12 C2.-"J CrJLt TFJ2-..E Editor and Proprietor. Local Tsltuaone, Na. TB. " . Bell Telapaons. Ma. 11' 8U23C&XPTI0M RATES. On Year Six Month. Three Months On Month . --- ruBLiaHES'S Aiworaciaoari. Advertising ratee euUWtt the office Copy for changes must be in by 10 o'clock am. ' - Cards of Thanks, Resolutions of Respect, and similar articles are charged at the rata of 5 eents per line Cash in all eases. Entered as second class mail matter April 26, 1910, at ths postofflce st Concord, N. .C, under ths act of March 3, 1879. Out of ths city and by mail ths fol lowing prices on ths Craning Trib une will prsrail: One Month ... 25 6ix Months 1 $L50 Twelve Months 3.00 JOHN M. OQLESBT, City Editor. Concord, N. C. August la, 1910 Tho fight over the chairmanship was the one absorbing thing with the Re publicans of the State, and if there was ever a Mention before the conven tion of the names of the candidates for the offices, we failed to see it. The only thing of consequence was to name the man who would be federal pie distributor, and no thought was given to the candidates for such un important offices as Supreme Court Justices. In its account of the Republican State Convention at Greensboro Wed nesday the Greensboro Patriot says: "It was significant tiiat I lie mention of the name of Marion Butler elicited louder and more prolonged applause than was given to any other man, in cluding Congressman Morehead and President Taft." Of course. Well, sir; of all the bluffs that were ever put up, that by Duncan, et al., was tho biggest. Charlotte Chronicle. The bluff of Jim Jeffries and his crowd was a pretty g:od one, but it is not in the same class as that of Dun- can. Elopers Brought Back. Sheriff Walace returned Wednes day to Charlotte from Louisville, Ky with Jim Lemmons and Mrs. J. C. Furr and children. The charge of abduction has been preferred against Lemmons end that of illegally living apart from her hus band against Mrs. Furr. Mr. F. M. Shannonhouse has been engaged by Lemmons and Mrs. Furr to appear for them and Mr. John M, Scales will con duct the prosecution for Mr. Fum The sheriff and the prisoners were tired and worn from the long and te dious trip and the loss of sleep. Lem mons refused to talk. Mrs. Furr has held a consultation with her attorney and held on her lap the child, which Furr has been so determinedly striv ing for. Salisbury Man Drowned in Texas. Salisbury Cor. Observer, 12th. Particulars of the tragic drowning of Mr. George M. Cox, a former (well known young Salisburian, at . Beau mont, Tex., Monday, have just been received here. - Monday Mr. Cox join- ed party of tailors and friends who were having an outing near Beau mont where he had been making his home for some months.' Late in the evening he, with other members of - &he party, went in bathing in a lake and while swimming an deep water, Mr. Cox was seized ith cramp and went tinder. Another young man all t but lost his life in an attempt to save . thfl drowning mm Tli ihnrlv - covered shortly afterwards, prepared t for burial and sent to Gadsden, Ala., for interment v.-":' : ; ; Met Deaia Unte Wheels of Train. ' E. D. Howard, a Southern railway, brakenmn, met death : 'under the wheels of a freight train on the Spen-1 eer - yards early . Thursday morning, , his body being frightfully manried. - One arm and one leg were mashed off and be was picked up and hurried to a hospital for an operation, but he never regained consciousness. In crossing toe tracks no was, struck by a shift- , ing engine which .backed over him and it is presumed he: never saw the ap- proaehing train. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Railway trainmen, was 33 years old and is survived by a wile and three shmaU children.. ; The . interment takes place at Burlington. rather Kills Son in Horrible Jlanner. 4.uvuiua vwiwi m juuuk vanv WULl' ty farmer, was killed in a horrible manner by his father, WiJIinm Jarvi?, near Advance Thursday. It appears that the father and son got in a dis pute' when the Conner drew a knife i -il cvt tie latter across the abdomen i'.-om tip to hip, after which the fa t r gi, ,rn3 the son until his bowels - ' . ' i. T: 9 son died and the fa- ; '.' -1 ;..r c 'coped arrest, sTATH'irrrr or coumr SUPLIXTEXDESI E0QLX. Ths fallowing is ths report of tht treasurer.