' "1 NO. 176 VOL XXL lc CezU Uwta. CONCORD. N. C THURSDAY. JANUARY 26, 1911. Single Oopy, 5 Centa, IJ l J 111 V; TAB EIEL E2IT0LS. TO PEOHIBIT SALE Of ALL MATCHES EXCEPT 8ATETT ,,: -; , VARIETY. . ' Coat Profitable Seaaioa With a Snmp- toon Banqnet Given Peep at the Girla. With a iumptuotu banquet Wednee- day night at the Einxeodorf hotel, the midwinter meeting of the Nona Caro lina Press Association earn to a dose. Despite the busy geaaoo and the ur sent demand on tbe newspaper men at tbeir offices a goodly number re mained in the city to attend tbe ban- To Empower Railroads to lata Pesse n1 "$7 th j1 eve.n' to. ex-Employes A BUI la Keg ara th. ..,i.,m .. ... u-m. to Seixtaj Distilleries To Ronao The business session of tbe day was for a Mora Strict Liability of Bank held beginning at 10 o'clock in the as Stockholder Soma Minor Bills, sembly room of the board of trade. c.:.i i. ti,. vji.... - - - i ine principal aaaresseg ot me seasion Special to The Tribune. : , j .,, p '.p fc f ,u. R,.;ii. Raleigh, January 26Ainong the , .',.. -, P rwiev. y,. more important of tbe multitude of I Monroe Journal.'- The former was on bills introduced today ore: '. ' :i. I" Hints to Press Correspondentis," aft nninMA AhU in TTooM snd was practical to a fault. Mr. .. m...U .V An "Tlia Pnoa Pa. the bill to amend the divorce law, Wr: ,, r L:;7.7."f , . , , .,"" a UMIM uuumvvi JS"V VMS? WW evww i , " " v -v telling points was tne empnasis piaeea feral amendment er voted on. land tbe false tfoion of standing by a n i... M.wlraa8tion simolv because it is a party i: marriago either part, nnlawfui -1 WC12IX-CALDWELL, : Popular Concord Couple Wad a Esr- riman. Tsnn, at the Homo of the Bride's Sister, Mrs. W. 0. rink. A recent Ueue of the ; Harriman Record has tbe -following account of the marriage of popular Concord couple at'tbat place, Wednesday night, Jannary 18th: ' . - ; - . ; . TheJiome of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Flbk, on Queen street, was the scene of a pretty wedding Wednesday after noon, st 4 o clock when tnear euier, Miss Gertrude Yonirne Caldwell and Mr Josiah Bailey Womble were uni ted in marriage by Hev. J. U Muluna, pastor of the M. E. ehureh, South, who used tbe beautiful and impressive nog service The parlors were artistically dee rated 'with ferns, ' iry and . white carnations. The eolor" aeheme of green and white was earned out in all tbe details. In the front parlors, where the ceremony took place, there was a bank of rreen, in- front .. of which were two white pedestals draped with green, nd upon the top of each was a beautiful candelabra with lighted candles. The only attendant waa little Katherine Caldwell Fink, a niece of the bride, who preceded the bride and groom, carrying the ring on a white satin pillow. Miss Mellie Denton played the Lohengrin wedding march as the bride and groom entered, wining from the back parlor, taking their places between the pedestals where they were met by the officiating clergymen,.. Miss i Denton .1 playing lYaumer ersoitly during the ceremony. . The bride, who is a pure brunette, was strikingly beautiful in her white KB, CADE'S MACHUnS BEAST. lho life o fthe other party-Tho mo. fhtn WB8 M interesting, if i not tion was lost. . u -. - . . laltogther illuminating and eonclasiTe Turlington offered amendment thatl diseussianof "Bow to Maintain. a .v.. .i i:,st vmrontaDie Aaverusing are, '.paruo- ,u , geveral members. f Other proved wben the wife sues on ground Leti(M, t'Die(1 we diseussed- and f adultery. : He said this, wss do- the members feel jhat a' profltable signej to prevent blackmail and col-1 meeting has been held.; There has lusion. Lost by tote of 70 to 27. Vote peon an nnnsiuuiy lull exetiange or was then reached on main question. Divorce bill wag then placed on its , The' social aide ha "not been ne-satin bridal dresHrimmed with baby second reading without amendment I looted and Winsion-Salem with 'the Irish lace.