:"n;i -:..:J A A '"' . A -J ,' Wv ' : i vcl. r.:. 3 o Ct-u a n:ii. co:xorj), il c iiiuhsday. octouer 6, 1910. '' Single Copy 5 Cents, No. 73 covtlu cmirD to. ... ' I Chairman Clement ITo'jei He W12 be Prnt at 1'r. - Doc;.ton'i Ap- pwiipenti In CUnly and Eseirtiert. ulr. Uayden dement, Mi airman 01 the congressional district eommittes in the eighth sent the following:-letter yesterday to Congressman Cowlee: Hon. Charles H. Cowlcs, .,. . - , ;y, Wilkesboro.'N. C. - "Dear SirBelow yott will find a list of Mr. R. L,Doughton's appoint ' ments in Stanly county. I understand that you have expressed, yonraelf as veil satisfied with the results of the ' Aint A iMtinoinn hofuroAri vnnftielf And ' JV1UH UlWiUCWWH . Mr Douehton. and inasmuch as the ioint discussions were free from polit- . leal abase and bad feeling,, we are very deainm of continuing it in the rural dUtncts where the farmers can have an opportunity to bea rit. We therefore, invite you to he present and divide time with Mr. Doughon a the ? We t'tal continue to send you a list of appointments, in the hope that you will find it convenient to meet . Mr. . 1U11UWH1K V.kVCB., ' V . ... Doughton t tome of thorn.' Mr. Doughton will speak in Stanly county at the following tunes and places: Richfield. October 10th, at 2 p. m. ber 10th, at 7:30 p.m. . Porters, October 11th, at 11 a. m. Eudy, October 11th, at 7:30 p. m. Big Lick, October 12th, at 2 p. in. Locust, October 12th, at 7:30 p. m, Very truly yours, ; '",.,'ss ' TliA.VTW.V T.lil!MTiVNlT 4"Himri ' . mjumml r.-, ..i..... . o.i:i xt i . A.t.ki k mm .- - smuuuuijr, -a. v.j vmww u, . ,.. i i i i il .-.w -X:' ' Clarence Eddy in Charlotte Tonight. Charlotte Observer.' ', f;L- y - Tha nAnnla. nf Onurlatto will have ' an oDDortunitv tonight to hear one of the most famous organist,-of all - time, when Mr. Clarence lEddy, the greatest American organist declared by European eiitics to be the peer of any living musician, will appear in recital, beingassisted by 'Mrs. T. C. Guthrie, soprano, of thig city, an artisff of decided talent and finish. : That Mr. Eddy would be greeted by - a capacity house of the representative ' people of Charlotte has been known .for several days, so great bas been ' 'the interest tiilb.'iavratij-'t ,of the great demand for tickets, ar rangements have been made for accommodate the: audiencja Tnie doors of the church will be thrown open at 7 o'clock, an dthe recital will l ... ii o .. .. , v. nrv mi iiiiiiiiLi v Ml. nil -. . . . . i. .- Southbound to be Operated by Coast " . Line. - SaUsburv Post :- " searing completion end running be .. tween Winston-Salem and Wadesboro, will be operated by the Atlantic Coast . Line Company, which, together with the Norfolk & Western, owns the road jointly..'aH.;r1K-'; 1 The new diviaion will be from Wln- - ston-Salem to Florence, S. C, the At ' lantie Coast 'Line having recently re- - built the line, from Wadesboro -fo , Florence for the purpose of making a through line south. , - About 28 miles of the Southbound are now open for the freight traffic and the management hones to nut on passenger trains during the month of uecemoer next. :vh '";'.Wek;r Prayer.'" ; y The Woman's Home Mission and Aid Society of Central Methodist church invites - the women ' of the? chnrch and city to meet with them in the afternoon and evening session of : the week of rrayer, October 3rd to 7th. The following will be the pro grams ... , Thursday, 4 o'clock ''The Ameri can Crisis." .Friday, 4 o'clock "Looking For- . waro." . . , - Saturday A Call to Prayer A. ? Omt Hour in the Home. All fliA ..mAM V a I. 1 S I rt n :K JUA Ml, Bl I4VVB 1f UV UCUI h . VHV tral church. Eend Us TIci or Trraa to Tour Eoy or Ctxl at Cacl Too can make no betior investment than to have The Tribune or The Times sent to your boy and f!rl while T at icliooL ? will ond the Pally fxlLnne e'rt months (when to to rt ly mall) far only (2.C3, or The - TLr" twice a weck f jr e'it montha for (1X3, Cabsribe now and lot the paper be started to them at one ; A series of revival eervicea is in progress at the Methodist iProtestant church. Rev. Clitis. J. Edwards, of liberty, is conducting the services. : Rev. D. lA. Braewell ig also assisting . . in the services. U ne servlcea are : growing in interest. There are ser vices at -2:30. and 7:30 p. ra. through ,, this week. , . llr. J. B. : Mercer, of the firm of ' I lworEvang . Co oil T.'