kjx, lanv a- a . r7-ni A , . V V V V ' . A. VOL. XXL t Pric. 40 Cent a taontV CONCORD. N. C, FRIDAY, DECCI2ER 23. 1910. . Sintf. Copy 5 Ornl. N315 4 I V v X 1 1 ROUTE OF THB DTTEB URBAN. Tbla Whole Section Greatly Interest ed fat This Bli Enterprise. : .The Charlotte Observer publishes a map showing part of the root of the " - i proposed interurben trolley lyte. Tfai ' rout Riven U from Oastonta to Con : ' cord via, ML Holly and Chariot, ' . The Observer nays: - .: -. - The Piedmont Traction Company is the corporation of which Mr. W. 6. ' , Lee, Jr ia president and Mr. J. f. Clark i Tire president and general ' ' manager,' which has to do with the ' construction- of' the trolley, system - in North Carolina, extending from , . Oastonis to Durham,- via Chsr--'lotto, Concord, SaliiArary, Lexington, ' j : Thomasvilte, Iliph Point, Greensboro, ; " Burlington-and Hillsboro. ; i The Piedmont Traction Company '' is the sister corporation to the Green ville, Spartanburg A Anderson Rail : way Company,' which lias to do with - - I the building of the internrban system . ' in Sooth Carolina. - . - -. J, ,The Xoregoiifg map illustrates ., the ! route which the Piedmont Traction - .' t Company will follow from Gastonia k to Mount Holly and from Mount '" ,.j Holly to Charlotte. It also shows in general way how the line will pro- ' ( eeed on its Vay to Concord. ".- - ' It will be seen at a glance that the ." - interurbau cars will enter Charlotte - by way of the present Lakewood line, . , which had easy access into the heart of the city. . -This line was construct . 1 ed for interurban ':. purposes, the V grades being light and Hie, double ' - , track well ballaMeil. .'. . ' Of particular interest in this eon . ' neetion. is the information that the Piedmont Traction Company will v . - build its main line, for the handling of throned freights, direct across the northern portion of the township, running outside the eity limits and i -famishing not 'only a short line but '' one that will eliminate the hazard ' in i the way of aec.ideuta and such . as J ' .will result in a great saving both in time and money. Shipments moving . ; from Durham - and Greensboro to ... : Spartanbnrg, Greenville and Ander son will follow this route and never touch the .city at all - Likewise " through passenger trains, if any are ran such as make no stops' in Charlotte,- will "follow this line. It will be the main liae and. will be so re- ', garded. ' ' 1 " , j .--! V The Lo rimer Case. , V The efforts of a powerful lobby rep- resenting big corporate interests, which has been at work for 'weeks in - ' the attempt to-obtain a nnanimous r'l ttmrn. whitewashing William Loruner, - Senator from Illinois, Whose teat in ' the Sepate, it bas been charged, was : ' . bought and whose election was aceom ' ' plished. by means that ' made it al- most a national (Itsgrace, tailed sig nall Thursday. The interests back of Lorimer have been extraordinarily f.ctive in the last few- days in the hope that the vindi- , cation of Lorimer could be laid before i the Senate and disposed without the 'necessity of a vote, which would com pel Senators to go on record. : Like- wise, there are not a- few : 6enators . who; in response to pressurej have en tertained tbe same hope. ' r. This hope was destroyed, Ihe effort 1 to dispose of the whole matter without a vote was (frustrated and the evident r desire to maintain the eecrecy that thu. far has charaeterued the in- . , vestigationwas barred by the persist- enee of Senator Beveridge, , of In- ',diana, who declined-to concur in the ' report or in the motion of Senator . . ' Burrows, chairman of the Committee on Elections, to liave it lay on the table, . - ChrUtmaa Entertainment at : First - -K Baptist Church. y " The young people of the First Bap . ' - " tist church will give a Christmas en tertainment in the church Sunday night, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. The -following is the programme: Song" Joy to the World." Song Three little girls. , Christmas Acrostiq By small ehil- . ' dren. " s . 1 fiong By the choir. I " Recitation Max Watson. ' Duet Misses Jones and" Morgan. 