rra roexo. 1 S : I 'i ! ! 3T 1'J 1 I i J. 71. J a, 14. Bit T The ! Cm 1 f i i 0" r i .MM 44 tw.: Advertising rtM wnWHW .. Of for ehsaa-e volt M U L 1 VJ, k a. am. Cards t Thesis, BwolotioM el nVr-eet,' and similar artists an ha,, J at the rat f ft mU per Km Cuk la aB ease. latere as secea4 else ataaautti April S3, 1910, at Ue pMtofflM Umm4. X. C and the set . .Mk a. lid. Owt as the city and by mail the f ol tewing pkm m tta iranf ms aaa aril Brrrsil: Ian too : km Month 8U4 twelve kentae 13-W JOHH 1L 0GLBSBT, City Wito. Concord, N. O, January 12, 1911. - On Isst Tuesday The Tribune in spatial frost it asws representstive at Balcis' Published the letter from Senator John W. Graham to Mr. E. A. Holt in which ha Hated that it was his opinion that it tu "best to bear iueonrenieee of exchanging mileage coupons for tickets than for ttie rail roads to refuse to sell mileage tickets, which they have a clear right to do.' This was sn important statement com eng from, the chairman of the Senate t Judiciary Committee and was pub- liahtd exclusively in The Tribune 8om of the morning papers of the Stats published it Wednesday and others Thursday, from 12 to 36 hours after we gave it to the public. It wai distinct "scoop" for The Tribune and its Raleigh correspondent. Bear Admiral Schley wrote to Dr. Frederick Cook, January 7, saying t hiss that he has never varied in the belief that the Doctor reached the pole. Schley was himself the victim of the usual determination by official: to take eare of a government "pet' at any cost, and know that the his tory of his esse was repeated in that of Mr. Peary. . fU Arc tkesu eweef fee ha vew AD r ea tbe rk Tf.tiA Trot- . ;rUy Polar. "a'.Srereat hair grewer a trip to the arctic re t nne aa4 iDcfinstioa rmrai la cold storm i to hir Eraw BhacsXoa, e explorer, extrosoe eold Is t-t atoaas of BtrenftWUnf Ia tbe course of as tUr- I fir meet eaM: tbe men who wont with ase - h pole expedition wita eae . . i.-viitloos tusiiiiit stresurer H buu- oa thetr reran to crrUfess- "Sxt'ne cold undoubtedly strangth- ene one halt. Am ear party approach ed aeer tbo ooota pole our aaJr grew t wiy. but became thicker and To Eualis Assessment Balsigh Times, 10th. The senate finance committee, st meetuur held yesterday afternoon took op Senator Brown "s proposition to ores a tax commission, fasving ' for its purposa the equalising of as sessments thxonghout the state. sub-committee of three, consisting of Senators Thome, Starbucks and Bas- workinn oz sueii eomnuafion - other sUtea and report The ehair snsa was authorised to appoint an other sub-eommittee of three to co operate with a like committee from the house. Senator Brown's plan, as already outlined, is to appoint a state board of assessori or tax eomnussion, to have control of the assessments throughout the state with power to divide it np into districts and appoint district" commissioners, who will see that tbe Tarnations of property this district are equal and fair. This is to do away with the prevailing eus- toat in soma eouatiea of undervalu- iag land an dother property, thereby depriving the state of its just propor ion of revenue from these counties. tanrorad Strrica ta KnoxrlUs, 01s- etnaati, tnisvills aad Points West Cfhetira with the inauguration of the Southern s new train ths Carohns Special which ia a solid through train from Charaeston, 8. C to Cinein nsii, Ohio, put in operation on Jan aery 2, 1911, passengers for Knox tUIs, Cincinnati, Lonisville, and points west, can leave eausbury on train K4 21, at 2:30 p. m., which is a solid through train from Goldsboro to Asheville, with parlor ear, arriving at'AjhevUls st 7:40 p. m. and Cincin nati at 10:00 a. a. The Carolina Special snakes close connection at Lex- , ington, Ky, for Louisvills and points west ' Thlf gives three daily eonnee- cima from thss section to Knoxvule, Cincinnati and points west, and very tnatiy improve the service. ' Xwart Denounces Butler. Raleigh DispstcbT, 10th. ' . A storm of applause swept over the House of Representatives today - when Representative Ewart of Hen derson county, recognised leader of , the Republicans on the floor, sent for ward a joint, resolution thanking Gov. amor Pothier, of Bbode Island, for refusing to accept the gift of North Carolina repudiated bonds from : the 1 New York syndiestes, and declaring mat men conduct as that of which ex- United States Senator Marion Butler was guilty, in harassing tbe State for their eollection, is "pernicious and perfidious." Ewart wss the