-tl. rto", is hone today on business connected with the estate of the late Dr. 7. IL Lilly. is. jlacz clcsis Large Number of Conversions Batck i .of Interesting News. ' Rev. Wm. Black closed his meeting here Sunday night. This was in ev ery way the greatest meeting ever held here. The large auditorium in the YJ.CA. was full to the over- Lflowing every night and at the last three service g the , auditorium was packed.. A large number were turned away on Sunday night. The crowds were quiet and attentive. Mr. Black rained their close, attention from the start and kept it until the last meet ing.". Mr. Andrew Burr, who led the singing; rendered very. Valuable .aid, as he succeeded in getting not only large ehoir to sine, but the entire congregation joined in also, making exceptionally fine music which was a great. fcelp to the preacher. There were a large number of conversions and quite a number of accessions to the church, including number who joined the other churches here, be sides there was a general awakening among the Christians of the comma mty. All were sorry to see Mr. iSiacK and Mr. Burr - leave. They go to Broadway, Moore county, next,' bua went to their home in Charlotte Mon day to spend a few days with' their families . before going to the new field. .V: ' - k''" ' i Key. W.. B. Shmn conducted, a se ries of meetings at Shiloh last week and was assisted "by Rev. A. L. Ay cock.' of Reidsville. ' Rev. W. T. Talbirt had a number of his children and grandchildren ' to visit him Saturday, some of them re maining' until Monday. : Mrs. Molsie Litaker'and two children,-and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Faggart and two chil dren, all from the county a few miles south of Concord, were among his visitors and IMr. W, W. Talbirt, of Albemarle, who came over Saturday to join bis wife, who bad been here about a week. ,Both of them returned home Monday, (Mrs. J. P. Stack, of MoAdeiuville. returned home Tuesday after several days visit to her son, Mr. J. J. Stack, here. 4 The Odd Fellows of KannapolW will give a minstrel show in the Y; M. C. A auditorium- Saturday night by lo- :psttcl''jBr-tuey,'Tia-ve given entertainments before and have es tablished a reputation here, they no doubt will have a large audience, Rev. T. B. Anderson has Dr. Rich ards, of Davidson, conducting a meet in? for him at Bethpage , this week. Some Kannapolis people are attend ing pmi of the time. The Passion Play "was the at traction at the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday night. The two-year-old son of Mr. Ernest Overcat-h died Monday 'of. a stomach trouble, with which - it had suffered several months. The remains of the little one were laid to rest in the Kan napolis cemetery." '''- Rev. Dr J. C. Rowe, presiding elder. of ; the Salisbury district, will, hold the iour'a quarterly conference of the Kamapolis circuit ha.a Satur day at 11 a.'m. . ; , Rev. W. B. Shinn has organized a Ladies Aid Society here. (Mrs. W. B." 'Shinn was elected president; Mrs. W, C, Sides, vice president, and iMiss Lu- la ilorn buckle, secretary and treas urer. The society has decided to have a spelling bee Saturday night, October 15 th, and the contestants will be the ladies against the men. - The Blue Back speller, will be used. Much interest will be taken in the- contest but the ladies always come out best. The remains of the unknown man who -was killed on the Southern Bail-way- near Cook's crossing last night by train No. 43, was brought bere to 'Patterson-Young ' - IMeroantile; ; Co's. who do an -undertaking business and prepared for burial and was still un- T 1 j ' rt i .1 ; . . lueniuuea vma. evening, wnen is was interred in the