- of tht ' Cabwrss toonty ehool'f-nd from J jus 30, lt09r lo July 1,1910: , L Receipt. - i " L BelaneeJuae 30, 1909, brought forward I t 2,005.49 ZL County rnds for Tsar. General State and county poll tajt , 4JSS0M General poll tax. 18c 1ZSTU3 Fines, forfeit am and penal 1 ties ... . 272.00 By return treasurer's com mission Slate Voucher. 28.18 Examination, fees 46.00 Sals old school property.. . 2110 -; TWttoo4ntyr! foods for ytsj...i. ..$21,387.37 m. Local Taxes, for Tsar. Special local . property tax , (rural) $ 542713 Special local poll tax (rural) 200.00 Total special local taxes.! 2,32713 rV..rtmda From Stats. From first $100,000 $1,471.64 From loan fund 250.00 For libraries 75.00 For public high schools 250.00 Total funds from State..! 2,046.64 V. Private Donations. For libraries 30,00 Fon increasing school term. 250.00 Total from private donation.! 280.00 Total funds from all sources :...$28,C46.63 EXPENDITURES. I. Spent for Teaching and Supervision. County Superintendent $ 1,100.00 White teachers 11,08410 Colored teachers 1,890.17 Total spent for teachers and Superintendent ..$14,074.27 n. Spent for Buildings and Supplies. Fuel and janitors $ Furniture Desks, Stoves, Blackboards, etc. Supplies Brooms, Buckets, Etc Libraries . . Insurance and rent Installment on loan fund 413.07 472.51 15813 258.36 19.50 1,309.18 New buildings, repairs and sites (white) ... 1,351.04 New buildings, repairs and sites (colored) 486.07 Total spent for buildings and supplies $ 4,464.86 m. Spent for AdministN tion,. Treasurer. 2 per cent, on dis- bursements 502.58 Mileage and per diem of County Board 67.70 Expenses of County Board. 36.01 Census and Committeemen 74.77 Other expenses 114.59 Total spent for adminis tration $ 795.65 V. Transferred to Public High School Fund. Balance from 1909 ; $ State apportionment Private donations ' 33.00 250.00 250.00 Total transferred to pub- . lie high school fund.. $ 533.00 VI. Paid to City Schools. Concord , $ 5,197.00 Mt. Pleasan.t , 674.40 Total . . $ 5,866.40 Total expenditures for all purposes ........$25,734.18 To balance on -hand .... 2,312.45 High School balance .... All Other Expenses. 103.00 Postage, printing,. etcv$ 48.49 8.00 15.00 12.00 15.84 15.26 Surveying and registering deeds ..... Attorney's fees .......... Tuition to Mecklenburg ... Computing faxes ..... Local election expenses . Total 114.59 The foregoing is a true statement of the "receipts and expenditures of the teehool Fund of Cabarrus county. for the year ending June 30, 1910, as required by Seetion 4158 of the School (Signed) - CHAS. E. BOGER. , Superintendent. Concord, N. C., June 30tb 1910. Boy of Fifteen a Paster. The Oaks, N. O, boasts the young est full fledged preacher and pastor in New: England. Milan 8mitb. who is fifteen. He i lives in Laconla and walks tor his pariah, The Oaks" Me morial, Sundays, three miles each way. He prepares hts sermons Satur days, instead of- playing, and the 100 churchgoers think him the most fin ished clergyman in the United States. Smith plans to erect a large chapel next winter. " ' The Chanticleer Hat -Now, wife, don't wear a chlckrn hat I lust can't bear the thought. " '; for I can see what's coming of that . Whether you can or not. u s? 1 Tou think you'll be a bird, 'my diaiC But think ot your (eelinES when The spring breeze wafts this to your earl' "Here cornea another hen." And when to the thter you so ' . And drop down In your seat to rest, "her eontee hen to see the show, And now she's found ber nest" . ' And as each lofty barnyard dove Down the aisle will proud!? go From the mysterious realm above ' f Tou'll hear a lusty crow. Chicago l.ecord-Herall r p " . " Qasev Saperctldoa ef ths JtatiTe " Clacks of Australia. Tat. native blacks of Astti-lla are sup4 la superitltioa. Hack faUow will oa bo account 10 r the spot where another black lias been burled. He has a deep robud arersloa to one partlcaiar blra the waxuU because, be saja, "htn all Us talk, talk along a wblte feller, UU all about' black feUw." aad bo opportaaitr is lost . of kUlta thseo Uttle birds. .. . . . alaay trtbee "bury" their dead by stlcklm them mp into the forks of trees and there leaving them till the ftesk has either dropped or been