unani mous nominee of die House Republi cans for Speaker. , t to Editor Julian,- lal ef a Loo don cold storage eosapu -, tntorriewod on tbe same sub ject, at d that there was not a baM- aeaded man In-the employ ef the com pear. II aald that tbe men worked an day la a tempore to ro of SO degrees ef rret, and tbe eold nndoubtodly ssade tlieir batr tbicswr. I . nroioEsnoK. An Interestinc Statement PorCjanJ, Me. ''I suffered so long with ouigestion and stomach (rou ble tliat I lost flesh rapidly I had used all kinds of remedies without help. fViool was recommended and 1 decided to tr it. "l soon commenced to feel better. mv suanaeh trouble disaoneared and 1 can f heartily without the slightest distre-n. My experience leads me to Micvg'that no other medicine equals vmol for stomach troubles and indi jestioiv It tones up the stomach, in creases the appetite and ereates strength.'? VT. E. Waterhouse. (We riaraiue this' testimonial to be gen Yinil seldom fails to strengthen and tone us the tired, overtaxed end weak. ened lterves of the digestive organs, and rrtjnove the canse of indigestion ud soyu enables the sufferer to di ie-n with ease the uxxls that once causeildistress. Morem-er Vinol deliciofs to the taste, contains no oil and does not upset weak stomachs, as do old-fashioned cod aver oil and emtilsidrit. Trv a bottle of Vinol with the un derstanding that your money will be returned jt it does not help you. Gibson Drue Store. - -i-- . A Sellable Cough Medicine Is a valuable family friend. Foley's Honey and Tar fulfills this aondition exactly, . Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th St., Easton, Pa states: "Several membets of my family have been cured of had coughs and colds by the use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I am never without a bottle in my house. Soothes and relieves the irrita tion in -tbe throat and lessens up the coild. I have always found it a re liable tough care.'. SoldVpy Cabar rus Drug Co. " t -,,,.Vt',rV. of this idcd the coi - aMils bavo been eniptoyed tn associa tion wttk religious worshlrA since the earl; days of Egypt. Cymbals and hand bella and small crotuft served for the festival of Isls. Aartn and other Jewish high priests Vrore bells of gold upon then- raiment. ; In camp and gar rison the Greeks employed bells. The Romans announced tbe hour of bath ing by their melody. Copper and tin, the old composition. Is still regarded as the best bell metaL Steel has been tried, but does not make a successful bell. Glass bells are mellow and beau tiful In tone, but tbe material Is too fragile. , The one metal which is Impossible- Is that which everybody Im agine makes tbe best bejl sllTtr. Hdw'a ThUt We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall 'a Catarrh Cure. ' 1 . P. J. CHENEY ft CO- Toledo, 0. We, the undersigend, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yearn, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially tble to carry out any obligation mads By bis nrm. ' ' WALDINO. KUttTAX A MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonala sent free. - Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. ' - - Tske Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. A manias Leads Coffee Orinkore. Germasy, Holland, France, Belgium and Austria-Hungary; in the order named, follow next after the United States In coffee consumption. " ,' Plsguo Again In England. Four recent deaths from plague In a Suffolk llllage were the Brat in Eng land froip that disease for nearly 250 years. , ?'.-.- -. Impure blood rnu yon dowa i make yon an easy viotia for organic diseases. 'Burdock Blood Bitten puri ties the blood cures the cause builds yon np. Sold by ell druggists. -'-'Tis foolish to weed all gsrdens but oar own. "Dosn's Cibtment eared me of eczema V had annoyed me n long time. T a en re was permanent"-- r. 8. ,v. Jlattbewa, Commisoier "r f th,iif Angiista, J'e. Sold ireat ilci"-C3.... Among flaked cereal foods - j. ' 1 .-.n r L .Sr?7.mitel YJ mmmmmmmaammmammmmmmmm - A pleasant surprise at first, then a happy, healthful habiv;.-.;Vi-'-; " - - - v " v ' . ' r - - '"'- 4 ' ' ' - r ' . Serve with cream . (or- milk hot er cold) delicious ' : '" "The Memory Linton1 Postum Cereal Company, Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich, Sccns from "Buster Brown," at the Opera House Tonight. This Company Arrived in Concord tola Afternoon. HORNED MAN MONKEYS FOUND. Skeletons of Queer Shape Exhumed in California. What are described ss skeletons of a strange trftie of hnrned man-monkey pygmies are belngxhumed from an ancient bnrigt JThPUP.