J i , . i VOL. Tti :s3 CcnU a month. cor.'corj), n c r:c:;oAY, ocrozi 10, 1910. Copy 5 Cent. No. 76 'l ' ' J e . X mm?. ?.TT-T.r,3TA T37Tr3 ' x;wzd orr hap. Kea Crared, With Grief Roam "Wood ; 1 - Hunting Lost Relatives and Cyclone ' 'of Tire' Sweeps Ou'ward. ; . . "J . i., .ia V.f " Heaadette. SooonerJ ' -Pitt and Gatou, Mum., are wipea off the cp of MKeota by the most trriiM. forest Hre ever .experienced by. -.. UMweiota'setlttrS? The bodies, of 75 vietims hove been found and it is thought that the death rate will be up- -wards of 300. Wagon -loads of bodies are being brought into Peaudette con. etantly. It is' reported that many set- "llore crazed with grief at the loss of families and property are.roaming the - forests ,and searcning- (parmaa constantly going-out. after, the injured, the dead and ibr , demented; One family of nine, one seven and one Of fiv were wiped, out on Friday o Acyelone of fire strtiek'-Geaudetfe . and Spooner. Within. three minutes - after, the first alarm everything waB in a blase. The people of these two "towns bad just sufficient time to-get out f their home witn waa j r Jbad on their backs. : They were taken on a passenger train that was- stand ing at the depot to Rainy River, Ont - The whole country east of Warroad, Minn., is on are. , Roosevelt, Swift, i Williams and Cedar Spur are in great danger All the women and children . safety. The Canandian Northern ttau ' are being rapidly removed to pia- of "' way has halted trains at every station at the service of the people, . ' -tl- ni. . nf Beattdette . and ; gpooner and the settlers through the v north' central part of the State have " i .oi.ini- ' Fiv thousand are homeless and., the greater part of . ihem destitute. . Help must reacn u. t.h- Tt aav or two and that ... '' t ill m OwuoiH-iv- j - J ; - pkrt of them are bufalf elad and cold weather is likely to set in at eubstantial wy,as any time. . ' ' t i. i,Q;KiA in rpt detain now. ; . until apring; also U is i.npossible to - estimate the damage or casualtieA Tht ' surviving pioneers of northern Jiin , . ? nesota are inneed of immediate help. - Most of old jBendette, situated in Minnesota, and International -Bridge ' ' .so far, have escaped the Are; fa well hnndin of the Shevhn Ma- hmWoiiiBtW:. a SpoeiV ' fcfough the acUvity ol tne vaawuau Northern Kaiiroad vompuj. -Most I the women and children ol these towns fcave been taken ouTBpe-. cial trains to points east, and nny - more are ta steamers ready-to leave should the wind change and the fire spread. ' ' . ',. . , IA11 avaiktble hose in use, but the arivn by a strong northwest ;a hnvnnd I control and n ' hum 'itself out. Thewind bas shifted - and if caaying the flames away RwoavnH TJnlesfl ' the wind w--.. . - ... a iancrfls SffaiD the town will be aayea, , Canadian Northern Railway trains have been atalled since Friday night s when a freight twin wnt tbrough a s bridge near Pitt. The crew was saved and Conductor Monnhan walked Into "" Ba.nltte which town he reported . ' as destroyed. He says he walked over hnAie on the way. but could, not say ' The fires are still raging and the mmcite k Btiflinar. Men from Warroad helped eave Roosevelt. Cars are eonv tag in to help settlert twelve inHes ' souhh. Wires axe down and news la . obtainable hSy as refugees come in. f The damage isVimmense. LosSof Me uncertain. ' J -:-- ; .r Additional Particulars of Mr. HeOig'i , , Death. Z 'r.i.- v; ' ' Salisbury Post. Mr. Heilifl- wa not' under tbe sur- f Zzif t tit hospital, ia f i boarding in the outakirta of the city. - Oa Friday of last week he bought ' shot gun from, a hardware concern in 'Morganton purchasing also a box pf cartridges. Two of these be placed in ""the gun and then putting several in his pocfcets, e siaxea in no wuiuu call for the box Saturday. He said while buying the gun that h; wanted -" n till onmn mHlita. ' '. 