THE COMORO DRILY TRIBUNE JOHN B. SHT.RR.nJs Editor and Proprietor. Local Telephone, No. 78. Bell Telephone, No. 14. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One Year $4.80 Six Month $2.40 Three Monthe $1-20 One Month -40 PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. . . , , . . i Advertising rates can be had at the office, Copy Ifor changes must De in bv 10 o'clock a. m. Cards of Thanks Resolutions AT Respect, and similar articles are charged at the rate of 5 cents per line Cash in all cases. Entered as second class mail matter April 26, 1910, at the postofflce at Concord, N. C, under the act of March 3. 1879. Ont of the city and by mail the fol lowing priees on the Evening Trib une will prevail: )ne Month -fo S!x Months Twelve Monthe - 3-00 JOHN M OGLESBY, City Editor. Concord, N. C, Junk 30.1910 While the hat, coat and shirt of the masses are taxed almost 71 per cent, to build 111,000,000 battleships and keep an extravagant government in snendina money, Messrs. Rockfel- ler, Morgan et al., are not aked by .1 i- 1 1 ,.,.....o,,ii.i t mi- nnv 1 ne iciieiui p'T""111"" . ti.;. fur. tax whatever on their pollen lo tunes. Wealth escapes bearing it t share of the burden of taxatio.i 111 because of the absence ot a federal income or inheritance tax, such as was long ago adopted by Great Brit uiii, Germany, France, Japan, Hol land, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand. A ma jority of both , branches of Congress were in favor of tacking an income tax clause to the new tariff law. Such 1 lwislntion would now be upon tlmisl I am an optimist. I have only statute books had not President Taft . , c ... 4i.i.:u .itw,..l tl... .li- anil reuHlor ;uu it u ject by substituting a corporation tax. That the necessary tnree-iourtns LliK state legislatures will not vote t amend the constitution is now prac ticallv certain, which means that an income tax can oniy oe wcui iu ; bands of a Democratic administration. It is estimate cost of living wa estimated that 111 10118 the as nearly 12 per cent higher than it would nave iieen 'i - out a tariff. Hence, calculating tliat lne is sadly lacking in very many 111 k. o f.milu consumed $041 ' stances. Hence the youthful criminal. . Q ......ntiud raw i?imim 1 1 111- vv in L II il au iiiiu. ... 11 , ,, creased payment on account oi me tariff was fill. Of this .fill. l(i.50 went to the goverment in collections, and $94.50 went to the trusts in higher prices. Of this $94.50, $9.25 was on woolens, more than $17 on other clothing, $6.25 on furniture. $4.25 on beef and mutton and pork, $10.25 on building materials and so nn. In 1910, the cost of living being 15 per cent higher than it was in 1908, the average family pays $1080. of which 10 per cent., or $108 is tri bute to the trusts and other protec ted industries. The Cade Type-Setting Machine. Shelby Aurora. Mr. Quinn, of Shelby, told the brethren at Wrigbtsville, somewhat of the progress being made on the turning out of Baylus Cade's typeset ting machine. It is being construct ed from a model in a Philadelphia factory under the personal supervis ion of the inventor. The Chronicle has not lost faith in it. The fact that Mr. Cade has found a factory willing to construct his macoiae argues tost it is a workable proposition. If the Cade machine turns out according to expectations, it is going to be a great thing, not only for the small papers of the country but f r the big dailies of twhe cities. Ciirlotte Chronicle. Mr. Cade has reeentliy returned from Philadelphia, where he has been directing work on bis printing ma chine. He is unable to state definite ly when the machine will be ready lor exhibition out be thinks it will not be snore than a very few months at most. He saya the construction of the maebine is entirely satisfactory to him, it having gone far enough t enable him and mechanical experts to know that it will certainly do all that he has ever claimed for it. After its exhibition in Philadelphia. Mr, Cade intends' to bring the machine to Shelby to be used on one of the papers-here. We are glad the success . ox the machine is now assured. - - WHY SUITES? If too have rhen matism, catarrh, kidnev disease, skia diseases or any trouble arisioff from impure) blood, give