- She carried a shower , nannl iv vntn of B8 to 22. Ob-1 nawsDaner men ranks oar excellence. Doquet of ulliea of the valley and jeetion was made to the third reading host.. The quilMritors, the of- tnaidert J";.fc La ..lnn u ,.t ihi lM ers of ths board of rade and; the tb.;;- conntional v black. At v tho !,.- - '" 7" . 7 " "r U:T- . citisens generally were "on tho job ioe 01 me ceremony a aainty saiao j-na-pasa wiumm o tuiwuuui ww. ,n 1ft niwhinirfA bA-Aeftired. Thev course was eervea. Jar. and jttrs. wiseusion or proposea tog tax law luterally turned the town over to tue " wnuie jbh on me evemng train xor tB08t OI tDt tune in me Ben- I euiiorg onu no uinn wm iuium tu&- i - - . ., 'V;i led. Xtr nas oeen wio occasion? wnen """7lu"n ' vueu guio ueir luiure s - ; ... . .. - , f .Inewsoaper men owned Hotels and au- n voucuru.- - - IS and The trawnini feature the one that gloves to match. VitV-rs5.-wit A,t u Ar was tbe most oleasintr and that will be Mrs. Womble has resided in Concord ; ; 1: t v -f . . . '..J i remembered the loncest-wai tb re-ialLhw W exeepting-when "she- has-h : -1 n " M .naiwang- m iiquora, . ,Jm.nfo .uHanJ been Iwav cnltivatin :bacJa AJLXA58AS" JEPT DAVIS 8C0&BS MABIOS BUTLER. deceives Letter from Machlnlsta and Builders That Eis Typesetting Ma-1 In Midst of DebaU In Connectioa With chine la Beady for Preliminary I Indian Appropriation Bill Senator Test ' . . I Davia Makes a Point ef Order and Rev. Baylus Cade, of Shelbvl left Scathingly Denounces Butler. for Philadelphia-Wednesday morning - Former United Statea Senator Ma- upon receipt of a letter that his type- rioa-fiutler of North Carolina, was setting machine is about ready for a denounced on the floor of the Senate preliminary testr Tbe expert maehin- by Senator Jeff Davis, of Arkansas, mis ana ouiiaers oi line patents nave i Wednesday. oeen working on this new invention I The denunciation wa administered for some time and the first machine I in connection with an amendment to will be ready for a "try-out" as soon the Indian appropriation bill offered a. be reaches tho shops. When seen bv Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, nra- Mr, Cade felt highly gratified and de- viding for the payment of the fees of wared tnat in a lew nays ne wiu Del attorneys for the Colville reservation able to ahow that his new machine I Indiana in 4 he colelction of a claim will do everything that he has claimed I of $100,000, for-it. . ,-' v. ' . I Makiiur a Doint of order asainst the it nas eome to ugnt tnat a snort amendment Mr. Davis said: time ago,' Mr. Cade received a ; let-l : 'J am advised that ex-Senator Ma ter from a Chieago concern asking if Irion Butler is interested in this mat he would consider an offer of f 100,000 1 ter. : I have seen ex-Senator Butler for his patent right. Mr. Cade says j hovering around hre, and I want to he wrote ths concern that it was notlssv when I km that rontWiftn W for sale, but that if thev would fur-IT at u t.im .,i,ni;nn tu.i rtiish references as to their reliabil-lie somethinir dead in Denmark. ' He ky, he would consider the matter. In I baa ecnred due time, a letter wag returned say I other man within my knowledge, and Ing they would furnish pit-edge ref-lthe fact that he has an interest in a erence and asked what he would take I claim is in itaelf nnnh t nnt tho or aig paieni ngui. in response w i senate on its guard, this, he replied that ha would not Senator Davis Btated also that the low (lie linotype trust to control hie I claim had grown out of a contract macnine, dui u nis ngnt w manuiao- with the Indiana nrocnrnH hv C.ni ure wag sold, he would always re-Huarh Gordon, a son of .ex-Senatnr ure ruyBiiy on every wbcuiuo put i uordon, f Mississippi, and ex-Con- 0n the market and th nght to im-1 grjessman Marsh, of Pennsylvania, but i :i a l . s 1 . . prove auu mwuiy n. as yei, no re-ine said that in committee the state- ply has been received from this let-1 men t had been made that 'when the ter.y I contract was made Colonel Gordon Mr. Cade says he intends to take I was the secretary of his father as we ttrst macnine to buelby after the! senator. He said also that $60,000 . ia.