. ." . V A , 1 J r' ' V j . t jj- buu library VOL XXI. concord, n. a ti: iday. January 19, 1911. Prlc. 3 Ccr'.s 1!:'.'Jl BInxle Copy, I Cote. NO. 16 " r a r 1 SILL JTTE rXTXB G2.0W8, I Fltty DoUats AdJod to It Yesterday Let Othr Oome. m "No better orrortunity it offered" fo those who wish id do good with their money than to contribute U-Th Bill Nye Memorial Fund which it to bo used to erect I eotteg at the Jackson INTRODUCED DT TUB HECATE I Training School la honor of Bill Mye's TODAY BY MR. HAB.TSELL. I memory. This paper atarted the suo TUUAX I Ascription yesterday .with the idea of se- To Omb lUooationil T11-$tJi, orin lewt 100 from Concord for .Hons Adjourn InJHonor of Gen. I "jJLT j ' -nr annon called Lee's - ZirtUtUy tai to unw - by telephone and atated that State Highway Department, . (Mrs. Cannon and himself each wished o tv- inrwninuuie tor (am yurww ne , I i 1 d ' .sincerely thank them, and feel like aet- - Raleigh, January , 19.-Among the - th. the Senate bills today wis one by Sen- tioo. aa the fund already amount to ior Hartsell to authorise Xoneord to $). We would like to add other eon- nnA. f esnoftO for the im- tnbuiions as early aa poseibleud ' v ...vii,. ..iif iniiii - ' I will acknowledge all of them through provement of the water system. I.u. M)lnmT1, J aur .-. ,. lkt By Boyden, .making Wnat,on Low stands: -v . : o v to StateiJniversity. Thirls the op- Mrs.-J. W Cannon.:.....-! 25.00 ening guo of the educational Ppro- j Jr W. Cannon V.-.' 2SM priation light.' . J"-"--"-- ' Also byydento ereate t. ---" Highway Department " ' is also raising a f und has the follow. Coleman, Rowan,, reported report -ing eoneerning ihe matter:' of the eorporation eommiesloa' on "The Stonewall Jackson Training freight rates to interior, was flled as School located at pnwrd is engaged - - Im great .1- work-the resew and information. . . , - . ; - ti,. kunaim nt mtmr . By Home, to allow the board of . , the State for useful eiiiaens, agriculture to pay the balance due on j who, if leffto ihemselyes and the h ncrrionlhirnl biiildinor at the A. I temptations thai naturally- present ft M. College out of money received wenweiTe. io - we .oanaoneu oo, . . - on the streets, fill the ranks of the from oil inspection tax. . r- . -riminai .iaSea.i.The committee de- After dispofinjr of' the ealendar Lm.j ta rt a bnildinir at - this " both housea djourned.ln honor of lhoo n memory of Nye.; This the birthday anniversary of General school is under the supervision or a Lee, -Tonight m Honor or uenerai we wm . enthnsia8ti8 in work ,nd do- in the hall of the bouBe. Tomororw i ;n jnore. therein for the State i and CHT7EC3 WCX23 , . OP CSSTBAL DI3TEIC : To Meet in Conrentioa ia Balistmry The Church Workers' Courention of the Central district of tho North Carolina Classis will meet U Faith Reformed ehnreb in ' Salisbury, of which Eer. W. B. Duttera is peetor, from Janury 27 to 29, inclusive. Tb following will be the programme : . . i rnday, Jisury sru. -,. -1 u 7 -AS p. m. Devotional Serriee. I"- 8a00 p. m. Greetings by pastors of the distrSctjvgiving surrey andeeds of field. - : . Saturday, Janury 28th. , 9:30 a. m. Meeting of Minkte rium. (For ministers only). ' ; 1:30 p. m. Enrollment of dele gates, etc. V." ' ?y . 2:00 p. m. The Congregation at Work, L. A. Peeler and Rev A. R. Shulenourger. - - ( - -- 2:45 p. nu The Consistory Elder! and Deacons, Dr. J. A. Rainsaur and G. C. Fisher. !-', . " 3 :30 p. m. The Finances of the Church J. D. A. Fisher, and Re. J. U. xearick. - ' -:. :- . Sunday. Janury 8Mb. 9:45 -a. nw-Sunday School The Bible as a Text Book, H. C. Corriher. All-th Congregation - in Sunday. School. P. A. Peeler. - ' Properly equipped Sunday School, John L. Fisher. 