Rheomaeide thor ough trial. By purifying the blood Kheomaeide . neutralizes . the acids, starts the kidneys ' into healthy action -and neipa ; to ouild - op the nerves and- the entire sys tem. Rheumaside is put np in 25e and 60c bottles. Tablets by mail, 25e. Bobbitt Chemical Co Baltimore. f :t Tit naea for Job FriaUa. ' AN APPEAL TO PARENTS. Mr. J. P. Cook's Timely Message at the Press Convention. Christian Sun. Down at the Press Association al Wriehtsville Beach week before last there was a man who dared to speak j to the supposedly indifferent quill-! drivers from the depths of his great j heart, lie was talking on his favorite theme, "The Child." And, brother, : believe me, it was an utterance. Put , I. 1 tl..( nil llmmxiat oormna II Ulw II nun inai ail gica aw ... 1)1.ea,.iied from the pulpit. J. p ( laylnan a busines9 man, iHVprmoie delivered a truly great " inon to tlie North Carolina editors in this year of grace A. I. 1910, June 9th thereof. Because Bio. Cook is a lavman and not accustomed to the platform, a nervousne s that he could not conquer shook and twitched his manly frame, but, in very truth, that same nervousness served only to mel low and make more tender and more appealing a voice already tremulous with deep emotion, burdened in fact with a great heart's message. Cook is chairman of the board of trustees of the Jackson Training School at Concord, our North Carolina Reforma tory for youthful criminals, if you wish to know, am! he was speaking of the causes that tilled institutions like his. "During the past year." the speaker declared, "1 have kept a rec ord of thirty-one towns I have visited and whose principal streets I have I traversed between the hours ot eleven land twelve at nirht. By actual count U UIVe found on these streets at this ale hour from eight to fifty-two boys , . r .,, uri,..i u mier sixteen rai 01 .r. u... (.an ,1k. )an,ls iM ,Hlr m,,s tlillk. . . , th(lil. ,())Vs ((f an,i j f,ml.(,.ei, years old ho found on t lie , street carry , with no errand on earth to them there, away in the deep hours of the night f Of the boys in the Jackson Training School, nineteen- tweulieths arc from the towns, al- f ihoiiirh the towns represent only ei-'hlecn per cent, of the State's pop - illation." 1 "Brethren of the press," the speak-i cr continued, in pat he! ic and eloquent preacher-manner. l am not a pi i-1 pluinst. I have only ; brought you the message from the life; . I have come 111 contact with and stu-l C. .f 111,, vears. We have sixty j i. e room been available we have three rundred and; lie with us because the u.w.(11( tlt.s(. iiy j agencies of parental function have not I"""1 11 '"' ' j" antT m- their dtilv of exercisins parental an ,,(.jV (1fieM lusing all contr i.f the 1 1 11 1. .1 ! li. I l M i in i w .iiy ..v .... iikI lul't liim to do a 'ere he was twelve vears old. 1 lie 'Uiriiu-M iii-oi n iiii nir rii- i i, ling of children are the home and pa- retal diseipline. And this discip- mother's broken heart over , Hence the . her wnvward bov. Hence the three hundred applications for admittance of bail and unmanageable boys to the Jackson Training School. Bro. Took, as he is doing, gratis, and, we understand, at actual personal ornnnvn i irtp!ll worL- fur Hip IrnV. ward and t he erring, did in nnbl'ic t., I, o ,;,,!, I,, nmurnl t, flip brethren of the press' to help in thelor sent by mail for 50 cts. Sample great work of putting the blame of ; the fallen child upi n the ones who deserve the blame, and who alone can correct the evil, namely, the over-indulgent, the careless, he unconcerned parents of the child, the ones who alone have it within their power to keep the child from falling. Pair of Shears Free. To every subscriber of The Concord Daily Tribune who pays a full year in advance we will give free a pair of our 8-inch Spring Tension Shears. We have given away over 1200 pairs rimes, and have never had a complaint ! about them. They sell everywhere for from 50 to 75 cents a pair. Times Have Changed. Charity and Children. When the hot weather did hit us, it hit us hard, and the trains are crowded with people running to the shade who in their younger days were glad to find shelter under a persimmon tree. But the times have changed