- Jl"jlt I. . . ' preliminary test is maoe in ine snops i bad been paid tbe attorneys. and a fuller public demonstration I Defendine the nrovisinn Senator ate. ' : : Cotten j .'reading; , J T WT 1 3 1 C!l.k...l. PEESOHAL KE7X1CX Soma of the PeopU Ear and Z3a whara Wka OoaM and Q. Mrs. M. A. Porter, of Salisburv. is viaiting relative! in the eity. : , Mrs. W. D Sears baa returned from a visit to friends in Taylorsville. , Mrs. J. C. Fink has rone to Char lotte to vistit her son, Mr. Fletcher Mrs,' P.'B. Means Is in ' Raleieh : where she has a position durinr tbo session of the Legislature. , Mr. U. J. Bost has gone to High .' Point, where he baa accepted a posi tion with the Postal Telegraph Co, . ' Mrs. C. O. Hill, who has been visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cannon, retained this morning to ber ' home in Tbomssville. " Miss Amelia George, of Madison'"" Qa., Juaoita Wylie, of Lancaster, S. . -C Jenks Johnson, of Rock Hill, 8. , -and Mary Tilghman of Salisbury, Mr, and Mary Tilghman, of Salisbury, M d, will arrive tonight to visit Miss Shir .. ley Montgomery. Mr. Richard N. Tiddy. one of the best known among tbe older residents -v .: of Charlotte passed away . Tuesday morning at 1:30 o'clock of bronchial ' pneumonia. On Tuesday night Decem ber 27, 1910, he suffered a stroke of paralysis, followed by another on tbe . - night of December 31.' Since that time v f he had been at the Sanatorium wher- '"-;-", he had received careful and tends." ministration. trill be made in that city. His friends are much interested in his visit and will look daily for some news from him as to how it shows np. Bacon, of Georgia, said that the attor neys had been awarded 10 per cent.wn the $1,500,000. He added that $4,000, had been collected by the Indians as a result of the work done. He also de clared that no improper influence had been used in connection with . the claim. . - . - v '- The point of order, was sustained - .. w .; ll i - ii i: 'V . .' i o V-i':al,:-''..' - , at Salem Female Academy and College "prttto oice.. After,. : her mother s L, . ' ft . 't TJ.,M it.. !nn. waI-. I, 1 ... , L-lf fPl I ilnotK aim lrjknt' Iiaiioa fiA-w fntliiM. i.-- iuuj, hwihii5 m3 iaw iBv;aiumnae. memorial uau..- xuvrv ""v" .vp, imi.oo iui Iftive'tb- advertising vsalr-6f' real pirop- were songs by the glee eluby pianirand. nntil his death. Mr. Womble is well "''--'?;'ertv " v ;.V V; i organ solos and vocal solos nd sit known and bighly respected business ; f v was -all music music that thrilled man ef Concord. He is the manager , , ; . - , Conre. defects in probate of cer- finef artigtb, tultured, finished tIt of the Southern Cotton,Oil plant in tain deeds, ' r;:y.J". .hnvoA thn Hirootlon and training of that place. The bride received many . .To prohibit sale of matches except skilled musieal minds. Salem Acad- beautiful presents in cut. glass, solid the 'Safety ' variety.ft'$ 't&tif&i, emy lives np to- its established repu- silwr, llnelinen and china. - v , - - -aui. idaltin;'4bewArMnff 'of ob- s a enltored .mnsieal 'eenter - Mrs. Womble has made many , ydenmAwiigt s At tbV Closing Session- last night friends during her visits here who will - pOtMfypmttf resources and the public health, a Ub- visb herself and husband a very bap - Long, relating to expenses bfjudges. roadg and the conservation of nathral Pr fnture. 