11 a. m. Convention Sermon, The Rev. M. M. Noaeker. V 12750 p. m. Dinner at the Church. 1:30 p. m. Our Young ,i People, The Bev. C. B. Heller ' 2:15 if; m. The True Missionary Work, Th Rev. P. M. Trexler, D.-D. 3:00 n. m. The Orphans of the Church, The Rev, E. G. Williams, D. D. - "'h:Z '"V'''-v.; Miscellaneous business. . 7130 p. m.r-Sermon, The Rev. ' W. Addresses limited to 20 minutes. General discussion Ave minutes te Senator Lodge Wins tie Hardest right- of m Life, ITenrw iiPahntr Twlira wnn WiTn- day"tbe hardest fight in his political career in nearly thirty years, and re- .tCWetJus Polloek against i armers ana i,ruiia pooa ari in xnis gvua came. Co.M57 U, St- Report, gives its ad- We appeal to our friende to tt rocate, renewed eocene "" w , i the sixteenth amendment 4o the Fed- for humanity than is generally known. -i imttYTnMwiM Tax meaa-1 '"Therefore this is n opportunity x : '.-At u;oi ami will for our readers to do good with their Vl " t?? iShthlre ny d let their dollars work for be diseuBeed. It devlops-that here of their and ,0 lis some opposition,Vint: senators tell j,ey jmVe gone,, and help to me it will prevaU; that the Democrat- make property; rights more : safe, .ie -party is eommitted to it, nd the w.hUe they Hye andto honor a man levation of Justic Whiti (who wrote jSiLS opinion of minority a tno D. o. wlijirB1ia.winter -) and ? we are : ; y SALARY TO f 6,000. Bandnet of the Friendly Bible Class . ' -TonlgM. FT0ri)bto Report Kftd Ob SQ1 The Friendly Bible Class of St. Rail Salary of North rottny James" Lutheran churoh will give -the Gorernor. - " ' third annual banquet 4n the lecture room of the' church, this evening. All " . the officers and teaebera of the Sun- Specirf to The Tribune., . ; . d hoo. n 0 the Wo- "7 Raleigh, January 19. This after- man's and Young Ladies Bible Classes noon the senate: committee on salaries and all men and women of the ehuren and fees ordered a favorable" report are cordially invited. on Senator Max Gardner's bill in creasing the : Govenror's , ei tfl.000 per annum. LLEWX AM. Two Wllkea Men "Scrap" at Bot- . torn of 60 Foot Well : 'Wilkes oounty u maintaining her reputation lor Originality.- Thia etory told by the Patriot is a ehncher: 'Leave 'em alone and let 'em In addition to the refreshments,' . i feast of good things ia a literary way alary , 7 is being provided. Rev. J. f . Miller, Pleasan. xwill e w the principal A LIFE NOBLY LIVED j J. Robert Edward Lee. , 1807 Born in Westmore land county, Virginia, Janu- ryl9.,. , ' 1825 .Entered West Point ' Military Academy. - J . I 1829 Wa$ graduated with "second honors. , , .1831 Married Mary Ran dolph Custia, granddaughter of Martha Washington. - - 1834 Made Assistant to Giief Engineer, United States jAnny. " ' " ' 1 " 1838 fromoted to - cap- 'taincy. . . - : 1846 Served with distinc 'tion in war with Mexico. " ;. ; tSSi-T-Appointed r superin tendent of Wist Point Acad emy. y 1855 Appointed , lieutenant-colonel of cavalry and served against the Indians in Texas,; : :--t- r'-r t 1859 Placed in command of the United States troops sent , to suppress . the- John Brown raid. V 1861 Offered the supreme ommand of the United States Army, but declined and re signed to cast his fortune ' with-iris State. 