O . J .11 ii lu uii.is VOL XXI.: Pries, 43 Cetia a Xlonta, concord, n. a, we: ijesday, January 25, 1911, Bind Copy, 5 Cent NO. 175 o -1 m L. .0 C il - ..J IJ CJ.LwJ T0E.nr::3 etstlh v? foe DIS CUSSION AXD 13 ZZlVt TO AO- EiCwLToZiL cchlhtte. . Discussion oa fjtslbe lasm for - Constitutional Conventioln Takes op - Most of TodjyWoodaon Cbjects ' .' to Boms of Proceedings Putted - Iky Newi and Obeemr Some of the NewEUla. ; ; -Special to The Tribune. . . " ' - f u . Raleigh. January 5 Most of the tn the Senate was consumed in effort on behalf of the people of this ' j: .a'.n. h wot. of litv and section to interest these . r" a - t . I ... :t.i:,. 42 to 8 a bill increasing the salary of dcsxs to vtsn CCSCOSD. Coming ia Interest of Xnternrbai line Much Interest Expected to he Manifested. yV - X; The Tribune has learned from a very reliable so aire that the Messrs. Dnkes and associates, vho are behind the enterprise for an interorbaa ear line, are contemplating visiting Con cord in a few days in the interest of the enterprise. Interest he bean aroused oa ths part of a number of the eiiisena of the eity, bat as yet the citizens gen erally have failed to manifest an in terest commensurate with the treat benefits that Coneord would derive by being connected with such a line. As a business proposition sneh an enter prise is worthy of not only the sup jrt of all our citizens but a united EDITOES WON'T GO - . TO C2AKLESTCX. Break in Eoadbed of Southbound Fata j End to Cherished Trpt Fen cfl Fnahers Eaeetvt Cordial'Wet . eometo Twin City. - '. v -"'With two interesting 'business ses sions at Winnston-Salem Tuesday and an enjoyable aoeial function at night, in which the editors and their wives participated, ' the midwinter meeting HESES. LCK3 AND - , . JOTNEB LOSE SUIT. Interesting Court Deiou in Regard to Store Which' was 'Boned in September IMS. - '. Tuesdsy morning's . Charlotte 'Ob server 4as the following in regard o toe suit ox Messrs.. Joyner and Long, which Was. tried in Charlotte tbi week: . Is a fire insurance policy valid and NEVADA CLOSED TO . -? ' .. ; TEE BOND LOOTERS. of the North Carolina Press Aseocie- accepted as soon m it is deposited in tion is in full swing. The . excursion to Charleston, ': the feature of the session has been abandoned, to the keen disappoint ment of the members, many of whom had - planned to take the trip, A telegram from an official of the road, read to -the association; stated that a break ia the roadbed near Whitney would militate agaiet the excursion, a postoffioe addressed to the person whose .fame the insurance is writ ten! "V- v'--: V This was one of the legal points involved in a knotty esse .argned in superior . court - yesterday. Judee Biggs' negative answer to .this question- wa on of several reasons for which the court wa against the plaintiffs in the suit of Long ft Joy u the governor to six thousand, dollars. ' r Graham mad an ineffectual effort to -fix it at five thousand. " ( The Lenoir and Blowing Bock Turri r L nikeineonorati3k ratifleatiou meas ure made special order for today was " put on-the calendar fox tomorrow, tne A differenoes.t be adjusted at a meeting , this afternoon. Senator Cotton formally presented bii-Torrant' system of land registra V tion bill and after fight sneeeeded ' i in hiving it referred to the agrienl- l.tnral eommittee. '' ' " . In the House the discussion was on great capitalists in coming to onr eity. Now is the time to mska such an sf Wt, as they are at present on a tour of inspection visiting the various eit- s along the route or. tne proposea line. . - ' .r :? ''t'-"- ' YOUira BOY HAS LEO BROKEN. While Playing Base at No. 1 Graded School Brevard Fur Falls Off Em bankment and Breaks Hi Leg. Brevard Furr. son of Mr. Charles Furr. of No. 18 St. Charles street, fell off the embankment at the edge of and on motion of Editor Varner. of ' versus the Scottish Fire Insur- Lexington, the trip was called off. TJie editors were cordially wel comed to the. Twin City by Judge George- P. Pell and Mr. A. H. Eller, the response coming from Mr. Ar chibald Johnson, editor of Charity and vnildren. .