and our folks have made money and have also learned how to spend it. wisely directed, will cause her to give to her little ones only the most wholesome and beneficial remedies and only when actually needed, and the well-informed mother uses only the pleasant and gentle laxative rem edy Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna when a laxative is required, as it is wholly free from all objec tionable substances. To get its ben- eficial effects always buy the geno me, manufactured by the California, Fig Syrup'Co. t -'H J ; 4 J; ' Hlifll National dinners Make Cotton Condi tions 82.3. The report of the National Giiiners' Association, issued at Memphis Wed nesday, gives the condition of cotton up to June 25 as' 82.3 per cent. The report by States follows: Alabama .81 Arkansas .i i ' Florida .811 Oeorgria .80 j Lousisiana .80 ! Mississippi .84 i MiSDiri 1 North Carolina .77 ' Oklahoma .00 j ser-ioutli Carolina Tennessee .8(1 j Texas .85 ! General average 82.11 NOVEL MASSAGE CREAM. Perfect Skin Food That Removes Wrinkles and Clears Complexion. The most delicate skin will quickly respond to the soothing and tonic ef fect of Hokara. and when this pure skin food is used, pimples are soon a thing of the past. As a massage cream or after shav ing it is unequalled, removing all ir ritations, and making the skin soft and velvety. Apply a little to the hands or face after washing and surprise yourself with the dead skin that comes off. Hokara is the only massage cream that is an antiseptic, and pimples, c zema. and all skin blemishes soon dis appear when it is used. i Although far superior to the oidi- Innry massage creams and sold on a guarantee f be: t you ever usou or money back," yet the price is a trifle only 25c for a liberal jar; larger size 50c. (iibson Drug I Sore. The more a boy's education costs the less he seems to be able to cash j j( 1 WHY SALVES FAIL TO CURE ECZEMA. Scientists are now agreed that the ,,(.z,.m., Kerlus ar(. lodged not in the ,,,,. skin or epidermis, but in the j)1IU,r kin. Hence, a penetrating liquid is required, not an outward salve that clogs t he pores. We recommend to all eczema patients the standard prescription Oil ot Wintergreen as compounded m liquid torm known a form known as D. I). D. I're-I scripiion. A trial bottle of the D. D. D. Prescript ion, at only 25 cents will! iiisianuy reneve i ne ucn. u e nave sold and recommended tins remedy till' VP.lrS. .Hill knoW ot Wotlllmft'll roa , I'OIII 11 11 il n m us use. o recommend ii to our patrons, ihdsou nrng More, I ollcon You Can Cure that Backache. Pain ahmcr the back, dizziness, and geral languor. Get a pack - ge of Mother Grav's Australian - Leaf, the pleasant root and herb cure;'0 ts normal condition, hearing will for all Kdney, Bladder and Urinary be destroyed forever: nine cases out troubles. When you feel all run I of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is down, tired, .weak nml without energy ! nothing but an inflamed condition of use this remarkable combination 'f nature's herbs and roots. As a regit - ,ator i( : Las no eilllal Mother Orav'f i Australian-Leaf is sold bv Druggists 1 Free. Address, The Mother V, i tl J V v.j .wj, ... One good way to estrange a friend is to tell her the truth about her new hat. Scared into Sound Health. Mr. B. F. Kelley, Springfield, 111., writes: "A year ago I began to be troubled with my kidneys and bladder which grew worse until' I became alarmed at my condition. I suffered also with dull heavy headaches and the action of my bladder was annoying and painful. I read of Foley a Kid- ney.Pi"8 "d a,fte.r ta"nf them ew weeks the headaches left me, the ac tion of my bladder was again normal, and I was free from all distress." Ca barrus Drug Co. Sweet charity exists because it does not stand still long enough to turn sour. What Summer Cold May Do. A summer cold if neglected is jus.' as apt to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season . Do not neglect it. Take Foley's Honey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, and expels the cold in the system. Cabarrus Drag Co. Many a case of lock-jaw lias result ed from a young man's anxiety re garding tne proposal.' Glad to Becommend Them. Mr. ' E. Weakley, Kokomo, Ind, says: "After taking Foley's Edney Pills, the seevere backache left me, my Kidneys became stronger, the secre tions natural and my bladder no lon ger pained me. I am glad to recom mend Foley's Kidney Pills.',' In a yel low package. Cabarrus Drug Co. Tea, Jennie, a woman may give a man the mitten without it being a "Hit " . Sea The Tunes ior Stlb Printing. " Foley's Kidney Remedy may be given to children with admirable re sults. It does away with bed welting, and is also recommended for use after neaslea and scarlet fever. .Cabarrus rug Co. - "-v -v .... nn.