tak en, leaving the bones clean. These bones are' then taken down, the larg Or ones burled and the smallest band ed rouad as keepsakes to those senar ly related to the deceased. Should one black fellow wish tho death o! a rival or enemy he points the boae at him. This means that he takes one of his late relation's bones from bis dilly bag and petnU it, la the presence of witnesses, at the man he wishes to get rid of, all the time pouring forth threats and curses. Strange as It may: seem, the one pointed at will often languish' and eventually die, perhaps In a month, perhaps in a year, for no sooner Is tho bone pointed than he makes up his mind to die, and there is no sav ing him.' - ' . .1 . How Hair Grows. V:-. A single hair, which can support a weight of two ounces, is so el actio that it mar be stretched to one-third of its entire length and then regain its former slse and condition Dr. Plnous has measured the growth' of hair by cutting off circles about one inch In diameter from the heads of healthy meo, and so comparing the growth of the patches with that of the rest of the hair. He tonnd that the growth rate generally . became slower after cutting; that In some cases ths hair on the patches grew at the same rate as the rest, but that It never grew any faster. " '-,;f.' The ordinary length of the hair on the head ranges between twanty two lnohes and about forty-five inohes, the latter being ' considered unusually long. It has been calcu lated that the hair of the. "beard grows at the rate of one line nd a half a week; this will give a length of six and a half incnes in the course of m year. For a iian eighty years of age, who has been a clean shaver' from , t arly maturity, no less ' than twenty-seven feet of beard ; must have fallen before the edge of the razor. His Uncle. ,-. The Prince of ale. Is fond ot telling 07 good stor.- to his friends in connection with his visit .0 Ottawa some few years ago. The Prince then Duke of York stole away for a quiet bicycle spin early one morn Ing,. and in his rambllngs met a farmer-, heading marketward, , his wagon temporarily st' lied by the loss of a nut'belonglng to the whlf fletree - bolt. His Royal HighnesB, with his -usual uemocratlo kindness, assisted him In putting things right. On parting, tne farmer expressed his rough thanks and asked ihe might know the name of the person, to whom he was indebted. The roy al cyclist replied modestly: "I am th Puke of York. And may I ask vnom I have the pleasure of address ingT" A broad, amused smlli beam ed from the farmer's face as he said: Met Mel , Why, I'm your uncle, the Cxar of Russia!". . . - A Most Useful Event , ; The way. in which the first auto4 matte steam, engine was produced wis undoubtedly thls-and it shows how comparatively easily a really great Invention may sometimes " be made. It was the duty of Humphrey Potter, a boy. to turn a stop-cock to let the steam Into, the cylinder and one to let In water to condense it at certain periods of each stroke of the engine, and if this were not done at the "right time, the engine ' would stop, ft He noticed that these move ments of the stopcock handles took plce In nnlson with the movements of certain portions of the beam of the .engine. He simply connected Valvo handles wltb the proper: pors tlons of the beam by strings, ana the engine became automation- most eventful result. '." "7 ' "'KoHope, - " t Mist Irene Ollllcuddy.of MUlvOle, Mlss: writes: I have a gentleman friend who has V. een keeping com pany with me all this year, but who bAS never lnalcatei or intimated that he wishes to be considered other than a friend of mine. I am 19 years old, with rvby- ' Ut rose-pink - cheeks, golden-hair, asureeyes and m tsntle disposition. Do you think. I should bang up soma mistletoe, and accl dentallT stand I eath it while he Is ,.A 4.,.. -t. ..nnnn' MnH Irene, if a young man needs the en couragement of mistletoe nnder the circumstances,-there is no hope for him. ' . - ' Insanitary Bullqings.. . The city ot Washington is setting an example to other large cities in the country in destroying buildings which ttk health authorities believe to be laianltary. Thirty-two such bu!i;:r;i are raced during tte month cf Iirch, and about tho same nusfcer rtzh destroyed during each of the " cf January and r. rurrj. . i tan twn years a.at i,c; : 1 1 79 toon :t-r c t ? ' it i trcv:v.t t t fioo ncud, f::j. The readers of tils paper will be pleased to leara th tiers Is at kaat one dreaded disease that science has been able to curs ia all its sis tt, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Cat an h (Xre is tht only positivs cure bow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires eonstitouonal treatment. Hall? Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of (he system, thereby destroying the. foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the . constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors uare so much faith ia its Curative powers that they offer )ne Hundred Dollars for any ease that if fails to care. Send for list of testi monials. Addresst . - F. J. CHENEY A CO, Toledo, a Sold by druggists, 75e.- ' Take Hell's Family Pills for consti pation.. - ' ' . , A School For Husbands. - : Does every mother reflect thst if she oss a son she la in a way conducting a school for husbands and that wheth er or not her- daughter-in-law shsll rise np and call her . blessed and whether or not there will be one more nappy household depends largely upon her! The sort of men who make the best husbands are those men wbosjLad ths best and most sensible mother TsUeTslk. : -r ::-;".' They Have a Definite Purpose. - Foley Zindney Pills civ quick re lief in eases of kidney and bladder ail ments. Mrs. Rose Olaser, Terra Haute, Ind- tells the result in her ease. "Af- er suffering for many years from a se rious case of kidney, trouble. and spending much money for so called cures, I found Foley Kidney Pills the only medicine that gave me a perma nent cure. I am again able to be up and attend to my work, I shall never hesitate to recommend them." Ca barrus Drug Co. v, , Apple Charlotte. The literature of the kitchen some times sheds a light on the traits of his torical: personages. For example. It is not : uninteresting to - read in a new book of recollections of the origin of that rather agreeable dish of ' bread crumbs, fruit, and spices - known ss "apple charlotte." It appears that the thrifty wife of George IIL invented the pudding .in order to use up the weekly palace crusts. Acute or Chronic Wlioht -v No matter if your kidney trouble is acute or chronic Foley's Kidney Rem edy will reach your ease. Mr. Claude Brown, Heynoldsville, 111., writes us that he suffered many months with kidney complaint which' baffled ' all treatment. At last he tried Foley's Kidney Remedy and a few large bot tles Brected a complte cure. He says, "It has been of inestimable value io me." Cabarrus Drug Co.- A Baoking For Letters on Glass. A backing up for letters on glass that needs no varnish may be made as follows: Equal parts of tube lead and fat , oil : should be - mixed, to i which should be added a tablespoonful of litharge, says Signs ot the Times., Col or with green or yellow tube color to suit and '.strain: through fine bolting cloth. If the mixture Is too thick aft er straining It should be thinned with boiled otL - ' For Quick. Belief from Bay Pever. , Asthma - and summer bronchitis, take Foley's Honey and Tar, It quick ly relieves the discomfort and suffer ing and annoying symptoms disappear. It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages of the head,' throat and bron chial, tubes.- It" contains no opiates And no harmful drugs. Refuse sug- stitutes. Cabarrus Drug Co. , 'a peasant Insured bis bouse against fire. : When he- got the policy, be asked the clerk; , "What should I get If my bouse were burned down tomorroW?" , ' ."Three or four years' Imprisonment," was the short and prompt answer London TltrBltat ' ? . . :-. ,;i Foley's Kidney Pills. , Tonic in quality and action, quick in results; For backache, headache, dizziness, nervousness urinary - trou bles and, rheumatism. Cabarrus Drug ..To keep your health sound; . to avoid the ills of advancing yeaw, to conserve your physical, forces for a ripe and healthful old age, guard your kidneys by taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. vabarrus Drag Co, .. . Where there is plenty, charity is a duty, but not eourtesy, : . ' : Itching piles provoke profanity, but but profanity won't euro them. Doan'i Ointment cures itching, bleeding or p winding piles after years of suffer ing. At any drug store. - Never kick tie man who toll yon so utiles he reminds you that ho did, Soothes itching skin. ; Heals cuts or burns without a scar. .. Cures piles, eczema, V salt rhenm, any, iteLin Doan' Ointment, Your drust sells it. Extravagance is your neighbor's'! method of ppcnJinj r..oney. "Cl.cr.r?"t ac.'rt i -iry-T Tlion'is' I.loctrio C'U. ' t';e f ' 1 BEAL-.ESTATE 115 acits, two slJ os-lslf n.Ues east frame dwelling and oatbuilr-a, K.SCD. 5-room dtli.cf on FtacLtree stiet, lot 60 x 120 fret. . 