . . - All kinds of Porch Furniture at living. Come and see us. Harris All Work; No Play; Never a Vacation George M. Reynolds, head of the $200,000,000 Continental and Commer cial bank, of Chicago, at the age of f.irtv-Hvp is n liviny examirle of what ; attending strictly to business will do TO-DAY'S WEATHER REPORT. for a man. President of the second ' ' tinancial institution in America while Showers tonight or Wednesday; young enough to be the son of many , light variable winds. of his dinrectir ocetdj '-.BKfilhig I of Lis directors, Mr. Reynolds is a; LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, man who never stepped out of the ; beaten track or ever stopped working The Ladies Aid Society of Forest and never suffered a reverse. He has Hill Methodist church will have a never hist a day from sickness; he lawn Party tonight, has never taken a vacation that did Jr R p Pliifer is having a resi not have business inside; he does not dence ailj barn erected on lis place ad drink; he does not smoke; he does not joining the Jackson Training School, plav bridge; he does not plav golf; , , ., ... i. . ... r,-.;ia oti,i.- i.u haa .... The Southern Railway announces u.l.hv hut banking; he has no eoltI1. I in residence; lie does not even take exercise; he works nine hours a day. "Make your business your pleasure and many early. Those are my, Irule-," said Mr. Hevnolds. "I mar- I l it'. I at nineteen a gil l in the little Iowa count rv town where I was cash i.r of the bank. My health is tine. I , don't plav anv out-door games I ,a f no interest in them and yet I M.- was in better health in my life. ,:IVe an automobile. I ride Unee tinic- a week. I never went to anv colleue. I began as a messenger 111 a bank at lourteei The returns received from the thir teen counties ot the lentil district while by no means complete, inc i;,.otu I that J. M. (Jiidger. Jr., w wall in Hip lead for the Democrat ich nomination ' j for Congress. I here is a wide van lance, however, in the claims of the live candidates. Reward Offered For l!ie arrest and detention of .Tavins Jn-!iua Colonel Bulger Bill North cut t Brooks. The last seen of him was near the depot. II; had a ging ham iimhi'clla in one iiaw'd and a sew-in- inachii:e lo ad in the other and was ini.iiring the way to (Irillith, the Ma chine Man. We don't care what you do with 1. i 111 hiii his wife needs the machine. New Coiffure Double Fringe Net 2 for 25c Neapolitan Puffs All Neapolitan Puffs, spe cial for this week $1.95 each. prices to suit the high coat of Furniture Co. THE TRIBUNE Concord, N. C, Junk a8, 1910 the usual low ronml trip rales between ,,,r, , i-o. r. 11 01 j 11.1 ",he's 1,1 "e s,u """J ' tor return until July Nth. Mr. J. T. Walker, of Xo. (i town- ship, was taken yesterday to the Pres - bvlei ian hospital in Charlotte. 1 lis wife accompanied him. Mr. Walker is suffering 'from chronic apendicit is. Mr. S. C. Flowe, of No. 10, in forms us that he had roasting cars for din ner the 2 "nil and claims that he is the first one in Xo. 10 township to have home grown corn large enough lo eat. Miss Ksther and Master Johnnie Hatchett, of Atlanla, will be here the hist of the week for a few .lays, after which thev will go to Danville lo visit relatives. iney will ater come to Concord lor a longer visit. All owners of ant. biles who have not sent in their renewal before Julv 1 will have their license can- celled and their number will be re-is- sued to someone else. The renewal costs one dollar, but if thev wait un- til Julv 1st thev will have' to secure new license, which will cost :,.0ll. Mr. W. P. Martin, of Xo. 2 tow n- ship brought us this morning six peaches w hich weighed exactly three jhhiiiu?. X lir neiL- ail liriiui igr same size, the largest one weighing nine ounces. The tree came from Van Van Lindley's nursery, but Mr. Mar tin did not know the variety. They are the tinest peaches we have ever seen. Salisbury Post: Mr. Frank Lloyd, of this city, and Mr. J. H. Shale, of .Sew iork, left this morning Jor the Cruse gold and copper mine in ('a- barrus county, where Mr. Shale goes to look at tlie mine wit n t lie view ol purchasing and operalmg it. The Cruse mine is about eight miles out from Concord and is said to otTcr line inducements to investors. Real sensible men sometimes act jlike lunatics. Said one today " The American Tobacco company should j never have been allowed to have those Istate bonds." If there was any law to keep them from getting them we jdo not know w here it can be found. ;Vhy not pass a law prohibiting the ; American Tobacco company to , , i j Ti , . , breathe I The eoriHration is a great I monopoly and Las no doubt done great I injury to the farmer, but it has ai ! few rights. Greensboro Record. Grand Excursion to Johnson City, Tenn., Via. Seaboard and C. C. & 0., Wednesday, July 6th, 1910. Ther - will be a grand excursion from I narlotte to Johnson City, Tenn., July tith, leaving Charlotte at 8. a. m., arriving 4:30 p. in., returning elave Johnson City July 7th, 1'2 noon. The fare for the round trip will be only Secure your re served seat tickets early, at Blakes Drug Store, Seaboard city ofliee or from the committee in Charlotte. This may be the last excursion to Johnson City this summer and all should take advantage of this n.ost inagTi.flcent erwhelming majority, according to re trip, offered at so ow a cost. Persons , hirns from , ovep oou. irom uasionia ami points souin anu rrom voneora ana points nortu can come to Charlotte on the early morn ing trains and have plenty of time to catch this train. Hotel accommoda tions at Johnson City are very reason able and there is plenty of room for all. List of hotels and boarding houses will be distributed on the train. The scenery along this route is the most magnificent in America, and it is worth the trip just for the scenery. Johnson City is a lovely city and yon will enjoy your stay there, Mr. Jas. Ker., Jr., will be in charge of train. Well conducted refreshment car will serve all kinds of good things to eat. Good order will be assured. For far ther information see bill or address any of the committee. J. T. LAWING, Chairman, Charlotte, N. C. The gubernatorial contest id Geor gia u rendered 'the more interesting by tbe entrance into the race of John C. Hart, the state's attorney general lbe primary occurs August 23. The Ideal Hair Tonic . rJotvkro'G 50c and $1 per bottle. Gaboon Drug G tor Cm Special Agents. STATE NEWS. If Congressman Morehead refuses to stand for renomination it is being talked among Republicans that Dis trict Attorney Holton will be asked to make the race. Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt states that he has received donations amounting to $2,300 toward a fund for the sur vey and other preliminary work for the Blue Kidge Highway which is to connect Asheville, Altapass and Lin ville. Indications are that Judge W. R. Al len is nominated for Supreme court judge, but Senator Fousbee, manager of Mr. Manning's campaign, says the latter will have 7.) majority in eon- volition. W. T. Lee of Waynesville, ....... y.............er 0m ... ue "ik.ii .wiau.ss.o.iers. M. Vernon Bynum, an employee in the Raleigh electric department, ! was electrocuted Monday morning at 8 :20 by coming in contact with a 2,300 currejit of electricity while at work on a pole just in front of the Presbyterian church. Several physic lans worked tor more than an hour to revive the body, but it was of no avail. The Xewbern Sun enters protest 1 against the somewhat excessive ener-. gy displayed by "a hunch of negro' boys w ho almost take charge of t he i trains at the depot, it being all the! passengers can do to hold on to their J baggage, as the young vagrants al- nl,,si lorcc pun tiieu wcuuim i.uiu ; .. 