8olo4-Mr. Baef ord. - ' Missionary Exercise By eight ehil- I . Song Lois 'Mooh.5 ' Recitation Virgie Woods. , --', Pantomime ''Will There be Any Stars in mv Crown t" By five girls. Song ''111 be a Sunbeam Every ' Dov." ' - - . - " : . K collection will be taken at the -close at the programme. ' Death of Mrs. Eoseman. - v Mrs.'M. A.' J. Roseman died at her home ia Rowan county, yesterday af ternoon -of -apoplexy.;. She- was 70 , years f atre ami is anrvived by two Children, Mr. A. J. iwbwuihii, jr., anu Mrs. Lverlv. of Rockwell. . Mrs. Rose- man was a native of this county and hpfnre her marriage to Dr. Roseman she was a Miss Patterson, an aunt .of Mr J no. K. Pafterson, of this eity. ' V . - i A ii .i .l: X .Toe fwierar iu oe neia u va tomorrow morning at 1U o ciocKi ''. Uaw Wallman'e Airship. 1 Members of the crew of the British .i.,. iWm wliich has arrived at GuLfport harbor, Miss., reports sight- ing'the wrecit oi -waiier muu airship 200 miles east of the eoast of the Bahama Islands shortly be fore sundown .December 9., ,?. "v .. Tii- nhWt en flrst believed to be a whale. Nearer approach showed it to be a ea- bag about 2s UU leet long. Darkness prevented a closer examina ""Vv- ' ' iSFrleat, un to AMrWn tm'rKHi, . 1 D x-Tai rjfl "' manat' wi r ti-L vMsVn I? 4IV " kfae jnm loitoly and fr4h m if eteasn. LrYiJ V I JhSn& . Ht had AorvM mU eetllt on ctm nf fmnd ' YiSW kI' I ft 1 A CSy feJH. " And i" U4ktt command. f (ofiliCj Wr ll II ( 4f chcutffitr kMTt inlU and ktam. :& CyoTi TV III rO THIS eaptam of fhumc. h tmootd HKt m M mM. So did not ay "fo" tmhtn b branjM , rMg. i Hi 4Mcmm-d hmr anth prfnti of diamond and moor it . ' And wiHsis mar 1itb tom. tbtt fahrart of gtrU. Bert too JlttttrMg IttU hw ooft patbtd swMe. And Mr ram, ntjhcttd. roon tmihod and 1 died. .,;;,5 :---v for tht majnato hxu griomlod and mninKfod ' and aid. And thm toa of t6 cbaaffttr kr ytllotm I (O o ewM. r., personal ummoN. -Tmmmmnmm': r 1 - ' Some of the People Here and Else where Who Com and Go. Mr. 0. T. Burleyson is visiting friends in Charlotte. Miss Emma Rudolph, of Greens boro, ia visiting friends in the eity. Miss Josephine Kerr, of Charlotte, is visiting at the borne of Mr. E. F. CorrelL ' Mrs. Mary Barnwell, ol Greensboro Female College, is visiting Mrs. W. L. Hutobins. ' r . Mr. Eugene Correll. of Marshall, is visitiog bis parents, Sir. and Mrs; Correll. . . . Miss Maggie McAllister, of High Point, is visiting relatives in Monnt Pleasant. " . Mr. Rock Henry and family left this morning for Wilmington to spend Sunday. Mr. Henry Littleton, of Albemarle, is visiting bis uncle, Mr. T. L. Ross, of Kannapolis. Miss Louise Young, of Dunn, will arrive next Tuesday to visit her aunt, Mrs. L. D. Coltrane. s Misses Bessie and Daisy Graeber, of Welcome, are the guests of Miss Bertha Honeycutt. ' Miss Margaret Miller, of Jefferson, S. C, is visiting Miss Mary Heilig, of Mount Pleasant. ' Mrs. . Lora Walter, of Seattle, Washington,' is visiting at the home of Mr. 0. B. Walter. Mr. J. F. Harris and family left to day for No, 3 to visit the family of Mr. R. M. Kimmons Mrs." C. M. C. Barger and child, of Salisbury, are visiting Mfs. t. C. Suther. Mr. James R." Young, , of Greens boro, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Young.. Mrs. D. D. Harwood and children, of Salisbury, are visiting the family of Mr. R. P. Lents. Mr. Rav Lenta will leave tomorrow for Danville to spend the holidays with his brother, Mr. Lucas Lentz. i Miss Mildred Suther arrived yester day from Claremont College to spend the holidays. . Miss ' Annie Kime, of Graham, is spending the holidays here with her brother, Mr. John W. Jume. ., Mtea Mamie Stuart arrived last night from Greensboro Female Col- lege to spend 4:ie noiiuays. . Mrs. P. B. Parks, of Yorkville, S". C. arrived yesterday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ims, .. r Mr. Geo. W. Best, of La Grange, arrived last night on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. R. P. Benson.' Miss Josephiu Smith has gone to Charlotte to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Bmitn, Miss Dors Smithy who has been vis iting Mrs. R. A. Biower, returned this morning