Kannapolis cemetery. Many. people called to see the remains before the burial, but no one was abl to positively, recognize the deceased. . Kannapolis, October 5th, 1910. . Death of Lira. L. fi. Bon at lit. - , v Jv Pleasant. - Mrs. Clara Rose, widow of the late Dr. L. R. - Rose, died yesterday kt 2:30 o'clock, after a protracted ill ness of a year or more. Mrs, Rose's maiden name was Rldenhour, daugh ter of rhilip Ridenhonr. She leaves four brothers, Messrs. Caleb, Julius and iHarter Kidieinhouri" of .HjHsen heimer's Springs, and Ed Ridenhonr, 01 New London, and one daughter, Mrs. W. J. Moose, of this place. The deceased was sixty-nine years of age on August 30th. Burial service will be held this morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. P. 'Miller, and the remains will be in terred in the Lutheran cemetrey. Mrs. Rose has for many years been a con sistent member of the Lutheran church." " '- ' . Mt.- Pleasant, October 6th, 1910. (Mr. J. W; Cannon, who bas lieem spending several weckrin New York on business, will return horns tomor Soma of the People Cars and ELs . where Who Coma and Go. (Mr. A..B. Pounds is spending the day in Charlotte. Dr. W. C. Houston is spending the day in Monroe. r Prof. S. A. Wolff is spending the day in LowelL Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barnhardt are spending the "Bay in Charlotte.: ; - Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Yorke are spend. ing the afternoon in Salisbury. . . Mr. J. A. Cannon is spending the day in High Point on business. , Mr. and Mrs. John Fox left last night for South Carolina to visit rela tives. ; ; '? . . ' :' v.' ' " Miss Mary Miller, of Salisbury, will arive this af tenoon to visit Miss Jan nette Lenta, . ; - ' Mr. T. C. Newma will go' to Char lotte this afternoon to bear Clarence Eddy, the great organist.- Mrs: Kate F. Noell and Mr. Gal loway Ross bays arrived to spend the winter with (Mrs. P. B. Means, Mrs. H. W. Fryling and son Law rence, left today for Knoxville to at tend the Appalachian Exposition. Mrs. F. V. Barrier, who was visit ing here for several days, returned Wednesday to her borne in Salisbury. Messrs. B. L. Umberger and Jack son Stroud left this Worning for the Knoxville Exposition. ;.n )r! , Mr. R. P. Benson will go to Char lotte this afternoon to bear Clarence Eddy, the famous organist, tonight. Mr. Oalloway Ross, who bas been spending the summer at Piedmont Springs, is visiting his. mother. Mrs. r. id. means. Mrs. D. B. Parish returned Tuesday morning from-the Primitive Baptist Association which was held with Lib erty church, three miles south of Mon roe, N. C. :SH V -i::'': ' '' ;: Mrs. Charles Essjerday, (and twq daughters, little Misses Elizabeth and Kay, : who , have been "visiting Mrs, Eaterday's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown, will leave tomorrow for their borne in Norfolk, : Va. Bitutehe Browit 'will accompany -them and spend jsereral , weeks fufffor- folk and Baltimore. ' Mrs. J. T. Bennett, of High Point, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Jink and daugh ter, Misseg Leona Bennett and Ger trude Dooley, of Charlotte, who at tended ' the Bennett-WineooJf , mar- riage, all . left for Charlotte on No. 35 last night. Miss Pink Richardson and Miss Barber returned to High Point last mgbt.- Fayssoux,' the psychic marvel, twbo comes to the opera house for ail en gagement of three nights 'eommeacing October 13th, will give the famous blindfold behind a span of spirited horses through the streets of the heity.rHe "Will undertake to carry committee of well known cStinms to the secret place where they bare pre viously concealed some small object and to uncover the bidden to the gaze of the men conducting the test of his wonderful powers. FayBSonx bas never been known to fail in the quest ' f ---- For More Than Three Decades Foley's Honey and Tar baa tfeen household -favorite for coughs, colds. and ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. Contains no opiates, cold by Cabarrus Drug Co. tSlen tlnoure JEbclr