-Sst fnear-YitcVrubblt lofie. In tbe delta of Topango canyon, near Santa Monica, CaL Forty-four skills snd almost as many complete sets' of torso and limb bones have been recovered, together with strange antiquities apparently need by the tribe as weapons and many stone mortars. '- , The tribe Is thought to have been tbe last of the kind, and It Is asserted by a legend of the oldest Spanish fam ilies that Aztec Indians exterminated them upon their Invasion Into south ern California. RAISING FISH ON FARMS. Novo! Sohomo to Roduea High Cost of Living. State Fish and Game Warden George A. Lincoln has advised Iowa people to go into the business of raising nsb for food In view of the high cost of living. "Food fishes,'' be says, "can be raised with no more difficulty than chickens or vegetables. A pond of an acre or more in extent and with eight or ten feet of water in ths deepest part will, If properly managed, give excellent re sults." The game warden has written in structions for the small fish farmer who cannot afford a pond more than a quarter acre big and declares that tbe business ta a good one In wham to engage. '-. . ; : . Foley's Kidney Bomedy an Appre ciation. L. McConnell, Catherine St., El mire, N. Y., writes: "I wish to ex press my appreciation of the great good I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy, which I need for a bad ease of kidney trouble. Five bottles did the work most effectively and proved to me beyond doubt it ia the most re liable kidneymedicine I . have . ever taken. Sold by Cabarrus Drug Co. - Skeletons. ;. The bones of sn sverags man's skel eton weigh twenty pounds, those of sn average woman's sis pounds teas. ' For La Grippe Coughs and Stuffy Colds Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It gives quick relief and expels the cold from your system. It contains no opiates, is safe and sure. Sold by Cabsmig Drug Co. TO CUES A COLD HT ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Qainins Tab lets. ' Druggists refund money if it fails to cure, E. W. Grove's signature oa every Tox. WHAT CUKES ECZEMA T We have had so many, inquiries lately regarding Eczema and other ikin diseases, tbat we an glad to make our answer public. After care ful investigation we nave found that a simple wash pJI of Wantsgvraena as compounded in.u. u. 1), can be relied upon. J We would not make this statement o oar patrons, friends and neighbors unless we were rare of it aud although, there are many M-allcd Eczema remedies sold, . we lurselves unhesitatingly recommend D. D. D. Prescription. Because We know chat it gives instant relict to that torturing itch. Bccause--It cleanses, soothes and heale-the skin. i ' Because It enable Nature to re- lair the ravages of disease. - . Because -The records of ten years of complete cures of thousands of the most serious eases show that D. D. D. is today recognised as the ab solutely reliable Eczema Cure? Drop into our store today, Just to sue over your ease wuns.-iibson Drug Store. v . ' Foley Kidney Pilljyi' Are tonic in action, quick in results. A special medicine for all kidney and bladder disorders : Mary ' .C, Abott, Wolfeboro, N. H.j says: "I wss affile ted with a bad ease of rheumatism, due to une. actd that my kidneys failed to clear our of my blood. I was ao lame in my feet, Joints and back that it was agony for me to step. I used Foley Kidney Pills . for three days when I was sble to get np andmove about and ths pains were all gone. This great great change in condition I owe to Foley Kidney Pills and recommend them to any one suffering as I have."- Sold by Cabarrus Drug Look for the Be Hiv On the package when yon buy Foley's Honey snd Tsr for coughs. None gen nine without the Bee Hive. Bemembet the name, Foley's Honey and Tar and reject any substitute. . Sold h Ca barrus Dig Co. . I wood's mca-cmirs R For elll'T s'"'? pf f'-roi', Farm Seeds. We are headquarters for the best in all Farm seeds. : Graa tod Qover f s'l -Seed Corn, Cotton l-J, Cow rm, So' I I Sorihrxms, KaiJr ( i, I . KlUet Seed, Peanr' :, t Wood,i Croo las- ! " ! oe!y info, Fancy Groceries! Let us have your orders fojf-" , RAW CM.aw. f Cranberriee, Plum-ridding, . - Orsnges. Apples and. : AU kinds ei Fruit for cakes. Best Wtlnnte, Cream Nut and Coeannt. - Call us and b convinced. Phone, 263. HAHN-HpflfXSUIT mf Importance Ot High Grade Sanitary x Plumbing. Good Plmmbing is an of the most important featurs about a house. Ton