115 acres land lying 00 Cabarrus and Stinly cuuuty Hue ua big road leading from Concord to Mueabeiasr dvelliDg, double barn aad Out bouses; 75,UuO feet fre pine, 3,0w3 f.tt - l linniU) . . . 1 A ! 1 ' . O r,"f : 1 ' ,j 1 . - ) . . I VSk, AUU,UVU ViU pUiD, CIVH IIO, tJVM CU. U B WUVQt i UtS well with day subsoil, f20. ' . - V : 13 acres land fronting on macadam road 1 miles south of Kaanipolis,' with two story, 8 room dwelling, splendid bam, on other two story tiUi- -ing, one tenement dwelling and outhouse, good orchard and splendid well of water. This is one of the (best pieces of property between Concord and. Ksnospolis. --.. . ...V .." , . - . -: -. ' Two four room cottages on St George street, orsr Lock Cotton Hula, lots 60x158 feet Your choice for $150. " One new i-room cottage ia Dublin, lot 62x150 feet, good well water T' fjio on easy terms, r - - -., . , t .... 139Vi seres on public road" adjoining lands of Bob Wallace and J. S." TTflrriat t avIAif Hvollinff m iisMl n n K 1 A jr!K . .11 wtA- ma n A . - - - 'J " xiarris two-story aweiung, new tarn, aouoie eno, good well water, good Dssture: 15 acrea meadow and au fine timber. 4X405.. 2 Vacant lota on South UnUn street, convenient to businia rrt n alt. . 'itn9nn .t tv amn ..k isix room cottage on South Union street lot 134x300 feet at a bargain. " . 1 very desirable vacant tot 65x300 feet near business (.ait of city. - v . - .1 Vacant lot oa West Corbia street 160x240 feet, cheap at $1,000, C ",3 '" . 1 six room eottsge on West Corbid street beautifully papered with -modern eonveniences, lot 75x200 feet, $2,200. " ;, J - , . - '-1 five room cottage on West Corbin street, near pvstofflce at a real bar. gain.;; '..'.-;'. '. '.--'' ' V " --' '"::1, : ':'-' i";ir 1 two story six room dwelling, lot . 3 very desirable pieces of property ainesa Dart of city.", -,' - .2 very desirable reaidenvea on "T nine Mittaira on tarnr Af N. Rni-ini nil Marah mtraftM ili i lieA . -o- : -r rooma and ttantrr. ' -v . I ? A t a. W A T A k . x nico vacant 101 on xst .vepot 30 nice cottages and vacant lots ana urown mm. - we can give yon and lota.--:-i?'L.J:''.i'- .- '-'.-'i 'v .. k ; ,33 seres suitable for building z acres'ln tio. 11 townsorp near , acres uuo uuie eut 01. Q-iuit nause -wnn (ooa uwetuug, uuuoie oarn . -end outbuildigs. . :' ;f-'y-::':. '. .-v f. i . . T' Rarrier Mill nrorifirtv.' 3 milea aonth nf Mncnt PIamatiL mnnmmHnm o . :i t. . a . - .rr Af liinil. flnnr mill. wi-i ton gin, wagon scales, su in gooa running conoitwn oy Bteam or water ' nmi.D t rimAliinA tt4fihlA Anil Anri.ilminM . A- ctaajI .fan1 fmi.ii.aInM.t all hfer $1,600; one-half eatJl, balanee in . 13U acres wiu six room aweiung, nearly new, sphenoid doub'e barn, and outbuildings, situated 3 miloa southwest of Kannapolis on public road Price $3,150. , ' ' Mr XtVi ' ' 68 1-2 acres of highly improved land, ne miles welt of Depot on Char lotte road. . ' . ,'.'.,v- ::. :,"..'V : - r'-; 151 tieres known as the Spring Hill Farmone mile west of depot on Charlotte macadam road. This is one of the most desirable pieces of real estate. m this section or the Muntry.--it;.f-..'fi: x:;r;9,.;'' "' 87 1-2 acres, four miles east of Concord," good buildings, good orchard,', good pasture, 30 acres in cultivation, 50 aires in timber, wj rich gold reins. inn: r j .in: -j iv -ist - lov acres, 9 nuiea oai ui vuueutu, iwu oiuijr unuuig suu uuuiuuuuigs, 1500 cords of wood, several fine geld veins. Price $2250. A bargain. . ' .Good six-room residence naar North "nion street, with city water in house. New metal roof just put on. Good barn; lot 67x195 feet, s One of .the best neighborhood, in the city. Price $2200. '. On, Marsh street, opoo site D. J.