Elves To secure their, loved ones if they die, what they intend to provide if they live. Reflect I Have you made suitable provisions for your wife and children f Jx not apply for Insurance in the MUTUAL BENEFIT LOTS INSUR ANCE COMPANY. THE . POLICY HOLDERS' FRIEND and do now. - JNO. K. PATTmC ft 00, Agta. For Sale The P. M. liisenheimer lot on North Spring street, adjoining Jno. Km Patterson A Co. ; fX, ClXCd. by J- Our Capital, Surplus and Profits of $150, CC.C) fjr-LIis ample means not only ' to assist the business man, but ta protect his ccposifc You are ccrll:lly invited to placo your Account with this Bank s .a , - mm k . 4 ' urn lmW t m EJTVOLUTIOX DT POSTUOAL. King Manuel Put to Bout Ij the Est- . s, - orotlonista. -Dispatcbet from Lisbon say that King Manuel was deposed from the tbrone of Portugal Tuesday night by a great zone of revolutionista. The whereabouts of the King is unknown and it i feared be has been killed. ' According to late reports the rev olutionists are in' complete, control of the gvernment. ' ' ' King Manuel, "with the Queen Mother Ameke and bU grandmother, the Queen Dowager IMana rla, bas taken refuge at Mafra, 23 miles from Lisbon. ' : ' : - .; The outburst of revolution which large part of Europe bas been ex pecting for several weeks, haa broken out, not in Spain, where it was most expected, but in Portugal. The small. er etjintry seems less ripe for the out break on an extensive plan than was Spain, but Portugal is undermined with anarchism even more than bpain and the whole nation has long been at unrest over the clerical question on he one band and on the other lack of affection, even respect, f or the young King. It was remarked by everybody when King Manuel rode in the funeral pro cession of King Edward VII, that be looked inexpressibly miserable, even terrified. He has never for an instant been permitted to' forget the terrible tragedy of Feb. 1, 1908, when his fa ther, King Carlos .and hie elder broth er were assassinated and be himself nearly suffered their fate. The capital is now completely in the hands of the , Republicans who have formed a provisional govern ment with Theophile -Braga as pres ident. A new national flag of red and green is flying over all the public buildings, including the Town Hall. (The marvellous iFayssoux, f bp youthful psychic wonder, who has upset the ancient theories of the old time hypnotists and mind readers and whose demostrataons have oeen se cured for an engagement of , three nights, October 13, 14 and 15. His performances are wholly different from the exhibitions heretofore given in America by any bypnotist. - ' Cotton is bringing. 13.H0 today Hp' some ' more; ;- ' v Gladness comes with a better under standing of the transient nature of the many physical ills which vanish be fore proper efforts 'gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed and assisted by the pleasant laxative rem edy Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna I: Its beneficial effects are due to the fact that it Is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which It acts. To get Its beneficial effects al ways buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD. , Charlotte. N. C May 14. 1910. Change of schedulo SEABOARD AIR LTNE, effective noon Sunday May 15. Westbound trains leave Char lotte as follows, daily: ; , v No. 133, daily, 9:50 a. m. ' No. 47, daily, 4:45 p. m. Eastbound, daily: . v ' i No. 40, daily, 40 a. m. No. 44, daily, 5:00 a. m. yNo. l32,daiiy,7:00J). m. - . Trains arrive in Charlotte as fol lows from the east: 1 i v No. 133, 9:50 a, m. No. 45, 12:01 noon. . v , No. 39, 10 :50 p. tn. ' Arive from the west: , , No. 46, 10:30 a. m. '. " No. 132, 7:00 p. m. -' JAMES KER. J&, 1 xo E'artioiilaxlr 3Dor this bank which endcaYoru ai all times to learn the needs of the Farmer, Merchant, Firm, Corporation and Individual Depositor and meet them in a helpful manner. - u , - N, - - 1 ' ' , STATE XEWS. There wer shipped out of Alexan der county during September 227,417 pounds of dried fruit, 20,344 