- -.v.-? ,:: -; . Eev. Dr. Veal L. Anderson, im excellent address, paid graceful trib-; nte to the local papers, and the power for; good they bad : wielded In the community. ; . . 'i----rfX-'' Mr. E.- F Beasl'ey, editor of The Monroe Journal, delighted ' the as semblage with a humorous address on " the special order s which r was the Furr and a number of his playmeates were playing base and the little fellow was running at top speed and railed the playground at graded school No, 1 Tuesday afternoon about 1 o'clock hrated some rich joke, at the expense & t Z? toe a ftaTflV, dM and sustained broken leg. , Toung of tlUo-v CJu ance Company.' The court intimated that be would charge the jury that if the evidence were believed the plain tiffs had no ground for recovery, whereupon Mr. L. T. Hartsell, of Con- com, attorney ror the plaintiffs, ae eepted 'an involuntary , nonsuit and gave notice of appeal to the Supreme vonrt. i Messrs. A. T. Long and .Hillman oyner owned a cottntry store about three jniles from Concord. On Sep tember 10, 1908, a policy was taken out in the Virginia State Insurance Company. According to its terms it could be cancelled by ' the party of the second' part at will and by the -' rstubb. Wr,, which Pnvide. for S.-STJK ik ojtittional ,.;tonvantn. einbankment. near the big spring, and CStub WoBwL Mature of the firstly', insure eo V- and Battle against made tie hgt tog tk a bncV hreaking lhe..ddr-, o Mr. Locke tstive of Opeeches which lasted well into the afternoon. " 4 " 11 Among 'thr most important -new ' Senate bills today are:, t , ' P . Cox, to' raise revenue i to proteet - :l forests. ",J" -f"," " '." rJ Ivie, to allow owners of mortgaged Ltrofriy dBoaetdeUfcatwg tJMa The Nevada Lsgislatnra Hat Tuesday and the Vary First Act of the Sen ate Was to Repeal the Legislation ; That Was Snsaksd Trough at the . Last hajiii: v'w - The earpet-bu bond looters have been foiled again. The gentry who. are promoting tfee worthless securities is sued by the negroes and scalawags in the North Carolina Legislature dur ing reconstruction tunes thought they bad gained a foothold in the State of Nevada, but they were given a rude awakening Tuesday.' A telegram re ceived in Washington states that the $tate benate of Nevada met Tuesday and repealed the set authorizing the Mate to accept girts or. bonds. The legislature met Tuesdav for the first time, and the very first act of the Senate was to vote to repeal the legislation that wag sneaked through at the last session for the benefit of the earpet-bag bond speculators. It is understood that the House of Repre sentatives of Nevada will follow the lead of the Senate. Governor Dickinson having recom mended the repeal of the legislation it is as certain as anything can be that the State of Nevada will clear its skirts of the looters who have tried to use it in a mercenary and discredi table way. Remember. North Carolinians, that the bill is the same that Marion But ler and William F. Pettigrew put through the South Dakota Legisla ture to force the payment of the old hOtiCe had been riven. When officers! repudiated 'bonds, which unit Knrth isideae-M, L. Shipman called the of the comoanv learned that it waa a Carolina more than a Quarter million nAn.A. A. . 