1... c 11 e 1 rain. 1 returns from two precincts sl,M i'".'""'"'1' but with fairly accu-, te estimated figures from these, it, ls 'o"'eded that the "regular" or candidate, J. II. Scare, is re-: ""ininated ifor sheriff of Wake county over t he " insurgent " candidate, Hald ( ,A ' "!'ler nominees in the sen-; sational ake primaries, legislative all, ,., V) are 0f ,ie "insurgent"; ticket ' I w slvimmin!r j Catawba j river near Mt. Holly hunday after-. noon, Leonard Polinger, an employe of j the Mount Holly mills, lost his life.! V.uing Polinger with a number of friends "was playing iu the water) just above the Seaboard t rest Ie' when ' he drifted out into the river, which is of considerable depth at this point. l"s companions attempted to rescue! nun. out lie went down betore tliey could reach him. j, is a notabIe faft tiat Hie "insur- ,,,. legislative ticket just nomi- i ,,.,.,, in Wake countV( is wmniitted to j , w ,,an to enm a bin lo empower N,,rih Carolina cities to adopt the! commission form of government whirili j seems to be spreading throughout the country. Hon. K. 11. Battle, who led 1 he " insurgent " ticket, was the lead- er in the movement two years ago in Raleigh that brought about the intro- duction of the state bill by Senator Manning, of Durham, making such a provision. . , .. , . , . Advertised List at the Concord Post- "r offlce Jnne 27th. 1910- MEN. I'r. John P. Anderson, J. N. Barrin- ger, J. K. Bradford & Son, A. E. Fletcher, N. W. Honeyeutt, Willie Johnson, (leorjre Lonsr, M. M. Martin, Kzra MeSwaiu, C. C. 'Russell, Fred Wahlrop, John Whitley. WOMEN. Xane Brian!, Salla Black, Mrs. I Oeonrie Blackwell, Mrs. Annie Carter, (Special), Mrs. Lvdia McClain, Mrs. Delia l'etrea. When calling for the above please say "Advertised." M. L. BUCHANAN, Postmaster. General Porifio Diaz was Sunday ele(l(e(, resi,,ent of Mex; and R( r-,pn , u jrv CIGARETTES FOR THOSE WHO DISCRIMINATE Pall Mall, King's size 35c Rameses II 25c Egyptian Deities . 25c Moguls 15c Mnrads 15c Turkey Red 10c Turkish Trophies . 10c .; Sheatorium To-day ' . IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST :; (Drama) PEROT, THE COWBOY (aree.) 8 . This Time It's The Late Bird That Gets . The Worm. WE OFFER A LIMITED QUAN TITY OF CHEVIOTS, CASHMERES AND WORSTEDS IN THE SEA SON'S NEWEST PATTERNS AND COLORS AT GREATLY REDUC ED PRICES. THERE'S ONE TO YOUR LIKING IF YOU COME EARLY. THE QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED BUT THE VALUES ARE IMMENSE. IF YOU'RE OUT TO SAVE MONEY HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Bfi HI CD Auto Hats and Caps. Something all the time. Theres Nothing Daintier Than the "Sliiitwuist Girl," especially in the good old summer timo. Anil she's wise, too, for she buys Shirtwaists and Skirts From The Indies' Store. We have Home especially good Wash Skins; Black & Shepard. 17if T Will appreciate the prompt way in jf Q II J which we handle your Phone orders. No delay; no disagreeable waits. Any thing to be had in an up-to-date drug store, you will find here. Call up 3:3 and tell us your want?. THE PEOPLES DRUG CO. I HIDD E3 3ST ITB 1 1 FRESH LOT OF WHOLE WHEAT GRAHAM FLOUR, MILLED BY DAVIS BROTHERS, HIDDENITE, N. C. Phone 21. ZDo"ve-3Bost Co. Ice Cream! Ice Cream! Ice Cream! Bettei than you can make at home and delivered at a less price than it cost you to make it. TRY 1 US WITH AN ORDER. Fancy Imported and Domestic Fruits. Our Horn Made Candy Is Good, Sanitary nd HaaltHful. Qlve usa trial. nilk Shakes and Ice Cream Soda, 5 cents. CONCORD CANDY KITCHEN Phon 3Sa. 10 S. Union St- WB ARS IK TES ISAD ! New Irish Potatoes now on hand. Nicest kind of Tomatoes and every thing accord- , . .. ingly. C - V: Vr ' ' ' Phone ns yonr orders - and be pleased, or come : V and see oar stock. " - HAHfl-HOHEYCUTT CO., Phone 263.' Concord; N. C. - For Sal Two story, 1 seven room dwelling on Marsh street near : North Union street at a bargain and easy terms.. Jno. K. Patterson A Co. " - ' it For Rant A real neat eottage with Call modern improvements," on South Main street, near postofflce. Jno. K. Pattonoo Co. X . tf 'ft 1 IM I w J j flmlm Fll I i K A New PASTIME r Popular Picture Sboi.; : THE CIGARETTE MAKER OE SEVILLE - TIIE PALEFACE PKlNCESS Why Not Ring 398 Have Griffith eewiDg machine, nothing. examine your It costs yon FOR SALE.--two eleetrie motors, on and two horse power.- Apply to - - , . .. ..... J. B. SHESSILL,5