1862-Succeeded Gen. Jo seph E. Johnston in command " of the Army of Northern Vir ginia June 3. . f 1864 Appointed Comman der-in-Chief of the Confeder ate armies. - ';f "1865 Surrendered to Gen- i'eral Grant at Appomattox April 9. '" .. i-1865 Installed as president of Washington College,, now .Washington and Lee Univer sity, m October. V 1870 Died at Lexington Va, October 13. FEBSOICAL VXXtlOK. . Soma of tha People Sera and Eso- where Who Come and Go. Mrs. D. B. Coltrant ia ependinr the day in Charlotte. . v. - , Capt L. A. Brown ia soeodin the day in Charlotte. . . ; Mr. J. 8. Harris, of Poplar Tent, is visiting in Charlotte. ' "Capt." A. H. Protwt is ioendinjr the day in Charlotte. . Mr. D. J. Bostian, of Chariot te. ia a visitor in the city today. Mr. T. D. Maness is soeodin? the day in Salisbury on legal business. Mr. Sam Brown, of Statesville, is a business visitor in the city today. , Dr. W. S. Young has returned from Trenton, N. J., where he attended the inauguration of Governor Woodrow Wilson. ' - - ' ( - Mr. John C. Rankin, of LowelL president of the Roberta Manufactur ing Co., is a business visitor in the city today. Circular Issued by Anti-Saloon Leader To the Temperance Workers of North . Carolina . - : . Inasmuch as there is a demand al ready upon ug to furnish petition blanks for use in our temperance wof k before the Legislature, we herewith append a form that may be used with whatever modifications desired. C There is no doubt that the sentiment over the state at this time is demand; ing the very things mentioned in this petition, and we suggest to those who want to see our legislature take early acton, that they immediately " write out a petition and get the friends of the cause throughout their' neighbor hood to sign it in the next few days, and tnen send that petition to the N, l. Anti-baloon League; Wilson. N. C. This will insure its getting before the legislature. "v. j ' R. L. DAVIS, Supt.; N. C. Anti-Saloon League. Judge Council, who recently retired from the Superior Court bench, wilj practice law in Hickory. ' He , has formed a partnership with M. IL . : . THB CHAUr QAVO. , ' Only 2) Ooarict Kow On U-Orlae on tha Decrease. '; Even the Cabanas eoanty ebaia gang has taken an "after-the-boli. days" lull and if eonditiont dont change the county authorities will bo inserting want ads tot. laborers to keep the work progressing. Then -are now only 23 eonvirti at the gang and in a few weeks several of these -will "skidoo," leaving only 12 to keep 1 up the good work or road building in T Cabarrus. The outlook from the ' standpoint of securing more convicts to replace tbe one whose sentences . have expired is, we are glad to say, no less encouraging, as there are only three prisoners in jail, one a colored . woman, and only a few who are no- -der bond to appear at court Out of the list of probable candidates for ' the gang, the wise one at the court bouse have picked only two, who, speaking oaseballieally, will make good, which will increase the number to 14 when court meets the 30th of . this month. : ' . The conditions at the chain gang strongly indicate that crime is on the . decrease in the county and if it con tinues to diminish at such a rate eon- viets in Cabarrus will be rare sped-' mens. Announcement is made that . Mr, George Hackney, , presdent ; of tbe Hackney-Moale Company, of Ashe--' ville, and former grand chancellor of j the Pythians in North Carolina, has resigned as president of the Hackney- Moale Company and will shortly leave for Lecington, where he witt become secretary-treasurer and general man ager of the Lexington Chair Company, a $50,000 concern. , . v .' speaker, .end Hon.; M. B. Stickley will be toastmaster. The occasion Will no doubt be a most delightful one. from Massachusetts for fourth term with the aupport of 146 out of 279 members of the Massachusetts Legis lature or six more than tha number necessary , for .a choice tn the joint convention," ' .,,. ...r. Two Democratic Senators, Martin H. F. Curley and Michael J. Murray, left their party to vote for him, but their support was not necessary, jv Parks . Big 8 eml-Annual Otearance Two whole pages of our paper are taken up today by- the big mercantile firm of H. L. Parke & Co. to tell yon about their great semi-annual Clear ance Sale which will - begin : at -9 o 'clock . sharp Friday ; morning. ' The store, is closed this afternoon in order to get Teady for, .the ? sale. This is the regular clearance sale which this firm has twice each year, and will last only ten days. No goods will be charged at the tow prices at which they are marked. ' Hobble Skirt Trips Society Belle, , . - .... i-. i. v. k- "u mv."8 v. w.-.,- wrap M own qui nui. u thoroughfare in Eicmnond : Tuesday to a eounle of combatants, who en-1 ,.... T.n. frtriM. gaged themselvea in a few rounda hereu tiM iet womaiw drees- .onay. ; jo Vub , m""-" ed in a handsome velvoreostumfe oi were John Minton and Nelson Foster, exfw ,hobble -etttrcgaliietod vioo and the fight took place in the bottom mnfthantnm for -the action of of a 80-foot welL Theywere Jwth .h- .j-, extremities in their ham down in. a well at Hotel bmithyput- . anarter. and fell to the nave- . 11 L- 1 1. . ... I K . ' .... mo in a new van. wu. uicy u vi i . .. t not out of the well, but. with each other, ; There were only two specta tors, and neither of these felt inclined to go down and act as pacificator. One of the on-lookers, however, whose ve racity, please understand, is not to be onestioned. sav that the fight only topped when he tied a pair of pot hooks to the well rope ana nsnea -; .son out. I He further avers that as Nelson was -making the ascent John irrnhhed bim bv the heel. Dulling off ; bis shoe, which he hurled after hie wrigRling adversary.' Nelson, in torn bid John adien with a otfid of, well- chewed "Brown's Mule." j- ;: In Conor of Lee and Jackson's Birth- day. ' The Dodson-ltarasuer Chapter of the Daughters of the" Confederacy commemorated the birthday of Gen. Lee and Gen. Jackson with appropn ate exercises thio afternoon at, the Pythian building. Owing to the in clement weather a number 'of people were kept away, from the exercises, bnt those present were well paid for their visit by the interesting exer cises. The exercises were opend by a prayer by Rev. 8. N. Watson, which v 4 I .Uowed by n address by Rev. PI .to Durham. Crosses of honor vire then presented to 18 veterans. ii J y einauo av. .v- i -. v roF fftmmii eor. hich were I r v er ' v-l by the tuJknce. " 'attend ment, where she lay still. Fifty spectators rushed to her res cue, thinking that she had fainted or was injured. ! Two young men assist ed her to her feet and asked ner u she were hurt. But she merely blush ed and glanced at the garment drawn fizhtlv around her loieeB.--.,v.":''.:ar;, " ' ,r..v.,'eiaaswi 'Vwfci.'Jl .Ji ., ; . Wonld Abolish Prohibition. , ' Iiquqr-was aaain the fnincipar subject in the message of Gov, ' Em mett O 'Neal, submitted to the Ala bama" Legislature Tuesday. He recom mended the repeal of Alabama's State wide prohibition taw. J Governor O Neal also advocated the passage of a general law permitting the manufacture and ale of lienor in all cities containing a population of 13,000 and over, under numerous re strictions. He says there should be an excise commission of three members in ev ery county where the sale is permit ted, the commission having entire ju risdiction over the. granting, renew; ing and transferring of licenses. -? . Mr. 8. W. White Host to Old Soldiers. " Mr." S. W." White entertained -the Veterans' choir at his home on Frank lin avenue Tuesday evening. After several old war songs and hymns had been sung a delicious dinner of turkey and us accessories was