-. l it.- t.ii.- i?t often turned by the sights he sees, j xj&mimiGS. tsif"v a ?en the Itest I me? 1 STYLE 5569 PRINCESS 2 BAR PARAMOUNT PATENT KID The La France flexible Welt is the stylish and comfortable shoe that requires no breaking in I Good Advice to Young Men. I Wndesboro Ansonian. j To indulge in the drink habit to even a small degree, one must be al I most independent iu this world. The ilime has come when a young man j with the Rinell of so harmless a thing as near Deer on Ins Dreatli neeil not seek employment. He is practically handicapped, for even a saloon keep- , er doesn't want him. That shows ' what the business world is doing to I solve the whiskey question and the ' way the trallic is being forced to its proper level. Better cut it out, young : man Deafness Cannot be Cored By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ot tne ear, There is only one way to cure deaf- 1 na-.a An,! llial kn .AnoftlHlin..! remedies. Deafness is caused bv &n ; intlamed condition oi. the mneons lin ing of the Eustchian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rambling sound or imperfect bearing, and when I it s entirely closed, Deafness is the j 'full, i unless the inflammation 1 ean De taken out and this tube restord : the mucous Surfaces. 1 We wiil give One Hundred Dollars uor any case or. Deainess (caused By i atarrli) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. T. J. CHENEY & CO- Toledo, 0. bold bv Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Became Insane and Tried to Kill Her Children. Mrs. Chas. Harrell, of Blewitt Full, went violently insane Saturday and attempted to kill several persons and also made an attempt to do away with her three little children, one of which is only six months old. She was arrested and taken to Wades boro and placed in jail and will be kept there until she can be taken to the State hospital for the insane. Jt is a very sad case. Mrs. Harrell Has separated frotm her husband and is now suing him for divorce. The trouble is that the wrong set of lobsters get into the stew. AWEAK WOMAN AND HER STORY lo Floral, Ark- Lives a Lady Who Feels That Her Strength1 was Restored by Cardol Floralr Ark. "I must speak rood word for Cardui,", writes Airs, Viola Baker, of tms place.; "About a month aro I. was In verv bad health. I was so weak and nervous thai l was not able to do my housework. . 1 "Mv husband houcht mm nne bottle ri Cardui, the woman's tonic. 1 took it ac cording to directions and now 1 am in eooaneaitn.. . . - -- ., . "I mink Cardui is a fine tonic for weak women." . .. .-.-a , , ... . And rott are not the onhr iadr wha thinks so, Mrs. Baker. , , , Thousands, like toil have written to tell of the wonderful benefit Cardui ha been to them. .' Cardui contains no minerals, or ofhei DOwerfuJ drues. - H contains no etveeria or other mawkish-tasting ingredients. It is lust a Dure, natural extract, of natural vegetable herbs, that have beea found to regulate the womanly functions and strengthen the female system. . An druggists sen Cardui. ' -, : See yours about ft, V. W. B.