1 . . .. !il ! . . . I . -I 1 , bobjuu wi vrucr ju uue lurm, : wuo country store, they wrote" to their I oi aouars. ply announcing the action of the Sen ate, which be at once tamed over to Senator Overman. Senator Nixoa -seemed as mueh pleased over the in cident as did the junior Senator front Aorta Carolina. It will be recalled that the earMt bag bonds looters gava Nevada 9400, 000 worth of the repudiated North , ' Carolina scalawag : securities. The State Supreme Court of Nevada held only last week that the governor of the Mate must accept the bonds- u behalf of the State. , The governor of Nevada waa avers to this action, but the Supreme Court -of the State said the law that ia about to be repealed waa mandatory, and ' that he must accept them., , The carpet back bond looters are al- . most beyond the pala as far as the ' United States is concerned, though . they will no doubt continue their ef fort to eapture North Carolina ' through the medium of the Republi can party. Their only hope appears to be in the Butler faction of the Re- publica nparty or some Sooth Ameri can country like Haiti, San Domingo or near African republic w appropriate remarks, and See-faient. the nititpn' Ran and Trnat av JB. Sherrill. alwavs " Ijfib'l, was at bis post. - . 1 to the fact that that' company did not below the knee and . also inflicting a severe ent. Hb comrades immedi ately rushed to his assistanes and finding that he was seriously injured they secured a conveyance and carried the boy to bis borne where a physician rendered medical aid. " " No blame is attached to aoyone for the unfurtuoate accident and the-lit; tie feU6w lar the sincere ivniDaThv llohgood, another judges salary bill of all bis playmates and associates. . ; vil Will. tiA TTnnaa vrA . I - -'i ' i " " '"A. ' Battle, relating to' wages of Infanta ia factories. " TUfthardfton. amendatory divorce . Williams, prevent appointment oi condnelors on. railroad trains, unless bey have served at least two jean in subordinate " positions -fif'ailroads, J , : McQUV amendatory law regulating t sale of concentrated feed for stock.' - liay, to ''make certain offences f el- " onies instead of misdemeanors, as at . pnsent:.;?f f"f '.''?:'; .7 Hafltery togulate delivery of malt in North Carolina. -- " - : ' Woodson arose to a question of per sonal privOege and criticised, the re port in the News and Observer of the iTiuiurnrnAeedinsra? recardbg t iis Nevada has repudiated the effort to use the State, and South Dakota will do so, probably at this session of the Legislature. Notrh Carolina oweB a debt of rrat- itude to senator Nixon, who thoueh a Republican member of the United States Senate, has taken the initiative A Railroad Proposition for the Imme diate Consideration of the People of thiaCitjr. , -' ' ;Mr." Editor: What the people of Concord ought to do and do at once i to build a , railroad to Monroe. Steps should be.taken to get a meet ing, determine on immediate action, secure a ebarter from the legislature now in session and get busy throwing dirt. .We tk not want any more roads built around ns, do wet ' ' U ;;..::.' I: -:' CONCORDIAN. . Oold Bins; in an Hu- Z'r ;:'" WinstonSafem Journal, ' , A gold ring on the inside of a per fectly sound and perfectly normal hen M!-i:"V;'''C'ii'?-V.Sx'-''--"'' r- the seeming miracle, that country property. A represen. at tha Citizena Rank & Trout Craig at the smoker tendered the I Co. told Mr. Joyner about this and visitors by the board of trade though! said he would insure bim in another tne orator shared honors with tha on-iehnmany. . This was aereed to and a phanafrom the Methodist Children ' I nblicvwss written in the Scottish Fire in the matter. Senator Nixon called Home, who entertained the gnesta with Insurance Company -fqjf's which . the on Senaor Overman and showed bim a eoneect. ; ' ? Voneord nrm was also agents Un OC-l leiegram wmcn ne .. addressed to , Mr. Craig, .-wbose subject wasjtober 24, 1908, however, between the I'" ends id the legislature urging them 'North' Carolina. .