pounds 01. Kivcn - ppis iliji pounos i I . m . , . . . -v 1 m l peach seed, 14,213 pounds of chickens, ,oou ooeen 01 eggs, pouniu oijery nation except China. nailer, six ear ioaos 01 uo oarx, soKd ears of hardwood. The Charlotte Cotton Mills property which includes about eight acres of land situated on North Graham street. was sold at public auction Tuesday. The part of the plot lying west of the rauroaa was 01a in oy Air. 1. ti. Stewart for $10,975. ' The Southern Real Estate, Loan and Trust Com pany bid in the rest of the property containing the buddings for f53,0OQ. A strange relationship exists be tween the city of Charlotte and Meck lenburg county. The Observer says there is a sentiment in favor of a change in methods of distribution of taxes in the eity and is developing among leaders in affairs of the county. The eity is suffering because it fails to get a just and equitable proportion of money derived from taxation and the only hope of future development bee in some change along this line. Following the announcement, of Charles U. Harris that he will not make the race for the State Senate from Wake county on the indepen dent Democratic ticket there cornea the declaration from. J. W. Blalock that he declines the nomination for the lower house given him in the in dipendent mass meeting Saturday. He says "he ia a regular Democrat, that he voted in the primaries and proposed to abide by its results. , Mr. ' E. J. Justice, ex-Speaker of the House of Representatives, is bill ed for a speech in Greensboro on the evening of October 1L As soon as it was learned that Mr. Justice would speak under the auspices of the Dem ocratic executive committee, Mr. E. u. enermii, cnairman 01 tne county committee, sent a formal challenge to United States District Attorney. A E. Bolton to be present and divide time. Miss Clara Russell, of Richmond, Va., will ; arrive tonight v to ;- visit fnendg in the city. If TM GOO 01 CLOTHING ! The very Name XTRAGOOD on a suit assures you that it has no equal in fit, work manship durability. Every ' suit is strictly all-wool, and trousers are full lined. We t have all the NEW patterns from which to make J your selections. .. . ..; . ' .. ... ' It affords show you. EL L GETE2AL SZW8. This coun! -'-"-a.-y many ana Jpu t. even than England and Tranw-J ..- . .. .. Peltier, but in um matter of a chant marine w are below nearly ev- . In Aiken county, S. C? a $20,000 damage suit against a railroad was -thrown out of eourt because it was shown that the victim of the 'acci dent had trespassed on the company's " right of way in the face of posted warnings. . . j ' Contrary to the wishes of Clarence . J. Shearn, one of W. ft. Hearst's chief lieutenants., the Independence York Wednesday voted . to put a straight ticket in the field and not to endorse the Republican ticket as had been proposed. . The vote was 212 in favor of a straight, as aginst 34 for an endorsement of the Repub licans. ' Senator FJutti to Deliver Address at Elk Memorial Meeting Eiere. . Senator Whitehead Klutts, of Satis-' bury, bas accepted an invitation to de liver the address at the memorial exercises of the Concord Lodge of Elks, December 4th. The memorial exercises that are held by the Elks the nrst bunday in December is an annual event of unusual interest not only to the members of the Lodge but tne puDiie generally, senator ruuttz is one of the State's most brilliant young men, an orator, of national reputation, and his coming bere will add deper interest in the memorial exercises this year. Better than Spanking. - ' Spanking does not euro children of bed wetting. There is a constitutional cause for ths trouble.' Mrs. M. Sum mers, Box W, Notre. Dame, Ind., will send free to any mother her success ful home treatment, with full instruc tions. Send no money, but write her today if your children trouble yon in this way. Don't blame the child, the ehaices are that it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged ople troubled with urine difficulties iy day or night." - us pleasure to