to her. home in Laurinburg. .JKevand Mm. Paul Bnrringer bave (rone to Simiter, S: r., 'to visit flir. Barringer's son, Dr. ,jQ. R. Barringer. Mrs. W.C. Houston left today foir Monroe to visit her parents, Jttr. and Mrs. H. B. Adams, Dr. Houston will go tomorrow. : ; :. . ' ' Mrs. G. W. Peeler and - daughter, Mis. Ethel.,of Rockwell, S. C, ere visiting Mr Peeler's brother, Mr, A, J.,Yorlte. , , Miss Martha Barringer arrived V terday from Albemarle where she has been attending school, to spend the holidays with relatives. ' Miss Mary Porter returned borne last night from the State Normal Col lege for the Christmas holidays. . Mrs. J. F. Honeycutt and children, Lee and Ora, have gone to Winston Salem to visit Mrs. Honeycutt 's fa ther, Mrs. W. J. Melchor. Mr. Clarence Norman-has arrived from the University of North Caro lina to spend . the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. VV L. Norman. - Miss Fannie Query arrived yester day from Statesville Female, College to spend the holidays with her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell Query.. Mr. J. Jk'Grierr of Urrkm Theologi cal Seminary,. Richmond, arrived this morning to spend the holidays with his parents, Rev Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Grier. Mr. , and Mrs. L. R. Strieker and Miss Bessie. Strieker, of Asheville, will arrive tomorrow night to sperfd Chrstmas with the family of Mr. J. Ed Cline. Mr. N. A. Archibald will leave to morrow night for Dunn to visit -his sister, Mrs. S. J. Hooks. His neice, Miss Ethel Hooks, will return with bim Tuesday to spend some time. . "Miss Willie May Stratford, Myrtle Pemberton, Irene McDonald, .Mary Porter and Mary Propst returned last night from the State Normal College' at Greensboro, to spend the holidays at their respective homes. , Death of Mrs. H. W. Lndwig. Mrs. H. W. Ludwig died this morn ing at 1:30 o'clock at her home at 'Luberger Place," in No. 4 township, after an illness of only four days of pneumonia. Mrs. Ludwig was 64 years of age, and a native of this county. Before her marriage to Air. Ludwig 'she was Miss Mary Winecolf. bhe is survived by a husband and one daughfer, Mrs B. L. Umberger. Mrs. Ludwig was a faithful and consistent member of Trinity Lutheran church and a lady of highest Christian char acter. The funeral will 'be beld toT morrow morning at 10 o'clock at 'Luberger Place," conducted by the pastor of the deceased, Rev. Dr. G. II. Cox, D. D., and the interment will be made at Trinity cemetery. Wrestling M&tch Monday Night. There will be a wrestling match at the opera louse next Monday night. Ihe match will be 'between xouog Hackenschmidt, . champion middle weight of America, aud Max Miller the European champion. Prices will be 35, 50 and 75 cents. One lady will be admitted free with .each paid ad- tnission. -.. ' ' . v.- FREDERICK THE GREAT Opera House, December 28th, 1910. For Watted Chrittmat tot to tht TWENTY-FIVE FIREMEN KTIdiED In Chicago by Falling Walls Four teen Dead in 'Philadelphia from Same Cause. . i. Fire Chief James Ho ran, Assistant William J. Burroughs and twenty-tw6 men were killed under falling walla in a million-dollar lire lit the stock yards plant of Morris & Co., at Chi cago, early Thursday. ? 'The killing of the chief and his men was due to the expansion of cold air liutne Dee i warenouse cine to me neat from the fire. This, "it is said,, forced the (four-story wall to giye way and collapse. The force behind the wall wag as strong as though an explosiolimmt'tooucord" instead -0 had occurred. An overhanging wooden canopy fell from the beef house of Morris & Co., where the fire started, carrying with it tons of red hot bricks and debris upon two companies of Aremen and the chief, crushing them to death and encasing their bodies in a veritable furnace into which their comrades were unable to dig for several hours. Nearly all those who were not killed outright when the walls fell were roasted to death before help could reach them. Fonrt'een firemen and policemen are known to be dead and more than forty are in hospitals suffering from inju ries from whieh some will not recover, as the result of the collapse of the walls of the burning five-story factory of David Friedlander, dealer in leath er remnants in Philadelphia Thurs day. t Salisbury District Methodists Plan for New Year. Salisbury Cor. Charlotte Observer. The stewards of the 'Salisbury dis trict of the Western North Carolina Conference- held theic first annual meeting in Salisbury Wednesday morning when the work for the com ing year was planned by the minis ters and lay workers in the district. The business of most interest to the meeting was the readjustment of its finances, made necessary 'by the crea tion of a new district by the annual conference at inston last month. ' It was found that the organization of a new district in this section of the State had rather upset the Salisbury district and also materially affected other districts between - Greensboro anj Shelby. It was shown by the presiding elder that it was necessary for the Salisbury district to assume $17,000, being an increase of $1,500 as compared with the previous year and including- increased assessments placed by the annual conference.. The increase and readjustment was easily provided for by unanimous vote of the conference. . Mr. James. G. Line and bride, of Charlotte, are spending the holi. days, with the family of Mr. I E. Lipe. . sltflA Our Capital, 000.00 furniaha ample means not only to assist the business man, but to protect bis deposits. You are cordially invited to place your Account with this Bank The Cabarrus Savings Bank. A4 tmo taroM a sw iotm. at tin math to tht lam., f So Ihw Jaumt and rMJ. atith a mtag contrt$at f Wtnt haml'ta tht tldtrty tmootr ont night. hy And Httnt and dart, flood tht aatomo- Mfa. '!: -With no liht o'tr tht honnmt. no hand on lamm and a toMr' in parton't to- FREDERICK THE GREAT 00. Cancelled Winston-Salem and Comes to Concord December 28th-A High Class Entertainment. Manager Bytes ig congratulating himself and his patrons over the glee ful fact that he is to have a high class' attraction on Wednesday, Decem ber 28th, next, that, as a matter of tact, he did not expect a week ago. The attraction is "Frederick the Great" and Xiis elegant company, in magic and music. The company plays Charlotte Mon day 26 and Tuesday 27, and comes Winston-Salem, as. was first planned some time ago. Frederick the Great is' a magician of first rank, the highest rank per-l former of the period. He closely re sembles the great Herrman, now dead, I in his work, in 4'act does several of Herrman 's greatest acts. He is play ing the Schloss circuit, nd was sent here bv Mr. 8. A. Schloss himself be cause of-the excellent character of the performers. The company includes tbe noted cornet virtuoso, Mr. Paris Chambers, who returns now from a long stay in Europe; Miss Alice Vernice, vocalist, who formerly was in light opera, and the Sisters -Brooks, of London, who are assistant demonstrators. One of the great acts presented is "The Cremation," by which a young princess is burned alive in full view of the audience a thrilling spectacle. Mr. Z. A. Morris is spending the day in Charlotte. DISPUTES AS TO UNPAID BILLS. OVER AND UNDER PAYMENTS. ETC.. ARB ABSOLUTELY. ELIMINATED' WITH A CHECK' ING ACCOUNT. A' " RECEIPTED LEGAL yOUCHBH"THE ENDORSED CHECK XfROTBCTS YOU reR.rec&Lj v CONCORD NATIONAL BANK Capital 100,000 " 8urplw 3f 000 . Per Cent Interest Paid en Time , Deposits. , m m 'Si:; .aitlc-o-laxly 3D byltMa bank wMcb ; endeavors tS all times to .learn the needs . oi tbe Farmer MerchanCFirm, Corporation and Individual Depositor and meet them in a helpful manner iv Surplus and Profits of $1.50 CONVICT TABXJT UP. Nht. Boy round Hare 'Witt CW. alttc.UndOvlk Yesterday afternoon about 3 or 4 o'clock, Mr. J. O. Moo , eaw - thrgh .ni. ,n ,ia nTftrmiM cubiu on a ..... i. .. . . yoong negro who k TV.' 18 years or age. me negro oe-n "hanging around" ,tore of Cline A Moose all day.' He was a stranger i, ..i m. M not lied Jiinr u 7Z L; ,T. .uni.iou. .irMMn - C. r. i.nne, oi in. .uH.w. c... um- tnr. Mr. Clin took bim to Chief i r . , , AUx.nd.rbuT afterward chsn thU M on nnder t ; over.Hs , h, regnktion ehain end -backs of .1 At Pniiaa HMmr mm mit - iiaii iiim iiiir convict