-vw ,. tt Hyhm fut.'ft. Int t-.aj. ami - bcMMt, hom 1 M -u m SHOE 'f& and the double style to the shoe and prevent slip ping at the heel. A charming creation, full of grace and beauty Other designs, just as handsome, in every leather, and for all' occa sions. A pleasure to show them Ivey Shoe Co. Eat Sought Sweet Morsel. Awakened from sound sleep by a stinging sensation on her arm, Miss Pearl Pittenger, of Trenton, N. J., scratched the irritated spot and made a sleepy remark about a supposed mosquito. A few minutes later she was again awakened by the same cause and rose hurriedly from the bed and turned up the fight. To her horror she found a huge rat occupying her bed. The rodent had bitten Miss Pitten ger twice on the arm, causing it to swell alarmingly. Medical aid was summoned and the wounds were treat ed. The Conservation of Nature's Re sources. Applies as well to our physical state as to material things. C. J. Budlong, Washington, R. I. realized his condi tion, and took warding before it was too late, ile says: "I suffered severe ly from kidney trouble, the disease be ing hereditary in our family. I have taken four bottles of Foley 'a Kidney Remedy, and now consider myself thoroughly cured. Ttua should be warning to all not to neglect taking Foley s judney itemedy until it is too late." Cabarrus Drug Co. Concord. United States Senator Samuel Douglas MrEnery, died at his home at J.ew Orleans La., Tuesday. Some men are moved by a speaker ami others are moved by a boot. NOTICE. That my friends, ecquaintances and others may have an opportunity to take Chiropractic Nerve and Spinal treatments, I will be at the Fisher residence, corner Union and Grove streets, Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of each week. Hours 4 to 8 p. m. A. partial list of diseases successfully treated is Gall Stones, Neuralgia, Ner- rour Prostration, Hoeumatism, Fevers, Diseases of the Heart, Liver. Kid neys, Stomach, Lung, , Bowels and Women ' diseases. x Ninety per cent, of the troubles of suffering humanity, especially women, originate at the spine.' No drugs are used. , DR. F. J. BATES, , Chiropractic Nerve and Spinal Spec ialist, itoome 817-919 Realty Bldg, nanoite, a. v. CHICHESTER S PILLS , TMK.IMAMOMD BBAHn. - DIAMOND HKANIt riLLA. A u C iVHi Cf'tfi Jl.... C. J ,wrii..25 An Meal Diace - to . Bnend tha Bummer, i ne water unsurpassed. Accommodations for 250 guests. -End oold liaths. ectzia lights. 'Enlarged dining room. ,, Small ..tables.. Splendid laro ana service. . Twa throufirh trains f ram flhflW ieue,(Xiauy except Stmdays.. ' ; Pnone-. audi. telegraph connec tions. Resident physician. First class" acoommodations at a low price, may. June and Septem- Der, $a to per week. July and w.ujfust, a u i.u per weeK. ;: cpeaai raies to iamnies. Open May 16 to Oct 1, ISKH' Write for booklet to , Pill tm, IM Md VnU luAV WOMEN This handsome, shapely shoe is sure to please the woman of discriminating taste For sumrrier comfort, style and beauty it cannot be surpassed Note the low pump effect straps, which add Store formerly occupied by The Tribune Co. Occupation given at JJat once.j DESIRABLE OFFICES In postofflce building (now occupied the Home Educational Co.) $2.50 to $4.00 month. In Morris Building best location in the city. Steam heat, light and janitor ser vice FREE. One Front Room, MA second floor Plv Other nice offices second floor $3.00 and $5.00 Sleeping rooms, bath, heat, light aird janitor service FREE. $3.00 to $5.00 Per Month Other desirable offices 'Phone No. 59. T. T. SMITH, JR., Manager. P. M. MORRIS REAL ESTATE CO. Cily Pressing (M D. B. FOWLEES. Manager. Aa the world goes around and around, You bear the iron ring of its aound, Long Pants made short, square eoata made round, Remember tbat Paul is still in town. Aifter the needle and the machine, Then the clothes are - sponged and cleaned, Coat pressed nicely and panta in a erease, Think of the presser last bat n least. Gratefully, DAN 4 PAUL. LIFE INSURANCE FIEE nrSUEANCE CATJSALTT INSXTRANOE LIVE STOCK IN3UBANCE eaQ on 1 Southern Loan S Trust Co. St Olond Hotel Bldg., Concord, N. 0. Fhoae No. SSL Total Assets Epre9entoi$224,780)000 We call special attention to our Live Stock Insurance for farm, dray and pleasure animals. Also special classes Horsea and Cattle. C, A. ISENBOUR, See. & Treaa. THOS. W.: SMITH Mgr. . Zararanee. inieiinllniutrc To secure their loved ones if they die, what they intend to provide if they live. Reflect 1 Have yon made suitable provisions for your wife and children f If not apply for Insurance in the MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, THE POUCY HOLDERS' FRIEND and do' it now. - ; vr;.. "".7..'"",;.. ..' ':' JNO. K. PATTEES05 CO, Agta. 11 N. Bur!eysoo,MD. iOoncord, H.' 0. Office and residence in Morris Build ing, rooms J2 and IS, .' Taone Ko. 830. . - ' J