served. Owing to the inclemency of tl.e weather sev eral eOuld not enjoy Mr. White' hos pitality.' Those present were: Messrs. D. A. Caldwell, M. M. Gillon, D. B. Porter, J. C Thompson- Caleb .5 R. White and David CaldwelT "y President Taft surprised a number of North Carolinians Wednesday af- ternoon by sending in the reappoint--ment of District Attorney A. E. Hol ton, of Winstort-Salem. This is, the first substantial reocgnition received by the'Butler-Morehead faction for some time. Attorney General Wick ersham insisted upon this course. -Miss Grace Brown will entertain the Variety Chib this afternoon. . , Cabarrus Savings Bank " . The stockholders- of the Cabarrus Savings Bank held their annual meet ing in the offices of the bank this morning, . The directors of the bank recently met and -declared a semi' annual dividend of o per cent, which has been paid. . All officers were re elected as -follows: H. I. Woodhouse, president; J. W. Cannon, vice-president; C. W. Swink, Cashier j W. IL Gibson, assistant cash ier', M. J. Harris, assistant cashier, Albemarle L. J. Foil, assistant, cash ier, Mt. Pleasant ; H. ASeott, as. sistant cashier, Kannapolis. . Direc tors: J. W. Cannon, Jos.-F. Goodman, M. L. Cannon, M. J. Vorl, John S. Eflrd. B. : L. Smith, W. A. Kindley, Jno. A. Bernhardt, Robert S. Young, W. W. Flowe, L. J. Foil, J. M. Mor row, T. C, Ingram, C. W. bwink and H. L Woodhouse. Tho plan of Postmaster General Hitchcock for the establishment of a parcels post service on rural free de livery routes, as an experiment was Monday approved by tbe senate com mittee, which favorably reported to the Senate the Burnbam bill intended to grant such authority. t provides for the delivery on rural free delivery routes parcel weighing as much as 11 pounds, -the weight limit , for the international parcels poet. - 1 : .' " Trinity Reformed Chnrch. The special services of this week have been well - attended and . the Tonight Rev. Chas. R.Tless, of (he protect bis deposits. Lutheran church, will preacn .i The Snow Store of '67. The . 'Charlotte Chronicle says "This is the fifty-fourth anniversary of the great snow storm of January 18t, 1857. It"wa in that atom that a train -from Charlotte -for Raleigh, was caught in a drift at Jamestown and held there three days and nights Colonel Chas. W. Bradshaw was con ductor of the tram and so far as is known.' be is the , only survivor of train crew and passengers." The late Mr. J. W . Jiehaney, orj Concord, and the late Maj. W. J, Yates ,ditor of the Charlotte Demo crat, were passengers on ,tnis train. .- Trinity Alumni Association. ' On the evening of January 26th, the Trinity College Alumni Association will give a banquet at the Southern Manufacturers' Crab, in Charlotte, in honor of Dr. William P. Few, presi dent, and a larn number of tbe alum ni of the college will attend.- Rev, Plato Durham will be one of the speakers of the occasion and several alumni of the oollege from this city will attend. - - ..V 1 J ARE PARTICULARLY DESIRED, by this bank which endeavors at , all . times to learn the needs of the Farmer, : ' Merchant,' Firm, Corporation and In dividual Depositor and meet them in v-1.; . v.. ; -. .' if.- a helpful manner. . " f"-1 Our Capital, Surplus and Profits of $150,000.00 furnish ample means not only to assist the business man, but to ; ii:2 Ccb cirrus The public is cordially invited to! Ton are eordiay invited to place C tend these services." ' I your account wilk this Earjc ,-,. li ;Vsr-:i "v"'; gfl (ft J vli Semi-Ahnaal Clearance Sale Will Begin Friday, Jan, 20th at 9 o'clock. Store closed this afternon to make preparations. Read bur Two Big ads on pages 4 und 5 today. , ;