Me eaye vr was iead from m-Munr eoumy n ganjr. oni voim ci.n "I""'-""""5'; "I arrived in Quebec on October tbe chain and ahacks would bave been j.jo wei , T 5 f"tk YT.. remove by the authorities before hej '"nnd g "cbM ?TpolicV Bog telephoned i .1 writbgTivS to Albemm-le and tbe cham gang 8U- nml VoSinTroofc' o'my penntendent there d that then x reislereJ J JJ were only two wcaped convicts from b(,ause x wag hlltJ the gang there, and that oneof the,, , re,eive many perslnd. or wa, white man, 1irir a ne. y ffleny 0 gro w.cthedsriphonpven of the ;til)lls ww taben to k negro taken np here did not fit. Da- j sen,e foncealed. ! 8t J J. vis bad evidenUy at one te worked ;in h()lels and took "lutalBlobito on the Stanly chain gat, arte knew ride taeh le d j M ,t tb, 2? uP"n?ndeB nigruards there PaMtille Jl0,el j Newbur, mogt of Ttia .nt tiAa hnmav&r lln twit . .. know him as John Alexander, which .w, ..... name he gave t nrst, and which Mr. Boger gave in telephoning io them. Mr. Boger is now trying to find out if the) negro is not a very recent es cape from the Rowan chain gang, but has not been able to hear from J he authorities there Meanwhile Hie ne gro is in jail. ' Mother! Kin Kills Baby. After swallowing a large dose of carbolic acid at her borne at New Or leans Wednesday Mrs. Mary Kadolic !i lay down on the bed with 3ier lis pressed -firmly to those of Jier live- day-old infant, which She firmly clasp ed in her arms. . ?g ? When found the baby was dead as the result of absorbing the fresh acid from her mother's Ups and Mrs. Ka dolich was dying...-t.v877-'j It is said she quarreled' with her husband the night before,: ; .'. Dear Santa Clans. ' ' I will tell you what I" want yon to bring me. "Bring me a doll, e trunk, a .bed, ; soma, oranges, some candies ti GRACEl RITCH1 K. See The Times for Job Printtas. . II I Only Two More In spite 4ur big Holiday trade we are still (bowing a large and good assort ment of Gifts for all the family: Short Kill Oloves in Black, White : and Tan'' $100 andl.60 Also Long White Glove. Children V iiufinixhed Kid Gloves, Grey, Brown and Tan. priced 75c Our Leather Handbags are good val ues at : .11.00, $1.49 np to 5.00 iii We guarantee quality. ! GOOD ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' , -. i HOSE Silk Lisle Hose, three pair for $1.00 ' Silk Thread and Silk Boot Hose, pe' pair . '. B0e Special 'values in Silk Hose at, per pair -.'J -1100 and fl.B0 GOOD KOVELTIES IN JEWELRY." , CHRISTMAS UMBRELLAS ' Priced..98c fl.50 $2.00 up to $6.00 JQIND DOUA IS BjOOE&T . j DEPARTMENT. Don't forget tbe uins, rot all can EL L. ?arElsQ fe I DB- COOK COXES SACK. ElplorK ae Calm ae if Vend EM N.v B ta QSeT Vw Vrk Dio,U 0r. FrtdSekT SS L.V . . . : - - . unii wt una todav oa aha r George Wa-hinn I77 lllen hm Zt 7 u" cou.rovcr,, Bt loXd wlll iit, A tv tn(! ""t L typewritten interview baod- ir Tfnt." "braeed all he had , MV ,.. ,. . --- - .javai VI mamw utjejr eKary formalities nf MrtVaWiir ian . i .... ,uirui uhu him by interriewem. Of lu, JlwasTth, Po?i ,, Oook - . . " . ,. faf. ,h,. h. ... i-.llJiZ" si.t,s leS8 than a month ago. nie time. ' He said that he left Poughkeepaie on the night of November 23 "and went directly to Halifax, where he sailed to Europe. T)r. Cook said that be did not know vvluil his plans for the future will bo; that he had no plans whatever for going on the lecture platform. Rowan Farmers Paea Resolution. The Rowan County Farmers' Un ion in annual session at Rockwell Thursday passed a resolution asking the county board of commissioners l make an appropjriation to be used in connection with the farm demon stration work being carried on by the Agricultural Department at Washing ton. The meeting at Rockwell, which was largely attended, "elected the fol lowing officers for the coming year: President, T. D. Brown; Secretary and Treasurer, J. S. McCoTkle; Chap lain, Prof. F. B. Brown.- - Denr Santa Clans: 1 will tell you what to bring me. Bring me a doll and ft bed and a lit tle cradle and all kind of fruit: Lf-.- i JESSIB FDRR. s w - Miss 'Margaret Walthall is visit ing, relatives in Harrisburg. , Men's And Boys be found at it it -4 , ' tion. V