esunotbav to saany afnard fof the health ef your familv nod voo self. Therefore the alight cost ef nh BEST Plumbing will in reality U health awuraaee aa .woli a a aaying in repair auia, -i BAKITABT PLTXaOIVa 00. Phone UL A TWKHTT THOUSAND . DOLLAB PBOPOSinON. Ths Stat Treasurer and ths Cabar rus County Public School are now making loud, and pressing demands upon ms for the money dus these causes. We nave reached the VEBY SPOT when something must be dons. The SUt hw obligation to meeVand the faithful school teacher her in Ca barrus county ia expectinc his salarv to be promptly paid ' at the end of each month. Tney all look to me. How in, the world can these,' de mands be met unless the, taxpayer iri.i - - .1 . paj twi hubs i tot .as , sua onn Way I know. . The taxes bavs been due sines Sep tember and. niey navs been collectable by law since November 1st -1 nave been patient, resorting to no force, fcrests or begging j but necessity new force tne to collect ia the next ten days st the outset at least twenty thousand ($20,000) dollars, AND THEY MUST COME. I am ia dsad earnest, . . ," .--.. I will Bs-glad to have, thos ia ar-rears-to voluntarily call; but, ia the meantime, having no time to waste snd being desperately la earnest. will mak personal call and demands in order to be sure to raise this amount. It just cant be put off; and please don't ask. tor any extension. Yours in ft rH ef taxes, i. F. 1 ta'TT, fcher l r-c-ml.'-r 81, 1510. 13-W eft, i,'on.t, tliis order hsving estab 1, ',pl fie to erect a suitable me ' i . s i i'uute toward the erec t a f a p r pretentions shaft over ' f "eased member of 1 1 - , j t' : '. A.Jv-i (x 1 3, 7'- 1 TTsii" 1 on 2 biies and Tribune c -a at r.. a - THTTV" II si i 1 1 ESS ,.men;;;t';; The decislre clean cut man of Ifalra Dickcra and Professional , men will find tdli cooservatism combined "with style and fL-ia tAilorlnj In these SCJILOSS MOD ELS which we picture here. . -They come in neat mixed weaves that are exactly suited to the men who will wear these suits. v ; - V These are Two of the . NewWll - il Models of the SCHLOSS -BALTIMORE CLOTHES. " There are Many, other Models for Men and Young men. TV -TV ' m : Ui 1 tW 1 GXZsl J S FETZER CO. ryim WITH Sto-i g&Jk At -SK--f , -trt, MlLEa If. E. of JANUARY ' V Fa ' lti 1011 THE DU PONT POWDER COMPANY ...'wffltWt DEMONSTRATION ol . AND auema. Bv ss s av a ss sisa . - . an as smssnnasnfjJSl :. . ,.. bWVViMMV sass HllirtiHllI X (Subsoil Bleating) do tn fanq of 0. X Hams, Known as ''Walker Tarm." who has kindly granted pearniaeion to make thla ' '..- ... . . r . . j, ,, t demonstration on his piopeity. , , - - - rrm ;isN LJIU rs ting Every Farmer and all others Interested are Invited to attend. York ft Wadsworth Oo. and Bitchl Eardwar Co. Cly ?roz2 Out 1 1 bare purchased outright a dry preparation for cleaning; ladies' gar ment that I fa ran tee to give satis faction, or I will mskc no etacge for the work. I am sole owner of this preparation and on account of the ex cellent satisfaction it has (riven I mak this proposition to the layle of Con cord and vicinity i Send na any ar ticles or garments you want cleaned and after we use this dry cleaning preparation o flthem. if they are not entirely satisfied with the work I will mak no charge., . ; v Respectfully, " v ' O. B. rOWKLES. FKprletor. Thone 188. icT.in trcnt- , ; symnloins -i.. "tut Rave . I DZrmSTRY I am now in the Morris building) cvsr ths Cabarrus Saving Bsnk. . ui tfvtue , i ., CimM, OMf i I rug Company. ; Itch relieved In 30 minutes by Wool ford's 6anitsrj Lotion. Kever fail. fcUd by U. L. Marsh, Druggist. GClflSBOiiO - HEARD FROM A Lady Who Lives In Coldsborq , Joins in the. Chorus of Praise ? for Caxdui, The Vozrs ' 4 - Ooldsboro, N. C "A d me for many distre writes Mrs- Lto A. im me no relief. "I suffered with neuralgia around the heart and .was troubled at times with my . i "i1 P?'.n ia Icft ''J. bowels, left thigh, shoulders and srins. 'After taking Cardul, I sm now wen nd can recommend it to other sufferine women." . . - , . ; ., Just sttch doubtful symptoms, as those from which Mrs. Smith suffered, are the .' i,.,u W ypi'lotake Cardui, the woman' tonic. uch tjmes,-when there is notti.' nj j show, for certain, the real cause of i,.i.io, wi you neea a ionic, to mve -' ' s""" ii to throw off t e i" Vc. y i - s. " ' ' v t n you e IM, with ..iiit;i otirs'x. Iuko Cardul - Var dwggisi keeps tt : r ;: j V. ,M' .CIiIIMo.itIT.-niC& - M UiaeMt 'i - 'wuewuawrtwiCf sat Bei Th Tim foi Job Print? 1 X I: