( y ......... r , CVOL XXI. Wm, U Cota ft MooU. CONCORD, N. (X. FRIDAY. JANUARY 13, 1911. " rr NO. 156 .IK " ra r,'j BILL TO THAT flTECT IHTRO ' ; .-. DUCED TODAY, - . A1m to Bct County Auditors-Incest ; li Changed, Making Penalty II . " Tears To Limit Cherg for Blsts , '.' Car Brtlui U th State Other Im portairt Matters. . . , V Special to The Triton.. l.ir '. ' ;" ' V Raleigh, N, C, January 13. Many , "homesick legislators, got leaves of ab ' . seaee ; todsy1 until Monday. The t "Speaker sniiouneed 'the. appointment - ot additional standing eommitteea ai 1 folio wit - -y,-' vv,- '". ' v Inau ranee, Rosa, chairman. ' - - - Regulation Liquor Traffic, Hoffman. Tenal Institutions, Cox of Anson. V .: ' Insane Asylums, Kent. : - Z - Corporation Commission, Msjelt. h,"- Printing, McNeill, ' "Among the important new billa 7 ' '"a were: ' . . . Ewart, to limit charge , for deeping tar bertha to $1.00 and 4125. Carr, enabling counties to elect, eu- ' . ditors and plaee county officer on salary basis. -V .7 7'7; riS ;.'. A number of unimportant bills were 'passed. Also the general law amend - - ' ing the ineesi law changing the pen- . ' ' ally from five years to fifteen years, , i in section of the Revisal. r -. ' - ' IXEyVXAM. A FALSE REPORT. '. ' Mr. A. Blackweldex Oorrects a Re port that Has Been Freely Circu-W-,:t Uted, ' - ; Mr. Editor-I am reliably informs ! ed that a report has been freely eir ; cnlated throughout this section thai 1 have been instrumental in assisting ' : a -certain rural carrier, going out fro this place, in holding his position af 3 7? 4 ter complaint of alleged arregularilies . 'jj.hai been made to the Department.. I ... desire to say most emphatically that v 'jtbe txeport is absolutely false,. I 7 N- '"would not so flatter myself as to at p'W. f - -tpt onytliinr'Of .the .kin(L,nd I would . very much appreciate it u those who have circulated the false j x I'lirreviiiin, auu jiieano - uis nrm, . before further reports go out. , . r A. BLACKWELDER. ' Mt-i'icssnt, January ia, ivu. ' . Ooneert Tonight. The Light Bearers Society of Cen tral Methodist church will g'v eon ' cert tonight at tlio home of Mrs. J. E. Smoot, orf Grove street at' 7:30. A ' silver, offering will be taken at this . door. Homo made-candy will b sold by several little g'nls during the in ' termission. - The public is eordiall) " invited to come. The following pro gram will be rendered: , r Parti. Instrumental Solo Miss- Eleanor Norman. - Violin Solo Frank Brower. Ac companied by Isabella Goodsou.) Reading Miss Nannie Crowell." Instrumental Duet Misses Virginia Smoot and Marion Moms. - t - V : , Vocal Solo Mr. Sam. Goodman. Flute and Violin Duet Mr. Kaj , Patterson and Miss Nannie Lea Pat- terson. ' ' . . r-':jf'''- Reading-Miss Ethel Hooka. ,'M ; . voeai uuei aiisses aiary anu 4 '.;'r'f J?-' aline Morrison. . - j'l ,', i " Flute Solo Kay Patterson. - - ,.. . Instrumental ,' Solo-Miss Mary .- ITartsell.. . . . , t-o : ; ; Child Bitten by Tog. - The littles child of Mf, .Victor Wi- - 'idenhouse, seed one and a half years, 'Y'-ft waabadly bitten. Thursday after. noon about' 4 o'clock by a dog be f : longing to his brother, Mn George V Widenbouse. : The child was in the . -Yard, and stooped down to vlsy with V ;;' ; the dog, when the animal jump d at it and tt it seriously on the head. The physician attending the case had , . to' take nine stitches to close up the h--wonnd.-. : Tliera is no suspicion that the dog had hydrophobia, It-wag aim.' S i ply ill "tempered. It was killed at : once. , ' . , Mr. Cowles Talks With President of . Patronage ' . Congressman Cowles, who is mak ing a fight for Hohson as postmaster at saiiHDury ana xieynoius ss couee V X tor talked nutter over with the Pre-v-ti:, 1)leCThnriMiay.'iI..tol( the Prcai-A-.f. dent the Republican executive eom- ; S4niittec perfected a referee system St i. ' the recent Greensboro meeting so that - Butler and Settle might run Repnhlt can affairs, for ..that; city. , AH Re- , ; publican appmntments'iire evidently '.!; Being hem in aneysnce until tne rres . Jdcnt hears from all hands. ' , Fa?' either: acute or ctooiiiU - j orders, lor annoying F' ary irregniamiea tax xoiej ' ney xills. 'An nones la.uou .-"V medic, for kidney and bladder dis-'- ordersi Sol by Cabarrus Drug Co. i "V ' Reflates bowels, tmnsotss auy , and nftural movomeoia, worw " tipatioi-Dosn's Rcgulcts. Ask xa. JAcrsos Lnrova K1TE3AT SXtTXICJL Wall Knows Citisea ef Xe. 1 OeU- Vratea Brrsaty -third AmalTtrtary ef HkBlrtk. ' . Oa Tnnrsdsy, Jaonary ti 12th, Mr. Jseksoa Linker, as esConfdr ate soldier, who lost on of his limbs st Oettysburg, reached bis scTsnty third mil post and Mrs. Linker And his children, decided to celebrate tb event by reunion of all of tb fam ily and a few inriUd gneots at Mr. Linker ' bom U No. 1 township. - Early in tivs asorSlng psnons be gan to arrir from taxioos dirtetiona, all of them bringing something with them to show their appreciation of the event At twelve o'clock there waa a temporary tabl erected ftboct thirty feet long and font tost wide, npon which every variety of food waa placed to tempt each individual. Trier was so mneh upon tfco tsbl and it was so well prepared, that the great trouble was, not to eat too mneh, Mr. Linker's sntir family waa present, with toe exception of bne son-in-law, who wss unavoidably detained - at horns. Those present were & A. Lin. ker and wife. Robert linker and wife and nine children, Mrs. Sarah JV IjU taker and husband, Litsker and eight children, Mrs. Bos Smith and husband, C. A. (Smith, and nln chil dren, A. J. Linker and wife and At children, Mrs. Maggie Stalling and husband, X W. Stalling, and tbre children, Mrs. Lilly Lipe, wife of E. fL. Lipe, and two children, Zeb Lin ker sod wife and Paul M. Linker, making nin children with thirty-sii grandchildren. " Also Ber. - Jams Laoslev. ' with Mra. Lanaler. W. M. Smith and D. P. Smith, together with T. C Newman, the photographer, who in bis nsnal expert way obtained a fine photograph of tb entire family. Mr. Linker is a living exsmpl to all persons, showing what good judg ment economy .'and ' energy can ac complish when combined and applied in the proper direction. WbenTb left his ; limb at Oettysburg and re turned home, he scarcely had a Chang of clothes; in fact was penniless and instead of looking at the bard aide of life, b mad np his mind that if bis friends would aid him, be would attain success and about tb first deal he matte was the wise one of securing a good, true, loyal and affectionate wife, who for fifty years haa-nover ceased to do the part of a true wife, arid i today, i as .. everybody., knows, through their joint, efforts, Mr- Lin- ,ker, is one of the lanrr eredif ra' an of the bank and ba made ample provision for his faithful wife. Mr. Linker will tell anyone, that among- the things whieb have contributed to bis success, probably more than anything else, ia the loyal ty of his wife and mends ana tne further fact that he has always raised his own supplies at home. Everyone present enjoyed tne day without exception and all hope- that the future' may have in store for Mr. Linker msny more, birthdays. ' ONE tfttESKNX. s,, Stanly Oonnty New. Albemarle Enterprise. .Tom Dixon's plaV"The Sin of th Father" will be reproduced in the opera house at Albemarle on Satur day hight of next week. . The proposed extension to a.io- marle's limits contemplates beginning at Eflrd's mill No. 1, running west to include (West Albemarle Baptist church, then south' by the way of Woodland Mfg. Co. 'a plant to a point below the' Southbound depot. The (people in West Albemarle bar asked that this extension e mane ana in change of charter will in no way ef fect the compact between the town and mills. The Piedmont : Commercial " Club has taken up the question of good roads,, and Ur. o. a. Jilutu, i. Hi. Ewing and A. C. Huneyoutt arc ap pointed a committee to draft a bill allowing Stanly county to vote npon the Question .of a bond issue. ' This committee will make its report to tb board of governors on January 23, and the present Legislature will act uponthe measure ,, 'V ' Ssrtd Els Bride. 1 Stanly Enterprise . Wilbur Lowder. a young man who held a position in 3. L. Grant's store, who wss to hsve been married on Thursday afternoon to Miss Alio Smith, failed to show up at tha sp- Dointea noiw. ' liverytninz waa w waiting for the ceremony, and it was only until some hours afterwards that Jit wss ascertained tb groom would not show v'.i'i V'v" y-'i'-r' v.- It has been learned that young Lowder ias written his sweetheart from a point in the west asking nr to meet him and nave the ceremony performed, but this aha flatly deolints and- avowr sns will let her lover go hi wsy.. ' ' -: - ': l '? -r . . Beaox Must Go to Cbnrch. ' "Young men who call on a f'"l Po rtent Pt v. ' ' " f ' " - siy tne tucuiiy. ie y r & n - i-.-i sit through tue servietSk Upward of sixty male eauers re ceived surprises when they went eoumux, ah v. - ... -AM -9 ,1,.m m mum. however, and went to enarcn. Mr. Horaett Fryman it cxpMted to tomorrow to spend . several 1 days with relatives, 4Mi ; rUXZXAL 07 KB. C C SOTO. a Largs aC loaatlfut noral Of srlagt LsU a Em Grsv. . Tb fuMrsi sarvice ever tb rs ulns of U UU Mr. Charles C. Boyd wer held this morning si tbs boss of his aaotssr, Mrs. W. C. Boyd, oa North Unioai atrss aoadaeUd by Rv. Dr. J. M. Orisr, asststod by Bwv. S. N. Wataoa, and Um istsnaut was mad at Oakwood aametary Tb a tir pail barera war) . Mesars. A. M. rsggart, J. F. Good: man, A. Jons York a, Jofca M. Tonng, J. C. Fink aad B, L, McConissIL Boa. orary pallbearer r Messrs. W. Q. Mesas, W. A. Foil, 9. P. AHison, A. & Dayvault, Dr. W. C Houston and Dr. D. 0.-CaldwlL ' -y Many beautiful and handsome floral dsslgns wr sent bars froca friends and business associates of Mr Boyd s throughout this and other States. Among, the designs were: By thevA. gsr at Roanoke, a cross; Mr. Claytor, ol tb Roanok Times, large pit. uw sooos W other teantirul assigns wer sent by Assoeiatad Pres op erators from Wsshingtoa to Mobile, whieb were silent and beautiful to kens of tb esteem and friendship of their sasoeiate. Those onWof-eowa her for the fu neral weref ; Mr. and Mrs. 8. ; F. Butts, of th Western Union. Atlanta; Mrs. J. B. Nicholas, of Salisbury; Mrs. J. N. 81oan, of Charlotte. . Messrs Frank and Ralph Boyd and Mra. Charles Boyd and two children accompanied the . remains from Roanok. t J EXFL08KW KILIiS mB, Twahr Mora Iajnrad ta stataxsi Oas ' Oataatrapaav ; - Five dead and U.mora or lees seri ously wounded is th rssnH of an as? plosion of natural gas at Connslls viUe, Pa, Thursday, It wiscked a well-fllled Mnd-lO-eent store here. setting fire to and destroying' the building and kefor tb flames ware checked damaged nine other stros tnrcs. ' , Tb explosion blew oat tb front wall of the buHding, tearing dowa telephone, telegraph and eteetri light wires which bang about, pluttring and hsmpreing all attempts at res- cos work. Clerks and enstomers wer burned in the collapsed buHd ings and tbosa who were able to get out bad thrilling seapss.' On young woman, wboa body was later found imd fi -crisp, ixmt wi 1 tb i -mediately s t crash,' um. .. '- i ' . - " - .-wbo tiia to rescue her. -i.'v- er young woman who perisbod wsatidentifled onlv by her shoes by ber father, and two otb- sr Oodles, tbos of a man and a wo man, were taken front the ruins So burned that thev cannot Dosaiblv be identified. - Annul Bantnat of rriaadly Bibl Oiaaa. Tb followiritt invitstions have been issued: Tb Friendly Bibl Class . of St. Jam Church ' Most cordially invites all tbe offi cer and teachers of the Sunday school, all members of the Woman's and Tonne Ladies Bible CSssua. and all Men and Women of ths Church to be present at the THIRD ANNUAL BANQUET - to be held in tb Lector Room, Thurs day evening, January nineteenth, nineteen hand red and eleven at seven- thirty o'elock. In addition to the re freshments, a program of good things ia bsinr ; provided. The Friendlv Class is very desirous that the people oz HL James will, try their presence. help to mske-ihis a most delightful occasion of Christian- fellowship and gooa ehcer. - . ' By order of th Class. , . COMMITTEE ON INVITATION. "Bustor Browa" Last Might. Tb presentation of. "Boater Brown" at tha opera house last night was thoroughly pleasing to on of tbs largest audience tbat ever assembled in thst plsy boose. Of eonrse, Boa tar Brown wss th chief attraction to tbs little folks. He is 34 year of age - sna wergns pounds. Tig and Mary Jan also shared honors with him, aad the with many aongs and dances and most attractive cos. tames and good acting generally, mad np on of the bsst "shows" Concord hss bad. Begin lformnt for Stat Ehrhway. A movement hss been started Raleigh for working np provision for the construction of a great trane-stst highway ; from tb seaboard to the west, Ashsvill and beyond through co-operation of tb people of tb ter ritory traversed as they bare been constructed in aoma western states. voluntary labor of people in th ter ritory to h used, assembling on specified day fo th construction of sftt4iin SBsasaf mnai i Miaa. waiowI - J vsttaw srvsswuB ws. wsaw svw , ' r ' 7 Getting Aroruut Soma, - 43 and returned to Concord on 1 J. le a transacted business at all of these places and arrived her in good time to witness "Buster Brown." For full 1 particular of this schednl see James C. Fink. . . Old Dkfna did bis muckraking on m A asm or most n:r THDrOS TO 13 C05- CDEitro. - ' . Wsskaf tb s7gislat4's Work Absvt to Closa JsH-Trast Bffl Mot Tat 1b SislA-SxpaadL- b Xasl Dowa to th . Lowsat Point. . . ,, f. (- f . Spseial to Tbe Tribona. ' ' Ratoigb, Janaary 1 Tho General Assembly Is roandimg out its second week of work with tb wheels of the Legislative mill tolerably well greas- .: "''. "t.-. However, very few. f tb mos im portant measures of th session bsvs yt bsa brought to fight, especially tb several which will create tb most discussion and enlist ft factionalism' that characterise th personnel of every Letfslatore.i,;,-..v For instance, ther t not yet even an intimation as to when the toothful anti-trust bill (which ? to be exploit ed as the successor )f the present "pink tea" affair) is Ho be unveiled. If its statutory proportions hsve been outlined as yet,- th sculptors hsve been keeping their -chisels , mighty noiselessly at work. '.; .;''' . ; Bnt that a good, designedly strong raessurs ia sur to evtntnat daring th present session, there is no doubt, if its warmest advocate and cham pions are to be believed. That it will encounter opposition, $eeause ol4he divergent views cntertkined by many on this specie! of legislation by the several states, is equally certain, and it is not faurfobabic that the issue' thns forced (as in the; last two pre vious Legislstures) bej deferred until near the closing days of the session. ' It is not yet sppr Ti to yonr. cor respondent who will thm time lead the forces, pro and ceo, In the probably protrseted fights both In c-imn ' .-es and on the floors of tt s bouses; L Ths bill of. gre('' t i.jirBnoS iiTutittji4 ioStasJuiuj w S,b4 thai of Senator Graham, which wss introduced Thursday and referred to committa on Judiciary the measure designed to finance' legislative appro priationa daring th present session. Some each provision as this is ab solutely necessary antes there is to be a lot of very close pruning by the commit tec on . appropriations. The money is not in the treasury and the revenues expectant during the. next two years will not warrant, certain ex penditures which many of the best men. her believe to be for the .best interests of the State. Senator Brown, of Columbus, chair man, and his committee on Finsncs are bending their energies to "do some thing worth while" in the matter of taxation reform and knowing the men as I do, I believe w can all safely trust in good results concern ing mor equitable- taxation of . real property in North Carolina - before this Legislator draw to a dose. . LLEWXAM. Southern Train Collector to Remain -Upon being asked today as to the truth of the published reports that tha Southern Railway Company , has determined to dispense, with ticket collectors on it pasacnMr trains. Mr. A. H. Plant, Comptroller, of the Company, at Washington, said : "Thi report is entirety witnout foundation. The management of tbe company hat not even had under con sideration anv change of policy with regard to the employment or ticket collectors. On th other band, the re mits that hav been obtained are such as to fully warrant th continuation of tha system." t , ,' v TO OURS A COLD Iff ONE DAY Tsk Laxativ Bromo Qninin Tab lets. Druggists refund money it it faila to uriCN E. W. Grovs's slgnator on Try box. MBHMBSlWHrtHSaSBa . Mrs. Gowsn Dnsenbery is visiting friends in Charlotte. ARB by this times 1 1 Our Capiiut, Lui,.iii sud 1 rofils TAXATION ETC: I t150,CC3.00 furnish ample means not only Jo assist tb business man, hut to Mr. protect his deposits, i a, , i r,i. . i . w..v WWW WH vum liiui - Jo ara-eordially kvitsd to pteca Qmnrrn HnnhA . .msoNAL ifxartoN. Some ef ths Psopl Ear aad E- Vbsr Wh Ooss aad 0, Mr. R. M. Odsll U spending tbs day ia Cbsrlottc - - - .. -Mr. W. A. Wilkinson has gone to Salisbury oa business. Me. LI Green, of Cbsrlott, is spending tbs dsy in tb sity. ' Mr. Ed Freese, of High Point, is spending the day in th city. Miss Pearl Fort, of PikevUle, is the gusst of Mrs. Richmond Reed. Mr.ohn M. Cook spent yesterday afternoon in Salisbury on business. Rev. D, A. BrsaVell has gone to Denton to attend a( quarterly confer ence. . . v;. :r ;V;.- Mr. Stuart W. Cramer, ' of Cbar lotte, is a business visitor in the city todsy. -.- .-, " Mrs. T. E. Sloan, of Charlotte, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sims. . Mesdsmes A. Jones Yorke and i. W. Cannon, Jr, are spending the day in Charlotte. - Mr. 3. F. Cannon' has goneto San Juan, Porto Rico, on business for the Cannon Mannfaeturing Co. - Miss Mary Freeman, who has been visiting relatives ki the eKyfor sev eral weeks,' will return to her home in Durham Monday. Mrs. Plsto Durham, who has been visiting her parents, Rev. snd Mrs. J. N. Cole, in Raleigh, is now visiting Mrs. J. Crawford Biggs, of Durham. Mr. J. C. Stone, of Anderson, 8. C, is in the city today calling on the merchantg and taking orders for bis firm, Guggenheimer ds Co, of Lynch burg, Vs. Miss Maggie Bessent, who has been spending several weeks in the city, returned this morning to Winston-Salem to resume her work as a member of the faculty of Salem Female Acad emy. ' Mr. J. R. Swann, oil inspector of the ninth district, was in . Concord yesterday. He is at present doing some special work in this district. Mr. Swann is also editor of the Madison Record. Dog Shot His Master; Stepped on Trigger of Onn. - ; Ia return for all the dogs that have been miK&ken. for gam ,and shot to death by- sportmen,-' Allien Zell's fnttlifnt irnniti. hit Li.inii.iu.-' lVail- 'ju. -fclo. !.! ),,. , iA . .. . . ,.,; wsBKeil lus tail" loSiio iv tu'juiti ituir friendly and his' broii'. yes . filled with tears at the resaita'cubn the hun ter had been hnrt. ZeB bad a narrow escape from fatal injury. Ha had found a rabbit in a brush heap and was trying to beat it out. To do this he had laid bis shot gun on the ground. His-dog ran around eager to bag tbe rabbit and one of his paws touched tha trigger of the gun, which discharged its load of shot into Zell's elbow. . A seeond dog wss killed instantly by the accident. Hayden Clement, of Salisbury, is peeial master in a suit involving 60r 000 acre of land near Morgan ton. Tbe suit was brought by Mr. Banninghau ser, of Michigan; against Williams, et al and eleven days were consumed in taking tb testimony. ; This is one "of the biggest easeg ever tried in West ern North Carolina. . . It IT! OOMSTtOlt, CHMCUS0 jKCOVSI Wit T0B MOHMt roe USD ifxcs Mr to maf on HAND-iUIT DJt ' VAILT tUt JUOVKt NtiDtv. rasr - IT $ M UOVIIHOLD ACCOOHT ot rot iii! ivminvi rwom Hi 0ON0ORD NATIONAL BARK Capital fl00,000 Borpln BSC SCO Far Cent Interest Paid oa Tims DapoaltB, PARTICULARLY DESIRED ' bank which endeavors at all: to lesrq tbe needs of tbe Farmer, T,,;n Pnmnra'nn nn1 Til- ot j - . kiuvui; i . J : Uvsu'" f i 7" FARMUCQ BY MAIL. Cfeaoi Coll; ia Sooth Oarsltw Offers a Coon ia Agrteahar by MaiL . . -. - 7 Farming by mail is a new wriskis, or rstber the toaohiog of seisotiat fanning methods by mail ia new, Tht autnoritie of Clemson Coll eta, Ua meehsnieal and agrieultnr eoOen f South Carolina, after long sons feta tion and investigation of tb mstsodi an dtb aoecess ef eonpoosei schools, baa decided to offer a eosm in agnealtar by mail.- -. Text books bar been selected er ering each subjects ss ssiL tillage, fertiliser,-' domestic animals, su. Upon ths enrollment of a student is this course, and his purehsse of the required taaxt books a lesson will W assigncaTWhen be notifies ths col lege authorities that ths lesson is pis pared a act of examination pspsn will be sens him together with ths assignment of the next lesson. Hii replies will be csrefully corrected st the college and returned to him, sua' if necessary a seeond correction will be prepared if be does not appesr to have grasped the meaning ox the first Tb Clemson College people behrre thst this eorrespondenee eourse win have great results. Certainly it sat msny advantages; being intended la pupils of all ages and enabling the farmer to study without abandoning hig work. The -experiment will bt watched with interest by the agrieol-. tural colleges of all Southern states, and if it succeeds, it is only a ques tion of a short while before similar courses will be offered in every, state in this section. Peary's Claims Approved, -v Captain Robert E. Peary, tbe Arc tic explorer, was Tnnrsdsy formsfly approved in his clsim for eongreav ional recognition at the bands ot sub-committee of the House on narsl affairs. . Captain Peary is now 53 years old and the action, if approved by tha House full committee and agreed t by the Senate, will plac him imme diately on the retired list with about the ssme pay ($6,000) as be is re ceiving as a captain on the active list. The report probably will s rouse" s lively discussion when it reaches ths House. ; For La Grippe . Doughs and Stuffy .' 41 a Tslco-JFolev's Hosier and Tar. Tt gives quick rel'rf jAid expels ths'eold flora yonr r- It contains H tuusi'i iiH lriif CJ " ' " , 'It :.TJs onr Pnny Cjolumn it pay This is The Season You"can Buy a Overcoat At your Own Price Suit of All our $15.03 and $16.00 Suits $Priccd, 10.00. $20. Suits, New!? York's best produc tion in your size . 4 :,. Priced, $15.00. ..,,.t n i pin. . . i mm BILL TO PROHIBIT THS BALK OF . NEAR-BEER, , ftanator Boydea'a Spesek The Bifl as Amcadsd Has Bom f Ba Msia Provision NaOifiad, (Says PtrttfT SartotQ. . Special to Th Tribune. . Raleigh, January 13. During th discussion todsy provoked over tbe passage of the Ray bill to prohibit sal of acsr beer and kindred drink Senators Boyden in a ringing brief speech said! ' "I will vote for the pending bill and alt other such drssiie measars as aball come up on this subject bo- cause I .believe tbat when pat into operation they will contribute greatly -to eventually bring North Carolina back to ber sense snd that then she will return to the cardinal principles of Democracy." After the Ray bill passed tbe Sen ate as amended, Senators Hartsell. - Brown and others expressed the opin ion thst it was not worth a cent as amended, because some of its main provisions are thus nullified. The anti-beer legislator are depending on the House bill providing a general state prohibition of the sale of near . beer and this bill will probably be passed within tbe next few days. A number of bills passed the Senate but are not important. Improved Servic to Knoxvfll, Cin cinnati, LouisvUl and Point Wss. . Effective with th Inauguration ot th Southern's new train the Carolina Special which ia a solid through train from Cbarueston, 8. C to Cincin nati, Ohio, put in operation on Jan uary 2, 1911, passenger for Knox viile, Cincinnati, Louisville, and points west, ' can leave Salisbury on train -No. 21, at 2:30 p. m, which ia a solid through train from Goldsboro to Asheville, with parlor car, arriving at Asheville at 7:40 p. m. and Cincin nati at 10:00 a. ra. The Carolina Special makes close connection at Lex- -ington, Ky, for Louisville and points nousromUM section to Iuumluu Cincinnati and points west, and very greatly improves tba Service. . , tCanncnts .,s w tea Ctt- r ' """tea "gflar!!Wajj . Jmcmsi lor tnsm. j w with lantern, v A -