-'art fartk ihnltfme the new nolicv was mailed and to immediately repeal the sneak bill salirt f tha Stag's a lnlt aceepwnce erThe-boihls. n post years, and with bold imagination store caught , fire ' arid part of v 4he io Nixon received a message tin re painted the inevitable development of I property was , destroyed. Suit ' was the future callinir upon the editors I bouht on the second policy. as allies to carry forward the spirit I ' The Scottish Company, in addition of true growth. ' He stated as bis I to. contending that the policy had positive belief that that mateial wel- never been in force for the reason fare must precede the higher life, j first indicated, cited the fact that one Following tne smoker, the editors 1 of s provisions is to the effect that attended a social session of the Elks' all of the property must be owned Club. Tuesday afternoon they were by the person named in the policy, tenaered an automobile ride over the wnereaa ur. ixng owns a part; and twin cities and their attracive ? en- second ,that the Virginia State Com bnrbs. :;:-'i: :;'v4:;- pany bad a policy in effect, whereas Today preceding the business session the Scottish policy stipulates that its they witnessed an auction sale at one own shall be the exclusive insurance of the big tobacco warehouses. This errned, aiternoon the srentleman will ha thai fueste at a barbecue, while tha ladiaa On ' Vest Pocket Memorandum will eniov a recital at Salem A curiam v. Books, for . lOlLbave - arrived, ; and and at nhrht. a receotion. tha erowninir we ask all our subscribers to eome in m. . I . , i t it.!. 1 feature of the session, will bring-it "id get one wnexner wey pay 10014 Social Clubs of Albemarle Put Out of Business. The January term of Stanly county Superior eonrt for the trial of crim inal cases adjourned late Saturday night and a great many eases were continued on account of a crowded docket, there being now enough cases on the criminal docket to run sn ot her court for a week, tried. . . Solicitor W. C. Hammer went af ter the social clubs with gloves on. closing every one in town. Numbers and numbers of bills of indictment were found by the grand jury, there being five or six of the clubs in this place. Mr. Hammer stated; that he could have gotten more bills, but that he had already enough bills to do what was necessary to close ont these con cerns. Mono 01 the eases were tried at this term, but before Judge Lyon would continue ihe eases, he, made the owners sign a paper that they would go out of business at once. '. The foundation of the new govern- ' ment building has been' completed and j work" on the curicrVte 'floor , will begin tomorrow. to a close. That is Bpeech. in which be is alleged to bavelMr. T. O. Lowe, galesman for the Wall laau aartiin of the iuditea of iMercantile Company, Greensboro, says the; Superior 'Court, and their, incv parity to earn salaries paid tbem as 'judgesvwbile practicing towv't v " LLBWXAM. - :-. -Tolitical Crraft ' . Statesville Landmark. . Referring to the ease of 'Squire llanrv McWhorter. of Union, who refused pay as a legislative employe 1 breBkinfi; one of the eggs was aston- for worn ne naa i uouo, ished to see a gold ring drop ont of is vouched for to bim by unimpeach able authority. Here is the story told bv The Telegram t ,The other day Mr. B. H. Poindexter. of the city waterworks, bought tome eggs from the Wall Mercantile Com pany. Mr. Low was the salesman who waited on him. Yesterday Mr. Poindexter was in the store and told Mr. Lowe that Mrs. Poindexter in in the Raleigh Ne we and Observer says j '"-' ''-'-X 1 r Whieh suggest the thought that if only those who earned it were paid money for services to the State the , entire pay-roll of the General Assem bly would be out two-tnuos.- .5 . -' iOt course it would. - Almost every .. General Assembly! puta from 50 to 73 per cent, more employes on the roll than necessary. It's the worst sort of political graft and has been denounced again and again, but it goeg on just , the same. Both parties are equally guilty. The fusion Leg islatures of 1805-7 were as bad, if not worse, in this respect, than any business is inexcusable but it . will never stop until - the people taKe matters into their own hands, pledge their legislative candidates to elimi- nate the usoless .employes -and hold them to the pledge - : , ' ' T'ae weekly express from Hankow, China, Monday waa crowded with fu gitives. , These included college pro fi'sfors, the Italian Minister, minor diplomats and person of means, who found tbs moment convenient for va cis'I m or retirement. The bubonie tl;i ue. wLl err 1 dnys ejo snd, it is bc'.'eved, many the shell along with the usual eon tents of an eggshell. - "This is a true" story there's no doubt in the world about it, "said Mr. Lowe. "No it is not a scheme of the Wall Mercantile Company to sell big lot of eggs,'1 he added. "Natur ally, we can't promise to purchasers a ' M r 01 our eggs any. repetitions ox- au Poindexter 's experience." w Has Too Many Wires. Jgrael Coble.