4'-. ' He left the store going In the di- rection of the woods and Una was tne " last: seen of. him alive. He did not : return o his boarding house Friday -aiightv nor on Saturday, when a search "-was instituted. On Sunday" Mrs. lleilig'was notified that he was miss--ing, but she thought he would return. He had gone off a few times without telling herand then phoned to her. " Greensboro gets the Masonic Home for the aged and infirm Masons of the State. The committee which re- - cently met in Charlotte to decide upon & location. and adjourned, "without agreeing upon place, to meet in Sal- lsoury to. inaite a wuu ucchuvh, ui . there Saturday and. selected the Pate Intelligent people who know Solic- itor Hammer and Congressman Uowies cannot help but laugh at the "huge joke t'ie republican pors are get- ' tinj ol a the reonle ty stating that rt' Y'r-r out lln-.-ncr iii a joint . ' i .' s : '7 c-Tinty last treek. SOL N. CONE SHOOTS TH7.T5TTT.T. No Cans Assigned for the Act An- ' pere& la Good Spirit oa Thursday May Recover. - , SoL N. Cone, formerly a member of the eotton firm of Cone and Hedroeth. and a member of the new tort, .uver- pool and New Orleans eotton. ex- changes, was found unconscious early Saturday morning in bis apartments Jon the second floor of the Huffin building in Greensboro with a ballet .wound behind his left ear, and lying in a pool of blood. From all indications tils condition was the result of an at tempt to commit suicide. Immediately I oner ue was loouu lrieuus piacou uuu an ambulance and carried turn to St. Leo's' hospital, where his wound was dressed by Dr. J. P. Turnen v Mr. Cone was first discovered by his servant,vDennis iler. who went up shortly after 8 o'clock at the regular time-for thre purpose of waking him. Upon entering the room, the eervant discovered Mr. Cone with his slothes vaa, lyinar on the floor leanm? on a Morris chair, and in an unconscious eoTidition." Across his breast lay his arm and in his hand was a pistoL Fearce Rucker, who occupies apart ments in the same building, was called and with several others went to Mr. Cone's rooms. As speedily as possible physicians ; were ummoned and the wounded man taken to the hospital, An examination revealed the f aot that the bullet had entered the outer por tion of the skull, bnt that it bad not tonehed the brain. Dr. J. P. Turner tracting the bullet. i, i After being removed to the hospital Mr. Cone regained consciousness, and had full possesion of bis faculties. So fas as f known he has made no state ment relative to his wound, and the at tending phvfnoians would permit no on to see him. ; - V ' ' No pause has been assigned for the act - Mr. Cone appeared Thursday in the very best of spirits,; and went about bis" affairs in . his customary manner. He was seen at three differ ent hours early . Saturday morning. Tke servant closing no the Merchants and Manufacturers' Club said he look ed across the street at 12 o'clock and saw Mr. Cone sitting in a chair read ing a paper. Mr. Cons was seen also about 3 o'clock on the street and a lit. frl8fer,War,ordKle?'6n, Eait Market. - It is supposed that he shot himself some time between the hours of 4 and 8 Saturday morning. .. i'Mr, Cone is. a bro '.her of Ceasar Cone, Jutius Cone andTJevnard Cone, and cam0 to Greensooro soine six oi eight years ago, A report from the ndspitaj late oat- nrdav nisrht stated that Mr. Cone would probably get welL-While his conr dition is known to Be serjous," iinie.?s inflammation or poisoning sets in, he will recover, Two Young Men Hurt in Runaway.' Mr. Jav Cannon had his face and arms badly braised 'and cut; and Mr. Allan Gibson received an ugly bruise on bis forehead yesterday afternoon about 3 :3U ojciock as tne result oi an exciting runaway. They were driving Mr. -Cannon's horse 1 down North Swine street and it is supposed the horse became f rierhtened at a man hole at the intersection of Franklin avenue and Spring street. The animal made a mad dash down the street and soon became unmanageable. - Mr. . Gibson iumoed from the buggy just opposite the home of Mr. J.", flams, striking the ground on his shoulder' and face and received several-painful bruises. Mr. Cannon attempted to jump just as he was opposite "the residence of Mr. J."Bf Sherrill, and was thrown heavily to the ground. Ue.'was picked up m a dazed condition ' and sustained number of bruises. .The horse ran to the end of Spring street and turned down McGill.. finally stopping : .at Sapp'8 stable. . The buggy was "consid erably damaged and the harness was completely torn apart. ';:.. ;'. " . Dr. I. k. Hathcock Dead. Dr. I. A. Hathcock, an old and well known citizen of this community, died at his home on Vance street yesterday evening of heart disease. He has been in ill health for" a year, although his death came as a distinct shock to rel atives and friends. Mr. Hathcock was 73 years of age and is survived by his wife and seven children. He was a native of Big Lick, Stanly county, and the funeial services will be held at Meadow creek church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. -:'Php?My The news has come from Washing ton of the establishment of the post ofllce at Southmount and the appoint ment of Zeb Michael as the postmas ter at the new town and along with this announcement comes the freight circular of the Winston-Salem South bound Railroad and freight trains are now running from Lexington through1 Southmount. ' Jfi-s. Z. F. Foard, of Charlotte, is viaitinj hsr sisUr, lira: C. II. Ivey. M2. BEASLIY 13 CPTC1Z-T10." Manager of literary Bureau at Uie Democratic Headquarters Expresses Delight Over Chances of Victory. "The campaign is going -with -a swing and vim," said Mr. It. F. B?a- uuuisr oi me otam iAjmocrauc literary bureau, "that is remarkable tor an off year in North Caolina. The beginning of the final thirty days be fore the election finds the Democratic party throughout the State united and aggressive and going with a daah that foretellg increased Deniotjjtie majori ties practically everywhere. Fine lo cal ticket have been nominated in the counties, local differences have been aettledand Democrats every where are backing the enemy's lines with a daah that is putting the Repub licans on the' defensive even in their strongholds. The weekly papers from the counties have come in full of fresh and encouraging news from the boys in the trenches, A reading of their columns confirms the opinion that the party is in fall fighting trim. - The encouraging news of the spread of Democratic principles over the whole country uas put into the State cam paign almost the interest that attaches to a presidential election. A Well known" North Carolinian' traveling in Ohio whites - Chairman Eller that Democratic prospects are bright - in tnat orate, ana, sucn news coming from abroad puts enthusiasm in home ranks. "Speakers report fine crowds and from every direction headquarters are i r i - t s oeseigeq wnn requests lor speakers. The people are anxious to hear the gospel of Democracy and wherever oar candidates are able to get joint dis cussions the gains are ours. "This year marks the decennial f the' overthrow of the fusion regime and the indications are that the peo ple will celebrate in fine shape, i The feature of the week has been the utter disgust and contempt that Butler's campaign of abuse has aroused in the mindg of decent people of all shades of political opinion. w nen JButier was in power we met him anywhere and - everywhere. but when the people of North Caro lina turned him out in disguest and contempt, we turned our. backs upon 'him forever, antL self-respecting men no jonger meet him. There is bnn. dant: eridences-"thatiQie' Republicans are disgusted with Butler. : He is the biggest load they have to carry. But ler, tne fayne-Aldnch tariff, bill, Taft'g estimate of his pie brigade Ahe uisaaier ia maine, 'juassaoausetts and New York, have sunk the Morenead machine to the hub, and the pulling Is petting WOT-RA ilailv." - The Raleigh aldermen have grant' ed a $100 rebate to the " Ringling Brothers circus on the license tax paid for showing there on Saturday of State Fair Week. This is In eon- aiuHimiyn oi me circus uaving agreed v) cnange xneir date irom Thursday io oaiuraay, xnereoy incurring 1 ex pense of rebilling the territory i for the change of date. ; - The removal of Mr. W. B. Snmmer- sett to Columbia, S. C and the death of Mr. L.- E. Heilig, make two vacan cies on the Salisbury board of alder men, the former being a member from the North Ward, the .latter from the South ward, the former being chair man of the police committee, the lat- mi suauiuau vi. van Bireei coiuuuliCc. The South's Work, a mew oaDer just started at Southmount, a new town on the main line of the Winston Salem Southbound Railroad, ten miles soutn oi Lexingtbn. made its first ap pearance today. The paper is edited by Mr.: J. M. Windham, formerly of Wilson, who has moved to Southmount to live. . Polygamy in preference to a double code of moral laws is advocated bv Dr. Catherine B. Davis, of the' Uni versity pf Chicago, who is head of the New York State- Reformatory for Women, the only .institution of its kind in the United States. The sale of the Ira Mehaffey prop erty on Ueorgia avenue took place at the court house today at 12 o'clock. It was bid in by Mr. M. J. Corl for $2,565.00. . -;tP: i r Jjzo Faxtlcvularl-ZDo- CilC bythia bank ; which endeavors at i all times ta Depositor and ' Our Capital, Surplus and Prot3 cf tlXi j f:ri::;.l3'' eapla means not only, to assist th.3 1 man, but to prcl:ct his d:pocit3. You' are eerily iavi'1 ta placs yc-r Account xr'l'i t ':Z : PE2J505AL IZOTICX ' S. aaBBaaaBaBaa Some of the Peopla Hart and ELao- whara Who Coma and Ga. , Mayor C. B. Wagoner spent yester day in Charlotte. . - Mr. O. T. Tucker, of Mt. Airy, spent Sunday in the city, j - Mr. W. K KimbalL of Sanford, Is a visitor in the city today. V - y Mr. C M. Johnson of Gastonia, spent yesterday ta the eity. - " . . Mr. Jno. Parks, of Statesville, is the guest of his brother, Capt. H. B. Parks. ; Messrs. L. E. Boger ' and . Eugene Brown are spending the day Sn Char lotte. . kt r.::v.-:-r:;v-:-v---: Mr. Fred Ross, of Mebane, kpent Sunday here with his mother, Mrs. P. B, Means. 'Mrs. J. D. Hatchett, of AOantal la visiting her parents; Rev. and Mrs. T.J W. Smith.. ; Mr. Scott Freeze, of Greensboro, spent yesterday in the city with rela tives. Rev. W. A.- Lutz, of Statesville," is spending the day in the eity with his sister, Mrs. Mehaffey. ' ; Miss Mary Cole, returned Saturday afternoon from Charlotte and is visit ing Mrs. Plato Durham. : :,: Messrs. W. E. White and C. E. Mendenhall, of Graham, yesterday in the city with Mrs. J. m. Udeu. Mr. Caldwell Propst, of High Point, spent yester day itnhe city with his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Propst. Miss Mattie Forrest returnelTbome today from Roanoke, where' she has been visiting lor the past two monins. Miss Janie Patterson hag returned from Charlotte, where she has been spending several days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Yorke and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cannon, Jr, loft tls morning for New York and Philadel phia. - n . " ' ; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene "Landis and Mrs. C. M. Suther, of Durham, are visiting at the home of Mr. V. Y. Suther. , , ,1 ..Mr. .Eugene Barnhardt. of : Albe- fmarle, spent yesterday in th ity.Bdthl his parents, Mr. and Mrs. h. U xarn- hardt. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cannon left Sat urday night for Philadelphia wjhere Mrs. Cannon will enter a hospital for treatment. -, ' " . ; Mr. Henry Smith returned Friday night to Durham after spending two months here with his parents, Rev. and Mrs; TtW. Smith. - : Mrs. E. A. Stone, who has been visiting Mrs. N. R. Richardson, of Mt Pleasant, returned this morning to. her home m Greensboro. Good results always follow the use of Foley's Eadney Pills. : They con tain just the ingredients necessary to tone, strengthen and regulate the kid neys and bladder, and cure backache. Cabarrus Drug Co. i ' :yr OF THE LOSSES JNV CISSAPOINTMENTSIN BUSINESS ARE DVE TO A CAHELEZS SUPERJ yiSON OF EXPENSES JHAT MEANS VLTl-UATELr-FAlLURB. KEEP A CLOSE WATCH ONEVEr VRANCH fiF'EXPENSBIN TOUK AFf AIRS. BUSINESS OR DOMESTIC, AND) 1 START A CHECKING ACCOUNT HERE. TOW THEN KNOW EXACT ;T WHAT tOV SP&N& , CO a COED NATIONAL BANS Capital $100,000 ; Surplus $3P W v Per Cent. Interest Paid on. Time rv.i. deposits. . - learn the " needa of the Farmer, . 7 ; Ilerchant, Firm, Corporation- and Individual meet them in a helpful manner. A KXW HALF 2HLLI0!f DOLLAE. COTTOJ MUI WBBBBMBB-Bai r To be BaUt Somewher in Thia Section Jaa Ooncord Secure It, - Some eity or tows in the Piedmont section of the Carolina is yet to be decided upon as the location of a half million dollar cotton mill that will produce a,fihe grade of eloth. Mr. O. A. Bobbins, of Charlotte, with a num ber of New England capitalists eon template the erection of a manufac turing pliant to contain 20,000 to 25r 000 spindles and a full complement of looms, and other machinery, the eost of the plant to be between $400,000 and $500,000. .. - Mr. Bobbins has stated to a repre sentative of he Trrbona that the loca tion of the mill has not yet been de termined, but that it will be placed in' some progressive city of this sec tion. As soon as the location ia de cided the details will be arranged and the work of establishing the plant be gun at once. : -; - - -. T The new mill contemolated will h one of a very few in this seotion man ufacturing a fine grade of cotton cloth. inere are a number of fine yarn mills r.tw, but most oi the jan? is shipped to New England or foreign mill and little is manufactured into nnfch m.t heme. The announcenient of the plans iU. . iui u uow mm ig oi una more inter est because it is thin in a w:i biazins u mill " . ' Ty Oobb Won AntomobOe.' ' Tyrus Raymond Cobb, the sensa tional outfielder of the Detroit Tigers has won the title of champion bats man or tbe world, and incidentally the Obalmers-Dertoit touring ear that goes wnn it. jfTom tne percentage as compiled by the Cleveland Nows and the Atlanta Constitution, they only show a difference of .06 (six tenths or l per cent.) for the final count, cooo Deing 3JH.1S, Lajoie 384.09. ; Baby won't suffer five minutes whh eroup if yon apply Dr. Thomas' Elec tric Oil at once. It acts like magic. bom oy au druggists. - - Regulates the bowels, promotes easy na naiurai movements. . cures con stipation Doan's Regulets.. Ask your aruggist zor tnern.- oe Dox. r. nn j m . . . .. We are showing the largest and most complete line of Coat Suits in Concord t ior" Misses and Ladies. The greatest Bargains ever shown in Readyto-Wear Suits will be oh display this week at Parks:- ' I .r , t , . V. We have an expert fitter, in this eparimem; . ana guarantee a pefect fit ; $15.CD values in all wool serge coat suits in v navy, black, garnet r and green, Speckl this week....... ; . qni' 5 $18.CD values ; in a beautiful braided collar and cuff, shadow stripe serge $13.50 ' Other Good Values at " OW.CO, Q17.CO, QIO.CO up. r Let U3 f rOEEST HILL ITEMS. Locali and Personals of an Intarastiiig watura. ... Mr. and Mrs. Brute Arrowood nwnt Saturday and Sunday In Beuemer C5t"y with relatives. . Mr. R. F. Coble, of A1U Vista. Va- ent Saturday and Sunday in tne eity .' wuu us imiiy. Mrs. L C. Geddie has retnrnoil in her home in the eity after spending Jeveral weeks in Fayetteville where e was treated oy a specialist. We are glad to not that she la greatly improved in health. Mr. Wm. Goldston. of - Charfotf. ?pent, Sunday in the city with his brother, Mr. E. T. Goldston. Mr. Wm. Sherwood, of Snrar ' who is a former resident of fWv has returned to. this city to make it bria home. He has a position with the Locke Cotton MillB." Mr. Ed Goldston. of Sto-st. mint last week in the city with his mother, lira. J. S. Goldston. on McGill att-Mt , ' WESTERN STANLY. Tbe nice showers of rain are vrrr . welcome.' Mr. E. Barbee and son. made a bust- - nesg trip to Albemarle this week. Master Clarence Casper .of Albe- marie, is spending a week with hi : : grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James wurns.. . ' . ..- Messrs. Dave and J. Youerh and Mr. - and, Mrs. H. R. Connell are in Mon- roe today. ' Mr. and Mrs.,T. a Love and little daughter, Evelyn, spent Monday In uoarioue. ...v. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Barbe visited in Concord last week. ' Picking cotton is the order of the day and "corn shuckings" are the or- aer or tne tugh. Miss Annie Yough is luffering rlghl much with a sprained ankle. ' Miss Crete Barbee and brother, . Newton, attended the Primitive Bap- ' tist Association at Liberty , church, ' near Monroe, last Sunday and Mon day. , ... .Pearl Burris has returned; to his ' work in Albemarle. v ' . ; Mrs. J. T. Kennedy and little boys ' visited relatives at Big Lick Sunday. Mr; Foster Hanking, of Lexington, W9S a" Concord visitor yesterday. , , . : - V- f : bov ycu.

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