- Bostisn's residenoe.'-, ?. , . V 32 acres, all in the corporate limits of Concord, suitablTfor almost ny 'thing. Small stream of water running through it. . About 6 acres good ' meadow, and 8 acres fine' trucking land. , Can be cut up into fine building lots. Will be sold as a whole or eut to suit purchaser. .-' :. : .We have several other bargains In town dnd'eountry oratwiit mbUk are not mentioned in this list. . 43 1-2 acres, two miles north of city, on public road, with dwelling, out buildings, some timber and splendid meadow. -10 acres timber land On pub lie road adjoining the above tract. " We have inquiries every day for land and own property sail we would be gla dto list anything yon have for sale.',: There, is no cost to yon vai less a sale is made. v , ' . - . ' , ' JHO. K. PATTERSON & C0IJPAI1Y wDdSi bniM liidt V.r..l VPlld An ideal Tjlace to spend the sufhmer. The water unsurpassed. Accommodations for guestaT Sewerage, - hot and cold baths. Electric lights. ' Enlarged dining room. Small tables. Splendid fare and service. ? , Two through trains from Char lotte, daily except Sundays. Phone and telegraph connec tions. Resident physician. First class .' aOTornmodations at a low price; May;; Juneand Septem ber, $3 to $8 per week. July and August, $8 to $10 per week. ' ;" - Special rates to families. " ' . Open May 16 to Oct 1, 19ia : Write for booklet to" IniiS BjwS, CmuSiS et Prcp CiuuCiiiid, -1 e, Will cure a cough or cold no matter how severe and prevent pneumonia and consumption. I ; A Guarantee. .ThisVls" to certify that all crvrists- are) autnonzca o re. fand your - money if Foley't Honey end Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. " Contains r.3 criatea. Ths genuine ia in a yz'.lzvf paci..'s. l.'A t.Z:ZX Zll ty Catarru3 E.ii Co Coaccri L N. C:"::y:s3f;7.t'D'; as! r - 0 ill I i In Morris Eui 0 - : of Coccorl, with Uo-rtcry opnnirs; 6 Oiilcs froai 0:u,tiKi and I e " ... " .w - - - . 80x325 feet, near postofflce, ; " - . on Spring street, convenient to bo ' : . - -.- ' l Qeorgia avenue.-.- .', '" . , V, '.'.'-'" e , - rr . . - a aAaa - - ' ' "I ! " - street, fuu. y " on" Franklin. street, at-Gibsbr Mill some reat oargains. in tne ' cottages f Z- - 'v;...-.,' lots' or for farming Ui?:ii -. u. v, liximminger's land. ,v -- .... j, . ii- . 5 . vi m. mill. m.nw mill hnflAv mnA hiIm. ml - 12 months. li:V"''"."'.YY't Following schedule figures publish ed . only iss information ud .are not" guaranteed, In effect May 15, 1910: 4:10 a. m., No. 8 Daily; for Rich mond and all local points. Connect : at Ureensbord for Winston-Salem and Raleirfi. at" Den villa tar NnrfnlV ' ' ' 8 -48 a. m4 Nd. 44.-Daily for Wash., tngton and points' North.' Conneotl at Salisbury for Asheville, Chattanoo ga and Memphis.' Pullman ftnd day coaches Atlanta to Washington.1 rull man coach between Atlanta and Bal eigh - -k 6:20 a." m., No. 45--Daiy f or Char lotte and all local points. ' 10 dO a. m H. 11 Daily for At lanta and local points. ii .as . . vr- . oa r :i . s . Washington and New York.. Pullman sleepers New Orleans to, New York day coach New Orleans to New York. Washington and all iints north. 12:03 v m4 N6-. 30. Daily for Washington and New York; . , $ 3 :40 p. m, No. 7.Daily for Char lotte and local stations. ; f : ; 3:40 p. .u, No. 46. Daily lo Gfrecnsboro anC-loeal points. ' . 6:43 p. m-No. 12 Daily for Eioh mond and all local points. Connect at Salisbury for Aaneville, Chattanoo ga and Memphisi Sleeper, Charlotte to Richmond and Salisbury to Nor- , 8 :50 p. m., .No 35 Dally to' Nor' lantr and points South. ' Gleepets to New'Orleans and Birmingham end iaj coaches Washington' to New Or leans." ''"--- R. L. Vernon; D. P. A., CiarlrV j, IT. 0 H. P. Csxy, O. P. A, Wasllton, D.O ZW a e . 4 Su" 'St 4 FOR To secure their loved ones if they d'a, what they intend to provide if V. y live. -Reflect I Have you made !g.," ' provisions for your wife and clV i f If not apply' for Insurance i 1 i ' a MUTUAL DEliEFlT LIFE IT ANCI3 COSIPANY, TII3 rc.-CTZ HOLDERS rRIEND anl'.ta it now. '.r-V-',';".',- ; .' '..-. " ji:o. e. PATTir-::: a ciz-'i. f f Palisbury, is 1 3 i t t - 'j '1 1 .'r :.j I.I'

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