- who was arrested in Greensboro last week on a charge of bigamy, was given a bearing before Justice D. IL Collins, and in default of a bond of $300 remanded to jail. The testimony was that Coble has one wife m Stanly county end another at Pomona. The minister who performed the' ceremony in Stanly county was at the trial. Coble has two wives dead and is said now to have three living wives. The - woman, with whom he was living at Greensboro learned of the other wife in Stanly county and bad the warrant issued. . Greensboro Daily Newt Sold. . The directors and stockholder of The Daily News of Greensboro, in an adjourned session in Raleigh Tuesday, sold the plant and newspaper to W. A, Hiidebrand and George B. Crater, of The ' Gasette-News, of Aeheville, who tae charge at once. Mr. Hilde brand began newspaper service with the Charlotte Observer ; and ' has achieved success - both ; as editorial writer and special Washington cor respondent. Ho will remain in Wash ington until Congress adjourns be fore taking np his duties in Greens boro..; Mr.r Crater won .an enviable reputaiton as a newspaper business manager of The Charlotte Observer and has been with the Gazette-News for some time.- . He ossnmaa idiarva of the business department of The Uaily ;Kews at once, - 1 .s , ' The Standard Oil company waa ad judged not guilty Tuesday of viola ting the antitrust law of North Caro lina by cutting prices of kerosene oil so as to dnve out competition. The ease was heard Ja December bv Po lice Justice Alx etronach, who hand ed down a lengthy written opinion in favor or the btandard Oil company on an eounts. . . anbseription or not. The books art) rery convenient and any one will find I good use for them. Car Hii 1 k V. j 1 ft tri d wvmoH or tAnrr-ortH J, CHKUNQ '-ACCOUNT, riru tub mONi row risD aficaa-, ' till TO HAPt ON KAHD-IVtt. OKAW VAtLT Ml AMOUNT MEDSV. WHETHBt. IT! A.BOVItHOLD ACCOONT.Ot tOt tauNvt twotu CONCORD NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000 Surplus (JSC ' v Per Cent Interest Paid on Tim Guilty of murder in the first degree was-the verdict returned Monday at h had its first victim sev-JMarshflold, Nev., by the jury in the case of Walter A. Dipler and (Joklie . . .t - B L U !. '11 . '11 .1 . since tiien, is tne primary cause 01 mciomun, cnarpea wiin xuie mnraer 01 on -hi'! .n' tliroii .a the gates 01 tne Stanley Ketchel, pugilist. Sentence ti' T 13 ' ry o'.-ers took op- of life imprisonment were recommend- I 3 ly t'.e forslotk and joined ed for each defendant. The jury was I.' 9 I ; j t!iorri. ' 01.1t seven lirs. ,. ; . "' 1 J AXE PARTICULARLY DESIRED. . by thii bank which endeavors at aH . times to learn the needs of the Farmer, Merchant, Firm, Corporation and In. dividual Depositor and meet them m . a helpful manner. 1 '" " Our Capital, Surplus and Profits of 160,00O.0O furnish ample means not only to assist the business man, but to protect hie deposits, " ' " ' You are cor!&"y Invi'. your account tlfa T i to place tk fe w Ccbarrw rt r- Opened this morning, at 9 o'clock with a big rush. If you was unable to at tend, come tp-morrow. The lot of Muslins; was so large that to-morrow you can get a "-good se lection. - .. :(!.'.'.:"): .'.t,U-..;.'l(;-s,(-,-v-;- . '-:;.,- The sale on Table Linens, White Goods and Muslins will Qoritinue Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ; . j.Vv?l'.'iTt'''.Vs; -;,';; '4visi'-"''!''.N''f;-Kh' ,!. L. Fq.:is ' (Ca

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