1 "i Pacer io empower railroads to is- resources an dthe public health, a lib- .. "' 'V '. - eral appropriation by the legislature Cittaeni of Albemarle Organize Law :jnrem,nWtf'Wlw and l" -Jw;i2TSS n ,'' , ' iPJL. school, and a resolutiQu urging North It looks now Very much like the widows of formr employes, -w: Carolina Senators to support the bill qMV eiuba wiU have to go in Stanly - Dillard, relating to seizure Tit dis- to stop ?he government from printing county, Tuesday a? number of citi- . tilleries kJ.4-i I stamped envelopea were passed. &ec-Titena met in the nffle of A:' P.Harria. - , Battle eOTcerijing statistics of leaf retary Knykendall, of the board of 0f Albemarle, and organised a iaw " ' ' " tnnon alsn to establish lien for the trade, addressed-tbe meeting, i and Order League and their slogan is "... T 7.12BSSS SAtelejrramof sympathy was s5nt to The law must be enforced."S benefit of livery ahd boardinj stables. Jo8eph p.; Caldwell, formerly editor One attorney has been employed, Pitts, relating to pnbUo houdays.i the Charlotte Observer, who is llL A Col. R.L, Smith, and the.offlcers ef , k ,RoDertson, to proride stricter lia- telegram was received. from . Speaker the league are authorized to employ ' bility stockholders of banks. .:' Dowd,-luvking the' association to a second if necessary. -According-to - 1 ti: i...' t i.ruin PmI tomorrow in Raleigh with the gigned eontraet in eonrt last week, ru, y ..v..,-... .-.., negilatuw,whhwasaecepte T; J Messrs. Eudy and Kirk went out of Weaknesa-of Oraded Schools. Charity and Children. The average graded school cannot do thorough work..-. Some are better than, ntherant nil am Door ennnffh. I and the bill carrying about $9,000.- . . ." I ttnn i i -v fn n ,i Thnnt m amnlA inafifltmn fnr tha rv 1 -was uasseai ane Olll 13 ine nrst for themethods of. the "old field "f the general appropriation "bills to sphoola in onr Modern InstitutionB. We I Pn8S the Senate, ::-i,WSr.tf'',i!i Farmer Has to Pay for Killing Dog in His' Sheep Pasture. Danbury Reporter. : The ' law is sometimes a mighty 'sarching", thing. A few days be- h re Christmas Mr. C'H. Lnnsford thing else except the moat important matter of alf the education of our children. " We have fine equipment to be sure. v That is one of our troubles. Our equipment is a little too fine or rather, we Jiave come to depend on it too much. The modern school man holds np hie banda in horror at the tl .d"? A).,at hftd "vaded the pre- . . ... . I Ainra if hia cliAan nnotnra and ha waa baekless bench that .waj so high the child 's feet did not touch the floor; but that child with that rude equip ment made a sight more progress and mastered the. basic principles of edu cation with a great deal more: thor- ughness than the delicate pupil ot today who sits on patent desks made to fit every urve of the body in a house built by expert mechanics with an eye to light, heat and ventilation r townships in Rowan, Catawba, iBurke and others to vote for bonds for cer- i. taia purposes .if. people of township " so anurove bv vote.'" - , LLEWXAM. 'r l business and not onlv sold out their Englisb Grand Opera Company. & stand,, but about a car load of booze An unusual cast of slneers of estab-1 also, to George Hancock snd Jacob lished reputation are , toe be . heard! A. Mortin at a price it is said, of Mondav nieht at the Opera House. in $1JJU11., Justice JEwmg having got the east of "Cavalleria Rusticana," I rumor; of ' this - at once summoned Half Sister of Charles A. Frank Inland the programme, as arrany d, is Messrs. Hancock and Mortin to ap- Keokuk, Iowa. ' ' ". -;; certainly a combination to conjure an pear ana lesiuy as w oaving pur- Salisbury Post. - I 'deal musical and educational enter- j eiiased Jiqnor rrom lurk and Jimry. Th MtnrnHnotinn in a I lavAnnnrt. (ainment. v , '?f':'v- I J.uoy niumsi hi cuuie iuiu ouun, auu Iowa naper of the picture of Charles Guilliame rKikow, a enor, who a capias was issued for tne.arrest or A VnnV. which anneared in the Post I abroad alternates with both Caruso (Mortin and Hancock arid in addition of last Thursday is thought to have and Bond, is at present on tonr injtlieretd these gentlemen were fined $40 been the' channel through which a Jrel- the way of preparation Xor his next each for contempt of court. alive, a half-sister, of Mr, Charles A-lseason's ? contract :';i8f '.tora.H.w,;1 Frank, who was found dead in bed in Hertha Heymatt two seasons ago ap- ,; Missioaary Entertainment his room ia the old National hotel on pearea on numerous occasions wiiufThe following" program will be ren- fnniv Jnnflrv mh An,l whnflA lft-lllanimerstem at the Manhattan and t, m. rt n;uA i? t aKhmVi n last year as therolorature soprano of No 8 townghip; on the fifth Snuday Ms burial Sunday aiternoon. mayor i me u w.. ui-.u. v.., . jn January, at 11 o'clock: v A. L. Smoot has received a letter from IMexico. C. Tol Plancon baritone. Hymn "The "Whole Wide World an unaenaxer n iveoKux making ai"8 "0; u " for Jesus. " number of inquiries and. informing I Graiid Opera in Boston, He is a j)evot;onai Exercise. him of a half sister of the dead man nephew of tDe eider nancon, ine nymn "Something for Jesus." who now resides in tnat city, ana iu. - . I 1 Heading the Minutes. f letter wag turned over to Undertaker 'Cavallena Rusticana,' a charac- j; Bgmegg . George W. Wright, who had charge of tenstie episode of tne Sicilian mus, Hymn "WTtatfs on tbe .Lord the remains and nenas luuy enswer-iw w'8'""j j ed all questions and is now awaiting production by Alexander Salvinii, and fnrt h WmoHnnn. Tt ia not nn-lafterwards set to music In prize com- likely that relatives will ask that the petition by Mascagmi. -The opera is body be "exhumed and sent to Iowa. a short one, and following the usual . . custom, and to lurit.er tne uramauc Boaalngiection, by Misg Mittie Securing oi tne tv votes east m y- ""'"'I """ the joint session of the New Jersey etta,"The Rose of Auvergne is General Assembly, James E. Martine sed as a curtain raiser. n . . -f I'lainfiald. who was the choice of The ladies' orchestra, tinder Nellie oints of his sheep pasture, and he was at the trial found guilty ' and lined $2.50 and - the costs. Ordinarily sheep kililng dog is an -outlaw. Mr, Lunsrord had several bundred acres on the west end of the mountain fenced in, and recently lost a large number of sheep from his flock, at tributing the trouble to . dogs. One day receiving information that a -fox race had led to his pasture, and that exactly -XlpW -.to tn. J tW-T ,ta f. . . lAnlACiiro Mr I .iinormvi taaIt nia (run howf It ia not with the children, for fLnd J" Ka 5u?!!ii5?EhL8Jh!lfll!J animal, but it did not dieunknown to era mtber, for they are in tmaiii, well n . ha iaarnaA tu! SSTtfcl' ZoZZ'in h.S dog was not dead, went back and 6 h.e!w,he JESS finished it with another load. Mr. cmilULiua vl vur obuwio.... vuuuiou T . . . 1- :i; i I -.t rrri-J!rj...Trjrtrieortam the effect of the firs shot, youiuu i v.VFum . . . .. -:, The-aatnU nwnar i"ZyrT.m. Z 1 "J". t" T' , Z. ot the. dbg, Joe Jot.es, brought ac cause tbe old master, if he was half P "-i"a of cruelty to an of the graded school teacher of today. He could take his own good time, and look bis pnpilg square in the eye,' He I was not rushed. He had no iron clad course to cover. He could favor the I fellow Who needed a little push, and hold back those who :; were running away. . The Salisbury Post says that Post msster W. II. Hobson has been circu lating a petition for the past week to be presented to Senator Lee S. Over man requesting his confirmation" as postmaster, at Salisbury. He has se- Above all he could drill line I cured quite a large number of names 11 Muanriitutii AitAnt Tk. I uiantf nf tha nWkminAnt AiMvAno. nt th - J-Uraded school teacher is an automaton. town and ! county signing his paper. So are his or her pnpilA . They work The matter of confirmation wiU come by rule. The main idea is to cover the lop within a short time, berorethe 4th gound ; and wnen IX is eoverea tne sys-1 oi aiarcn, wnen vongress win aujourn, tern is satisfied but the child has learn-1 and Mr. Hobson hopes to forestall any ed nothing. There is the metallic ring opposition that may be brought to bear about the whole busmess. ihe maobin-1 against him. ery overwhelms the boys and girls, 1 1 ' i The question among the children is 1 parrot's talk seems to-be a good I Side." Recitation "Help,' by little Miss Myrtie Hah a. - 1 . Kecitation "Young Lives for Je- "'I " - ft h 1 ttl 1H oa SUaI . .TLntl leustom, and to further the dramatic i:,if-.uitu- i m;. i not what have yon learned, but howea like a baby's inielligible only far have yon gone, -'ine system is aiis owner. fault. . The teachers and tne cniidren are the earns that they were forty years ago; but . they do not have a chance and they never can nave-untu we reduce the size of the classes and give each teacher twenty children in stead of sixty. SPUiTJG Now Ready ! : Every Express brings New Number tt in most anytli2 desired, for Dress. Street Wear or travelling purposes. Under tlie FISHER POLICY every ' garment U an Dnderpriced one .' 'RANGING:: .... - $10, $12.50, $12.95, $15.00 and $18.50. New Spring Dresses Dainty, simple little dresses that will stand forth in any company , $10, $12.50; $17.50. Fancy Messaline , Waists Black, Blue, White and Navy with pin stripe; Brown with pin stripe; ; Tan with pin check; yoke made of good net; collar and sleeves nicely trimmed. ' Value 6.00 , Our Price, $3.95. SEE v . ' to I I inUJl-U Hahn.- ; Hymn "O Zion Haste." , Address by Mr. k. w. iiann,, Oftoring Special Musio. Hymn "God Calling Yet." if Closing Service. ; ' . ''. tlie msioritv of the Democrntic elect- Chandler, the Boston conductress, will ors who went to the poll in the pri- vender a program of popular selee- . mi lnot Kmtomhr wa i uoiis irora recent new xum euccoBBcs. Wednelay formally elccte United Thig triple bill, so to speak, will ne L,0ii'of Honor of the HcCraw School, f.latoq Senntor to succeed John Kean, ipven uy tue Xiiigiwa vm.uu w0WBgbiB Wo 11 District To. 2. N Jr.. Republican, whose -term expires Production at the Opera House 'MB1"J nnVJ-h 4 - - next Monday night." . ;- tllBe Litaker, obert Bost, Nannie l IllllUKUI, A-tlllH AC ,-i., .M..J i . v a i u motw. I Von cnn lool a Mot ine same way viuns, iuijr vum, i. ,r y Koy Isenhonr, Eita Eo"e tsiilh. ' In a statement Issued by tbe Treas ury Department Tuesday the 75 na tional banks in North Carolina are shown to be in a healthy condition. Tbev have loans end discounts amounting to $33,304,753 and indi vidual deposits amounting " to $20,- 170,009. . "' . rulatea the bowels, promotes easy l l r-4 irl r,ovT'(nts, cures eon- i I -"si '-'i. Ask your i iff i i. .all. ABE PARTICULARLY DESIRED by this bank which endeavorsat all' 1 times' to learn the deeds of tbe Tanner, . Merchant, Firm, Corporation and Inyr dividual Depoeitor and meet them in , a helpful manner. -v.. , 'i Our Capital, Surphs and Profits ot (150,000.00 furnish ample means not only to assist the business man, but to protect his deposits. : , - . Yoit are eord?-" Invited tojttlace' your account .... this EanL Tits Cabarr; r 1 a Am e or four thuca.

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